Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or male/male relations or power and surrender scenes, exit now. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2001 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

Dog on the Loose 12 -

Late in the week after Mark and I had played at Clay's farm we were sitting in my backyard relaxing after dinner. It was a warm evening, and we were both wearing just shorts and tank tops. The sandals had been abandoned by the door.

The yard was very alive for me; odors were distinct and varied and sounds had many nuances. I was very aware of Mark, too, picking up his slightly sweaty male odors and wondering if I was seeing a slight glow surrounding him. I wasn't quite sure whether the contentment with an undercurrent of desire was all mine or came from both of us. It was pleasant just the way it was, but I intended to fan the flames of desire soon. As the almost-full moon started to provide significant light and heighten my libido the doorbell rang.

I headed quietly to the front door, not planning to answer it if whoever was interrupting wasn't someone I wanted to entertain. It was Scott. "This could be interesting." I thought.

I opened the door. "Come in, Scott. Come in."

"Hello, Sir." His smile was slightly bashful.

"Sir? Maybe he's already thinking of playing tonight." I thought.

"A friend and I were just chatting out on the patio. Come on out." His smile dimmed a little maybe. I offered him an iced tea on the way, and he accepted. Mark and I had had some with dinner and more later.

We walked out the back door. I introduced them, describing Mark as "a neighbor from down the street" and Scott as "Nial's grandson who was going to be at the University." They didn't need to know anything more. Not yet, anyway. I eventually steered the conversation around to Scott's major. There would be no playing if they would ever see each other in a classroom. As it turned out that was most unlikely - at least I didn't think ag econ majors took many advanced physics courses.

I still hesitated, though. Mark and I had never talked about three ways. He'd seemed to handle the situation at Clay's place with no problem, so I knew he was OK with nudity and sex not being totally private. I had also been planning to explore something different this evening, and I wasn't sure how he would feel about doing that with a third person. I sat back quietly and watched the two of them talking, and my sense was that they were pretty comfortable with each other. I finally decided to go for it and apologize later if it freaked either of them out too much.

Soon Mark provided the opening I needed. "Too much tea. I'll be back in a minute," he said, getting out of his chair.

"Stay right here, Boy," I told him. His mouth dropped open in amazement as he looked from me to Scott. He clearly hadn't been expecting to play with Scott there. There was no "Yes, Sir." but he did stay.

I turned to Scott. "You were hoping to play when you came over tonight, weren't you, Son?"

"Yes, Sir."

"This will be new to you guys. Do you trust me?"

"Yes, Sir." Scott answered immediately. Mark was noncommittal, clearly reserving judgment.

I pulled a small cord out of my pocked and turned to Mark, "Hands behind your back, Boy." He hesitated just slightly, then complied.

"Yes, Sir." It was barely more than a whisper. He was going to go along with me, though grudgingly. Since we were outside in my yard, he had to know we couldn't make too much noise. What I knew and they didn't was that both Nial and the neighbor on the other side were out of town. I positioned his arms so I could tie his thumbs together. It's interesting how a small cord can so effectively immobilize a man's hands.

I looked at Scott. "Strip, Son."

Clear hesitation. This was a lot earlier in the evening than when he'd been naked here before. Finally, "Yes, Sir." He took off his sneakers, tank top, shorts, and jock and put them in a neat pile on the table. I admired the view as he stood naked in the light of the moon, his cock already hard, his solid 5'8" frame almost glowing. Mark was clearly interested. I reached over and massaged the bulge in his shorts. He was aroused and thrust gently into my hand.

"Come play with Mark's tits, Son, while I go get some stuff from inside." Scott came to stand in front of Mark and somewhat hesitantly reached up to place his hands on Mark's chest so his thumbs could tease the nubs through the fabric of the tank top. I watched for a minute and then headed inside.

First I got some towels and then went to the kitchen to get the iced tea and a straw for Mark's glass. I put it all on a tray and walked quietly back to the sliding screen and just stood watching. Scott had maneuvered his hands so his thumbs were under the tank top now and I could hear little murmurs of pleasure from Mark. Soon Scott slid one hand out of the tank top, reached down and cupped Mark's crotch while he bent to lick the tit through the thin fabric. Mark sighed and leaned his head down, trying to lick Scott's ear. Things were going well. I chose that moment to open the door, and Scott jerked his hand away, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and backed away from Mark. I poured each of us a new glass of tea, handed Scott his, then held the one with the straw for Mark. "Drink up, boys." I told them.

"But." Mark started to protest. His bladder was full already, and even the thought of more tea was too much.

"Drink it, boys." I said firmly.

"Yes, Sir." from both of them and they drank it down.

When Mark was finished I put his glass on the table and told him, "On your knees over there under the tree, Boy." He moved to the mulched area under the tree and gracefully sank to his knees. "Now sit back." He sat back on his heels. "Now, Boy, you can piss any time you want."

"But, Sir.." a note of panic in his voice.

"We can wait as long as you want, Boy." I told him.

Plaintive sigh. "I'm not sure that's all I need to do, Sir."

"Then we'll deal with whatever happens, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." subdued, resigned, eyes closed. He'd closed off, moved into himself further than I'd seen in a long time. I really hoped I hadn't pushed too far; I had more planned.

I took Scott's hand and led him to a spot a short distance from Mark's back. Moving back in front of Mark, I watched him tense his belly. He was trying to force the urine flow to start. "Relax, Boy. Take a deep breath." I told him. I knelt beside him and massaged his belly. "You don't have to force it. Just relax and it'll flow."

"Could you straighten my cock out in my pants, Sir? That might help."

"Sure." I was always ready to help my boy when he needed it, especially with things like that. I reached into his shorts, under his jock, and created some space by cupping my hand and freed his half hard cock from its cramped position. I massaged it briefly, played with his balls a little, and finally left his cock pointing straight up toward his belly button. He wasn't wearing the cock ring tonight.

"Thank you, Sir."

"You ready to piss, Son?"

"I certainly could, Sir." Scott responded. Mark was concentrating on his own problem so much he didn't notice where Scott was standing.

"Go ahead."

Scott looked surprised, pointed at Mark's back and looked at me with his eye brows raised. I nodded. He had a doubtful look on his face as he aimed, trying to relax enough to piss through his hard cock.

I went back and stood in front of Mark, unbuttoned my shorts, pulled my cock out of my jock and aimed at his chest. I could see a small dark spot on Mark's shorts, so he had managed to relax briefly. Scott and I finally let go at about the same time, so Mark was hit, front and back, with hot streams running down his chest and back, running into his tank top, running down his skin into his shorts. "Awwwwwww!!" He hadn't expected that. Since this was mostly from iced tea, there wasn't much odor. "Ahhhhhh!!." as he finally relaxed and started pissing a full stream into his pants. A noisy fart explained his other concern.

I waved my cock back and forth, covering all of Mark's chest and belly. I didn't try to hit his crotch, since the shorts would dull any effect of that, and I didn't try to hit his face. I'd leave that for another time. Scott was watching and followed my lead. "Unnnnnnh." Mark was immersed in the sensations. I wasn't sure if he liked it or was appalled. After Scott and I had finished, piss kept running out of Marks shorts for some time - he really had had to go! Finally he shuddered all over, opened his eyes and looked at me, his expression unreadable in the moonlight. He was still pretty closed off from me.

"Come around here, Son." Scott came around to me and I positioned him so his cock was at Mark's mouth. Mark looked questioningly at me. "Just make sure it's clean and won't drip, Boy." I told him.

He leaned forward and gingerly tongued the end of Scott's cock, then pulled it into his mouth and started moving his tongue under it. Scott reacted as I expected. He groaned and pumped his hips and shot his load after only a few seconds. Mark jerked in surprise but held the pulsing cock in his mouth until Scott was finished. Scott finally let out a big sigh and stepped back, pulling his cock free. It was still hard.

"I didn't tell you you could cum, Son." I reminded him. "We're going to have to punish you for that."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I . errr, ummm, ... Yes, Sir." He was remembering he had had fun the last time I punished him for that.

"OK, get up, Boy." Mark got to his feet, and I went behind him and untied his hands. "Son, I want you to take Mark's clothes off for him."

All of Mark's clothes were soaked, and I could tell by Scott's expression that he wasn't thrilled about handling them. He pulled Mark's tank top out of his shorts and then up his torso. Mark raised his arms, closing his eyes and mouth tightly, so Scott could get it the rest of the way off. I don't think it was intentional, but Scott managed to get Mark's face pretty wet in the process. He just dropped it on the mulch.

"Neatly, Son." I told him.

He picked it up again, gingerly, tried to straighten it out and fold it while touching it as little as possible, and put it back down. Then he dropped to his knees in front of Mark, reached up and unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them and his jock down at the same time. He held them while Mark stepped out of them, then put them neatly on top of the tank top. He stayed on his knees looking at Mark's cock, unconsciously licking his lips.

"I'm sure Mark would like it if you cleaned up his cock, Son." Scott sat looking at it a few moments longer than gingerly reached up to hold it with his thumb and forefinger and touched the tip with his tongue. I guess the flavor was acceptable - he started licking the head gently. Finally he held Marks balls with one hand and cock with the other while he pulled the whole head in his mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmm!" Mark was pleased, but I didn't want things to go too far yet.

"Come over here on the lawn, Boys." As they came to the lawn I turned on the water in the hose at a medium flow. "Son, I think you need to rinse Mark down." Scott took the hose, partially covered the end with his thumb and started spraying Mark's back. The water had been sitting in the hose all day, so it wasn't cold yet. Mark turned so it rinsed his front, bent to get his face in it, and then turned his back to Scott again.

"Better bend over and let him rinse your asshole, too, Boy." I told him.

Mark looked at me with a slight frown. "Yes, Sir." He bent over and pulled his cheeks apart so Scott could rinse the area well. Scott had taken his thumb off the end so just a stream of water was running out, and he held the hose close and just let it run down Mark's crack.

"Make sure it's clean, Son. You may want to lick it later." It was Scott's turn to look at me, probably appalled, but he did use his left thumb to rub Mark's hole enough to make sure it was clean.

"OK, Boys, trade jobs." When Mark stood up he was mostly hard, and I don't think Scott's cock had ever drooped. Mark took the hose and they repeated the sequence almost exactly. Scott even bent over and pulled his cheeks apart without any prompting. Mark pointed the hose squarely at Scott's pucker, and I had the impression that Scott leaned back toward it a little.

"Hold on a minute, Boys." They watched me as I went over to the spigot and reduced the flow to just over a trickle. "Now, Mark, hold the end of the hose gently against your target there, but don't let it back up." He did as I suggested while I stood where I could see what was happening.

Scott was breathing a little raggedly. He turned his head to look at me. "Do whatever you want, Socttboy." He didn't move for a few moments and then leaned back against the hose more firmly. Water continued to run down his crack and off the back of his balls. Then he apparently relaxed his sphincter a little, because the external flow stopped. He gasped but held still; by now it was cold water in the hose. Then he relaxed a little more, and the end of the hose sank a little deeper, not entering, but it was pushing against a relaxed muscle now. Then he took a deep breath, and as he let it out he relaxed even more and pushed back so an inch or two of the hose slid inside.

"That's probably deep enough, Son." I told him. "That's pretty cold water, so just a little more, then Mark will pull it out." After less than a minute I motioned to Mark and he pulled it out gently. Scott's hole clamped down quickly when the hose came out, and he stood up slowly.

"Come over here, Son." I led him to the side of the compost pile and using the shovel I kept there dug a hole for him. "Dump it there when you're ready," I told him, "and cover it up when you're finished. It'll take a little while; don't rush it." Scott squatted over the hole and I heard a rush of water as he let go. I don't normally put human waste in my yard, but this seemed like a good time to make an exception.

I went over to the table and picked up a towel. "Come over here, Boy." Mark came over, shivering slightly in spite of the warm air. I dried him off, doing a very complete job. "You OK with all this, Boy?" I asked him.

"It was a surprise, Sir, and a little strange. But I'm .. OK." It sounded pretty tentative to me.

"You did very well, Boy. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Sir." He smiled, but not as fully as I had come to expect.

"You ready to top Scott for a while?"

Big smile! "Yes, Sir!" Maybe he'd been concerned about his 'status.' That was an area I didn't want him to have any doubts at all about.

I put my hands on his shoulders. "Look at me." He looked me in the eyes. "No matter what situations I get you into, you are my First and Best Boy, Mark. Never doubt that." I kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you, Sir." he whispered. As he moved to hug me I thought maybe I saw a little glint of extra moisture in his eyes.

When we released each other I told him, "When Scott comes back over, use the hose to wash his ass and legs and then dry him off like I did you. Then I want you to take him to the basement, spreadeagle him on his back on the bed and .. well, do what you want."

"Yes, Sir." He got an amused, thoughtful look.

"You may have noticed he has a hair trigger, but I don't want him to cum again until later. I'll pick up things out here then come down and enjoy the show."

"Yes, Sir." He had a somewhat fiendish grin at that point.

"He's new at this, so be sort of easy on him. And Boy?" Mark looked at me, eyebrow lifted. "Don't forget to drink some more tea." A slow smile spread across his face.

"May I have the cord you used to tie my thumbs together?" he asked. I dug it out of my pocket and handed it to him. He took it and then realized he didn't have a pocket to store it in. He grinned, looped it around his cock and balls loosely and tied it. At least he knew where it was.

Scott finally came back over. "Let Mark wash you again, Son." I turned up the water flow again.

Mark sprayed him down, front and back with the now chilly water. "Bend over, Boy, and let me wash your ass." he said, taking charge. He took his thumb off the end of the hose and let the water run as Scott had earlier, using his other hand to make sure Scott's asshole was clean and his legs were well rinsed. "I think we're finished with the hose, Sir." he told me when he was satisfied. "Stand up, Boy, and come over here." He led Scott to the table, picked up the towel and dried him thoroughly. "Spread your legs, Boy, and put your hands behind your back." Scott obeyed. Mark removed the cord from his own cock and balls, then wrapped one end around Scott's balls fairly tightly and tied it off. That left him a short leash to lead Scott around with.

I moved in front of Scott and put my hands on his shoulders, looking directly in his eyes. "Mark is going to take you down to the basement and entertain you for a while, Son. I want you to behave yourself."

"Yes, Sir."

Mark tugged gently on the cord. "This way, Boy." and led Scott into the house. Scott voluntarily kept his hands behind his back.

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 13

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