Doggy Style

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jul 19, 2001


Feedback: or IM me on AIM my sn is clowneygirl.

Disclaimer: Yup uh huh this story is all true and if you believe that then I'm the pope. LOL

"Oh my God! Juju, get off!" JC shouted, trying to pull the dog off of Wade. \\Get off, that's what I'm trying to do here Josh. I don't like this human much but his face sure feels good. Whoa, when he opens his mouth to yell I can fell his tongue. Oh god Josh, stop pulling on me. This feels so good. // Juju growled as JC finally pulled him off of his screaming band mate. He walked across the room and dropped to the floor sulking, watching JC with pouty eyes. "Don't even look at me like that. You were a bad dog. What ever possessed you to do that?" JC asked Juju, watching the dog as if he expected him to answer. Wade hurled himself off of the couch and ran toward the bath room. "Christ that's so fucking disgusting, I'll never get clean." Lance sat on the bench across from Joey. "Tell me that did not just happen." He said, shaking his head in disbelief. "JC has it occurred to you yet that Wade has had your girlfriend and now your dog too?" Chris asked. "God Chris, you are so fucking messed up. Only you would think of that." JC said, burying his face in his hands. \\This sucks. I'm horny and can't do anything about it. Being stuck on a bus really sucks. I can't go hump a pillow, these guys will see me. No way in hell am I going to do anything with that ugly mutt Busta. Not that I do dogs anyway. Hell yeah I'm a dog, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna fuck one. I've got higher standards than that. Some days I wonder if I'll be a virgin forever. Nah, I know I won't be. I mean, I'm gorgeous. All of the dogs want me. I can just imagine what the humans will do once I change.// "Oh shit, I really do not want to hear anymore of this. My stomach hurts already from laughing. I'm going to have Les stop the bus so I can go for a walk. You wanna walk with me boy?" Joey asked Juju, picking up Wade's jacket and heading to the front of the bus. JC watched Joey curiously, "Uh Joey, that's Wade's jacket not yours," he said, wondering what Joey was up to. Joey glanced down at the jacket in his hand. "Yeah, I know. I just figured I 'd make better use of it than Wade does." Joey snickered, heading toward the front again. Juju rose from his spot on the floor and followed his new friend. "I don't even wanna know." Lance stated, looking at JC who was about to stop Joey again. "Yeah, maybe you're right." JC conceded. **************************************** "Joey, where are we going?" Juju asked, following Joey into some trees at the edge of the rest area they'd stopped at. Joey bent and began scooping leaves into a pile and then laid Wade's jacket on top of them. He then turned to look at his canine friend. "Well, I figured you got interrupted a little bit ago so you can make use of his jacket and finish what you started. I'll just give you some privacy and wait over here." Joey said, walking to the edge of the trees and keeping his back to the dog. Juju watched Joey walk away. He was embarrassed about what Joey expected him to do, but the opportunity was too good to pass up so he went about his business. He really liked Joey. He was glad he decided to make him his friend. A while later Joey turned as he heard Juju approaching. "All done?" He asked. Juju embarrassed by Joey's bluntness kept his eyes on the ground. "Yeah, thanks. Umm, did you want the jacket back?" He asked. Joey glanced over at where the jacket lay, making a disgusted face. "No, not really but I'll get it anyway. I've got an idea for it." He said, grinning mischievously. Juju watches as Joey walks over to the pile of leaves and rolls the jacket into a ball. "Hey thanks Joey. You're a great friend." Juju said, bumping his head against Joey's thigh. Joey smiled, "No problem guy. I know what it's like. I was glad to help. Maybe now though you can tell me a little more about your plans for after you become human." "You mean you believe me that I`m going to become human?" Juju asked, jumping around excitedly. Joey chuckled, "Yeah, I mean you can talk so I don't think anything else would really surprise me much." "I'll tell you anything Joey. What do you want to know?" Juju asked, hoping that once Joey understood him he'd help. Joey thought for a minute. "Umm, what about this stuff with you saying that you love JC? Were you serious? Do you really wanna have sex with him?" "Yes, I love Josh. Do I wanna have sex with him? Is that like breeding, if it is then yes I do. I really love him Joey. We belong together." Juju earnestly proclaimed. Joey sighed, "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll help you. If you want JC I'll help you get him." he said, patting Juju on the head. "Thanks Joey, I promise you won't regret it." Joey grinned down at Juju. "Let's go take that walk before we have to get back on the bus." He suggested. The two walked down by a small stream talking about how Justin would become human. "Are you absolutely positive that Chris was born human?" Juju asked, still not quite believing it. Joey laughed, "Yeah man, sorry but I've seen baby pictures of him. He does resemble a baby monkey but yeah, he's human." Juju began laughing as they continued walking. He kicked something hard that was half covered with sand. "What's this?" He asked, pawing at the sand to uncover the object. Joey bent to see what Juju had found. "It looks like an old tea pot or something." "Hey Joey, we need to get going." Les the bus driver yelled. "Can we take it with us Joey. I wanna see what it is." He said, giving Joey a pleading look. "Yeah we can bring it." Joey said, picking up the weird shaped ceramic object. tbc

Next: Chapter 5

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