Dominated by the Boy Band

By Justin Berry

Published on Apr 2, 2023


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"Nothing, you gotta see this," Timm shouted from Marilyn's master suite.

Crawling in to Timm's newly won room, I saw he'd opened the French doors that led to the private patio area out back. He stood on the terra cotta tiles near a pair of fine reclining lawn chairs. The pleasant warmth of the sun hit my bare skin as I joined him outdoors.

"You think Marilyn did a lot of fucking out here?" Timm asked. "Like that president she was always fucking?"

"JFK?" I offered.

"Yeah, they probably fucked all over this patio back here. The whole place really. That's some Hollywood royalty shit right there. Now here I am, Timm from the Party Boyz, leaving my own legacy."

With the skill of a dancer, he hopped up on a lawn chair.

"Gotta christen this bitch," Timm said.

Then he unzipped his expensive Italian pants and pulled out the priceless piece that hung between his legs. The one God had given him for free. Timm's nimble fingers held out his dick. Soon the beautifully pink and purple head began releasing a powerful golden flow.

Swiveling his hips around like a lawn sprinkler, he pissed all over the expensive tile work. As he marked his territory, the warm stream coming from his body passed over me. Covered with his tangy yellow signature, my cock hardened further.

The only sounds in the peaceful space were the splatter of Timm's liquid gold and the rustle of trees that stood just outside the patio's fence. A light breeze lifted Timm's trademark tresses and cooled the urine that soaked much of my body.

"You hear that?" Timm said in a lowered voice, his stream ending.

Listening closer, difficult since my mind was on his stunning cock and its products that covered me, I heard a voice. Apparently coming from the other side of the patio fence, the guests of that bungalow were praying.

"Thank you Father for thy bounty and these gifts we're about to receive," a man's voice said. "And thank you for this beautiful trip to California. We are truly blessed. Amen. Now let's dig in."

"Yum," added a female of indeterminate age.

"Tourists," Tim said. "Blessing their afternoon snack. Isn't that special." He hopped off the chair and zipped his pants. "You better do the same. I'm going to let you suck my piss up from the ground." Smirking, he crossed his arms and looked down at me. "Loud enough for the Big Guy upstairs to hear you," Timm added, chestnut curls playing in the breeze.

Already on my knees, in a piss puddle, I began to pray.

"Thank you God," I said. Timm smiled but signaled for me to raise the volume. "Thank you God," I nearly shouted, "for the golden nectar" then he cut me off.

"Nectar," he scoffed. "It doesn't smell like fucking nectar to me."

"For the golden piss that Timm produced. It is truly a gift and one of your most delicious creations." Timm nodded at the revision. "And thank you for this beautiful trip to California. I am truly blessed. Amen."

"Dig in," Timm said with a satisfied nod. Then I was left to suck his piss from the tile. Leaning down, I slurped the ripe liquid as fast as I could. My body vibrating with a filthy kind of joy, I wondered if the neighbors were enjoying their snack as much as I was.

No fucking way.

That night the guys were treated to an evening at the newest dance club in LA. The place was called Stock and there would be paparazzi and fans everywhere. I was left at the bungalow. Unlike actual house pets I didn't jump on the furniture when alone. The floor was my domain and it remained so even when alone. I did walk when crossing long distances as I was allowed to do even in the presence of the guys.

After watching a few movies I drifted off to sleep in front of the sofa. In the wee hours of the morning I woke to hear the guys return. Two of them anyway. Sometime after midnight Timm had begun making out with a young hottie on the dance floor. They eventually left together.

"I need another drink," Kole announced as he approached the liquor cabinet. "Phinn, young squire, would thou like to join me?"

"Yes Sir Lancelot, or whoever the fuck you are," Phinn said, resting in a chair by the sofa. He lit up a joint as Kole brought their drinks over.

They each took long drinks and then traded the weed back and forth for a while. From my seat on the floor I could tell they'd been partying hard.

"So, how was he?" Phinn inquired.

"I thought you'd never ask," Kole replied with a cough and a laugh. `He' turned out to be a friend of Chris Hemsworth's that they'd met at the club. According to Phinn he'd been flashing his cock at Kole the whole night.

"To be blunt, he fucking worshipped my cock like it was his lord and fucking savior." After flirting, dancing, and making out, Kole and the friend of Thor's slipped out a side exit into an alley. "So I was fucking his ass by this dumpster. He was moaning and shit, and then I hear these voices saying oops' and sorry."

Phinn started laughing.

"There were like five guys out there smoking," Kole continued. "I guess they slipped cash to the same bouncer I did. They were rushing back inside. I was like `don't go, enjoy the show boys." He laughed and finished his drink before adding, "Came inside him."

"That's awesome," Phinn said. "But fuck, I can't be the only one not getting laid tonight. Just because I was the only one dancing and not trolling to get my dick wet."

On the floor, my own dick perked up but I acted nonchalant.

"Sorry Nothing, you're not enough tonight. But if you're a good Nothing I might let you watch." Phinn smiled deviously and started typing on his phone.

"Who are you hitting up," Kole asked.

"Ten people," Phinn said without taking his eyes or fingers from the phone. "First one to respond gets to fuck." A moment later the phone was down.

"I am about to fucking pass out, but I have to see who wins," Kole said.

Almost instantly there was a vibration. Phinn picked it up and a smile spread across his luscious rosy lips.

"And the winner is?"

"Lyle the motherfucking bellhop," Phinn said.

"How do you even have Lyle the MFB's number," Kole asked.

"Outside earlier he gave me his card," the youngest Party Boy replied. "In case I needed anything at all." He was also replying to Lyle via text at the same time.

"Wait, wait," Kole said. He'd gotten up and begun moving toward his room. "Bellhops don't have goddam cards."

"They do at the historic Beverly Hills Hotel," Phinn said.

It turned out Lyle's shift had only just begun when he helped the guys in with their bags earlier. Still on the clock, he was only a few minutes away from dropping by bungalow number one. Kole turned in for the night, leaving Phinn and I alone in the living room.

"I have a great idea," he said. "Come on."

Phinn led me into Timm's room, the master suite.

"I'm going to fuck Lyle in Timm's bed!"

This made him bend over laughing. Then he looked around the room. A writing desk by the wall, a love seat at the foot of the bed, the French doors leading to the patio. I thought he might have me watch from outside, but he was looking at the closet.

"This is like a closet from the movies!" Phinn said excitedly. "These doors, they have the slats you can peek through. These are so cool. What are they called?"

"Louvered doors," I said, then crawled into the spacious closet. Timm had hung many things, but there was still room to sit and close the door.

"That's a good Nothing. I'll try to put on a good show for you, but don't make any noise." I was then shut in the closet. With my eyes close to the doors it was easy to see everything happening in the master bedroom.

Phinn took off his clothes and put on a robe that belonged to Timm. It shined like black silk. He bent down and pulled off his socks, the last remnants of his clothing. I swear he must have read my mind. With sweaty sock in hand he walked over to the closet and tossed it in. Damp and funky, it hit my face and caused my cock to throb. He closed the door and went to let Lyle the bellboy into the bungalow.

I rubbed the moist sock all over my face, coating myself in Phinn's foot scent. He'd been dancing all night, so his sexy feet had worked up quite a sweat. Putting the sock to my tongue, the musty flavor made my mouth water.

Then I watched Phinn lead Lyle into the room. He still wore his uniform, his slick pompadour looking fresh as ever. There was an elegant slope to Lyle's nose, and his lips were soft and inviting. I could tell why Phinn had reached out to him.

"You've been having fun tonight?" Lyle asked.

Phinn had lit another joint while I was focused on his dirty sock. He inhaled from it and offered it to Lyle. With a gloved hand, Lyle took it and held it to his lips.

"I've had fun," Phinn said. "Have you been working hard?"

They stepped closer to each other. Lyle's hands trembled a little with excitement. Phinn let the robe fall open. Lyle's eyes went down to the hard cock that stood up, basically pointing to his face.

"You want to do something with that?" Phinn smiled.

"Aw yeah," the bellboy said and dropped to his knees. The dick was down Lyle's throat in no time. His head bobbed up and down. Phinn's hips thrust back and forth, his hand on the back of Lyle's pompadour.

"You want me to fuck you?" Phinn asked, his big fuzzy balls bouncing into the bellboy's chin. Unable to speak, Lyle moaned in enthusiastic approval. There was a slurping sound as Phinn's cock left the warm mouth it had been in and Lyle began to disrobe.

"I might need to use the bathroom first," Lyle said. "I have been working all day and haven't had the chance to ... you know ... take a shit. I should empty out before you fuck me."

"Nah," Phinn said, with a wink to me in the closet. "I don't mind fucking your full ass. If you shit in the bed, it's not a problem for me. If you're cool with it."

"Yeah," Lyle said, though his engorged dick announced his eagerness to proceed. "I like weird stuff sometimes. Nasty stuff."

Moments later they were on the bed. Lyle was bent down facing the closet, his ass in the air. Phinn spat a wad of saliva into his own hand and then used it to lubricate Lyle's hole. Long elegant fingers rubbed the spit into his hole and the bellboy whimpered with ecstasy.

"You like that?" Phinn said. "You want this big dick in your ass?"

"Oh yeah," Lyle said.

"Tell me how much you want it."

"Oh god, please give me that big cock. I love your big fucking cock so much," the bellboy's ass swayed as he begged for dick. "Please put that big beautiful cock of yours in my hole. I need it deep inside me, oh Phinn. Jesus Christ, you're the hottest man on Earth."

Looking over at the closet from his place on the bed, Phinn nodded at me. Smiling, he slid inside the bellboy's asshole, slowly at first then picking up a rhythm worthy of a drummer of his talents.

"Yes, oh sweet Jesus," the bellboy praised. His eyes were closed and he clutched the sheets in front of him. "Your dick feels so fucking good inside me."

"Amen!" Phinn shouted. "I can feel your shit inside. It's so warm on my cock. You want my famous cum inside your shitty ass?" Lyle responded with wails of ecstasy.

Lyle was flipped over onto his back. The bellboy held onto his legs, allowing Phinn to easily reenter and begin pounding away again. Official Beverly Hills Hotel socks bounced up and down on Lyle's feet.

"You ready for my load?" Phinn asked.

"Fuck yeah, cum inside me!"

The bed shook as they shouted their mutual excitement and Phinn's dick began releasing its creamy deposit inside the bellboy's asshole. Sweaty and out of breath, they stayed still for a minute. Then Phinn slowly pulled his dick out. It was covered with a mixture of shit and sperm. A few more plops fell out as Lyle stood up.

"I think we made a mess on your sheets," the bellboy said.

Phinn laughed and said to forget it and wiped his shitty cock on the sheets. Then, after one last look at the seventeen year old who'd been on the cover of Teen Beat 42 times, Lyle was gone. Phinn went to bed and I ate the semen covered globs of the bellboy's shit from the floor.

Timm returned the next morning around eleven and did not find Phinn fucking the bellboy in his bed to be as funny as the other Party Boyz. There were splotches of crusted up sperm and a big shit stain left by Lyle's ass on the high thread count sheets made just for the hotel. Pissed, he called for someone to change the sheets.

Another bellhop, this one a sexy African American man around my age named Danny, came and changed the sheets while the guys ate brunch in the dining room. They thought it would be amusing if I stayed in the closet while the bellman cleaned up. So I watched him change the sheets and remake the bed through the slats in the door. Thinking he was alone, his face wrinkled in disgust at the mess on the sheets. The dirty ones were swapped out quickly for clean though. Soon Danny collected a generous tip from Timm and was gone.

Crawling into the dining room, I heard them discussing our next few days in LA. Timm served himself from a room service tray and joined the round table with Phinn and Kole.

"Thursday I'm auditioning for Scorsese!" Kole announced. "He's doing a movie about these college kids that go to a beach and run into the mob. Some of them get killed, some become gangsters. It's going to win a fuck-ton of Oscars."

"Dude," Timm said, "I'm auditioning Thursday too."

"For Scorsese?" Kole asked.

"No, for `American Horror Story."

"I can't believe they're making you audition for that," Phinn said.

Then Phinn looked at me and called me over to be fed. He took a small juice glass and filled it with orange juice from a crystal pitcher. Instead of handing it to me, he gulped about ninety percent of it into his mouth. Grinning, he loudly swished it around his mouth and then spat it back in the glass.

"Sorry, I haven't brushed my teeth yet," Phinn said. He went to pass the glass to me but Timm stopped him. With one of his long pale fingers, Timm pulled a booger from his nose. Largely crust but with a dribble of snot, he flicked it into my juice.

Taking the glass in hand, I drank greedily. As I swallowed Timm's deposit and tasted the extra zing Phinn's mouth had given the juice, my dick announced the happiness buzzing throughout my body.

"Martin Scorsese and AHS aren't exactly the same thing," Kole continued, "but good for you getting yourself out there. Ryan Murphy will hire you whether you act or not. He just wants you to be shirtless."

They asked Phinn about any planned auditions he might have while they were out of Vegas for the week. He was pleased to announce he'd already gotten an offer that morning, no need to read for it.

"Yeah, what is it?" Kole asked. I wondered if he was worrying about his Oscar chances. "Probably some fucking Disney channel shit, right?"

"No," Phinn said sincerely. "Nickelodeon."

The three of them burst out laughing as Phinn described the project. A group of high school kids go to the beach and learn a lesson about ecology by meeting an enchanted sea monster. Lots of songs, plenty of shirtlessness.

"Are you gonna do it?" Timm asked between bites of egg white omelette.

"Maybe, I can't have you two being successful fucking actors without me."

"When I get in tight with Marty," Kole said, "I'll put in a good word for both of you." He stood and walked to the brunch tray. His toned form was on display as he wore nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein briefs. Grabbing a dry waffle, he took it and put it down the back of his underwear. Smiling in my direction, he rubbed it between his asscheeks and let out a long wet fart.

"Kole, I'm trying to eat here," Timm said.

"I know, but Nothing has to eat too," Kole replied. "Here's some of my morning ass gas for you," he smirked. Then he removed my breakfast from the back of his Calvins and dropped it on the floor.

Mashed and redolent of Kole's deliciously unwashed hole, I couldn't get enough. The secret spices he'd added danced in my mouth as I swallowed it all down. The air still full of his fart, I breathed in. Contented.

There was a party that night at a record label executive's house in the Hollywood Hills. Their attendance was mandatory. The next day was lunch at the Polo Lounge and another trip to Rodeo Drive for free swag. Several other lunches and dinners with execs dotted their itinerary.

"I don't care what you guys say," Phinn offered as they sat back with their coffee. "I'm going to Universal Studios one day. Friday or Saturday, I'll fucking tell Lenny I have the flu. I don't get to have enough fun."

"You'll be taking selfies all day," Kole warned.

"I'll put on a disguise. You do it," Phinn responded.

"I'll go with you Phinn," Timm said, "unless there's a chance for sex, then I'm out." They all laughed. "No seriously, I'll go. That shit's fun. We'll take Nothing, it'll be a blast."

Phinn perked up and so did I.

"You'll be on TMZ," Kole said.

"Just stay home and write your Oscar speech, Grandma," Timm said. "Let the kids and their Nothing go have fun." This inspired Kole to playfully toss a cold piece of toast at Timm's head. Moving fast, Timm pulled his chestnut locks out of the way. The toast hit the curtains behind him.

"Good going, Kole," Phinn said sarcastically, "I bet those were Marilyn Monroe's favorite curtains. Her ghost is gonna get pissed and come after you for revenge."

"I can't blame her," Timm agreed.

"Fuckers," Kole said as he tossed another piece of toast at Timm.

Then Phinn got up and came over to me. He placed his soft dick in my mouth and began to piss. It was his first of the day, so it was strong and tangy. Sweeter than wine, softer than summertime ... or whatever those old lyrics were, ran through my mind as I swallowed seemingly gallons of his god-juice. Timm was the next to unload his bladder down my throat. As I imbibed his cock's own special brew I felt hands lifting my ass from behind.

It was Kole, he pulled my ass into position and shoved his semi-hard penis into my asshole. Then I felt his own piss stream fill me from behind. Eagerly, I took in the piss of these amazing men. I would be sloshing for hours, a walking urinal, and I couldn't have loved it more.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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