Dominated by a Fem Twink

By Manly Man

Published on Sep 21, 2017



Jordan relaxed his hand a bit and I inhaled a breath as he continued to unload. It seemed to last forever, but eventually he stopped and let go of my throat. I lowered my legs and wrapped my big arms around him as I felt his cock slip from my hole. I hadn't cum twice in an hour for many years. And I had never cum as intensely as today. I was dazed and confused - still trying to accept my new reality. But I had changed. In the course of an hour, my life had been upended by a twink 20 years my junior and half my size.

Part Four:

I dozed again but not for long. Jordan rolled off me and pulled-on some shorts. His lithe, lean body still glistened with sweat as he began to move toward the bathroom. "Be gone when I get out of the shower", he said over his shoulder, and he closed the bathroom door.

It's hard to describe how I felt. Used, abused, defiled, embarrassed. I had been stripped of my dignity and fucked like a cheap trick. And now Jordan was tossing me out, just as I had done to many guys over the years. As I stood and began to dress, I felt like a schoolgirl with a crush. Would I hear from him again? Would he regret this? What if I ran into him somewhere...would it be awkward? Wait...Oh God...would he TELL HIS FRIENDS what happened? Or MY FRIENDS?? I started to panic. I couldn't let people find out that I'd been dominated by a twink. My social reputation would be ruined. But then the panic turned to fear when I heard the shower shut-off. Jordan told me to be gone when he returned from the shower. Shit....I needed to get moving. Fast!

Several days passed and I heard nothing from Jordan. I went about my days as usual - the office, gym, drinks with friends. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't waiting for a text from him, some sort of sign. I'm not good with unknowns. My rational brain was telling me to let it go, pretend it didn't happen, ignore Jordan if he texted and avoid him for the foreseeable future. But I knew I couldn't, even if I tried. I was avoiding my fuck buds since my tryst with Jordan - I wasn't in the mood. I'd been horny, but my fantasies had suddenly changed. They no longer revolved around me being the alpha. I wanted to be dominated again. I was fighting it. And I was losing. What was I going to do?

The answer came two days later on my drive home from the office. A text from Jordan...."My place. Now." I changed my route immediately to head to Jordan's building. "Yes sir", I replied. "10 minutes". I realized I was perspiring and cranked-up the a/c. My cock, which I hadn't touched in days, was brick-hard in my slacks. I licked my lips.

Once I found a parking space and got out of the car, I checked my reflection. I looked good. I was well-built for a guy my age, muscular in all the right places. My suit was tailored and my beard neatly trimmed. I admired my physique for a few more seconds before I headed to Jordan's apartment. I knocked on the door and....a guy who was NOT JORDAN answered. Roommate? It hadn't crossed my mind but it made sense. Two bedrooms, two baths - Jordan had a roommate. Oh fuck! "Uh...hi, is Jordan here?", I said. This guy was a textbook nerd. Skinny, glasses, pale, disinterested. But sexy, definitely sexy. Unlike Jordan, he didn't have any swish. He was a boy-man. Not fem, not a twink. Young, but manly. "He's in his room", said the nerd. I dropped my eyes and made a beeline for Jordan's room. I couldn't have anyone else know about us, about what Jordan had done to me. The presence of another person in his apartment, a roommate, was unnerving.

I opened the door to Jordan's room and started to speak when he held up his hand. I closed the door behind me and waited. Jordan said, "I said come now. Right now. Not after you preened in the windshield of your car or shot the shit with my roommate." I started to protest when he held up his hand again. I went silent and waited. "Are we clear?", he said. "Yes sir", I replied. "Good. You have 3 minutes to get me off before my Uber arrives."

I panicked for a second, but then lust consumed me. Jordan was standing by the bed, buttoning his shirt. I dropped to my knees and fished his hot little cock out of his boxers. He started to bone-up as soon as I touched it. I engulfed him to the root immediately. He grew hard in my throat. 3 minutes wasn't long, so I sucked for all I was worth. My tongue made love to his beautiful Asian boner as my fingers tickled his balls. Jordan moaned and I felt his hand on my head. I doubled-down and increased the pace as he stroked my head. "Oh yeah, Daddy", Jordan sighed, as I held onto one of his beautiful ass cheeks for leverage. We continued like this for another minute or so. I worked so hard...I wanted to please this boy. I wanted to make him cum in 3 minutes! Then it happened. Jordan's hand clamped onto the back of my head and his entire body went rigid. He buried his cock in my throat and started to unload. Once, twice...oh no - WTF? He pulled out too soon. At least that's what I thought until he grabbed his beautiful dick and started painting my face with his load. It was on my nose, in my beard, on my cheek, and probably staining my $1500 suit by now. But I didn't care. I'd made him cum in 3 minutes. I was immensely pleased with myself.

Jordan finished stroking and stepped forward. He didn't have to say anything - I cleaned his cock like a good bitch, swallowing every drop of his cum. As he stepped back to put on his jeans, I licked my lips and reached to wipe the cum from my face. "Uh-uh. Leave it there", he said as he continued to dress.

"Leave it?", I replied, shocked. "Yes", Jordan said. "I'll give you permission to wipe it off, but not until later. You can take care of your suit as soon as you get home, though". With that he took one last look in the mirror and headed for the door to leave. I started to stand, but Jordan turned around. "Not yet. Neal needs a blowjob before you go. Stay put." And then he walked out.

I froze. Neal needs a blowjob? Neal, the roommate?? The roommate who could never know that I was Jordan's bitch??? But I barely processed those thoughts when I heard the apartment door slam and Neal's footsteps coming down the hall. There I was, covered in Jordan's cum, kneeling beside Jordan's bed when Neal unceremoniously entered the bedroom. He crossed and stood in front of me in a pair of athletic shorts that hung loosely from his skinny frame. As I said before, Neal is not a twink. He is a nerd. A pale, white, smooth , red-haired nerd. 5'9, 135, soaking wet. He was barefoot with an oversize t-shirt over his athletic shorts. I was suddenly very aware of him....his closeness. Neal scrutinized me while I waited. Finally he said, "When Jordan said his bud would blow me, I laughed at him. But you are covered in the dude's cum. Is this for real?"

I stammered. I wanted to explain it away, to protest. But instead I leaned forward and breathed-in his scent, rubbed my face over his crotch. He moaned and said, "Holy fuck". What happened next shocked me. Neal's cock began to make an appearance beneath the athletic shorts. His long, hard, thick bull of a cock. It tented his shorts and I reached out to touch it. Neal groaned his approval. I tried to wrap my hand around it but couldn't - the guy was hung. Really hung. I tugged on the waistband of his shorts and they slid down his non-existent ass. Neal was a stick - skinny arms, skinny legs, no pecs, lean stomach. But in the cock department he had been endowed. once it cleared his shorts, his big cock snapped up against his stomach, taking his long t-shirt with it. "Wow", I said before I could stop myself. I looked up and Neal smiled. "Get busy, dude. I gotta study."

And I did. In my previous life as a top, I'd seen big cocks on some of the bottoms I fucked. I'd played with them as I fucked a guy. But I'd never tried to get one in my mouth. Neal was a challenge. I wrapped my hand around it and started on the tip. His cock felt incredibly hard and thick. My own cock was below average compared to Neal. If he'd been a jock, Neal might have realized that his equipment dwarfed most guys. But he wasn't a jock and he didn't act like a typical guy with a big dick. He was shy and awkward. Neal was definitely into getting blown, but he was a passive participant. Neal wasn't fucking my face or trying to control how it happened - he just let me suck. I found myself totally turned-on by his size and his attitude. I adjusted to his thickness and started to apply my skills. Neal groaned in appreciation. "Fuck dude, that's amazing", he said. I hummed my appreciation and tried to fit more of him into my mouth. This wasn't like sucking Jordan at all. Jordan fit perfectly into my throat and sucking him was actually enjoyable - fun. With Neal, just getting him into my mouth was a challenge. When I'd taken as much of his length as I could handle, I could still wrap my hand around the base. He finally sat on Jordan's bed and laid back. Since my mouth was impaled on his cock, I followed, rising on my knees and leaning over him. I nursed him. I stopped to suck his balls while I stroked his hefty tool. He loved it and told me so. Pleasing Neal was easy, probably because he didn't have much experience. I wanted to make it good for him.

He had surprising stamina for a young guy. I worked hard for a full 10 minutes before I felt him turn to stone. He was squirming on the bed and twice he said "Dude"....."DUUDE" as a warning. I heard him, but there was only one place I wanted Neal's load. He started to speak one more time but it turned into a deep, guttural growl. I was holding onto the base of his cock with my right hand and I had risen to my tip-toes, leaning over him and trying to keep his beautiful dick in my mouth. It was sudden and violent when he exploded. I felt a powerful surge and I was immediately overwhelmed by the volume of cum he was shooting. The floodgates had opened. With each pulse he sat upright in bed, then fell back on the mattress. Again and again he growled and exploded. There was so much cum that I finally had to let go with my mouth, but I kept stroking his cock and balls. He seemed to cum forever.

When Neal finally stopped - when his massive orgasm ended, he was once again shy and self-conscious. "Thanks dude, that was really good.", he said. Then he stood up, grabbed his shorts and bolted from the room.

I was exhausted and sweaty. I still had Jordan's cum on my face and in my beard. I could taste Neal in my mouth and a copious amount of his seed was dripping from my hand. I stared at it for a second before I started to lick it off. Jordan tasted sweet. Neal tasted manly. I finished cleaning my hand and then stood up. I was a mess. My knees were soiled from the floor. My own cock had exploded when Neal shot his load, leaving a big wet spot on my slacks. My gym bag was in the car but I still needed to get there. And Jordan's load...he hadn't given me permission to wipe it off yet. Fuck! I moved toward the living room glancing about for Neal - I couldn't look him in the eye right now. But he had gone to his bedroom and shut the door. I slipped out and made it across the street to my SUV without encountering anyone. I wriggled out of my suit and into a pair of shorts and a wife-beater. Better, definitely better. I decided to stop at the dry cleaner on the way home and drop the suit.

I parked in the loading zone and jogged happily to the door of my dry cleaners. I had a spring in my step - I felt like a kid. The young, Korean guy behind the counter eyed me warily, even though we had seen one another dozens of times. He logged my suit and gave me a ticket. I thanked him and turned to leave when he said, "You might want to wipe your face, Mr Bradley"....


Next: Chapter 5

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