Diving In

By Dylan Harris

Published on Mar 2, 2008


Chapter 13: Things Are Gonna Change

Cameron Wright laid his pencil down on the Friday of final's week and handed in his test. He was finally finished. He was now officially a senior at Mineola High School. Normally, he would be completely relieved but the school had scheduled prom for that same night. It didn't make things easier for Cameron that Matt was leaving with his friends at two o'clock and it was already twelve.

He left the school and rushed over to his car. This next weekend was going to be extremely busy. He had prom tonight, Matt's graduation on Sunday, and then they were leaving for Matt's summerhouse on Monday morning. Cameron tried not to think about the amount of stress he would be under. He put his car into drive and headed over to Matt's house. He was hoping to have two hours to say goodbye. He didn't exactly get those two hours.

As Cameron pulled up to Matt's house, he was surprised to see that Matt was already outside packing his stuff into the back of a blue pick-up truck. Along side of him was Jeremy, which made Cameron go tense. Jeremy was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt, which showed the muscles that Cameron certainly didn't have. They were both smiling as they threw Matt's bags in the back. Cameron pulled over to the side and got out.

"Hey," Cameron waved as he interrupted Matt and Jeremy's joke session. They both turned to him, surprised.

"Oh Cameron!" Matt smiled. "I tried to call you, but you're phone was off."

"Yeah, I was in the test." Cameron explained.

"Oh, right." Matt remembered. "How'd that go?"

"Good..." Cameron was skeptical as to why Jeremy was there in the first place. Matt was supposed to drive up around two with other friends.

"Oh, sorry, you remember Jeremy, right?" Matt awkwardly pointed to Jeremy who waved with a grin on his face. Cameron wanted to smack that smile right off.

"Yeah," Cameron forced a smile.

"He offered to drive me up, instead of driving with all those people." Matt explained. "With all six of us in one car, it'd get crowded..." Cameron was furious but had to contain himself.

"Yeah, so I just kind of figured, why not just take my car?" Jeremy smiled. "Plus we have all the camping equipment, it makes things a lot easier. I mean, we're sharing a tent, I think we can share a car for a few hours." Cameron's face got beat red. Matt never mentioned anything about sharing a tent with Jeremy. Matt could see that Cameron was not reacting well to this.

"Cameron, can I talk to you alone for a second?" Matt pulled Cameron to the side. "Look, I know you're probably furious with me right now, but I promise you, nothing is going to happen."

"I really don't know what to say, Matt." Cameron kept his eyes down, never looking directly at Matt. "Have fun."

"Don't be like that, Cameron." Matt grabbed Cameron's hand. "In a few days, it's just going to be me and you alone together for the rest of the summer. Don't forget that. I know you're mad, but I promise nothing is going to happen. I love you." Once again, Cameron blushed when he heard those words.

"I love you, too." Cameron lied. He wasn't exactly lying, he just wasn't one hundred percent what those words meant to him. But he felt the need to say them, if only to solidify their relationship.

Matt leaned in and hugged Cameron for a long time, but Cameron could only concentrate on Jeremy leaning up against the car behind him. Although he was furious with Matt, and at the idea of Jeremy and Matt sleeping alone in the same tent, he felt that he trusted Matt enough. Or did he?


Alexis Lucas rarely ever wore a dress. However, she realized that this year she had worn two. She looked at herself in the mirror and realized that she looked good, especially considering she had done all her own hair and make-up. It was funny that she looked the best for a gay guy.

Her outfit was so out of characteristic that she almost didn't recognize herself when she turned around and saw herself in the mirror. The dress was lime green and had gold stitching across the middle. For once, she liked the way she looked dressed in girly clothing.

Cameron was coming to pick her up and take her in half an hour or so. She had time, so after putting on the finishing touches, she decided to sit down and watch T.V. This was the first time in a while that she had nothing on her mind. However, as soon as she sat down someone knocked at the door. She groaned then got up and opened the door to see Travis McCarthy.

"Hey," Travis smiled.

"Seriously?" Alex frowned. She was about to close the door in his face, but he put his arm through the door, blocking it.

"Seriously what?" Travis peaked his head through. "C'mon don't close the door on me. Just lemme in for a second."

"Why would I do that?" Alex tried to push the door harder and harder on his arm.

"Ouch!" Travis yelped. "Because I'm an idiot and I need you're help!"

"With what?" Alexis loosened her grip on the door.

" I fucked up. With everything." Travis started to push himself through the door and Alexis let him. She opened the door.

"Shocker." Alexis sarcastically muttered. "How did you do it this time?"

"Marissa...Marissa thought she was pregnant," Travis started.

"And let me guess you told her to fuck off," She predicted.

"Well, kind of..." Travis was embarrassed by his actions. "She's not pregnant. She wrote me a letter and basically told me it was over and that I'm an asshole."

"Pretty accurate," Alex shrugged.

"Yeah..." Travis scratched his head. "I don't know what to do. She won't answer her phone, she doesn't talk to me in school..."

"Go to her house," She suggested.

"Yeah, I guess." Travis thought. "I don't know, I feel like if she doesn't want to talk to me, why should I keep pursuing her?"

"She does want to talk to you, she wants you to pay for being a dick," Alexis explained. "She's not just going to take you back right away. It takes work."

"Yeah, I guess..." Travis looked down at the ground.

"That's why I didn't take you back after you cheated on me," She told him. "I'm not being bitter, I'm just saying that's why. You acted like it was all a joke."

"Yeah," Travis didn't make eye contact with her. "I'm gonna go."

"All right, see you tonight." Alex waved.

"Oh, I'm not going." Travis said.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I don't have anyone to go with," Travis explained. "Plus prom's are really lame." Alexis rolled her eyes. Travis started to leave but turned around as Alex started to close the door.

"I'm sorry about everything...with us. You know that right?" Travis looked directly at her.

"Yeah," Alex smiled.

Travis waved and headed over to his car as Cameron pulled into the parking lot.


James Winters poured himself a cup of Coke at the buffet that was set up at Meghan O'Halloran's house. She was holding the pre-prom for all of their friends, which made up most of the lacrosse team. Meghan O'Halloran also happened to be James' date to prom. She had asked him and he had said yes, but he was hoping that she knew they were going just as friends. In Meghan's defense, they had had sex month's before, when James made a stupid mistake, but they had rarely spoken since then.

All of James' friends were there, but he felt so alone. No one here would accept him if they knew the truth; that he was gay. They would all abandon him one day, and he would be alone. Well, he would have Cameron. But Cameron was leaving in two days to spend his summer with Matt. Then he would really be alone.

James turned around and looked at the rest of his friends laughing in a circle. For once, he realized he wasn't one of them. He was so busy in thought that he didn't hear Max Greco approach him from hind. Max tapped Cameron on the waste.

"Hey man," Max awkwardly approached him. They hadn't spoken much since their last sexual encounter, but James was used to it. Max just wasn't sure how he felt about the feelings he had towards James. Every time he felt something, he started to pull away. But whenever he pulled away, he wanted to see James more.

"Hey," James muttered. He didn't want to deal with Max right now.

"Are you going to Darcey's house after?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I think so." James still stared at his friends, and didn't look at Max.

"Yeah, me too." Max took a sip of his drink. They both stood watching the rest of their friends laughing for a moment before Max awkwardly walked away. James breathed a sigh of relief.

James noticed that Kevin Trainer wasn't participating in the group laughter either. He was sitting off to the side biting his nails while staring intensely at the floor. James approached him.

"Hey, what's up with you?" James asked as he sat down on the couch next to him.

"Nothing," Kevin answered in one word.

"All right, then." James looked down at the ground. "You excited for Darcey's after prom thing?"

"I just don't understand how she could pick that faggot over me," Kevin ignored James' question. " I'm definitely better looking, more charming, and I'm the captain of the fucking lacrosse team. What more could she ask for?"

"You're still hung up on her?" James rolled his eyes.

"It's not even that she rejected me, she was such a bitch about it." Kevin continued. "I'm going to tell her off tonight."

"Don't...don't do that..." James started to argue.

"No, I'm going to. She deserves it." Kevin stared intensely at the floor. James was about to argue but they were soon called over for pictures.


Marissa Tampa was surprisingly upset about missing her junior prom. She had dreamed of this moment for the majority of her life. She had always thought that she would go with Kevin Trainer, or Max Greco or something. But here she was, sitting in her room in her pajamas eating cheesecake instead of going to prom. She could hear her parents arguing downstairs. This time Marissa had caused the argument. Her mother was trying to get Marissa to go to prom anyway, while her father said Marissa should have the right to choose. This started a whole large argument that ended up not even being about that.

All of a sudden the arguing stopped. Marissa lifted her head up from her pillow with a smile on her face, but then was confused as to why they had stopped fighting, This was a rare occurrence. Her question was answered when Travis McCarthy opened the door to Marissa's room.

"Get out," Marissa hissed. Travis was taken aback, but continued into the room, ignoring Marissa.

"Just hear me out," Travis pleaded. "You can tell me to leave at any time, just please let me say what I have to say."

"Leave," Marissa demanded.

"Look, I know I'm an idiot. I know I'm an asshole," Travis sat down on the bed next to her. "I told you that I'd end up hurting you. It's who I am. I'm not a good person with girls. I hurt every girl I've ever been with."

"You say it like it's out of your control, Travis." Marissa said. "You think I was happy over the pregnancy scare? I was freaking out too. And I had finals too. You just are so self-centered that you only care about how they affect you."

Travis thought for a second before speaking. He knew she was right, and he also knew that it was who he was. It was in his blood.

"I'm sorry," Travis placed his hand on Marissa's leg.

"That doesn't change anything, Travis." Marissa sighed. "You can't just apologize and have me running back to you. It doesn't work like that."

"I'm not asking you too," Travis replied.

"Okay then," Marissa looked out the window.

"Okay," Travis looked down at the ground. "Want to watch a movie?"

"What?" Marissa was surprised that he had the audacity to ask her that.

" I'm just asking if you want to watch a movie. I'm not going to try and have sex with you, or kiss you, or anything. I just want to...be around you." Travis stared at Marissa. She thought about it for a moment.

"Okay," Marissa said as she headed over to the DVD player.


Cameron arrived at prom with Alex on his arm and a big smile on his face. The gymnasium was decorated so well that he could barely recognize it. There was a red carpet leading to a photo stand, where you could take a picture with your date. Cameron and Alex immediately headed over there.

Cameron smiled towards the camera, while Alex stuck her tongue out and crossed her eyes. They walked over to the booth and collected their pictures,.

"You're a jerk." Cameron laughed.

"You love it," Alexis smiled. Cameron tucked the picture into his coat pocket. He looked around to see if he spotted Travis or James, but he couldn't. The music was already playing and Alex dragged Cameron out onto the dance floor. He hated dancing, but somehow it seemed fun with Alex. After about thirty minutes of dancing, Cameron needed a breather, so they went to their assigned table. They had been assigned to sit with some of the other student council representatives, which was fine with Cameron, but they certainly weren't the life of the party. Within about fifteen minutes, Alex had already dragged him back onto the dance floor. Once again, thirty mintues later Cameron need a breather. They plopped down onto their chairs. "I'm going to go get a drink, do you want anything?" Cameron offered. "Um, yeah. Get me a diet Coke." Alex thought for a second. "Actually fuck it, get me a regular Coke. I'm going crazy tonight." Cameron laughed and then headed over to the drinks. He poured himself an orange Soda. He was startled when a hand gripped his shoulder. "Hey," James smiled. Cameron spun around to see James' blue eyes staring at him. He was dressed in a traditional tuxedo, but he looked great. "Hey!" Cameron said enthusiastically. "I was looking for you, I couldn't find you." "Oh, we got here a little late." James explained. "So what do you think?" "It's amazing. I'm having so much fun!" Cameron smirked. "What about you?" "It's pretty good," James looked over at his friends. "So you're leaving Sunday right? You excited?" "Um, yeah, I guess." Cameron got uncomfortable talking about Matt around James. He tried to change the subject. "What are you doing after this?" "Going to Darcy's house." James rolled his eyes. "Oh, that'll be fun though," Cameron smiled. "I'm just going back to my house and going to bed I think." "You should totally come to Darcy's. It's going to be a big party." James offered. "Um, I don't think I'd exactly fit in there," Cameron laughed. He looked over at Alex for a moment, and saw that Kevin Trainer was harassing her. "I should probably head over there, I don't think Alex wants to talk to Kevin." "Oh no..." James saw Kevin talking to Alex. Cameron headed over to Alex. This was going to be kind of awkward. He reached Alex and placed a hand on her shoulder. Kevin was squatting down on the floor talking to her. "What's going on?" Cameron smiled nervously. Kevin looked up at him. "Nothing, Kevin was just leaving," Alex looked at Cameron. He could tell that she did not want to be talking to him. "Dude, just give us a second," Kevin stood up and met Cameron's eye level. "I think she said she..." Cameron started. "Dude, what the fuck is your problem?" Kevin moved closer to Cameron, attempting to intimidate him. It was successful. "Just leave us alone." "Um, I'm not sure if..." Cameron could feel Kevin's breath. He could smell the alcohol on it. "Are you kidding me right now, faggot?" Kevin pushed Cameron, and Cameron stumbled back, but didn't fall. All of a sudden, James stepped in and pushed Kevin backwards. "Dude, leave him alone." James defended. "Oh shut the fuck up Winters," Kevin rolled his eyes. "He's such a pussy. If you don't let me at him, I'll beat the shit out of you too." James didn't move. Kevin pushed James, but James was ready. He quickly punched Kevin in the face, knocking him down to the floor. Cameron covered his mouth in shock. Kevin clutched his eye. A bunch of teachers came over and picked James and Kevin up, and dragged them away. Cameron just looked over at Alex.


Kevin sat with James in front of the principal's office. Even though it was after hours, the principal had been chaperoning the dance, so they would still get in trouble. They sat in complete silence.

"Why did you do that?" Kevin asked after a few moments. He was covering his eye with a bag of ice.

"Sometimes Kevin you can be a real dick," James started. "I wasn't going to let you just beat up someone because you were drunk and stupid."

"So what? I'm you're best friend, dude." Kevin retorted. "You should take my side no matter what. Instead you stand up for some little fag."

"You don't even know him." James sneered. "You base all your judgments on him on you're jealousy."

"Whatever, dude." Kevin looked away. "You betrayed me."

"Okay, Kevin." James just rolled his eyes. After a few moments, James was called into the office and Kevin was left all alone. After a few moments, he realized that James was probably right. He knew he was wrong, but he had to defend himself anyway. Sometimes Kevin just hated himself. He hated the fact that he was an asshole. He wanted to be more like James. James was popular, good looking, and still a nice guy. Kevin wished was James. But then again, that could've been the alcohol talking.

"Kevin," He heard a voice calling him. He looked up and through his good eye he could see Alex walking towards him. She reached him and knelt down to look at his face. She removed the ice pack and saw that his face had swollen up completely. "Kevin, you look like shit. Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry," Kevin began to sob. "I'm so sorry."

"Why did you do that?" Alex placed her head in her hands.

"Because...I like you a lot. And you don't talk to me ever." Kevin drunkenly slobbered. "You never talk to me. You only talk to Cameron. You love him and you don't love me."

"Cameron's just my friend, Kevin." Alex rolled her eyes. "And you...I gave you a chance and you blew it."

"I didn't say those things! I never said I wanted to bring you back and fuck you! I never said that!" Kevin moaned. "I never said that! I never..."

"Hey, okay! I get it." Alex cut him off. "Look, we'll talk about this in the morning, okay?"

"Okay," Kevin sniffed.


James Winters left school grounds with his hands in his pockets and his head held low. He got off relatively easy. He had to leave prom and serve a weeks detention-starting Monday. At least he wasn't expelled or anything. His parents sounded upset when the principal called them, but he was sure they would get over it. He planned on being grounded for a while though.

"James!" He spun around to see Cameron across the parking lot towards him. James stopped and waited for him.

"Hey, sorry about that..." James said as Cameron reached him.

"Sorry about that?" Cameron was surprised. "You just saved my ass! Kevin was about to punch me in the face."

"Don't worry about it," James smiled and then turned to go to his car.

"Are you in trouble?" Cameron called.

"Just detention for a week," James explained. "It's really not that bad, considering I just punched someone."

"Yeah, that's true." Cameron said. They stood in silence for a moment.

"All right, well I guess I'll see you in a couple months." James waved.

"Yeah," Cameron looked down. He couldn't make eye contact with James. "I mean you could always stop by like today or Sunday..."

"I'm probably going to be grounded." James laughed. "I'll see you later" James once again turned toward his car, leaving Cameron by himself. James put the keys into his car door, but stopped. Cameorn had started slowly walking back towards the school. James ran towards him. "Hey, Cameron. Wait, one second!"

"Yeah?" Cameron turned around. James caught up to him, but then realized he wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Um...I, uh..." James was flustered. He'd played this moment out in his head so many times, but he just couldn't do it. His mind went blank. He couldn't think of anything to say.

Cameron was confused as to what James was trying to tell him. He stood uncomfortably. All of a sudden, James did the thing he'd been wanting to do for the longest time. He placed his hands on Cameron's hips and pulled him in close. He placed his lips onto Cameron's and kissed him. Cameron was taken by surprise. He felt chills go right through his body. He put his hands onto James' face and kissed him back.

Suddenly Cameron remembered Matt and he pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry..." James started. "I just..."

"It's okay..." Cameron was freaking out. Up until now, James and him had just been friends, but now it had all changed. He now had to confront the feelings he had for James. "Look, you're an amazing guy and friend...I just...I just can't do this. I have a boyfriend who I'm going away with for three months and..."

"I'm in love with you." James blurted. "I know that's weird, and I'm sorry, but I am. Ever since we met, I..."

"I can't...I'm sorry." Cameron interrupted. "You're an amazing friend, but...that's all..." Cameron lied. He did have feelings for James, but he couldn't do that to Matt. He had to stick to his commitments.

James didn't want to hear anything else. He turned around and opened the door to his car and drove away.


Max Greco was drunk. He was also driving, which was not a very good combination. He had left prom right after, he didn't feel like going to Darcy's house. He wanted to go somewhere else.

He stumbled through the front door and up the stairs of James' house. He swung open the door to see James lying in his bed in his boxers and a t-shirt. Max was still in his tuxedo.

"Hey you!" Max smiled and jumped right into bed with him.

"What are you doing here?" James whispered. "My parents just finished lecturing me, if they heard you..."

"Shush, you!" Max smiled. "Why'd you punch Trainer?"

"None of your business," James sat up. "Why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to see you," Max placed his hand on James' thigh and began to run it up into the interior of his boxers, but James pushed him away. "What are you doing? C'mon, let me touch you."

"No, just leave, Max!" James raised his voice a little bit.

"Why?!" Max yelled. "Why won't you let me fuck you?"

"Because you don't care about me. You're horny. That's all." James whispered.

"Is it because of what I did?" Max asked genuinely.

"What are you talking about?" James figured Max was just being drunk and stupid.

"Oh shut up, you were there! You saw me!" Max moaned. "You know what I did!"

"No...I really don't" James was trying to remember what he was talking about. "Max, what did you do?"

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" Max broke down. "I made a stupid mistake! I can't pay for it the rest of my life!"

"Max! What did you do?" James asked.

"I killed him," Max cried. "I killed Kieran Wilmur."

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I love getting comments so please e-mail me at ryanwest25@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 14

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