Doggy Style

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jun 28, 2001


Ok, I've had lot's of people ask me to post this here. Just be warned, it's a little different. LOL.

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Disclaimer: This is not true. It's so far from being true I shouldn't even have to be telling you this. I do not know Nsync or their sexual preferences.

note: puppy Juju's thoughts are all in \ //

JC ran from the kitchen into the living room when he heard Chris yell. "Chris chill out man. Juju, come here boy." JC said, and patted his leg for the dog to come to him. The dog happily trotted over to JC and began licking his hand. "What's the matter baby? Did that big ole mean Chris scare you?" JC asked, bending down and stroking the dogs head. \\Your friend needs to get lost Josh. He smells funny and his voice sounds weird. I want to sit with you and watch TV like we always do at night. I want to cuddle up with you. What there's more of them coming in. What's going on? We're supposed to be alone. I'll get rid of them. I know you don't want them here. I'll make them leave Josh.// "Jesus JC, what the hell's wrong with this dog?" Joey yelled, as Juju began barking and growling at JC's four friends. \\Go away you big dummies. We don't need you here. Why aren't you listening to me? Grr. Ok you overgrown leprechaun if you kick at me again I'm gonna rip out your jugular.// "Chris, quit kicking at him. You're just gonna scare him. This is all new to him. Lance get off of the coffee table, if he wanted you he could get up there. It's ok baby, they really are harmless even though they act like complete idiots." JC crouched down and began caressing the dogs head and scratching under his chin. "JC where'd you get the dog? You didn't have him a month ago when we were all here for your brothers birthday. He's awfully attached to you isn't he?" Joey asked, eyeing the dog warily. "Remember Mrs. Green who lived next door? She had to go to a nursing home and couldn't take Juju with her. I always took him for walks and stuff when I was home. She asked me if I wanted him. I couldn't say no. I love this little guy. He's my best friend." JC said, as he continued petting Juju. Lance sat down on the sofa, " Ok that explains where you got him. What's up with that weird ass name? Juju, who in the hell would name their dog Juju?" he asked, making sure to stay a safe distance from the dog. JC moved to sit in a reclining chair. The dog followed, hopping into the chair with JC. He laid his head in JC's lap. JC smiled down at him and began stroking his soft fur again. "Mrs. Green named him Juju. I have no clue why, other than she thought it was cute." JC informed his friends. Joey stood and inched his way over to JC's chair. "Hey Juju, how's it going boy? You don't wanna bite Joey do ya? Joey will sneak you some good food when JC's not looking. Can we be pals now?" He asked, reaching out to pet the dog. \\Hmm, I don't think this Joey guy's too bad. He said he'd give me food. maybe if I'm real nice to him he'll help me make Josh love me. If only I could be human. I know Josh would love me then. I mean what's not to love. I 'm gorgeous, I'm smart, and I got a killer sense of humor. Yeah, I'll make Joey my friend.// Joey laughed as Juju began licking his face. "Hey he's a friendly little guy if you're nice to him. Yeah Juju's a nice doggy. He's got some really weird eyes. I mean they look human. It's like he knows what you're saying. I've never seen a golden retriever with blue eyes like this. This dogs eyes are gorgeous." Joey praised, stroking the dogs muzzle. " Yeah, I noticed that too. He's got really intelligent eyes." JC said. \\I knew I liked Joey. I mean he said I'm gorgeous. He's alright in my books. He might not be the brightest bulb in the box but he knows beauty when he sees it.// "So where's Wade at? He knew we were supposed to meet at 7:00. Jesus, if he didn't have a contract I'd vote we get rid of him. Is there any way of working around that?" Chris asked, disgusted with the fifth member of Nsync' s constant tardiness. Lance sighed, "Unfortunately, I don't think we can get rid of him. I don't know, maybe we can talk to Johnny and they can fine him or something. He might start showing up to meetings on time if he gets fined for being late." he said, glancing at his watch for the third time in five minutes. "He's such an asshole. Do you suppose we could get him his own bus? I don't wanna be stuck on a bus with him for three months again. I mean look how he treats Busta and Dirk. How's he gonna act with Juju around?" JC asked, not noticing the horrified look on his friends faces. "JC, you aren't seriously planning on taking that dog on tour with us are you? Please tell me you're joking." Chris said. "What's wrong with taking Juju? You take Busta and Lance takes Dirk. Juju won't be a problem. Busta will still be able to have the run of the bus. Juju goes wherever I do and he doesn't mind other dogs. He won't even be in the way at night because he sleeps with me." JC reasoned with his friends. Lance turned to JC and said, "He's kind of big. Busta and Dirk are both small." "I don't care Lance, if he doesn't go then you guys don't take Dirk or Busta. I promise you he won't cause any problems. You guys just need to get to know him. You'll like him once you do. Please guys, just give him a chance." JC pleaded. Chris laughed, "Yeah, that's the same thing you said about Boobie. We still don't like her and look how long it's been," he said, sarcastically. JC sighed in exasperation, "Her name is Bobbie, you know that Chris. I don't know why you guys have such a problem with her." "Maybe because she's a two faced cheating bitch." Joey stated, shaking his head at JC's naivety. "Joey, you guys need to let it go. I forgave her for sleeping with Wade. We were having trouble back then, we're past it now." JC said. \\Hmm, I better pay closer attention and get my nose out of Josh's crotch so I can hear. Who's this Boobie bitch they're talking about? Maybe I better be nicer to these guys. They can help me get rid of the Boobie Monster. Pay attention Juju. Jesus, when I do become human the first thing I'm going to do is change my name. Juju, Christ what kind of name is that? I'm gonna have a cool name. Something beautiful, like me. Something like Justin. Yeah that' s it, I'm gonna change it to Justin.// Joey stood when the doorbell rang. "I guess the dickhead finally decided to grace us with his presence. I'll just let him in. God forbid he have to wait on us for a change." Juju jumped from JC's lap to see who the newcomer was. He didn't like how JC 's friends were talking about him. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I got held up, you know how it is. Everybody wants me." Wade said, as he walked into the room. "Whatever, just sit down so we can get this meeting over with." Lance sighed, eyeing Wade with disgust. "Man JC, you're looking fine tonight. You wanna do something later?" Wade asked, giving JC a lascivious grin. JC lunged for Juju, grabbing him just before he attacked Wade. Wade quickly moved to the other side of the room. "Man what the fuck's wrong with that mangy mutt?" He asked, fear evident in his eyes. Joey, Chris, and Lance began laughing at Wade's fear of the dog. Forgetting that they all had the same reaction to him to begin with. JC wrapped his arms around the dog, calming him. "Man Jayce, I think you're right. Juju is going to make a great addition to the tour." Lance laughed, as Joey and Chris nodded in agreement. tbc?

Next: Chapter 2

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