Dont Cry Over Spilled Coffee

By moc.loa@ioBnotklE

Published on Mar 1, 2004


Disclaimer: I do not know any of the celebrities in this story, and I do not know their sexual orientation. This is complete fiction. All readers must be over the age of 18.

Here is another chapter guys. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much for all your e-mails. I write faster when I know people are enjoying it. If I am doing something wrong, Let me know. Thanks again to Paul for being the best editor in the world. He makes the magic :). E-mail me at with all comments. Peace out!

I wasn't sure if I was in my right mind or not, but here I was on a plane to Baltimore to be with Josh. I was somewhat disappointed with Trent for his reaction to the whole situation.

Trent and I had been friends for over a year, and he was always there to watch out for me. Trent was my life. I would see him at least every day, and he was a constant factor in my decision making. When Trent and I would go out to the clubs, people would often think we were an item because of the connection we had. No one else mattered when Trent was around, and I believe that is a big reason I was still single. As long as Trent was in my life, I really didn't need a boyfriend. Hopefully, whatever Josh and I had would help me slowly change my relationship with Trent.

Enough about Trent, Lets talk about Josh. When I got to the airport, he had booked me in first class for the trip. I didn't feel as if I was worthy of this special treatment, but evidently Josh thought that I was. I wasn't really sure what was going on between Josh and me, but I wasn't complaining.

After the plane landed, I gathered my things and headed to the terminal. Josh told me he was going to meet me there, but I didn't see him around anywhere. I had been looking around the terminal for ten minutes when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

I spun around and was confronted by Josh. He didn't look like the same Josh I had met just a few hours ago. He was now wearing loose jeans with holes and tears in them, a plain white shirt, and a hat. His eyes were covered with big, dark sunglasses. I threw him a big smile, but didn't receive one in return.

"Hey." He said in a sad voice. "Sorry I am late."

"That's OK. Better late than never." Again, I offered him a smile, but this time he slightly grinned.

"Did you bring any bags?" He asked me.

"Yea, we need to go to baggage claim to get them."

With that, Josh directed down the corridor towards the baggage claim.

I wasn't really sure how Josh would be coping with everything, but I didn't really want to bring that up right then.

I wasn't looking forward to meeting Josh's family and friends. What exactly is he going to tell them? 'Here's the guy that took me to the airport.' I was already regretting my decision to come.

"Hey!" Josh pulled me out of my thoughts by lightly squeezing my elbow. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said somewhat harshly. "Let's just get my bags." I could see Josh's eyebrows rise, as if he were rolling his eyes at me behind his dark sunglasses. He picked up his pace just a little so that I would be following him.

We got to the baggage claim and found my bags pretty easily. As soon as we got outside, I saw what had to be my ride. There was a big limousine parked right outside the terminal with a driver holding the door open. I instantly felt bad for they way I snapped at him earlier. The driver took my bags, and Josh and I got into the limo. As soon as the door was shut, Josh took off his glasses. He looked so tired, and his eyes were puffy from crying.

"Josh, are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head, and tears began streaming down his cheeks. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Everything is going to be fine. Your mom is going to pull through." I wasn't really sure on the condition of his mom, but I wanted to him to feel a little bit better.

"I know," He said between sniffles. "But I could have still lost her." For most of the trip to the hospital, Josh clung on to me like I was his lifeline. "I am so glad you came. I don't think I could have made it through this without you." His head was on my shoulder, and his hand was intertwined with mine. Maybe he just needed comfort, or maybe he needed more.

"Josh, why do you need me? I mean you just met me today." After nothing was said, I asked another question. "Don't get me wrong. I am glad you called me, and that you needed me. I am just trying to figure out why." Josh took his head off my shoulder and looked me in my eyes.

"I don't know. But from the moment I met you, I could tell you were a good person. When everything happened, you took it upon yourself to help a stranger. I would have never made it up here if it wasn't for you, Jackson. You are sweet, kind, funny, and cute. You're the only person that I wanted here with me right now." Josh slowly closed the distance between us and pressed his lips against mine. My whole body was tingling with pleasure. Was I really kissing Josh right now? I felt his tongue press against my lips, and I parted my lips for him. I wasn't sure how long we were kissing, but we were interrupted by the driver. The buzzer of the intercom scared the shit out of us.

"Mr. Chasez, we will be arriving at the hospital in just a few minutes." Came a voice over the intercom. Josh and I were still staring at each other, and a smile came over both of our faces.

"I've never kissed another guy before. Hell, I've never been attracted to another guy." Josh confessed.

"I've only kissed one boy before, but it didn't really count." I said hoping he wouldn't pry.

"Why didn't it count?" Before he could finish his question, I pulled him in for another mind blowing kiss.

After we broke the kiss, he smiled. "Good answer. By the way, what was wrong with you at the airport?"

"Nothing," I said trying to convince him that I was telling the truth, but he kept giving me the evil eye.

"Alright, I guess I am just worried about how everyone will feel about me. I am just a nobody." Josh got this agitated look on his face and turned my face so that I was looking directly into his eyes.

"You are somebody to me. They all know you are coming, and they are fine with it. You helped me so much today, and I need you here." He leaned in for another quick kiss, as we felt the limo come to a halt.

*****How will Josh's family and friends react to Jackson? What exactly is going on between Josh and Jackson? Find out more in next week's episode.

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