Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Apr 4, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

Dog on the Loose 4 --

Mark stopped by on the way home from work on Friday, as promised. He had that TGIF look. I hoped it was because he was looking forward to a weekend of playing.

"Hi, Mark, come in!" as I held the door open for him.

"Hi, Bill. I still need to go home, change clothes, and walk Bruno. If it's OK, I'd like to go for a run, too."

"That works fine for me." I told him. "How about a grilled steak and some veggies for dinner when you finish all that."

"That'd be wonderful! Uhhh, what should I wear, Sir?"

"Just something casual. I'd like to talk more than play tonight."

His brow furrowed, a worried look appeared. "Any problem, Sir?"

"No, it's just that I'm curious about why you suddenly showed up on my door step the other night. I'd like to get better acquainted, too"

He relaxed. "You know, I would really like that. OK, I'll go for a run with Bruno, take a shower and come back over. Maybe an hour or so?"

"Good. I'll have the grill hot and the table set."

I cleaned up a bit and put on comfortable shorts and a black T-shirt with a very alert looking wolf on it. It let me show off a little but not be too obvious about it. It was good barefoot weather, so that was it.

I got the grill ready, fixed salads, and got some broccoli ready to steam. I set the steaks out and put a little Worcestershire Sauce and garlic salt on them. I selected a bottle of good Cabernet Sauvignon, but didn't open it. If Mark didn't drink or didn't want wine, I'd save it for another time when it could be shared with someone. (Hey, just because I like leather doesn't mean I don't know how to set out a good meal.)

He was back almost exactly an hour later, looking quite sexy in shorts that were short enough to show off his muscled thighs and tight enough to give a hint of what was under them. His tank top wasn't too tight but didn't leave a lot to the imagination either. Sandals completed the outfit. He looked good enough to eat. We might or might not get to that this evening. We apparently had several days to play anyway.

"Like a drink?" I asked as I led him to the kitchen.

"Just water for now. I need to rehydrate more before I drink anything stronger. You might take advantage of me if I get drunk." He grinned.

"Yeah, I might." I smiled. "Wine with dinner?" as I showed him that bottle.

"That'd be great. Hey, that's a good wine, too."

"Go ahead and open it then." I said and handed him the corkscrew. He opened the bottle while I got glasses of water for both of us for now.

We took our drinks out to the patio, and I started the grill. It was a great evening to sit out and talk before dinner. As I expected, Mark was a very easy man to talk to. He had a wide variety of interests, his research in very high speed micro-circuits was interesting to me, and he was intrigued by my computer consulting work and how I got involved in it. His smile and laugh were as delightful as ever. I looked at the tree I'd tied Scott to a few nights earlier and wondered if Mark would like being restrained the same way. I filed that idea away for use later, whether tonight or not.

After a while, I put the steaks on and started the broccoli steaming. I put Mark in charge of setting the table, putting out the salads, etc. Soon we were enjoying a great dinner and the conversation continued easily. After dinner he helped clear the table and put things in the dishwasher. We moved back to the patio with the rest of the wine. It was a wonderful night to sit out and talk; and no insects showed up to cause problems.

As twilight was settling in I finally started asking about some of the more personal stuff. "I'm curious, Mark, why you came over the other night, claiming Bruno had run into my garden again. It was pretty obvious that you had planned it."

"Yeah, well..." Big sigh. "Maybe I should start a little further back than that.

"When I was a teenager I started fantasizing about sex with men. While I jacked off I imagined some man spanking me, tying me up, maybe tormenting me or punishing me in some way and maybe getting me off. That sort of thing has been my favorite jack-off fantasy for years."

"But you got married?" I sort of asked, sort of stated.

"Nancy and I were good friends and dated in high school and then went to the same college and continued dating. Our parents started pressuring us to get married, and we finally just gave in. Neither of us was excited about it, but we were best of friends, and still are, for that matter. There just isn't any sexual fire there. We had sex a few times, but neither of us seems to have any interest in pushing it. We sleep together and cuddle occasionally, but it never goes beyond that anymore. We sleep in separate bedrooms most of the time because our sleep and work habits are so different." That explained why he wasn't too worried about the cock ring or the bruise on his ass.

"Anyway, over the last, what, 10 years, I've jacked off a lot and fantasized a lot. I really didn't want to admit I was gay, I guess, and first grad school and then this new job have kept me busy enough I just never dealt with it. Until now, that is. Seeing you around the neighborhood or working in your garden fit right into my fantasies, though. You're my type, and it didn't take too long to figure out you were into leather and into guys. Then that day a month or so ago, I caught a glimpse of you in your back yard through the bushes when I was taking Bruno out -- ragged cutoffs and no shirt. I kept seeing that picture while I was running and really really wanted to figure out a way to see you up close and not be too obvious about it."

"So you sent Bruno into the yard?" I laughed.

Little grin. "No, he saw that squirrel and started chasing it. Fortunately it went into your back yard. My contribution was just not stopping him.

"Anyway, what I saw up close almost made me cream my shorts. And what you said about punishing me if I couldn't make my dog behave gave me great jack off material for days. And then you teased me about it on the street that one day and set off more JO sessions. Finally I just had to see if you would do what you said. I hoped you would and was afraid you would. But I was ready to experience my fantasy."

"Well, it didn't take me long to figure out it wasn't just a spur of the moment thing."

We were quite for a bit. Finally I asked, "Can I ask why you cried that first night?"

"Pent up frustration, mostly. I'd fantasized about that happening for years. For the last few months it's been about you doing it. When it finally happened, it was ... fantastic. I was so happy I could barely stand it. ... I hope you aren't mad."

"Mark, I liked you the day I met you. Then when Bruno ran into the yard I noticed you were really checking me out, and I had my own JO sessions. I'm really glad we managed to connect!"

"So am I ... so am I."

We sat in companionable silence for a few minutes. I became aware of the smells and sounds of the of the yard, and of Mark's breathing. An opossum wandered in through the hedge and didn't even seem to notice we were there. He was checking out the compost pile, and froze when we laughed at his antics trying to climb up the fence. It felt like we'd known each other for years, and maybe we had, somehow. I was starting to think it might be play time, and my cock was flexing at the idea, nudging at my shorts, looking for a way out, when Mark sighed.

"Sir?" Ahh, he was switching modes, too. "Nancy is going to be calling about 10:30 to tell me she got to St Louis safely and how the setup for the conference has gone, and shit like that -- it's something we always do when we are travelling. It was never a hindrance before." he added wistfully.

I figured it was toward 10, so we didn't have much time left tonight, but he must be thinking of playing at least a little. "OK, strip, Boy." I said, but not too loud, since we were out in the yard.

He almost jumped out of his chair, "Yes, Sir!" He was out of his tank top, shorts and sandals in no time, and stood naked in front of me. He hadn't worn any underwear tonight, either. I reached out and grabbed his balls in one hand and his rapidly rising cock in the other. He still had my cock ring on, and I wondered if he'd ever taken it off. I fondled his equipment sort of roughly for a few moments.

I stood up and played with his tits, first gently tweaking them and gradually pinching them harder and harder. He started making little "uuhnh" noises. At least twice he started to pull away and then thought better of it. Finally I let go and walked over to the tree where I'd tied Scott earlier and put my arms on the same limbs I'd used with him. It was a pretty comfortable way to stand, actually. "Come over here, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." he approached, stepping gingerly, but the mulch under the tree was pretty friendly on the feet, and knees, for that matter.

"On your knees, Boy!" He dropped to his knees in front of me. I grabbed his head and rubbed his face on my crotch. "You want what's under there, don't you, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" he said with feeling.

"You can take my shorts off, Boy, but you can't use your hands."

For a moment he looked confused, then the light dawned and almost immediately he had his mouth at the waistband of my shorts, trying to open the button. They were old enough so that wasn't too difficult. All he had to do to pop the other buttons open was to pull sideways -- the way all well worn 501's work. He worked them off my hips setting my cock free to finish expanding, and let them drop down my legs. I stepped out of them, and he used his teeth lay them to the side. He straightened up in front of me and watched while I stripped out of my T-shirt and dropped it on my shorts. His gaze went back to my crotch where my hard cock was happily bobbing in the night breezes. He licked his lips, but waited for my command.

"Go ahead, Boy, suck it."

He started to reach for it. "No hands!" I warned him. So he held onto my legs and leaned in and gingerly tongued the end, tasting my precum. He nuzzled his nose into my pubic hairs and inhaled, savoring my male musk. He pushed my cock up with his nose and licked my balls and sucked them into his mouth. I remembered he liked doing that the first night we played.

He finally backed off and gently took the head in his mouth. From what he'd told me, he'd never done this before, so I started giving him a few directions: "Use your tongue all around the head ... slide down a little further and use your tongue along the bottom ... yeah, good boy, ... a little more in your mouth and move in and out a little ... watch the teeth! ... keep that tongue moving ... lips a little tighter..." He was unskilled but an ardent student. He had wanted to do this for a long time. Suddenly he plunged down on it as far as he could, hoping to deep throat me, I guess, but that triggered his gag reflex big time. "Take it easy, Boy, that takes practice."

He backed off for a second to catch is breath and then started more slowly again. I grabbed his hair and held his head still and did a few short strokes on my own. Enough to give him some ideas but not deep enough to gag him again. When I let go he did some more work with his tongue and then a few faster strokes and then back to tongue work. "This boy learns fast." I thought. "Good, Boy." I encouraged.

"Do you want to cum tonight, Boy?"

"Yyeff, uleef, uir." he mouthed around my cock. He nodded his head firmly, too, in case I had any doubts.

"OK, you can stroke yourself while you're sucking me, but if you cum you have to wear a ball stretcher tonight. Got that?"

He nodded and reached for his cock and started stroking. I don't know that he knew what a ball stretcher was, but he was willing to risk it. "And if you cum before I do, it'll be a two inch ball stretcher instead of the short one." His stroking slowed down. I think he suddenly got a pretty clear picture of what a ball stretcher might be. He kept moving on my cock, though, while slowly stroking his own 7 inches.

I was tempted to prolong this; I was pretty sure if I tried I could last longer than he would, and the idea of watching him cringe and catch his breath as I closed the snaps on the long ball stretcher appealed to me. On the other hand, I didn't want him to mess up his arrangement with Nancy. It seemed to work for them and left him quite horny for his time with me. Besides, we'd have most of the weekend for many hours of more serious play.

Shortly I gave in and grabbed his head and started fucking his mouth firmly. Mostly I used short strokes that he could handle easily, but once in a while I'd thrust firmly against the back of his throat. He gagged each time, but didn't try to pull back and tried gamely to keep his tongue moving and his lips tight. Finally I started shooting in his mouth and down his throat. He didn't pull back, and that was enough to send him over the edge, too. He stopped moving and just moaned around my cock spurting its load in his mouth. He'd been pretty well charged up himself; I felt one of his shots hit my right knee and another my left ankle.

When we both had recovered a little, he started cleaning my cock carefully, being quite gentle with the sensitive head. He got bonus points for that. Finally he backed off. "Thank you, Sir!" he said. "I really liked that." he added.

"Good. So did I, Boy. You learn quickly. I'm impressed. And now you need to lick your cum off my right knee and left ankle."

"Oh, sorry, Sir." He leaned in and started licking around my left knee. "Ooops, sorry, Sir." and switched to my right knee. After it was cleaned up he went to my left ankle and did a good job there, too. And sat back up

"Thank you, Boy." I said, and patted him on the head.

I took another deep breath or two. "OK, stand up, Boy, turn around and put your arms up here." showing him the limbs I'd just been using. He turned around and I positioned him the way I wanted him. "Stay!" I told him.

"Yes, Sir." Then he gave a little whine, an almost perfect imitation of Bruno's whine when he was told to stay someplace. I laughed and Mark smiled sort of shyly.

I went in the house to get the ball stretcher. By my clock he had a little more than 15 minutes to get home, so I didn't rush. I wanted him to wonder and worry a little about what I was up to. I actually picked up two stretchers, the 1 inch model and the 1.5 inch one. I figured if his balls were hanging loose enough I'd use the long one -- he'd notice it more during the night.

When I went out the door I thought I heard him sigh a little -- I guess I'd been gone long enough to make him wonder if I was coming back. Two minutes standing naked of out doors with your arms spread wide can seem like a long time.

I walked over to him and took his balls in my hand. It was cool enough so they were pulled up pretty compactly, or maybe they just hadn't relaxed after he came. Anyway, I selected the 1 inch stretcher, closed my thumb and forefinger around above his balls and pulled down firmly. He caught his breath and his knees buckled slightly, but he made no other complaint. I placed the leather band around the stretched skin and carefully closed the first snap. I let go of his balls, and they pulled back against their leather collar. Grasping the two sides of the stretcher, I gradually forced his balls lower and lower, listening to Mark grunt and pant a little. Finally I could close the second snap, and carefully did it so it made a clear "snap" sound -- sort of an exclamation point on the process.

I leaned in and took his cock in my mouth. It still tasted slightly of his cum. His crotch had that delightful "after sex" smell. After swirling my tongue around his cock a few times, I sat back. "There, Boy, you're set for the night." I patted the bottoms of his balls gently -- well, reasonably gently.

He took a deep breath. "Thank you, Sir." He sounded a little strained.

"Be glad it isn't the long one, Boy."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Now, get dressed and get home for Nancy's call."

"Yes, Sir." He didn't seem to be in a conversational mood at the moment. He moved carefully over to his clothes. His scrotum would relax a little and release some of the pressure he was feeling when it got warm again, but he wasn't looking that far ahead at the moment.

"And stop by on the way to your lab meeting tomorrow morning, so I can take it off for you." I didn't want him taking it off too early. He'd have fun with it while walking Bruno, I was sure.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

When he was dressed, I pulled him to me and kissed his forehead, then his ear. I pulled him on into a hug, which he returned. "You did good tonight, Boy." I told him.

"Thank you, Sir." He laid his head on my shoulder for a moment. Then he pulled back slightly and looked at me, a little bashfully I thought, then leaned in and kissed me tentatively on the lips and started to back off again.

I grabbed his head and held him in place. When he realized what I was doing, he tightened his grip around me and kissed me for real. Far too soon, I broke the contact. "Go home and talk to your wife, Boy. We can do more of this tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir." He reluctantly let go of me.

"I'm glad we took the chance to get better acquainted tonight, Mark." I told him, switching back to neighbor roles.

"So am I, and thanks for the dinner. It was delicious."

He adjusted his crotch slightly. "I'll certainly be by on the way to the lab tomorrow, Sir." he said, smiling a little ruefully.

I walked him to the door and opened it for him. As he started out, I grabbed him by the hair and kissed him gently. "Have a good night, Boy."

"Thank you. You too, Sir." And he headed down the driveway a little gingerly.

Phew! I was liking this man more and more. And tomorrow afternoon I was going to have my first really long session with him. Who knows, maybe I'd keep him occupied, or at least tied up, all evening, too. After all, I could walk Bruno. And I'd take him an extra treat, since he'd introduced us, in a way.

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to I ignore flames.

Next: Chapter 5

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