Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 16, 2022


Hey everyone. It's me, tony back to tell you some more. I know that you were used to Master Dom and I writing very quickly, one after the other, but we were giving you background. Now that we're in the present, well, you know, a little happens each day and then when you look back, there's a bunch. I just need to make some things clear before I go on and tell you about Master Dom and me. And mostly, I'm gonna tell you about a party we went to at his friend's house, and then him taking me to one of his favorite bars to, as Master put it, "show me off." But what I want to talk about first is something that people started saying after we had been out together. They thought I was being taken advantage of, that Master Dom had found a "sugar baby," that I was settling for less than I deserved, and so on. Master Dom has paid his own way every inch of our relationship. In fact, there was one time when I bought him something (a shirt), and he told me "You know, boy, if you're going to do that, you have to ask me beforehand. I appreciate it, and I'll wear it, but I don't want you doing that." And he was serious. I mean, all it was, was a simple black polo shirt. He still wears it, at least once a week. I bought the right size and when he wears it, you can see my man's guns, and how broad his chest is. I swear, no matter how many times I see Master's chest, I get hard. When I feel his hair prickling on my face, I get even harder. I do have more education than Master does, and sometimes I go overboard with my explanations or comments. He'll just smile and say something like "Knock off the academic bullshit seb, or I'll gag you and that'll take care of it." And Master's not stupid: he's very smart, and he's been very good at educating me about a world I don't know much about. That's included showing me how different the two of us are, and why we work together so well. I guess what I realized from being with Master Dom, is that I've always been a passive person. It may not have shown to a lot of people, but he pegged me. For example, you don't hear many law students talk about how what they want to do is work in a corporate environment with a regular day. Nope, not at all. Everyone wants to start at a high power, high stakes law firm where they work 80 plus hours a week, make tons of money, and make partner. I never wanted that. I wanted a boss. I wanted someone to give me orders and to supervise me every inch of the way. (Some of my classmates laugh when I tell them that, and say that's their life too, they just get paid better. I can't explain it. It's just different).

That passivity came across, I think, even when I was topping. I ask myself now: did I WANT to top the guys in the relationships I had? The answer is: I don't know, but I don't think I did. What I know is they wanted me to top them, so I did. Is that passive-aggressive or what?

When we met that first night, if you recall, I was wearing the "versatile" button. Master was very clear about what he wanted, and until I submitted, I had plenty of opportunity to walk away (I guess I still do). But I read a whole lot about power exchange and power transfer among men, and as Master Dom would say "whatever." I like being his sub. No, I LOVE being his sub. There are parts of it I don't like, and I'll tell you about them when they happen, but I love knowing that when I struggle, I'm gonna lose because he's too strong, and too crafty. Master told me once "you're the first boy I've had who smiles when he says, `I give.'" I do, too, because I know what happens next. Master Dom is the best lover I've ever had.

So, that night he wrote about, when I teabagged him: I never did it again, because he didn't like it. He liked straight out cocksucking, which he made clear to me the next night. It was hot. Very hot, because I was very pissed off about the cum all over my shirt. I know Master Dom wrote about how much I hated getting fluids on my clothes. You have no idea. So, I was angry about that, and I got even more pissed off the next night when I came home and he was sitting on the sofa and said "get over here, seb. This cock is hard, and it needs your sweet mouth." For the first and only time I mouthed off to him. "Get a hanky and jerk off," I said and went off to the bedroom to change. I didn't get there: he was on top of me within seconds. He put me in a bear hug first, and then he started pulling my arms behind me like he did the first time he tied me up.

"What did you just say to me, bottom?" he growled, and pulled my arms so hard that I was trapped. He had my wrists, and he started pushing my arms up my back.

"OUCH. You're hurting me, Dom." He pushed harder.

"It's MASTER DOM, boy. Did you forget that?" I tried to wrestle out of his grip, and of course I couldn't. But I mouthed off again (Ok, I mouthed off a few times that night. I learned my lesson).

"I didn't forget it. I also didn't forget you cumming on my shirt." He began to laugh.

"Oh, you little pansy, is THAT what's bothering you? Well, I think we're gonna have to get a few things cleared up, right now. MOVE!" He started pushing me to the bedroom. I could feel that he was very hard. And I began to rethink what I had said.

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry. I had a bad day and I just forgot myself."

"Yeah? Well, you're gonna have to learn to leave your bad days at the office. GET ON THE BED. NOW. FACE UP."

"Yes, Master," I answered. I began to slip my wrists through the loops in the restraints, but he grabbed them and tied them tighter. Then, he reached into the side table and pulled out something he knew I hated: the ball gag.

"OPEN BITCH BOY. OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. If I'm not gonna get blown, you don't need that mouth." I kept on fighting, but a few slaps to my crotch calmed me down and I opened my mouth. I began to drool almost right away, and I was still dressed. Master Dom had no apparent interest in getting me naked. He did begin working on my nipples.

"We'll take the shirt to the dry cleaner and get it taken care of. Trust me, boy. Every freakin dry cleaner in this city has seen a lot worse than semen on a shirt. And trust me, boy, he's not gonna call your boss and tell him about it."

I moaned. He was working my nips really hard.

"Oh, you like that boy. You know, I have been thinking about how I could get this right one as sensitive as the left one and you know what? A good piercing could do that."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" I was scared now. I mean, if I got pierced, it would really be up to Master as to who saw it, but I just didn't want it. He knew that, too, because we had spoken about it.

"Now, you understand, seb, that if I want you pierced, you get pierced, right?" I kept on drooling, but I shook my head yes.

"Well, I'm not gonna get you pierced because I LIKE the challenge of getting you hot and bothered. But you're gonna have to learn, real fast, what a sub does and doesn't do, and you're gonna learn it without all those FUCKING BOOKS you're reading. You're not teaching a goddamn class on bottoming, you're living it. "

He was right. Of course, he was right. He pushed his knee into my crotch then and pulled down his pants.

"Maybe I'll cum on ALL your shirts. Heh heh. THAT will get the dry cleaner's attention. Maybe." He opened my shirt, and concentrated on my left tit with one hand, while he played with himself with his other one.

"Know why I'm doing this, sebby boy?" I shook my head because I didn't. I think he had screwed my ass at least once every day since we became a couple.

"I WANT to fuck you. My cock is most satisfied when I'm up there, boy. But you're sore there. You just don't know it. You gotta start examining yourself. Hold a mirror. Check. Your hole is red: nearly as red as a beet. And I want my boy fresh and TIGHT. But right now... OH SHIT BOY. Just doing this to you is getting my juices flowing. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK."

Now, during all of this, I kept on wanting Master's cock in my mouth which of course made me drool more. It was all over the top of my shirt. And his cum was all over the bottom of it. And I was as hard as the Rock of Gibraltar.

When he was done, Master Dom untied my wrists. "You can jizz yourself now boy. And when you're done, take out the gag, and then get yourself cleaned up and come out to the living room, because I've got some stuff for you." He got up. I thought I was still in trouble. I changed into jeans and a pale blue polo shirt, one I knew that Master Dom really liked. It's very tight fitting and soon, I'm going to outgrow it from the gym work, but I'm not sure if he'll let me give it up. I came into the living room and -- DAMN -- Master was wearing the shirt I gave him and a pair of his ripped jeans. He had something else on, too, that I had never seen him wear at home before: his arm band, on his left bicep.

"Get over here, seb" he patted the seat next to him. "Before you do, though, turn around. I wanna get a good look at your ass."

"Yes Sir," I answered, turning around. "Lock your hands over your head the way they do in prison," he ordered me, and I did that too. Then I felt his hands on my butt.

"Just about near perfect. NEAR FUCKING PERFECT. Gonna look GREAT in chaps," he muttered. "Now sit down. We gotta talk about some things. "As I sat down, I saw two packages on the coffee table: one was rather big, the other small. I felt Master's arm around my shoulders.

"Now, one of the things we're gonna have to decide tonight, boy, is whether you're truly committed to being seb the sub. Cause I need an answer. A commitment." He squeezed me tighter. "You know as well as I do that you need more training if you're gonna be a sub, and I'm ready to make that commitment, but you need to make it, too." I was beginning to get nervous. I didn't know what the commitment meant, but I sensed that if I didn't want it, we were going to be done, and that's something I didn't want. I took a big gulp of air.

"I'm in, Sir. I know I disappoint you sometimes, and I know I'm still too independent. But I'm willing to learn." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "That's what I thought you'd say, boy. And I've got something to test your commitment because, to be honest, you should know better than I do that words are weasly. Acts aren't."

"Yes, Master. I understand." He took his arm from my shoulders. "Stand up and take off your shirt." Well, THAT part was easy. He smiled. "Now open that package. The big one. "I was very nervous, and my fingers kept on getting stuck in the paper. I knew what it was before I got all the paper off.

"It's your first harness, boy. You're gonna wear it when we go out. Let's see how it looks." I gulped.

"Master, I'm sorry but...I don't have any idea how to put this on." He laughed. "You're like a teenage girl with her first bra, sebby." He got up and I could feel how completely at home he was with getting it on me.

"I got one too. I just haven't brought it over because I thought it'd freak you out." He stood back. "You look RIGHT FINE" in it, boy. You just need one accessory." Now I knew why he had worn the arm band. He had one for me, and he put it on my right bicep.

"That, and your collar, should keep the normal ones away from you on Saturday. And as for the abnormal ones." He smacked his fist into his hand. "That's why I'm there. Now put your hands behind you and push out your tits. "

"Yes, Sir," I answered. I have to say that while I hadn't had any alcohol that day, the combination of what I guess was testosterone coming off of Master Dom, and the smell of the leather, was making me feel almost drunk.

"Go look at yourself in the mirror. Then come back here because we ain't done yet."

As I went back to check myself out, I laughed. Master Dom spoke close to `the king's English,' but when he was in full DOM mode, he switched to a much slangier level, like he was doing now.

"Sir, I think I'd pick me up and fuck me" I made a joke, and I could hear him howl. "Mister, you better keep your hands off my boy. That is, if you know what's good for you." I came back into the living room. "I didn't get chaps yet but now... hell yeah, my leather lawyer. So damn hot. Now get outta those jeans. And your jock too."

The small package was still on the table. Some of you have probably figured out what it was, but I was even newer to this than I am now, and I had no idea. When I was dressed only in the harness, he picked up the small package and opened it.

"Put it on." I looked at it. It was, honestly, my worst fear: a chastity cage. I was going to say something, but I remembered: he asked me, and I said I was committed. But my hands were shaking.

"Yeah, I had a feeling something like that would happen. Gimme it. And get close."

"Yes sir, "I fairly whispered. Again, it was clear Master Dom knew what he was doing, and, in seconds, I was locked up.

"It's a little late for you to participate in Loctober, boy, and you're too green. But you're gonna start wearing that a few days a week. And if you need discipline, it's gonna be more. "He smiled. "I have the key. I'm the only one who can let you get hard or cum from now on, and let me tell you, boy, everything in that area is gonna get much, MUCH more sensitive. And when I fuck you tomorrow night, you'll experience it. Now get dressed. Take off the harness and hang it. I'll help you get into it on Saturday. You'll watch me get into mine, and then, we'll take care of what needs to get taken care of. "I'm being honest when I say I was scared, freaked out, and so turned on it wasn't funny. When I came back to my seat on the sofa and Master began shoving his tongue down my throat, I could feel my dick hit up against the plastic of the cage and it was one of the hottest feelings I've ever had.

So, it was Wednesday night, and we went to bed without him fucking me, but he ran his tongue around my ass before we settled in, and when he finished, he said: "Looking good sebby. Tight too. We'll get back to normal tomorrow night."

"YES SIR!" I felt a smile forming as his hand settled on my nipple. I was so excited that I took a long time to fall asleep -- way longer than it took Master Dom. He was, as my mom used to say "shooting zzzzz's" by the time I closed my eyes. I dreamed all night about Master power fucking me and kept on banging up against the cage. It was a wonderful feeling. Master finally deemed that my butt had healed well enough to take dick again, and he reamed me the next night. That was the night when he did something that, frankly, made me SO hot I may ask him to do it again. Master grabbed me as soon as I got home from work and tossed me on the bed. The wrist restraints when on, and he began working me over the way he did the night I surrendered. With the cage on (I'm going to talk about that cage again in a bit), it was a very different, more intense situation. I was moaning and groaning and then my cell phone rang. I usually turn it off after I send the text telling Master I'm on the way home, but I forgot that night: I think I was preoccupied with the cage and how hard I was. When he heard the phone, a big smile came on his face.

"Oh, I know just what we're gonna do, seb. Open your mouth."

"Sir, I'm not gonna scream or anything." He smacked my balls and with the cage, I almost passed out.

"Ok, Ok," I opened my mouth, and he shoved a gag in. Thank God it wasn't the ball gag. He picked up the phone and held it with one hand while he worked my nip with the other. He was very professional as he said to the caller: "I'm very sorry, but tony is all tied up right now. I'll make sure he calls you when he's free."

Don't ask me to explain, but struggling under him, as he made those comments, just drove me nuts. I wanted Master to control everything. EVERYTHING. When he put the phone down, he opened my shirt and continued to work on both nipples. He didn't say anything, he just grinned. Then he asked.

"You a bottom, seb?"

"mmmmmph" I shook my head.

"A sub?" I did the same.

"Who wants cock in his ass?"

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" I tried to make it as clear as possible: I wanted him.

"Well, why didn't you just say so? Incidentally, you can still have prostate orgasms in that cage, so maybe I'll give you one when I'm finished." Then he fucked me in a way that I think only he could. I used to think that Henry was the best Top I had ever had. Dom was better. Of course, Tony had been very young but...I doubt he was as good as Dom now that we were all older. I couldn't get enough. My ankles weren't tied down, so I flexed my glutes to tease my Master, and he loved it. "I think you just earned that prostate orgasm. IF you want it"

I couldn't even speak. I was ready to explode. I waited for Master to fill me and that night, he did something he hadn't done before. He put a plug in my ass when he was done. "It'll come out before bed, but for now..." Then he moved his fingers inside of me and he found "the spot." It didn't take long. No, it was not as satisfying as a full out orgasm with a hard on, but I got to have one of those as a reward because I behaved myself at the party.

First though, like I wrote, the cage. I HATED it. I thought it indicated that Master didn't trust me: that he thought I'd play with myself away from home or use it for something without permission. (I wouldn't use it without permission, but I did play with myself, trying hard not to blow, and only succeeding some of the time). I didn't understand at the time that he was not only teaching me to control myself, but he was also teaching me how much he controlled ME. Now, something pretty fundamental, masturbation, was under Master's control. If I were a sub, I was going to have to accept this. I'm trying to. It's taking time.

So, the party. Master explained to me that it was a group of about seven of his friends, some of whom had subs and some of whom didn't. There would also be a bar and servers, and they were all chosen to be "appropriate partners" for the guys who were single, if they could come to agreement.

"YOU, seb, will stay close to me tonight, and be careful about what you say. I'm not really worried about you and the subs: I don't think you'd be interested in topping at this point and in any event, you couldn't. But I don't want you encouraging these wolves."

Well, if he didn't want that, he should have dressed me differently: you know already that he liked me in blue, I liked me in white, so he made me where a blue and white striped shirt, that actually made me look a little taller. Tight jeans that made it clear I was caged. And my collar.

The party was pretty boisterous. Master Dom knew some of the guys better than other guys who were there, and I met Gary and Tom. They were really friendly, not "handsy," and directed just about all of their questions to Master Dom. I learned that night that that was the accepted protocol: Masters talk to Masters and get permission to talk to a Masters' sub. Subs, on the other hand, do not speak unless they get permission to do so. Tom was the one who asked "so he broke you? You're Dom's sub now, tony?" Master Dom said, "you can tell him, seb."

"Yes, Sir Tom. I surrendered."

"Is that right. What did he do to you before you did?" Master put his hand on the back of my neck and laughed.

"Now, now, Tom, you know he can't tell you that. What if he decides he wants to go and live with an aged, wrinkled queen instead of his hot Daddy? Think I'm gonna give you a change to subdue him?" Tom laughed. "Fair enough. I just think that moment may be one of the hottest moments in all of D/s history and... well, inquiring minds wanna know."

"One day, Tom, one day. I'll just tell you this. My boy has more hot spots than a wood burning oven, and I keep on finding them. All the more to keep my big, handsome stud under control." When he said that, if anyone looked at my crotch, they would have seen that my dick pushed my cage right up in the air.

Master Dom was right. He found hot spots I didn't even know I had. For example, one night, when he had me tied up in the bondage chair, he ran his thumb along my belly, at the point where my belt met my shirt. Because my pants are always so tight, I have a slight "muffin top," and his finger just drove me crazy. Once he saw my reaction, he couldn't stop, and I was in agony until he looked at me and said "You need to get fucked. NOW" I couldn't have agreed more.

Then there was the small of my back. Again, I didn't know this, but one day, while I was getting dressed for work, Master came up behind me and pressed a thumb into the spot just above my ass crack. "OH SHIT" I remember moaning. "HOLY FUCK SIR"

"You never told me about that spot."

"I didn't know it, Sir."

"Is that right? Well, I think you may be late for work today, boy." He kept one thumb pressed into that spot and used his other thumb to tease my dick until finally, I exploded.

"You'll clean that when you get home from work, seb. We're gonna have to work on your control more." I think that may have been the day he decided I needed the cage.

Well, the party went on. I did talk to a couple of the subs, including one who was the boy for one of the Masters that Master Dom didn't know very well. He was the one who told me that several of the Masters were jealous of my Sir, and that they were trying to get Master Dom to share me, or to trade me, by telling him he needed variety in his life and things like that.

"His answer is always that the only variety he needs is moving you from your belly to your back." I felt good about that, but I don't know why.

Then something happened at the party that got me very confused. Again, I was talking to a sub, and he said "You know, you remind me very much of a guy I used to bottom for. Name is Henry. GREAT TOP. I've never had anyone use his facial hair so well." Now, I didn't say anything, but I remembered how well Henry would work me over with his beard and his moustache.

"Do you still see him?" I asked, and he laughed.

"No, no. I think he's still single, but he's really much more of a fan of darker guys, like you. So, I think I was his desperate screw some night when no one else was available. I don't' regret it."

Henry was still in town. I'd be lying if I told you I didn't think about him that night after Master Dom threw me on the bed for a hot fuck, and then unlocked me so I could jerk off. "But it's going back on before the bar tomorrow, seb. Not gonna take ANY chances with a big crowd like that."

"No sir," I answered. "Thank you for making sure I toe the line." He kissed my ear. "I'd say you're just about 100% mine, seb. Exactly the way I want you."

Master Dom wasn't wrong about a lot of things, but he was on that. Before that guy had brought up Henry, I think I was. Now, it was about 95/5, and the number was moving more toward Henry. I missed him.

And as you'll learn, when Master Dom comes back, we did cross paths again. And when Master Dom reads this, it's all going to come back to him, he's going to get very ALPHA and probably pound me for a whole afternoon.

Next: Chapter 7

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