Domination Delayed

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 16, 2023


When Tom called Rich Z to set up their "date," he was filled with confused feelings. He knew now that Rich was gay and had been when they wrestled. He also knew, of course, that Rich had fucked him ten years or so ago, and he remembered enjoying it. He didn't HAVE to call Rich back: Rich had never asked Tom for his contact info, and Tom could have just gone on his way, letting this meeting be just a chance encounter that he'd forget about in time. But he called. And when he held the phone in one hand, he had his hand on his crotch, playing with it each time he heard Rich's voice. The tone - almost a laughing at everything - and the mid range voice - were exactly how he remembered it. Rich's voice hadn't changed, nor had his being gay. Had anything changed? THAT's where Tom got confused. As he and Rich were chatting, he was playing through in his mind what he was going to say : "Rich it's glad to see you, but what happened that one time, is never gonna happen again," or "I think we should just not see each other Rich. It's too uncomfortable for me," or was he going to say ... "would you like to come upstairs for a little while? "

HE DIDN"T KNOW. And Rich wasn't giving him any help. He just said "Yeah, we can catch up on things, relive the past, all that shit. I don't have to work on Saturday this week, so we can even get shit faced if we want. " Tom smiled. He remembered some of the "shit face o'ramas" that the teams would have after a meet. He and Rich almost always sat at different tables, but he remembered one, where Rich was sitting very close to him. And he remembered that someone at the table had wrapped his foot around Tom's, and wouldn't let it go. Tom didn't make a smart remark, or try to get out of it. He DID blush. And when whomever was doing it released it, he wanted that foot back. Was that Rich?

So they were meeting at a bar close to both of their apartments on Friday at 7. Tom seemed to go on automatic pilot that morning as he dressed, and he picked out an outfit that always got attention: his dark blue broadcloth shirt, the red and black striped tie, the dark pants: charcoal he thought the color was called. Tom was not tall, but he carried himself very well. He was 6 feet tall and a solid 170 (when he was swimming). He chose colors that made him look taller. He kept his hair on the short side, and it was just curly enough that he had no trouble grooming it. Early in his life, Tom had had a bad experience with acne, and it had left scars. The scars, though, seemed to add an element to his face: it gave him an extra air of ruggedness. Add dark brown eyes, and soft pink lips. He was, as his mom had put it "a looker."

Rich was build differently. Shorter - probably 5'9" or 5'10" "on a good day" he'd joke. Like all the men in his family, he suffered from a receding hairline, and at his age, "Z" was going bald. He didn't use any kind of replacement. He had been advised not to because he had very broad facial features, and the receding hairline actually complimented him. He had a big, BIG smile - it seemed that Rich was ALWAYS laughing at the world. Blue eyes, and unlike Tom, he was NOT hairy. He could go without shaving for 3 days, and he'd have almost no beard. Unlike Tom, he was a bit of a "player," and never failed to "bag" as he called it, at least one guy when he went out cruising. What was interesting, was when he spoke to his buddy Mike Hart, is that he didn't speak of "bagging" Tom. His exact words were "I just want to see where this goes. I know what I want, but I don't want to force it: unless we're roleplaying, hahaha, and that'll come later.

Tom left work a little early that day. He had looked at himself in the mirror and thought "this doesn't work. Not for Z." Then he thought "where the hell did that come from?", walked away, then came back to the mirror. He took off his tie, he opened an extra button. He rolled up his sleeves. He shook his head, and left to go home to change. He put on a pair of dark cream colored jeans, and a very snug dark blue polo shirt . He NEVER wore the polo shirt: he thought it was too revealing: his nipples pointed out in it as if he were begging them to be assaulted. The shirt itself barely covered his torso. He checked the mirror and... "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING TRYING TO SEDUCE HIM?" He shook his head again, but he didn't change. Instead , he headed out to the bar to meet Rich. Rich saw him and got up and smiled. "WALES! LOOK AT YOU. YOU COULDA WALKED OUT OF THE YEARBOOK." Tom blushed. "Hey. I just wanted to look good for a reunion." "Well.. you succeeded. Hey, first round's on me. Whatcha having?" Tom drank margaritas, no salt, while Z stuck to beer. Tom was wondering if he was going to feel Z's foot trap his, but that didn't happen. Still, the conversation flowed. Z would stretch occasionally, and when he did, he'd lock his hands behind his head and push out his body. His muscles popped a little, and Tom felt himself being seduced. "You still got the guns, Wales! LOOK . They should be illegal." Z reached out and squeezed Tom's left bicep. Tom didn't recoil, or do anything. Maybe he should have eaten something before they met, but he felt himself almost intoxicated as he sat there. Conversation switched to high school after they had caught up on their lives, and eventually to wrestling. Tom took a deep breath. "This is kinda an embarrassing question Z, but I'm gonna ask you. You had my number GOOD. There was NO WAY I could beat you. Coach and I looked at tapes, we analyzed each move, we looked at your technique in other matches to see if we could figure out what I was doing, and we never found anything. You must have had a secret. " Tom smiled. "You ready to spill the beans, now that it doesn't matter?" "Who says it doesn't matter? HAHAHAHAHA" Z laughed, and Tom laughed along, wondering if it meant what he thought it did. "I have to tell ya Tom, what you and your coach did, my coach and I did, too. He told me it was statistically impossible that I would beat you every time. We looked, and looked, and we never found anything. And then... " He smiled and leaned forward. "Don't take this the wrong way. One day, the Coach's daughter came to see him and asked what we were watching - she liked YOU a lot. When we told her, she laughed. I remember she said "Oh, it's easy. He's got a crush on you Z. " Tom lowered his eyes, although he knew Z's were locked on him. "Did you, Wales?" Z asked softly. "I don't know. If I did, I wasn't really aware of it, but... but... when you beat me that time when you came to get your brother... and you told me what you wanted... well, I was ready to give it up. I wanted it to be you. " "Then why didn't you call after that? I thought you were mad" "And I thought you were just notching another victory ." "WALES.... You're smarter than that. Did you ever hear anyone talk about what happened? Did it ever leak out?" Tom sat back for a minute. "No. No. I never heard a word." That silly grin appeared on Rich's face. "Now, if I thought of it that way.. If I thought about it as 'I fucked Wales," and wanted to brag, don't you think you would have?" "I guess" was Tom's reply. Z looked a lot more serious than he ever did. "Tom, I always considered it a true honor that you gave it up for me. To this day I can't figure out why you did." Tom was quiet. Z asked "Did you ever sleep with any other men?" Then he spoke again. "SORRY. That's not my business. Don't answer." "No, I can answer it. None. " Z laughed. "I spoiled you. No man could match up" Tom laughed back, somewhat uncomfortably. They were into third rounds and he started to get up. "Z, this has been really great, but it's beginning to get late, and I should get home. Probably you should too." Z just looked at him with that mysterious smile. Tom broke. "Ok. I'll make coffee if you wanna come by, but that's it. A coffee. " "Coffee sounds good Wales." As they walked back to Tom's apartment, he thought he felt Rich brush his hand against his ass once or twice, but it was very light. He couldn't say yes or no. "This is a NICE place Wales. Doesn't say 'a jock lives here at all." "Better not. A jock DOESN"T live here. An engineer does. One who works too damn hard and gets paid too little money. Then Rich walked right up to him. "And probably gets far too little sex." Z's hands had dropped to Tom's wrists. Tom felt Z slowly moving them behind his back. "Z. No. I don't want this." "Then why aren't you fighting back, tom? Why'd you dress in what is the sexiest outfit you have? Damn. You know how many times I wanted to reach across the table and tweak your tits?

Not Tom was totally confused. He could have fought when his wrists were in front of him, but pinned behind him, he could squirm and struggle, but Z was still strong enough to keep them pinned. "You still have a crush on me, Wales?" Tom was in mental agony. What should he say? His pants were so tight that his growing cock was showing - so was Rich's. Every time Rich pulled his wrists back to the spot behind him, he wanted more. He saw Rich's smile, his eyes. "Yeah. Yeah I do." "Prove it." Rich moved in to kiss Tom and Tom responded. That's when Rich let tom's wrists go, and they embraced in the middle of the room. "You wanna know how many billable hours I threw away thinking about that kiss, Wales?" "You wanna know how many hankies I've stained thinking about what I want from you, Z" "What's that sexy?" "you on top of me. In me." "Lead the way Wales. I gotta get to know your bedroom better."

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Z had grown into a superb kisser. Wales? Not so much. Z had to stop him occasionally. "Less teeth big man. Less teeth. Easy. Easy..." He kissed Tom on his lips instead of pushing his tongue into his mouth and then he ran his tongue around Tom's lips. "You like that sexy?" "Oh God, YES. I do. I don't remember you kissing me like that." "I did more at school than study law, Wales.." He sat up on Tom's torso, and he began thumb torturing his nipples. "NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG" tom had a bass voice, but he was hitting high notes as Z got to work. "How about you slip out of that shirt, Wales? Let me introduce you to the fine art of tongue and scruff on nipples. Tom's reaction made Z think that maybe he was going too far, too soon. tom bucked so hard, Z had to control him by reaching behind and pushing his hand into Tom's crotch - hard. "Sorry...." tom grunted out. "sorry.. I never felt anything like that.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH.." Z had moved his scruff to tom's ear. He whispered. "You thought I had found an Achilles' heel when we wrestled. Never did. But I'm gonna find them now. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" He attacked tom's ear, and the moans let him know... he found one. "Z.. Please.. I need it. I need it. I'm not gonna last long. " "Your wish precious, is my command. " Z got up to get undressed. As tom did, Z smiled. "Look at those beautiful feet. Ever wonder what it'd be like to have them tied, and tickled for a long, LONG time? tom laughed. "Try to do that, and you might lose teeth. My feet are VERY ticklish. "OOOOOOOOOH. Wales. You shouldn't have told me that. I love a challenge. " He paused. "Almost as much as I love your body." He kissed tom from his neck, down to his navel. When tom reacted by laughing hysterically, Z raspberried Tom's navel and he laughed more. "STOP. STOP PLEASE. It's only a first date?" "Technically yes, but really." Z bent forward and kissed him. "It's our second date, just ten years later." He smiled. "OK stud. We've both been waiting for this for a week, let's not kid ourselves." Z grabbed tom's ankles, and pulled his legs up in the air. He took a look at the back of tom's knees and began thinking "him hogtied. My fingers right there." His cock got harder, and he began to slide into tom. "No fingers this time wales. Just my totally unleashed cock. I waited ten years for this.. "OH GOD. So did I. It was worth the wait.... MMMMMMMMM. " Tom lay back as Z continued his kissing assault. At one point, he licked tom's dick head, and tom stopped him. "Don't do that. Please. " "Hmmm. " Rich thought. "Most guys LOVE blow jobs. I'll have to figure that out. " He began plunging in, taking tom's ass. He remembered some of that first time, and he remembered how tight tom had been. He was tight again. It took some effort to get Tom to relax, but when he did, Z flooded tom's ass with his cock, and tom just closed his eyes and moaned, licking his lips, smiling. Z whispered. "I'm gonna pull out wales, because I didn't bring a rubber. " He sat back on tom, and played with one nipple while he jerked with the other. He noticed tom wasn't jerking himself. "You waiting gorgeous? You got a beautiful cock?" "MMMM. Thank you. I just wanna see yours." In a few minutes, he saw Z's cock shoot jizz all over him. He just missed tom's eye. "GOD that was great wales. " He bent down and kissed him. He kissed tom's forehead. "How're you doing? You ok?" tom smiled. "I think... I think I'm better than I have been in a long, long time." "THAT's what I wanna hear Wales. Hey... this guy is still standing up real stiff. You want me to take care of him? tom shook his head. "I'm gonna want to get cleaned up. I'll take care of myself in the shower. "Ok. Suit yourself. (Z didn't know that tom was still embarrassed about having a climax in front of another man.). "Hey, how about a goodbye kiss before you get cleaned up? Z asked. Tom looked at him quizically. "It's not a huge bed, but it's big enough for two. Don't you wanna stay? Z looked down for a minute. "It's ok? You don't mind? " "Hell no. I was hoping that, maybe, if I kept you trapped here, I could get some more tomorrow morning. "Hah hah. " Z responded. "THAT Wales, is almost as much of a sure thing as me kicking your ass in wrestling.

Next: Chapter 3

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