Don't Anger Your Waiter

By Andrew Davidson

Published on Oct 5, 2012



Two more hours. That's what I told myself constantly as I took order after order. I was a server at an Italian eatery and couldn't wait to be off work for the weekend. We had been pretty dead since the rush ended at 7, but we didn't close until 9. I was busying myself by filling napkin dispensers and wiping down tables when I heard the door open.

A group of three guys whom I recognized had walked in and sat themselves. They were supposed to wait for a server to seat them but since there was no one else in the restaurant and I was the only server left on the clock, it didn't really matter.

I walked up to them and realized who they were: they were the friends of my estranged brother. My brother had stopped talking to me about a year ago after I told him I was gay. I was still in the care of my parents but my brother had moved out. I hadn't heard from him since, but during that short, turbulent period, his friends had given me so much shit for liking men. I had been beaten pretty badly several occasions and seeing them brought back that pain.

Regardless, I had a job to do and decided to grit my teeth and get their drink orders. I pretended to not know them and greeted them like I would any other customer.

"Hi guys. Have y'all been here before?" I asked.

One of them snorted and just said, "Yeah."

I pretended to not have heard the snort and continued on. "What can I get for you to drink?" I asked.

"We'll have a pitcher of Budweiser." one of them named Corey said. I knew that none of them were 21; they were all 19 and 20.

"Sir, I need to see y'all's IDs." I said.

"We ain't got them." he said.

"I'm sorry, but by law, you must be carrying a valid ID for me to sell you alcohol. You must also be 21 or over." I said.

"We know what the law is." Another one spat.

"So what will you have to drink?" I asked, feeling a bit flustered. I was used to having rude customers but it was worse since I knew these guys.

"Give us Dr. Peppers then." one shrugged.

I walked away and heard one say to another, "Faggot." I pretended not to hear as I went into the back and got their drinks. I came out and set them on their table and asked if they needed more time to look at the menu.

"No," Corey started kind of sardonically, as if I was supposed to know that they already knew what they wanted. "We are going to have the `Giant' pizza." he said.

"Okay. What toppings on that?" I asked calmly.

"Pepperoni, green peppers, you know.. the regular stuff." he said vaguely.

"Uh, what exactly do you want on it besides pepperoni and green pepper?" I asked.

"Dude, he told you." another guy, Rick, said.

"I just need to know what exact toppings you want. We have 27 to choose from." I said.

"Dude don't be so difficult. Put something on there. Shit. We're not gay; we're not picky." Dirk said.

I simply smiled at them and walked away. I entered the kitchen and talked to Jess, the only other person on the clock with me. Jess was a native American 16-year old from Arkansas. He had moved here about a year ago and started working here right when he turned 16. He was very unlike other 16-year olds that I knew. I myself was only 17. But Jess had quite a physique. He was a football player at the local high school and today he was wearing khaki shorts with some high top Nikes. His calf muscles bulged out from his tanned legs.

"Jess, that table that I have is being so difficult. I know those guys and they are being such assholes to me." I told him. Jess knew that I was gay, as did all of my coworkers, but he didn't care. He was very unlike any jock that I had ever met.

"What's their problem?" Jess asked me.

"They were friends with my brother when I came out and they gave me so much shit for it. I didn't even want to talk to them and they're being dicks to me about everything. They wouldn't even tell me what they wanted on their pizza." I explained.

"Okay, well we'll just make them a supreme and I'll handle it if they bitch." he said.

"Okay." I said and went to ring it into the computer.

While Jess was making their pizza, I tried to avoid their table without letting their drinks run empty. I was sweeping the floor away from their table when Corey yelled across the restaurant at me.

"Hey, why ain't our pizza ready!?"

I rushed over to their table. "Sir, y'all just ordered it. We cook our items to order. It'll probably be about another ten minutes." I explained hurriedly.

"We want some salad or something then." Corey said.

"If you all get salads, it's going to be about twelve dollars." I explained.

"Twelve dollars? For three salads? That's gay!" Corey said.

"I'm sorry. I don't make the prices. Do you want them or not?" I asked, slightly edgidly.

"No. Just hurry with the pizza." Corey said.

Appalled, I turned and went back to sweeping. A few minutes later, Jess rung the bell to let me know their pizza was ready.

I ran it out to them and they looked at the pizza, then to me with incredulous looks on their faces.

"What is this?" Dirk asked.

"It's a supreme pizza." I said.

"Did we want a supreme?" Dirk asked.

"Well, y'all said to just put the regular stuff on there. I didn't know what that meant.. and you didn't clarify when I asked." I explained.

"So you gave us a supreme?" Dirk asked.

"It has our most common toppings on it." I said shakingly.

"Fuck this. This ain't what we wanted!" Corey said and I watched him shove the pizza pan into the floor. Cheese slid off the pizza and into the floor as the pieces crashed to the floor with the pan.

I looked at them with my mouth gaping.

"Now get us what we want!" Corey said loudly. Without another word, I turned around completely and rushed into the kitchen.

"Jess, please come out here. I need your help." I said to Jess.

Jess was a thickly built linebacker at 6'4. He followed me into the dining room and I lead him to Corey's table. Jess's expression turned to shock as he saw the pizza lying on the floor.

"Y'all need to get out of here right now." Jess told the three guys.

"We ain't leaving! We ain't ate yet!" Dirk said.

"Oh? Did Tyler throw your pizza on the ground or was that y'all?" Jess asked.

"It ain't what we ordered." Dirk said smugly.

"If you don't leave right now, things are going to get very bad for each and every one of y'all." Jess said.

"We ain't movin. There's 3 of us big guy." Corey said defiantly.

"Lock the doors and dim the lights." Jess said to me. I did as I was told anxiously.

"Stand up, boys." Jess said to the three guys.

"We ain't `boys'. You're the kid here." Dirk said as he stood up with his friends.

Jess smirked down at Dirk, who stood only at 5'9. Jess dropped a hard elbow onto Dirk's head, who went crashing to the floor in a daze. Before Corey or Rick could react, Jess grasped both of them around their necks and lifted them off the ground. I watched in amazement as Jess's triceps bulged with such intensity as he lifted them higher and higher into the air.

"What the fuck!?" Rick sputtered out through gasps of air.

"You think you can walk into this place and treat him like shit? Huh?" Jess yelled out as he squeezed their necks harder. "I don't put up with bullshit. Get on the ground!" he shouted as he threw the two onto the ground where their friend lay.

He lowered himself to the ground where the guys were and forced Rick's head face-down against the smushed pizza on the ground with a big hand. "Come on bitch, eat your food!" he yelled out.

"What, y'all want some too?" he asked fiercely as he got on top of Corey and Dirk and forced their heads down with his knees.

The three were screaming in discomfort but their shouts were muffled by all the food in their mouths.

"Hey Tyler, it looks like they like the food after all." Jess smirked up at me. I stood there trembling, a witness to the utter domination going on before my eyes.

"Come on pussies, that's enough food for now." Jess laughed as he lifted the men up and dragged them by the collar into the upper level of the dining room. I followed them and continued to watch in amazement.

Jess dropped Dirk like a ragdoll on his back onto a booth's seat. He then took off his shorts and shoes, exposing his big, hairy bare feet and his big package straining the confines of his dirty, white jockstrap.

He sat on Dirk's face so that Dirk's nose was stuck right up his ass.

"It's gonna smell pretty bad down there. But that doesn't bother you, right?" Jess said.

"You're next, Rick." he said ominously as he commanded Rick to face his crotch. He lazily wrapped his muscular thighs around Rick's head and began to squeeze as he directed Rick's face into his dirty jockstrap. I watched as the veins in his thighs surfaced and the striations of his quadriceps became more apparent. Even all the hair on Jess's legs could not hide his musculature.

Rick weakly beat on Jess's thighs but Jess wasn't letting up. "Don't that reek?" he asked

"Okay Corey, now for your treat! I mean, our service was so bad, you get free dessert!" he laughed as he shoved his big, dirty feet into Corey's face and held him in place against the floor.

"Now I KNOW that those smell funky. I didn't shower after football practice today!" he said.

He finally quit released his grip on Rick, who crashed to the floor, barely conscious.

"How ya doing down there?!" Jess said to Dirk, who was still trapped underneath his 210lbs frame. Dirk made an inaudible noise that sounded like a scream, but Jess didn't move nonetheless.

"Hey Corey, you should lick my feet clean. Notice they're a bit dirty! That's what I get for not wearing any socks." Jess instructed. Corey reluctantly began tonguing Jess's filthy, big feet until he had swallowed all the dirt off of them.

"Good job! Okay, let's do something else." Jess smiled as released Dirk and Corey, both of whom gasped for air.

"You need to let us go!" Corey cried out.

"Okay, how about this? I will give y'all a five second headstart. If you can escape, then you are free." Jess smiled.

The men rose to their feet with difficulty, looking surprised when Jess suddenly began to count.

"Five... four..." he started. The three men stumbled over towards the door, but by the time they got to it, Jess was already down to one. They couldn't unlock it fast enough, and Jess was towering over them once more.

He placed a hand each on Corey and Dirk, then began to squeeze as hard as he could. I saw his forearms flex with power as the two men buckled underneath his grip. They were crying in pain as Jess's grip burrowed through their comparably weak shoulders.

"Please, please let me go." Rick uttered as he backed up against the glass door, fearfully watching Jess.

"How about this? If my dick isn't being sucked in about five seconds, I will make it so neither of your friends ever feel masculine again. They will be so feminized that they will beg for me to be their husband." Jess smirked. I felt an odd sensation as I watched Jess humiliate the men. Surely no straight guy would go through such measures to humiliate the men? A normal guy would have just beat their asses then let them go. Jess was a sadistic teen whose intentions I didn't fully grasp.

His threats had the intended effect as Rick quickly scooted towards Jess and lowered his jockstrap. Jess's big, brown cock bounced in front of Rick's face, who looked even more fearful.

"I-i've never sucked a dick before." Rick mumbled.

I heard a loud `slap' as Jess slammed his dick across Rick's face. "Did that hurt?" Jess asked as Rick winced. "Suck it." he said.

Jess shoved his cock into Rick's mouth, easily parting his lips as Jess continued to cause pain to the two men. "Why don't you two get down there and massage my muscular calves?" Jess ordered.

He released the two men, who dropped to the floor harshly. They put their hands around a calf each, but his calves were so big that they could not even encircle the entire muscle with both hands on either leg.

"It's kind of scary to imagine the power of my legs, isn't it? I could probably kick you in the face and fracture your skull." Jess laughed as he looked down at the men.

"Please don't." Corey asked weakly.

"Hopefully your friend gives me good enough head that I won't have to." Jess laughed.

Corey and Dirk watched in fear as a weary Rick continued to suck Jess's big dick. After a while, Corey suddenly shoved a finger into Jess's ass in an attempt to break his concentration so maybe Rick could escape.

Instead, Jess smirked down at Corey. Corey tried to remove his finger but found he was unable. Jess was flexing his muscular ass harder and harder, so that the pressure on Corey's finger became greater and greater.

"Dude, let me remove my finger!" Corey cried out.

"I am going to make you wish you had never done that." Jess said calmly as he continued to squeeze his ass.

After continuous squeezing, I heard a loud `crack' reverberate across the room. Jess had broken Corey's finger with the strength of his ass!

"Oh my God!" Dirk cried out.

"Fuck, fuck!" Corey cried in pain.

"Unpleasant." Jess said simply as he lazily smacked Rick off of his dick.

"Repeat after me," Jess said as he stooped down to face Corey at eye level. "I am a weak little bitch and I was wrong to do what I did."

"Fuck you!" Corey cried out in anger. Jess's smile faded, and reared back his muscular arm and threw a clenched fist at Corey's face. Corey went flying backwards and landed with a thud on the tile floor.

"That made me mad." Jess said to Dirk, who began to tremble.

"Satisfy me. Maybe you won't have the same fate. Lick my asshole." Jess turned around and spread his ass wide. Dirk quickly put his face into it and began tonguing Jess's hairy hole.

"Look at this, Tyler. These guys are such weaklings. I'm glad you came and got me. This has been so fun." Jess laughed.

"Wow.." was all I could say, as Rick laid on the floor, barely conscious. Corey was knocked out with a black eye, and Dirk was burried in Jess's muscular ass.

"Okay men, I think it's time for y'all to leave. We are almost closed. Yes, that means you too Corey. Wake up." Jess yelled loudly. Corey stirred around and the three men sat against a wall, defeated.

"But before you go, I think you need to see the grand finale." Jess took hold of his big Native cock and began to jerk it. It was still wet from Rick's blowjob so he had no trouble sliding his hand up and down, faster and faster, until he began to breathe shallowly.

"Fucking wimps. Couldn't even take me on 3 vs 1. How does it feel to have been dominated by a teenager? Better never show your faces around here again. I'll whoop y'all's asses twice. I don't give a fuck. I got some friends who would love to join me next time. Think I'm scary? Wait till you got five jocks on your asses at once. Fucking weaklings." he began to talk dirtier and dirtier until his breathing stopped and he stopped jacking his cock.

Extremely thick ropes of cum began shooting from his cock, and they landed all over the three men. Every one of them was covered in Jess's cum when he finally stopped shooting his load. The stench dominated the atmosphere, and all the men could do was sit there, drained of all physical strength.

"There's the door." Jess smirked as he lead the men out, swatting their asses as they left.

"Oh, my God." I said quietly.

"What's up?" Jess asked with a cocky smile.

"That is the first time I've ever seen anyone go through such lengths to stick up for me." I said.

"Get over here." Jess said. I trembled a bit as I approached his naked, muscular figure, but when I got near him, he lifted me off the ground and pushed me against a wall. His lips met mine and he forced my tongue into submission with his.

"I don't do that for just anyone, little man." he smirked down at me as he massaged my shoulders. "That's what happens to people who disrespect my waiter." he gave me a light squeeze on the ass and said, "Now get back to work. We're closed." as he put on his clothes and walked back into the kitchen.

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