Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Jun 15, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose 10 -- The Outing

When I arrived home from the session with Clay I was tired and sore. I'd had to stop on the 25-minute drive home to piss behind a tree and still barely made it to the bathroom for the next bladder full. I checked, and there didn't seem to be any serious bruises and the electrical stuff hadn't even left marks. I had expected burns, considering how it felt at the time.

I filled the bathtub with lukewarm water (no, not piss), added some baking soda and sea salt and eased my sore body into the soothing liquid. I have a large tub, so I could lie back comfortably and totally relax. I closed my eyes and drifted in the new state of awareness. It felt like I was in a huge, soft, warm, loving space, with many distant stars, and paradoxically it seemed like it was all inside of me. Once in a while I would mentally sweep through my body and note the sore places, but they never held my attention long. I don't know how long I was there, but the water was definitely cool by the time I was forced to focus on the here and now again by pressure in my bladder.

I gingerly pulled myself out of the tub, stood dripping at the toilet to take care of the most pressing problem and then dried off. I was amazed and perplexed that there was little soreness, but I sure wouldn't complain. I put on soft shorts and a T-shirt then heated leftover stir-fried chicken with veggies and some rice for dinner. I thought about having some wine, but hot tea was what really called.

Soon after dinner I stripped and fell into bed and drifted into that warm space again. I guess I had to piss a couple of times during the night, but at sun up I was wide-awake and feeling great. I went out to the patio with a glass of orange juice and enjoyed the early morning singing of the birds and the smells of the garden and trees. I checked gently, but there didn't seem to be any sore spots left. I sat and meditated for ... I have no idea how long, but it was the ringing of the doorbell that brought me back.

I checked through the peep hole to make sure it was Mark before opening the door wearing just my morning smile. "Good morning, Mark."

He looked me up and down quickly, pausing at my crotch and licked his lips. "Good morning, Bill. I was just taking Bruno out for a walk and wondered if you'd like to join us." He looked happy, so I assumed things were going well with Nancy. Bruno wagged his tail in greeting. He didn't seem to think it was odd seeing me naked either.

"I'd love to. It was going to be a long weekend if we didn't get a little time together. Let me put on some clothes." I put on a pair of shorts and sandals, checked my back in the mirror and decided a T-shirt wasn't needed. We went for a fairly long walk and talked about the previous day. I briefly described mine as a "nice day catching up with an old friend."

Mark told me more details about his. The time with Nancy was going well. They were being very open about their developing relationships, and though there was a little sadness about how their own relationship was changing, there was a lot of pleasure in where things seemed to be headed. When we got back to my house he told Bruno to sit on the porch then stepped in the door so we could hug and kiss. I liked his odor even better with my expanded sense of smell. He looked into my eyes and one eyebrow lifted just a smidgen -- like he was seeing something different but wasn't quite sure what.

I'd been thinking of asking them to dinner, but wasn't sure if it would be the wise thing to do. Finally I decided it was their problem to solve. "Would the two of you like to come to dinner tonight?"

Mark smiled, got a sort of distant look and considered. "I'd like that a lot, but I think I'll let Nancy decide on that one. I'll give you a call later in the morning, if that's OK."

"Good choice." I smiled, and reached up and played with one of his nipples. His eyes glazed and almost closed as he sank into the feeling.

"If you do much of that, Sir, I'll never make it home for breakfast."

"Go home, Boy. We can do more of that later in the week."

"Yes, Sir." He straightened up, squared his shoulders, and stepped out the door. Bruno got up, wagging his tail.

"And, Mark, thanks for asking me to go on the walk."

"Sure. I'm glad you went." He smiled his dazzling smile and they headed down the driveway.

They did in fact accept the invitation. I opted for an easy dinner of grilled pork chops, fresh roasting ears, and a salad, all served with a good Merlot. Dessert was a simple dark chocolate mousse. The three of us had a great time. Nancy was a delightful woman. I could see why things had gone so well for the two of them even if sex wasn't part of the equation. I was sorry Kate wasn't here, too, but it went so well I was sure the four of us would get together at some point.

Mark went home with Nancy, though he looked at me a little wistfully as they were leaving. That was eventually going to be an issue for them to work out. I'd have been happy to have him in my bed that night, but Nancy was going to be on the road again the coming week, so we'd have our times, too.

The new week passed much as the one before had. We both worked late a two nights and had dinner and played a little on two. Mark told me during our `after the event' cuddling Thursday evening that Nancy was going to be in town part of Friday and Friday night to catch up with her office work and to touch base with him. She would head out early Saturday to visit Kate for the rest of the weekend.

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the weekend, Boy?"

"I have a lab meeting again Saturday morning, but after that I'm free, Sir." He had a slight grin and a real gleam in his eye.

"Good. We're going on an outing, Boy. Be here at 1 o'clock sharp. Wear your boots, a jock strap, your old cutoffs, and a tank top."

"Yes, Sir!!" His cock had been listening, too, and stretched out a little, but it was signaling anticipation more than real desire. We cuddled a while longer.

Sigh!! "I guess I should go home and take Bruno out." We clearly needed to fix a place for Bruno at my house so we could spend some nights together. Mark's bed was a twin, and both of us felt their big bed felt off limits, so we hadn't been `sleeping over' yet, though we were both reluctant to part many evenings.

"All in good time." I thought. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mark rang my doorbell exactly on time Saturday afternoon, and he was dressed as instructed. At least I assumed he had a jock on. I was dressed much like he was, except my jock was leather. "Hello, Boy. Let's go." I pointed to the pickup in the driveway. Earlier I'd loaded the bag with all the toys and ropes I would need and a water cooler.

"Yes, Sir."

He was clearly anticipating a good afternoon, considering the bulge in the front of his cutoffs. He looked as excited as a kid going on a camping trip. There was little traffic, so we were soon on country roads. "The collar is under your seat, Boy. Put it on."

"Yes, Sir!"

He found the collar and put it on, making sure it was fairly tight. When we were a few more miles out of town I decided it was time for the next step. "Take your tank top and shorts off, Boy."

Slight hesitation. "Yes, Sir." Maybe he didn't normally drive around in his jock and boots. He smoothly took off the tank top, but had a little trouble getting the cutoffs past his boots. He folded them both neatly on the seat between us.

"Good boy. Now find the leash under the seat and clip it on the collar." He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, probably wondering if he was in for another stint as a dog, but he found the leash and clipped it on and put the end on the seat near me. We passed a few cars, but I don't think anyone in them noticed anything unusual. A farmer in a passing grain truck did honk, though. I thought it was because I was hogging the road a little, but Mark blushed. The bulge in his jock was quite prominent now. It did my heart good to see my Boy having a good time. God, he looked sexy sitting there.

When we got to Clay's place I pulled up next to the barn. The same two cars as last week were near the house. I got out and went around and opened Mark's door, reached across him to get the leash. "Come on, Boy."

He looked at the house for an instant, then at me, then took a deep breath and slid out the door. "Yes, Sir."

I reached behind the seat and got the bag of toys and handed it to him. "Here, carry this." I grabbed the water container and closed the door, took the leash and led him into the barn. "Put the bag there." I pointed at a table.

"Yes, Sir." He was looking around in some amazement.

I had decided I liked the stanchion, so after I put down the water bottle I led him to the same place Clay had taken me the week before. "Bend over and put your head through there." I pointed where I wanted his head. I walked around to the front and clipped the leash down, much as Troy had for me, then closed the bar against the side of his neck. I went to the toy bag and got two pairs of handcuffs, unlocked them with a key on my key ring, then went to stand in front of him again. "Give me your hands."

"Yes, Sir." He reached his hands through on each side of the vertical bars. I put one cuff on his right wrist and clipped the other half around the right bar and repeated the process on the left side. Now he could move his hands up and down a little, but couldn't do much more. I went back to the table and stripped my shirt and shorts off, so I was dressed only in the leather jock and black boots.

I went behind him and moved his feet further apart and then played with his butt for a while -- rubbing, tickling, licking, or spanking as the mood hit me. He moaned and sighed his appreciation. Finally I pulled his cheeks apart a little and teased his asshole. It twitched and winked at me. "You clean in there, Boy?"

Pause. "I don't know, Sir."

"Well, if we end up playing in there, you have to lick the toy clean."

Long pause. "Yes, Sir." From his tone of voice I don't think he relished that idea at all. I'd be willing to bet that from now on he'd take care of that matter with no prompting if we had a play session scheduled. Actually, I wouldn't make him lick it clean; I find the thought pretty disgusting, too. But if a toy came out dirty he'd certainly get put in charge of cleaning it.

There had been one boy I played with a few times who just didn't believe I'd make him lick something clean, so one day I put some peanut butter on a butt plug before I put the condom over it. When it "came out brown" I held his nose and with some effort made him lick it. Only after he'd finally given in did I let go of his nose and let him figure out what he was cleaning up. The sequence of expressions on his face had been priceless.

I reached into the bottom of Mark's jock from behind and pulled his balls out. He had the cock ring on, as usual. I rummaged in the toy bag and found the parachute and attached it firmly around his balls. More searching and I found the 3 pound weight, attached it to a short cord and then the chains, and dropped it a short distance. "Unnnnnhh!!" I gave the weight a push so it would swing around.

"Keep that weight swinging, Boy."

"Yes, Sir!" He started making fucking motions with his hips to keep the weight in motion. He was enjoying this. I watched for a while, then added another one-pound weight. He moaned and let the swing slow down a little, (he did know his physics after all) but he kept it going.

I found my small paddle and rubbed it around on his butt. "I think it time to warm these up, don't you, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!!" He kept the weight swinging as I started tapping first one cheek and then the other, gradually increasing my intensity. An occasional "unnnh." or "ooooh" were his only comments. His butt was getting a pick glow, so I took a break to rub his butt with my hand. "Thank you, Sir." It was warm. I found my larger paddle with holes, and started lightly again.

I picked up the intensity gradually, and his comments got a little louder. "Uuuunnh!!" or "Aaaagh!!" if I hit the same place more than once. As I started hitting harder, his concentration on keeping the weight in motion slipped once in a while, but he was still doing pretty well.

"Good, Boy." I told him as I once again rubbed his butt. It was getting hot now, and was definitely red.

"Thank you, Sir."

I decided to give his ass a break for a few minutes and switched to clothespins. I wanted to make a row of them along the little ridge of skin that runs from the asshole toward the scrotum. I started just above the parachute, where I had to pinch firmly to get enough slack to attach anything at all. "UUUuuuunh!" I kept adding pins as close together as I could all the way to the very edge of his asshole. The last one was in the really sensitive skin. "UUUUUNNNNH!!"

He'd stopped swinging the weight when I was putting the clothespins on. "Start that weight swinging again, Boy."

"Yes, Sir!" He started his fucking motions again.

I decided to add one on each nipple, getting a good hunk of skin in the grip of the pin. He hissed, but otherwise didn't make any noise and kept the weight in motion. I checked, and sure enough there was a big spot of precum on his jock. I got a good smear on a couple of fingers and went around front fed them to him. He sucked them in and tongued them well. "Like a drink, Boy?"

"Yes, please, Sir." I filled a glass from the cooler, added a straw and let him drink as much as he wanted. I ruffled his hair, teased his lips with my fingers, licked his ears -- stuff to amuse him while the pain from the clothespins built up.

Finally I decided they'd been on long enough and walked behind him and gently pulled off the first one I'd applied.

"Uuuuunh!!" Either he was getting used to this or I hadn't waited long enough. I decided to play with his cock through his jock a little. It was fully hard and the wet spot was expanding. I continued this play and reached around and pulled another pin off.

"Aaaaaaaiiiiiiighhh!!" That was good enough, I thought. I went up the line, sometimes wiggling the whole set a little before pulling the next one off. Someplace in here he forgot to keep the weight going.

I slapped his butt hard. "Keep that weight going, Boy!!"

"Yes, Sir!!" he started the fucking motion again. I held the next two pins so they didn't move forward when his butt did, but I let them move backward. In a sense he pulled them off himself. "Aaaeeeeeiiiiiiiigh!!"

"Good, Boy." That left the one in the really sensitive area. I started knocking that one back and forth, up and down.

"Unnnnnhhhh!! Ooooooohhhh!!" I pulled on it gently, not enough to get it off. "Uunnnnngh!!" Finally I took it off and quickly massaged the entire area. "Aaaaaaaawwwwwwhhhhhhhhh!!!!" He was moving his feet around and wiggling his ass as much as he could. The ball weight was bouncing around to add to his pleasure.

"Good boy!!" I rubbed his back and reached through to rub the back of his head. "Good boy." When he calmed down I repositioned his feet and swung the weight and he took over that job again. "Good boy." I pulled out my wooden paddle, one I hadn't used on him before, and started lightly hitting his butt in time with his fucking motions, gradually increasing the intensity yet again.

"Uuuunnnnnnhh!!" was his most common comment until I crossed some magic boundary. "AAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiigh!! AAAAAAAAAAawwwwwwwww!! AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIGGGhhhhh!!" He kept getting louder and louder. The great part of doing this in the country was that he could emote as loudly as he wanted.

"OK, Boy, ask for ten more, and we'll take a break."

Pant, pant, pant. "Yes, Sir!!" He still sounded enthusiastic. Wow!

"Give me one, please, Sir!" I whacked his left cheek solidly. "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhh!! Give me two, please, Sir!" The same on his right. `Nnnnnnniiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhh!! Give me three, please, Sir!" He was great.

"Good boy!!"

"Thank you, Sir!!" I rubbed his butt, even licked it a couple of times. He flinched when I did that. It was hot and quite red now. I opened the bar on the stanchion and went around and released the leash, got out my key and unlocked the handcuffs from his wrists.

"OK, stand up, Boy." He backed his head out of the stanchion and slowly straightened up. I turned him around and hugged him. There were tears running down his face. "Good boy!! Good boy!!"

"Thank you, Sir!" He held on and breathed deeply. Finally he took a deep breath and straightened up and repeated, "Thank you, Sir."

"More water?"

"Yes, please, Sir." I handed him the water glass, and he finished it. I put the glass down, and looked him up and down.

"I think it's time you took the jock off, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He carefully slid it down and worked it over his boots and stood up fingering the wet spot a little. He grinned before folding it carefully and handing it to me. I put it in the toy bag, got the handcuffs and put them in, too, and then took the leash and led him to Clay's cross. After kicking the ball weight on the first step he was careful how he walked.

Clay has a combination of a St Andrew's and a regular cross. I wanted to work on Mark's chest for a while, so I turned him so his back was to it, spread his legs and leaned him against it. He flinched when his butt hit the wood, but didn't say anything. I chained his boots to the bottom parts of the `X'. Next I placed his arms on the horizontal bar and used plastic wrap and went around his arm at the elbow and the cross bar several times. When I was finished he couldn't move his arms or even his torso much at all. Next I did the same to his knees. Finally I turned his collar so the D-ring was at the back and wrapped the leash around the upright so he could barely move his head forward. The weight on his balls was hanging to the side of the upright his butt was leaning on, so it was pulling on his balls and was out of the way at the same time.

He was trying to keep his tender butt from rubbing on the wood, but with all the restraints it was nearly impossible. He settled for trying to hold still. I looked at his nicely toned, tanned, carefully restrained body, his mostly hard and dripping cock, his brown eyes watching me full of trust, and thought it was about as sexy a sight as I could imagine right then. I stepped close, putting one foot on each side of the upright and leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. He responded eagerly, and his cock snapped to rigid attention between us. I played with his tits a little and he moaned into my mouth. I stepped back. "You look very sexy that way, Boy." I told him and stroked his cock a few times.

"Thank you, Sir." he murmured. His eyes were very shiny and maybe a couple of tears formed in the corners.

I stepped to the side and rubbed his chest and belly and cock, collecting some precum on my fingers and letting him suck it off. I licked his ear while he was doing that. He tried to rub his head against mine, but the collar and leash were tight enough he couldn't do that very well. I got the very distinct impression that we were being watched, so after my fingers were quite clean, I went to the toy bag and looked around to see where they might be. I didn't see them, but I was sure Clay was cheating. I pulled out my bag of 200 clothespins. Mark's eyes got a little big as I walked back toward him. I didn't know how many I would actually use.

I started with one grabbing a good hunk of flesh at each tit. "Unnnh." >From there I started an arch up and out over each pec and then down his rib cage, finally converging toward his crotch. I didn't have them touching each other, not quite, but they were close. He was in such good shape it was a little hard to get enough skin to attach each one to, but some good pinching got just enough. Each one got an "Unnnnhhhh." or some heavier panting. After the first 20 or so he wasn't even watching. If his eyes were open they were sort of unfocused and he was breathing heavily. When I got to his cock I made one line out each side and finally attached one on the ridge one each side of the head and a final one on the very tip. Those got his attention, "Oooooonnnnnnnhhhhh!!" I stood back to admire my work. They formed sort of a heart shape on his torso, except there was just not enough loose skin on his chest between his tits to form a line to close the top part.

This had taken long enough to complete that it was time to start removing them. One from each side at a time, starting with the one at the tits, I took them off and rubbed the newly freed skin. "Aiiiinnhhh!" After the first few it was mostly, "Ooooonnnnhh!" until I got to his cock. I gently pulled the ones along the sides off. "Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!!" The last three I took off all at the same time, and then rubbed the head of his cock firmly against my palm. "Aaaaaa AAAAAaaaaaa aAAAAAa aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaaaa!!!" He left quite a smear of precum on my palm though, so I held it in front of his mouth to lick while I rubbed firmly around his chest, belly and cock with my other hand. Part of the time he could lick while I did that, but part of the time he shoved his mouth hard against my hand and moaned.

"Good boy, good boy!" I ruffled his hair and leaned in and kissed him again. He was still looking a little unfocused, but he kissed well.

It was time to go to the clearing in the woods. I cut off the plastic wrap and removed the other restraints and helped him stand up. I poured him a glass of water, which he took gratefully and drank. "Thank you, Sir."

I put all the toys back in the bag and handed it to him, grabbed the thermos of water in one hand and the leash in the other and headed toward the door. "Come on, Boy, there's another place I want you to see." He walked a little carefully, with the weight still pulling on his balls. He was careful on the trip down the path and didn't drop the toy bag or kick his ball weight. I was enthralled by the odors -- the trees, the path, my sweaty boy, the leather - it was a great combination.

I was going to use the same basic setup Clay and Troy had used for me, so after taking the toy bag from him and putting it in a convenient place I positioned him under the hanging rings. "May I pee, please, Sir?"

I had a fiendish thought. "Not yet, Boy." I used my cuffs, ropes and clips with Clay's rings and spreader bar and got him in a standing spread eagle the way I wanted him, and blindfolded him. I walked around him and played with his sore butt and tender tits a little, leaned in and kissed him, palmed his cock and then let him lick my palm. I took the leash off and put it in the toy bag. I could hear Clay and Troy coming down the path. "Well, I gave them permission." I thought. I pulled my medium flogger from my toy bag and stood to one side so I could hit his back easily. "OK, Boy, you can pee any time you want."

I waited and watched as he tried to relax enough to get more than an occasional dribble through his hard cock. Finally he got a small stream started, and I landed the flogger firmly on his shoulders. His cock flexed as his sphincters clenched, and the stream was shut off. "Go ahead, Boy, pee."

"Yes, Sir." and he tried again. Another stroke shut him off again. I waited, and he tried again. Another stroke.

At that point Clay and Troy walked into the clearing.

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 11

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