
By eric jones

Published on Apr 13, 2016

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

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Tariq knew he would come.

He didn't know this cat, but he knew the type. At a core level they want to do what they're told, when someone actually has the gaul to actually ask them... Plus he knew this guy was vulnerable. Tariq didn't want to prey on those vulnerabilities - not necessarily. But he could use that to his advantage. He had a mission now, and it blinded him from just about all that was going on around him. He was going to find out who fucked Eric, who taped the whole thing, and who was now threatening him. Tariq hadn't stopped to think about why he was so pissed, he just went with the flow. Being pissed was something he was just good at...

He wasn't nervous, there was no reason to be. He just had to think. Getting the name of the attacker might not be easy. This Eric had no reason to trust him, but he needed him to. He needed a plan, and needed to make sure his talk game was on.

He put on his uniform, sprayed on some cologne and headed for the door. He stopped and grabbed another pack of cigs. That first night he met Eric he had some non-menthols on him. That was what his dumb-ass friend D had picked up from the store the night before, instead of his usual menthols. Since Eric smoked that first one, with a bit of difficulty, Tariq thought it would be better to stick with the same brand. Just like he never stopped to analyze why he was pissed at this dude who had fucked Eric, he never stopped to analyze why he replaced his brand of smokes just on the off chance Eric wanted one. Tariq was just going with the flow...

He parked close to the main entrance of the mall, checked his reflection and then started towards the door. The mall would be closing in about 10 minutes so folks were starting to stream out to their cars. He didn't even notice Tameka and her friends as he walked right past them.

Tariq had fucked Tameka a few times since Christmas, and had actually fucked her and her best friend together one night this past Spring. It was just ass to Tariq, no strings. But Tameka was fine and a good lay, so ordinarily he would have at least given her a minute of his time, just to keep her in the options column. Tonight his mind was elsewhere. He still wasn't sure what he would say.

"Dayuuum, T. Ain't even gonna speak, dat's fuk'd up," Tameka called out as she and her friends passed, turning and stopping. Tariq stopped and turned slowly, wondering who would be calling him out like that in public. Oh shit, drama... If she didn't have good skills and a fat ass it just wouldn't be worth it. There were plenty of hood bitches around, but Tameka had a nastier mouth than most of the dudes Tariq knew, and not just in the bedroom.

"Muthafucka, u fuckin mute?" It was hard to tell if she was pissed, or if she was making a show for her friends. This probably wasn't the only show her friends had seen tonight. Tameka made waves everywhere, everyday.

"Nah," Tariq responded slowly, "mah bad I just wasn't payin attention. Whassup?"

"Not shit here T, not yet," she said smiling. She had a bad body, but her face was only 50/50. It was a little less when she smiled. "Whut u doin tonight muthafucka?"

"Jus meetin someone, damn, goin to da mall."

"Malls closed, fool."

"Don't matta, mall ain't closed for me."

She broke loose from her friends and walked up to Tariq. She reached up and put a hand on his shoulder, and let her fingers run along the bottom of his dreads. Tonight they were hanging free. She would fuck him right now in the parking lot if he asked. Not only was he sexy as fuck, but he had a good rep on the streets, was respected, feared and could throw dick. If only she could have his baby, she could have that shit on lock forever. Maybe tonight was the night.

She moved a little closer to Tariq and put her other hand on his shoulder, turned her head to her friends and said, "Ya'll bitches go on home, me an Daddy here gonna ride out tonite..."

"Hell Nah, ya'll wait, WE ain't goin nowhere. He brushed Tameka's hands off his shoulders and started to turn. Never afraid of a challenge, and excited at the chance to make a scene, Tameka ran back around in front of Tariq and bent over in front of him, poking out her ass and moving slowly back like she was dancing in a club towards the edge of the stage. Tariq noticed several middle aged mall shoppers who couldn't help but watch this scene play out in public. He was a little embarrassed, but he was more concerned about getting to where he needed to be on time. He was only yards away. He didn't have time for this shit.

"Daddy, u know u want to his this, and I'm ready to roll." It was out loud, but in what she hoped would sound like a sexy, bedroom whisper. She just sounded sick.

Tariq started to back away, but one of the crowd walking past in the parking lot caught his attention. He froze. It was Eric.

Here he was with this nasty hood bitch, dressed like a prostitute, her tits about to pop out of her shirt, and she was grinding her ass on his dick, while her friends looked on.

If there hadn't been a bunch of customers around, Tariq would have beat her ass right there. That was something her friends had probably seen before too. He was about to explode inside, and not in a sexual way. He backed off and turned away, stopped again and turned around.

"Damn, BITCH, I told yo ass I got shit to do, now don't fuck with me and stop actin like a bitch out here for everydamnbody to see. Fuck..." He marched towards the mall.

Tameka smiled and turned back to her girls and went towards their car. She hoped she had pissed him off. She knew mad sex was usually the best, and if he was mad enough he might punish her just the way she wanted. "Give that nigga two days, and he'll be blowin my shit up." Her laugh was loud and obnoxious as ever, and she bounced her ass all the way to the car...

Tariq couldn't believe he had to run in to that bitch now, of all times. And for her to jump all over him. Even the kinkiest bitches knew better than to put a man out there in public like that. He wasn't gonna fuck with her ever again. Too much drama. And Eric had seen it too. That pissed him off even more.

Tariq marched towards the benches, which were now just around the corner. In his mind he was turning over and over what Eric might think or say. He didn't look very trustworthy, getting a lap dance from a whore in the mall parking lot. And he didn't want Eric to get the wrong idea. It was just some ass anyway, even if it was some DUMB bitch ass all along. Tariq wondered if he would have left. As he was pushing away from Tameka he lost sight of Eric in the crowd. He didn't think he would leave.

He turned the corner and the benches were empty.

FUCK! Now he wanted to kill that bitch. Her ass definitely wasn't worth the trouble she was causing him tonight. He felt his whole body getting hot and he knew he could beat someone to death soon if he didn't calm down. There was just too much at stake. He was calculating the odds that Eric would come to meet him again after this. He doubted it, and his face was twisted in anger. When he got mad he wanted to punch something or someone, and his fists balled involuntarily as he looked around for some surface he could punch to release this rage. There was nothing that looked like it wouldn't break his hand if he hit it. With no other option, he just swung at the air as hard as he could and yelled "FUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" way louder than he should have. The force of his fake punch swung him around. His dreads were beating him on the face as he finally stopped, facing the other direction, and face to face with Eric.

He was standing there, no more than five feet away, and staring.

Now Tariq really felt like a fool, punching at the air and screaming, and for what? And Eric saw the whole thing. Things were not going as planned.

Eric broke the silence. Calmly looking him in the eye he said, "Why did you want to see me man?"

"Damn. I jus..." He broke off. Tariq was trying to make the words come out, but he couldn't. He was ashamed to have this dude watch him have his little tantrum, right on the heels of the scene with Tameka moments earlier. He just felt like an idiot. He wasn't used to this. This was way, way out of his context, and off the track he didn't know where to go next.

"Let's sit," Eric offered as he slowly walked past Tariq and moved towards the benches, keeping his eyes forward even as he brushed his arm.

Tariq felt funny being led, and he felt even funnier that his own anger had put him in this awkward spot. He walked slowly behind Eric and sat down on the bench opposite. They were in those same spots. This was the third time.

Eric could tell this guy was pissed about something, but he was sure it had nothing to do with him. Probably that gang of girls in the parking lot. That one was obviously grinding on him, and that must have pissed him off. I guess he doesn't like to be humiliated in public, Eric thought. Oh well, I'm in the same boat, only mine is much, much worse... That brought Eric back to what he was doing here.

He had watched Tariq from a distance as soon as he noticed him with that group of girls. Eric decided to keep a respectful distance and watch what was happening. He hid behind a wall near the door where he could see it all. He saw Tariq storm over after yelling to the one girl, and he followed him to the benches. He had no idea he would start yelling and look like he was going to fight. This was even weirder than he imagined it would be.

But Eric didn't feel scared. If he had taken the time to think about it, that was odder than the rest of the nights events, by far. Here was this guy, who obviously had some deep, deep dirt on him, and who had convinced him to meet yet again. And now he was yelling at the girls and now yelling to noone and throwing punches. That would have been a good time to stay hidden, or to run. But Eric wasn't afraid, and he wasn't going to run. If he wants to fight then so be it. I can hold my own, at least for a while. Eric felt like he might as well get used to changes in his life, and this might as well be the first...

So no point in putting it off, just cause this guy is over here huffing and puffing. It was his fault we were here anyway.

"So, you wanted to talk. I know you know about me, I guess from my phone. But I'm not who you think I am. I'm not... I'm not..." Now Eric was having trouble finding the words. Now he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

And so they just sat there.

Eric took another long look at this guy before him. At first he was bent forward, like he was about to jump up. He was obviously tense. When he sat back he kept his hands together in his lap, but Eric could see the muscles flexing in his arms. He was unsettled. His dreads framed his face and parted at his shoulders. Tonight he was wearing a long t-shirt, rather than the usual beater. The T hung low past his waist. You couldn't see much of his body definition, other than his arms and shoulders. With the white fabric pulled around his upper arms and shoulders, contrasting with the dark of his neck and arms, you could really see how well built his upper body was... He had on one silver chain, but there was nothing hanging from it. Even his rings seemed calmer, less blingy than before. He still looked tight though, in a way that crisp white T-shirt seems to cover everything and everyone. He had one of his Timbs untied. Other than that, he was seamless.

For Tariq, having Eric sitting there so calmly, staring at him, was not making this easier. He wanted to be cool, calm and collected, as he was before - as he always was in situations that mattered. He was catching his breath and calming down. He had to be on an even footing with this kat, hell he even needed to regain a bit of the upper hand. Otherwise he might not get the info he needed. And that was the whole point.

"So what do you want, man?"

Tariq pulled up the side of his shirt and pulled a pack of cigs and lighter out. He packed the cigs on his palm, ripped open the wrapper and pulled one out. He put it between his lips and was about to light it, but then he pulled it back out and threw it towards Eric. Eric caught it easily, and without hesitation placed it between his lips. He could feel the wetness from Tariq's lips on the end, but that was the least of his worries. Tariq threw him the lighter. Once he tossed it back he pulled out another and fired up. They sat there in silence. Everyone except a few employees were gone now, and even they would be gone soon. No one would disturb them here.

"I need you to trust me, bruh."

"Trust you? I don't understand man."

"I need to know who it was..."

"Who are you talking about?"

"The video."

Damn. Well that settles it. He saw it. Eric could feel that sinking feeling coming back.

"I... I... Um..."

"Eric, who was it?"

"Why? Uh, why do want to know man?"

"I'm Tariq."

"Look, ok, I just don't.... Tariq I just don't know what to say."

"You just gotta give me his name, bruh."


But Tariq cut him off. "I jus need to know who did dat to you."

Eric sat there, his mind racing again. This didn't make sense. He saw the video, saw the webpage, saw it all. But now he just wanted to know the name of the dude he was with...

"Look, Tariq..." He caught his breath. "I know what you must be thinking. But... I don't... That was not what it looked like."

"I kno what it was, bruh." Tariq frowned. He was deadly serious now. The panic and huffing from earlier was gone, and he was cold as steel.

"I don't do that kind of thing, never." Eric looked down.

Tariq knew it was deeper than that. He stopped looking him in the eye - that was the best sign.

"How'd you meet?"


"How many times he fuck you before?"

That brought Eric back to reality fast. This guy thought they were regular lovers. He realized saying he met him online didn't give the whole story, and because of that Tariq could be making all the wrong assumptions and conclusions. But the whole story? He couldn't. Why the hell would he anyway?

"Look, I told you it was not what it looked like, that night was the first... was my first..." He looked down again. What a fucked up thing to be talking about to a stranger.

"First? Dat was ur first?" Damn that was cold... Tariq felt the hairs on his neck standing up...

"I didn't know. I went there... We had met earlier that night and I went to his place to see him again."


Eric paused. He knew why, but he didn't want to say it. Now might be a good time to start spinning this a little, what would it matter. He wasn't about to confess his soul to this thug...

"I just needed to see him."

"And he fucked you and taped it...?"

"I didn't know it was taped."

"But u went there to fuck that nigga?"

"Nah, I went there to... I wanted to see him, we had messed around a little, not fucked, I didn't know..."

"Didn't know u was gonna be fucked?"

"I don't know."

"How u not know, bruh?"

Eric stood up and paced a little in front of the bench. Tariq followed him with his eyes...

"I didn't know it was gonna happen like that..."

Eric's head was hanging low.

"Look, Eric, just tell me who it was. I could tell u didnt want it like that."

"That's not true..." Eric blurted out.

"U did want him to fuck you like that?" Tariq's indignation was clear in his voice.

"No. I... I..." Eric was numb.

The tears were welling up in his eyes now. This was dredging up a lot of thoughts from that night and the nights that followed. He hadn't even gotten to the feelings seeing that email and the video link brought forward.

Tariq saw the tear roll down his check, and he felt his head and neck getting hot. The blood was racing through him again. He didn't know what happened that night, but he knew one thing, Eric didn't know it was being taped and didn't know it was going to be thrown back in his face. He didn't realize that Eric was worried about him doing the same thing...

"I did want to do it with him. I... I... I didn't want that shit taped, I didn't want my whole life blown to shit because I fucked up and trusted the wrong person, I wanted to..." Eric was crying now, and his voice was broken. "I didn't have a choice..."

That got Tariq's attention.

"He drugged me. I don't know, I couldn't stop him..."

Now it was Tariq who felt that sinking feeling. Like he drove his car over a steep hill and felt his whole body drop as he started down the other side. Drugged? He fuckin raped? Oh fuck...

"He raped you?"

"I went there knowing something was going to happen?"

"Did you say yes?"


"Did you say NO?" Now Tariq's voice was raised. His face was angry.


God this was fucked up. This dude was trash. To fuck up someone's life for what?

"What do he want?"

"I don't know."

"Be he ain't rape you, you didn't say no"

"I couldn't, I couldn't move or speak clearly, and he didn't ask..."

Tariq had heard enough. It was worse than he thought. He jumped up from the bench and walked right up to Eric. Eric cringed and pulled back a little, thinking he was about to get jumped. Tariq put his hands on Eric and squeezed his arms a little. Not hard enough to scare him, but enough to make it clear that he was there and he was serious."

"Look, Eric, you gotta tell me who it was."

"Why, man?" Eric said through his sobs...

"You gotta trust me, I'm not gonna let shit happen to you..."

"But why? I don't get it, what the fuck is going on..." Eric cried harder now, none of this made sense and Tariq was demanding more and more information. What good would it do to tell him, and why the fuck did he care??

"Tell me, E." This time Tariq was soft, and he spoke with his face only inches from Eric. Calling him "E" just made him sound more sincere, like he was a friend.

"Tell me."



"Yeah, Simms. He works at the Hidden Valley Club. That's how he knew who I was. He's just..."

Tariq knew who Simms was. Uppity-ass nigga that only fuck white bitches. He didn't know he liked white boys too. And maybe he doesn't. That video didn't look like anything but extortion.

"Imma make it up to you, E."

"What? Man..."

"Look, don't worry about shit. I got you E. That nigga aint gonna hurt you, and he aint gonna cause no more trouble."


"You gotta trust me, E. You trust me?"

Eric just stood there.

"Hey, you trust me, E?"

Eric just nodded his head. Tariq was going to show him. He made a promise to Eric and nothing was going to stand in his way.

"I gotta go, E." He looked at Eric and Eric looked back at him. His eyes were swollen and his face was still wet with tears. The anger he felt earlier was gone. He was still mad, and he still had a job to do, but he didn't want to upset Eric any more, no more noise, no more questions, no more bullshit.

"Imma text u later, ok?"


"Let's go."

Tariq led Eric away from the benches by the arm, not in an embrace, but like you might help lead a friend who was having trouble finding his way. At the parking lot they stopped, and Tariq dropped his hand. He looked at Eric one last time and said...

"I got you E, don't worry..." He turned and walked away. He didn't want to leave, but there was no time to waste.

Eric was still worried, but he wasn't worried about Tariq. He watched him as he walked off in to the night, hair swaying and he was standing so straight, shoulders back, totally unafraid of what might be ahead of him.

What the fuck just happened? Eric was exhausted and confused.

He knew he would be seeing Tariq again soon, trust or not.

Next: Chapter 9

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