Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on May 28, 2023


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2001 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------------- Dog on the Loose 15 --

We parked, walked to the club, checked in at the door and paid the cover. We were arriving about 45 minutes after they officially opened the door, so there was already a reasonable crowd. Two tops were in full leather, one slave was completely naked (not even hair), another wore chaps, a cod piece, a leather vest, boots and had a gray bandanna prominently displayed on his right side. Many others were dressed more or less like we were. I introduced Mark to the men I knew by name and his naturally outgoing nature carried him smoothly through the introductions

I took him to my locker and we put our jackets and T-shirts in it. I pulled my harness out of the toy bag and put it on, and we both put our vests back on. I looked at him a moment and thought he was over dressed. "Leave you Levi's here, too, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He didn't hesitate at all. After parading around at the store during the afternoon I guess this didn't seem that threatening. When he stood up from putting his boots back on, I checked him out and concluded that the harness really detracted from the over all effect.

"I think that harness is a little too much, maybe. Do you want to take it off?"

He contemplated for a moment then shook his head. "I think I'd like to keep it on for a while, Sir. I like the feel."

"OK. You can take it off later if you want. The drinks are over here." I led the way to the cooler. "Let's grab something and head down to the dungeon." He got nervous again. We got two bottles of water and went down the stairs and walked into a large room that had at least two of everything my home dungeon had. It also had jail cells, dog cages, a rack, some suspension bars on pulley systems, a couple of horses similar to the one Clay had, three slings, a dentist's chair, an examining table and more. His eyes got a little wide, but he relaxed again -- this was mostly familiar stuff.

So far guys were mostly milling around, checking out who was there, and introducing themselves to new faces. Conversations down here were quieter, but were as friendly as upstairs in the social area. I introduced Mark to a few more men, then we drifted to one end to watch the beginning of a flogging scene. The bottom had stripped and the top was tying him tightly to a St. Andrew's cross. The bottom was a fellow who had told me at an earlier party that he wanted me to give him a "light" flogging. By the time he'd had enough I was drenched in sweat. I wondered what he'd told this top.

Then I spotted one of the out-of-town members I'd met only once. I'd watched him flog two different men and had decided I wanted him to top me if we ever had the chance and I had told him so at the time. Ben was about 5'10", with a mixed ancestry that gave him widely spaced brown eyes, straight black hair, skin the color of tea, high cheek bones, and white teeth that flashed when he smiled. He initially gave me the impression of being a little cocky, but after watching him at work I decided it was well-justified confidence. I grabbed Mark by the hand and led him toward Ben, "There's someone over here you should meet."

I introduced them and we exchanged a few pleasantries. Ben reached up and played with Mark's chain and looked at me. "We got it this afternoon. Like it?" I asked.

"Looks great on you, Mark." He looked back at me. "Have anything planned this evening?"

"Not yet," I told him. "We just got here and I don't think Mark even knows all the possibilities yet. You?"

He got the hint that I needed to talk to Mark. "I need to catch up with some other buddies. See you around." He smiled at us, winked and walked off. We wandered and watched some other scenes starting. "Have you seen anything in particular you want to try tonight, Boy?"

"Nothing specific. Just thinking about you tying me to any of these things and ... well, having your way with me has me hard."

"I need to ask a question, Mark." He looked at me, concern showing in his eyes. He wasn't sure why I'd shifted to `Mark.'

"Ben, the fellow we just met is a superb top. I've watched him flog two different men, and I decided I wanted him to do me the next time he was in town. Would you be willing to be moral support for me while he does it? It doesn't have to happen tonight if it makes you uncomfortable."

He thought for a few moments. "Will that take all night?"

"God, no, I couldn't take that much! Ben will want to play with other guys, too.

"So you'll have time to do something to me, too?"

"Sure. One thing I've been fantasizing about is fucking you in one of those slings." He looked around the room and then at the sling. I think he was realizing there'd be an audience if we did that.

"I might be ready for that later." A little silence. "What does `moral support' entail?"

"As much as possible I'd want you there looking me in the eyes, keeping me centered and grounded. He can get pretty intense."

"Boy would be very happy to do that, Sir."

"Thanks, Mark." We hugged. "Now, I'd better go get on Ben's dance card. You can come along if you want, but we're not glued together, either."

"I think I'll wander around and watch some of these guys, then."

I had last seen Ben heading up the stairs, so that's where I went. He was talking to one of the members I knew well. I walked over and joined them and the three of us chatted briefly, then Ben looked at me, "Ready for a good flogging?"

"Yeah, I talked to Mark, and he's OK with it. I want him there as moral support for me."

"I can work with that." Ben grinned. "How about in 20 minutes or so?"

"Great, I'll see you downstairs." I grabbed another bottle of water and went back down to the dungeon. I liked the smoke free atmosphere there, and I came to these parties to be near the action, whether I was in it or not. Mark spotted me pretty quickly and winked at me from across the room, but didn't budge He was watching someone get mummified in plastic wrap. The guy was blindfolded, his cock and balls had been left out, and he was already hard. I could imagine a number of things they might do to that exposed cock.

An electrical scene was getting set up close to me, and the flogging across the room had started. Two guys under one of the pulley systems were getting ready to do a total suspension scene of some sort, and in the corner I saw a fellow who liked to do "medical" scenes. It would be a good night at the clubhouse.

I slowly worked my way to Mark's side and put my arm around him. He leaned into me and grinned. "This is great!"

"Glad you're having fun, Boy." We watched as the guys worked on the mummy's cock, getting him close to cumming then not touching him at all until he cooled down, then starting over. After several cycles the fellow was getting pretty frustrated. "If they ever let him cum he'll shoot clear across the room." I murmured to Mark.

"I'm getting frustrated just watching." he observed. At that point Ben came up behind us and put his arms around our shoulders. He'd lost some clothes someplace. He was wearing Levi's, boots and a black leather vest that showed off his abdominals nicely.

"Hey, Mark, let's take your Old Man over to that cross, strip him and tie him up so we can have some fun." Mark looked at me with a slightly quizzical expression. I rolled my eyes but nodded, so they both grabbed an arm and led me to the unused St. Andrew's cross. This one had a horizontal bar as well as the X. Mark helped me strip then put my boots back on while Ben got out his ropes, floggers and some paddles and put them on a nearby bench. He also took off his vest, revealing a great chest.

"OK, Buddy, assume the position!" Ben said in his deepest voice.

"Yes, Sir." I stepped up to the cross, spread my legs so they paralleled the bottom parts of the X, slipped my toes into the little arches provided, and spread my arms along the horizontal bars. Ben used two ropes to tie my feet tightly in position. Then he put leather restraints on my wrists and used ropes to pull my arms out toward the ends of the bar. I certainly wasn't going far.

He stepped behind the cross and looked me in the eyes while he reached under the crossing bars and discovered that my cock and balls were easy to get to. "You sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Mark, come over here." Mark came and stood beside Ben. "Feel these." Ben guided Mark's hand to my genitals and encouraged him to stroke me a few times. I looked Mark in the eyes and grinned my appreciation. "Now, I'm going to work from the other side. I want you to keep Bill grounded if you can, encourage him to breath if he needs it, and let me know if he wants to tell me something."

"Yes, Sir." Ben moved behind me and started stroking my back, from my shoulders to the bottom of my butt using his finger tips, finger nails, the flat of his hand and even tongue. Mark took up his position in front of me and looked me in the eyes. "I love you, Sir." he said quietly.

"Thank you, Boy. I love you, too." We looked into each other's eyes and Mark synchronized his breathing with mine. Ben picked up one of his floggers and started going over my back lightly, then my butt, then my back again while Mark and I continued our own communication. Ben worked my butt a little with one of his paddles, then started a new sequence with a heavier flogger. I was so lost in Mark's eyes and in our breathing together I was oblivious to any discomfort Ben's efforts were causing. Then Ben upped the intensity again, and my attention started moving back and forth between the sting of the flogger tails and the pool of comfort Mark's eyes provided.

Ben stopped and stepped up to my back and leaned his body against mine. I was startled by how sensitive my skin was now. "You doing OK, Buddy?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir. I'm doing great, Sir."

"Gooood." There was delight and maybe a little menace in that one word. He knew what was coming. "Let's move to the next level. This is going to work him a little harder, Mark." He selected a new flogger and drug it across my shoulders. It felt hard and heavy. The first blow was not a hard one, but I knew the intensity was building.

"Stay with me, Boy. I'm going to need you soon." Mark looked a little worried, but his gaze never wavered. Ben's rhythm changed. He started doing four light blows on alternate sides of my back and then a heavy one, four and one, four and one, and the heavy ones were bouncing me against the cross.

I started to let my eyes drift closed, but Mark grabbed me by the hair and said, "Stay here, Sir." With an effort I focused on him and synchronized my breathing with his again. When the blows ended I took a deep breath and relaxed slightly. I smiled at Mark, and then yelled as Ben pulled his fingernails down my very sensitive skin.

"Need a drink, Buddy?" I nodded. Ben handed Mark a sports water bottle so he could squirt some water in my mouth. I needed that. Some missed and ran down my front, and that was good, too. "Play with him a little while I get a drink." Ben suggested.

Mark reached under the cross and started playing with my balls and stroking my cock. "I see what you mean about `intense,' Sir." he kissed me. I was high on endorphins but Mark was keeping me from floating away completely. In the interlude I noticed my awareness was growing. I was more aware of Mark's body odors, and the odors and sounds in the room. Ben was expanding what Clay had inadvertently started.

Ben came back. "OK, Buddy, one more round?" I nodded. Mark backed up a little and we again gazed into each other's eyes. What I didn't see was that Ben picked up the horsetail flogger. On the first stroke it felt like I was hit with a hundred lines of fire. I'm sure I yelled, and at the same time I snapped into ... what would you call it? ... endorphin space?. I was still there looking into Mark's eyes, but I was detached and watching from some place else, too. Ben soon switched back to two leather floggers, swinging one in each hand crossing my back and butt in a succession of quick blows. Each one seemed to send me floating higher. Mark was looking worried, telling me to stay with him, but I think he knew I was only there in body.

Then it stopped. Ben stepped up behind me and leaned on me again. I barely noticed. "You did good, Buddy." and kissed my ear. I was barely there, mostly floating. "Better give him another drink, Mark." I opened my mouth and Mark squirted cool water in. That brought me back a little. "Hold him to the cross while I untie him." Mark moved behind me and pressed against me while Ben took the restraints off my wrists and untied my feet. "Let's take him over there." They backed me up, looped my arms around their shoulders and walked me to a padded bench nearby and sat me down. I knew what was going on, but I was still floating in my own special place.

Mark turned my head to face him. "Are you OK, Bill?" He looked really worried. I smiled and nodded; I still couldn't say anything. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder. To his credit he just held me and didn't ask anything more. I finally took a deep breath and opened my eyes and looked at him. Tears were running down his cheeks.

"That was fantastic. Thank you, Mark, for doing that for me. I couldn't have gone nearly that far without you."

He shook his head in amazement. "I was worried about you, Bill, Sir. I had no idea you'd ... go away like that."

"I didn't know I'd go that far." I smiled. "How about some more water?" He handed me the bottle and I downed the rest of it. I was starting to center again. "I need to pee. Want to help me?" We stood, I looped my arm over his shoulder and we walked to the restroom. I leaned against the wall with both arms and he aimed my cock for me while I took a good long piss. There was so much I was surprised I hadn't totally lost it and pissed on the floor.

By the time I was finished I was feeling pretty grounded again, but still leaned against Mark a little as we walked back to where my clothes were. "I think I'll just put my jock on for now." I told him. He got it from the pile and helped me into it.

"I need to sit a bit longer," I told him, "another bottle of water would be great." He looked me in the eyes again.

"You look pretty focused again." He grinned. "You're sure you're OK?"

"I'm fine, Mark." Ben came over and sat down beside me.

"I've never seen anyone do it that way before. You and Mark had a great connection!"

"I don't think I could have taken that last round without him." Mark smiled at knowing he'd been that important.

"If you'll stay here a few moments, I'll get him some more water." Mark told Ben.

"Sure. I'll make sure he doesn't get in any trouble." Mark grinned and headed upstairs. While he was gone Ben and I mostly just sat there. It was still too good to spoil with trivial conversation, and Ben understood that.

Soon Mark was back with the water. "Thanks, Boy. I'm going to sit here a few minutes longer. Why don't you go watch some scenes? You might see something you want to try." He looked around.

"Yeah, I might."

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. Send them to

Next: Chapter 16

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