Dog Bones by Billy Jay Dee

Published on Feb 26, 2001



Dog Bones By Billy Jay Dee

(Based on a true adventure)

He stared at Duke like a hungry dog drooling over a new bone, then looked the taller man up and down twice. "He" was a big guy with square shoulders, curly black hair, heavy frame, hairy chest as far as Duke could tell and a big hooked nose. Meanwhile, the big guy never stopped with the pitch to his lunch companion about a private school.

At 6'1", 200 pounds with a full head of salt and pepper hair and moustache, Duke occasionally got the once over, but never so blatantly by such a straight looking guy. Knowing the Frye would be busy, he'd come early to save a table for Sean and himself. He chose one near the appreciative bear. About the time he wondered if the guy would look his way again, the door leading to the museum opened.

"Duke!" Sean called as he took the few steps into the cafe.

Duke smiled, as though he'd forgotten how cute his "regular thing" was -- late thirties, slim (maybe 170 pounds) with broad shoulders, pitch black hair and moustache, and a gleaming smile. Today Sean wore a hand knit sweater and black slacks tight across his pelvis. Duke rose to greet him. They shook hands and went to order.

They kept the conversation innocent during lunch, only lowering their voices to discuss whether the lust-crazed hedonism of the local bathhouses made up for their lack of intimacy and passion. Duke kept an eye on their burly neighbor, but no blush or glance indicated he'd overheard them.

When Duke and Sean finished picking the pork chops clean, a pregnant pause fell over the table. Then with a wink they were out the door and headed for Duke's hotel.

The elevator carried passengers besides them. The hallway contained the cleaning people. So, Sean and Duke didn't touch until safely in the room. Duke grabbed Sean by his shoulders and gave him a quick kiss, the shorter man's 12-o'clock shadow scraping his chin.

"What's the view out the window?" Sean asked, heading to the bathroom to pee.

Duke checked him out in the bathroom mirror, then they checked out the view. As they stood face to face, Sean pulled back the sheer to reveal the Seattle skyline. When he let it drop, Duke dropped his pants and they both started stripping. They undressed quickly.

Sean's body was as white as his facial complexion. Duke always enjoyed his flat, firm belly, slim hips and shoulders a little broader than the average. He had a dabbling of black hair on his chest. Duke, as usual, undressed more quickly and plopped his bare butt down on the bed to get a better view.

Sean unbuckled his black leather belt and they pried his ready eight incher out of his shorts. The stiffened cock popped straight at Duke -- thin with a nicely shaped thick head, a knotted blue vein on the right side and small hairless balls beneath. Carefully, Duke leaned forward to place his mouth around the shiny crown. Sean shoved him back on the bed and jumped aboard. The top of Sean's thighs lifted the taller man's longer legs up in the air as he slid up his hairless chest.

With a twist of his head Sean nipped at Duke's right nipple as the head of his cock banged against the bottom's bunghole. Duke couldn't handle the pain of teeth twisting his nipple. He pushed Sean away.

Sean took that to mean he wanted a blowjob and happily slurped at his dick. Duke smiled in delight and squirmed his hips and shoulders on the quilt like a dog rolling in the grass. But Duke's six-inch dick didn't start growing.

"I went the movies this morning," Duke admitted, "to get cranked up for this afternoon. My hand got out of control and I, um, don't think anything'll happen."

Standing on his knees above Duke, Sean wagged his right index finger wagged back and forth.

"Shame, shame." Then he rolled Duke on his side while spreading his legs and admiring his ass. "I know what you'll like. Get your knees on the floor."

As Duke knelt, belly on the bed, Sean knelt behind him, slipped on the condom, and shoved that gleaming head in doggy style. Duke gasped, but Sean's cock drove no further. He just left Duke there impaled, until Duke couldn't resist and pushed his ass backwards. Sean replied with a slow steady invasion of the taller man's bottom. In another second he was all the way in. The first stroke made Duke gasp again, then he got into the doggy rhythm and stretched his arms out across the quilt to enjoy the ride.

Sean's muscular thin fingers barely touched the bottom's white cheeks as he rammed in and out of Duke. As they got the rhythm down, Sean's thighs made a "whack, whack, whack" sound against Duke's ass.

The bottom's breath came faster and faster. He arched his back so Sean's hungry cock could burrow deeper into his ass, but with the first stroke he froze.

"What?" Sean barked in concern.

"We need to talk," Duke said slowly.


"I need to use the bathroom or there's going to be a mess."

Sean howled in relief.

"That's okay?"

"Sure," Sean assured him, while prying himself off that fantastic ass.

Duke returned from the bathroom to find Sean spread eagle on the bed face up, cock sheathed and ready for action. He crawled across Sean, squatted over his 8 inches of meat and sat down.

"Oh, yeah," Sean sighed pulling and pushing on Duke's thick waist as he rose and fell. "Does that feel good?"

"Mmmmm, oh, yeah," Duke grunted then added after a few more strokes: "I'm all comfy now. We can do it anyway you want."

"Really?" Sean asked.

Once he got an assuring nod from his panting lover, he grabbed Duke's left ankle and right shoulder. With more strength than would seem likely in his slim frame, he rolled the twosome over without letting his cock miss a stroke. Even more amazing he lifted Duke's bottom higher in the air dead-lifting him by his ankles. With Duke's ankles around his own ears and standing on his knees, Sean pounded the wanting butt with the all his body weight. His eyes glazed over with passion. As his strokes got harder and faster the look of surprise on Duke's face gave way to encouragement.

As Sean's own breath came in rapid gasps, he pulled himself up one of Duke's legs and gnawed on the calloused part of one heel and then the other. He forced Duke's right leg across his chest rolling him on to his side, then slid in behind to spoon him until, with repeated gasps, he dropped a big load inside the other man's bottom. His cock, as usual, remained hard.

"Want to cum?" Sean asked.

Duke just smiled in response.

Later, they moved on to the neighborhood watering hole where they drank beer and complained about their wives. When Sean headed for home, Duke gulped down a hot dog at the bar then headed to the hotel for a quick shower and check-in with the family back home. Then he loped off to the Cuff to meet his blind date, Bruno.

Duke loitered near the pool table in a white button-down dress shirt as agreed. His blue eyes got so engrossed chasing the balls across the table he neglected to worry about Bruno arriving on time. When he looked up from the green, he spotted a younger guy in line at the bar that could easily be Bruno. The guy reminded Duke of one of his college roommates. (There's some fantasy material!)

It was Bruno. He waved to Duke, dealt with the bartender and then bounded across the room with a 7-Up in hand.

Bruno proved to be a beefy big boy a little shorter than Duke. He moved with a casual swing of the hips and shoulders beneath his black leather jacket. He kept the thinning hair on his big head short. He hadn't shaved in a while. He grinned broadly and sighed audibly with relief when he recognized Duke.

As he approached the older man he stuck out a hairy paw. "Glad you could make it, Duke."

"Bruno!" Duke responded with a smile and admiring glance at his e-date's stocky frame.

Bruno wiggled into a spot next to Duke along the wall. Duke's hungry eyes followed him there, at which time Bruno's gaze darted away drifting to his 7-Up can.

He began with a gulp and then said, "We got to talk, man." Getting a nod from Duke, he continued. "I've got a problem. It's not a disease or anything." He looked up with big puppy eyes. "I've got a urinary tract infection."

Before he could continue, Duke flinched as though by reflex.

"It hurts like hell," Bruno added, still staring up at Duke.

"Been there, done that!" the older man admitted with a little bow of his head.

"So, we won't be able to play this time. But, I'd really like to hang out with you. Introduce you to my friends?" he ended weakly.

Duke glanced as his beer, thought better of delaying his response by drinking and said, "Hmm, lose a lover, gain a friend? I guess, I can do that."

Once more Bruno's big frame relaxed with relief.

"Thanks for being so understanding, man. We can play next time."

Bruno seemed to enjoy Duke's company, but fidgeted nervously as they made chitchat.

Finally, he admitted, "I got to go pee. This is going to hurt like a big dog!"

Duke nodded.

"Want to see my dick?"

Bruno had bragged about its size in the ad that Duke answered. Duke laughed and they headed to the trough in the bathroom. Bruno, on Duke's right, unbuttoned his pants, pried his shorts off his cock and shivered when he picked up his tender rod with his right hand. Duke sucked in his breath in sympathy for the pain, then again at the size of that puppy. It was as thick as Duke's wrist. The first squirt of pee rocketed Bruno to the tips of his toes and forced a gasp from his mouth. Duke placed a gentle hand on his back so he wouldn't fall back. Shuddering Bruno let loose the rest of the stream. Duke walked his date back to where they were standing and made sure to avoid discussing anything that might make Bruno's dick twitch.

When the Red Club meeting at the back of the complex broke up, Bruno's friends joined them. Max was another big beefy boyish thirty something, but lacking Bruno's bearish charms and innate sensuality. His other friend sported a shaved head and dog collar. They called him Spike. They too wore black leather jackets. Duke seemed to enjoy conversing with everyone in the group, but his blue eyes kept drifting back to Bruno's grizzled chin and boyish grin. He looked that way when a big guy with square shoulders, curly black hair, heavy frame, and a big hooked nose peeked in the room from the adjoining area. When Duke looked again, "hooked nose" was gone, but a manly pair against the far wall began putting on a show.

"Check it out," Duke mumbled interrupting Max. Everyone grinned. Bruno kindly went to stand with some other friends as a screen for their passion. Max and Duke booed him for his courtesy and then started cruising the complex hoping to run down some bears. Bruno eventually, packed up with Spike and a couple other members of the club to tell him what he missed during the meeting. Max and Duke tracked down a couple of bears, but it didn't escape Max's notice that Duke looked guilty over his shoulder in Bruno's direction whenever they discussed trapping a bruin for the evening.

"It was nice meeting, you guys," Duke said with an embarrassed grin as he offered Max his hand.

"Likewise! Make sure you say 'bye to Bruno," Max insisted.

Duke found Bruno shoulder to shoulder with his buddies at the bar. "Nice meeting you," he called over their leather-clad backs, and then laid a hand on Bruno's shoulder. "Hope to see you next time I'm in town."

"I'll hear from you before then right? Tomorrow?"

"Next week," Duke promised with a wink.

Bruno smiled back, then returned to lapping at his 7-Up while his friends gnawed on a couple of topics leftover from their meeting.

Duke headed for the Eagle. After making a circuit of the leather club and finding no action out back, he found a perch on the second floor overlooking the bar below. He'd just taken a sip of his beer and looked around someone slid by him with a soft "Excuse me." Duke turned to look and found himself eye to eye with a winking, smiling big guy with square shoulders, curly black hair, heavy frame, and a big hooked nose. Duke laughed and joined the big guy up against the far wall.

"How's it going?" the stranger asked, shifting from foot to foot.

"Good. How's it going with you?" Duke responded, as he looked the guy up and down.

"I'm doing real good," the guy replied as his left hand cupped Duke's butt. Duke could have guessed that by the way the big guy's Levis pushed out. "Like what you see?"

"Yeah," Duke responded with a nod of his head.

"Can I fuck ya?"

Duke's eyes opened wide with surprise. "Ah, ah, sure! You ready to go?"

"You got a place near here?"

"A hotel half a mile away."

"Oh," the big guy barked with a little jump. "I'm with somebody. I can't really leave."

Duke's brows furrowed in confusion.

"There's a bathroom downstairs that locks. We could go there."

Duke slowly nodded once, turned to head downstairs and thought better of it. "The floor was kinda wet, last time I was there."

"Yeah," the big guy responded with a dumb grin and shrug of his shoulders.

"Maybe, next time," Duke suggested with a tilt of his head, his smile no longer present.

"Sure?" the big guy asked.

Duke returned to the post he had been leaning against, shaking his head. He took a big swig of beer to wash a bad taste out of his mouth and returned to scanning the bar. An older guy further along the right hand wall had caught Duke's eye before. Duke headed that way. The guy still stood at attention there. He wore a stern, but not ferocious or unfriendly expression. He kept his once-blonde hair military short and cropped. His body showed the development of years of exercise, now softened by age and ease. His XXL t-shirt proudly bore the Marine Corp logo. A web belt and khakis finished his outfit.

"How's it going tonight?" Duke asked, strolling by.

"Just fine," came a chipper reply. "How's it going with you tonight, sir?"

Duke had to be 15 years younger than the speaker, but that slightly southern terse tone he recognized as military always turned him on. So, he replied, "Great" as he leaned up against the bar to talk to the guy.

"Why don't we all just scoot over here out of the way, so we don't block traffic," he suggested sweetly.

They were, so they did.

"You can call me Bucky."


Duke wasn't surprised to find out Bucky was retired military. Bucky didn't balk when Duke admitted to being in Seattle to visit his doctors. Duke admitted to being at the Cuff earlier. Bucky said he'd only gotten to the Eagle recently. He came late in hopes of some action. Bucky's eyes had never met Duke's up 'til now. They were both smiling when their gazes finally engaged.

"Your place or mine?" Duke whispered.

"We need to talk," Bucky commanded.

So, they fetched another pair of drinks and sat on a bench on the first floor. Bucky asked if "this" would hurt Duke's marriage. "Might improve it, actually." If Duke would mind Bucky's crowded apartment. "Bigger than my hotel room and you probably have videos to watch."

"Allergic to cats?"


"Mind the fact I'm 57?"

"No. Sort of like that."

Bucky, once again didn't make eye contact. "Am I being too weird?"

"No, but you don't seem too enthused."

"We can do this."

"But, do you want to?"

Bucky turned with piercing eyes and looked Duke square in the face. "Let's just say my dick has a mind of its own."

Duke reached discreetly between Bucky's large hard thighs and felt a definitive "yes" vote. They stood up and walked the few blocks to Bucky's apartment. Once in the door, Buck kissed Duke quickly, introduced the cat, and added "I had a dog, too, once," vaguely pointing towards the wall. Then he slipped thru a curtain of beads and shells to get them something to drink. That left Duke to greet the cat and admire the lifetime of artwork cramped into the tiny apartment: Persian rugs on the walls, Scandinavian sculpture, and miniature bronze Buddhas.

Bucky returned with a glass of Late Harvest Riesling for both. then led Duke to the Murphy bed in the corner. Stripping quicker than Duke, Bucky ended up naked laying on his back.

"Suck it," he directed Duke in a deep voice.

Duke acquiesced with pleasure, first leaning across the bigger man to kiss his little lips. As they made out Duke's hand found Bucky's love tool. It was very thick with a big head, adorned at the base with plump hairy balls.

"Just the way I like them," he growled without adding he preferred shorter ones that didn't rearrange his insides.

He hoisted the soldier's legs in the air, alternately licking and sucking Bucky's thick seven incher. A smile graced his lips whenever he glanced up at his lover. Then he rolled Bucky's feet up higher and started licking his crack.

"Yeah, yeah! Fuck that asshole with your tongue," he commanded.

Duke rimmed and circled and probed with his tongue until he couldn't stand it any more and gave his own cock some action by dropping it onto the up turned butt and stroking away between the two fuzzy cheeks.

"Let me suck you now," Bucky pleaded.

Making sure not to kick the mirrored headboard or knee Bucky's head, Duke spun around into a sixty-nine position. While slurping and licking on Buck's thick boner, Duke managed to work his fingers through the older man's fat butt cheeks and wiggle a finger up to the doorstep of his ass. Bucky while sucking Duke's dick, proved better at invading his buddy's ass. With his middle finger firmly up Duke's ass, Bucky began stroking in and out. Duke responded by stretching out and pushing back against the anal invasion.

"Want it up the ass?"

Pulling the stubby cock out of his mouth, Duke said, "Oh, yeah."

Bucky leapt from the bed, ran to the bathroom and quickly returned with supplies. He rolled on the condom while Duke lubed up his ass. Bucky sprawled out on the bed, Duke clamored across him, squatted above his prone pal and lined up the head of Bucky's cock and his own asshole. With a shove, the head slipped in, but that was as far as the big dog got. Duke grunted and exhorted himself, but couldn't seem to slide any further down the broad staff.

"Sorry, buddy. I can't. I should have used..."

Strong stubby fingers interrupted him as they grasped his shoulders.

"Take it like a man," came the command from below.

With that, Duke shifted his weight back and with a gasp impaled himself on the thick bayonet between the soldier's thighs. Bucky began thrusting up wildly and within a strokes, Duke rushed his ass downward to meet the thrusts.

"Yeah, that feels good!" Duke moaned.

Bucky only smiled in response and kept jabbing upward, but finally said, "It feels like a mess too." He laughed. "I guess you should have used the bathroom, first. Would you think it weird if I went and cleaned up."

Bucky tossed his lover onto his back and padded off to the bathroom. Duke laid back and admired the hand-painted masks from Mexico that had been enjoying the show. Duke enjoyed watching Bucky clean up, too. Duke returned with a new condom and new hardon.

"Let's do it doggy style this time. Back up to the edge of the bed."

Duke obliged and got to enjoy the show in the mirrored headboard. Bucky standing rigidly on the floor beside the bed, a determined look on his face, his hips slamming into Duke's ass, his right hand alternately striking Duke's left cheek and saluting it. From the mirror, Duke got the impression that the hand carved African warrior on the bookshelf also liked watching the perspiring top at his work.

"I'm sweating like a bitch in heat. I gotta clean up again."

Duke relaxed while his lover made another trip to the bathroom, but upon return he needed help getting hard the third time. TheY fucked again, doggy style, but the older man's strength gave out quickly.

"How about we jerk off together?"

Duke jumped onto the floor next to his retired lover. They stood face to face, stroking their cocks side by side, until Bucky shot a big blast oF jism onto Duke's dick and their left hands, which they'd spread below their dangling balls to keep spew off the Persian rug.

When Buck finished, he forced the big soft head of his dick up against the straining head of Duke's hard dick. Duke's precum oozed over the other man's cock head, greasing the pee slit where Duke finally came, shooting a load into the small triangle of blonde pubic hair on Buck's belly.

As Duke licked the cum off his hands, Bucky went to the bathroom to clean up again.

"I know this might sound weird, but you want to watch a video?"


"No. Some sci-fi classics in black and white."

"An old Steve Reeve's movie?" Duke joked.

"No, Claude Raines as "The Invisible Man," Buck answered.

Duke wasn't fond of the ending, so they settled on one of the Star Trek movies, cuddling, commenting on the studs on the screen and sipping wine until Duke fell asleep.

Duke awoke late the next morning to find himself cuddled up close to Bucky for warmth beneath the single sheet on the Murphy bed. Bucky laid beside him already awake. With a whispered "Good morning", the older man began plying his sleepy lover with compliments about the night before, saying how long since his last lover and how good Duke was in bed.

"And?" Duke asked in a knowing tone.

"Remember, how I said my dick has a mind of its own."

Duke reached beneath their sheet. Sure enough, that squat soldier felt ready to go again. Duke gave him a good tongue-lashing and gulped down the creamy breakfast. Then conversation turned to the jet Duke needed to catch, and Bucky's lunch date.

Duke dressed quickly. Bucky walked him to the door.

"I hope I wasn't too weird, last night," Bucky apologized as he tightly bear hugged Duke goodbye.

Duke found himself looking over the older man's shoulder at the urn on the far wall containing the last remains of his late dog. As the same time, Duke noticed the bone between Bucky's thighs was thinking again.

"No, you weren't too weird. I had a great time."

Duke whistled in the morning sunlight while walking back to his hotel.

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