Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Mar 24, 2000


This is the fifth in a series entitled, Dorm Life.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts.

The Show

We got out of Religion class early again today or actually I should say I left class early today. We weren't covering any new material and my mind was 3,000 miles away. Actually it was on my previous encounter with the navy guy on the bus. I'd been fantasizing about him since the moment he got off and winked at me. I was going to skip class Tuesday, as the only time I've seen him as been either on Tuesday or Thursday when I get out of class early, but we had a quiz and I had to stay for the entire time. I didn't feel so bad leaving because several more people; including the frat guy who I saw playing football that afternoon, left at the same time.

Only the frat guy, Paul, and me were going to the bus stop everyone else appeared to be going to the food court. He surprised me by striking up a conversation as we were walking. He mentioned how he was hoping someone would stand up to leave class early. He didn't want to stay the entire period but he also didn't want to be the only one to leave early. I told him I knew how he felt. I should mention that the Tuesday/Thursday classes are a half a period longer than the Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes because they only meet two days a week instead of three. I don't know what it is but they seem to go by so slow compared to the other classes. Anyway, we talked generally about the class for the next couple minutes until we reached the stop.

Once we got there Paul surprised me by asking about how our football team was doing. The question isn't what threw me but the fact he knew I was on my dorm's football team did. He must have picked up on my questioning facial expression because he quickly added that he'd seen me out practicing one day when his team was practicing. I thought that strange as the field is usually separated by the different leagues, dorms, fraternities, open play, and if I'm not mistaken the dorms & frats practice at opposite ends of the field. Jay was still processing this information in his mind. Somehow he did manage to answer his question.

"We're undefeated right now but we have to play tonight against the only other undefeated team in our league. What about yourself?"

Paul responded, "We've only lost once by 7, but one of the ref's was a member of the opposing frat and had some questionable calls all night."

"That happened to us too," Jay said. "But we still won. One of the other ref's was a friend of my captains and luckily he was the head ref so he could overrule the guys call."

"I know that they need student ref's but they should make it so members of the same frat or dorm don't work the games that they're dorms are playing," was Paul's response.

As they were talking the bus arrived, actually two of the same buses arrived. Jay's eyes immediately looked to the back of both buses and yeap, there in the back of the second bus in his usual spot set the navy guy. Although both buses were virtually empty, Jay made his way to the second of the two.

The driver was a student. Jay had seen him before around campus. The bus company's advertising campaign for student drivers must be working. Everyone else boarded the first bus while Jay and Paul were the only two to opt for the second bus. Jay hadn't realized that Paul had decided to ride the second bus until after he'd already taken his usual seat across from the back door and his navy guy. Paul sat on the same side as Jay but closer to the front of the bus as he'd been stopped by one of the passengers already on the bus, a cute little blonde girl. Jay caught the first part of the conversation, but was pretty much unaware of anything else after looking over at his navy man and seeing him staring right into Jay's eyes.

The two stared at each other for what seemed an eternity but really could've been no more than a minute as neither wanted to be the first to look away. Jay broke the gaze only after the navy guy winked and stuck the tip of his tongue slowly in and out the corner of his mouth. Jay looked in the direction of the other passengers and everyone seemed to be totally engulfed in their own worlds. Jay turned back to his navy guy and was again greeted with a stare and that wicked grin from last week. It was then that Jay looked and saw what his Navy guy was wearing. He had on a gray university sweatshirt and the matching red mesh shorts with socks and tennis shoes.

As Jay's gaze was on its upward path of the Navy guy's body his eyes came to a complete stop at the guy's crotch. There peeking out the pants leg of the shorts was the bulbous head of the guy's cock and it appeared to be lengthening and expanding. It appeared to be longer and wider than Jay had previously imagined. Jay's eyes immediately went to the guy's face and he was again greeted with a stare and that same wicked grin. Jay began to feel a rising in his own pants. The navy guy began to slowly rub his right hand up and down the cylinder of hard flesh all the while never breaking eye contact with Jay. Jay was totally fixated on the happenings that were going on across from him. Jay was certain no one else was aware of what was happening, as the partition that separated the navy guy's seat from the rear door provided perfect cover for his activity. Jay couldn't believe this was happening and when the guy mouthed the words, "Enjoying the show?" Jay knew they were beyond simple flirting. The guy continued the show until the next stop were he arranged his books in front of his substantial bulge and departed the bus from the rear.

However before he stood up and exited the bus he gave Jay a definite wink and mouthed the words "to be continued."

Jay was hot and was glad there was no one had gone on at the last stop and decided to sit in the back. He spent the next 10 minutes trying to concentrate on something else in an attempt to get his cock under control. He still had to exit the bus with his book sack in front of his noticeable bulge. He was hoping Donavin wasn't in the room and he'd be able to have one hell of a self gratification section regarding the days events, unfortunately Donavin was in the room and it appeared he wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon. Jay decided to go to the computer lab and check his email and perhaps get a glimpse of Matt but Jay wasn't expecting what happened next.

Jay looked around and didn't see Matt in the crowded lab, so Jay sat down and proceeded to check his email. He was in the middle of replying to a dinner invitation from the newlyweds when an "instant message" alert popped up on his screen. All it said was, "Did you enjoy the show?" Jay stopped in mid- keystroke and looked up above the monitor. There at the front of the lab at a terminal facing Jay sat his Navy guy looking right at him. Again the alert went off and another message popped up, "So did you?"

Jay was shocked. First this guy pretty much jerked off in front of him on a bus and now he's IM'ing me wanting to know if I enjoyed it. How did he know Jay was in here? What was he supposed to say? Honesty was always best.

Jay typed, "Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. I don't think I've ever been that turned on in my life. I wish I had the balls to do something like that. In fact I wish I had your balls in my mouth. But I have one question. How did you know I was in here?" Jay couldn't believe how forward he was being but it was the truth. I think the fact that today's little tryst happened in a public place made the entire situation all that more exciting. Now here in the computer lab of all places, maybe things would go beyond the teasing phase. Jay was anxiously waiting for the guy's response, which didn't take long.

"Trick of the trade. I'm a computer science major. I'm glad you enjoyed my little one-man show.

Name is Peter by the way. I can't believe I did that. I'm usually not that forward but after the last couple bus rides I thought I had to do something to make my intentions clear."

Jay replied, "you don't have to worry about me misreading anything after today. So what are your intentions?"

His reply was simple; "it all depends on you."

Jay couldn't believe this was happening and had to pinch himself to make sure that he wasn't fantasizing again, but unlike the previous encounters this one was really happening. Jay knew what he wanted to happen but he wasn't sure about how to manifest those desires. It wasn't long before doubt began to creep up but Jay was determined not to let this opportunity pass. As he was thinking about what he was going to say, he saw Matt come in and take a seat next to Peter. Jay was amazed at the contrast in styles between the two, physically and in their dress, but thinking about either one of them made his cock twitch.

Just then another alert popped up on the screen. "Here's my email address. Think about it and get back with me. Hopefully before our next bus encounter because the only thing I have left in my repertoire is to get buck ass naked." Jay's response returned a user not logged in alert. Looking up over the computer he saw that Peter had indeed left, but Matt was still there and as Jay looked over after looking for Peter, Matt was looking right at him. He had a weird facial expression on his face. Jay looked down wondering; "did he see Peter's screen?" Even if he did Jay though, how would he know it was Jay that Peter was talking to?

As Jay was sitting there reading his mail he couldn't help but think of all the different possibilities for the future and what could have happened on the bus.

It was at the next stop that all of the previous passengers departed the bus leaving only Jay, Peter, Paul and the bus driver left on board. Unfortunately, neither Peter nor Jay had realized this until it was too late. Peter continued his erotic show getting bolder and bolder as it went along. He and Jay must have forgotten exactly where they were at and been caught up in the passion of the moment. Jay found himself rubbing and squeezing the growing bulge in his own pants as Peter had freed his immense tool from the constrained confines of his shorts. Jay could clearly see that he had underestimated the size of Peter dick.

Out in the open and completely filled with blood it had to be at least 9 inches long and 4 or 5 inches thick.

Peter was waving it in Jay's direction and the site of it was making Jay's mouth water.

If the two hadn't been so involved in each other they would have seen Paul get up and move to the back of the bus. However, they didn't and before either had an opportunity hide what they were doing, Paul was getting an eye full of Peter's throbbing, 9 cock and Jay's hand job on his pants. Jay and Peter realized Paul was there at the same time and attempted to cover up, but they both were shocked and a little pleased when Paul said, "Don't cover up on my account. I was enjoying the show." With that he said down beside Peter and before Peter had time to react, Paul had Peter's cock in his hand and was slowly massaging it. Jay couldn't believe his eyes; two of his fantasies were making another fantasy right before his eyes. Realizing where they were, Jay looked up front towards the driver only to see the driver glimpsing back toward their direction. Jay was certain he knew what was happening. Just as he was turning around to warn the guys, he caught site of Paul's mouth, as it was slowly devouring Peter's cock whole. The site of Peter's 9 inch cock disappearing down Paul's throat, watching the appearance of veins on Paul's neck made Jay even hotter and he almost forgot what he was going to say. Before he had a chance to however, the bus driver came on the intercom. Jay knew that were headed straight for the campus police department and a couple charges possibly for lewd & lascivious conduct or public exposure.

"Peter. You guys only have about 10 minutes. Dispatch wants this bus back at the bus garage. I can drop you off at the apartment and you guys can continue from there. That is, if I'm invited to come over after I return the bus?"

Jay and Paul were in total shock. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Peter on the other hand acted completely unfazed. In fact, as he answered the driver he was also redirecting Paul's mouth back to his previously vacated cock.

"Sure, Mike that's fine. He's just blowing me right now. Unless his parents are Hoover vacuum cleaners I doubt I'll pop in 10 minutes and I'm sure they'll want to continue this further. I know I do."

Looking at Jay, Peter asked, "you do don't you?"

Jay answered yes involuntarily and Paul was obviously okay with it as he was having a field day servicing Peter's cock. Jay looked at the bus driver, Mike, in disbelief only to receive a smile and a wink that resembled Peter's a little too closely.

"Jay, Jay. Wake up man class is over."

"What?" yawned Jay.

"You're asleep, class is over, and it's time to leave."

Jay looked around to see that indeed everyone in his religion class was gone except his hall mate, Josh.

"You've been sleep for almost the entire class period man, luckily you sit in the back where no one could really see you. I would stay and chat but I've got another class to get to. You still going to play basketball with us in the spring? Sign up meeting is suppose to in a week."

With that Josh left. Jay was glad because if he'd stood up right then Josh would've seen the obvious bulge in his jeans. He still couldn't believe that it all was a dream. Everything about it seemed so real and vivid. Plus it was a fantasy inside another fantasy. That was a first for him. Jay knew he'd have to carry his books in front of him on the way out, but just as he was standing up, Paul came back in the room.

Jay watched his eyes as Paul glanced at him briefly, stopping momentarily at his crotch. Jay thought he saw a slight smile form on Paul's lips.

Laughingly Paul said, "So you're awake. I was going to wake you up when class was over, but your friend said he'd do it. I almost dozed out a couple of times myself. Probably explains why I forgot my notebook." Paul grabs it out of a desk behind Jay's, he turns and leaves. "Later."

Jay stood there for a few seconds to give him time to arrange his books so that they weren't too obvious and also to give Paul a head start so that they wouldn't end up walking together. Jay knew that would be asking for trouble in his current state.

Next: Chapter 6

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