Dorm Domination

By moc.liamtoh@alyoblias

Published on Jun 24, 2002


Dorm Domination Chapter 13 Initiation, part 2 by


  • Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you live. * This is a story about men having (raunchy, cumeating, ass rimming, and very satisfying) sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * The characters aren't having safe sex because this is fantasy. Please use condoms when you have sex in the real world. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do.

          • From Chapter 12:

Tom looked pleased, a smile forming on the corners of his mouth. "Very well then," he said. "Your initiation will begin tonight. Rico was the first to be tested, and his shall be your first test. Get some rest today; you will need it." As he walked up the stairs (his ass sculpted perfection), I realized I hadn't been breathing while he had been in the room. The world seemed normal again.

"Let's get down to the basement," Mike said, leading me away. "You can sleep there."

"Mike, thank you," I said. "Can I ask what Rico's test was?"

"I can't tell you directly," Mike said, "But I can tell you that Rico has a very small bladder. He pees every 10 minutes."

As my new pledgemates and I walked down to the basement of what would be my fraternity, my mind raced trying to think what punishment a house full of college men would think of for a guy with a small bladder.

          • Chapter 13 -- Initiation, part 2

I was woken up by a hard cock slapping my face. I knew that feeling well after having Mike slap me around with his dick. He (whoever he was) slapped me hard across the cheek, and said, "Rise and shine, butthole. It's time to be initiated." I recognized the voice (Carlos), and I grinned.

I couldn't open my eyes at first, and I heard the laughter of nine pledges. There was something stuck to my face keeping my eye lids closed. As I moved other muscles on my face, I realize what it was: cum. One or more of the pledges had cum on my face while I slept on the basement couch. I licked my lips and tasted the flakes of dried cum, which sent the pledges into another bout of laughter, and calls of, "He's such a whore!" and "Fucker can't get enough cum in him." I was becoming part of the group. It was shaping up that my distinguishing characteristic would be my insatiable appetite for cock and cum.

I finally got my eyes open, and saw Mike standing there, that million dollar smirk on his handsome face. "You've had quite a day already," he said. "You sure you're ready for more?" I nodded my head, yes.

"Put this on," he said, handing me a black jock strap. I looked at the band and it had the Greek letters for ATO on it. "Nothing else. Meet us upstairs. You might want to take a leak first. This could be a long night for you."

When I went back out into the basement room after taking a piss, everything was dark. The only light I could see was coming from the stairway. Candles lit each stair up, and the house had become eerily quiet. I became the ascent up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, I saw no one. The first floor of the house was deserted. From the second floor, I heard Mike's voice shout down, "Up here," and then everything was again quiet. I checked my hands and they were shaking. I did not want to let Mike down, or my new pledge brothers.

A trail of candles led me from the top of the stairs around a bend and into the bathroom. Still no sound. The candles led me through the sink area and then, as I turned the corner into the shower area, I saw them, my brothers-to-be. The actives were dressed in black robes with hoods covering their heads so I couldn't tell who was who. The pledges stood at attention, wearing only jockstraps identical to mine. Seeing that -- my future brothers dressed exactly like me -- sent a surge of pride through me. I would succeed.

"Pledge Rico," a voice boomed. I recognized it as Kirk's. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?"

"Pledgemaster, Sir," Rico shouted. "I was found to have a small bladder, Sir. I peed more than any other pledge or active in the distinguished history of this fraternity, Sir."

"That's right," Kirk said. "Your bladder was fucking pathetic, the size of a fucking peanut. For every beer, you pissed three times. Pledges, prepare our newest pledge for the same ordeal which Rico was put through."

"Yes, Pledgemaster, Sir!," nine voices boomed in unison. There was a flurry of activity, and four pledges rushed forward, each grabbing one of my limbs. They carried me to the center of the communal shower -- a huge area with at least 20 showerheads around the walls -- and put me onto the floor. I shivered as my bare skin made contact with the cold tiles.

"Pledge Rico," another voice said. I recognized it as Tom's. "You survived this ordeal. You may therefore assume the honor of beginning it with Pledge Alex." I saw Rico smile with pride and he walked over to me.

Rico stood over me -- a monument to manhood -- and rubbed the front of his bulging jock for a minute. Quietly, so that only I could hear, he said, "I hope you enjoy this as much as I did." He dragged his cock out of his jock and held it in his hand for a moment. I had time to think -- That's odd. I've never seen him soft before -- and then I knew what was about to happen. The stream of his piss struck my chest a second after I realized what Rico was forced to endure, and what I was about to experience.

His piss was warmer than I would have imagined, and the smell hit me next: potent, overwhelming, the unmistakable smell of urine that fills public restrooms and street corners where bums hang out. Only instead of the smell being a remote discomfort, the smell was inches away, shot directly out of the cock of this college jock above me. Rico's piss spattered against my chest and I felt spray hitting my face. Rico moved his cock, and his stream ran over my stomach and down onto the jock I was wearing. I couldn't believe how warm it was, and I had a sudden urge to piss myself. I resisted the urge, thinking it must somehow be wrong.

After a few seconds of Rico pissing on my body, a couple of the actives walked forward and took positions around my body and the pledges holding me down. (These pledges were getting enough of a splash effect that they must have gotten almost as much piss on them as I did.) The actives parted their robes -- their cocks sticking out from the material like disembodied parts -- and they began pissing on me, as well. There were four guys pissing on my body, all at once.

Mike had paraded me around naked, had his teammates gang-bang my ass, and had given me over to his frat brothers. Nothing in those experiences was anywhere close to how humiliating, how degrading, this experience was. I was being pissed on by a group of men. Instead of their sex toy, I was their urinal, their object of ridicule, their toilet. Above me, they snickered and made comments like, "Been saving this recycled beer for you all night," and "Look! His hairs getting all wet with my piss. Did anyone bring shampoo?" Someone even went to the janitor's closet and got the blue urinal hockey puck and stuck it in the waistband of my jockstrap. This became the area where most of the men aimed their piss. And through this degrading, dehumanizing process, my cock stayed rock hard. I never thought I would like it this much.

The guys lined up and took turns pissing on me. All four lines had waits, so that there was never a time when I didn't have at least one guy's piss running down my body, reeking. Some guys were even going to an adjacent room and drinking more beer and came back to piss on me a second time. The guys holding my body were relieved by other pledges, and they, too, got their turn to piss on me. They were even more pissed at me (no pun intended) because they had to hold me while the other brothers' piss had splattered them. They aimed for my face mainly, and I squeezed my eyes and mouth closed to prevent piss from getting in them.

Piss flowed continuously down my body for at least half an hour, a steady stream of warm, smelly man waste. Eventually, the last stream stopped, and I thought I was done. Tom's voice broke the silence. "I need two more pledges," he said. "You know what to do."

Two of my pledgemates knelt by my head. One grabbed the top of my head and the other forced my jaw down. "The urine of the president of the fraternity is used to make you stronger," Tom said. "And to unify your class. All of your pledgemates have sipped of my piss. You will drink it directly from the source."

The spray hit me first in the nose and sprayed up inside, causing my nasal passages to burn. Tom's urine smelled different -- more sweet, maybe, or less pungent. He adjusted the flow so that it hit me in the mouth. The taste was overwhelming and earthy and metallic on my tongue. I had never tasted anything like it. My mouth was quickly filling, and by almost instinct, I swallowed. He was pissing so much so quickly that I had to keep swallowing continuously for close to a minute. When he was done, the taste left over was like I had swallowed a jar full of pennies.

"You have done well, new one," Tom said. "Clean him up, and bring him to the balcony for his next ordeal." The strong hands of the pledges lifted me and guided me to a running shower head.

I didn't realize how exhausted the pissing had made me until I tried to stand up and nearly fell over. The strong hands of my pledge brothers supported me and washed me. I had already learned humility and the need for support from others in this first ordeal, and I had eight others to endure. It would be a night of great learning, and great sacrifice.

I followed a row of robed brothers and jock-strapped pledges through the upper floor of the house until we came to the balcony. We walked out and could see over the row of fraternity houses and part of the campus. The people walking on the sidewalk noticed this congregation and looked up, pointing at the row of pledges in jock straps, myself included. All four of my cheeks burned red from embarrassment.

The actives formed a semi-circle with us pledges in the center. Kirk stepped forward and began speaking.

"Pledge Carl," Kirk said. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?"

"Pledgemaster, Sir," Carl shouted. "I was found to be the laziest pledge, Sir. I was the last to volunteer for anything, and I sat on my ass while others did work."

"You lazy fuck," Kirk said. "You watched as your pledges scrubbed the entire house from top to bottom. You were found lacking. Pledges, prepare the new worm for the same ordeal which Carl faced."

Mike and Zak were standing on either side of me and each took an arm. They manhandled me until my arms were pinned on the balcony's railing and my ass was pushed out towards Kirk and the other actives. I could feel a breeze blow across my exposed hole, and my vulnerability was very clear to me at that moment.

I heard Kirk say, "Pledge Carl, since you endured the ordeal, you will begin this pledge's." I felt a shuffling of feet, and then heard Carl say, "Sorry for this."

My ass cheeks were on fire. That's what I felt. I yelled out in pain, and a group of guys down on the sidewalk yelled up, "Pussy!" It took my brain a second to realize that I had just been paddled by Carl.

The moment of sheer intensity was replaced by a dull, throbbing pulsing in my ass cheeks, and they felt more alive than ever before. I felt the blood rushing to them, and my ass must have been blushing even more furiously now than my face had been moments before.

"Each of the brothers will paddle you with the official fraternity paddle," Kirk said to me, leaning down and whispering in my ear. "This taught Carl not to sit on his ass quite so much. I don't think you'll have the same problem after tonight."

The next swat was almost worse than the first because this time I knew what to expect. I heard a slight whistle as the board swung through the air, propelled by the arm of a jock stud who worked out at least four times a week. The second swat, given by an active I didn't recognize, was full force, and stronger than Carl's had been. He swatted my left ass cheek more than my right, and this time I was able to hold in the cry of pain. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Say it," I heard Kirk say.

"Say what, Sir?," I asked.

"I think you know, shithead."

I racked my brain. What was I supposed to say? My mind jumped back to a scene from "Animal House" of all things, to the scene where the asshole jocks are paddling each other. Why was I thinking of that scene right now? Fuck! What was I supposed to say? In the scene, they paddle the new pledge, who says . . .

"Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" I yelled. The group of guys on the sidewalk below had grown now, and they started laughing even harder as I shouted. "Faggot!" one guy yelled.

"Very good, shit for brains," Kirk said. "You might get into this fraternity yet."

I felt something touch my burning ass and instinctively flinched. But it was someone's hand, not the paddle -- someone's hand which was soothing and caressing the flesh which had just been pummeled. I looked over my shoulder and Tom was there, his hand touching my butt.

"It's a shame that we have to treat you so roughly," he said. "But sometimes, a boy needs to be disciplined. `Spare the rod, and spoil the child,' right?"

"Sir, yes, Sir!," I shouted.

"You don't seem to mind too much," he continued, and his hand ran down the crack of my exposed ass and past my balls. His touch sent shivers from my tailbone directly up through my spine and into my head. He grabbed my cock through my jock strap, and it was only then that I realized I had been hard the entire time. His touch sent me over the edge, and I started cumming into my jock and his hand.

The orgasm -- caused by this god like man -- was one of the most intense of my life. I shot once, twice, and then the next swat landed on my ass. The paddle connected while I was shooting my third time, and I came so hard I worried that I had hurt something inside my dick. I groaned again, shouting in pleasure/pain as the paddle landed on my ass as I came. Mike and Zak had to press harder down to keep my arms from moving. My body felt so conflicted that I thought I might cum, cry, and die all in the same moment. I suddenly realized exactly what ecstasy was -- the sensation of bliss and anguish which transcends time and comes close to god. And I was experiencing this at the hands of this man, this archetype of masculinity.

Tom removed his hand and stepped back. I felt empty and complete simultaneously. "Be strong," Tom said to me as the next brother stood to strike me. I knew that I could be strong with these men.

The next blows passed by in a blur. My mind still reeled from Tom's touch, and the orgasm I had experienced. After each brother took a turn at my ass, I said, "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" My ass burned more and more with each swat, yet my dick still hadn't gone down, and I was growing to appreciate the heat which smoldered in my ass cheeks between paddles. After a few more paddles, I wiggled my ass at the crowd, and the brothers snickered.

The actives had all taken a turn at my ass, and now it was time for the rest of the pledges. Coleman stepped up, and he could see the redness in my ass. He took a swat at my ass which stung, but even I could tell it was pathetic. Kirk shouted, "Give him a real fucking swat or else it's your turn to join him up there." Coleman's next swat came in second only to Tom's as the hardest one all day. Tears again streamed down my face. They were tears of pain, and of catharsis.

Zak was up next, and he had two other pledges come over to help him. "Spread his cheeks," Zak said to the pledges. "I've got a surprise for him." My cheeks were spread and I felt Zak run his finger up and down my rudely exposed crack.

Zak brought the paddle down, hard, on the inside of my ass crack -- that fleshy part that is more sensitive than the cheeks. I nearly pushed down the railing I was being held against from the sheer intensity of the feeling. The pain rushed through me, and I screamed.

"Payback -- it's a bitch, isn't it?," Zak said to me. I replied back the only way I could: "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" Zak chuckled and flicked my exposed asshole with his finger. "Don't you wish," he said.

The last pledge to paddle me was Mike. Like Tom, he rubbed his hand over my asscheeks, soothing them and causing little lightning bolts to rush through me at the same time. "Your ass is hot, whore," he said. "I could cook an egg on your faggoty ass." The actives laughed with Mike. I looked over my shoulder at this man who had brought me here as he brought the paddle down in a wide arc. Seeing the paddle coming, I braced for the impact which was exactly the wrong thing to do. The paddle connected as my muscles clenched, and I was pushed forward into the railing hard, bruising my shoulder.

"Thank you, Sir!," I said, with tears in my eyes and a sense of pride and strength I got from performing well for Mike. "May I have another?" He smirked that sexy smirk of his and said, "You know you will, slut. I know you can't get enough."

Paddling had given me strength and a sense of ecstasy I had never experienced before. I felt cleansed by this trial, and I had connected with each man who had struck me. I was becoming closer to these men, almost one of them now. I was exhausted, yet wanted to continue, to get closer to brotherhood.

"The pledge has passed the ordeal," Kirk said. "His ass must be sore. Take him to the kitchen, and we will help him sooth his ass."

I leaned on Mike and Coleman as they led me in a procession down the stairs. My legs were shaking. They led me through a big dining area and back through swinging doors into the kitchen. It was an industrial sized kitchen, something that you'd see in the back of a small restaurant: big, industrial sized metal sinks and tables, multiple huge ovens, a grill, and a walk-in freezer.

Some of the actives were pushing a table off to one side, leaving a large open space in the middle of the kitchen. Kirk had gone into the walk-in freezer, and was backing up, dragging something which I couldn't see. He left it in the now-open space, and turned to face me. "Sit," he commanded, and pointed to the object: a large block of ice.

I sat down slowly on the ice block. The first contact was jolting, electrifying on my ass. After a couple of seconds, my ass felt soothed, and I groaned in appreciation for letting me sit on the ice.

"Pledge Zak," Kirk said. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?"

"Pledgemaster, Sir," Zak shouted. "I get cold very easily, Sir. My nipples get hard when it's cold, and the other pledges used to call me a pussy for getting cold when they thought it was warm outside."

"You were worse than my fucking grandmother, you cunt," Kirk said. "You would be cold standing in the desert in the middle of summer. You were found lacking, and you faced an ordeal. You will be the first of the brothers to help bring our newest pussyboy into the fold."

Zak whipped his cock out from his jockstrap, and he was already hard. He began jerking his cock, and I noticed a couple of actives take their hands and put them down into their robes, which then started pumping up and down. These guys were jerking off, but I didn't know what the ordeal was that I was about to endure.

"Pledge Alex," Kirk continued. "You will endure the same punishment as Pledge Zak endured. You are to sit on the block of ice -- a symbol of the coldness in the world -- until you are warmed by the presence of every one of your future brothers. You are not to move your ass off of that block until we have all cum on your body."

My ass was starting to feel a combination of numbness and tingling that was soothing for the paddling I had just received, but also somewhat disturbing -- like when my leg had fallen asleep before. Already the soothing effects of the ice were wearing off and being replaced by a discomfort. I squirmed on the block of ice, the movement sending shooting intensity up through my bruised ass.

"Let's make this a little more interesting," Tom said. "Turn on all the ovens and open the doors. The stove tops, too; let's get those going. I want to see this fucker sweat at the same time his ass is getting chilled." A couple of pledges scrambled to complete his orders, and I was just beginning to understand this ordeal.

By now, all of the actives and pledges were openly jacking their cocks. Zak stood directly beside me, his cock inches from my face. He jacked his cock rapidly with one hand and was pulling down on his balls with the other.

"I'm gonna shoot, fucker," he said, panting. "I'm gonna shoot all over your faggot body. Open your mouth, cocksucker!"

His first shot hit me in the forehead, and I closed my eyes instinctively. The next spurt landed right on my tongue, and I could taste Zak again, that great tasting cum. His next spurts landed on my chin and chest and stomach and some on my hard cock. I felt the forehead shot slide down my nose and I stuck my tongue out to make sure I caught it.

Zak leaned down and wiped his cum-smeared hand over my chest, leaving a trail of slime. He stared me in the eye as he leaned down, his face coming within an inch of mine. I thought he might slap me. Instead, his tongue snaked out and licked along the path his cum had left, lapping it up.

"In case you missed the point, you stupid fag," he said to me. "Our Brothers can keep us warm when it's cold. They feed if we're hungry. We're here for each other in every way." I nodded, and mumbled, "I think I got it." My cock was hard and still dripping with the cum he had shot on me.

One of the actives was pumping his cock faster than the others. (Later, I found out his nickname was "Speedy" from the way he jacked his cock so fast, and came so fast.) He parted his robe and shuffled forward, jacking his cock the whole time. His cock was level with my nipple, and he brushed the tip of his cock against my nipple, which had itself become erect thanks to the frigid ice I was sitting on.

"Fuck, man," he said. "Nothing gets me hotter than you new pledges coming in, thinking you're all fucking tough, then getting put in your place. Fuck! I'm gonna. Fucking. Cum!" He started shooting -- thick, potent wads of cum which were so dense that they didn't fly very far. His first shots landed on my nipple and chest, and the rest dribbled down into my crotch, pooling in my pubic hair and the base of my cock. I reached up and helped him squeeze the last few drops out of his dick. When I stuck my tongue out to get the last dribbles, Kirk said, "No eating the cum, faggot!" I rubbed the cum from the tip of his dick onto my cheek, instead.

As the next few guys came closer to me, each close to shooting their load, my thoughts were drawn to my cold ass instead of their cocks. The intensity of the pleasure/pain on my ass was increasing, and with every passing minute, I didn't think I could handle any more. I shifted my weight from one cheek to the other for a minute, and then Kirk caught on to what I was doing. He had Zak stand behind me and hold my shoulders down tight, preventing me from moving my ass off the block. Simultaneously, I was covered in cum, and I began to sweat. My forehead beaded up with sweat, as did my arms and chest. I felt a trickle of sweat run down my side from my armpit, tickling me as it made its slow path down my ribs, down my stomach, down my ass, to the ice block.

The physical discomfort was becoming almost unbearable, yet I could have gotten up at any time. I wanted to belong to this group of men, these brothers, and I would have endured far more pain than this to become a part of this group. As the intensity increased, I thought of Mike and how much I wanted to be close to him and to please him, and that is what got me through.

By the time that all of the actives and most of the pledges had cum, my entire torso -- from my shoulders down to my crotch, including my back -- and most of my face was covered in manseed. Coleman had shot an especially big load, right on my face. I had to keep my lips closed and breathe through my mouth at Kirk's command to prevent myself from eating any of it. The smell of it was driving me crazy. I wanted to lap up every drop, and then use my hands to scoop up the rest which my mouth couldn't reach. I was these frat stud's cum dump, the place where they put their seed. Every time a new splatter of cum hit my cock, it would throb and stay hard. I wanted to jack my cock to feel what it would be like to have so much cum as lube.

The last two men to step up to my cum covered body were Tom and Mike. They had both been standing on the side lines, making other guys jack their dicks (Mike had Carl jacking him, and Tom had Coleman). The block of ice was melted half way down, and my ass was on fire from the cold.

Tom and his cockjacker came close, and Tom looked down at me, smirking. He took his finger and pointed directly at my forehead. His smirk became a smile as he ran his finger down my nose, over my lips, down the cleft in my chin, over my adam's apple, down the cleft between my pecs, tickling down over my abs, stopping briefly in my belly button, then continuing down to my pubic bush, and up my hard, dripping cock. His finger had now accumulated a large wad of cum, cum from all of my frat brothers, cum shot out of balls of 18 to 22 year old men, cum shot past the prostate and through the long cocks of these college jock studs. He had millions of sperm swimming on his large finger. He looked at it intently, and brought it to his face. He held his cum covered finger under his nose and inhaled. "Potent batch you got there," he said.

He took his finger and brought it to my face. "Open," he said -- a command if ever I heard one. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue.

"Do you know the importance of the gift you are to receive?," he asked. I nodded my head. "I don't know if you do, you cumsucker. You've gotten spoiled. On my finger, I hold the making of a million studs like our frat brothers. This is their seed, the biological mark of who they are, their essence. And they are giving that to you, you worthless ass eater. They have given you a gift, and you shall always be thankful to your brothers for this gift. It is not a gift given lightly. Do you understand now?" I nodded my head again, and said, "Yes, Sir. I understand, and am thankful for the gift I'm about to receive."

He pressed his cum covered finger onto my tongue, and spread the remaining cum out over the back of my tongue. My tastebuds exploded. It was like Mike's cum, only more condensed, more potent. No one man could have created this ambrosia. It had to have come from a group of men, from the balls of many. I closed my mouth, and kept the cum in my mouth, swirling it around and tasting it, savoring it for as long as I could.

When Tom's finger touched my tongue, his cock exploded in Coleman's. Tom's cum hit my face and chest and stomach and cock and balls and legs. He came everywhere. He replaced more cum than he had taken on his finger. His cum also flew past me and hit Mike's cock. The hot lube put Mike over the edge. He started cumming on my body, too. His cum hit me from behind, on my ear and the back of my neck, and on my back. He aimed his last shots so they landed very low on my back, close to my ass, and I felt it drip slowly down into my crack, a place his cum knew all too well. I wondered if he had trained his sperm to swim for my hole.

"You are warmed by your brothers," Kirk said after everyone had stepped back into a half-circle around me. "And you have endured the harshness on your ass. Pledges -- help him stand." Two other pledges came forward and held my arms as I stood up.

I had thought that the worst of the pain would be while I was sitting on the ice, but I was wrong. As I stood up, the hot air in the room hit my cold ass and jolted me. Slowly and almost painfully, the blood started to rush back to my battered ass cheeks, and the return was intense. I stumbled when I first stood, and Coleman had to help hold me up, trying not to get too much cum on his fingers.

"I know some of you also enjoy the taste of cum from time to time," Kirk said. "And we have some grade A quality spunk on this bitch. Anyone who wants some, come and get it."

Zak was the first one on me, getting on his knees and taking my cum soaked cock deep in his mouth. Carlos sucked on one nipple and cleaned the cum from my pec at the same time Coleman shrugged and dive onto my other pec. Speedy started on my back, and Greg -- who I'd known only as an RA until a few hours ago -- got behind me and started to rim me, taking the cum along with him in his mouth.

Mike came forward and lifted my chin with his finger. He looked me in the eye, leaned forward, and devoured my mouth with his lips, our eyes open the whole time. Kissing me, he ate the cum from all around my mouth, including on my nose and on my chin. He began to bite and nibble on my cum covered neck. He brought his mouth back to mine and forced my teeth open with his tongue. He tilted my head back a little bit, and then opened his mouth, letting the collected cum pour from his mouth into mine. He kissed me, and I groaned into his mouth, the flavor and action of his mouth on mine along with the cum of all of our brothers sending me over the edge. I came into Zak's mouth, at least six blasts coating his tonsils. He sucked like a lamprey, vacuuming out as much cum from my cock as possible. When he was done on my cock, he cleaned off my balls, and his tongue met Greg's at the spot between my balls and ass.

The sensation of a dozen tongues and hands and fingers on my body forced my cock back to full hardness, in spite of the mind-numbing orgasm moments before. Cum had dripped onto my arms and legs, so I ended up getting a tongue bath on my entire body. I was giggling one minute as one guy licked my arm pit clean, and moaning the next as Greg's tongue pushed deep into my ass.

Kirk finally stopped the action. "The pledge is clean," he said. "And we have much yet to do tonight." The guys all stood back, and I stood there clean. If not for the pain in my ass and the aftertaste of the cum in my mouth, I might have thought it was all a dream -- the hottest dream I'd ever had.

"Pledge Jimmy," Kirk said. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?"

"Pledgemaster, Sir," Jimmy shouted. "I was found to be the skinniest pledge. No matter how much I worked out, I could not seem to put any muscle on."

"You were a skinny runt," Kirk said. "Before you came into the frat, you didn't have any meat on your bones." I looked at Jimmy and was surprised. He looked built now, his pecs sticking out far from his chest, his arms bulging with muscle, and his legs cut and defined.

"And what did we do to fatten you up, pledge?" Kirk asked.

"You fed me, Sir," Jimmy said. "You made me eat."

"That's right, you wimpy cunt," Kirk said. "We made you into a man, instead of a scrawny girl who happened to have a penis. Pledge Alex, sit in this chair."

I was put in a chair in the middle of the kitchen. I felt some of the pledges grab my arms and pull them back behind the chair, and then restraints were put on my wrists. My back arched out and my hands were immobilized behind me, soon to be followed by my legs, which were tied to the legs of the chair.

"Get the stuff," Kirk said. The pledges scrambled around the kitchen on his command. He took something from inside his robe and put it around my eyes. Through his blindfold, I could see nothing. "Let's start him off with a snack," Kirk said. "Open up, bitch."

I opened my mouth wide and someone shoved at least twelve stale crackers in my mouth. My mouth was so full I couldn't chew, and I started salivating to try to soften up the crackers. I tried chewing, and my jaw could only go half way. I started breathing through my nose and gnawing on the crackers in my mouth, spitting crumbs everywhere. Slowly, I worked the crackers down to about half of what had started there.

"Can't have crackers by themselves," Kirk said. "Gotta have something to go on top. How about a little peanut butter." Two brothers stood on either side of my head and pried my jaw open. Someone -- Kirk, probably -- put a huge spoonful in my mouth, so much that it pushed my cheeks out. My mouth was overloaded. I chewed on the baseball sized clump of peanut butter and the rest of the crackers. The peanut butter kept sticking to my mouth, and the crackers gummed it up so it was a big wad of sticky goop. My mouth was completely dry. All the spit I was generating was going directly to the peanut butter ball in my mouth.

Finally, the ball was small enough so that I could actually chew on it. The brothers were cheering me on, saying, "Eat it faggot!" Kirk saw I was getting to the final traces, and said, "Open your mouth, cunt, for the inspection." I finished the last swallow, my mouth completely dry, and Kirk said, "Got milk?" The whole frat busted up laughing.

"Open," Kirk said, and confirmed that I had eaten everything. "Now your next snack is something one of the brothers got from a motel. Let's see if you can guess which motel."

Kirk had me open my mouth and he placed something on my tongue. It felt about the size of a quarter. When I closed my mouth, I quickly realized that whatever I was eating had LEGS. It was a fucking dead cockroach, and they had put it in my mouth. I gagged instinctively, and the two guys nearest me held my jaw to prevent me from spitting it out.

"That's right, you worthless bug," Kirk said. "It's a roach motel. Now bite into it and swallow that fucker down."

I crunched into the vile thing in my mouth and felt the hard case break, and then liquid squirt out the sides. I wretched, but didn't throw up. I had to take a few more bites to swallow it, and then finally managed to gag it down.

It was only the next year, the year when Jeremy rushed ATO, that I found out that it hadn't been a roach at all. It was some sort of sea weed/sushi thing which looked exactly like a cockroach, and the frat got these every year. I had no way of knowing that then, and I was convinced that night and many after that I had eaten a damned bug.

"Good job, you worthless fuck," Kirk said. "Now for something you're a little more used to." They pulled a table over to where I was tied up and I felt it shake. Someone pushed my head forward, and I went, nose first, into someone's ass. It was a familiar smell, and I could tell it was one of the pledges, but I didn't know which one. I began to rim and eat his ass, thankful that this part seemed to be coming to a close.

"Now for the surprise," Kirk said. "Hold him, boys, and keep his faggot mouth open. He may not like this." The guys held my head to the ass, and held my jaw open. My face was buried in this guy's cheeks.

I could feel the pledge's ass quiver and twitch as I was rimming him, and it continued to do so as my face was held in his crack. As soon as I felt his ass ring open, I knew what was about to happen, and I freaked. While I had eaten enough ass to qualify me an assivore, I did NOT want to eat shit. Mike knew that. How could he let this happen to me? I pulled and pushed and tried everything I could to get away. If this is what it took to get into this frat, I didn't know if I could do it. The strong arms of my would-be brothers held me firm. I began to yell.

"Hold him!," Kirk said. "Don't let him move a goddamned inch. He doesn't know it yet, but he's gonna like it."

I continued to struggle and fight as the turd crept out of the pledge's ass, and yet I couldn't move and inch. Slowly, lewdly, my mouth filled up, and I struggled harder than ever in my life, still screaming. One of the guys holding my head said, "Shit, man! He's really struggling. I think he's gonna hurt himself."

I felt a familiar hand reach out and touch the back of my neck. It was Mike. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Trust me. You're gonna like this." And suddenly, I could do it. I could and would survive this because Mike was there, and he told me to trust him. He squeezed the back of my neck one more time, and I relaxed, accepting my fate.

The thing in my mouth was now half-way to my throat. Oddly, it had almost no taste at all. I expected shit to taste horrible. Kirk said, "Bite it." I wanted to struggle again, but Mike had told me to trust him, and I would. I bit down into the turd.

"Now chew it and swallow it," Kirk said. Disgusted, I did as he commanded. The first bite into the "gift" from my pledge's ass, I gagged. It wasn't foul like I expected. In fact, it tasted an awful lot like...

"It's a banana!," I shouted as much as I could with half a banana in my mouth. "It's a fucking banana." And the whole frat burst out laughing.

They laughed and laughed as I ate the peeled banana which Carlos had shoved up his ass. I couldn't believe it. I was completely convinced I was eating shit, and I was about to do it to join this frat, because Mike told me to. I chewed my banana as these frat boys roared with laughter. They laughed for over three minutes, laughing so hard that some of them had tears streaming down their faces. I grinned, but was less amused than my tormentors.

Mike came over and tussled my hair, saying, "Told you it would be okay." I smiled up to where I imagined him to be. "That's what got me through it," I said. "Thinking of you." He reached down and kissed me once, fleetingly on the lips, and squeezed my shoulder. Kirk came over, still chuckling to himself. "Gets `em every time," he said.

"Ready for the main course?," Kirk asked. I nodded my head, yes. "Because you're not a brother yet, you don't get to eat at the table with the real men. You get to eat in a place suited to your rightful place in life: the floor. We all know you're a bitch, but it's time to start acting like one, Fido. Get the leash."

The last part was directed to one of the brothers standing around. They brought a collar which they put around my neck, and a leash. They untied me and took off the blindfold.

"Get on your knees like the bitch that you are," Kirk said, and I obeyed. "Paws, too, you bad dog." When I didn't move quickly enough, he smacked my ass. He started walking quickly, and I tried to keep pace on all fours, but couldn't keep up with my knees banging on the hard floor. He tugged hard on the leash, causing the brothers to howl with laughter again. "Heel!," Kirk said.

He paraded me around the kitchen, stopping first at Tom. "Be polite, mutt," Kirk said to me. I looked up at him, confused. "How do dogs greet their master?" I stuck out my tongue and started panting, putting my "paws" up and trying to look like an excited dog whose owner has come home. Kirk smacked the back of my head, stunning me. "No, you dumb bitch." He pushed his hand on the back of my head and forced my nose into Tom's crotch. "A dog sniff's his master's crotch."

I smelled Tom's crotch, and I suddenly envied every dog who had ever smelled Tom's crotch. It smelled entirely masculine -- a mixture of sweat and piss and cum and funk. I sniffed his cock, then his balls, and then down towards his ass. Tom put his hand on the back of my head and said, "Good boy," as he scratched me behind the ears. A jolt of pride ran up my spine as he said that. "Good boy," he said again, and I thought I could nuzzle here forever.

Reality came snapping back with a tug on the leash. I was lead around and told to smell every active's crotch, which I did with great enjoyment. Some guys had really musty crotches, others really fresh like soap. I wanted to eat all of them until they were shiny with my spit.

When we got to the other pledges, Kirk yelled out, "Assume the position!" and all the pledges got on their hands and knees. He led me to Mike first.

"How does one dog greet another dog?," Kirk asked me. I thought about it for a second, and then I knew the answer. I crawled on all fours so I was side-by-side with Mike, and I twisted my neck so I could smell his ass. I felt his face come close to my crack, and then he inhaled at the same time I did. His ass smelled heavenly, as always, like Tom's crotch, except with something extra added, something earthier, something I wanted to bury my face in for about six days. Kirk came around and shoved my face in Mike's crack even harder, causing my nose to go directly into his asshole. Mike jumped, and I smelled even deeper into this man, the man who had brought me here. I inhaled deeply.

The leash tugged and I had to leave Mike's ass. I was led to each pledge, and I sniffed and nose-fucked each of their asses. It was interesting to see how each guy sniffed my ass. Some of them took one quick whiff, clearly not enjoying the experience. Carlos and Zak, however, stuck their noses so far up my ass that I thought they were smelling my stomach. I don't know which I enjoyed more: sniffing each ass, or getting my ass sniffed. For at least the second time tonight, I envied dogs. I had a brief, absurd thought of what our lives would be like if people smelled each other's asses when they first met. The thought made me chuckle, which earned me a swift tug on the leash.

My knees were beginning to ache from the walking we were doing. After all of the pledges, Kirk led me over to a corner of the kitchen, and I saw a dog bowl. The bowl had dog food in it -- the chunky kind with gravy all over it and that peculiar smell.

"Fido's been a good dog," Kirk said, scratching my head and behind the ears. "Fido gets to eat now." He pushed my face into the bowl, and I had my first taste of dog food. The brothers standing around watching started laughing again. It was actual dog food. I had thought that maybe it was beef stew. The first taste was stronger than people food, and I knew instantly that this was the real deal. I choked down as much as I could, and then forced myself to finish it off.

"The dog is hungry," Kirk said as I licked the bowl clean. I knew they weren't going to let me get away without finishing the bowl. "Now here's something to wash down all that nasty dog food."

Kirk set down a water bowl filled with beer. After the peanut butter and crackers and ass banana and dog food, I really was thirsty. I stuck my entire mouth in the bowl and began to gulp down the beer. Except this beer tasted... different, more acrid. After three gulps, I realized what I was drinking, and involuntarily spat out the contents of my mouth.

"This isn't beer!," I said. "It's piss." The brothers howled with laughter again. They had been watching closely to gauge my reaction, and now they were doubled over laughing at me.

Kirk came over. "It is beer!," he said. "Just consider it recycled beer. It's beer that's Tom has used once, and now you get to drink it again."

I gave my best puppy dog eyes to Mike, who was laughing with all the others. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders -- "You're on your own here, buddy" his look said. I went back to the bowl and lapped up the piss. The bitter taste was horrible. The aftertaste was worse. The only thing which kept me going was knowing that this beer had passed through Tom, that god of a man, and knowing that this was part of being accepted by these men. For the second time in one night, I was drinking his piss.

After the last of the piss was gone, Kirk brought out another bowl, and said, "Time for dessert." He set the bowl down, and it was actually a pie tin with a cream pie.

I started slowly, licking the top of the pie. This lasted all of about 10 seconds, when Kirk walked up and pushed his foot on the back of my head, sending my face down into the pie and getting pie on my face, in my hair, and even in my ears. The guys again burst out laughing, watching me get my face shoved in this pie. He kept his foot on the back of my head, and I ate mouthfuls of crust and filling and cream -- whatever my mouth encountered. Someone else came forward and began taking handfuls of cream and smearing it on my back and sides. He even put it in my armpits, and in a moment of inspiration, he took a great heaping handful and smeared it onto my asscrack. The guys loved this, and cheered him on and laughed. Later I found out it had been Zak.

When half the pie was gone, my stomach was absolutely full. I slowed down in my eating, and with half the pie still left, I didn't think I could eat another bite. "Come on, faggot!," one active jeered. "You liked eating our cream so much earlier. Now finish that fucking pie." I forced my mouth to open and close, not even tasting the pie any more. I felt like a runner in a marathon, forcing his legs to take just one more step. With each bite, my stomach distended more and more, and I wondered for the first time tonight if they would actually make me vomit. Another bite. Then another. Still a quarter of the pie remaining. Forcing my mouth open, again and again. Finally, my face hit the pie tin, and I had never felt more full in all my life.

I brought my cream covered face up and lapped up everything on my face within reach of my tongue. My body felt sticky from where Zak had smeared me, and my stomach was bloated. Kirk uncollared me.

"You're a fucking mess," Kirk said, chuckling. "But you have done very well." He smiled, and it felt great to have this guy who had tormented me so much break a smile. "You have come far tonight, but you have more ordeals to endure. Go now, and get some sleep. We will continue tomorrow night. Rest as much as you can now. You will need it."

As the realization of what he had just said struck me, I saw through a crack in the door that the sun was rising. We had been up all night. And at that moment, the fatigue of this hazing hit my body like a body slam. I lay on my side on the ground, and promptly fell asleep. The pledges carried me to a bed and let me sleep for hours, a deep, dreamless sleep. When I woke up, Mike was at my side, and the first thought that went through my head was, There are still five pledges to go!

Cumming next: Part 14 -- Initiation, Part 3 * * * * *

Administrative Stuff:

  • Folks! Sorry it's taken me so long to post again, and I probably won't be able to post again for 2-3 MONTHS. I have to train someone else on my job, and move to a different city in the next month. I will continue to write, but it's gonna be a while. Thanks to all the great fans out there who keep writing and supporting me (you know who you are :)

  • A special thank you to who provided me with a lot of "technical" information about hazing. He's far more of an expert about it than I am :) * If you're curious what I look like, you can view a face picture at . Just click on the picture and the distortion will go away. * Recommendations: If you liked this story, you might also like on the Nifty archive:

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These stories have truly inspired me and caused me to shoot enough cum to fill a bathtub. Thanks to all of the folks who wrote those stories. Feel free to email me with other stories you think I might like. I don't always get to read everything that's posted out there.

  • Thanks, as always, for all the GREAT fan mail. It's great encouragement. If I don't respond to an email for a while, it's because I'm working on the next part, so please be patient.

  • About me: I'm 29, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys 18-35. I currently live in LA, and I will be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.

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