Diving In

By Dylan Harris

Published on Jan 6, 2009


Cameron Wright arrived extra-early to school on Thursday morning. He didn't want to miss out on talking to James and hearing about what had happened with his parents. He had a smile on his face as he closed the door to his car. His car was the third one in the parking lot.

However, Cameron had underestimated the fact that James would not be in just as early. So, Cameron first visited all of his teachers and collected the work from the day before, which he had missed, and then for the next twenty minutes Cameron took a nap outside his locker. He was awoken by a slap in the head. He looked up and saw Alexis grinning above him.

"What are you doing here so early?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," Cameron lied. "Just thought I'd get an early start..."

"And where were you yesterday?" She interrupted.

"Long story," Cameron explained.

"Missing two days this week...that's not like you..." Alex smiled. "Your becoming pretty bad ass."

"Shut up, I was sick" Cameron smirked. "Plus, I got all the work done for my classes anyway, so it's not like I missed anything."

"Whatever you say..." Alex sighed. "But when you fail out of high school, don't get mad when I say I told you so."

"I hate you," Cameron rolled his eyes. "How was school without me?"

"It was lame, obviously," She said. "Nothing exciting...except, you heard about Travis right?"

"No, why? What happened?" He asked concerned.

"Don't you guys talk? I thought you were best friends?" She inquired.

"We do...just not as much recently," He explained. "Just cause like, he's been busy with Marissa, and I can't really tell him much about my life, because he doesn't...you know...know anything about me being.."

"Oh, right." She nodded. "Anyway...Marissa moved to live with her Dad the other night. And now Travis is moping around not talking to anyone."

"Really?" He was surprised. "I never thought I'd ever see Travis mope...ever."

"I know, right?" She laughed. "I tried talking to him, but he basically told me to fuck off...so...yeah, I'm not planning on doing that again anytime soon."

"I'll talk to him." Cameron thought for a moment.

"Yeah, I think that's a..." Alexis began to talk but suddenly Cameron's eyes lit up and he hopped up from the ground and walked away. "...good idea..."

Cameron had spotted James Winters walking down the hallway, and he couldn't even continue listening to what Alexis was saying. He quickly walked towards James, just as James had arrived at his locker.

"James!" Cameron called just as James was entering the combination. He turned around and smiled at Cameron.

"Hey, what's up?" James asked.

"Nothing really, I'm glad to see you're looking better," He leaned against the locker next to James'. "How did it all go?"

"Um...it went well. I guess." James said as he gathered books from his locker. "They didn't kick me out or anything. Which is always good. But I have to see a shrink once a week."

"That's weird," Cameron nodded. "But at least things went well, what was there reaction when you came home?"

"Um...wait, this isn't the best place to talk about this," James realized that he couldn't explain everything in the middle of the hallway. "What are you doing after school?"

"I have practice till five, but after that I'm free," Cameron said.

"All right, I'll pick you up from practice?" James offered.

"Yeah sure," Cameron blushed. For once, things were working out and Cameron had butterflies in his stomach.


Cameron soon left, and James was continuing to load/unload his backpack. He took out his planner, and looked at his assignments. He was already behind in work just from missing the day before. He rolled his eyes, and felt a little overwhelmed.

"James," A voice called. This is the second time someone had called to him in he past five minutes. He spun around to see a disheveled Devon standing behind him.

With everything that had been going on, James had nearly forgotten about Devon. He hadn't even thought up anything to say to him. Part of him was extremely pissed that Devon had run away after his mom walked in on them. He hadn't even called later to check on James. But part of him knew that Devon was freaking out himself.

"Hey," James nodded.

"James, what happened?" Devon whispered. "You didn't call me back yesterday. Did your parents go ballistic?"

"No, it's fine," James said. He was still pissed at Devon, so he didn't want to tell him everything.

"Are they going to call my parents or anything?" Devon asked nervously.

"No," James shook his head.

"Oh my god, thank god!" Devon laughed a sigh of relief. " I was freaking out all of yesterday! I was so paranoid every time I spoke to my Dad that he knew and everything! Oh man!"

"No, you're good," James closed his locker and started to walk away. Devon looked confused and followed after him.

"Wait...are you mad at me or something?" Devon asked.

"We'll talk later," James muttered as he walked away.


Travis McCarthy looked down at his phone. Still nothing. He put the phone back in his pocket and banged the back of his head against his locker. He closed his eyes and imagined Marissa.

She hadn't called him since she had gone away. To be fair, Travis had told her to Ôfuck off' at the airport, but he hadn't meant it. He just wanted to know what she was doing, who she was meeting at her new school, how she was adjusting. Everything. But no phone call.

It had been her decision to break it off. It was extremely unfair, and Travis hated it, but he also wasn't going to be the one to concede at call her. No, he couldn't do that. It was all bullshit.

He hadn't gone to any of his classes today. He went to them yesterday but he hadn't paid attention to a thing any of the teachers were saying, so he didn't really see a point. He smoked a little bit in the morning, and now he was hungry. Luckily it was lunchtime. So, Travis, still clutching his phone, got up from the hallway and ducked into the cafeteria.

There was a lot of energy and commotion, and for a very stoned Travis, that was too much to handle. He took a while to get to the line, stumbling over a couple chairs and then he spent a couple minutes staring at the vending machines. Finally he got to the front of the line and grabbed a sandwich and a fountain soda and the bolted from the cafeteria.

As he left, he felt a hand grab his arm. He slapped it off instinctively, then realized it was Cameron.

"Hey man," Travis grinned. "What's up?"

"What is your problem?" Cameron asked. "You weren't in Math. What are you doing?"

"Nothing man," Travis' grin faded. "Don't worry, I'm good."

"Travis..." Cameron started. "Look, I know your upset about Marissa and everything, but you can't do this..."

"Oh fuck off man," Travis rolled his eyes and laughed a little bit. "You honestly, don't know what it's like. You've never even had a girlfriend."

"That's true..." Cameron blushed. "But still...look, I just want you to know that, if you want to talk to someone about everything..."

"Maybe," Travis sighed. "What are you doing after school?"

"Oh...I can't today," Cameron shook his head. "But I can tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure whatever," Travis pushed past him.

As Travis left, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. He checked it, and it still had no missed calls.


James left his sixth period class and headed down the hallway. He was feeling a little bit better about everything, now that things were going back to normal. He was happy to go back to his schedule.

Suddenly, as he was walking past the east side stairwell, an arm grabbed him and pulled him into it. He came face to face with Devon. This was the stairwell they usually met at between third and fourth periods.

"What are you doing?" James grabbed Devon's hands off of him.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?!" Devon snapped. "You've been avoiding me all day. You were an asshole this morning. And you didn't meet at our usual spot today! What's going on?"

"Nothing...look..." James thought for a moment. He looked at his watch. He was going to be late to his next class anyway, so he decided to talk to Devon now. "Can we go outside?"

"Okay." Devon nodded.

They walked down the stairs and exited the building. They walked past the baseball field and towards the football field bleachers. No one was there. They didn't speak as they walked up to the top bleacher and sat down. It took a moment for either of them to say anything.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Devon finally asked.

"No," James said at first. "Maybe...I don't know, honestly."

"Why?" Devon asked. "I mean, I don't get it. I really thought things were going well..."

"They were going well," James agreed.

"Okay...then what?" Devon was confused.

"I don't know," James thought for a moment. "I mean I'm pretty upset with you for not seeing if I was okay the other night..."

"Wel...I'm sorry then..." Devon managed to get out. "I was freaking out too. I wasn't thinking..."

"It's not just that though..." James wasn't sure what it was exactly. "I just...I just don't know if me and you are good together."

"What?" Devon was taken aback. "James, what are you talking about? I don't get how we're not good together. You just said yourself, things are going well. We get along well, the sex is good...I thought everything was going great."

"They are, look, I just..." James thought for a second. "I need time to think about everything. A lot is going to be going on at home now, and..."

"Okay..." Devon hesitated for a moment. He honestly felt that James wanted to break up for some other reason, but was using all these things as an excuse. "So...I guess, we're broken up then."

"Look, I don't want to end on bad terms..." James started.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Devon got up and walked down the bleachers. James felt that he should chase after him, but he knew that he had done the right thing.


Alexis Lucas had called her old job at The Downtown music club/bar and they told her to come in speak with the boss after school. She could probably get her old job back and work everyday after school. She needed some source of income, seeing how her parents weren't planning on giving her money to go out. Besides covering rent, they literally gave her no other money, however her Dad would send her a little bit every month, now that her parents had separated.

She closed her locker, then walked down the hallway and out of school. Once outside she started walking to her car. However, before she got to the parking lot, she saw Travis sitting on the school steps playing with a lighter. She rolled her eyes then kept walking before he called her name.

"Alex!" Travis shouted. He jogged up next to her.

"What?" Alexis was surprised he had even acknowledged her.

"Hey," Travis said as he caught up to her.

"Are you feeling better?" Alexis asked.

"Want to smoke?" Travis asked, completely ignoring her question.

"What?" Alex asked.

"C'mon, I don't feel like smoking alone again," Travis sighed. "Just go with me and smoke."

"I can't I..." Alex started to protest, but she then realized that her boss wouldn't get there until five, and it really wouldn't matter what state she spoke to him in, he would take her back because she was hot. "Fine."

"Really?" Travis smiled. "All right sweet. Let me just grab my bag..."

Travis ran over to the stairs where he had been sitting, and grabbed his backpack. He swung it over his shoulder and caught up to Alex.

"Where do you want to smoke?" Alexis asked.

"I have a place," Travis had already started walking.

They finally arrived at a small area covered by trees behind the school. This was where Travis and Marissa used to smoke.

Travis reached into his pocket and pulled out a pre-rolled joint. He then flipped open his lighter. He took a hit, and then passed it to Alex. She coughed a little bit- it had been a while since she smoked.

"So, how are you doing with everything?" Alexis asked after she stopped coughing.

Travis didn't respond. He took another hit and then passed it back to Alex. They continued smoking in complete silence until the blunt was finished. Travis threw the remnants on the ground, grabbed his bag, turned to Alex said "Thanks," then left.


Cameron got to practice right on time. He was hoping that the practice would be quick and easy, so that he wouldn't be too tired for when he hung out with James. He got to the locker room and opened his locker. He took off his shirt and threw it into the locker. Then he slipped off his jeans.

Looking around the locker room, it was hard to keep his eyes to himself. All of the guys on the team were stripping around him, and most of them had great bodies. He got a strange rush as he slipped off his boxers and stood completely naked in the locker room. He reached into his locker and pulled out a pair of blue Speedos. He slipped them on.

He walked over to a mirror that hung on the wall near the showers. He pretended to be fixing his Speedo, but actually was looking at his own body. He really had tightened his body up over the past couple weeks. His arms were getting bigger and he was starting to show the slight beginnings of a six pack. He smiled at himself, then walked back to his locker.

When he got back at his locker, Devon was there, shirtless, and getting changed into his swimming gear. Cameron approached him.

"Hey Devon," He smiled.

"Hey," Devon was not as chipper.

"Sorry about not being at practice yesterday, I wasn't feeling so good," Cameron lied.

"Yeah, right," Devon nodded. "It's cool."

Cameron suddenly felt nervous. Had James mentioned to Devon that they had spent the day together? He said he wouldn't when they were at the lake, but who knows. Devon said nothing more as he changed into his Speedos and went out to the pool.

The coach reminded them at the beginning of practice that the next weekend they were going to have their first swim meet upstate, and that they would have to sleep over. Cameron had completely forgotten about that, and hadn't looked at the schedule.

They then split off into their separate lanes and began doing the typical Thursday practice- ten laps, then a rest, then laps then a rest, etc. and then ab work outs. After Cameron's ten laps he panted heavily at the deep end of the pool, leaning against the wall. Devon soon swam up next to him, finishing his ten laps. Neither of them spoke for a moment, catching their breath.

"Me and James broke up," Devon bluntly stated.

"What?" Cameron felt his heart beat even faster than it was already.

"Yeah," Devon didn't repeat himself. "He didn't really give a reason, just a bunch of bullshit. He said Ôwe weren't good together' which is complete crap."

"Oh man, I'm sorry, Devon," Cameron half-lied.

"It's fine," Devon wiped water off his face. "I just kind of wish I had gotten a straight answer from him, you know? I mean, he was my first boyfriend. My first everything. And he just, like, did that with no explanation."

"Wow, yeah..." Cameron started to feel guilty. "I'm really sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Devon forced a smile. "It's not like you did anything."

"Yeah, right..." Cameron blushed.


James left his house at five o'clock exactly. He wanted to get out of the house as fast as possible. Everything was extremely awkward with his parents, especially because neither of them were addressing anything. James actually would've preferred if they were yelling and screaming. But no, they were just being polite and pretending that there was no situation. He knew that on the inside they were terrified.

He had told them that he was going to the gym to work out, so he would only be able to spend around two hours at Cameron's at most. But he was looking forward to it. The day before where he and Cameron had gone to the lake had made him feel so much better about his situation.

On the way over, James couldn't help but think about his break up with Devon. It had all happened so quickly. One minute they were perfectly happy, and the next they were over. There was no denying the fact that James' feelings for Cameron had been a major contributor in his decision to break up with Devon. Ever since James had seen Cameron the first day of school, he knew that it would not be easy suppressing those feelings.

The summer with Devon had been a lot of fun. That's exactly what Devon was- a lot of fun. He always made James laugh and was always upfront and honest about how he was feeling. He never beat around the bush. There we so many qualities that James was going to miss.


Cameron did a final inspection of his room. Everything looked neat and tidy. He looked at himself in the mirror. Still sporting the same clothes he wore to school, he had combed his hair a little bit, but didn't want to look like he tried too much. He looked good though, which made him feel confident.

James had texted him and said he was on his way over. Cameron wanted to make sure everything was perfect by the time he had arrived. As Cameron was checking under his bed to make sure it was clean, Laura Wright appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" Laura asked.

"What?" Cameron turned around and looked at her. "Oh, sorry, I just was...forget it. Did you just get home?"

"Yeah," Laura nodded. "Sorry I wasn't around to make you breakfast this morning, we had to work on a new ad campaign."

"It's alright, don't even worry about it," He shrugged. "Oh, James is coming over to hang out for a bit."

"Oh, really?" Laura smiled. "He seems very sweet. It's good to see you're making some more friends."

"Yeah..." Cameron nodded.

"All right, I'm going to go take a bath," Laura waved.

Cameron waved back, then sat down on his bed. He was anxious. His stomach was filled with an absurd amount of butterflies. He waited for a few more minutes until his phone finally rang.

"Hello?" Cameron answered, doing his best to sound nonchalant.

"Hey, I'm outside," James said into the other line.

"Okay, I'll be right down," Cameron hung up the phone.

He sat up in his bed, did one more quick inspection around the room, then looked himself over in the mirror one more time before leaving his room and going downstairs. He took a deep breath before opening the door. James was standing there smirking back at him.

"Hey," James smiled.

"Hey," Cameron blushed back.

"I have to be back in like two hours," James explained. "I told my parents I was going to the gym."

"That's fine," Cameron nodded then lead the way up the stairs.

Once in Cameron's room, there was an awkward moment deciding where to sit. Cameron took a seat on the edge of the bed, while James deliberated for a moment. Eventually he sat on the floor, leaning against the end of the bed, next to Cameron. This made for an uncomfortable angle for conversation. This was not planning out as Cameron had expected. Cameorn hopped down to sit on the floor next to James.

"So...hows everything at home?" Cameron asked.

"It's awkward," James laughed. "I mean they didn't kick me out of the house which is...good. I don't know. It's just very stressful."

"I can imagine, "Cameron nodded.

"It's weird," James said. "For all my life, home has been the place to go to when all my problems were coming down on me and now...I don't know, I don't really feel safe at home. Not like my parents are going to, like, kill me or anything. It just doesn't feel...comfortable."

"I'm sure it will though," Cameron replied. "It's literally only been a day, James, I feel like things will calm down soon enough."

"Yeah," He agreed. "I also kind of broke up with Devon..."

"I heard," Cameron admitted.

"From Devon?" James asked, but then realized it obviously had to have been from Devon. No one else knew. "What did he say?"

"Just that you broke up, and he didn't really know why," Cameron said. "...why did you break up with him?"

"I don't know," James blushed a little bit. "A lot of things, just kind of added up."

"Oh," Cameron looked down, slightly disappointed. For some reason, he had hoped that James would turn to him and say Ô you're the reason I broke it off with Devon!' then kiss him.

Cameron looked back up and James was looking at him, studying his expression. Their eyes met. Their lips were inches away from each other. Cameron felt his heart spinning. He wanted James to lean in and plant his lips over Cameron's and kiss him passionately. But he didn't. Breaking their moment, James turned and looked at Cameron's T.V.

"You have Nintendo 64?!" James exclaimed. "I haven't seen this in years. My mom threw mine away!"

"Yeah, it's the only system I have," Cameron laughed.

"Do you have Mario Kart?" James asked.

"Yeah," Cameron leaned forward and pulled the game out of a drawer. "You want to play?"

"Yeah!" James lit up.

As Cameron put in the game and they began playing "Versus" mode, he couldn't help but wonder why James hadn't kissed him. He was single now. He was asking to hang out with Cameron, coming over to his house. For the first time in their friendship, they were both available and interested. Were they both interested? Cameron began to doubt it. Maybe James honestly just wanted to be friends.

The continued playing for a while, switching things up by playing Battle and Mario GP. Cameron actually was beginning to realize that he'd want James in his life no matter what.

"Damn, you're good," Cameron laughed as James beat him again in Versus.

"What can I say?" James smiled.

"It's embarrassing because I own the game," Cameron joked.

"Yeah, you really need to practice up," James smirked.

They both didn't say anything for a moment.

"Well, I should probably get going," James finally said standing up. "My parents are probably going to be a little cautious about how much time I'm spending at Ôthe gym'."

"Yeah, right," Cameron said as he stood up to meet James.

"But, um, I probably won't be allowed out this weekend, just becau-" Before James could finish speaking, Cameron grabbed James and kissed him. His hands were placed along James' jaw line. Suddenly Cameron pulled back.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Cameron immediately apologized. "I don't know why I di-" Before Cameron could complete his thought, James grabbed Cameron and kissed him back.

James pulled Cameron's body closer and wrapped his arms around Cameron's back. Cameron placed his right hand on James' hip and his left one on James' bicep. Cameron felt a tingling sensation all over his body. James broke the kiss for a moment to remove his shirt. He then moved in to kiss Cameron again, when Cameron stopped him.

"Wait.," Cameron said. "Let me lock the door."

James laughed as Cameron locked the door then turned back towards him. He looked at James' chest and couldn't control himself. He quickly rushed towards James and began kissing him some more.

Soon Cameron pushed James onto the bed. He took off his own shirt and James just smiled at him. He crawled on top of James so that Cameron was lying in between James leg's, with their crotches aligned. James was wearing mesh lacrosse shorts that left little to the imagination. Cameron could feel James' hard cock rubbing against his own through his jeans. Suddenly James pushed himself off Cameorn and stood up.

"Wait...we can't do this," James said as he grabbed his shirt off the floor and through it on over his head.

"Why?" Cameron felt slightly embarrassed.

"No, I mean...we can do this, but not now," James laughed. "My parents are going to be wondering where I am."

"Oh, right," Cameron laughed.

"Yeah," James smiled. "But...um...I do want to do...this again."

"Me too," Cameron blushed.

"This weekends going to be tough for me," James admitted. "I think my parents aren't going to let me leave the house."

"Yeah," Cameron agreed.

"But, we can figure something out," James smirked.

James turned around and unlocked the door, then opened it. He started to leave, but then remembered something.

"Oh, and Cameron?" He turned around.

"Yeah?" Cameron asked.

"If we could keep this...whatever it is... a secret for a while, I think that'd be for the best," James said.

"Well, I wasn't planning on telling anyone..." Cameron laughed.

"No, I meant from Devon," James explained.

"Oh, right," Cameron understood. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Things would probably get awkward at practices and stuff."

"Yeah exactly," James said. "Also, we only broke up today..."

"That's true," Cameron smiled.

After James left, Cameron couldn't control himself and had to jerk off. He thought about the kiss, their bodies rubbing up against each other, and just the idea that he was kind of dating James.


The next day, for the first time in months, Cameron was extremely excited to go to school. He wanted to see James, he wanted to kiss him, he wanted to do everything with him. However, he was going to have to somehow control himself. Somehow.

The first thing Cameron did was stop at James' locker to check if he was there. He waited there for about ten minutes. He just wanted to say hi and see him, but James was nowhere to be found. Cameron felt sort of embarrassed. Maybe he was taking the relationship too seriously. I mean, James hadn't said anything about them dating. They had hooked up. That's all. Now Cameron felt like a stalker.

Cameron walked back to his locker with his head held low. However, as soon as he arrived at his locker he saw James waiting for him.

"Hey," James smiled. "Sorry if this is super creepy, me waiting for you by your locker, but I just wanted to say hi."

"No! Not at all!" Cameron laughed.

"So, I spoke to my parents last night, and it looks like I can't go out tonight," James said sadly. "But I think next weekend they'll be a lot better."

"Okay great," Cameron nodded as he entered the combination to his locker in and opened it. "Wait, shit, I'm not going to be here next weekend. I have my first swim meet upstate..."

"Damn it," James frowned. "Well, it looks like this is going to be much more challenging than we thought."

"Well, you could always say you were going to the gym or something," Cameron suggested.

"I think they were really suspicious last night, I don't know if it will work again," James admitted.

"We'll figure something out," Cameron said hopefully.

"Yeah, right," James agreed.


Alexis Lucas arrived at her first period English class to be surprised by Travis. Well, he hadn't done anything to surprise her, except merely appearing. He hadn't been to class all week, and even before Marissa left he rarely ever showed up. Alexis set her books down in the front of the class.

She glanced back at him, but he avoided her eye contact. He was looking out the window. Alexis rolled her eyes then reached into her backpack and pulled out her notebook. She opened up to the last page of notes she had taken and sat prepared for class.

A few moments later, Mr. Thompson walked in the room and landed his briefcase on the desk. He opened it up and began to gather himself. The students in the class continued to talk while Mr. Thompson prepared himself.

In the back of the class room, Darcy Granger and Meghan O'Halloran laughed amongst themselves. Things had been extremely awkward ever since they ditched Alex. They literally pretended like they didn't know her at all. Which sucked, not because Alex actually cared about their friendship, but because Cameron was her only friend.

Luckily, yesterday Alex had gotten her job back at The Downtown, which would mean that she would be able to distract herself, and possibly finally meet some new guys.

Mr. Thompson began to teach the class. He was discussing Macbeth and the lineage of family in the story.

"Well, if you look at the character of Banquo, you can see that...excuse me, Mr. McCarthy what is that in your hand?" Mr. Thompson snapped, interrupting his own lesson. All eyes darted to the back of the classroom. Travis was clearly holding his cell phone in his hand.

"Uh..." Travis was at a loss for words.

"Bring it up here," Mr. Thompson rolled his eyes. Travis came to the front of the class room and placed the phone on his desk. "Okay, you know the rules, no cell phones in class. The Three Day rule applies. So...you can get it back after the weekend."

"After the weekend?" Travis exclaimed. "No, I need it this weekend."

"I'm sorry, Mr. McCarthy," Mr. Thompson said. "But those are the rules."

Travis started to protest, but gave up. Alex could see his physical demeanor change and she felt extremely bad for Travis.

Mr. Thompson put the phone in his desk drawer, locked it, then continued teaching the lesson.


James had permission to leave school early that day, but only by an hour. The only appointment the psychiatrist could make was at 3:00, and the office was about half an hour away. So, James left school at 2:15 and arrived at the office at 2:45. He would have to be in the waiting room for another fifteen minutes.

During those fifteen minutes, James contemplated what the session would be like. He had never seen a shrink before, although he had thought about it. However, who knew how this person would judge him. They might tell him that being gay is wrong and that he has to stop immediately. That sounds like the type of person his parents would send him to.

However, at 3:00 when the shrink opened the door, James was pleasantly surprised. She was about forty with curly red hair and a big smile. She seemed rather inviting.

"James?" She smiled.

"Yes," James stood up and offered his hand. She accepted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Dr. Keller," She said. "Come on in."

There were multiple offices in this center. It seemed that she wasn't the only psychiatrist working there. She stopped at an office at the end of the hallway and opened the door. There was a large "L" shaped couch at one end, and then a chair at the other. James took a seat on the couch.

"Well, how is everything with you?" She said as if they had met before.

"Um, it's good," James smiled. He was somewhat hesitant to open up to this woman.

"Good," She smiled. "So, I don't know if your parents told you, but I specialize in Gender and Sexuality Issues."

"Right," James nodded.

"And I spoke briefly to your parents on the phone," She continued. "And they said that you're sexually confused."

"Well, I'm not sexually confused. I'm gay." James said.

"All right," She nodded.

"It's kind of weird saying that out loud," He laughed.

"Well, have you ever been with another boy?" She inquired.

"Yes, uh, several actually," James admitted.

"And you enjoy it?" She asked.

"Yes," He blushed.

"And have you ever been with a girl before?" She asked.

"Yes," James suddenly remembered when he had sex with Meghan O'Halloran last year at Kevin's house party. It was weird to think about how much had changed since then.

"And you don't like that?" She asked.

"Nope, not at all," He shook his head.

"Okay, well," She made a little note on her yellow notepad. "Let's get into talking about your past relationships."

"Well, um, where should I start?" James asked.

"The beginning," She leaned forward.

"Okay, well," James thought about where he should begin. "I guess I always knew about...it. Kind of just something that was always in the back of my mind, but I ignored it. And I dated a few girls around school freshman and sophomore year, just to try and pretend I guess. It was all confusing. But then, last year...I, uh, started hooking up with...my English teacher."

"Really?" She asked. "How old was he?"

"Thirty something," James blushed.

"You know, he could get in serious trouble for that," She said. "If you wanted him to, of course."

"I know, and I don't..." James nodded. "It wasn't anything beyond a sexual relationship."

"Did you have sex with him?" She asked.

"Yes," James lowered his head. This couldn't get any more awkward.

"Did you give or receive?" She asked. Okay, maybe it could.

"Received," James' face was beat red.

"Okay, continue," She wrote a little down on her note pad.

"Okay, well, I ended things with Mr. Reilly, that's his name, because...uh...well, because I met this guy Cameron," James felt comforted about the idea of Cameron.

"How did you meet?" She asked.

"It's, uh, it's a long story," James said. "Basically, a kid got hit by a car and died, and me and Cameron had to help him."

"Okay..." She said, a little shocked.

"Anyway, I met Cameron, and then things got confusing," James said. "Because he was already dating some guy, Matt, who went to our school. So, I started hooking up with this guy on the lacrosse team, Max."

"And he was gay also?" She asked. Her notepad was rapidly filling up.

"Yes," James nodded. "Maybe. He might've just been super horny."

"And did you have sex with him?" She asked.

"Yes," James nodded. This was getting easier. "And I only received. Okay, so all along I had feelings for Cameron, but I was having sex with Max. And I finally told Cameron how I felt, but he told me he wanted to be with Matt. Then, I found out that Max actually had been the one who killed that boy with his car..."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Wow, that's...wow,"

"Yeah, I know," James smiled. She was getting invested in his life, without judging him. "He's actually waiting for trial right now, so we'll see how that turns out. Anyway, Max went away, and then I met Devon. He's a sophomore in high school, and he's just like I was. We hit it off really well."

"Did you-" She started to ask, but James knew it was coming.

"Yes, " He said. "And I was on top. Anyway, we were going really well over the summer. He's a lot of fun, and a really really great kid. But then...Cameron came back in the picture. And he was single now."

"Oh no," she smiled.

"Yeah," He nodded. "Well, I stayed with Devon, until the other night when my parents walked in on us. And Devon just ran out without trying to help me or anything. And I ended up running to Cameron's house and he helped me out a lot. And then, yesterday, I broke it off with Devon. And then, last night I kissed Cameron. And here we are."

James was nearly out of breath, he needed a moment to catch it, and Dr. Keller needed a moment to write everything he said down.

"Wow, that's some story," She said finally.

"Yeah," James agreed.

"Well, we'll have to go more in detail," She laughed. "But, do you want to know what I think at this point?"

"Yes, please," James was dying to get some outside perspective on his situation.

"It sounds to meet like you've been hopping from guy, to guy, to guy. Never stopping to think about anything," She said. "You haven't been alone for more than a week or so. Each time you were alone, you found another guy to fill that void. I mean, just yesterday you broke up with Devon and went straight to Cameron. In my opinion, you should spend some time working things out by yourself."

James had never really thought about things that way. He guessed he had been doing that. But things seemed different now wither Cameron. He had a lot to think about.


Devon arrived at practice in a much better mood than he had been in yesterday. He had spent all night feeling upset about James, and now he felt that he was over it. Sort of over it. He would be after tonight.

When he got home, he had immediately contacted this guy that lived a few towns over. Before Devon and James had started dating, Devon had posted a profile on a website. He had started to get to know this guy, Mark, who was a senior in high school (at the time), but Devon had stopped talking to him once he met James. Turns out Mark was still single, and was having a party Friday night. Things couldn't have worked out more perfectly.

Cameron arrived at practice once Devon had already changed into his suit.

"Hey Cameron," Devon smiled.

"Hey," Cameron waved then walked over to his gym locker. He entered the combination then began to get undressed. He slipped off his shirt.

Devon had noticed that Cameron was attractive before. His light tan, combined with his light brown/dark blonde hair, was beautiful. Especially now that Cameron was in good shape because of swimming, he looked great. Devon had even seen him fully naked, and Cameron did live up to expectations.

Practice went along as usual, they split up into their separate lanes and began swimming their laps. During one of the breaks, Devon had an opportunity to speak with Cameron.

"So, Cameron, what are your plans for tonight?" Devon asked.

"What?" Cameron looked surprised by the question.

"Well, remember how I said I knew a guy that I could set you up with?" Devon had mentioned something the other day in passing.

"Yeah..." Cameron said skeptically.

"Well, he's having a party tonight," Devon said. "I thought maybe we could go."

"Um...maybe..." Cameron smiled.

"C'mon," Devon splashed him. "I'm sure there will be at least one or two super slutty guys there who will suck your dick."

"Umm...I don't know if..." He was taken aback by the idea. "Didn't you just break up with James?"

"Yeah, so?" Devon asked. "You think I should be mourning or something?"

"I guess..." Cameron said.

"If I'm being honest, I just want to fuck someone," Devon said. "Or have someone fuck me. Either."

"Okay..." Cameron got uncomfortable.

"James was my first," Devon explained. "And he's the only person I've ever been with, and I don't like him holding that over me. Fuck that."

"Oh, okay," Cameron nodded. "Well, I'll let you know, but I think I'm going to stay in and study tonight..."

"Lame," Devon rolled his eyes just as the coach blew the whistle and they were forced to do laps again.


Alexis Lucas waited outside Mr. Thompson's classroom right after school, while he finished up a conference with another teacher. She looked at her watch, she was going to be late to her job at the Downtown.

After a few moments, the other teacher opened the door and left the classroom. Alexis immediately got up and walked in to see Mr. Thompson gathering his books.

"Hey, Mr. T," Alex smiled.

"Hello Alexis, " Mr. Thompson smiled. "How are things?"

"Good..." She nodded. "Look, um, I need you to do me a favor, and I know I'm totally crossing boundaries here, but I would really really appreciate it if you could give Travis his phone back. He's had a really rough week and..."

"Look, Alex, I'm sorry," Mr. Thompson shook his head. "But rules are rules, and he shouldn't have been texting in class..."

"All right," Alexis turned away in defeat, but realized she wasn't ready to concede. "Okay, I hate to bring this up, but last year I helped you get backing in the student government for that English after school reading program you wanted to set up. And you said you owed me a favor and..."

Mr. Thompson looked at her for a moment. He then unlocked his drawer, reached inside and handed Alex Travis' phone.

"If you ask me, I think you wasted that favor," Mr. Thompson said as he slung his messenger bag over his shoulder. "Travis McCarthy isn't worth it."

"Yeah....right..." Alexis nodded as she began to contemplate it herself.

Alexis left Mr. Thompson's office and walked down the hallway. She wondered why she was being nice to Travis. Even though he had cheated on her, he used to be her friend and she didn't want to see him down.

After exiting the school, she realized she had no idea where to find him. She reached down and grabbed her own cell phone to try and call Travis, but she then realized that she had Travis' phone. So she looked around the exterior the school for a little while, finally finding Travis at the spot in the woods where they smoked the day before.

"Hey," Alexis said as she poked her head from behind a tree. Travis looked up startled, dropping the joint he had in his hand.

"Oh fuck," Travis laughed. "You scared that shit out of me."

"I'm sorry," Alex laughed as she sat down on the log next to him.

"It's all good," He smiled. "The joint was pretty much done anyway. What are you doing here? You want to smoke or something?"

"No, actually," Alexis reached into her bag and pulled out his phone. "Here."

"What? How did you..." Travis grabbed the phone and looked at it in astonishment.

"Mr. Thompson owed me a favor," She explained.

"Did you sleep with him or somethin'?" Travis asked.

"What? No." Alexis rolled her eyes. "I helped him get this stupid after school program set up."

Travis wasn't listening; he was waiting for his phone to turn on. When it did, he checked to see if there were any missed calls and was disappointed when there weren't any.

"Damn," He slammed his phone shut.

"What?" Alexis asked.

"Nothing," Travis sighed.

There was a moment of awkward silence, and Alexis was about to break it by commenting on how cold it was getting.

"She gave me no fuckin' reason for ending things," Travis blurted. "She just fuckin' left and hasn't called me or texted me or anything. She doesn't even fuckin' miss me."

"I'm sure she-" Alexis tried to interrupt.

"And I fucking loved her, I would've done anything for her." Travis furiously snapped. "I would've gone with her if she asked me to. I would've driven to California every month. I would've..."

"But Travis," Alexis finally got a word in. "Maybe it's not about you, you know? Maybe it's about her. Whatever reason she left here for, maybe she wanted to be alone. And it doesn't matter how much you cared about her...maybe she just needs time to herself, you know?"

"I guess," Travis finally said. He looked down at the remnants of the joint. "Still bullshit...but yeah, I guess."

"You're a good boyfriend, Travis," Alexis said. "Well, not to me, but you were to her. I could tell."

"Thanks," Travis made eye contact with Alex. "You know, I really am sorry about that. I was an idiot."

"It's fine, I'm over it," Alexis laughed. Their eyes met for a moment.

Suddenly Travis' phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He quickly dug in his pocket and flipped his phone open.

"Marissa?!" Travis got up. "Oh my god! I miss you too!"

Alexis grabbed her bag and gestured to Travis that she was going to leave. He nodded as he continued talking on the phone.


Cameron arrived home and after speaking to his mother for a few minutes, he closed the door to his room. He immediately dialed James' number as he threw his bag down on the bed.

After a few rings James answered.

"Hey," He said.

"Hey," Cameron enthusiastically replied. "How did it go today?"

"Um...it went okay," James said.

"She didn't try to exorcize you or anything, did she?" Cameron laughed.

"No, no," James laughed back.

"Good," Cameron said. "So...what did you talk about?"

"Just, uh...I don't know...I kind of gave her a brief run down of everything and everyone....and..." James thought about what to say.

"That's cool," Cameron nodded. For some reason this conversation seemed a lot more awkward than Cameron had imagined.

"Look, uh, " James paused for a moment. "Look, Cameron, I really like you. A lot."

"I like you too," Cameron smiled.

"But, uh, " James thought again. "The psychiatrist brought up a good point to me. She told me that I literally haven't been completely single at all in the past year."

"Okay..." Cameron began to feel nervous.

"I'm not saying I want to be single," James said. "I just...I don't know, it got me thinking. I just think that....I think that I may need some time to work things out. You know? Just alone."

Cameron didn't respond for a second. He could feel his heart dropping. He wanted to tell James that he wanted to work things out together with him. He wanted to tell him that he would be there for him no matter what. But all that came out was "yeah, sure."

"I don't want you to think this is just a way of me not wanting to...be with you. I just honestly think that I need to figure things out for me right now." James said.

"Right, I completely understand," Cameron lied.

"All right, good," James said. "So, uh, I'll see you on Monday, I guess?"

"Yeah," Cameron was holding back tears as he hung up his phone.

This was complete shit. Why did this have to be so complicated? Cameron didn't understand. James liked Cameron. Cameron liked James. That's all that should matter. Why was James making things so complicated?

Cameron flipped his phone open and was about to dial Alexis. He wanted to be able to talk to someone. However, as he dialed, he got an incoming call from Devon. He warily answered it.

"Hey Cam, what are ya doing? ÔStudying'?" Devon laughed.

"Funny," Cameron rolled his eyes.

"Come tonight," Devon begged. "It'll be fun. There are going to be really hot guys there! And I guarantee that they'll think you're hot..."

"I don't know, I have a lot of work to do," Cameron lied.

"Shut the hell up," Devon said. "You're coming."

"Why do you want me to go so badly?" Cameron asked skeptically.

"Well, A. I need a ride. And B. You havn't hooked up with anyone all year, and I think you need to put yourself out there." Devon said.

Cameron contemplated things for a moment.

"So, are you coming or not?" Devon asked.


Cameron Wright pulled up to Devon's house around eight o'clock. It was odd seeing Devon's house. Most kids who went to Mineola High were relatively well off. However, Devon did not appear to be. He did not live in the best part of town, nor in the best house in that part of town.

In fact, Devon refused to let Cameron come in. He told Cameron to call him when Cameron was outside. So Cameron did, and now he waited patiently in his car. Tapping his fingers on the wheel, Cameron wondered what he had done to make James change his mind. He began to feel self conscious. Maybe he was a bad kisser. Maybe James realizes Cameron was annoying. He didn't know. His thoughts were broken when Devon hopped in the passenger seat.

"Hey nerd," Devon smiled as he closed the door.

"Hey," Cameron smiled as he started to drive.

"Are you excited?" Devon rubbed his hands together.

"I don't even know where we're going," Cameron laughed.

"I thought I told you," Devon scratched his head. "Well, you want the long story or the short story?"

"Depends," Cameron said. "How long of a car ride do we have?"

"Not too long," Devon said. "it's only over in Brightwood, but I can tell you the long verson anyway."

Cameron braced himself for the story of where they were going.

"So, I kind of realized I was into guys around puberty or whatever," Devon started. "And I jerked off to them and shit. Which was fine, but around last year I wanted to meet someone and hook up. So, I went online and went to a couple websites. You ever do that?"

"Once," Cameron shuddered at the thought. The one time he had, it turned out to be an older man who and tried to molest him.

"Well anyway," Devon continued. "I met this guy who lived over in Brightwood online. And we talked for a while, and he seemed pretty cool. He's cute, but a little older."

"How much older?" Cameron began to feel nervous.

"Only like a year old than you," Devon calmed him. "And we were going to meet and hook up or whatever, but then me and James hooked up, and so I stopped talking to this guy."

"How did...uh...you and James hook up if you don't mind me asking?" Cameron asked.

"We were at some stupid party over the summer," Devon said.

"Oh, cool," Cameron nodded. "Did he act weird after? Or anything? Like distant?"

"What? These are weird questions, dude," Devon laughed. Cameron needed to be more discrete. In fact, he wasn't being discrete at all.

"Just asking, forget it," Cameron laughed.

"Anyway, so, I e-mailed this guy last night to see what he was up to and see if he was still single, " Devon continued. "And he is, and it turns out he was having a party tonight. So here we are."

"Right," Cameron nodded. "So, are you going to hook up with him?"

"Yeah, probably," Devon admitted.

"Cool," He replied.

"So, uh, what's your deal with guys?" Devon asked abruptly.

"What? Uh, nothing at the moment..." Cameron lied. Well he sort of lied. He technically wasn't hooking up with James anymore, so nothing was really going on the moment.

"Who's this Matt guy?" Devon asked. "He's your ex- boyfriend right?"

"Yeah," Cameron replied.

"He hot?" Devon asked.

"Yeah," Cameron nodded. "He's a really great guy."

"Then why did you break up? Was he a bad fuck?" Devon asked.

"What? No. It's a long story." Cameron admitted.

"Okay jeez," Devon took a hint.

The rest of the car ride they joked about people on the swim team and their coach. They also talked about their first swim meet next weekend. Devon calmed Cameron down a little bit. When they finally pulled up to the house, it was quite obvious that a party was going on inside. The house itself was average. It was nice enough, but clearly the people who live inside didn't care about being unique. Their house was exactly the same as every other on its block.

They both approached the front door, anxious of what the night would bring. Devon rang the door bell and they waited patiently.

"Wait, why does this kid still live at home if he's a year above me? Doesn't he go to college?" Cameron asked.

"Community college," Devon replied.

"Oh, right," Cameron nodded.

The door finally opened after a few more rings. The home owner did open the door. He was wearing a white polo shirt and light jeans. He had a golden chain around his neck. He didn't look very gay at all. He had a bit of stubble and very thick eye brows, but nice eyes. Cameron couldn't make out what color they were, but he saw a bright white smile on his face when he saw Devon.

"Devon! We finally meet!!" He opened his arms for a hug.

"Hey!" Devon went in for the hug. They held each other for a moment before Devon stepped back. "This is my friend Cameron."

"Cameron? Nice to meet you man," The guy said. "I'm Dave."

"Nice to meet you Dave," Cameron nodded.

Dave stepped back to reveal the rest of the party. For some reason, Cameron was surprised that there were girls there. He assumed it was going to be a bunch of flamboyantly gay guys, but it seemed like a regular party. Cameron was actually happy about this. Devon and Cameron stepped in and looked around. A game of beer pong was going on across a dining room table, and girls were dancing in a corner.

"Devon, can I get you a drink?" Dave said.

"Uh, yeah, get me a double shot," Devon smirked.

"Woah," Dave laughed as he walked away.

Cameron surveyed the room to see if any cute guys were there. It's not like he was looking to hook up with some random guy like Devon was, it's just that he felt that he should keep his options open. One guy in particular caught his eye. He was tan with spiked black hair and was playing a game of beer pong. The guy looked strangely familiar, but Cameron couldn't place him. Suddenly Cameron remembered who it was. It was Jeremy.

Jeremy had graduated from Mineola High the year before. Cameron had met him briefly through Matt, and it was not the best meeting. Matt explained to Cameron that he and Jeremy had been good friends for a long time, and that one night they had sex, but Jeremy insisted that he was straight. Cameron always felt jealous towards Jeremy, and felt even more uncomfortable when Matt went on a camping trip and slept in the same tent as Jeremy. However, Matt had insisted that nothing had happened. Still, Cameron felt very uncomfortable now that Jeremy was there and he wanted to leave.

"Devon, I think I'm going to go," Cameron pulled Devon aside.

"What?! We literally just got here," Devon snapped.

"Yeah, but, my ex's...ex...is here, and it's awkward," Cameron explained.

"What?" Devon scanned the room. "Matt's ex? Who?"

"Don't be obvious about it, but the guy playing beer pong with the black hair," Cameron gestured subtly. Devon was not subtle at all when he looked at Jeremy.

"He's hot," Devon smirked. "You should hook up with him."

"What? No." Cameron shook his head. "Didn't you hear me? He's Matt's ex!"

"So?" Devon rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go," Cameron began to say, but Dave had just returned with two shots and had gotten Devon's attention. Devon and Dave took the shot together and then walked off, leaving Cameron alone.

"Great," Cameron shrugged.


Devon and Dave walked off onto the back porch. There was a hot tub filled with three girls who were drinking mixed drinks. They walked past the hot tub and eventually settled on a bench in the backyard.

"I'm glad you came," Dave smiled.

"I'm glad I came, too," Devon took a sip of a beer that he had picked up off a counter.

"So, what have you been up to?" Dave rested his arm on the back of the bench. "You kinda stopped talking to me in the middle of the summer..."

"Yeah," Devon nodded. "Sorry about that, just kinda...stupid high school bull shit."

"Yeah, I remember that shit," Dave nodded.

"Yeah," Devon replied. "Oh, no, you got some, uh, beer, I think, on your shirt."

"What?" Dave looked down and on his shirt, he did in fact have a large beer stain. "Damn it! Fuckin' Guinness. Always stains! Whatever, I didn't like the shirt anyway!"

Suddenly, Dave took his shirt off and threw it into the back yard. Devon had not expect this, but he liked what he saw. Dave had a decent amount of chest hair that cover most of his chest. He wasn't particularly tan, but he was muscular. He looked strong, at least. Dave leaned back on the bench.

"Aren't you going to be cold?" Devon asked. "I mean it's October..."

"What?" Dave looked at Devon. "Nah! Those bitches up there are in bikinis. I can handle it."

"I mean, they're in a hot tub," Devon laughed.

"I'll be fine, don't you worry about me," Dave smirked. "Are you cold?"

"What? No not..." Devon wasn't able to finish.

"We can go up to my room if you are," Dave offered. "It's the warmest place in the house."

Devon contemplated this for a moment.

"Yeah, sure," Devon smiled.

Devon followed Dave into the house, leaving Dave's stained white polo shirt behind.


Cameron was still standing uncomfortably in the front room of the house. He had made no effort to make conversation with anyone. He had gotten himself a beer and was leaning against the stairwell. He had strategically placed himself so that Jeremy would not be able to see him. His mission was to avoid any contact with Jeremy.

After standing alone for a while, he decided to give in and text James. Just because James had said that he didn't want to be in a relationship, it didn't mean that he wanted nothing to do with Cameron. In fact, he was sure that James wanted to talk to Cameron.

"Time out. So awk, I'm at a party and Matt's ex is here lol" was what Cameron texted James. He waited for a response.

Cameron watched as Devon and Dave walked towards him. They waked passed him and onto the stairs. Cameron grabbed Devon's leg from under the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Cameron whispered.

"Relax," Devon kicked him off. "Walk around, introduced yourself."

And with that, Devon went up the stairs. And Cameron was a lone again. He awkwardly looked around the room. Taking Devon's advice, he decided to walk around the party and try and meet people.

Eventually he found himself on the back porch, next to the group of girls in the hot tub. He had searched the whole party and no one had tried to talk to him. He sat down on one of the porch steps and hung his head in his hands.

"Hey you," One of the girls from the hot tub called to him. Cameron turned around. He stood up and faced her. "Come in here!"

"What? Me?" Cameron turned around and realized he was the only guy out there.

"Yeah!" Another drunk girl in the hot tub said.

"Uh, I don't have a bathing suite," Cameron shook his head.

"So? Go naked!" One of the girls said.

"Uh..." Cameron laughed.

"Seriously, come in your boxer's!" said another.

Cameron thought about it for a moment. He wasn't talking to anyone else at the party, and they certainly weren't talking to him. So, Cameron took off his shirt and jeans and jumped in the hot tub with them.


"And these are my model trains," Dave gestured to a rack of fifteen multicolored miniature trains.

"Interesting...." Devon lied.

"So, yeah, you know my room completely now," Dave laughed as he turned around to face Devon.

"Yup..." Devon nodded.

"So, uh, what do you want to do?" Dave scratched his chest hair.

Devon looked at Dave slyly with a smirk on his face. Dave took a step closer and slowly went in for a kiss. There was a height difference, but that didn't really bother Devon. In fact, there was a four-year age difference. Devon was fifteen and Dave was nineteen. That didn't bother Devon. In fact, it almost turned him on a little more.

Devon rubbed his fingers through Dave's chest, grasping at each lock of chest hair. Dave reached over and grabbed the bottom of Devon's shirt and pulled it off. It was kind of funny seeing the two of them shirtless together. Dave was very hairy, while Devon barely had any hair under his armpits.

"Can you lock the door?" Devon smirked. He didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. Devon suddenly realized that it had only been three days ago that he and James were in a similar place, doing a similar thing. The thought only made him want Dave more. As soon as Dave turned around, Devon grabbed his hand and led him away from the door. He then got down on his knees. This made Dave smile.

Dave quickly undid his belt buckle and then unzipped his pants. He lowered his pants so that he was only wearing his boxer-briefs. Devon could see the outline of Dave's semi-hard cock through the underwear. He leaned forward and grabbed Dave's ass cheeks to pull him closer. He moved his mouth so that he was nearly sucking his hard dick, except the fabric was in the way. This made Dave let out a little moan.

Not missing a beat, Devon grabbed the edges of Dave's boxer-briefs and pulled them down, revealing Dave's now fully hard cock. He was very large and very thick. Devon gulped at the nine inches he saw before him. Devon had a large one, but not nearly as thick. Dave had a lot of pubic hair, which normally would've turned him off, but it fit Dave.

"Go ahead," Dave said. "Don't be afraid. Suck me off."

Devon took one big gulp and tried to take some of Dave in.


"You're cute," said one of the girls in the hot tub. Her name was Melanie, or so Cameron had learned. The other two were named Beatrice and Tina. All of them were wasted, so it didn't really matter.

"Thank you," Cameron blushed.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" giggled Beatrice.

"Uh..." Cameron thought about what to say. He didn't want them to hit on him anymore, but he also didn't want them to leave him alone at the party.

"We think you and Melanie should hook up," laughed Tina.

"Shut up, guys!" Melanie splashed both of them.

"Uh...I'm flattered..." Cameron was uncomfortable.

Before anything could go any further, a shadow appear behind Cameron and someone said, "Got room for one more?" Cameron turned around to see Jeremy. Crap, he had found Cameron.

"Sure, Jeremy," Beatrice smiled. Jeremy took off his shirt and shorts and got in the hot tub next to Cameron. Cameron tried not to look directly at Jeremy, but he could tell that Jeremy had a good body. He had olive color skin that went along with his spiky black hair. His chest was completely bare and smooth. It wasn't extremely well toned, but it wasn't flabby either. He wore a tight necklace around his neck.

"Jeremy, this is Cameron," Beatrice pointed as she took another swig of her fruity drink. Jeremy looked at Cameron and Cameron wasn't sure how to act. He could pretend like he didn't know Jeremy and hope that Jeremy would do the same, or he could say something. He decided to pretend he didn't know Jeremy.

"We've met already," Jeremy said. Cameron blushed. Crap.

"Oh, that's cool," Beatrice leaned forward. "Don't you think that Cameron and Melanie would make a really hot couple..."

"I don't think Melanie is his type." Jeremy winked at Cameron. Wow, he was making this extremely awkward.

"Why not?!" blurted Melanie, who now seemed really hurt. However, that sadness went away a moment later when someone turned on the radio inside and a song by M.I.A. came on. "Oh my god! This is our song girls!"

All three of the girls jumped out of the hot tub and ran inside. Cameron felt relieved for a moment knowing that Melanie would no longer be hitting on him. But now he realized he was left alone with Jeremy. He was annoyed. Why did Jeremy follow him into the hot tub?

"What are you doing here?" Cameron snapped. He didn't know why he was being so hostile, but he was frustrated at the situation.

"Me? What are you doing here? These are my friends..." Jeremy laughed.

"Long story," Cameron moved a little further away from Jeremy. "Don't you got to college or something?"

"I took a year off," Jeremy leaned back. " Why are you being so mean to me? What did I do to you?"

"I don't know, you were always giving me devil eyes whenever you saw me with Matt last year," Cameron explained. "And you slept in the same tent with Matt that one time. And you had sex with my ex boyfriend."

"Woah, woah, woah" Jeremy sat up. " First of all, nothing happened in that tent. Matt never would've cheated on you. Secondly, we had sex once. And we were both wasted."

"Still..." Cameron thought for a moment. He was confused. Was Jeremy even gay? Was he really just drunk that one time? "Wait...I'm sorry...are you..."

"I'm bi," Jeremy said confidently. "And I'm sorry if I stared devil eyes at you. I was upset that I let Matt go."

"Why did you? Wasn't it like a year between when you hooked up and we went out?" Cameron asked.

"It was a confusing time, I don't know," Jeremy said. "Can we not talk about this shit? It's a party. Let's relax."

"Okay, sorry," Cameron tried to loosen up. "So, uh, what've you been up to?"

"Nothing really," Jeremy said. "I live in an apartment with my buddy Rick. He's straight, and really cool."

"Does he know you're..." Cameron asked.

"Bi? Yeah, everyone knows." Jeremy nodded.

"Really?" Cameron asked. "Here? Every single person here knows?

"Yeah," Jeremy smiled. "What? Is that that crazy to you?"

"A little," Cameron smiled. "I don't know, it's just a little weird that's all."

"Wait, sorry, who did you come here with?" Jeremy asked.

"My friend Devon, he's upstairs or something," Cameron said.

"Devon? You came with Devon? You're not dating or anything right?" Jeremy asked.

"No, no, just friends," Cameron shook his head.

"Good, because my friend Dave really wants to hook up with him," Jeremy laughed.

"Well, I think he's getting his wish right now," Cameron smiled.

They both just sat there for a moment.

"So, have you spoken to Matt at all?" Jeremy asked.

"Kind of," Cameron said. "I went to visit him last weekend, which was all right, but yeah. Not since then. "

"Why did you guys break up?" Matt asked.

"Just, uh...we weren't compatible," Cameron remembered why they actually broke up. James. And now Cameron felt like an idiot.


James had taken a nap after visiting the psychiatrist. It had been a long couple days, and just talking to her had taken a lot of energy out of him. When he woke up, he wasn't sure if it was night or morning. He turned on his phone to check the time, and saw that it was still night. He had one new text message. He opened it up. It was from Cameron. "Time out. So awk, I'm at a party and Matt's ex is here lol"

Suddenly, James felt jealous. What party was he at? Matt's ex? His heart started to beat rapidly. Had he made a mistake telling Cameron that he wanted to end things for a while?

James sat up in his bed. He was only wearing his boxers, and was sweating a little bit. He walked over to the air conditioner and turned it on. He ran his fingers through his curly hair and thought for a moment about what to do.

After a few moments of thinking, his phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was his sister, Meg.

"Hello?" James answered. This was going to be an awkward conversation. He hadn't spoken to his sister since everything had happened.

"James! I've been calling you for an hour!" She yelled on the other line.

"Sorry, I was taking a nap," James said.

"Whatever," she said. "More importantly, why did you never tell me?"

"What?" James asked. "About me being....?"

"Into guys?! Yes!" She said. "I wish I would've known! I honestly had no idea! I couldn't believe it!"

"Thanks... I guess," James smiled.

"So, wait, Mom and Dad saw you hooking up with a guy?" She asked. "Who? Was he hot?"

"Wait...you're taking this rather...lightly..." James was confused. Why wasn't she making a bigger deal out of this?

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked. "I mean, I feel really sad for you and everything. Well, not sad, but I mean, you know life is going to be harder and everything. But I figure mom and dad are giving you all that shit."

"Yeah, I guess," James nodded.

"So, who's this guy you're hooking up with?" She said. "Is he hot?"

"Well, I'm actually not hooking up with him anymore..." He admitted.

"Oh," She sounded upset. "Why?"

"He like freaked out about Mom and Dad telling his parents, and I don't know. I kind of have feelings for someone else..." James said.

"James!" She laughed. "Such a pimp!"

"Shut up!" James smiled. "But I'm just going to be single now. I need to work things out."

"Hm..." She sighed.

"What?" James asked.

"Nothing," She said. "It's just I feel bad that you're going to be going through all this with Mom and Dad and shit all alone, you know? I was kind of hoping you were dating someone so you'd have a shoulder to cry on and everything."

"Yeah..." James thought for a moment. He knew he was making a mistake ending things with Cameron. He should never have listened to that stupid psychiatrist. But then again, maybe she was right. Going through all this alone might make him stronger and independent. Only time would tell...


Devon was on all fours, leaning most of his weight against his elbows. Dave was kneeling behind him applying lube to his condom-covered cock. He then lathered Devon's asshole with lube. It was going to be a tight fit.

"You ready?" Dave said as he closed the bottle of lube and threw it off to the side.

"Fuck yes," Devon smiled.

Dave took a look at Devon's completely hairless ass and it only made him harder. He slowly brought his large thick cock to touch Devon's asshole. He slowly pushed it in. Devon bit his lip as he felt all of Dave go inside of him. It hurt. A lot. Devon was almost regretting having sex with Dave.

Dave slowly pulled out a little bit and then pushed back in. Devon's face was red, it hurt a lot, but at the same time he was receiving immense pleasure. Dave went in and out again, and it hurt a little bit less and it become a little bit more pleasurable. Dave began to move faster. He pulled Devon closer and moved his own hips faster and faster. The sound of Dave's hips hitting Devon's ass cheeks sounded faster and faster.

"Oh fuck me," Devon moaned. "Yes! FUCK ME!"

Dave moved his pace faster and faster until he slowed down a bit. He held his entire cock inside Devon for a moment before moving faster once more. He eventually stopped and pulled out.

"Turn around," He said. "Let's do it front the front. Lift your legs."

Devon did as he was told. He turned around facing Dave and lifted his legs in the air, exposing his hole to Dave. Dave lifted Devon's legs a little bit higher and positioned himself so he could gain better access. He then began to rapidly fuck Devon again.

Devon grasped his hands at Dave's chest hair to try and hold onto it. He then moved his hands to grab Dave's hair ass and feel it thrusting in and out of him. This was amazing.

"Oh yes, shove your big hairy cock into me!" Devon moaned.

And Dave did. He fucked him harder and harder and Devon moaned louder and louder. Dave suddenly pulled out. He slipped off his condom and moved closer to Devon's chest. He stroked his hard cock over Devon's chest. His face scrunched up for a moment and then a load of cum sprayed onto Devon's bare chest. Another smaller load came right after it.

Devon continued to jerk off his own cock which was raging. Dave lay down on the bed and Devon sat up. He towered over Dave's body and shot a load onto Dave's hairy chest. Dave rubbed in the load in with his chest hair.

Devon collapsed onto the bed. They both lay panting for a moment.


"Melanie? No, never." Jeremy laughed. "Someone that desperate can only mean a clinger or an STD."

Cameron laughed. He was actually having a decent time hanging out with Jeremy. It helped that they were both half naked and sitting in a hot tub. However, Cameron suddenly realized that it was getting late, and he had seen no sign of Devon.

"What time is it?" Cameron asked.

"Oh, um..." Jeremy leaned out of the hot tub and grabbed his phone. "Wow, it's already 11:30. Time flies..."

"Oh, shit, I have to be home by twelve," Cameron stood up. Jeremy's eyes went immediately to the bulge in Cameron's boxers. The boxer's clung to his soft dick, creating a perfect outline. Cameron realized this and awkwardly loosened them up before stepping out of the hot tub. Jeremy too got out of the hot tub.

"Here, let me get you a towel," Jeremy walked over to a hanger with a bunch of beach towels. He grabbed two, one for himself and handed the other to Cameron.

"Wow, I didn't realize how cold it was, " Cameron shivered as he draped the towel around his own shoulders.

"Yeah," Jeremy nodded. Neither of them spoke for a moment while they both dried off. "Hey, um, do you have my number?"

"Uh, no..." Cameron blushed.

"Let's, uh, exchange numbers, just in case, you know...you want to hang out or something..." Jeremy smiled.

"Yeah, sure," Cameron nodded then reached down and grabbed his jeans from the floor. He reached into one of the pockets and pulled out his cell phone. He was surprised when he saw that he had one new text message. His face lit up when he saw that it was from James- "Haha, oh god! Call me when you get bck I want to hear all about it. Also- I want to talk about me and you again" Cameron smiled as he read it.

"You have a boyfriend don't you." Jeremy said aloud as he saw Cameron read a text message.

"What?" Cameron looked up at Jeremy. "Uh...I'm not sure really..."

"Of course," Jeremy smiled. "Well, here, take my number anyway. Just in case."

"Okay, yeah," Cameron nodded as he listened to Jeremy give him his number.

Cameron closed his phone and looked up at Jeremy. Cameron realized that Jeremy was actually a pretty nice guy, and he was glad he came tonight. Suddenly, Devon appeared outside the glass door to the porch. He was clearly drunk. His hair was disheveled and his shirt was on backwards.

"Well, well, well," Devon smirked. "I leave you alone for an hour and you're already half naked with some guy! Typical."

"Shut up," Cameron laughed as he reached down and put his jeans on. "Devon, this is Jeremy. Jeremy, Devon."

"Nice to meet you," Jeremy extended his hand.

"It's very nice to meet you," Devon took a step forward and inspected Jeremy's half-naked dripping wet body. "How do you know Dave?"

"We met through a friend," Jeremy said.

"I just fucked him," Devon smiled.

"Okay! Let's go!" Cameron grabbed Devon and pulled him through the glass doors.

"Bye Jeremy!" Devon winked.


Cameron silently drove towards Devon's house. Devon was nearly passed out in the passenger seat and he wasn't speaking much. They drove in silence for a while, until Devon suddenly snapped to attention. He quickly looked out the window, then at Cameron, then back out the window.

"Did I pass out?" Devon asked.

"Yup," Cameron nodded.

"Nice," Devon leaned his head against the window. "I'm just tired."

"Right," Cameron smiled.

"Who's that guy you were in the hot tub with?" Devon asked. "He was hot."

"That was Jeremy, Matt's ex," Cameron said.

"He's gay?" Devon smiled. "So are you going to tap that?"

"Um, I don't think so," Cameron shook his head.

"Would you mind if I did?" Devon asked.

"Uh..." Cameron thought for a moment. "Not really..."

"Do you have his number?" Devon asked.

"Uh, yeah..." Cameron reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He read off the digits in Jeremy's phone number.

"Thanks," Devon smirked.

"No problem," Cameron nodded.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Devon asked after being quiet again for a few moments.

"Um, yeah sure," Cameron said.

"Good, I'm glad," Devon smiled. "I definitely had a good time..."

"I know, you told me," Cameron said. "And pretty much everyone else at the party...."

"So what? I don't have to see any of those people ever again if I don't want to," Devon said.

"I guess," Cameron nodded. "But Brightwood's only a few town's over, aren't you nervous about people talking? I mean, if anyone found out that you had sex with some guy then...everyone would know. Aren't you scared of that?"

Devon was silent.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be harsh," Cameron sighed. "I just think you need to be really careful. I mean, if you're ready to come out then that's fine, but..."

"No, I'm definitely not ready," Devon said. "Look, I'm an idiot. You don't have to lecture me."

"Okay," Cameron said.

They drove in silence until they finally reached Devon's house. Cameron pulled up and Devon got out of the car.

"Thanks for coming," Devon poked his head in before he closed the car door.


Cameron arrived back at his house and sat down on his bed. It was already twelve thirty. He took out his phone and contemplated not calling James back, just because it was so late. However, he decided to call anyway. James picked up after the third ring.

"Hey," James said.

"Hey," Cameron smiled. He was happy James picked up.

"How was the, uh, party?" James asked.

"It was all right," Cameron admitted as he stood up and began pacing around his room as he spoke. "Devon invited me to go with him to some party over in Brightwood."

"Oh, really?" James felt somewhat jealous on two accounts. He didn't like the idea of Cameron hanging out with Devon. Although James had ended things with Devon, he had some feelings for him still. And he also didn't want to lose Cameron.

"Yeah," Cameron nodded. "And Matt's ex was there. It actually didn't end up being that bad. I had a good time."

"Good," James said.

"Sorry I called so late..." Cameron apologized.

"Oh, not, don't even worry about it, I was still up," James shook his head.

"Oh, okay, good." Cameron hesitated before asking. "So, uh, what did you want to talk about...?"

"Right, um..." James felt a little nervous. "Look, like I told you, I have a lot of things that I'm going to need to work out. But I really really care about you a lot..."

"Me too," Cameron smiled.

"I want to try and make this work," James finally said. "But I need you to be understanding when it comes to things with me and my parents."

"Of course I will," Cameron lit up.

"Good," James nodded.

"Yeah," Cameron smiled.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Seriously please e-mail me your comments and suggestions or anything at all at ryanwest25@yahoo.com Thanks!

Next: Chapter 23: Floating Away 8

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