Dont Get Caught

By moc.oohay@yobkcojtej

Published on Jul 24, 2003


I hope you've enjoyed my story thus far. In this chapter, the troubles of our hero continue.

I'd like to thank everyone who has written for the positive comments and constructive criticism.

I'd also like to apologise to my high school creative writing teacher for all the sentence fragments, mismatched verb tenses, and for ignoring most of the rules of grammar. In my next life I promise I wont cut your class so much. And when I am there, I promise I will pay more attention to you instead of staring out the window at the swim team :)

Enjoy, everyone. Feedback is always welcome

Don't get caught Part III

As he peered out the window of the Range Rover, Rick realized they were surrounded by guards and the guards were closing in on them.

"Fuck." He reached for the door.

The Colonel grabbed him, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Rick looked at him, anger and betrayal in his eyes. He spoke calmly, "We're surrounded, but of course, you know that already."

"What are you talking about? We need to make a break for it."

"Forget it, it's over. But you know that, too."

"Ricky, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Yes you do." And Rick got out of the car slowly, with his hands up in the air. The Colonel followed, still trying to process his friend's comments.

Three guards rushed each of the men and quickly had each one's hands cuffed behind his back. The men were lead at gunpoint back into the building from which they had escaped. Upon entering the building, the two men were separated, and Rick was led back to his examining room and strapped to the now familiar table.

A few minutes later, the General and the Doctor arrived.

The General ran his hands gently over Rick's chest, "You disappoint me, Mujahid, I thought you'd put up a better fight than that. We were even prepared to use rubber bullets. Lots of pain, no mess. Ah well, no matter. Welcome back. Of course you realize you will need to be punished for what you did, and we'll need to make sure it does not happen again." He turned at looked at the doctor, who was busy pulling objects from the metal cabinets and humming to himself. "Are you ready Doctor?"

"In a minute." The doctor replied.

Rick looked up at the general and said nothing. He noticed upon first seeing the General that he was no longer wearing his uniform. Instead, he was dressed in a white t-shirt and sweatpants, as if he was either going to or coming from the gym. The general was of average height but seemed taller, Rick could see the lines and wrinkles that gave the General's middle age away. He's just about the age my father would have been, thought Rick. At 55, the General was a very healthy man. Rick could tell he'd spent many hours at the gym and many in the sun. The general was olive skinned with a full head of black hair, graying at the temples, oiled straight back. He had a mustache reminiscent of his leader, the great dictator, and medium length sideburns. It's odd, thought Rick that this man, this terrorist, could have walked down the streets of his own country and passed for anyone's uncle or father.

Meanwhile, the general had been looking at Rick as well. The young handsome fighter who reminded him of his own son, killed by the Americans on their last unwelcome visit to his country. But this man was harder, stronger than his own son. The General blamed himself for his son's softness; He was away too often and left the responsibility of raising his only boy to a weak woman. To toughen him up, the General forced his son to join the army over the sobbing objections of both the boy and his mother. And when the news came that his boy had been killed, the boy's mother caved into herself and was never the same. It was as if she actually blamed him for what happened.

Contrary to his own boy, the General was sure this boy had been raised properly, by a strong father. He was sure that, through the efforts of the good doctor, he would soon learn a great deal from this boy. Strong or not. He'd instructed the doctor that this time he could do whatever he wanted, whatever it took to break this boy. There was only one small thing he'd ordered the doctor not to take. That, the boy would have to offer, and he'd have to mean the offer. The general's thoughts were interrupted when, to his surprise, Rick spoke up. It was the first time he'd heard the soldier speak.

"You know, I am only doing my job. It's not personal."

The General was surprised at the young man's Arabic. It was flawless and accent free. But then he guessed, it would have to be. He ran his fingers through Rick's curly hair, "Me too."

The general spoke to the doctor, "'I'll leave you to your work."

Rick took a deep breath and prepared himself for what was to come.

The doctor walked over and was soon standing over him. "Now, son, you're grinding your teeth again, I thought we talked about that. Here. You can thank me later." The doctor tied a wide piece of leather around Rick's mouth, gagging him, keeping it open. "Of course, it will make it difficult for you to talk, but, we'll see how it goes."

Rick was glad for the gag, it meant he could not speak and speaking was the last thing he wanted to be tempted to do. He wished he could just tell these people what they wanted to know and end all this, but he knew it was not going to happen, it simply could not happen. He had his country and his family, even his grandmother, to protect.

This time it was going to be different, he thought, as he noticed the lack of electrodes attached to him. He felt the familiar prick of some kind of drug being administered through his arm. The drugs were never enough to help ease the pain, nor were they enough to put him to sleep. They simply clouded his mind a bit. But then he was familiar with this kind of drugging; he'd experienced it plenty in his training. He felt it starting to wash through his mind. He watched as the doctor put some kind of liquid in his hands and rubbed them together.

Then, to his surprise, the doctor started massaging his cock and balls. Rick jumped a little, as much as his bondage would allow, and he groaned. The groan was uncontrolled, it just escaped his throat.

The doctor spoke. "Shh shh now, my boy, just relax. No pain right now. I will tell you from now on when pain will begin and end, and the same for pleasure. Relax your mind, don't fight the drugs. Just relax. Shhhhh, that's a good boy."

Rick closed his eyes and tried to turn his mind off. The doctor was right about relaxing. After all, there was no point in resisting. It was pleasure, after all. The first he'd gotten in a long time. And besides, he'd need his strength for whatever the doctor was planning next.

He felt the doctor's expert hand sliding up and down his 6" shaft and occasionally rubbing his balls. No doubt the doctor had done this many times before. His body twitched with pleasure.

"Don't try to help me, son. Just let me do it. You will cum, but at the time of my choosing, and I promise, no pain. Can you do that?"

Rick nodded yes and was rewarded with a tweak to each of his nipples. He loved nipple play. He suddenly pictured his wife and how she used to chew and suck on his nipples until he was almost at the point of cumming. Upon thinking of this, Rick started to go a little soft.

"What's wrong my little Mujahid? Were you thinking of your home, some one you love? Did it make you sad?"

Rick nodded his head, yes.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

Rick shook his head no.

"It's ok, if you want to talk you let me know." The doctor said gently, as he continued to stimulate Rick's cock and balls and make mental notes about what seemed to excite the boy and what did not. After about a half an hour of alternating between a quick and slow pace, the doctor stopped suddenly, and clapped his hands one time. This brought Rick out of his semi-trance.

"I know what we are missing."

Suddenly, Rick started to panic, his breath got quicker and his cock went soft.

The doctor smiled him. "No, I told you, this is not a time for pain. I will tell you when the pain will start." He walked over to the table under one of the wall cabinets and retrieved something. "I know you like this. Remember? You left it in a car in the parking lot."

As the doctor tried to insert the butt plug, Rick started to struggle in his bonds.

"Come on now, son. It's going in, make it easy on yourself for God's sake."

Rick relaxed as best he could. As soon as the butt plug was inserted, the doctor resumed stroking his prisoner, watching closely for the signs that told him how the boy was feeling, the same way he watched when he administered pain.

He kept running his hand up and down Rick's shaft with one hand, and with the other, placed a set of nipple clamps, not extremely tight, but tight enough, around his prisoner's obviously sensitive nipples. Rick groaned again as the nipple clamps were attached and had the doctor not stopped rubbing his shaft, he'd have cum.

"If you think they are sensitive now, wait until we install your piercings. You will thank us, I assure you."

Rick's mind was too hazed to process the doctor's last remark. He just lay there, the sensations from his nipples moving down a direct pipeline to his cock, while he bit down hard on the leather in his mouth.

The doctor rubbed his hands lightly now all over Rick's body and enjoyed watching the goose bumps form as the prisoner twitched. The doctor moved his hands over the prisoner's chest, not smooth but not very hairy either, over his smooth, firm, muscular thighs, and up his well developed arms. He stroked the bottom of his prisoner's feet and to his surprise, discovered that not only was the boy not ticklish, he seemed to enjoy it.

He kept the prisoner like that for hours, alternating between rubbing his cock and balls and rubbing his body. Rick's mind stopped working; it was just a jumble of sensations, the caresses, the twinges in his nipples, the stroking of his cock and that butt plug rubbing his prostate at unpredictable intervals. Finally it was time to allow the prisoner to cum. And cum he did, for a full three minutes, jerking and twitching, and finally lay still, covered with sweat, trying to catch his breath and letting his heartbeat slow down.

The doctor wiped his prisoner's forehead with a cold, wet towel and removed the gag "There now, don't you feel better?"

Rick nodded.

"And don't you have something to say to me?"

"Thank you." He replied quietly, looking the doctor in the eye.

"Yes...thank me for what?"

"What do you want me to thank you for?"

"Thank me for pleasuring you."

"Ok, thank you for pleasuring me."

"I'd like you to mean it."

Rick hesitated and then spoke his mind." Thank you for pleasuring me. It was better than torture, but if you want to know the truth, I'd rather you just leave me alone in my cell."

"Oh you are tough as nails, little soldier. Aren't you? Be careful what you ask for, I warn you. Soon enough you will be thanking me, begging me for that."

Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion passed over the prisoner. It had been a long day. The preparations for the auction, the escape attempt, the capture and now this. He hoped the doctor was finished with him for the day, but he doubted it.

He closed his eyes and turned his head to one side as he saw the doctor begin to prepare the electrodes that he knew were going to be attached to his body. He felt the doctor's hands, the hands that had given him so much pleasure just ten minutes before, now attaching his instrument of pain. And he could tell the doctor was happy, he was humming that tune again.

The doctor spoke. "Ok we are ready. Open your eyes, please."

Rick opened his eyes to see the doctor holding the now familiar box with the wires.

"Now a quick test of my handiwork. And since I like to state the obvious, we are now going to do pain."

Rick jumped and yelped as electricity was applied to his body. It was not as severe as other times, but it was severe enough.

"Now." The doctor said, "Let's take it from the beginning. You know the rules already so I won't waste time repeating them. "Name"

"Israel." Rick screamed as a jolt of pain was applied.

"Don't play with me, I am tired and you must be as well. The sooner we do this, the sooner I can go home and you can go to sleep. Now...Full Name."

"Israel Ben Mordecai"

"Place of birth"

"Haifa, Israel"

"Military Rank?"


"Mother's name?'

There was no reply. Rick screamed again as another longer jolt of electricity was applied.

The Doctor asked again. "Mother's name?"

Again silence, and again more screams as more electricity was administered

The Doctor spoke. "Ok, let's try a different one. Why did you escape?"

"It's my job."

"How do you know the American Colonel"?

"From here."

The doctor hesitated a moment and looked at his prisoner. "You know we are asking the American the same questions right now, you better hope they match yours. He is a talker, that one, but I guess you figured that out already. What did you talk about in the car with him?"


For this answer, the doctor turned the machine's level up to full and kept his finger on the button for fifteen seconds. Then he spoke, "Please Israel Ben Mordecai, you were in the car for 30 minutes, you must have spoken about something."

"He speaks English, I don't. We didn't speak."

"Bullshit!!!!! You all learn English in school. What do you think, I am stupid?!?" And the doctor hit the button at full blast until his prisoner passed out from the pain.


His first sensation, even before he fully came to, was of the pain in his arms. He opened his eyes to see he was in a new cell and chained, by the wrists, to a beam in the ceiling, his mouth gagged, his legs chained to some kind of rod, which kept them apart. And something, something heavy was attached to his balls causing a dull ache. Some one was standing behind him; he smelled the doctor's cologne.

Rick wondered often what would make a man enjoy a job such as the doctor's. It was true that Rick's job was not pretty either, all the death and all the killing he had both seen and committed. But he never tortured anyone. Just a quick bullet through the head and that was that. The fewer the bullets and the quicker the job was done, the better. It took a long time for him to get over the revulsion he had initially felt for taking a human life. But it was necessary. The survival of the homeland of his people was at stake, and there was no stake higher than that.

But to enjoy the torment of another human being. That was just something incomprehensible. And this doctor, he was a nice looking man. Young, in his early forties, and while not a super model or even close, he was decent looking. Straight dark brown hair, fairly light complexion, nice white even teeth. He looked like a doctor, thought Rick. And as such, Rick didn't see why this man would have any trouble meeting lovers, be they man or women. But why some one had to resort to a life like this for sexual satisfaction was a mystery to the prisoner. Still, he knew the doctor's type and was determined to use this knowledge to gain an advantage whenever he could.

Suddenly, he heard a whistling noise in the air, and had only a split second to brace himself before the whip hit his back. Try as he could, he could not suppress his scream.

The doctor, from behind, came close to Rick's head and spoke into his ear, and he could feel the doctor's breath.. "You have angered me, Mujahid. And now you will see what else I can do to a man when I am angry. I don't know why you toy with me. I control you and will continue to do so until I see fit to do otherwise."

You mean until the General sees fit, don't you Doctor? Thought Rick.

Rick heard the whistling noise again and then felt the whip bearing down on his back. Again he screamed. Muffled, of course by the gag. 8 More times the whip lashed his back.

Then the whip was applied to the bottoms of his feet. This hurt like no pain he'd ever felt before. He screamed and screamed and struggled in his bonds.

The doctor laughed now. "Yes, your feet, very sensitive. Don't' think I didn't notice how much you enjoyed my caresses to them.

Finally, Rick couldn't hold his head up any longer, so he let it hang.

The doctor walked around to face his prisoner, "Don't tire yet, I have only just started."

Rick noticed a wooden stick, like the kind policemen used, in the Doctor's hand. The doctor started to hit him all over, indiscriminately and Rick's mind went black from the pain, screaming himself hoarse and causing massive pain to his own arms and balls by struggling and moving to try to soften the blows. Tears were streaming from his eyes.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the doctor stopped. He opened his robe and wanked himself, letting his cum fly all over his prisoner's body. "My God you look hot like that."

When the doctor finished, he closed his robe, walked to the cell door and yelled at the guards. "Let him down, take off the gag, leave him chained and hose him off." He turned to Rick "I will see you in the morning, bright and early. I am sure it will be difficult for you to sleep with your wounds, so you have a lot of time to think about tomorrow and what your game plan is. I hope I have persuaded you to be more cooperative. The General wants a well-behaved puppy and he will get one. The choice is yours, how much time will it take and how much work you will make for me." And the Doctor turned and left.

The guards unhooked Rick's arms and he fell to the floor, unable to move, his body a mass of pain. He head was pounding so hard that his vision was blurry and he found it difficult to breathe, each breath accompanied with a sharp pain. His throat hurt too, he'd never screamed so much before in his life. Today was nothing like his other `sessions' with the doctor.

He lay down on the cold concrete floor as a wave of despair came over him. He rubbed his eyes as he saw his father standing in the corner of the cell. "It's ok to cry Enrique, m'hijo, all men do it." His father disappeared as Rick lay there on that cold, hard floor, and cried softly until sleep came.

Next: Chapter 4

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