Dont Play Games You Cant Win

By James Freemantle

Published on Jul 17, 2023


"Stop dam it, Clay?" I heard William yelling at me. I looked around and saw James sitting on the couch holding the side of his face. Then I saw David lying next to the couch. He was out cold. William said, "Shit, Clay, what's your problem?" My memory came back to me as I tried to free myself from his grip.

William said again, "What's your problem? Why did you knock the shit out of them?" I thought what do you mean? Then I remembered. I was nervous after my encounter with William, I thought, "Did one of my friends see me?" As I entered the living room I saw James and David on the couch laughing. I knew they were laughing at me and I lost it.

I remembered swinging at James. But the next thing I remember was being held by William. I have never thought of my self as anything other than your average teenager. I have checked out some of my friends when we were in PE or at each others house but doesn't everybody check out other guys?

I have never had any reason to think of my self as being anything other than straight? My problem started with the game and progressed to where I am being used by William and Billy. I couldn't endure my friends knowing or the fact that I was being made fun of. We have been friends since as far back as I can remember. We hang around together and we sleep at each others houses all the time.

David is far more aggressive than me, as well as stronger and he was the one to joke around, and say things that get me into trouble. The joke with William has cost me dearly and I had to react. I would not have done this, if not for his joking. Anyways! What this story is really all about, is how David loves to joke with other dudes at my expense, why, who knows! I left the house without looking back.

My real problem happened after school when David and James caught up with me by the back of the school. I heard David's voice loud and clear. "Well dudes, I don't know about the rest of you, but I've going to get even at the asshole friend of mine who likes to hit and run. He was standing in front of me.

David grabbed the back of my head and forced my face into his chest. Go ahead fag boy, fight me. I should just use my fists to kick your ass. I tried to push David away, but he was to strong for me. He was not about to be moved.

I could hear the other class mates roaring with laughter. This was only adding David's quest. It was also adding incentive for him to continue. He whispered to me, "You have been my friend all my life but you humiliated me and you are going to pay. This can be easy or I'll beat you ass and then humiliate you ten times worse than you did to me. Do you understand?"

David felt was giving everyone a good show. "Kneel down on the ground fag, so everyone here can watch you." David turned sideways and pushed me backwards, so that I was now lying on the ground. I was pissed off big time! "GET THE FUCK OFF ME DUDE!" David was pulling me up by my hair. Then he was slapping my face, not hard enough to leave any marks, just enough to show he was in control. "You are a fag, asshole? Tell everyone here, what a fag you are, Clay." David laughed as he kept slapping away at my face. "Tell them how you sucked my brother's dick." I begged him, "Please David? Stop dude!" All I could do was to keep pleading with David to stop. "Please, DAVID! PLEASE?"

David looked down into my eyes, with a grin, "well, you heard me, either you admit right now, that you've sucked William, or I will fuck your mouth with everyone watching, what will it be?"

I was not ready to give in to David. Why should I admit to sucking William, but if David is serious about forcing me to suck his cock, then everyone would know anyway. What choice I was given! David was rubbing his cock and balls for my benefit. He said, "what will it be, Clay?" Playing with his dick inside his pants caused a mumble.

I was screwed no matter which way I selected. I figured it would be far worse to admit I had a cock in my mouth then to actually take one cock in my mouth. "You are right David! I did it! Now let me up" I whispered softly.

This did not satisfy David. He looked down at me and shouted "Louder Clay! I want everyone to hear you" I did it, "YOU'RE RIGHT! I SUKED HIS DICK, NOW PLEASE, STOP." No one came to my help and David did not let me up. "Please David", I begged again. David moved up on me to my chest as everyone watched.

His legs straddled my head. I was frozen in horror as David started lowering his zipper. He fished in the fly and pulled his dick free. I could hear laughter from the group. Slowly David rubbed his cock head all over my lips. I felt the warm pre-cum being rubbed all over my face as David silently said, "Open wide Clay." He slowly inched him self closer to my face. I was jarred again by a hard slap to side of my face. I did not expect that. I opened my mouth asking him to stop as I felt him slide his cock into my mouth. James said, "Dam, look he's sucking your dick!"

I tried fighting David. I tried pushing him off me. David held me with a grip to my head. He even lifted my head and started fucking my face with his hard dick. He would pull out almost completely, then slowly push in again. He was putting on a show for our school mates. He wanted me punished. I started fighting for my honor. The more I fought the more David loved it.

David was telling me to relax because he would let me up after the whole school watched me swallow his cum. I was going crazy fighting David but his cock continued to cause me to gag. I actually hoped that I would die. I gave up and relaxed, which allowed David to push his dick further into my mouth and throat.

Then David forced his dick deep. It was all the way in. I felt his pubes pressed tightly against my nose and lips. I was gagging and I couldn't breath. I was shocked when I felt the large spurts of warm liquid shoot down my throat. This was followed by several more spurts.

I was trying to push David off me but he would not ease up. Finally David pulled his dick out of my mouth. He looked at me with disgust and said, "OK faggot, I'll let you up! Get use to it, you'll be getting a lot more of my cock, hell, you'll be begging for it, soon!"

David pushed his spent dick back in his pants and left me lying on the ground. I didn't get up until everyone had left. I did not know how I could face anyone after this. The only thing hurt was my ego, but there was no way I could face anyone again.

I wiped the cum off my face. I saw David and James in front of the school and said, "Why did guys do that to me?" as I glared at them. David was grinning, "Clay, I didn't do anything to you. I had to teach you a lesson! You sucked my cock and you even drank my cum. So I just helped you out no, I just helped "out" you. You should thank me. Now you'll get to suck all the cock you want. This will get all around town and you'll start getting all the cock you can handle."

James said, "You where our bud. Then you start fagging out with William. I saw you. Then you sucker punch me and David. Don't worry though we are even now. Except I think you owe me the same as you gave David." James placed his hand on his basket, and rubbed it for emphasis.

I noticed his actions, "I'm not a queer, it was that stupid gave that started this. Then you had to tell William I suck dicks. He blackmails me to suck him. And now David also. I am never going blow anyone again!"

I felt my arm pushed hard. Then James grabbed a handful of my hair, and forced me into David's car. James held me against the window as David drove away. I felt the car stop. James pushed me out the car door. He was still holding a fistful of my hair. I looked at him and yelled, "Stop, help, HELP RAPE." James ignored my yells. He pulled my hair while pushing me to the ground. He said, "Just do what I say. Now open you mouth. And I won't hurt you." I wasn't about to open my mouth so he could make me blow him like David.

James took a play from David's book as he gave me a slap my face, but harder than David. As he pulled my hair he slapped he harder knocking me hard into the dirt. James' dick was hard beneath his jeans. His basket was close to my face. I could smell his teen odors.

"You're going to do me. You have no choice. Maybe you weren't a fag before the game. But dude you have sucked at least two dicks. You swallowed baby making juice. What does that make you? You are now a faggot, and you can't take it back! So you need to quit saying' "I'm not a fag. Just open your mouth for me! Do it now!"

David cocked his fist, ready to slap at my face. I looked up at him, wondering why he was humiliating. Why was this hapening as we were friends. I gave in, "JAMES STOP, I'll do whatever you want, but just stop."

I was sick, knowing that for a second time, since school let out, I would be sucking cock! David was laughing at us, "Clay, you are a faggot." I felt I had no choice. Unless I wanted my ass kicked and to be left in the woods, I had to do what I was about to do. I leaned forward and grabbed his bulge with my right hand. I felt James pushing me down. "You can deny it all you want, but you and I know you are queer. You will know it soon when my cock is inside your mouth! Hell, once you've tasted me you'll beg me every day for a taste." James spoke as if he was sure of it. But I knew that there was no way I was ever going to do this again with anyone. I am not a queer!

After opening James jeans and pulling out his dick I opened my mouth, to allow a dick to enter my mouth again. I should have fought back rather than suck cock. I heard James say, "Start sucking my cock. If you do as good a job getting me off as you did David I may let you suck my dick every?"

I gave in and let James shove his hard cock into my mouth, holding my head with both his hands as he began to thrust deep into my mouth, causing me to gag. He continued thrusting in and out of my mouth and throat, choking me. I could feel my nose and lips tightly pressed against his pubes. He was holding me down causing me to gag. Just the cock head was in my mouth when it started to throb. I felt my mouth fill with his thick slime.

I don't know how much entered my mouth, but I knew I couldn't swallow any faster. I could feel his cum leaking from the corners of my mouth. He pulled out completely and aimed the remaining spurts of cum into my hair. I can not explain the humiliation I felt after sucking James. When I sucked the others I felt I had to. David forced me to suck him. But with James I gave in fast. I even liked sucking James.

James said, "You are hard dude, you are on the bone. You got hard from sucking my dick. You love my cock, don't you? You love the taste of it in your mouth. You can't tell me you didn't and don't even try denying it, you have a hard on! FUCK Clay!"

Having said this, he turned and walked towards the car. I was in the dirt for the second time with cum on me. Then suddenly I heard David voice loud and clear, "Get in the car, but clean yourself up first. We can't take you home like this." Then David said to James, "He can't get enough of you. He wants your dick, Dude."

I looked up at David with hate in my eyes, "I'm not a fag, I am not a queer! You guys made me do it, I didn't have a choice" David argued, "You could have fought me harder. You didn't try to fight James or William. Only a queer would not fight if someone tried to make them suck a cock right in front of the whole school. You got hard while sucking James. Your dick is still hard. And now, you say you're not a fag" I hated them but I did have a hard-on.

Next: Chapter 4

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