Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 6, 2022


Hey readers. Dom's back.

Did ya like my boy's chapter? Made me hot to read and remember those first days. I fucked him good after I finished it. And he got disciplined too. I'll tell you why.

If any of you have ever trained a "first-time" sub -- a guy who's never been dominated before -- you know there's a learning curve and there's always some resistance. That's going on with seb too -- I decided to call him seb in this story when I'm writing about things that happened AFTER he surrendered to me, and tony for the time before. I hope it doesn't get too confusing. seb could do a better job. He's the better writer. Me? I'm more of an action kinda guy, but I think you probably figured that out. And I get distracted like I just did.

Why did I need to discipline seb this time? Well, that sentence "I'm Master Dom's sub." He didn't write that. What he wrote is "I'm Dom's partner."

No no no no no, seb. NO. See, while he seems to be settling into his new role in private really well, there's still a fair amount of reluctance on his part about accepting it. Yeah, he has no choice when we go out to a party at one of my friend's homes, or on those occasions when we go out to a bar or whatnot, but even when we're in public and it's not a D/s situation, he's stubborn. What do they call it? "sub-shaming" or something like that? Somehow, he's not as much of a man as a non-sub? HA! Let me tell anyone who thinks that -- seb is 100% man. All the good and all the bad comes with that.

Now, I'm not complaining about his reluctance. He's been a challenge from the first day. And you know, my buddies told me that this was a good thing for me. They pointed out that all of my prior relationships where I was the DOM have been with REALLY submissive, younger men, who accepted their role easily. In short, they weren't much of a challenge. Now, seb has been a challenge, and he keeps me on my toes. But I know how to handle him. It frustrates him to no end, but I KNOW he's enjoying it. I mean, the man is fifteen years younger than I am, and while "horny bastard" is a not inaccurate title for me, seb is hard nearly ALL the time. I can smile and claim responsibility for some of that, I think.

So, seb wrote about the first time I tied him up. I should explain how important that was. For me, if there isn't bondage, there's no relationship. But I DO agree that if the guy truly doesn't want to be tied up, don't force it. Neither one of you will have a good time, and seb can probably tell you how many laws you'll break for tying someone up who doesn't want to be. So, that first time (I'm getting hard writing about it, folks), while tony resisted when I grabbed him, he never said "LET ME GO," or started to scream, or anything. And like he wrote, he was hard after I grabbed him, and he got harder when I tied his wrists. The thing that almost brought him to climax was when I pulled out the cloth and gagged him. What he didn't tell you is that the cloth I used was the handkerchief he had used to clean up our jizz from the first time he blew me. Yeah, he DID keep it. And I found it. We still use it occasionally, but mostly, I use plug type gags unless seb's REALLY pissed me off, then he gets one of the ball gags he hates. If I'm REALLY upset, I gag him with the ball gag and leave his shirt on. He HATES like hell to get spit or drool on himself, and even more on his clothes. Just something I learned along the way and put into my toolbox of "DOM tricks." My intuition told me that "the lady doth protest too much" (I remember that from the grad student I told you about. He used to say it all the time), when tony was telling me he wasn't interested in bondage. He certainly seemed to be interested in being restrained: I had started pinning him down in bed and making him struggle to get up. One of the joys of being an older man with a muscular body is watching these younger guys, who all got their muscles from working out instead of working, struggle and get frustrated when the "old guy" pins `em down. Tony was really frustrated the first time he tried to get out of my pin and couldn't. When I dug my scruff into his neck, he calmed down and enjoyed it like I knew he would (cocks don't lie). He enjoyed struggling too, and I think he did, and does, like the idea of being conquered over and over again.

So anyway, let me continue the story. seb is working a little later at the office today so I've got some time. He's learned to text me before he leaves, and then he gets 30 minutes to get home. Now, leading up to the day I tied him up, the two of us weren't living together yet, so much of our social life was meeting up during the week, having a meal or going to a film or something and maybe I'd spend the night. Weekends were different. I had a key to seb's apartment, and I knew all the door staff, so I'd go over on Friday afternoon after work and wait for him. I'd get my cock sucked or maybe we'd have a quick roll in the hay, or maybe we'd just settle in. I've told you about seb's tight white jeans. They weren't the only tight pants he had. In fact, I think EVERY damn pair of casual pants he had fit him like they were painted on him. He was always the second one to show up at movie theaters, or restaurants, etc, and at some point, he'd make sure that I had a good look or two at his ass. Of course, tight pants show your bulge too, and he'd tease me by saying things like "that guy over in the corner? I think he wants me to fuck him. He keeps staring at my junk." Then he'd smile, waiting to see what I'd do. He knew, already, that I was very jealous and very possessive (still am), and he'd just grin when he'd see me begin to get red in the face. Once I told him "you know, Tony, the only way I'm gonna keep that roving eye of yours from roving is by locking you up and never letting you out of the house." He responded with something like "that sounds very hot," and then reaching for my thigh or in between them. He was, and is, a flirt.

So, anyway, that first time was to see if bondage was in our future. The test case showed that it was. It was time for me to move onto other things. When we slept together, for example, I always made sure that I had one of my big, callused hands smack on his left nip, the sensitive one. I wouldn't play with it unless he moved around too much at night. Then I'd tweak it and tell him to calm down. If he didn't, I'd tweak it harder until I heard him moan. When he did that, he'd bounce his butt up against my crotch and occasionally, I couldn't help myself and I'd take him at 2, or 3 in the morning. One night when he came home from work, I had taken four of the rattiest of his necktie collection and had attached them to the four corners of the bed. I had formed loops with slip knots so that he could slide into them and pull them tight if I weren't there, but when I was, I'd tie him myself. He loved it. And then I added another of his hot spots to my repertoire. It's not something I've done with every sub or bottom, but tony's body just begged to be tickled. I didn't know if he was, and I wanted to see if he'd keep the answer from me. If he said "no," I was going to do some exploring after I had him tied up. When I asked, he smiled and said very softly, "yes." MY cock got hard, and I asked "where?" And then he got coy and said, "I'm not telling you that."

He and I both knew I'd take that as a challenge. Game on. But I waited until I thought he had forgotten about that discussion.

Most days, tony could go business casual to work and on Fridays, everyone was allowed to wear jeans. Now, I see him get them on every morning but back then, when we were "courting," he wouldn't let me stay on Thursday night because he knew that I'd attack him, and he'd be late for work. But one Friday, he had an important meeting at work, so he wore what he called his "power outfit:" his power outfit was blue dress pants (yeah, tight), and what I guess they call a "banker shirt:" French cuffs, a straight collar. The shirt was blue, but the collar and cuffs were white. I LOVE how he looks in that shirt. Light blue is one of his "colors," and it fit him snugly too. He wore it with a red and black striped tie. When he came home that Friday, he had taken off the tie and the cufflinks, and had rolled back his sleeves. He found that I had moved most of the furniture in his living room to the sides and created an empty space. I had also taken off my shirt.

"Dom, what's going on?" he asked. He didn't have a clue.

"I feel like wrestling, stud. C'mon. Step into the ring." He began to laugh.

"Hell, no. You wanna wrestle because you know you're gonna kick my ass."

"No," I said, "I'm gonna FUCK your ass. But how I fuck it depends on how this hot executive handles himself. If you fight well, I'll let you choose. If you don't... "I grinned "I'm taking you from behind," a position he doesn't really like, but I love. He snorted "I guess I don't have any choice about this," and my answer was "None. Let's go." He sighed and took off his shirt.

I have to admit, tony wrestled well. He was also slippery because, back then, when he had all his fur, he sweated a LOT more profusely than he does now. He kept on slipping out of my grip until I realized that I should go for his legs (Now, when we wrestle, it's in the nude. Not then, though). Once I did that, my little stud was pretty much at my mercy. I had him pinned and breathing hard when I looked at him and smiled.

"So, you gonna tell me your ticklish spots or I'm I gonna have to find them." He pushed against my pin and made no progress.

"C'MON DOM. Let me up. You wanna fuck me, I want you to fuck me, let's just..." That's when I began tickling the lower part of his belly.


"And now, your Daddy is doing it." I dug in. "So, where else are you ticklish, tony?


"Really," I asked, changing position so I was straddling his chest. "Your pits?" I dug fingers into both of them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA. I CAN'T BREATHE DOM, I CAN'T I CAN'T." I stopped and moved my hands to his nipples. He moaned with relief as he caught his breath. He whispered "Please fuck me. Please."

"Not yet, muffin. You have to tell me the MOST ticklish part on your body. Then I'll take you to bed."

He gulped. "The back of my knees. The worst. Just the absolute worst. And the inside of my thighs. "He gulped and whined. "Please don't tickle me there tonight." I grinned at him.

"Well, okay, not tonight. But only if you don't give me an argument about getting fucked from behind."

I could see the wheels of his mind in action. He was weighing tickling versus doggy style before he said something that I've heard him say lots:

"Ok. You win. Doggy style."

Now, I had wanted to fuck him doggy style because I had a surprise for him. Tony and I were both late "bloomers" in terms of gay sex. I had made up for a lot of it, but tony was still essentially a newbie: a lot of what I did to him -- like tying him up -- was brand new. He had never been shaved, or edged, or worn a harness. There were other things too.

Like being rimmed. And tony's ass was on my menu that night.

"Do we HAVE to do it like this?" he asked as we stood, naked, in his bedroom. I glared.

"No, but we are. Face down, bottom. NOW." He sighed and put his glasses on the side table and put his wrists up by the restraints and spread his legs. I tied his wrists and first slid on top of him. I began softly growling into his ear, calling him my hot power button, my sweet Italian roll that I was gonna fill with sausage, and then I first ran my finger down his ass crack.

"OH DADDY," he moaned. I knew he was enjoying himself when he called me Daddy. "That's right DADDY. OOOOOH. OH yeah, oh yeah." I pushed his cheeks apart and did nothing for a few minutes. He was used to feeling my cockhead at that point and when he felt nothing, he was confused.

"Dom, is everything ok?"

"Mmmmhmmmm" I answered. "Everything is just fine. Just perfectly fine." I pushed those cheeks further apart and began licking at the edges.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He was puzzled and then he began to purr. "OH MY GOD, what are you doing, Dom. What the.... Oh shit..." He began to get into it. He pushed his ass up into my face and moaned "Deeper Daddy. Please, please. Deeper." I whispered, "There's more than one way to lubricate a bottom's ass." He answered back "I like this way the best, Daddy. OOOOOOOOOOOH." I was getting really deep into him. This was one where he didn't resist. He couldn't get his legs far enough apart. He wanted more, and more. And he got more. Then I moved my cock into position.

"Still hate taking it doggy style, tony?" I asked him.

"OH GOD NO. NO SIR. NO." He couldn't think clearly and hadn't figured out that I could do that with him on his back too. For a little while, though, he'd beg me to fuck him from behind because he thought he was going to get rimmed every time. He was pretty much on point on that one. (I learned that expression, "on point" from my hot power bottom lawyer). I don't know if eating his ass made it easier for me to slide in, but I got in and got to work. We had learned from having sex that tony liked it when I put my arm around his neck and pulled his head back. I'm always careful about that, especially when he's wearing his collar when we fuck, but it somehow let me get deeper inside of him. That and him pushing back, as if I could grow another two inches if he pushed hard enough. When I began to feel my climax coming, I pumped him harder, faster. Now I HAD to let go of his neck because I was losing control and I knew it. Tony was moaning louder and louder, begging for me to breed him. I pulled back one last time and RAMMED him hard. "OH SHIT YES DADDY MAKE ME YOUR BITCH" came out of his mouth. Again, I don't know where that came from, but I didn't care. As my cock spasmed for the last time. I kissed his ear. "You want me to bring you off, tony?

"MMMMM. Yes, but... can I please turn around and see your face?" Now, when he said things like that, I KNEW he wasn't flirting. He was, well, he was falling for me the way I was falling for him. I flipped him over after I had untied the restraints and I went for his cock to jerk him.

"No, WAIT. Tie me back down, Daddy. PLEASE." THAT was something I didn't expect. So, with that and him calling himself my bitch, I thought it was time to move things forward. Not that evening, but I brought things up on Sunday afternoon as we were watching some stupid movie. Tony had discovered that he loved "truffle digging" my pits, as he called it, and he was snorkeling around in my right armpit when I asked him.

"You know anything about being a sub, tony?" He gave my pit another lick and then looked up.

"Isn't it just another word for bottom?" He wasn't kidding. So, I explained to him that they weren't synonymous, and my sharp minded lawyer just wasn't getting it. I gave him what I thought was a good example. Later we laughed at my cross-examination skills.

"Ok, remember the other night when I told you we were going to wrestle?" He looked at me puzzled. "Yeah?" "Well, what if you REALLY didn't want to?"

"I woulda told you I didn't."

"And what if I kept on telling you to get your ass in the middle of the room and wrestle?"

He stopped and said, "then I'd have to ask you to leave."

"And you'd expect me to?"


"But you'd still be my bottom?" He looked puzzled "Well DUH". Now I smiled

"And Tony, now I've got you. There's the difference. If you were a sub, you wouldn't refuse to wrestle."

"Even if I didn't want to?"

"Nope." I pulled him closer. "I could give you more examples if you want."

"No," he paused "I think I got it. But why are you asking me about being a sub." I looked him in the eye. "Because all of my bottoms were my subs."

"ALL of them?"

"ALL of them."

"So, I'm the first one who isn't." I smiled at his comment.

"Dom, are you saying that if I don't become a sub, we can't go on?" Now I had to sigh because I didn't know the answer to the question.

"I don't know, Tony. There's a reason they call me Dom the Dom." He laughed. "I never heard that."

"It's kind of cheesy, isn't it? Just like my pits. "

"I like cheese, Dom."

"Then keep eating." He was in my pits for about twenty more minutes. Got them really well cleaned. He brushed his teeth and flossed and all that jazz, but when we kissed before bed that night, I could taste myself on his lips. Before he rolled into spoon position, he yawned and said, "I need to think about this, ok Dom?" I pulled him closer and put my hand on his nip, tweeking it just a bit. "Go ahead and think about it."

"That was a great fuck on Friday Dom. Not that Saturday and today were not great too but... DAMN I had never had a tongue up my ass before." I snorted. "Go to sleep, bottom. You have work tomorrow. And thinking to do."

So, I know seb wants to write about the next part, but I'll take DOM privilege and tell you how I remember it. Maybe Tony was thinking about it, maybe he wasn't, but it was taking him a long, LONG time to think about it. And I was getting more than a little frustrated so, finally, I decided to take matters into my own hands, so to speak. It was a Saturday: one of the rare ones when Tony had to go into the office for a few hours. On Saturdays, he didn't spend too much time worrying about how he looked, so he left the house in faded jeans that were not nearly as tight as he generally wore them, and an untucked pink and white shirt that had seen better days.

"You'll be here when I come back, Dom?" I smiled. "One of my favorite shows is having a marathon this weekend. I'll watch that. Text me when you're leaving though so I can make sure I'm indecent." He laughed. It was a joke. Back at the start of the relationship, I had called to ask if I could come over. After he said "sure," I asked, "Are you decent?" and he answered "Of course I am." My reply was "Then I'm not coming over." I had brought clothes with me and, when I got the text that Tony was on the way home, I got changed. See, I was obsessed with how hot Tony looked when he was dressed real pretty, and he was obsessed with how I looked when I dressed, well full-on blue collar. So, I put on one of my oldest wife beaters, and a really faded pair of 501s. (I had been trying to get Tony to buy some 501s, but he said he hated them. Well, guess what style of jeans he wears now?). I waited 20 minutes and then I hid myself in one of Tony's closets. I heard the key in the lock and opened the door of the closet so that he wouldn't know I was behind him when I opened it.

He looked SO hot. He always did. He walked in. "Dom? It's me. You here? You in the shower? Come on. You know I like your funk." He laughed and started walking toward the bedroom and the bathroom. That's when I came out of that closet, and I wrapped an arm around his middle.

"OH. Good afternoon to you" he said, as he felt my cock rubbing up against his butt. I didn't say anything: I just started making animal noises in his ear and rubbing scruff against it.

"MMMM. Feels good. You horny? Ha ha. Like I have to ask. OOOOOOH" I moved my free arm up to his left nipple and began rubbing my fingers on it, through his shirt.

"Bedroom," was the only word I said. When we got there, he began to open his shirt and I batted his hand away. "BED. FACE UP." He looked at me, and he was a little scared. I guess I was in full "hunter" mode. He reached for the restraints, and I pushed them out of the way. Instead, I laid my body down to pin one of his arms, and I held his other wrist down with one hand. I nuzzled his head to the side, and I whispered into his ear. "Submit." NOW he knew what was going on. I don't remember him ever pushing against my pin as hard as he did right then. "NO. I'm not ready for that. "He tried to push my mouth away from his ear and didn't succeed. I whispered again. "Submit." He began squirming and I moved one of my legs so that I could trap his and stop a lot of the squirming. Then I did something which, if I say so myself was genius. I took my free hand and opened his jeans zipper, so his cock popped out. I did that because I wanted him hard, and unable to climax. Now that he had no friction, and no way to reach down, he couldn't. And he was going to be hard because, in addition to his ear hot spot, I began working on that left nipple. Up until then, I had never worked both spots at the same time, and I played with that pec very lightly: the way that drove him the craziest. I whispered again "SUBMIT." He just whined and tried to either get away from my fingers, or my mouth, or just to get free somehow. I got into a rhythm. I would play with his nipple and not his ear, then I'd play with his ear and leave the tit alone, and then I'd whisper "SUBMIT," before I did them both. "PLEASE, DOM. PLEASE. PLEASE LET ME UP. WE CAN TALK." "SUBMIT" was all I said. At that point, he stopped moaning "NOOOOOOOOO" and just tried to shake his head. I just kept on doing what I was doing and then, after about five minutes of me repeating my mantra, the head shaking stopped. Tony just moaned. I could see that there was a very clear drop of pre-cum on his cock and it was very, VERY hard. (Later, he told me it was the hardest he had ever been in his life).

I think I kept up the torture for about twenty minutes.

Then, after I whispered "SUBMIT" he screamed.


"If you mean that, you'll start calling me Master or Sir. I prefer Master. Understood?"

He answered in a very weak voice "Yes, Master."

"Who's in charge now?" "You are, Master."

"And you are?" "I'm Dom the Dom's sub, Master." I smiled and pressed my lips to his. He opened his mouth to take my tongue and I Frenched him furiously. When I was done, I said "Trust me, tony, you're going to love this. You really are."

"Yes, Master, he answered, getting a smile from me.

"Know what, tony? An ass can get eaten when the sub is on his back. You want that?"

"What do you want, Master?" He had been studying. THAT I knew because I saw printouts and books around the apartment on "How to be a Proper Sub," and all that. Now, those of you who have been at this for a while know there isn't a "how to" manual, and you all work it out yourselves. We were about to start that.

"Let's get those jeans off."

"Yes, Master." Once the were off, I got his boxers off. "Not sure I want you wearing boxers after this, sexy boy. We'll see. But for now..." I pushed his legs up and began licking at his balls and his ass.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. THANK YOU, MASTER. "He repeated that about five or six times, and then he couldn't help himself.

"FUCK ME. I mean, Please fuck me, Master." I could tell he was desperate.

Well, how could I turn down such a sincere request? I will admit, there was no finesse that afternoon. I fucked him like a bear in heat. GOD, it felt SO GOOD to have a sub again -- and someone who you wouldn't necessarily think was a sub. Later, seb told me that he felt like I was shoving a battering ram up his ass that afternoon. When I finally shot, he looked at me pleadingly.

"Please, Master, may I cum?" OK, SOME of the material out there will teach a beginning sub some things. I smiled. "It's a special day, seb." He looked puzzled. "That's your sub name. I'll try not to use it out of the house, but when we're together, you're not tony anymore. You're seb."

"Yes Master, I understand."

"Now, normally, I'll put time limits on how long you have to cum. Today, take as much time as you want. "

"Thank you, Master. Can you...mmmmmmmmph" I shoved my pit in his face. Then I pushed a knee into his crotch to get him really, REALLY aroused.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK MASTER" he screamed when he shot. He shot high. And tons. When he was finished, I grabbed him. I held him close to me, and I whispered, "I promise to be the best DOM any sub has ever had."

"I'll try not to disappoint you, Master," he answered back.

Well, you know from earlier stuff that I'm not really one for fancy clothes, but experience told me that I was going to get what I wanted that day and I thought we should celebrate. So, I had brought my best outfit, including a jacket to wear to the restaurant where I had made a reservation. I told him where we were going, and he gasped.

"Master! That's so expensive!" I knew what it was going to cost, and I smiled. "It's a special occasion, boy. It's not every day that lovers move from Top/bottom to Dom/sub. It needs to be celebrated."

And we did. The dessert on top of the dessert was a second round of fucking, with bondage. I'll leave that to seb to talk about when he writes the next section.

Next: Chapter 4

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