Domination Delayed

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 5, 2023


Neither Rich nor tom was aware of it, but each was becoming obsessed with the other. Rich's obsession was easier to understand: he had wanted to bed tom since high school, and now, that's just what he was doing. Even more, he was bedding him the way he had always fantasized he would. tom had always been the hot shot, the "ace" jock, and he had the looks to back it up. When they were teens, Rich had it drummed into him that what he liked was wrong. Now, he knew it wasn't. It wasn't wrong, it felt good, and he was realizing every fantasy he had about tom. For tom, the obsession is a little harder to explain. If he had a crush on Rich when they were teens, he wasn't anywhere near as aware of it as Rich was aware of his crush on tom. He had spent so much time in high school with athletics, and then athletics and scholastics when he went to college, and now work, that tom had never paid much attention to what he liked. Some would have called him passive, without knowing his sexuality. Indeed, tom didn't even think about that when he thought about his approach to sex: he was so uncomfortable approaching women - it was always women - that he waited until they came onto him. More than one of his girlfriends had gotten frustrated with having to tell tom what to do. He had even lost one girlfriend when, after he hadn't been able to get an erection, she said in frustration

"MAYBE I SHOULD PUT ON A STRAP ON AND BE THE MAN," and then they both watched, embarrassed, as tom got the missing erection. He remembered how he had tried to brush it off by saying "I guess I like dirty talk." Her answer was "I guess you're a FAGGOT" she had spat out as she gathered her clothes to leave. When he thought about that now, tom would say to himself. "I guess she was right."

tom came home from work one day, and spotted Z sitting in one of the chairs in his building lobby. He hadn't expected him. "WALES!!!!" came the yell. "It's about time you got home." tom smiled bashfully. "meetings all day today. Took forever." There was no question these were high level meetings. tom was still in his "serious" blue suit, a blue oxford shirt, and a tie which Z immediately made fun of. "that one you're dad gave you tom?" tom got a little defensive "Yeah, it is. So what." "Ha ha. It suits you. Hey let's go up to your place. I got surprises for you." Z did have a bag with him. tom knew that it didn't contain sex toys, because Z had left a whole bunch of those at his place over the weekends when he visited.

When they got in the elevator, Z pushed tom up against the wall, and touched his chin to tom's. "You look fucking hot in that suit wales. Just like a cocky businessman who's about to get what's coming to him." tom tried to slide his face away from Z's, and got Z's scruff against his neck, rubbing very softly. tom began to whimper almost immediately. "C'mon Z. You know what that does to me." Z took tom's hand and put it on his crotch. "Yeah. Just like what seeing you does to me." He gave tom a kiss on his lips just as the elevator door opened. As they got into tom's apartment, Z commanded. "Sit in the bondage chair." "Ok, Sir. As soon as I get my coat off." "I SAID NOW." tom heard the sternness in Z's voice and saw his face. He lowered his voice. "yes sir." "I said you looked like a cocky businessman, and I'm gonna treat you that way tonight, wales." He yanked tom's wrists behind him and roped them with a thong that was lying on the table. Then he went to tom's closet and took two of the five or six identical ties tom had. He used them to tie tom's ankles to the chair, spreading his legs wide. He saw the small bag tom had with him. "That your gym back wales?" "Yes sir. Not from today. I forgot to bring it home from yesterday." He saw the smile go over Z's face. "OOOOOOOOH. Then your socks are gonna be REAL stinky." Z reached in and pulled them out. He tied a knot in the center of them. "Open wide wales." "C'mon Rich, is that MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Z shoved the knot gag in tom's mouth and tied the socks behind his head. He stood back. "Now aren't you pretty? Aren't you just the sexiest businessman a guy could kidnap on the way home." Rich pulled out his phone and snapped some photos. "I'm gonna text them to you wales, cause you oughtta see what I see. It won't make you as hard, but I got something that will..." He moved over and tossed tom's necktie over his shoulder. Then he began opening up tom's shirt. "GOD do I love your chest wales! Always did. And to get those nipples. DAMN." He began kneading both of them. tom, immoblized, could only moan - and see the spot form at his crotch. He moaned louder as Z bent down and began to chew one tom's nips. Z's voice was low. "I could chew these tits every day, wales. Right before I shove my cock into you." "MMMMMMMMMMPH." tom was getting turned on by all of it, including the smell of his own feet. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH," he moaned louder as Z pushed his knee into his crotch, putting pressure on tom's hard cock. "Know who you are wales? You're Z's man. You Z's man, wales?" tom had never thought about it, but he realized, sitting there, he was. He put his head up so he could look into Z's eyes, as he shook his head yes. Rich smiled. "Good that you know your place. Cause only Z's man gets his cock. " He grinned "You want my cock wales? You want my cock up your ass?" tom had been thinking about that all day. He didn't want to be uppity and ask tom to come over, but now that he was.... He thought about showing some resistance, but he wanted it SO BADLY, he just shook his head meekly. "Z's man is gonna get FUCKED He's gonna get fucked so hard, he's gonna wish he didn't say yes." Z untied tom's legs, but not his wrists, and he didn't take out the gag. "Gonna take you from behind, wales. Nice and hard. In your suit. Just like a businessman SHOULD get fucked. " Z maneuvered tom onto the bed, and reached underneath. He pulled tom's cock so that it was flat underneath him, and a little bit of it showed. "DAMN I WANT THAT ASS. I WANT THAT ASS FUCKING STUD!" Z grabbed the necktie tom was still wearing and pulled back his head, as he shoved his cock into him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." tom yelled. Z WAS taking him hard. REALLY hard. He could feel Z's cock burying into him like a drill. It scraped the sides of his canal, and then came to rest inside of him. "How you like THAT tom? All filled up. All filled up with MANCOCK." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " tom's moans were getting more high pitched. Z seemed to be moving almost in slow motion as he fucked him. His cock barely moved. Every ten seconds or so, Z would "flex" his cock and tom would feel even more full. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" "OH, I love that sound wales. I just fucking love it. Cause you know what it means? " His hand came down on tom's ass cheek. "It means Z's man is getting SATISFACTION? Doesn't it wales?" "MMMMMMMMMPHHHHHSSSR" tom tried to say "yes sir." "OH MAN. Your ass feels so good at the end of a LONG ASS day. " tom felt Z begin to slide a little faster. He didn't think it was possible, but his ass opened up for more. He didn't think Z had never been in him that deep . "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" Z yelled, and his seed started spilling into tom's ass. "HOLY SHIT YOUR ASS FEELS SO GOOD TONIGHT WALES. SO FUCKING GOOD. I GOTTA FUCK YOU WEARING A SUIT MORE." As he finished, he untied tom and rolled him over. "Jerk yourself boy. Jerk yourself. And I'm gonna film it" tom saw the look on Z's face. He kept tom gagged, and his moans of pleasure were caught on the film that Z was taking with his phone. "OH YEAH. I want this too. This one I'm not sharing. I wanna be able to see Z's man shoot, thinking about my cock." He stopped tom's hand. "You thinking about my cock, wales? " "NNNNNNNNNNHNNNNNNNNNNNG" tom shook his head. "Ha ha. I want you thinking about my cock CONSTANTLY wales. I want you remembering all the time who your man is." tom closed his eyes. "Z is my man. Z is my TOPMAN," he thought, and his body tensed, as his cum shot out of his cock. Z was smiling. "I love the face you make when you shoot wales. Reminds me of how you'd look just before I pinned you." tom realized that he had been close to cumming more than once when Rich had pinned him.

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tom wanted a shower after all the cum that had spilled on him and into him. He let the hot water stream all over his body, and he thought about how much his life had changed in the last few weeks. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear Rich come into the bathroom, or get in the shower with him. He knew he was there when he felt the arms circle his waist, and Rich's cock slapping up against his butt. "I fucked someone in the shower once, wales. It was HOT. " tom reached down to try to pry Z's fingers off his middle, but that wasn't happening. The Master of the gutwrench, still knew how to keep the hold. He felt Rich's mouth over his ear. "You don't have to worry about that ... tonight. I'm empty. I drained myself in you earlier. It was a GREAT fuck, wales." He nuzzled tom. "It was Sir. It felt GREAT. You wanna lather me up?" He teased. "OH, if you knew how many times I wished I had you alone in the shower wales. How many times I hurried in and you were already gone." tom laughed. "I think I didn't realize it, but I was trying to get away from you." Rich squeezed him harder. "No one ever thought you were dumb, wales, but think of all the pleasure you missed. GOD. The fantasies I had about you... the shower, finding you alone in the gym, tying you to the sitting bench and tossing your legs in the air, or tying you to a weight machine, or...." he chuckled. "Then there's the one I'm gonna do." "What's that." "You'lllllllllllllllllllll see wales. Let's finish up, then look at your presents." tom remembered that Rich had brought in a bag. "Those are presents for me?" "Well, to some degree. I'm really being selfish though. They're presents for me too." Intrigued, tom shut the water, and then they both dried themselves with towels. tom went to get some clothes and Z said "NO. Not yet. Change after you've looked at the presents." Tom opened up the bigger box. It was a wrestling singlet. Red . With a small "w" on the front and back of it. "I guess for wales?" "Ha ha. You're right. I couldn't find one with a Z on top of the w, so this is gonna have to do." tom shimmied into it. It was tight, but it fit. "FUCK. You look good. Go look in the mirror." Tom did. He thought back to high school days, and he smiled. "I must've looked hot, because I look hot now." He felt Rich's hand on his ass. " "Yeah, you do. I can't wait to try out all the holds we weren't allowed to use. Bear hugs. Abdominal stretches. Four figure locks. GOD I want you in submission every night." tom giggled. "What makes you think I'm going down without a fight? Z laughed. "Oh, I'm planning on it. I can't wait to kick the shit out of you and take a prize: your ass and your mouth. Now change out and put on the other gift." The second one was in a smaller box. tom pulled out a black speedo trunk. When he put it on, he felt like there was a fig leaf covering his groin and nothing else. "YEAH! That's what I wanted. HOLY FUCK you look even hotter wales." He made tom go over to the mirror again. "If I get a hard on..." "you're gonna get a hard on. Cause you're gonna wear this when I tie you into the wrestling rings at my club. Then I'm gonna tease you until you're begging to get fucked you great big stud." He paused. "Now about that bear hug." He put tom into one, and tom knew... there wasn't an escape. He had always been vulnerable to these, and Z knew it. He squirmed. He pushed his elbows back, but he had fallen into Z's trap. "Ok, you win. What're you gonna do?" Z whispered. "I'm gonna hogtie you and then just play with you, cause you look so hot tied up." "DAMN Z. Are you ever NOT horny?" "Not around you wales. " He smiled. "Let me make something clear. You're about to get hogtied, period. You wanna wear the shorts, or something else. " "Something else Sir. I actually had an outfit planned for the next time you came over." tom got up and got a tight black t shirt and some faded jeans. He saw the smile on Rich's face. "I LIKE a stud who dresses for his man. THIS. IS. VERY. HOT. TOM." He pulled tom's wrists behind them and he used the thong he had used earlier. Then he pushed tom on his side, and pulled his ankles up. He had left handcuffs at tom's place, and he used those for tom's ankles, before he attached them to tom's wrists. tom was on his side and Rich was reclining next to him. He began to run his fingers along tom's sculpted pecs. "I have no idea how you avoided getting grabbed by someone before me wales, but I am glad for that. " His finger slipped under tom's shirt and began to tickle his navel. "Z!!!!! NOT WHEN I'M LIKE THIS... I'LL PEE." "Hmmm. That's hot. Peeing made me think of something wales. When are you gonna invite me to see you swim?" "You wanna see me swim? What day can you be there." "Any day you want, but... I want you to swim in the buff." tom laughed. "You know, there's an hour of nude swimming every night. The pool is never more crowded. " He saw Z's look. "I wanna see you in the pool all by yourself. I wanna imagine that I'm the fisherman who just caught himself a merman, and now... he's gonna do what one does to a merman he captures." "What's that?" "Hee hee . Fucks the tail off of him." tom blushed. "Let me see if I can talk someone into getting me an hour to work out on my own. It shouldn't be hard but..." Rich got closer and pulled tom into him. "You still Z's man, bud?" "Yes sir. Absolutely." "I love that t shirt. I just love those jeans." He moved his hand to tom's ass. "You gonna promise to dress for me wales? To turn me on even more?" "I will Sir. I'd ask you to do the same, but... I see your smile and I'm turned on. " Rich kissed him. "You were never known for being a smooth talker wales. You musta learned it along the way." "Sir, I don't wanna complain, but... it's getting late, and I'm hungry. Can you let me go so we can eat? I'll order in food." "I'd give ya a protein shake but it'd take too long." He smiled at tom. "I'll let you go if I can spend the night." "I thought that was already decided." "Well, I don't wanna trespass. I never fuck you until you ask me to." "Please spend the night Sir. I sleep better when I'm with you." "Dinner and a movie at wale's place. Sounds like my perfect evening, as long as there's sex too. " tom snored when he slept well. He snored that night.

Next: Chapter 6

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