Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 7, 2022


Hey readers. It's my (tony's) turn again. Or I guess you can call me seb too. I don't like that nickname, but Master let you know he calls me that. I won't hear it. You should hope he doesn't see you writing it, though. If there's one theme that is coming out in this story, Master Dom is very jealous, and that's the "pet name" he gave me, and so far, he hasn't used it in public. After he wrote the last section, Master told me that I should really write the whole story because he thinks I'm a better writer than he is. I think I convinced him that he should keep writing: I'd edit his half of the story if he wanted me to, and if he told me to write it all, well, that's his order and that's what a sub does, right? (I'm still learning, so give me your advice. It's only been a month or so). I have to tell you, first of all, what happened after Master wrote the third section. He considers my submission one of the high points in his erotic life, and thinking about it gets him really, REALLY aroused. So, when he got up from the computer, he came into the living room. He had already stripped, and his cock was hard and dripping. "I thought he wanted a blow job, but I was wrong. "Get your clothes off and get on your back," he told me. Well, I'm learning my place, so I just said "Yes, Master" and did what he told me. He climbed on top of me, and he pinned my wrists to my sides, up near my shoulders. I thought he wanted a quick fuck, so I bent my knees to make it easier. I was wrong again. "Put those legs down, boy. I'll tell you when to get them in the air," he said, so again, I just said "yes, Master," and put them down on the bed. I spread them, but he pulled them together and wrapped his legs underneath them, so they were pinned to his body. Then he pulled my arms down to my sides and put me in what I guess you would call a front bear hug. It was tight. Like I said, Master Dom is really, REALLY strong. I couldn't move. I think a mummy wrap would have been looser. I could feel his breath on my ear and his tongue licking it. I knew he was going for my neck: he did every time we had sex because it made me so aroused. I could feel the scraping along the side of my head, and his little animal growls, one of the sexiest sounds I know. Then he did something new. Later, he told me he had seen it in a video, and it made him so hard that he HAD to try it on me. There was a little space between my torso and my arm, and he could get a bit of his scruff into it. Master had shaved my pits for the second time just the day before (later, I'll tell you about the first time), so they were very, VERY sensitive. I began to moan. It felt so good, and my cock was getting harder, even if was trapped underneath him. Then he slid his tongue into that narrow space, and began running it, very gently against my armpit. I already told you how ticklish they are. Well, the scruff, the shaving and now Master's tongue just made me lose it. I began to laugh hard. I was laughing harder than the first time he tickled me all over. I was just bursting. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." And it was constant because he wasn't stopping. I wasn't getting any break. He was holding me so close, too, that we both began to sweat profusely. He stopped for just a second to tell me "I LOVE having you as my boy, seb. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR," and he went back to lick-tickling my pit. GOD, I felt like I was going to burst. I couldn't move under him, and my cock was so hard it began to hurt. I could feel his hard cock too. He stopped for a minute and asked me: "you regret submitting, boy?" I told him the truth: "No, Master." That's when he broke the bear hug and pushed my wrists back up to where the restraints were. "NOW you can get your legs in the air, boy. Cause now, you're gonna FEEL it." I laughed inside: as if I HADN'T felt any of the fucks he had thrown into me? This one was no different from any other: in other words, it was wonderful. It was different, though, too. This time, he fucked me very, very slowly. I was getting frustrated because I WANTED ALL OF HIM. He laughed. "If you don't calm down, seb boy, I'm gonna stop and jerk off on your chest." "NO, Master, Please. I'm sorry. I just. OH, I want your cock so bad." "And your gonna get it. When I decide you will." I sighed. "Yes Master, OH FUCK!" I yelled as he laughed. He plowed into me all at once. "THERE WE GO, BOY. TAKING YOUR MASTER'S DICK, THE WAY A BOY SHOULD." "Yes Master, yes. THANK YOU, SIR, THANK YOU." This was one where he didn't slide back and forth: he just filled me with dick and kept it there. My hands were tied down and he started playing with my nipples, which made me moan even more. He ran his rough hands over my torso, smooth like my pits, and then bent down to start kissing everything he had gotten excited. There's no better word to describe what I was doing but whimpering. If you had told me six months ago that I'd have been lying on my bed, tied down, getting fucked and begging for more, I would have told you that you were crazy. Well, all of that was happening and I was begging, HOPING that he'd cum in me and cum in me big time. He did. I saw my Master smile as he finally began sliding back and forth so that ALL of his juice went into me. "Please, Master, may I?" That was one of the first parts of my new life that Master Dom had instilled in me: I needed permission to cum. Every single time. He laughed. "No," was his answer. I was surprised. It was the first time he had ever told me "No" when I asked him. I began to beg and to plea, and he just shook his head. "You need to learn control seb boy. And if you can't control it on your own, well, I have tools remember." He hadn't used a chastity cage on me, but he had shown one to me. "I don't like to use them, but when subs don't obey one of my fundamental rules, I do. Understand that?" I sighed again. "Yes Master." He kissed me. "Now let's get you dressed again, and me too. Let's think about dinner and television." Oh boy, was I uncomfortable? Master knew it, too. After dinner and after I had cleaned up the dishes, I curled up against him like I did every night. Instead of putting his hand down my shirt, he dropped it to my crotch. I'm surprised he could hear the movie he was watching because of my moans. I certainly couldn't watch it. Finally, when he got bored, he told me: "Lay on the carpet. Jerk off on yourself." I answered "Yes MASTER. Thank you, Master," and got in position. He had taken off his shoes, but he pushed a socked foot underneath my balls. That just pushed me into another place, and I came so hard I swear I felt a drop of it hit my lip. You all understand that this happened a month after I submitted, right? So, now I'm gonna go back and explain why it took me so long to surrender. I WANTED to, or at least a big part of me did. But I was scared. Let me explain. And if you're bored, jump ahead. You can read about what happened the day after I surrendered. Yes, I was scared because, as I suggested before, I was falling for this man. And that was scary in and of itself. I was also confused because, well, he was so far out of "type" for me. My guys had always been geeky, intellectual types, rather than hunky blue collars, and I had never been with someone as old as Master Dom is. Of course, you also know my history of bottoming, then topping, so this was a change back again. It was a very intense change, too, because none of my boyfriends (I can't call them lovers after Master Dom) were as aggressively sexual as Master Dom is. I was trying to absorb all of this, and I knew it was happening because, well... you know how you have a type and, even if you're coupled and you're hopelessly in love with that guy, when you see his "type" on the street you start staring? Cruising? I had always looked at guys who reminded me of Henry, or Joseph. Now, though, if I saw a man with a head of white hair, I looked. If he had a beard, even moreso. And if he were wearing just a "wife-beater," or a flannel type shirt opened over a wife beater, I was done. Prior to submission, I would get to the office as fast as I could, hide in a bathroom stall, and jerk off as quietly as possible. There was one guy who worked in my building who had the beard and white hair, but he was only about as tall as I am. Still, he was built: REALLY stocky, and I could tell from his wrists and his ears, he was hairy. He had greyish eyes and once I think he knew I was checking him out, because he turned to look at me, turned away and smiled. "If he's gay, he's a bottom," I thought, probably hoping that, so I wouldn't think of him so much. He worked three floors below me, and his name was Ned. I knew that when someone he knew came into the elevator with us once. He always wore heavyweight oxford shirts, either without a tie, or with an opened tie. The color changed all the time, and there were some I liked better than others. And anytime I saw him, I thought of Dom. I couldn't STOP thinking about Dom. After Dom had brought up whether I'd consider being a sub, I realized that I didn't know anything about this. The "learning curve" for gay men is really steep, and I had neglected it for school and work, so I was definitely behind. I began reading, and I got even more scared, but not for the reasons you might think. I had taken orders at work for years. General counsel and partners want things THEIR way, and they want them done NOW. I had no problems with taking orders, but what I was afraid of was: what if I don't please Dom? What if he says, "we're done," and he leaves (he was essentially living at my place now)? Could I ever go back to something else? These were the thoughts that filled my head when I wasn't with him. When we were together, though, I always felt happy. Dom did things that I now realize were the first steps toward my submission. A good example is his hand on my left nipple. The first time he did it when we were in bed, I was annoyed. I actually tried to lift it off but -- do I have to say again how strong he is? Let's add strong WILLED too. The hand was staying. After the first night, I loved it. I loved it so much that one night, when I was REALLY tired and he had gone to the bathroom and was in there for a while, I had almost fallen asleep when he got into bed. I guess he thought I was asleep because he didn't move his hand over. I rolled to face him, and I asked "Dom, did you forget something?" He grinned at me and said, "get back in position." Once I did, his hand went on my nip and he whispered, "sleep well, bottom." He didn't see me smile, but I did. I kept as still as possible that night. So, I was kind of emotionally full, and I couldn't make up my mind. I'm glad I didn't because that scene with Master Dom was one of the hottest things I have ever done in my life. I SWEAR, the feeling of being TOTALLY under control, TOTALLY helpless and ultimately, TOTALLY dominated was the hottest aphrodisiac I could imagine. He fucked me so sore that night that I really did walk funny for a few days. He also began explaining to me what he expected the next day. "You know, boy," Master Dom began, "we're both hairy and I can't have that. Doms and Tops are hairy, bottoms and subs are smooth so, today, you're getting a body shave." I looked at him and I must not have been able to hide my shock and my negative reaction because he got up and folded his arms. "Are you going to break your submission after less than 24 hours, seb? Because if you do, well, then the disciplinary actions are going to be VERY severe. In fact, I may have to make you submit again." I felt trapped when he said "Tonight. After work. Oh, and from now on, I want to see what you're planning to wear before you get dressed. I don't want you being too provocative." I began sinking into his control like it was a warm bath. I couldn't forget the fancy dinner the night before. Clearly, he saw my submission as something to celebrate. Were we lovers?

I really didn't know. I came home from work that night and Master Dom was already there, in his standard "uniform": faded jeans and his wife-beater. "Let's get to the bedroom, stud. I have it all set up." He did. There was a huge absorbent bathmat type towel on top of the bed, and I could see a bucket, some foamy suds, an electric clipper, and a razor at a table he had opened alongside the bed. "I know what I'm doing, seb boy. I've done this before. Get naked, and we'll use all four restraints. I want you totally still. "Naked, Master?" I heard him laugh. "OF COURSE, NAKED, DUMMY. How do I shave your pubes if you keep your pants on?" Instinctively, I moved my hands to cover my crotch, the way you see people caught naked doing? "My crotch too, Master?" He began walking toward me slowly. "Seb, submission is total. If I tell you your pubes are getting shaved..." "My pubes are getting shaved, Master." "Good boy. You're learning." "I wasn't happy about learning, but I guess I was. "I've never had a boy who's so hairy so, I'm gonna start with this," Master Dom said after he had secured my wrists and my ankles. When I closed my eyes, he noticed. "No, boy. Keep your eyes opened. It's important for you to watch this. To understand...exactly how under control you are." "Yes Master," I answered and bit my lip as I saw him expertly run the clipper up my torso. The soft black hair fell to the sides, one strip after the other. I wanted to cry: I had been hairy since I was about 13. Now, I WAS a boy again. Master Dom had a very small dustpan like thing and a brush. He swept the hair into the pan and put it over to the side. "We're gonna keep that. It's going into your collar lock as a memento of your first time." I didn't know what he meant by that, but I'd find out. He looked at his work and said "Clean, but not clean enough. That's what straight edges are for. Try to keep still, tony." (He still used `tony' when he was trying to be objective). "I REALLY don't want to cut you, but this is tricky." "Yes, Master. Please don't cut me." I heard the fear in my voice. I didn't need to fear. He rubbed a wet cloth over what hair was left, then he soaped me up and began shaving carefully. I began to get a hard on because I could see Master Don sweating, I could smell him, and I saw the bulge in his crotch. When he saw me looking, he gave me a wink. "Yeah, you're gonna get fucked when this is over boy. You need to feel all the sensations that a smooth sub does. "He continued working and when he was done, he took another rag and cleaned that up. "Not too much that time. It's okay. We don't want to overload the lock. Now, let's get to those pits. One of my favorite parts of my new sub." I pulled at the restraints. I STILL don't know why I do that, other than to give Master Dom a charge when he sees me struggle. He used the cloths and the soap again. "Baby boy, you're sweating. You nervous?" "Yes, Master," I said. "The razor is sharp." "Yeah, it is. "He dropped his voice. "But I know what I'm doing, and I want you smooth." "Yes, Master," I replied. He started on my right pit. I thought it would tickle, but it didn't. The strokes were long, and I guess short strokes started my tickling mechanism. "This goes much faster than the torso, seb. We'll be done with them in a minute." He didn't say "then we go to the pubes," but that was the part I was worrying about. He was finished with my left pit quickly. He looked at me. He began to laugh. "Not this time, boy. You've been through enough. Let's just say I'm keeping pube shaving as a discipline tool." I gulped. "Thank you, Master. I understand." "If you don't do what you're told, losing that pube hair is a possibility." "Yes Master." "And since it's the pubes, that's the penalty for playing with yourself or jerking off without permission. Home OR work." "Yes Master." He moved the shaving stuff away and he lay on top of me. Instead of going for my tits or neck, he kissed me. He didn't French me: he just kissed me. Over and over again. "You're a very brave boy, seb. A brave boy, and a good sub." Then he frenched me, and I could feel that he was getting ready to plunge into me. "Let's get those ankles untied so I can get in. "He winked. "Tomorrow, I take you from behind. No arguments." "I understand, Sir. "We did fall into a rhythm of twice on my back, once on my belly after that. For that night, our love making was tender, the way Master Dom's kisses had been. It was as if he wanted to make sure I didn't stress out too much more than I did. "Know who you are, seb? You're the hottest boy Master Dom has ever had." He kissed my ear as his cock began entering me. I gasped. "OH SIR. The hottest one? Really?" "Definitely. I want you all the time." I thought to myself "well, thank GOODNESS the feeling is mutual." I tried as best as I could to yield to him. I tried to relax, not that it mattered: Master Dom's cock is relentless. "I love your ass, boy. I'm so glad I got it before anyone else did."

Later, I asked him about that comment, and I learned that he wasn't the only top giving me the eye that night. I hadn't noticed any of the others because, after I saw him checking me out, I sort of couldn't think of anything else other than being in bed with Master Dom." I heard the grunt with which I had gotten familiar: he was right on the edge. Then he wasn't. "OH, YOU SWEET SON OF A BITCH I LOVE FUCKING YOU SO MUCH." He groaned as he fell on me. "I wanna just leave you there until I'm ready again. And then again. And then again." Frankly, it sounded pretty good to me. He untied me though so that we could get some supper. "Take out tonight, buddy. I want you to feel as much as you can when your body is newly sensitized like it is right now." We ate, and he wouldn't let me put on a shirt when we sat down on the sofa. His hand on my stomach, and then moving up to my nips, was one of the most intense feelings I had ever had. That night, when we got into bed and his hand went over my nip, well, I was about to get my first discipline: I shot without touching myself. I heard Master Dom chuckle. "We have a date tomorrow, seb. You're gonna be even more of a boy." Part of me was freaked out. Another part of me could hardly wait. So, that's it for me folks. I have a feeling that I'm getting put on my stomach and getting ram-jetted tonight. I know Master Dom already knows what he wants to write about next: shaving my pubes, my first punishment for cruising a man, and when he collared me, literally. Give him time. Remember: I get him first.

Next: Chapter 5

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