Doing the All American Family

By Scat Boy

Published on May 28, 2009


Doing the All-American Family - Part 2: Return to New York City (M/M, M/F, femdom, M/b, M/bg, pedo, incest, oral, anal, ws, scat)

by Coproman

It had been over three years since I'd visited my two white friends, Steve and Cathy, and their children, Trevor and Ashley, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. As the self-proclaimed "Harlem Hermit," who seldom traveled outside of Manhattan, the fact that I had made the trip at all was something of a miracle. But at the time I was determined to prove to myself that I could be "normal." I would put my scat fetish and my pedophilia on the shelf and be the perfect house guest.

Well, if you read Part 1 of my little story, you know that things didn't quite work out that way. Somehow in a single night--my very last night there--I managed to corrupt every member of the family, ending up with a sore dick, a tender asshole, a tired tongue, and a stomach full of piss and shit, and launching the entire household on an odyssey that had the potential to lead them right over the sexually depraved rainbow.

I didn't expect to hear from my favorite All-American Family again after that, and except for a couple of Christmas cards, I didn't. But then came June of 2008, and as I was watching the evening news, I was stunned to learn that torrential rains had caused the Cedar River to overflow its banks, leaving nearly all of Cedar Rapids under water. Many of the places Steve and Cathy had taken me, including the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art and the African American Historical Museum & Cultural Center of Iowa, had been flooded.

Concerned, I tried to reach Steve and Cathy but was unable to get through to them on either their house phone or cell phones. So I pulled out my high school yearbook, knowing that our addresses appeared next to our photos, and used the information to get Steve's parents' phone number. When I called, Steve's mom picked up, and when I told her who I was, I was surprised that she remembered me. She said that Steve, Cathy, and the kids were all okay but that their house was among those that had been flooded, and they'd lost thousands in personal property. Since it was impossible for them to rebuild or relocate right now, they had decided to pack up whatever they could salvage, return to New York, and stay with Cathy's parents, who owned a big house in Bayside. That would give them time to figure out their next move as well as give Trevor and Ashley the whole summer to get acclimated to the City and their new neighborhood before they enrolled in their new schools.

So the All-American Family was coming to New York. Though I was relieved to know that they were okay, I had mixed feelings about their being here in the City, no more than a subway and a bus ride away. Having had only minimal contact with them since my visit, I had no idea what had sprouted from the sexual seeds I'd planted or how they felt about it. But at some point Steve's mom would tell him that I had called, and he would tell Cathy, so it was just a matter of waiting to see when--or if--they called me back.

Two weeks later, as I prepared for the start of summer school by finishing up on some of my janitorial duties at the elementary school where I work, my cell phone rang. When I answered it, I was pleased to hear Steve's voice.

"Hey, Jase, how's it going?"

"I'm fine, Steve. The real question is, How are YOU guys?"

"We're okay. A little wet but okay. By the way, thanks for the concern. My mom told me you tried calling us in Iowa, but our land lines were all down and the cell phone towers were out of commission, so we had no contact with anyone for a while."

"So how are Cathy and the kids?"

"They're fine. We're just all trying to adjust. I guess my mom told you we're staying with Cathy's folks."

"Yeah, she did. So how's that going?"

"Okay, so far. Cathy and I are in the guest bedroom and the kids are in Cathy's old room. It's a little cramped, but hopefully we won't be there long enough to get on each other's nerves."

"I hear that," I laughed.

Then there was dead air, after which I could hear Steve sighing. "But that's not really why I called, Jase. I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened that last night you were there, but I didn't want to do it over the phone. So I figured since I'm in the City now, we could get together and discuss things."

He sounded very serious, and it made me nervous. "Sure, Steve, that sounds fine. How about if we meet for lunch this weekend?" If he'd somehow found out that I'd ass-fucked Cathy and also fooled around with the kids that night, I figured it would be better for us to meet in a public place.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Steve replied distantly, as if his mind were somewhere else.

"There's a little restaurant here in Harlem, right near my house. The food is great, and they don't mind if you sit and talk. So if you don't mind coming into Manhattan--"

"No, no, that's fine," he quickly said, so we made arrangements to meet at 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon.

When I hung up the phone, I was experiencing so many emotions that it was hard to sort them out. I was eager to see Steve but dreaded seeing him. I wanted to hear how he felt about the things we'd done that night but didn't want to hear. And I wanted to know if he'd discovered what I'd done with his wife and his children but didn't want to know. In other words, I was full of uncertainty. But I needed to find out once and for all if I was on Steve's hit list or shit list.

The Dad

Though the face of Harlem has changed, its newest residents have yet to discover certain little eateries, including this West Indian place near my house, so the patrons are still mostly black. I suppose part of the reason I asked Steve to meet me there was a feeble attempt to protect myself: He wasn't likely to cause a scene if he felt outnumbered. Then I thought about how ridiculous that was. If anything Steve sounded more depressed than angry.

When Steve walked in, though, he didn't seem to be either. He also didn't even seem to notice that his was the only white face in the place. Wearing a black tee shirt with "Iowa Football" emblazoned in gold letters on it and a pair of black jeans, he strode in smiling, and when I stood up, he gave me a bear hug similar to the rib-cracker he'd given me at the Cedar Rapids airport. But when he sat down across from me, his smile disappeared and his face began to reflect that same somber tone I'd heard on the phone. I prepared myself for the worst.

And, as a matter of fact, I got the worst, as I listened to him talk about the rain, the rising water, and the helplessness that he, his family, and his neighbors felt on that fateful day when their lives were all turned upside down.

"But I didn't come here to bend your ear about all that," Steve said. "I wanted to let you know what happened after know...after together that night."

"Okay," I said, nodding.

"And the first thing I want to say is thanks."

"For what?"

"For everything, but especially for telling me that I should approach Cathy about..." He looked around before turning back to me and whispering "anal sex."

"So I take it she went for it," I said, already knowing she had.

"Yeah, she did!" he said, grinning. "In fact, when I asked her, she looked surprised and said, 'I was just about to ask you if we could try it!' So that went really well. Then we decided to try [and he lowerd his voice again] oral sex, and that went really well too."

"That's great, Steve. I'm happy I was able to help you expand your sexual horizons with Cathy," but I'm even HAPPIER that you apparently know nothing about what she and I or your kids and I did, I said to myself.

"But now there's a problem," Steve said, his smile suddenly disappearing as the somberness returned. "And I'm not sure exactly what to do about it."

"Well, let's hear it. Whatever it is, I'm sure that together we can figure it out."

Steve considered this for a moment and nodded. "Okay. But try not to judge me too harshly." He hesitated again before saying, "I might have to break up with Cathy."

"What?! Why?" I asked, totally taken off guard. "I thought you two were getting along well. What's the problem?"

"It's not her, it's me. Ever since you and I talked that night, and then you let me...well, you know. Ever since then I've been thinking about that AC/DC thing you mentioned and how you said sometimes you get a 'taste' for the other side. Well, lately I've been getting a taste for the same thing. But I mean the way you did that night with me...where I want to be on the RECEIVING end."

Oh, shit!! I said to myself. But I tried not to let my expression betray my surprise. I simply continued to look at Steve and nod.

"It didn't start out that way," he continued. "In fact, a couple of weeks after you left, I joined one of those gay porn sites, and with every movie I watched, I would imagine I was the guy on top doing a cute guy up his butt. It got so bad that anal sex was the only thing I wanted to have with Cathy, and then I couldn't stay hard unless I pretended she was a guy. But even though all that was a little weird, it seemed to be working and I was okay with it."

"So what changed?"

"That's just it, Jase: I have NO idea," Steve said, looking thoroughly befuddled. "One day I was watching this movie where these two guys were having oral sex with each other, and when the guy on top was ready to come, he ejaculated in the other guy's face. When I saw that, for some reason I wanted to know what it felt like to get a face full of semen."

You should ask your kids, I wanted to say to him as my dick got harder. But somehow I managed to keep quiet and maintain my composure.

"But it didn't end there," Steve went on. "Pretty soon I started fantasizing about what it would be like to, you know, take it up the butt. In fact, I started obsessing over it so much that I came close to asking Cathy if she would consider getting one of those artificial penises. What's it called?"

"A dildo."

"Yeah, yeah, that's it. Anyway, I couldn't stop thinking about her wearing one that straps around her waist then changing places with her. But I was so afraid how she'd react to something so kinky that I didn't have the nerve to ask her." Suddenly Steve propped his elbows up on the table and dropped his face in his hands. "Man, my head is so messed up, Jase. I just don't know what to do."

I could see how much despair my conservative friend was in, and a part of me was sorry for having planted the seed that led to it. Then again, it wasn't all my doing. Who knew that something like this lay dormant in Steve? There was certainly no evidence of it, not when he'd fucked me. As far as I knew, his was just another case of a horny straight guy conveniently getting his rocks off by way of his bi friend's mouth and ass. But now Steve was having all sorts of problems with his sexuality...and I was about to make things a lot worse.

"You know, big man, if you really want to see what it's like, I can accommodate you."

Steve parted his fingers just enough to uncover his grey eyes and fix them on me. "You mean..."

I leaned forward until my face was only inches from his and, with a big smile, whispered, "That's right, big man, I'll fuck that white ass of yours up, down, and sideways, if you want me to, so you'll get a nice BIG taste of dick."

Steve slowly pulled his hands away from his face as he continued to stare at me. I was pleased to see that he had managed a smile. "You'd really do that for me, Jase?"

"Sure. Especially if keeps you and Cathy from splitting up. Hell, if that's all it takes, I'll fuck your ass every fucking day if I have to."

(For a moment I had this weird vision of dying, my spirit rising up to Heaven and standing before the Pearly Gates. I could just see myself trying to explain to Saint Peter how fucking my friend's ass had nothing to do with hedonism but was a purely altruistic act I had performed to save his marriage. "Yeah, right! Take the next elevator down!")

"So...when can we start?" Steve asked.

"Well, if you have some time now, my apartment is right around the corner." And, I thought, what better way to spend a Saturday afternoon?

So we made our way to my house, and as soon as we walked in the bedroom I turned to Steve and said, "Listen, before we do this, you've got to promise me two things."

"Again?" he chuckled, referring to the promises I'd asked him to make three years ago right before our sex play. "Okay, what?"

"First of all, I want you to promise me that you'll at least approach Cathy about the whole strap-on dildo thing. The most she can say in no; then again she might surprise you and be all for it, just like she was all for the anal sex."

"Okay, I promise. What's else?"

"Promise me that whatever we do today, you'll look at it as nothing more than a game, and I don't mean chess; I mean Yahtzee."

"You mean..."

"Just relax and enjoy. That's what I mean. Then when you go back home, you and Cathy can start fresh. So you'll do that for me, right?"

"Sure," said Steve, nodding.

"Good. Now take those fucking clothes off and get in that bed so I can fuck the shit outta that white ass!"

Steve smirked at me as he began to strip. He hesitated before removing his briefs, as he looked at me standing there with all my clothes still on, but after I clapped my hands and yelled, "Come on! Chop-chop! I don't have all fucking day!" he proceeded to pull them off and stand in front of me in the buff. He was surprising hairless for a white guy. Yeah, he had the usual fuzz on his arms and legs, but the only real thatches of hair were on his head and in his pubic area; and even though he was 31, he looked ten years younger, so he was very much like the twinks I occasionally invited home to fuck and suck.

Sitting on the bed, I ordered Steve to lie across my knees. He hesitated, giving me a funny look, but finally complied, and I began to spank his ass with my bare hand while scolding him about what a no-good piece of shit he was to treat his beautiful wife so terribly. I started out with moderate slaps but quickly worked my way up to full-blown smacks so hard that they echoed off the walls and caused Steve to cry out sharply with each blow. By the time I was done, he was whimpering like a little girl, my palm was burning, and his ass was a deep shade of crimson.

Despite his pain--or maybe because of it--Steve's cock had gotten hard, and as I rubbed and massaged his ass cheeks, feeling the heat radiating off them, it got even harder. So I gave him one final smack and pushed him off my lap. He seemed surprised to find himself on the floor, and while he said nothing, he looked at me questioningly, as if wondering just how far I intended to go playing the "top" to his "bottom."

"Okay, Babe, get up here and lay on the bed," I said. "And put my pillow under your crotch."

Climbing back up on the bed, my handsome friend dutifully followed my orders, propping his red ass up perfectly in preparation for his first fuck. I stared at it the whole time I was undressing; then I decided that I wanted to get a taste of his asshole, so after kicking off my underwear, I crawled up behind him and spread his cheeks apart. His anus was a smooth round hole with very little pucker to it, the kind that had no trouble expanding to let a turd out or a dick in, and though my sensitive nose detected traces of shit, I couldn't spot a single speck of it. While this disappointed me, I certainly wasn't surprised that a guy like Steve was so anal about his anus.

"Mmmmmmm," Steve hummed as I thrust my tongue in his asshole.

For a hot second I thought about fucking Steve with only my spit for lubrication, but I knew it would dry out before my pre-come had a chance to replace it, and I didn't want Steve howling like a banshee or leave him with such a painful memory of his first assfuck that there would never be a second. So, reaching in the drawer of my nightstand, I fished out my trusty Astroglide and poured a healthy amount in his ass crack and on my dick.

"So, big man, you ready?"

"I guess so."

"Good. Now remember: When you feel the pressure, your tendency will to be to tighten up, but you need to do exactly the OPPOSITE, meaning push out like you're taking a shit. That way it'll slide right in."

"Okay," he said.

I could tell by his tone of voice and his rigid posture, though, that he was feeling very tense, so I knew I needed to get started so he could get past that fear of anticipation. Nestling my well-oiled cock against his well-oiled anus I began to push and was both surprised and delighted when, after only a few seconds, the head popped inside.

"Nngh!" Steve grunted, immediately tightening up; but I just kept pushing while quietly reminding him of what I'd just finished telling him. It took a while for him to relax, but eventually he did, and as soon as that happened, I was able to ease my dick steadily up his ass until all seven inches were stuffed inside him.

"See that? I'm all the way in. Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No," he agreed, though his voice was a little strained. "It was okay."

For me it was more than okay, because while more than a few straight guys--including Steve--had stuck their dicks up my ass, this was the first time I'd ever turned the tables, and the heat, tightness, and pulsations of his virgin hole felt fantastic. Also the very idea that I had now scooped both Cathy's and Steve's anal cherries was turning me on so much that I had use everything I knew about relaxation techniques to keep myself from coming prematurely. It took a few minutes to calm myself down.

"So, big man, you still wanna do this?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. And remember again--push out and relax."


I immediately lifted my hips, gingerly withdrawing my dick from Steve's hot hole. Fortunately the Astroglide made this part easy, and seconds later only the head of my cock remained inside him. Then I lowered my hips and was again up to my balls in my friend's turd tunnel. After only a few more trips in and out of his nicely lubed hole, I had established a steady fuck rhythm, and Steve seemed to be past his initial discomfort because he was tensing up less and less.

"That's it," I said. "Nice and relaxed. That's the way I like all my virgin bitches to be before I power-fuck their asses."

"Before you what?" Steve asked, turning his head to the side.

"Before I do THIS, you fucking pussy!"

Clamping my hands over Steve's wrists and repositioning my knees to hold his legs between them, I propped myself up and began to really lay into him, ramming my cock up his ass as forcefully as I could. Of course he tensed up all over again, but now, instead of impeding my pleasure, this only added to it by causing his sphincter to hug my shaft, giving me an even tighter ride as I bronco-busted his untamed booty.

"So how do you like my black dick up your white ass, bitch?"

"Shit!" Steve hissed in response, his teeth clenched, his face red, and his body trembling as I fucked him like a two-dollar whore. All of a sudden, again to my surprise and delight, he yelled out, "I LOVE it! Fuck me, Jase! Fuck the SHIT out of my white ass!" Then he surprised and delighted me even more by lifting his ass to meet my downstrokes.

It was hard to believe that the guy lying under me was my very straight, very conservative friend. If anyone had told me at our high school reunion, or even when I'd left his house after visiting him and his family, that he'd one day be taking my dick up his ass--and ENJOYING it!--I'd have confidently called that person a liar right to his face. But here he was, the same guy who, four years ago, could've been a poster child for Middle America, doing a pretty good impression of a pussy boy in a Machofucker movie. It's amazing how experiencing a black freak and a big flood can change a guy.

Though I would have been more than satisfied to continue fucking Steve from the classic "male superior" position, I decided he needed to experience a little bit of everything in his virgin assfuck, so on my next upstroke, I pulled my dick all the way out of his anus, making his gasp, and flipped him onto his back. Then I sat back and smirked at him.

"Lift your legs, bitch!"

I saw a twinge of fear on Steve's face as he reluctantly bent his knees and swung his legs up. I grabbed his thighs just below the knee, spread them apart, and pressed them towards his chest.

"Nngh!" he grunted, obviously not used to being bent into a pretzel.

"Shut up and hold your thighs!" I barked, letting go of his legs, and he immediately caught them, holding himself in position.

"Good," I said, again smirking as I inched up and aimed my cock at his gaping red hole. He gasped again as I re-penetrated him, and he moaned as I braced my arms by his shoulders and slid back inside him up to my balls. At first I just stared at my friend. His eyes were closed, his face even redder, and he was grimacing. But seeing his expression only excited me, and I smiled as I went back to fucking him hard.

It was a special treat to be able to study Steve's face as I pistoned his shitter. Every time I plowed into him, hitting spots that I had not been able to hit during the facedown fuck, he winced, whimpered, and looked like he was about to sneeze. Having been on the receiving end of such an assault, I knew exactly what he was feeling: Pangs of pain mixed with pleasure were shooting along his whole nervous system, centering around his prostate, and his brain was trying to figure out if it was experiencing agony or ecstasy. I wanted to tell him not to think about it, to just let go and allow his feelings to sort themselves out subconsciously, just like he'd done before we'd changed positions. But as I fucked Steve even harder, never once taking my eyes off his distorted features as I rammed my rod up his ass, I saw a subtle change in his expression that told me he had already figured that out.

"Yeah, Jase, fuck me! Fuck me hard! Tear my white ass up with that big black cock!"

"So you like being my bitch, huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I LOVE it! I want you to fuck the SHIT out of my bitch ass!"

It was still hard to believe who this was and what we were doing. I imagined the bedroom door flying open and turning my head to see Cathy standing there. The look on her face alone would be as much of a turn-on as fucking her hubby. But what would she do? I'm sure Steve would say that she would be so shocked she would run screaming out of the room or simply faint on the spot and crumple to the floor. But I knew better, and I was sure that Cathy would be intrigued enough to watch us, probably while diddling her clit, and maybe even bold enough to join us. Then my perverted brain went a step further, and I imagined her sticking her head out the door and yelling to Trevor and Ashley, "Hey, guys, get in here! Uncle Jason's fucking your daddy up the ass, and I want you to watch so you can see what a big fucking pussy he is!"

The scenario not only made me smile but caused me to fuck my friend even harder, as though three pairs of gawking eyes truly were trained on us and I needed to put on a good show. And, of course, I wanted to keep it up for a while to give our imaginary little audience its money's worth. But at the rate I was going, I knew this was impossible. I was simply too horny to slow down. So as we both grunted and our bodies smacked together and the mattress squeaked and the bed frame creaked and the heat rose and the sweat flew, our very first Symphony of Lust was about to reach its crescendo. As much as I wanted to pump my load deep in Steve's bowels, I had promised to fulfill his fantasy by giving him a face full of splooge, and I was determined to keep that promise.

"I'm almost there!" I panted.

Seconds later, in one smooth, deliberate motion, I snatched myself out of Steve's anus, yanked his legs down, and shimmied onto his chest, all while jacking away at my dick.

"Okay, bitch, you're gonna get your wish. Just make sure to keep your eyes and mouth open, ya hear?"

"Uh-huh," he answered, as though he were in a fog.

It took only a few more quick strokes of my not-so-magic wand before--Presto!--it was transformed into a venom-spitting snake. "Fuck! I'm coming! Take it right in your fucking face, bitch!"

In the complex relationship between tops and bottoms, I'm not sure when or why it became so important for the former to try to hit the latter in the eye with that initial shot of come. But this has certainly become the custom, and since I wasn't about to stray from tradition, I aimed my dick at Steve's left eye and smiled as a stream of semen gushed out of the piss slit, drowning his eyeball in a puddle of white goo.

"Nngh!" Steve responded, his eyelid fluttering as he tried to keep it open despite its reflex to close. Surprisingly, though, he never turned his head to avoid the rest of the sperm shower, which made it easy to direct the next volley in his right eye, producing another "Nngh!" and more fluttering. And while Steve dealt with his temporary semen-induced blindness, I painted the rest of his face with rope after slimy rope of hot spunk, just as I had done three years ago to his children. I finished up by sticking my cock in his mouth and spurting the last of my seed down his throat.

But now that I'd gotten my rocks off, there was still one thing left to do. I glanced behind myself to double check and, sure enough, Steve had yet to come.

"So, big man, you haven't shot your load yet, huh?"

"Nnh-nn," he replied, my dick still in his mouth and his face awash in semen, which he kept trying to blink out of his eyes.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll take care of that for you." Pulling my prick out of Steve's mouth with a wet pop, I spun around into a sixty-nine and stuffed his hard-on into my mouth while sitting on his scuzzy face. The stickiness felt strange but comforting, and I found myself rotating my ass, smearing my come all over his face and my buns as I sucked his dick. After giving him head for a minute or so, I inched up and pressed my anus against his mouth, making it clear what I wanted him to do, and my friend didn't disappoint me, as he rimmed my pucker then thrust his tongue inside.

"Mmmmmm!" I moaned, still sliding my lips ups and down his formidable boner. Steve's tongue felt so good worming around in my asshole that I could feel myself getting hard again. I could also tell that he was close to coming, so I pulled his cock out of my mouth because I didn't want him to climax before I'd had a chance to make our session even more memorable by giving him a taste of the same thing I'd gotten from him and the rest of his family in Iowa.

"Mmph! Mmph!" Steve complained, his grunts high-pitched and panicky as my turd pushed into his surprised mouth.

"Just shut up and eat it, you fucking pussy! I didn't die eating yours, so you're not gonna die eating mine either."

Then I sat on Steve's face even harder, forcing my asshole farther into his mouth, and went back to sucking his cock. As I listened to him grunting and chewing, I was hoping to time things just right, so I fondled his balls and probed his asshole with my finger while continuing to give him what had to be the best oral sex he'd gotten in three years.

Fortunately everything worked out. As Steve gulped down my shit, he jerked as if he'd been shocked, then stiffened, moaning loudly. I immediately deep-throated the entire length of his eight-inch shaft, my lips pressing against his balls and pubic hair, and shoved my finger all the way up his ass.

"Nngh! Nngh! Nngh!" Steve honked, and with every exclamation he shot a thick stream of hot come straight down my throat as his rectum clutched at my finger. By the time he was done, eight separate loads of spunk--one for every inch of his dick--were sliding down my food tube on their way to my stomach. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been fed that much come in a single climax. I saw it as solid confirmation that I had tapped directly into my friend's masochistic streak.

After dislodging Steve's cock from my throat, I slurped up the final drops of his spunk, making him flinch every time I ran my tongue across his piss slit, Then I pulled his shrinking cock out of my mouth, lifted my ass off his face, and flopped onto my back, propping my head up to look at him. He was wearing a big serene smile as he wiped my come out of his eyes.

"Well, big man, what'd you think? Was it everything you hoped it would be?"

"It was amazing, Jase. I never thought in a million years I'd actually LIKE being fucked up the ass or having semen shot in my face, but it was DAMNED good."

"What about the last part?"

"Well...I have to admit I wasn't expecting that at all. But it surprised me too--it didn't taste nearly as bad as I thought it would. It mostly just smelled."

"I have more if you want."

"Uhh...can I take a rain check on that, Jase? I don't think my stomach can handle seconds."

I chuckled. "Sure, no problem."

As I continued to stare at Steve's flushed, sperm-smeared face, I wanted very much to go for Round 2 and deposit my next load deep in his asshole, At the same time I wanted to leave him wanting more. What decided things for me was the fact that I REALLY had to finish shitting. So even though my dick was re-hardening, I fought my libido and lied to my friend, telling him that I was expecting family members to drop by soon and needed time to prepare for their visit.

"Oh...okay," Steve said, sounding disappointed. It was exactly the reaction I had hoped for because it meant he would definitely be back for more, which made me feel better about delaying both his and my gratification. After all, if I was going to finish de-virginizing him the right way, it meant shooting at least as much sperm up his ass as I'd shot on his face, and I would need time to prepare to do that.

Anyway, Steve and I ended up taking a shower together, another first for him. Strangely, he seemed more nervous about doing that than having sex with me. But it didn't take him long to relax, and pretty soon we were soaping each other and snickering like a couple of schoolboys.

By the time Steve was ready to leave, his whole mood had lifted and his spirits were high. So were mine. And why wouldn't they be? I had just had amazing sex with my handsome dark-haired friend, and if it turned out that I never went to bed with him again, I would still have that sweet memory to savor.

But I knew he'd be back, because as much as he loved Cathy--and I NEVER doubted his love for her--that other part of him wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and for now I was its only outlet.

The Mom

A week later Cathy called. She told me she knew I had called Steve's mom and that Steve had called me back, and she was sorry for not speaking to me sooner, but she'd been running around trying to get herself and the kids settled at her parents' house.

"But now I HAVE to speak to you," she said, "because something's come up and I'm not sure what to do about it."

"Sounds serious," I said.

"It is. So when can I drop by?"

"Well, I'm free this afternoon. Can you come by then?"

"That sounds great. Steve is supposed to be taking the kids to his mom and dad's house in a little while, so as soon as they leave I'll start heading your way, 'cause I know it's going to take a while to get there, right?"

"About an hour," I said.

"Okay, so let's say I'll see you around...two?"

"Two sounds good. See you then."

So after the first intrigue concerning Steve's confused sexuality, there was to be more intrigue concerning Cathy as well. I just hoped whatever problem she had could be solved the same way Steve's was.

About an hour and a half later, my downstairs doorbell rang. A brief intercom exchange confirmed that it was Cathy, so I buzzed her in, opened my front door, and stood there waiting for her to come up on the elevator and round the corner to my apartment. Soon I heard the elevator door open and the click-clack of sandals coming down the hall. When Cathy made the turn and I spotted her, I swear my heart skipped a beat. She was wearing a big floppy beige hat, a huge pair of sunglasses, a gold "Iowa Girls Rock" tee shirt, and a pair of faded blue denim cut-offs that cut off at the top of her thighs. It was a skin show that only a handful of 30-something women could get away with staging, and Cathy was definitely among that handful.

"Hey, gorgeous, looking for a good time?"

Flashing that great smile of hers, Cathy threw her arms around my neck, and gave me a very friendly peck on the lips. After closing and locking the door, I put my arm around her waist and led her into the living room. We sat down on the sofa, and I couldn't resist caressing her bare thigh. She playfully slapped my hand away and looked around the room.

"Nice place, Jason. So how many unsuspecting women have you lured in here only to have them leave with a sore asshole?"

"You'll be the first."

"Yeah, right," she laughed. "If this place could only talk--"

"I'd have to put a muzzle it," I snickered, finishing her sentence.

After that we both got quiet as I stared at Cathy and she stared at the floor. Finally I asked. "So what's going on? How are you and Steve doing?"

She gestured with her hand to indicate "so-so."

"That bad?"

"It might be," she said, shrugging. "I just don't know anymore." She looked at me and, forcing a smile, began to caress my thigh the way I had hers. I didn't slap her hand away. "But before I get into all of that, first I want to thank you."

Oh, boy. Here it comes, I said to myself. Déjà vu all over again. But I didn't let on that this was my second time being thanked. I just played dumb and asked, "For what?"

"For everything, but especially for telling me that I should approach Steve about having anal sex."

"So I take it he went for it."

She smirked. "Oh, he went for it, all right. As a matter of fact, a couple of days after you left, we were in bed and I was just about to ask him when he said to me, 'Honey, how would you feel about trying anal sex?' I was shocked! It was like he was reading my mind! So, of course, I said yes, and we did it and it was great. And guess what?"

"Don't tell me. You guys decided to try oral sex after that."

"Right! How'd you know? Did Steve talk to you about this?"

"No. Just a lucky guess."

"Well, anyway, yeah, and that worked out too, and for a long time everything was great in the sex department. We were doing new things, and I wasn't feeling frustrated anymore."

"That's great, Cath. I'm glad I was able to help you expand your sexual horizons with Steve."

"Yeah, but now there's a problem," she said, "and I don't know exactly what to do about it."

"Well, let's hear it. Whatever it is, I'm sure that together we can figure it out."

Taking a deep breath, she looked me in the eye and said, "I think Steve is having an affair."

"What?! What makes you say that?"

"Well, as time went by, we started having sex less and less often. He was always too tired. And whenever we did do it, we always ended up doing anal. I mean, it was okay in the beginning, when it was new and we only did it occasionally, but now it's the ONLY thing we do. As soon as we take off our clothes, he goes straight for my ass. He never even kisses me anymore.

"I thought things would change when we got to New York, but the last time we had sex, a couple of days after getting here, it was the same thing. I kept giving him strong hints, telling him things like, 'My pussy is lonely,' but he just ignored me, wiped some Vaseline on my butt, and stuck it in there again--no hugging, no kissing, no nothing. And when I tried to be affectionate with him, he turned away from me. I got so mad I felt like buying one of those fake penises. What's it called?"

"A dildo."

"Yeah, yeah, that's it. Well, I know this sounds weird, but I swear I felt like buying one that the woman can strap around her waist, bending him over, and fucking HIM up HIS ass, just to get back at him."

For the second time in three years I couldn't believe my fucking ears. And again, if I had been a real friend, I would have told her how open Steve was to something like that, and that she should get up, go home, and approach him with the idea, since it would probably lead him back to doing all the things they used to do. But I was the same selfish fucking pig that I was three years ago, so I just kept quiet to see what additional perks I could get out of their marital troubles.

"Anyway, I figure since he's not holding and hugging and kissing and making love to me anymore, he must be doing it with someone else."

"But how can that be if you guys just moved here? Even if he WAS having an affair he can't STILL be, now that he's here."

"I don't know," she said, looking and sounding annoyed that I'd brought up what seemed to me a logical point. "Maybe it's one of those cyber affairs. He spends an awful lot of time on that computer. Or maybe he's just tired of me or the marriage or..."

Then came the tears.

"Oh, Jason! I love him so much! I'm so afraid I'm losing him!"

I leaned over and hugged her while she cried on my shoulder. "It's okay. Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine."

After she calmed down, I told her that I knew Steve very well and was sure he was not cheating on her, either on-line or off. I told her that it sounded more like he was confused and probably just needed some time to sort things out.

"In fact," I added, "now that you guys are away from all that flooding and everything, he's probably already started getting his head back together. I'm sure he'll come to his senses, realize what a great partner he has, and be snuggling up with you again in no time."

"Yeah, you're probably right," she said, sniffling. "I just wish I could be sure."

"Well, talk to him. Then hear him out. You guys have known each other long enough to tell when one of you is hiding something," I said, knowing this was not at all the case, since neither of them knew about the other and me. "I'll bet you it's just like I said--confusion."

She cracked a tiny smiled. "And what if you lose that bet?"

"Well...then I'll personally fuck Steve up the ass for you," I said. "How about that?"

"Wow," she said, mulling it over, "that would be a sight. But what I really want is for you and me to get together and do everything Steve and that no-good anonymous bitch are probably doing."

"Okay," I said, nodding. "I guess revenge would be appropriate. But what if I'M right about him and YOU lose the bet? Then what?"

Her smile widened. "Then YOU get to do anything you want with ME."

"So either way I get to have you," I said, smiling back at her. "I like those odds."

Then, as if on cue, we both stood up and hugged, and the warmth of her body and the smell of her hair brought me back to that night in Cedar Rapids when she snuck into the guest room, turned off the light, and slipped into bed next to me. And as I thought about that, I couldn't resist lowering my hand and squeezing her ass.

"Hey, nice and firm. Has somebody been working out?"

"Well, it was either that or start drinking."

I pulled my head back and looked deep into her eyes. "Wow, you're really upset about this, aren't you?" She nodded and sniffled. "Well, you'll feel a lot better once we've had a little workout of our own," I said with a smile. "But before we get started, I need to check on something. I'll be right back."

Dashing into the bedroom, I opened the bottom drawer of the dresser and reached behind the stack of sweaters until I felt the top of the large drawstring bag I kept hidden there. Taking it out, I placed it under the bed in a spot that would make it easy for me to retrieve when Cathy and I were lying down.

When I returned to the living room, Cathy was smirking. "So what happened?" she asked. "You forget to take the handcuffs off the headboard again?"

I grinned. "Yeah, I'm always leaving those things there."

We hugged again before I led her into the bedroom. As soon as we were inside, though, I turned to face her and said, "Listen, before we do this, you've got to promise me two things."

"Oh, boy. Some things never change," she chuckled. "Okay. What is it this time?"

"First of all, I want you to promise me that you'll at least approach Steve about the whole strap-on dildo thing. The most he can say in no; then again he might surprise you and be all for it, just like he was all for the anal sex."

"Fine. I promise. What else?"

"Promise me that whatever we do today, you'll look at it as nothing more than a game, and I don't mean chess; I mean Yahtzee."

"You mean..."

"Just relax and enjoy. That's what I mean. Then when you go back home, you and Steve can start fresh. So you'll do that for me, right?"

"Sure," said Cathy, nodding.

"Good. Now gimme some sugar, girl!"

Cathy and I pressed our mouths together and took turns sucking on each other's tongues and swapping spit. She really did taste like sugar, candy to be specific. Cherry candy. The flavor, I think, of her lipstick. And as we continued to play tongue tag, I wondered if she had deliberately chosen this flavor as a reminder of what had happened between us three years ago with regard to her anal cherry.

When our lips finally parted, I escorted her to my bed and helped her undress, taking particular pleasure in unbuttoning, unzipping and pulling off her shorts. Beneath them she was wearing a pair of red bikini underwear that looked luscious next to her white skin, and I pressed my nose against the crotch, getting a strong whiff of pussy, then kissed her softly there before peeling the panties off her hips, down her long legs, and off her feet. And of course I made sure to sniff and lick the snatch-side of them before tossing them aside.

So now, standing right in front of me, was a fully naked blue-eyed blonde beauty, her wet pussy glistening in the soft light of my bedroom as its heady aroma filled my nostrils. Naturally a part of me wanted to just throw her down, jump on top of her, and fuck the living shit out of her until she was howling like a wolf. But this was not the time for hasty humping; it was a time for gentle lovemaking. And that meant taking things very, very slowly. So I locked the cage on my Tasmanian Devil and invited Cathy to lie facedown on my bed. But she hesitated, looking at me like a lost child who's trusting you to take her home but nervous about what you might want from her in return.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to do THAT to you," I assured her. "I just want to help you relax."

Smiling, she crawled into my bed and lay on her stomach, her arms at her sides. For a while I simply stood there staring down at her, admiring her shapely figure. Her skin was so tight and smooth that anyone looking at her could easily have mistaken her for a teenager. But I knew that some very grownup anxiety about her marriage was causing all kinds of stress below the surface of that youthful exterior, and since stress can accelerate the aging process, it needed to be addressed so she could continue to look young.

I dimmed the lights, put in a CD of sitar music, and took out my special oils. Slowly I massaged Cathy's neck and shoulders, her arms, her back, her glutes, her thighs and her calves, her feet, working each muscle with a firm hand as I tried to squeeze the knots of worry out of them. She moaned throughout the massage, and as she relaxed I could feel the tension slowly draining out of her body.

Then I had her turn over, but instead of continuing the massage, I began to kiss her face, giving her tiny smooches all over her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, her chin, everywhere except her mouth. Finally I zeroed in on it too, starting out with soft playful pecks on her lips before diving in and plunging my tongue about half way down her throat. Cathy hummed and sucked on my tongue, but before either of us could get into heavy mouth action, I pulled away, giving her a final little peck before kissing her chin again then slowly moving down to kiss her neck and breastbone.

Now I had to make a decision: Which of her smooth, full breasts would I attend to first? But I chose not to decide by trailing my tongue towards her left breast while gently squeezing her right. When my tongue reached her very erect left nipple, I simultaneously brushed my fingertips over her right nipple, making her shudder and causing goose bumps to rise up all over her. I proceeded to suck heartily on her left nipple while playing with her right; then I switched, sucking on the right nipple while playing with the left. And through it all, Cathy mewed and squirmed, openly reacting to and obviously enjoying the stimulation, opening the cage to her lust and allowing it to roam free as my tongue made its way into the valley between her tits.

From there I licked past Cathy's breastbone and down her torso. As I did, I could clearly smell her snatch. The odor wafting out of it was getting stronger and stronger, beckoning me. By the time I began kissing her soft blonde pubic hair, she was writhing in anticipation. Getting in a low crouch between her legs, I spread them wide to get a good up-close-and-personal look at her pussy. It was hot, wet, and sticky. Her cunt juice was flowing so heavily that it had seeped down her ass crack and left a big wet spot under her ass, as if she had pissed in the bed. Naturally the sight only heightened my enjoyment, and I leaned in and began to deep-sniff the deliciously steamy scent of the blonde's hot box, a smell which was as potent as any drug as it filled my head and charged up my libido.

But I wasn't ready to get down to business just yet with my female friend, so I began to flick my tongue over her clit, smiling as her whole body shivered with every little lick. Then I nuzzled her, rubbing my nose and mouth over her labia, anointing myself in her pre-come, and again making her shiver. Finally I slid my hands under her thighs, lifting them up just so, then sealed my lips over her twat and poked my tongue inside.

"Ooooh!" she gasped, shivering yet again.

"Mmmmmm!" I moaned as I slurped at her snatch, scooping out her sticky juice and ladling it into my mouth.

"Oh, my God!" Cathy exclaimed. "That's SO fucking good! Eat it, Jason! Eat my fucking pussy!"

It took her all of ten seconds to come, squealing, quivering, and squeezing my head between her thighs as she squirted fuck juice all over my tongue. And I swallowed it, relishing its sweet/sour taste and wallowing in its powerful odor as I attempted to lick every single drop of it out of her.

By the time I mounted her, Cathy was so ready for me that my cock slid all the way inside her in one stroke. But we didn't start fucking right away. Instead we just lay there smiling at each other and flexing our genitals in a kind of weird Morse Code. Then we kissed some more before I slowly started moving, shifting my hips only enough to pull about half of my dick out of her before gently sliding it back inside. I kept this up for several strokes, pulling out a little farther each time, until we were having bona fide missionary-position sex. It was the first time in years I'd actually made love to someone instead of fucking them, and it felt good and completely right, even though I happened to be doing it with my friend's wife. We were only a few minutes into our lovemaking when Cathy suddenly gasped, stiffened, and shivered.

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I'm coming!" she moaned, hugging me tight as her pussy contracted on my shaft. I stopped and waited for her orgasm to finish rippling through her before I began to move again, slowly picking up steam the way I did before until I'd established a nice steady rhythm. It didn't take long for her to come again, and once more I stopped, waited, then started up again.

Finally, after experiencing several little climaxes, Cathy had one of "those" orgasms, meaning the kind that even sexually active women have only once in a blue moon. It caused her to cry out and left her body quivering and her cunt spasming wildly on my cock for at least a couple of minutes. When it was finally over Cathy continued to cling to me, but her clit was so sensitive that any little move I made caused her to flinch. So I just stayed put, enjoying the feeling of our chests heaving and our hearts beating together. After a while I carefully withdrew my cock and lay beside her.

During her multiple orgasms, I myself was repeatedly on the verge of coming; but as much as I wanted to feed Cathy's hungry honeypot, I held off. There was something else I needed to do while we were together, and I wasn't sure I could see it through if I blew my wad now. Besides, it was enough that she had come several times and that I had helped her reach a nice big one.

"Oh, my God," Cathy sighed, wiping the sweat off her flushed face. "I can't remember the last time I came like that. It's been years."

I smiled. "How many? Like, maybe, three?" I asked, referring to Cedar Rapids.

"Yeah, maybe, like, three," she agreed, giggling like a naughty little girl as she turned onto her side, giving me her back. I snuggled up behind her, spooning her, my face nestled in her hair and my dick nestled in her ass crack. Gently I began to hump her, sliding my cock between her buns just enough to keep it hard, while Cathy hummed her approval. When it was good and stiff again, I shifted down a little and eased it into her very wet, very warm pussy. Once more enjoying the feeling of her snatch squeezing my shaft, I began to move inside her again. I suppose she thought this was Round 2, and it was...only not in the same place. After thrusting into her four or five times, I pulled out, aimed a little higher, and pushed.

"Ouch!" she yelped, tensing up. But my dick and her asshole were so totally soaked in pussy juice that my cockhead had already made its way past her anal sphincter and was sitting snugly inside her rectum. "No, Jason, not there. I told you--"

"Shut up! I want some booty NOW, bitch, and you're gonna give it to me!"

Cathy didn't respond as I held her hips steady and forced the entire length of my dick into her asshole. Then I flipped us over, so that she was face down and I was on top of her. Without any preliminaries, I began to fuck her up the ass, sanely for the first few strokes but like a maniac after that, pinning her wrists to the mattress and slamming into her with all my might, driving my dick as far up her shit trail as it would go, the exact same way I'd fucked Steve. The only difference was the silence. Though the bed rocked again, and the headboard banged against the wall again, and there was again lots of grunting and gasping, not a single word was spoken until I was about to shoot my load.

"Fuck! I'm coming!" I yelled, shoving my cock all the way up Cathy's butt. "Take it ALL right in that tight fucking ass, bitch!"

Shivering I pressed my torso into Cathy's back, clamped down on her wrists even harder, and stuck my face in her tousled blonde hair as I spurted what felt like a gallon of jizz deep in her hot, throbbing asshole. When I was done, I snatched my dick out of her then sat back to watch my spunk drool out of her red, puffy anus. I didn't even bother to lick it up the way I normally would. I wanted her to feel the full humiliation of being used as nothing more than a cum dump.

Cathy remained silent and motionless, her face pressed into my pillow as she quietly sobbed. I was pretty sure that, voluntarily or not, she had climaxed during our rump romp, but I was absolutely sure that she was angry as hell at me...exactly the way I'd hoped she'd be.

Leaning over the edge of the mattress, I groped under the bed until my fingers snagged the drawstring of the bag I'd stashed there earlier. Hauling it up, I opened it and dumped its contents into Cathy's hand. At first she slapped it away, but I put it right back and placed her fingers around it. Unable to fight her curiosity, she began to feel and squeeze the object, upon which she flipped onto her back, bolted up, and just stared at it.

"What the hell...?!"

"You told me what you felt like doing the next time you got fucked up the ass. Well, here's your chance. See? The harness is already attached."

Cathy gave me a strange look. "But Jason, I couldn't..."

I could see in her eyes that her anger was melting away, so I said, "If you don't, I swear I'll fuck you up the ass again, and this time when I'm done I'll wipe my shitty dick right in your fucking face."

Cathy's face immediately hardened again. "No you won't, you fucker!" In a flash she stood up on the bed, untangled the straps of the harness, then stepped into it and secured it around her waist as if she'd been putting it on every day of her life. Her brand new cock stood out proudly in front of her.

As the gorgeous blonde towered over me with her hands on her hips, I looked up at her in awe. The black harness contrasted starkly against her pale flesh, and the sleek ten-inch dildo that protruded from her crotch matched the color of her skin so closely it was as if she'd actually grown a dick. She looked dangerous...and I loved it.

"Wow, girl, you really--"

"Shut up, slave!" she suddenly said. Her sharp tone was like a slap in the face, which indeed left me speechless. "From now on, you're going to do everything I tell you, and you're not going to say one word unless I ask you a question, you hear?"


"That's 'Yes, MISTRESS,'" she said, correcting me.

"Yes, Mistress."

Cathy was gone, replaced by someone inside her who I had unwittingly released. I just hoped I didn't end up regretting it. I continued to stare at Mistress as she stepped back and leaned against the wall behind the headboard.

"Crawl over here, slave, then turn over onto your back," she said.

I followed her orders and seconds later I was staring up between her legs. I didn't get to enjoy the scenery for long, though, because she immediately put her foot in my face. At first she just wiped the sole up and down my face from chin to forehead, but then she began to brush her toes back and forth across my nose before finally pressing them against my nostrils, forcing me to smell their sweaty aroma.

"Open your mouth, slave."

I did, and she stuck one toe after another into my mouth, starting with the pinkie toe. Only after I had thoroughly tongue-washed the toe in my mouth did she move on to the next one. After I finished sucking her big toe, she tried to jam her whole foot in my mouth, stretching my lips to the breaking point and nearly making me gag. When my eyes began to water, she finally pulled it out; then, after waiting for me to finish coughing, she stepped on my face so hard I thought my nose would break. And when she finally moved her foot and I tried to check myself out, she kicked my hand away.

"Open your mouth again, slave."

I quietly complied, watching warily as Mistress turned around, held on to the headboard, and squatted over my face. I wasn't sure what she was up to until she reached down and pulled to the side the part of the strap-on that covered her cunt. Two seconds later a stream of urine gushed into my mouth.

"Drink my fucking piss, slave! Take it all in that fucking toilet mouth!"

Her piss filled my mouth so fast that it caught me off guard. Before I had a chance to swallow it, it overflowed, drenching my whole face and soaking into the sheets. But I quickly caught up to her flow and began to guzzle it down, mouthful after mouthful, savoring both its rank smell and it brackish taste as it filled my stomach, quenching my perverted thirst. All too soon it was over, and even though I didn't receive a command to do so, I began to lick the remaining drops of pee out of Mistress's pussy. Fortunately my forwardness didn't upset her; I could hear her moaning and feel her cunt contracting on my tongue as I cleaned up after her. But even though Mistress seemed to like having her pussy eaten, she suddenly lifted up.

"Okay, that's enough for now, slave," she panted, "'cause I've got something else for you. Open up that mouth again."

When I did, she shifted forward a little then sat on my face again, her anus landing right on my open mouth. Of course I got excited, and when Mistress's asshole pursed open and she blasted a long, loud fart in my mouth, I got more excited, as her foul-smelling gas swirled around in my sinuses before exiting through my nostrils. The fart was followed by a steady snot-like stream that oozed onto my tongue. It took me a moment to realize that this was the come I'd pumped inside Cathy when I'd fucked her ass, and the idea that Mistress was feeding it back to me excited me even further. Then my excitement meter went off the scale as Mistress shit a small turd into my mouth. It just kind of slipped out along with my semen, and while I was both surprised and delighted by her gift, I deliberately made a noise that could have been interpreted as a complaint, and Mistress quickly took the bait, lifting up, turning around, and staring dead in my face.

"Shut up, slave, and eat my fucking shit!" she snarled. "I want to see that fucking toilet mouth FLUSH!"

I put on a good show as I chewed up her chubby turd with my mouth wide open, noisily mashing it up between my molars, mixing it with my sperm and saliva into a thick brown paste, then closing my mouth for just an instant to gulp it down so my body could begin to re-digest what she had already digested. To cap it all off, I opened my mouth again and stuck out my tongue to show Mistress that I had indeed "flushed" her shit down my throat. She rewarded me by spitting in my mouth, and this too I swallowed.

"Okay, slave, now turn over and get on your hands and knees," she commanded.

I did as ordered, as her bodily wastes sloshed around in my stomach, and waited nervously to see if Mistress would even bother to lubricate me before doing to me what I'd done to Cathy. When, after several seconds, I heard nothing and felt nothing on my asshole, I slowly repositioned myself from hands and knees to forearms and knees, lowering my torso and tucking my head under to see what I could see between my legs. I was relieved to catch Mistress sticking her fingers in her pussy and wiping the juice on the head of the dildo. But I did not want her to catch me spying on her, so I quickly shifted my head forward again, resting my forehead on my arms. A few seconds later she mounted me.

"You ready to get your ass fucked, slave?"

"Yes, Mistress," I mumbled.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, Mistress!" I shouted.

"That's better."

Instantly I felt the tip of the dildo pressing against my anus. It felt much bigger than it looked, and I found myself tensing up as Mistress attempted to penetrate me. But she was determined to fuck me, and I was determined to have her to do it, and those two mind-sets, combined with the pussy juice coating the crown of the strap-on, could lead to only one conclusion.

"Oooh!" I yelped as the dildo pushed past my ass ring.

"Shut up, slave! Unless I ask you a question, you keep that fucking mouth shut, or I'll slap the shit out of you! You hear me?"

"Yes, Mistress," I managed to croak out, and I held my breath and tried to relax my anal sphincter as she crammed inch after inch of her virgin dick inside me, filling me up the way I'd filled up both Cathy and Steve; and as I thought about this, I pondered over how willing Steve had been to fuck my ass three years ago and to allow me to fuck his a week ago. That's when it occurred to me that, in essence, I was "the other woman" Cathy was so afraid she was losing him to, so I suppose it was only fitting that I be punished for initiating and promoting their domestic discord.

"Nngh!" I responded as Mistress forced the last inch of dildo up my ass, and I wasn't surprised when the next thing I felt was a stinging slap on the back of my head.

"I TOLD you to SHUT UP, slave! Don't you understand fucking English?!"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Then ACT like it!"

"Yes, Mistress."

For a long while Mistress held her position, simply rocking back and forth, rubbing her clit against the little projection on the other side of the dildo, shivering through at least a couple of orgasms. I was glad she wasn't rushing into fucking me, because it was giving my rectum time to adjust to the foreign object jammed inside it.

Mistress finally began to fuck me, and all I can say is that she must have summoned up every drop of testosterone that a female is capable of producing, because she went at me like that dick really WAS a part of her and that she'd been fucking guys with it forever, as she pounded my poor black ass into total submission.

"So how does it feel getting you ass fucked, slave?"

"Good, Mistress," I croaked.

"I can't hear you."

"I said it feels good, Mistress!" I yelled.

"That's better."

Right after saying that, Mistress ratcheted up her pace and began to ride my ass like a bronco buster, as if she were trying to release all at once the mountain of frustration that had built up in her over the past three years. Clawing my shoulders, she pumped her hips wildly, slamming her pelvis against my ass, plunging her cock in and out of my shithole and yelling "FUCK!" with every stroke; and beneath her I silently endured her rage, allowing her to make me her bitch, because this was exactly what the blonde beauty needed to do to discover her power and save her marriage.

After a while, the combination of banging my butt while frigging herself on that dildo nub pushed Mistress over the top, and holding on to me even tighter, she gasped and thrust her hips as far forward as she could, driving her dick to the depths of my shitter.

"Take it!" she screamed, trembling all over. "Take it right up that no-good, fucking, cheating ass of yours, Steve!"

No, I wasn't about to tell her that she'd said "Steve" instead of "slave," mainly because she'd hit my "g-spot" and I was trying my best to keep quiet while enjoying the feeling of all those endorphins flooding my brain. But both my dick and my anus betrayed my feelings, as one suddenly stiffened and the other repeatedly contracted around Mistress's cock.

Afterwards Mistress just lay on my back panting. I knew without asking that she had just had another one of "those" orgasms, so I didn't move a muscle, figuring that her clit was probably super-sensitive again. It took a while for her to gather herself, wind down, and change back into Cathy.

"I'm SO sorry, Jason," she said, slowly withdrawing the dildo from my ass. "I just lost it for a while and turned into a bitch. I didn't mean to take it out on you like that, but I couldn't help it." She started to cry again.

"Don't apologize, gorgeous," I said, turning my head to look at her. "And CERTAINLY don't cry. I enjoyed every minute of it. Besides, after everything you've been through, you DESERVED to have your day in the sun...or at least in a dimly-lit bedroom."

My remark produced a giggle among her sniffles, and that made me feel good even as I winced when the head of the dildo popped out of my poop chute. After stepping out of the harness, she examined the dildo, her face tightening with embarrassment at the streaks of shit on it. Then she surprised me by sniffing it; then she shocked me by flicking her tongue on it; then she made me laugh by frowning, saying "Yuck!" and quickly handing it to me. Kissing at her, I followed her lead by also sniffing it and flicking my tongue on it; then I one-upped her by sticking it in my mouth and pumping it a few times, as if Mistress were mouth-fucking me, and Cathy seemed to be both fascinated and horrified by this brief reappearance of her alter-ego.

For the next half hour or so, Cathy and I just lay beside each other chitchatting as we floated on a post-coital cloud. I noticed that the waistband and thigh straps of the harness had left prominent red marks on her pale skin, so I suggested it might be a good idea if she kept those parts of her body--particularly her legs--hidden from Steve until the impressions had faded away. At first she agreed with me, but then she said that maybe it would be better if he actually saw them and asked about them.

"After all," she reasoned, "what better way to approach him about the whole strap-on dildo idea than to tell him I went to a sex shop and tried one on?"

All I could do was laugh and say, "Good thinking."

By the time Cathy was ready to leave, her whole mood had lifted and her spirits were high. So were mine. And why wouldn't they be? I had just had amazing sex with my gorgeous blonde friend (and her alter-ego), and if it turned out that I never went to bed with her again, I would still have that sweet memory to savor. And adding it to my fuck session with Steve, I considered myself one lucky Harlemite.

But, of course, I wasn't satisfied. While it was great helping Steve and Cathy resolve their marital issues, the pedophile in me was still itching to get at their kids. I wanted to see just how much the cute pair had grown both physically and sexually in three years. I was eager to know what had blossomed from the perverted seeds I'd planted in them.

The Kids

As much as I wanted to see Trevor and Ashley, I had no idea how to go about even meeting up with them, much less being alone with them. Any babysitting would be done by their grandparents, and there was no place I could legitimately invite the kids without also having to invite Steve and Cathy.

I was about to abandon all hope of ever getting together with my two favorite white children when, a few days after Cathy and I did our thing, Steve called again, this time to tell me that the kids wanted to attend some special family event in Central Park on Saturday, but afterwards he and Cathy wanted to go out for drinks, catch a Broadway show, and perhaps do some dancing in an effort to reconnect with each other.

"So," he explained, "instead of schlepping them all the way back to Queens to drop them off then coming back into the City, we were wondering if we could leave them with you after the Central Park stuff and pick them up later."

"Sure, no problem," I said, trying my best to sound a little annoyed in an attempt to mask my excitement.

Steve thanked me profusely and said that they'd be over at around six o'clock. When I hung up the phone my first instinct, of course, was to jack off, and I did...almost, meaning I "jacked" but I never "offed," bringing myself to the brink of an orgasm then stopping. Since I would be seeing Trevor and Ashley in a couple of days, this was not the time to be wasting any come.

I'm sure I wasn't the only guy in the world eager for the weekend to arrive so he could meet up with a fuck buddy, but I'd swear I was the horniest. And why wouldn't I be? After all, I was meeting up with two of the cutest little fuck buddies on earth. And the idea that their parents, my other fuck buddies, had no idea about my sexual history with their kids made the whole situation all the sweeter.

Fortunately I didn't even have to wait until six because at five-thirty, the downstairs doorbell rang, and when I used the intercom to ask who was there, a booming voice said, "Hey, Jase, it's us!" I buzzed them in and a couple of minutes later there was a knock at my door. When I opened it I smiled, wishing my cell phone had been handy so I could've snapped a picture. All four of them were dressed in the exact same outfit--Yankee baseball cap, red and white "I Love New York" tee shirt, blue denim shorts, white knee socks, and white Nikes with a big red Swoosh on them; in other words, they were red, white, and blue all over. They looked terrific and ridiculous at the same time.

"Jase! How's it going?" Steve asked, giving me a bear hug to rival the one he'd given me at the restaurant.

"Hey, guys, nice to see you again. Come in, come in," I said, backing up and swinging the door open.

Whatever they had done in the park had left them all a little sweaty, so as they each hugged me and came in, I got a nice strong whiff of their body odor. This smell alone turned me so much that, after locking the door, I had to covertly reach in my pants and reposition my growing erection to make it less noticeable.

Steve and Cathy commented on how nice my apartment was, the two of them doing a pretty good job of convincing one another that it was their first time here, and I was careful not to say anything that might indicate to either of them that the other had been here before.

I also tried not to make my interest in the kids so obvious, but they were both so fresh-faced and good looking that it was hard not to stare at them. Trevor was now a lanky eleven-year-old. He had grown at least six inches since I'd last seen him and now stood just shy of five feet. He looked more than ever like his dad, and had even adopted his father's habit of constantly sweeping that mane of dark-brown hair out of his eyes, which were more steely grey than ever.

Ashley was now a spunky nine-year-old whose blonde hair came half way down her back and whose light-blue eyes were even more hypnotizing than they were three years ago. She too had grown, now standing about four and a half feet tall, and she still very much resembled her mother, though I was beginning to see some traces of Steve in her as well. But what was really exciting was the little butt that filled the seat of her shorts. It showed me that she was well on her way to following in her mother's footsteps in the "junk-in-the-trunk" department.

Also, both kids had beautiful, clear complexions.

Recalling the TV shows Trevor and Ashley always watched after school during my visit to Iowa, I picked up the remote and clicked on the Disney Channel. A "Suite Life of Zack & Cody" marathon was on, and the moment the kids spotted the twin blond boys skylarking in the lobby of the Tipton Hotel, their eyes lit up and, instantly mesmerized, they plopped down on the sofa. Steve and Cathy, however, just kept standing there.

"Don't you guys wanna sit down and take the load off?" I asked them.

"No can do, Jase. We have just enough time to shower and change clothes; then we have to take off."

"Oh. Okay," I said, feigning disappointment. "The bathroom is right there and the guest room is the last door at the end of the hall."

"Thanks," Steve said, and he and Cathy immediately headed for the bathroom.

I sat in my easy chair and studied Trevor and Ashley as they studied the TV screen. They were so thoroughly engrossed in watching the show that they never noticed how hard I was staring at them, admiring their fresh young faces while wondering how much they remembered about my visit to Iowa. Only when I heard the bathroom door open did I emerge from my trance.

I turned around to see Steve and Cathy--him with a towel around his waist, her wearing the bathrobe I'd hung on the back of the bathroom door--both give me an appreciative smile as he grabbed the duffel bag and they hurried down the hall to the guest room. When I heard the door close I went back to drooling over their kids.

Fortunately it didn't take long for my friends to get ready, for I was champing at the bit for them to leave. Their transformation from Saturday Afternoon Parents to Saturday Night Couple was striking, with Cathy now wearing a slinky black dress (which hit her at about mid-thigh), a string of pearls, and a pair of black pumps while Steve wore a blue sports jacket with an open-collar white shirt, grey slacks, and black loafers.

"Thanks again for doing this, Jase," Steve said, putting his arm around my shoulder; then, looking over at the kids, he said, "Okay, guys, be good. See you later."

"Ohh-kaay," the kids sang in unison without turning their heads, as if they'd rehearsed it.

And as he and Cathy headed out the door, she added, "And don't give Uncle Jason any trouble."

"Ohh-kaay," they sang again, making me snicker.

After Steve and Cathy left, I locked the door, walked back into the living room, and just stood there, again watching the kids watch TV. My intention was to give them some time to warm up to me by sitting beside them. But before I had a chance to do this, Ashley jumped up and walked over to me.

"Uncle Jason, do you have a computer?"

"I sure do, Sugar Pie. It's in the guest room where your mom and dad changed. Why? You wanna use it?"

She smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead."

Without another word, the nine-year-old sprinted down the hall and into the room, closing the door behind her. I expected Trevor to follow her. Instead he stayed right where he was, still fixated on the TV. I went over and sat next to him in the space his sister had just vacated. He seemed fine with this for the first few minutes, but after that he began to squirm as though his seat had suddenly become hot. He also kept turning his head and glancing at me, as if he either wanted me to sit somewhere else or he wanted to say something to me, I wasn't sure which. Finally, after a whopping five minutes, he couldn't stand it any longer, but instead of looking at me he peered at the TV even harder:

"Uncle Jason, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Trev, what's up?"

"Well...remember when you came to our house?"

"Of course."

"...and remember what me, you, and my sister did?"

My heart began to race as I picked up the remote and lowered the sound on the TV. "You the bathroom?" I asked, my face suddenly feeling as hot as Trevor's seat seemed to be.

"...yeah," he answered hesitantly, and the piece of his left ear I was able to see under all that hair suddenly began to redden.

I nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

" you, like, still do stuff like that?"

"Sure, sometimes. Why?" I leaned forward a little to catch Trevor's expression and saw that his whole face was beginning to match his ear in color.

"'Cause, well, you know, I was just gonna say that if you, like, wanted to do some stuff like that with me again, I wouldn't mind."

I smiled and playfully mussed his hair. "Thanks, Trev. I'm glad you feel that way, because I was really hoping to do some of that stuff with you again while you were here."

"For real?" the boy asked, smiling brightly as he finally turned and looked directly at me.

"Yep, for real. But it's got to be only between us, just like before. You still can't tell your mom and dad."

"Yeah, I know," said Trevor, his tone telling me that I had just made the most obvious statement on earth.

"But what about Ashley?" I asked him. "She was probably too young back to even remember what we did. Think she'll go for doing some stuff too?"

Trevor's grey eyes twinkled as his smile morphed into a wicked one-sided grin. "Yeah, I KNOW she will, 'cause me and her have been doing stuff with each other ever since after you left."

"Really?" I asked, also grinning. "Like what?"

I sat there dumbfounded as Trevor proceeded to tell me how they had started out by emulating my own perverted behavior, meaning they would follow one another into the bathroom after taking a shit. That quickly escalated to the two of them letting each other in the bathroom WHILE they were shitting, so they could smell each other's butts, see the turds floating in the toilet bowl, and watch everything go swirling down the drain when they flushed. Then Trevor suggested that Ashley climb up on the toilet, turn around, and squat over the bowl the next time she had to go, so he could see the shit coming out of her asshole, and when Ashley obliged, he was treated not only to that magically nasty sight but also to toilet water splashing up in his face as her turds plopped into the bowl. When Trevor returned the favor, Ashley offered to wipe his ass afterwards, and soon that too became a regular part of their scat play. But when I asked if either of them had gotten around to eating the other's shit, Trevor frowned and shook his head.

"No, but we tasted each other's pee," he said, and he went on to explain how that happened one day when, again following my lead, he was licking Ashley's pussy, when she accidentally let go with a squirt of piss in his mouth. He'd started to spit it out when he suddenly remembered how they'd both gone in my mouth and I'd swallowed it. So he swallowed it too, and while he said it didn't taste like lemonade, the way I'd claimed Ashley's did, it wasn't bad. So the next time Ashley had to pee, Trevor asked her if he could drink it, and after going through all of her "Ewwwwww, gross!" melodrama, she went ahead and peed in his mouth, and he swallowed it all and licked her cunny clean after. And since Ashley didn't want him to be "one-up" on her, she told him he could pee in her mouth too, and though Trevor said she frowned the whole time she was drinking it, she swallowed every drop he gave her then licked his piss slit afterwards.

"Well, that's a start," I said; then, smiling devilishly, I asked, "What about this?" and I patted the fly of Trevor's shorts, making him flinch. "Have you tried putting it in her pussy or butt yet?" And I fondly recalled the feeling three years ago of the boy's cocklet sliding in and out of my anus as I lay on the bathroom floor eating his sister's pussy.

"No, not yet," Trevor said, blushing again. "But after I peed in her mouth it got hard, and when I asked her if she would suck it till it got soft again, she said okay. So she sucked it and sucked it till I started feeling hot and cold at the same time and started shaking. Then I made her stop."

"So you came in her mouth."

"I don't know," he said. "I guess."

"Did you make any sperm?"

"I don't know. I don't think so."

Even if he had, it probably wasn't all that much; and since Ashley had just finished drinking his pee, she probably wouldn't have noticed a few extra drops of fluid seeping out of his piss slit as she was sucking him off. But the possibility that Trevor was now old enough to produce semen was too exciting for me to just gloss over. I HAD to follow up on it.

"You know, Trev, making sperm is the first sign of becoming a man."

"It is?"

"That's right. Even if it's just a little bit, it means you're growing up fast. So when you play with yourself, does anything ever come out of your penis?"

"Yeah, some sticky stuff sometimes."

I smiled. "Sounds like sperm to me."

"For real?" he asked, his eyes lighting up again.

"Yep. But I think we should find out for sure, don't you?"


"Good. Before we get started, though, I need to check on your sister. She's so quiet in there."

"She's probably watching pornos," Trevor casually explained.

"What?!" I asked, taken aback.

"When she was first learning how to use the computer, I showed her how to go on line and find porno sites and play those videos they have in the visitors section. Then we found some of those sites where people post pornos they make of themselves. After that she started finding them all by herself and playing with her vajjie while she watched. So, like I said, she's probably doing that right now."

If Trevor was right, the last thing I wanted to do was disturb the nine-year-old by knocking on the door or calling her name, which would give her a chance to close the window, open a game, and pretend nothing was going on. It would be a lot easier to involve her in whatever sex play Trevor and I had by catching her in the act. I began concocting a plan to do just that when Trevor interrupted my train of thought.

"Uncle Jason, can I...uhh...ask you something else?"

"Sure, Trev, what is it?"

"Well...I know you said you wanted to do stuff with me," he continued haltingly, "but I just wanted to know if, like, you know, that also meant you still liked to, you it."

Smiling at his scrunched up expression, I put my arm around his shoulder. "Of course, Trev. I told you back then I was a pervert, and that DEFINITELY hasn't changed."

I saw a gleam in the boy's eyes. "Well, I was just wondering 'cause I hafta go...and I don't think I can hold it."

I got so excited that I had to do everything in my power not to bust a nut right in my underwear. Ashley would have to wait. There were more urgent matters at hand.

"Then let's get you out of those clothes," I said, and I hopped down on the floor. In a flash I had untied and pulled off Trevor's running shoes; then I whisked his socks off, after which I pressed all ten of his naked toes against my nose to get a good whiff of his stinky feet, making him giggle. Next I went for his tee-shirt, tugging it over his head, which sent his long hair flying. I gave myself only a few seconds to ogle the tiny pink nipples atop the pale white flesh of his torso before I unbuckled his belt and, after telling him to "lift up," yanked off his shorts. That left the eleven-year-old wearing only his tighty-whiteys, and I licked my lips when I saw the bulge in his fly. Bending down I gently sniffed and kissed it while grasping the elastic band; then glancing up to look at the boy's not-so-innocent face, I again said, "Lift up," though much more quietly this time, and when he did I slid his underwear over his butt, down his legs, and off his feet.

I sat back on my haunches to admire the boy's naked body. Not a single hair or blemish marred his smooth white skin. But what was really impressive was the four-inch erection lying against his belly and the golf-ball-sized nut sac underneath it. He had grown in more ways than one in the past three years.

"Wow, Trev, you've gotten a lot bigger since the last time I saw you."

"I know," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "You like it?"

"I LOVE it!"

Then, without warning, he turned around, got on his hands and knees, and tucked his head in, putting his perfect little white ass on prominent display. "You like this too?"

With my heart racing, I crouched down and leaned forward, gently grasping the boy's buns, and used my thumbs to further spread his already gaping asshole. Instantly the odor of warm shit wafted into my nose. I nuzzled his ass, filling my nostrils with his stink, and gave him a peck on his pucker. When I pulled back, he spread his legs wider and tucked his head lower to look at me upside down from between his legs.

"Uncle Jason? Instead of going in the bathroom, can't we do it right here?"

I didn't answer right away, having been caught off guard by the question. My first impulse was to say no, since I wasn't sure I could hide the smell before Steve and Cathy got back and because Ashley might walk out of the guest room at any moment and catch us. But then I thought, What the hell? All I have to do is spray some air freshener. And if Ashley happens to catch us, so what? I'm planning to involve her at some point anyway. Besides, I was so thrilled that Trevor felt comfortable enough about taking a shit to ask to do it outside the familiar surroundings of a bathroom that there was no way I was going to turn him down.

"Sure, why not," I finally said, and while the neat-streak in me wanted to dash to the bathroom, grab a towel, and spread it under the boy to catch any errant squirts of pee or dollops of poop, I decided to just stay put, telling myself that anything that ended up on the sofa or the floor would simply be a trophy, something to treasure after he'd left. I was about to lean in again and seal my lips over his anus when I decided that I needed something else from him first:

"Hey, Trev, tell me again what we're doing."

Puzzled, he got out of his tuck and turned his head back to look at me. "You know. I hafta go...and you're gonna eat it."

I returned his puzzled stare. "What do you mean? Go WHERE? Eat WHAT?"

Trevor continued looking confused for a while before he finally smirked. "Oh, I get it. You want me to SAY it, right?"

I licked my lips and nodded.

"Okay. Well...I'm gonna shit in your mouth, and you're gonna eat it like a big ol' hotdog," he said, referencing Ashley's words from three years ago.

I smiled as I felt my dick twitch. "That's better. NOW I understand what we're doing: I'm going to be your toilet, right?"

"Right," Trevor said, still smirking.

I gestured to indicate that he should get back into his tuck. When he did, I sat back to watch the show.

It's hard to describe the extraordinary degree of excitement I felt as I gazed at Trevor's flawless white ass and pale pink pucker. Though I often fished the turds of some of the older kids out of the toilets in the boys' and girls' bathrooms at the elementary school where I worked, it had been a long time since I'd been fed fresh tween shit straight from the source. So as I watched Trevor's bulging anus swell into a tiny donut then purse open to reveal the tip of a rich brown turd, I savored its pungent aroma and was eager to taste it.

"Can you see it yet, Uncle Jason?"

"Yes, I can, Trev...and it's BEAUtiful."

I continued to stare in amazement as the white boy's anal sphincter opened wider and wider to release the log hidden in his colon. Seeing what lay in store for me, I began to doubt my ability to consume it. But, strangely, this doubt only fueled my excitement. And as the thick turd began to exit Trevor's anus, I became convinced that the flooding of Cedar Rapids was fate, part of some master plan to bring me and this family together again to fulfill our demented destiny, and for me that included eating everything the eleven-year-old delivered to me from his burgeoning bowels. So I closed my eyes and sealed my lips over the boy's anus.

"Yeah, Uncle Jason, eat it! Eat my shit!" Trevor urged me as his feces began to fill my mouth. "Be my toilet!"

He reminded me of his mother. But what she'd fed me couldn't begin to compare to what he was feeding me. He was dropping a major bomb in my mouth, and I was struggling to swallow it. Whatever Trevor had eaten for breakfast and lunch had been transformed into a massive turd that was now steadily making its way around the twists and turns of his large intestines, like a big brown freight train, and it wasn't going to stop or slow down until it had chugged out of his body and into mine.

"Mmmmmm! Glurrrp! Mmmmmm! Glurrrp!" I heard myself uttering as I scarfed down the huge lengths of Trevor's poop, my throat a mere extension of his bowels as he shit and I ate in one continual perverted digestive process.

"Hey, Uncle Jason, does my shit taste as good as it did the last time you ate it?"

"Mmglurrph!" was all I could say.

"Wait. Don't talk with your mouth full," he said, playfully repeating what both he and his sister had said to me in their bathroom when I'd tried to talk while devouring their dung. It was a pleasant little indicator that every detail of the events of that day had been branded into Trevor's eight-year-old brain, and now, three years later, he had perfect recall. As for how his shit tasted now compared to then, it was hard to tell. All I could say for sure was that this time there was a LOT more of it to eat.

Eventually, though, even the most packed bowels get emptied, and Trevor's emptied with a flourish, his final turd sliding out with a fart and a spray of piss all over my sofa.

"Sorry about that," he said, and while I wanted to tell him that it was okay, I was too busy trying to direct the last of his load down my throat without triggering my gag reflex, which would surely have spoiled the whole experience. It took some doing, but after reminding myself of my responsibility as a human toilet to do a "full flush" at the end of every session, I took a deep breath, relaxed my esophagus, and swallowed.

"Mmmmmmmm!" I moaned, detaching my lips from Trevor's asshole and sitting back again as I waited for his shit to slide down my throat. After it did, I opened my eyes to see the boy staring at me.

"Wow, Uncle Jason, I can't believe you ate ALL of it. I know it was a lot, 'cause it was starting to hurt my stomach."

I almost told him that he'd be amazed what a Seasoned Shit Geek can do when he puts his mind to it, but instead I said, "I couldn't help it, Trev. Your shit was just too tasty not to finish," and I accented my remarks by releasing a long farty burp, which made him giggle. Of course, I couldn't leave him with a dirty asshole, so I told him to turn around and bend over again then licked away every trace of leftover shit that I could detect. By the time I was done, his anus was so clean it glistened.

But now that my belly was full of Trevor's shit, I was dying to bust a nut. I was pretty sure "mini-Steve" would've been more than willing to let me bust it in his face again, especially if he were still under the impression that it would keep him from getting zits. But I knew this first load would be a whopper, and I wanted him to take it back home with him. I just needed to figure out the best way to ask him to suck my dick and slurp it down. But it turned out I didn't have to, because the mountain was about to come to Mohammed:

"Uncle Jason, are you gonna shoot your sperms now?"

"You bet, Trev. Eating your shit made me horny."

He smiled sheepishly then asked, "Well, when you do, could you, like, do it in my mouth?"

I grinned. "Sure, I'd love to. In fact, I was just about to suggest it. So what made you ask?"

"Well, when I was looking at pornos, there was this one where a whole buncha guys were doing stuff to this one guy, and when they finished, they all shot their sperms in his mouth...and he ate it. So I was wondering how it tasted."

"Well, you're in luck, Trev, 'cause I've got a nice big load for you to taste. In fact, instead of me jacking off, why don't you suck me off instead. I'll let you know when I'm ready to come, okay?"

"Okay," he said as matter-of-factly as you please. Two seconds later he was kneeling in front of me, his hand clutching the bottom of my dick while his mouth engulfed the top, damn near making me come on the spot. Then, apparently like he'd seen the guy in the porn film do, he began to slide his lips up and down my pole. Having this cute white boy suck my black dick--the moist warmth of his virgin mouth on my glans, the feeling of his hair brushing against my groin, even the contrast of his pale fingers holding my brown shaft--all combined to make it impossible for me to restrain my orgasm. When, on top of all that, he used his free hand to sweep his hair back then looked up at me with those big grey eyes, I lost it.

"Fuck! I'm coming! Swallow it, Trev! Drink it down!"

Trembling, I grabbed the boy's head with both hands, holding him in place while lifting my hips to stuff into his mouth every part of my cock he wasn't holding on to.

"Mmph! Mmph!" Mmph!" the boy responded as I shot load after slimy load of spunk straight down his throat. Whatever Trevor had expected to swallow, I'm sure it didn't come close to the shitload of semen I was feeding him. So I wasn't surprised, after he hiccupped and frowned, to see sperm spurting out of his nose.

"Shit!" I hissed, still coming as I watched the sticky streams ooze out of his nostrils. They were about to drip into my pubic hair when the boy suddenly snuffled, sucking them back up into sinuses, and swallowed, sending them down his throat. A few seconds later, I released Trevor's head and he slowly pulled his mouth off my dick, a long, glistening strand of either spit or spunk stretching from his lips to my dick. He reopened his eyes, which were now red and watery, and smiled.

"Open your mouth, Trev. I want to see." He did, wide, sticking out his tongue as well to fully display its empty interior. After inspecting it, I nodded in admiration. "Wow, kiddo, you're the real deal. So how'd it taste?"

He twisted his mouth to the side as he thought it over. "Okay, I guess. But it was kinda slimy. Like snot."

I smiled. "So what you're telling me is that you wouldn't necessarily want to do like the guy you saw in the porn movie and swallow, like, fifty loads of it, huh?"

"Right," he said, again smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, me neither," I agreed while thinking, Unless, of course, those fifty guys were all as good looking as you and your dad. Then I'd HAPPILY do it! But now that I'd shot my load, it was time to see if Trevor could do the same...and that meant it was also time for Ashley to join the party.

"Hey, Trev, do me a favor. Go in my bedroom, get in the bed, and pull the covers all the way up to your chin. I'll be with you in a little bit, okay?"

"Okay," he said, again matter-of-factly, flashing me another sexy smile.

"And no playing with yourself under the covers, ya hear?"

"Okay," he said again, this time with a giggle.

As he scampered off, I followed him to get my bathrobe, watching as he climbed into my bed, the same bed in which his dad had lost his anal cherry and his mom had taken her first. Slipping into my robe as he slipped under the covers, I gave him the okay sign and left the room, closing the door behind me. Then I tiptoed down the hall until I was in front of the door to the guest room. My computer was on the other side of the room, so if Ashley was sitting in front of it, she would be facing away from the door, making it impossible for her to spot me when I came in. I just had to be quiet. I carefully turned the doorknob and eased the door open.

Sure enough, the first thing I saw on the monitor was the image of a very white woman on her hands and knees sucking the cock of a very black guy while his light-skinned companion fucked her doggy style. Though Ashley had muted the audio, she couldn't mute the breathy sounds she herself was making as she watched; and as I crept closer, I could see that, just as Trevor had predicted, her hand was down the front of her shorts. She was so totally absorbed in watching the sex scene and masturbating that she had no idea I was standing right behind her.

"Ashley, what are you doing?"

Well, talk about jumping out of your skin! I thought I had given the poor girl a heart attack, as she jerked around, pulled her hand out of her pants, stood up, and fumbled for the mouse all at the same time, knocking her chair over in the process.

"Oh! Oh! Uncle Jason!" she gasped. "You scared me! I didn't hear you come in!"

"Yeah, I figured," I said, smirking.

Ashley's mouth and light-blue eyes were wide open, and her face was as pale as an albino's.

"I'm sorry! PLEASE don't tell my mom and dad!" she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. "They'll KILL me!"

"Calm down, Sugar Pie, I'm not going to tell anybody anything."

"You're not?"

"No. As a matter of fact, I'm glad I caught you watching those people having sex," I said as I began to stroke the girl's silky blonde hair.

"You are? Why?"

"Well, I don't know if you remember, but when I was visiting you guys in Iowa, you, your brother, and I did some of the same things they were doing."

"We did?" she asked, looking totally confused.

"Yep. And you really liked it. Don't you remember?"

"...uhh...yeah, kinda," she lied, probably thinking that it was safer to just go along with whatever I was saying.

"Well, even if you don't remember doing nasty things with ME, I'm sure you remember doing them with TREVOR, right?"

Now the girl just stared at me with a deer-in-the-headlights look as she began to realize that I knew a lot more about her dark side than I had first let on.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell your parents about that either. In fact, the reason I'm telling you all this is because Trevor and I are getting ready to play a little game, and I thought you might like to join us."

"What kinda game?" she asked, suspiciously.

"Like the kind you were playing when you had your hand in your pants," I said bluntly.

Again came the deer-in-the-headlights expression, but now her face was beginning to turn an interesting shade of red.

"So you want to play?"

Ashley just stood there for a moment before giving me a quick, almost reflexive nod. As soon as she did, I said "good," kissed her on the forehead, took her hand, and led her into the bedroom. When I opened the door, she was surprised to see Trevor lying in my bed with the covers up to his chin.

"Hi, Ash," he said, wearing a big smile.

"Why're you in his bed?" she asked.

"That's part of the game, Sugar Pie. So let's see what your brother's hiding under there."

Winking at Trevor, I walked over to the bed and snatched the covers back, revealing every inch of his pale preteen body.

"Oooh!" Ashley gasped. "You're naked!"

And a delicious nakedness it is, I said to myself, allowing myself to ogle him for a minute before continuing.

"Well, Sugar Pie," I said, shrugging. "Since he's naked, I guess we need to get naked too," and I immediately began to strip. Unlike before, however, Ashley was reluctant to take off her clothes, as she looked back and forth from me to her brother.

"It's okay, Ash," Trevor said. "Me and Uncle Jason played this game before, and it's fun. But it's a secret, so we can't tell Mom and Dad, okay?"

"Okay," she said, nodding, and the nine-year-old finally began to undress until she was standing there as naked as the day she popped out of mother's oh-so-succulent pussy. She too was hairless from nose to toes, the only blushes of pink on her flawless white form appearing at her lips, her nipples, and in the cleft of her vagina, where she'd been digging with her finger. I took a few moments to drink in her nudeness too.

As for the kids, just like before, both of them were drawn to my dick, which by now was so stiff it was pointing up at the ceiling.

"Wow, Uncle Jason, your penis is as big as the ones those guys in the pornos have!" said Trevor. "Isn't it, Ash?"

Ashley was staring so hard at my cock that it took her a moment to respond, even though her mouth was wide open; and when she finally did respond, it was an almost inaudible "uh-huh." Her reaction went beyond mere surprise. It bordered on fear. Then it occurred to me that, having watched more than her fair share of young women taking guys' cocks in their pussies, she might have thought that I would try to get mine in hers. So I sidled up to her and, stroking her hair again, tried to allay any fears she might have been having.

"Sugar Pie, if you're thinking what I THINK you're thinking, don't worry. You're not old enough yet for me to put it in your...vajjie."

The girl instantly relaxed, closing her eyes and letting out a big sigh of relief. What I didn't tell her, though, was that I DID think she was old enough to wrap her pretty lips around it. But I didn't want to freak her out before we got started, so I focused on Trevor instead. Covering him back up, I stood there for a minute then walked to the foot of the bed, pulled up the covers, and dove under, manuevering in the dark until my face was between his legs. I then began to gently blow on his genitals.

"Oooo, that tickles!" Trevor giggled, shivering.

"What's he doing under there?" asked Ashley.

"Why don't you pull back the covers and see?" I suggested from the darkness.

The nine-year-old quickly did just that, but by the time she uncovered us, I had already changed positions, so the first image she got was of me with her brother's dick in my mouth.

"Oooh!" she responded, wide-eyed. "You're sucking his penis!"

"Yeah, and it feels GOOD too!" said Trevor as my lips slid up and down his slender pole, making him flinch again and again. I didn't want him to come too soon, though, so after only a couple of minutes I let him go, watching in delight as his spit-slick willy snapped back against his tummy. Now, though, both it and his balls were wet and glowing a nice warm shade of red. I looked over at Ashley and smiled.

"Come on up here and join us, Sugar Pie."

With her light-blue eyes still stretched wide open, the girl scrambled up on the bed but had no idea what to do or where to put herself, so I positioned her on her knees right over her brother's head and facing me.

"See, Sugar Pie?" I explained. "Now you can watch what I do to your brother while he's licking your vajjie."

"Oooooo!" she giggled. "That's gross!"

"Yes, it is," I agreed. "And I think you already know how much fun 'gross' can be."

Getting down between Trevor's legs again, I bent his knees and rolled him up into the same pretzel position I'd placed his dad in, with his lower back off the mattress and his knees nearly touching his chest. This time, though, it wasn't for fucking; it was simply to allow my mouth complete access to the boy's dick, balls, and asshole.

"Hey, Trev, you comfortable?" I asked as I held on to his thighs.

"Uh-huh," he answered from under his sister's pussy.

"Good. Let's do it."

A gasp and a flinch from Ashley let me know that Trevor had already begun to "do it," so I began doing it too, starting with a re-examination of his anus. Spreading it open and peering as far as I could into its rich pinkness, I sniffed it deeply. Being that I had already thoroughly tongued him clean after eating his shit, however, there wasn't much of an odor left. So I began to tease his little rosebud, flicking the tip of my tongue over it, which not only caused the boy to jerk but triggered something else in him as well, for I was suddenly treated to a loud, smelly fart, its shitty scent enveloping my head like a cloud.

"Ewwwwww! He pooted right in your face!" said Ashley, who appeared to be both disgusted and delighted by it.

"Yes, he did, Sugar Pie, and I'm going to get him back for doing it, too. Just watch," and after inhaling as much of Trevor's stinky gas as I could, I promptly spread his anus open again and thrust my tongue inside, eliciting a muffled gasp from between Ashley's legs.

"Ewwwwww! You're getting him back by licking his BUTTHOLE?!"

I just nodded at the girl as I continued to slobber over her brother's shitter. She looked as if she were about to say something else when she suddenly gasped and began to shiver as her eyes rolled back in her head. Clearly the little bitch was having an orgasm, and Trevor seemed to know this because he promptly stopped sucking her snatch, apparently waiting for her to float back down to earth.

I used this respite to finish licking the eleven-year-old's asshole and move on to his balls, sucking both of them into my mouth and rolling my tongue around them as I savored the sweaty odor of his hairless crotch. Finally I let his nut sac slip out of my mouth and began to suck his prick again. By now the boy was so hot and bothered that it took only a few short trips up and down his pecker to bring him to orgasm.

"Unh! Unh! Unh!" he grunted as his entire body stiffened and began to tremble. The hot breath on Ashley's pussy caused her to open her eyes, and she refocused on what was going on in front of her. Deciding that I wanted an eyewitness to any ejaculation Trevor might have, I let go of his legs, allowing them to drop onto my shoulders, then pulled my lips off his penis and grasped it right under the head. Not two seconds later, a milky little bead sprouted out of his urethra and began to seep down his glans.

"Oooooo!" Ashley cooed. "It looks just like the white pee those guys in the pornos make when they say, 'I'm coming.'"

"It's not pee, Sugar Pie, it's sperm."

She frowned. "What's that?"

My first thought was, The same shit I shot in your fucking face a few years back, you forgetful little bitch! Instead I patiently explained, "Well, it's what comes out of older boys' and men's penises so they can make babies."

"So I DID make some sperms!" Trevor said in excitement, slipping his head from between his sister's legs.

"That's right. See?" And I pointed to the translucent glob that was now oozing onto my finger.

"Wow!" Trevor responded, obviously impressed with himself as he smiled and nodded.

Now that all three of us could officially attest to Trevor's newfound virility, I licked his semen off my finger and slipped the head of his wilting weiner back into my mouth. By now it was so sensitive that he frowned and sharply sucked in his breath as I lapped at it, but he had to endure it because I was determined to consume every sticky strand of his precious white-boy sperm.

When I was satisfied that I had swallowed everything Trevor's balls had produced, I decided to let him rest and turned my attention to Ashley, who was now sitting with her back against the headboard and her legs splayed open, diddling her clit. Crouching in front of her, I looked her straight in the eye as I gently removed her hand from her crotch, spread her legs a little farther apart, and slipped my hands underneath her, cupping her soft butt cheeks. Then I lowered my head and sealed my lips over her labia.

"Oooh!" she gasped, instinctively grabbing the back of my head and pulling me closer as I began to slurp at her slit.

Eating any good-looking woman is fun, but there is nothing in the world like sucking a young girl's pussy. Usually it involves sniffing a little rankness and licking away a few drop of pee then stimulating her tiny clit enough to make a little cunny juice flow. But with Ashley having played with herself at the computer then Trevor sucking her to an orgasm, there was no piss smell left, just the sexy aroma of a little blonde female in heat.

Meanwhile, behind me, Trevor wasn't doing much resting at all as I felt his small hands exploring my ass, rubbing both mounds over and over again then--eerily--slapping them, first lightly, then hard enough to make loud smacking noises and make me feel the sting. It was almost as if he'd been in the room watching his dad and me. Knowing what was coming next, I slowly lowered myself until I was lying flat, and Trevor didn't hesitate to climb on top of me and poke his newly erect peter into my anus.

"Nngh!" I grunted into Ashley's vulva as her brother bottomed out in my butthole. My rectum hadn't quite recovered from the supreme reaming his mom had given it a few days earlier, so wasn't as prepared as I thought I'd be for that extra inch of dick Trevor had grown since I'd last seen him. But the very idea that her son's cock was in the same place hers had been--and without either of them knowing it--was enough to make me embrace the minor discomfort and crave the boy's energetic thrusts.

So now it was déjà vu all over again with the kids too, meaning the three of us were in the same configuration we'd been in three years ago on the bathroom floor in Cedar Rapids, and maybe this is what jogged Ashley's memory because suddenly her light-blue eyes popped open and she looked down at me with a big smile on her face.

"I remember now, Uncle Jason, I remember!" she declared. "Me, you, and Trevor were in the bathroom...and you ate our poop!"

I stopped eating her pussy long enough to look up at her and say, "That's right, Sugar Pie. And do you remember what else we did?"

"We...uhh...I think we peed in your mouth too, then in our faces, right?"

"Close enough. So at least now you know we're not doing anything we haven't already done before, right?" When she nodded, I looked over my shoulder at her brother. "Right, Trev?"

"Uh-huh," he grunted, his hands clutching my shoulders as he continued to labor at my asshole as if trying to make up for all the butt he hadn't gotten in the past three years.

Having elicited Trevor's affirmation, I reattached my upper lips to Ashley's lower ones and tried to suck the life out of the nine-year-old. My timing couldn't have been better, as both brother and sister orgasmed at the same time, and I was afforded the rare treat of having a shivering young white boy clinging to my back as he spurted semen up my ass while a quivering young white girl hugged my head in her arms and between her thighs as she squirted come on my tongue. By some miracle I managed to hold back my own orgasm.

Afterwards the siblings lay panting on top of and in front of me as the unique scent of child sex swirled around in my nostrils. I wondered what Steve and Cathy were doing at this very moment. Perhaps they were sitting in a bar, or watching a play, or dancing. Whatever it was, they probably weren't even thinking about their kids; and if they were, they certainly weren't worried about them. After all, their two little crumb crunchers were secure in the home of their longtime friend, who was faithfully watching over them. How more safe and sound could they be?

As I thought about this, I smiled, nuzzling Ashley's hairless pussy and contracting my anus on Trevor's prick. But the kids' genitals were so sensitive that they both gasped and recoiled, Ashley backing away from me and Trevor pulling out of my asshole and curling up next to me. We all stayed where we were for several minutes; then I noticed Ashley inching closer to me again.

"Uncle Jason?"

"Yes, Sugar Pie?"

"Did Trevor make sperm in your butthole?"

"I'm sure he did."

Hesitating, she squinched up her face and asked, "Can I see it?"

"Sure! I'll get on my hands and knees; then you get behind me and look in my butt, okay?"

She nodded, smiling sheepishly, and scooted behind me as I assumed the position, my head low and my ass high. When I felt Ashley's hands on my buns, I knew she was peering into my anus, so I flexed my sphincter. While I couldn't feel anything, I suddenly heard the girl gasp.

"Ooh! I can see it! It's coming out of your butthole! Look, Trevor!"

Crawling backwards, Trevor joined his sister in staring at my shithole. "Wow!" he beamed. "I made more than I thought!"

"That's because you're getting to be more of a man every minute, Trev," and when I turned my head to look at him, I caught him smiling with pride again. Meanwhile Ashley had crawled back in front of me and again lay with her back against the headboard, her knees up and her legs spread apart, shamelessly displaying her underage cunny.

"Uncle Jason, I have to pee now. Can I go in your mouth?"

"Of course, Sugar Pie. But I'll have to put my mouth back on your vajjie. Is that okay?"

"Uh-huh," she said, nodding.

I sealed my lips over the nine-year-old's pussy again and two seconds later I felt a warm trickle in my mouth. When the flow began to increase, I saw Trevor out of the corner of my eye, so I pulled my mouth back and urged the girl to lift up a little so he could see what we were doing better.

"Oooooo!" he responded, gawking as his sister's golden stream skeeted into my open mouth. When it was on the verge of overflowing, I swallowed at the back of my throat, and Trevor asked if I could teach him how to do that because whenever he drank Ashley's pee, he had to close his mouth to swallow and she always ended up peeing all over his face.

Naturally the idea of Trevor getting pissed in the face by his little sister brought to mind what their mom had done to me, turning me on all the more. So after downing my third mouthful of pee, I closed my mouth and eyes and just held my face in Ashley's hot stream, allowing it to splash all over my face and soak into the sheets the same way her mother's had; and this seemed to delight both kids because they giggled through every second of the face-washing.

Now the room smelled like child sex and girlie pee, but the odors only served to heighten my pedo libido, and I took a nice deep breath to sear them into my psyche before sinking to an even lower level of debauchery. Having confirmed Trevor's ability to make babies and recalling what he'd said about the things he and Ashley had yet to try, I had an overwhelming desire to see him deposit some of his baby-makers inside her. But Trevor had a fairly formidable pecker for an eleven-year-old, so I figured it might not be the best idea for him to fuck her pussy. All I needed was for Steve and Cathy to come back here to find their little girl bleeding between her legs because her hymen had been punctured. It would be a tad hard to explain away. But there was no reason he couldn't do to her what he'd done to me--fuck her up the ass; and if my experiences with their mom and dad were any indicator of what the kids had inherited, she could probably take him back there fairly easily. It was just a matter of convincing her to let him do it. Fortunately Ashley herself would give me my bargaining chip:

"Uncle Jason?"

"Yes, Sugar Pie?"

"Can I suck your cock--I mean, penis?"

"Sure you can! And I don't mind if you call it a cock. After all, that's really what it is when it's all hard like this. It's only a penis when I'm pissing out of it." That made her giggle, so I felt it was a good time to make my proposal. "But listen, Sugar Pie, if I let you suck my cock, will you let your brother do something to you?"


"The same thing he did to me--put his cock in your butthole."

She squinched up her face. "Ewwwwww! That's GROSS!"

"I know, but it's fun too."

She looked at me skeptically then glanced at Trevor. "But won't it hurt?"

"No, not at all," I assured her. "It feels good, sort of like having a really long tongue stuck up your butt."

"Ewwwwww!" she responded again, this time with a snicker. "But what about his sperm?"

"What about it?"

"Is he gonna make it in my butt like he did in yours?"

"Yeah, but that's okay. It'll just make it easier to go the next time you have to poop."

"Ewwwwwwwww!" she giggled, which caused both me and Trevor laugh.

"So what do you say, Sugar Pie? Can your brother put his cock in your butt?"

Tucking her lips in tightly, she smiled and nodded.

"Good. I KNEW you'd be a big girl and let him do it. And just for that, when you suck my cock, I'm going to give you the same thing those guys you were watching on my computer gave that girl."

The little vixen's eyes lit up. "You mean you're gonna make sperm in my MOUTH?"

"That's right, Sugar Pie, and I want you to swallow it ALL, too, because it'll keep that beautiful hair of yours nice and shiny."

"For real?"

"Absolutely," I said, giving Trevor a surreptitious wink. "Before we get started, though, I want to make sure you're ready to take your brother's cock, so turn around and bend over so I can get a good look at your butthole."

Giggling again in embarrassment, Ashley quickly assumed the position, poking her pale little ass up in the air. She had the sweetest little asshole I'd ever seen (well, at least since I'd seen her brother's, anyway), and I couldn't wait to examine it. So I sniffed its shitty aroma then spread it open and pushed my tongue inside.

"Oooh!" the nine-year-old hooted, flinching as I speared my tongue as far up her ass as I could get it. Unfortunately I didn't have four inches of tongue to push inside her, but what little I did have allowed me to lube her up with enough spit to replace my tongue with three inches of middle finger.

"How's that feel, Sugar Pie?" I asked, digging around in her snug little rectum as her sphincter sucked at my knuckle. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No, not really," Ashley admitted. "It just feels kinda funny. So is that how his cock's gonna feel in there?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I said, though I deliberately neglected to mention that she would have to find another inch of space inside her hiney to fully accommodate her big brother's dick. And judging by what my finger was poking into, that wasn't going to be easy. But I figured we'd cross that bridge when we came to it.

When I felt that I'd reamed out Ashley's asshole enough to get started, I slowly withdrew my finger, relishing the little sucking sound it made as it popped free as well as the rich brown coating on my fingernail, confirming what I'd found inside her. I offered my soiled finger first to Ashley then to Trevor, but both refused it, upon which I shrugged, gave it a sniff, and popped it in my mouth to a duet of "Ewwwwww!" which lasted straight through to when I popped it out again to show them how clean and shiny it was. After that I scooted around and sat with my back against the headboard, my knees up, and my legs spread, just like Ashley had been.

"Okay, Sugar Pie, come over here and lie in front of me on your stomach."

She did, putting her face right in my crotch, sniffing my cock, my balls, and my pubic hair; then rooting under my balls, wedging her nose into my ass crack and sniffing my asshole. "Ewwwwww!" she said, coming up giggling and with her nose wrinkled. "I can smell your poop!"

Smiling back at her, I said, "Put your nose back there again for a minute, Sugar Pie."

She eagerly did so, confirming for me that there was something about the smell of my poop that appealed to her and, thus, making me much less hesitant to do what I was about to do, as I held the back of her head and farted right in her face. Though the little blonde flinched in surprise, she never once tried to pull her nose out of my ass crack. She was too busy sniffing away at my gas.

"Ewwwwww! Gross! You're smelling his fart!" said Trevor. "Don't it stink?"

After sniffing a little longer, Ashley lifted her head and, with her face only slightly scrunched up, said, "Yeah, it's kinda stinky...but I kinda like it."

Wow! My kind of gal! I said to myself. For a hot second I imagined somehow convincing Steve and Cathy to allow Ashley to spend an evening alone with me. For dinner we would eat a variety of baked beans. Later on we would get into an anal 69 in this very bed and spend the next several hours farting into each other's noses. And after that, when she felt the urge to go, I would get to see how a meal of baked beans tasted after making its way through the digestive system of a cute little white girl. Then I thought how ironic it would be if the blonde beauty turned out to be even more of a scat freak than her brother, being that she wouldn't even let me wipe her ass after she shit in my mouth three years ago. But since then they had both helped to bring out the worst in each other, so anything was possible.

I told Trevor to go ahead and mount Ashley but cautioned him not to just shove his prick up her ass the way he'd done to me. "Since this is her first time, you need to put it in her nice and slow, okay?"

"Okay," he said, nodding.

Then I said to Ashley, "Listen, Sugar Pie, it's going to feel a little funny at first."

"I know. Like your finger, right?"

"Right. So just remember that, and try not to tighten up or pull away, okay?"

"Yep," she said, also with a nod.

Now that the stage was set, I took a nice deep breath before giving Trevor the green light. It was simply to calm myself down, for the idea that I was about to witness the very first act of incest between two rosy-cheeked All-American siblings was making me hornier by the second.

"Okay, guys, let's do this."

Clenching the bottom of my shaft, Ashley leaned forward and slipped the entire head of my cock into her mouth, just like Trevor had done. And she too kept going until a good third of my dick was stuffed in her mouth. Just the sight of her thin pink lips stretched around my thick brown pole was so obscene that I almost came, and when she started sliding those lips up and down, coating my cock with her girlie spit, I had to grab the sides of the mattress to bridle my libido.

Meanwhile Trevor was smart enough to wait for Ashley to get preoccupied with sucking my dick before making his move. Then he aimed his prick at her anus and slowly lowered himself. I could tell exactly when he penetrated her because she frowned, let out a little "Mmph!" and her body tensed up; but after he slid the rest of his shaft into her, she began to relax again.

By this time I too had relaxed and was able to rest one of my hands on Ashley's head as she labored at my growing cock. The other hand I placed on Trevor's ass, indicating that he should stay put a while longer to give his sister time to get used to the feeling of his dick before he started fucking her. About a minute later I gave his buns a little squeeze, and when Trevor looked at me I nodded. Right away he began to hump Ashley's hiney, slowly at first but quickly picking up steam until he was freely fucking her up the ass. And all the while Ashley, her eyes pinched shut, just hummed in apparent contentment as she sucked my dick.

The sight of the eleven-year-old boy banging his nine-year-old sister's booty was enough alone to send my libido into the stratosphere, but the thought that I was also getting the ball rolling--that this ass fuck would be the first of many more to come between the two tykes--sent my libido soaring into space, and it was good to know that Ashley would be the recipient of my rising lust. But right in the middle of the fuck-and-suck session, the little blonde pulled my dick out of her mouth and looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

"Uncle Jason," she whispered, "I feel like I have to poop."

"Well, Sugar Pie, try to hold it in just a little longer," I whispered back, "until your brother comes; then you can poop right in my mouth, okay?"

"Okay," she beamed, and without missing a beat she slipped my cock back in her mouth and began sucking away again.

Watching her, I recalled something Cathy had said in passing during my visit to Cedar Rapids, how she'd considered entering Ashley in some child beauty pageants but had decided against it after going to one and being horrified by the extreme competitiveness, not among the girls but among their mothers, who worked their daughters like slaves. Having since seen TV shows like "Little Miss Perfect" and "Toddlers and Tiaras," I now understood exactly what she meant. But I also knew that if she had followed through anyway, Ashley would have walked away with a truckload of trophies. I pictured the nine-year-old with her face made up, her hair styled, and wearing a ballerina outfit, complete with leotard, tutu, and toe shoes. What male judge could resist her as she danced across the stage? And if there happened to be other little girls who rivaled her in the looks department, Ashley could easily beat them out by demonstrating for the judges her OTHER talent, the same one she was currently demonstrating for me. Just a few trips up and down their hard-ons and--bingo!--the crown would be hers: "Little Miss Perfect Cocksucker!"

As I came closer to feeding Ashley the same stuff those horny pageant judges would have fed her, I realized that Trevor was about beat me to the punch via her back door. Huffing and puffing, he screwed up his face into all kinds of weird expressions as he fucked his sister harder and faster, his crotch repeatedly smacking again her butt. Then he gasped, and his whole body went rigid as he pressed himself into her back, thrusting his peter as far up her ass as he could while uttering the same "Unh! Unh! Unh!" sounds he'd made when he'd squirted his young seed in my ass. Ashley may have responded internally by milking his cock with her asshole, but to my surprise there was no obvious external response. She basically ignored him while continuing to suck my dick, apparently no longer concerned about his sperm swimming around in her shithole.

My own climax followed, hitting me like a tidal wave. With my fingers tangled in Ashley's beautiful blonde hair I stiffened, clutched her skull, and pulled her head down, mostly to keep her from pulling it up, and as I'd done with Trevor, forcing into her hot, wet mouth all but the part of my shaft she was holding on to.

"Shit, I'm coming! Swallow it, Sugar Pie! Drink it all down!"

Trembling from head to toe, I shot my load down her nine-year-throat as Trevor watched groggily from on top of her. It felt similar to when I'd spermed his mouth, only she wasn't getting anywhere near the mega-load I'd given him, so it didn't end up taking a detour through her nose; instead it went straight down the hatch and straight into her tummy.

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!" Ashley moaned, her eyes shut tight as she scoffed down my scum; and as I watched and listened to her, it was very satisfying to know that she was joining the rest of her family, drawing semen from the same source that had spewed it over her dad's face, in her mom's asshole, and down her brother's throat.

But I decided this wasn't enough. I wanted to do something special with the pretty little blonde that would put her on a list all by herself. I also wanted it to be just between the two of us. So as soon as Trevor pulled his prick out of her ass and flopped onto his back beside her, I loosened my grip on Ashley's head and waited. I was sure my balls were empty when my dong began to deflate, and it was then that I flexed my sphincter, squirting a stream of piss right into her mouth.

Ashley instantly opened her eyes and looked straight at me as she swallowed. As I tightened up to hold back the rest of my piss, we proceeded to have a entire conversation with just our eyes: I told her that I knew all about her and Trevor drinking each other's piss, and she said he opens his big mouth about everything; then I asked her if I could finish going in her mouth, and she said okay, as long as I didn't give it to her so fast that she choked. After that she closed her eyes again, ending our little talk, and I relaxed my bladder.

The guttural noise that Ashley made as she drank my piss was apparently one that Trevor was very familiar with because as soon as he heard it, his post-orgasmic stupor lifted, and he flipped over, sprung up onto his hands and knees, and began to stare at us with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, Uncle Jason, are you peeing in her mouth?"

"That's right, Trev. I had to go pretty bad, and since my cock was already in her mouth..."

"Well...uhh...before you finish, can a taste too?"

This I didn't expect, and I felt my dick harden in response. "Sure, Trev. I'm fine with that, but it's Ashley's call," I said, stroking her head. "So, Sugar Pie, is it okay if I give the last of my piss to your brother?"

Looking up at me again, Ashley smiled as much as she could with her lips wrapped around my dick and nodded. I used my thumb and forefinger to squeeze my cock just below the crown, pinching off the flow of piss. "Okay, come on over here, boy." Trevor scurried closer, crouching low and putting his face right next to his sister's. "Okay, open up." When he did, I pulled my dick out of Ashley's mouth, pushed it into Trevor's, and released my fingers.

"Gluurp!" was Trevor's first response as the newly freed piss shot out of my cock and flooded his mouth. But after a few quick gulps, he caught up to the fast flow and was able to swallow it without too much trouble. Ashley seemed enraptured as she watched us, and for a moment I wondered why, since she'd obviously seen Trevor drink piss before. Then it occurred to me that while she'd watched him drink it from her pussy, she'd never seen him drink it out of a big black cock, and she seemed to enjoy seeing me use her big brother's mouth as a urinal.

By the time I finished peeing in Trevor's mouth, my cock was almost fully erect again, which made it hard to squeeze out the last few drops. Trevor did what he could to help me out by licking my piss slit, but after he did this several times I was afraid I would come, and since I didn't want to shoot a second load in the same place my earlier load had gone, I gently pulled my dick from between his lips and playfully smacked his face with my hard-on.

Ashley quickly reminded us, though, that she had an urgent need to be addressed before we did anything else, as she began to squirm and groan. "Uncle Jason, I REALLY hafta poop now," she whined. "I can't hold it."

"Okay, Sugar Pie, I'm going to take care of you right now." I was about to lie down, have Ashley sit on my face, and make a quick meal of her shit when a wild idea popped into my head: "Listen, I know I said you could poop right in my mouth, but if you don't mind I'd like to try something a little different."

"Like what?"

"Well, instead of eating your poop straight out of you butthole, this time I want to catch it as it's coming out. Then, if it's hard enough, I want to see if I can stick it back in your butt."

"Ewwwwwwww!" the pair again harmonized, with Ashley adding "That's REALLY gross!"

"But it'll be REALLY fun too," I countered. "And when you squeeze it out again, it'll be like you're pooping out the same poop TWICE."

Again came the "Ewwwwwwww!" duet, this time accompanied by giggling, but it was obvious that both kids were excited to be accompanying me on my latest safari into Pervertland.

"So, Sugar Pie, you want to try it?"

"It won't hurt, will it?"

"Well, if it doesn't hurt coming OUT, it certainly won't hurt going back IN," I assured her, knowing, of course, that this was not necessarily the case. "So how about it?"

The nine-year-old thought about it for a whole five seconds before saying, "okay," her quick decision no doubt coming more by way of her bowels than her brain.

"Great! Now just get up on you hands and knees and stick your butt up in the air like you did before. I'm going to get behind you so I can catch it."

Scurrying behind the little blonde, I took up my position and winked at Trevor, who was kneeling right next to me and wearing the most lecherous expression I'd ever seen on his handsome young face as he pointed at her anus. When I looked at it I was surprised, not so much by how wet it was inside but much more by the wet trail that led out of it, down her perineum, and into her pussy. Now I knew why the boy had such a lewd look on his face, and I gave him a thumbs up for a job well done before leaning in and carefully lapping up all the evidence of his performance. Afterwards I backed away and patted Ashley on the butt.

"Okay, Sugar Pie, anytime you're ready."

Well, let me tell you: The little bitch laid one hell of a loaf that night! Trevor and I watched spellbound as her asshole stretched and stretched until it was at least an inch and a half wide before it began to push out the dark brown mass that filled it. And then it just kept coming and coming, causing Trevor to utter the "Wow!" that I myself was thinking. The poor girl must've been constipated or something because she proceeded to deliver into my outstretched hands twelve solid inches of hot, smelly turd before the tail end of it popped out and her sphincter closed up again.

"Okay, all done," Ashley announced.

"Good. Now just close your eyes and stay where you are while I try to put it back in you."

Before making a move to do so, however, I simply sat back on my heels, smiling like a proud papa as I admired the foot-long log that the little white girl's anus had given birth to. It was a fucking masterpiece, and I sniffed its rich bouquet and ran my tongue along its entire length before offering it to a frowning Trevor, who'd been staring at me intently as I worshipped his sister's shit. His frown deepened and he pulled his head as far back as he could while waving me off. But I was insistent, whispering, "Come on. Just HOLD it." Finally, with his nose turned up and his head turned to the side, Trevor reluctantly held out his hands and accepted Ashley's anal gift. I held my finger to my lips, urging him to keep quiet, and quietly moved behind Ashley, aiming my super-hard cock at her dilated asshole. When Trevor saw what intended to do, he gasped. I flashed him another "be quiet" look then turned back to his sister, took a deep breath, and pushed.

"Ouch!" Ashley yelped as the head of my dick easily penetrated her very pliant anus. A few seconds later came the question I was hoping she wouldn't ask: "Uncle Jason, are you SURE that's my poop, or did you put your cock in my butt?"

"Uhh...uhh..." I stuttered, trying to figure out what to say. Trevor was beside himself, nearly dropping Ashley's shit as he attempted to stifle his snickering.

"Well?" Ashley asked, tucking her head down far enough to look under herself.

Letting out a long sigh, I said, "Yeah, Sugar Pie, you're right. You caught me. It's not your poop. It IS my cock. I'm sorry. It's just that...well...your little butthole was open SO wide and looked SO cute and SO inviting, I couldn't help myself. I just had to see if I could get my cock in it. You're not mad at me, are you?"

"Nope," she said, shaking her head. "But where's my poop?"

"Trevor has it."

Lifting her head, Ashley glanced to the side, and when she saw her brother holding her turd, she giggled and said, "Wow! I made a BIG one, didn't I?"

"You sure did, Sugar Pie. That's why I was able to get my cock in you. So how does it feel? Does it hurt?"

"Nope," she repeated, again shaking her head.

"So...can I finish putting it in you, so we can see how much you can take?"

I was hoping not to hear another "nope," and Ashley didn't disappoint me as, after a tiny pause, she nodded and said, "Yep."


Again she nodded. "Yep."

"Oh, thank you SO much, Sugar Pie!" I said, gently placing my hands on her slim hips. "I knew you were a big girl when you let Trevor stick his cock in your butt. But now that you're letting ME do it too, you're more than just a big girl: You're the QUEEN of the Big Girls."

"I am?" she asked, looking back and smiling at me, her light-blue eyes twinkling.

"Yes, you DEFINITELY are," I said, "and for that you deserve a Queen of the Big Girls smooch," upon which I leaned over and kissed her smiling lips. When I slipped my tongue in her mouth, Ashley surprised me by NOT being surprised. In fact, it was as if she were expecting it, and as she casually and expertly began to suck on my probing tongue, I began to wonder if Trevor had forgotten to tell me the part of the story about him and his sister practicing French kissing.

Ashley and I proceeded to swap spit for nearly a minute before a sigh of impatience from Trevor reminded me of what he was waiting to see. I gave the girl a parting peck on her soft lips and pulled my head back.

"Okay, Sugar Pie, now turn back around, close your eyes again, and concentrate."

By now I was so excited that I was actually trembling. I couldn't believe that, having fucked her father and her mother up the ass, I was going to add the younger of their offspring to the list! But this cute nine-year-old blue-eyed blonde white girl had just given me permission to bury my boner in her bowels, and I wasn't about to question this golden opportunity or give the little golden-haired beauty a chance to change her mind. So as soon as Ashley was facing away from me again, I turned and winked at Trevor (who was still grinning as he continued to hold his sister's shit), steadied my hold on the girl's hips, and slowly leaned forward.

"Nngh!" she gasped as about two more inches of dick slid into her. But I knew from my previous experience with Ashley that she was not about to back down or tell me to stop, not after I'd crowned her "Queen of the Big Girls," and certainly not after I'd done so in front of her brother. He'd never let her forget it. So instead of stopping, I simply slowed down a little while continuing to lean into her, and though I was sure she was feeling, as the doctors say, "some slight discomfort" as I drove my dick drove further and further into her tight little turd tunnel, I knew she would grit her teeth and bear it until all seven inches were packed inside her.

"Wow!" Trevor again remarked, getting as close to us as he could to watch the not-so-delicate operation. "Almost his whole penis--I mean, cock is in your butt! Don't it hurt?"

"Nope," Ashley replied, this time with a little strain in her voice.

"See that, Trev? She's not only Queen of the Big Girls, she's BRAVE too," I said as I stuffed the last inch of my pole up her ass.

Trevor didn't respond. He seemed mesmerized by the sight of my dick buried in his little sister's asshole and amazed that it wasn't hurting her. I just hoped the latter continued to be true when I began to fuck her.

But I had no intention of doing that right away. First I simply wanted to savor the sensation--the heat, the tightness, the pulsations--of having my dick up Ashley's little white ass. To say that it felt "amazing" or even "incredible" would be a gross understatement. In fact, even today I can't think of any adjective that would adequately describe the sensation. Let's just put it this way: I was VERY happy that I had already shot a load down her throat, because at least it would allow me to last longer than two seconds when I started fucking her.

I continued to bask in the euphoria of being up to my balls in the shithole of a nine-year-old child until that child herself interrupted my reverie, as she turned back and looked at me, a devilish smirk on her face:

"Hey, Uncle Jason, aren't you gonna do me?"

I smiled at her and patted her head. "Of course, Sugar Pie. I was just waiting for you to get used to the feeling of having my cock up your butt. So you think you're ready for me to do 'the nasty' to you?"


"Good. Then turn back around, close your eyes, and keep pushing your butthole out like you did when you were pooping, okay?"


With Trevor watching my every move as he continued to hold her turd, I braced my hands on Ashley's hips and began to pull back. My cock was so comfortable inside her snug little bottom that it didn't want to go anywhere, so I had to give it a little tug to get it started, which made Ashley wince. But after I stroked her hair, she relaxed again and I was able to withdraw all but the head of my dick without causing her any further distress.

"Wow!" Trevor said again, looking back and forth from my dick to Ashley's shit. "Your cock is almost as long and big around as her poop!"

Trevor's remark confirmed my belief that Ashley was quite capable of taking me up her ass, and that I needn't worry about being careful or holding back. But I couldn't be sure of this until I saw how she reacted to having my cock put back inside her. So after pausing for a few seconds, I steadied my hold on her hips and initiated my ramrod's return trip down her Hershey Highway. This time there was no wincing, just heavy, steady breathing as I hit bottom and my balls pressed up against her pussy.

"You're doing great, Sugar Pie. I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"Nope," Ashley grunted.

"Good. Now just hang in there, keep pushing out, and you'll be fine."

By the time I said that, I had already pulled out up to my cockhead again and was on my way back in. It took only two more excursions into Ashley's quasi-virgin hole for the spit on my cock from her blowjob, the shit residue in her asshole, and the pre-orgasm fluid dribbling out of my dick to combo-lubricate the nine-year-old's turd tunnel well enough for me to slide my tool in and out of her fairly easily.

As soon as this happened I placed my hand on her back, urging her to lie flat, and after riding her down--her small white figure nearly disappearing underneath me as I lay on top of her--I began to pump her rump more vigorously.

"Wow, Ash!" said Trevor. "He's REALLY fucking your butt now! It STILL doesn't hurt?"

"Nope," Ashley panted. "Now it feels kinda good."

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Sugar Pie. 'Cause your little hiney is turning me on like crazy, and I don't think I can hold back anymore."

Bracing my hands against the mattress, I began to assfuck the nine-year-old with the kind of passion that all pedophiles have but few get to share with a real-live child. Determined to make the most of such a rare opportunity, I slammed into her over and over again, ramming my rod up her tight little ass her while listening to her breathy high-pitched grunts, the rocking of the bed frame, and the steady "smack, smack, smack" of my crotch against her mini bubble butt.

"Oh, my God!" Ashley suddenly cried out. "Fuck me, Uncle Jason! Fuck the shit outta my ass!"

Once again I could hardly believe my ears. As little as an hour ago the very idea of having anal sex with this little girl was beyond my realm of thought. Now not only was I doing it, I was actually roughriding her, driving my dick even deeper inside her than I did when I fucked her mom and dad, being that she was so much smaller and her colon so much less developed. But instead of bawling like a baby or yelling for me to stop, the lustful little blonde was screaming for me to fuck her, eerily using almost the exact same words her dad had when I assfucked him.

Trevor seemed to be as amazed as I was, for when I looked over at him, he was just sitting there, his big grey eyes again stretched wide open and spit drooling out of his mouth as he watched us fuck. But he was also moving, at least from the waist down, humping his four-inch erection against his sister's turd. I don't think he was even aware of what he was doing, which made his actions all the more stimulating, as the underside of his prick got browner and browner.

As much as I wanted to drill Ashley's little doo-doo hole all night, the warmth and tightness of it--along with the fact that I was doing something so forbidden--made that impossible, and way before I was ready I found my climax descending upon me. It was satisfying to know, however, that I'd be adding the nine-year-old to that list of females her mother had accused me of keeping by sending her home with a nice sore asshole, a very personal, very private souvenir of our first fuck session and her total loss of anal virginity. So after gesturing for Trevor to move right in front of us, so we could both watch him masturbate, I surrendered to my libido.

"Fuck! I'm coming!" I shouted, thrusting my dick all the way up Ashley's ass. "Take it ALL right in that sweet little white ass, Sugar Pie!"

"Yeah, Uncle Jason! Do me! Shoot all your sperm right in my ass!"

Trembling I began to spurt my load deep in Ashley's bowels, filling her little tailpipe with more spunk than I thought I was capable of producing, being that I'd ejaculated down her throat earlier. At the same time I watched Trevor continue to fuck her shit, panting harder and bucking his hips faster. Seconds later came his "Unh! Unh! Unh!" and a final hard thrust that broke the turd in two. So now, as he clutched a piece of poop in each hand, his crap-coated cock spat out more milky proof of his sexual maturity.

Leaning forward, I slipped Trevor's soiled pecker between my lips, which made him flinch, push himself fully in my mouth, and hold onto my shoulders with the handfuls of Ashley's shit. So as I finished filling the girl's butthole with my own semen, I sucked his down, making sure to thoroughly tongue-wash his shitty erection when his orgasm was over.

But I wasn't done. Those turds that Trevor was holding on my shoulders were two halves of the majestic log that had made its way out of his little sister's bottom and which had ultimately allowed me to assfuck her, so I needed to pay homage to them by doing with them what I had intended to do from the start.

"Okay, Trev, I'm ready for her poop now."

He looked confused. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean I want you to stuff her shit right in my mouth. I want to eat it," I said, opening my mouth as wide as I could.

For some reason Trevor seemed reluctant to feed me until I heard a voice from underneath me say, "Yeah, Trevor, make him eat my poop! Stick it right in his toilet mouth!"

The next thing I knew, half a foot of warm shit was being shoved in my mouth, nearly choking me. Since it was steadily softening, though, I was able to bite into its thickness and chew it up without too much trouble, savoring the taste, smell, and texture of the little blonde's defecation as my molars reduced it to something more manageable for ingesting. And as soon as I gulped down the huge mouthful of girlie poop, I nodded and Trevor jammed the other half foot of sibling shit into my mouth, using the heel of his hand to force it all inside. Again I came close to choking, but because I was more prepared for this second mouthful, I was able to chow down on it more easily, though it still took some work to mash it all up. Soon enough, however, I was able to swallow it too, closing my eyes as the last of the masticated mess slid down my throat and dropped into my stomach, joining her brother's bowel movement.

I opened my eyes again to see Trevor and Ashley both staring at me with identical "I-can't-believe-you-ate-those-great-big-turds!" looks on their faces. While I was pretty sure their expressions were sincere, I began to wonder if the two tykes had somehow planned all along to feed me their shit today. After all, how likely was it that BOTH of them would have to take a major crap when they got to my house? Was that really just a coincidence? Then again, they HAD been out all day, probably filling up on junk food at the park, so the fact that they would need to go several hours later wasn't unreasonable. But as my belly churned on the prepubescent pair's excrement, I couldn't help thinking that this was all an elaborate plot, with Trevor mapping things out days before by saying to his sister, "Okay, when we get there, you go look at pornos while I poop in his mouth; then when he catches you, act surprised and pretend you don't remember what we did before until you REALLY have to go; then you poop in his mouth too." Just the possibility of such a conspiracy made me smile and gave me a warm, tingly feeling inside.

The finale of our little threesome came when I told Trevor to wipe his shitty hands in my face, and it was a weird, exciting feeling as, like a blind person trying to find out what I looked like, his fingers and palms touched me everywhere from my forehead to my chin. He finished up by wiping off the excess shit in my hair. And when afterwards Trevor told me he had to pee, I had him lie on his back with his mouth open then had Ashley squat over his face while I slipped his urine-leaking weiner in my mouth. So the dark-haired hunk pissed in my mouth, washing down his sister's shit, and she fed him my come, flexing her distended anus over and over to milk every drop of it out of her colon and into his mouth. Soon his bladder was empty and her bowels were empty again, and as I lapped up the last drops of his pee, I was pleased to see my male protégé spread open the asshole of my female protégé and dig his tongue inside to lick out the last drops of my come.

After that we all collapsed in a heap and rested until I marshaled up enough energy to hustle my little fuck buddies into the bathroom, where the three of us took a nice hot soapy shower together. Then we rinsed off, dried off, got dressed, and sat on the sofa trying to watch TV but mostly nodding off. I urged the kids to go lie down in the guest room until their parents got back, and since they were both too tired to argue with me, they simply got up and shuffled off. When I checked on them fifteen minutes later, they were curled up next to each other fast asleep.

I headed back to the living room but decided to use what little energy I had left to turn my mattress over and put fresh linen on the bed. I also sprayed the room liberally with an air freshener. I wanted to lie down after that, but I decided instead to force myself to stay up because I was worried that if I dozed off, I would fall into such a deep sleep that I wouldn't hear the doorbell ring.

It was nearly 2 A.M. when the downstairs doorbell awakened me out a light sleep. Yawning, I buzzed my friends in, opened the front door, and waited for them to come upstairs. I heard the elevator door open followed by snickering, and when Steve and Cathy made the turn towards my apartment, I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw them walking arm in arm and smiling. They looked relaxed but exhausted. I offered them a sleepover, telling them they could lie in my bed while I slept on the couch, but they simultaneously said, "Thanks but no thanks," grinning at each other afterwards; then Steve explained, "If we do that, it'll probably be even harder for us to haul ass out of here in the morning, so I think we'd better get going now." I suspected that the real reason they declined my offer was that, as happy they looked together, each of them wanted to preserve the private experience they'd had with me in that room, and sleeping in there as a couple would have fucked up those memories BIG time.

So I smiled, shrugged and watched as they entered the guest room to retrieve their progeny. Steve came out carrying a sleeping Ashley on his shoulder followed by Cathy leading a nearly comatose Trevor by the hand. I grabbed their duffel bag, and we all headed out the front door and down the hall to the elevator. When the elevator came, I handed the duffel bag to Steve and gave everyone a final wave as the door closed.

As I walked back to my apartment, I began to wonder how long it would take for the sexual house of cards I'd created to collapse, for the shit to hit the fan, for the dam to break. Experience had taught me that secrets between family members remained secret for only so long. All it took was a slip of the lip--or the discovery of a come stain in the seat of a pair of underwear--for all the skeletons to come tumbling out of the closet. The All-American Family had already survived a flood; I wondered how prepared they were to deal with an avalanche.

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