Dorm Shower Lover

By Greg Eckhardt

Published on Oct 31, 1998


Here is the second part of my story.

Please send me any comments you may have. I love to hear from guys who have read my stuff. My e-mail address is

Please note that this story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. It is intended for adults who are not offended by descriptions of male/male sexuality. Do not read it if you are under legal age in your area or if you are offended by such material.

You are free to copy this story for your own use, but please do not modify it in any way or republish it in any forum. Thank you.

Dorm Shower Lover By Greg Eckhardt

Chapter 2

I didn't see Jeff at all over the course of the next several weeks. As usual, our opposing schedules prevented even the most passing encounters. My life carried on with its usual routine.

In that time, I tried not to think too much about the possible repercussions of what had happened. It occurred to me that Jeff might broadcast the news of my homosexuality all over the dorm. The last thing I needed was the other residents calling me derogatory names, pulling juvenile pranks, or who knew what else.

What's more, the whole business had me feeling awfully cheap and dirty. I had abased myself so completely before him. I felt that Jeff had used me, but paradoxically I also felt that I had used him.

By the same token, I couldn't help but become aroused at the memory of living out such powerful fantasy. Every time I reviewed the course of events on that night, my cock became almost painfully erect and I had to jerk off to release the tension. I masturbated a lot during that time.

The fact that Jeff wanted it to happen again both delighted and depressed me. The sexual side of my nature couldn't wait for another opportunity to taste his gorgeous flesh. The rational side saw it only as self-destructive behavior. And the emotional side was caught in the middle, being possessed by fear and lust, frustration and self-disgust, all in equal measure.

About a month after my first brush with him, just when I was beginning to feel normal again, Jeff wandered into my life on another quiet Saturday night. I was alone in my dorm room studying. My roommate had long since departed for home. I was planning to do homework for another hour or so then get dressed for a party that I had been invited to.

I wasn't really looking forward to the party. I didn't even know the guy who was throwing it. A friend had asked me to come along. I had agreed simply because I had nothing better to do.

It was about six o'clock in the evening when there was a knock at my door. Believing that my companion for the party had arrived early, I shouted for her to enter. When the door opened, without even turning around from my desk, I called out, "Hello." A little sourly, I added, "You're early."

"Early. I didn't even know you were expecting me," retorted a voice that didn't belong there at that time. Jeff had surprised me again. As I turned around, he smiled and added, "Hello, Craig."

"Oh!" I said, startled into actually jumping a little off my chair. "Hi, Jeff," I greeted him, growing quickly nervous.

"How's it going?" he asked companionably, those crystalline blue eyes sparkling brilliantly.

"Okay, but damn, you startled me. I was expecting my friend Karen."

"Oh. Should I leave then?" he asked, seeming disappointed.

"No, that's okay. I'm not expecting her for a while. In fact, if you were her, I was going to lay into you for showing up early. I'm not even ready to go yet." I emphasized the last part by gesturing to the sweatpants and T-shirt that I was wearing.

"So where are you going?"

"Some friend of Karen's over on College Ave. is throwing a mid-semester bash. I don't know him, but apparently he has a party practically every weekend. And Karen insists that I go with her this time. She has somehow gotten it into her head that she needs to develop my social life. To be perfectly honest, I don't really want to go and I was thinking of blowing her off."

Jeff appeared to brighten at this last revelation. "Do you want to hang out with me tonight?"

"What were you going to do?" I inquired warily. I was skeptical that he was interested solely in the pleasure of my warm companionship. It was more likely that he was just horny and looking for another blowjob.

"Just crash out in my room. Watch some TV. No big deal." He shrugged. "My roommate's not around so I wouldn't mind the company."

Jeff's studiedly casual reply confirmed my suspicions, but although I was on edge, I was also kind of in the mood. Besides, he was looking mighty fine. Seeing that adorable face and perfect physique again made the decision easy.

After the barest pause, I said, "Oddly enough, that sounds better than this party. I probably won't know anyone there besides Karen, and I really don't look forward to having her introduce me around like I was her social charity case for the week."

"So come hang with me, then," he said, smiling. "You don't even have to change clothes."

"Okay, I will. Just let me leave a note for her." Closing my books and extinguishing the desk lamp, I rose and crossed the room to the door. I opened it and scrawled a short note on the message board mounted outside, quickly quashing a momentary flash of guilt. Karen would get along just fine without me.

"Okay," I said when I was finished. "Let's get out of here before she shows up."

We moved quickly next door to his room. Once inside, Jeff turned on the TV, kicked off his sneakers, and collapsed on his bed. I perched myself tensely on his desk chair. For a while, we made small talk.

Being by nature a shy and reserved person, I am not a great conversationalist, even under ideal conditions. My agitation at that moment only made matters worse. As a consequence, there were times when I became uncomfortably quiet and times when I prattled on hurriedly and disjointedly.

To his credit, Jeff was genuinely nice through it all. I had thought at first that he would pounce on me like he had in the showers, but he seemed content to simply relax and talk. He was a good listener, sincerely interested in getting to know me. Moreover, he sensed my discomfiture and tried to allay my fears. As the evening progressed, his easygoing manner gradually calmed me down.

After a while, I found myself growing relaxed, even mellow, in Jeff's company. He and I progressed from trivia to more profound subjects. To my amazement, I discovered that we actually had interests, goals and feelings in common. In spite of myself, I began to perceive Jeff as a real person, not merely as a sex object. I almost felt disappointed to learn that his macho attitude, which I had found so sexy, was really just an affected facade. This was more than offset, however, by the fact that he was a likeable guy whom I could come to consider a friend.

All of these revelations helped to defuse the intensity of the situation and put me at ease. Nonetheless, I was grateful when Jeff put on the television to watch "Star Trek: The Next Generation," which gave me an excuse to be quiet. During the commercial breaks, we chatted a little, touching on neutral subjects like classes and campus life. When the show resumed, we fell silent. As the credits finally rolled at the end of the program, I felt at a loss. I wasn't sure if we were going to continue our genteel conversation or watch some more television or engage in some other activity.

"Where's Susan tonight?" I asked spontaneously, referring to his girlfriend. He had mentioned her name earlier.

"She's at home with her folks. Her grandparents are visiting, so she took off early to spend some time with them. She really adores her grandfather. The two of them have been buddies since she was a little girl."

"That's cool," I said, nodding my head. "But it leaves you all alone on a Saturday night, doesn't it?"

"Oh, I could've gone with her. She did invite me to come along, but I've got schoolwork to do. Besides, her family is boring. All her father likes to do is sit around talking about business. I can't take that." As he talked, Jeff got up from his bed and switched off the TV, providing the answer to at least one part of my unspoken question. "I hope you don't mind if I turn this off," he said, turning toward me. "There really isn't anything on after this that I like to watch. I don't watch much TV besides 'Star Trek,' anyway."

"That's okay. I'm the same way. In the morning, I watch the news or cartoons while I get dressed, but aside from that and one or two favorite shows, I don't watch much either. I don't have the time with school and everything."

Jeff returned to his bed and sat on the edge of it, quiet for a moment. Then, with an unreadable expression on his face, he asked, "So what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know. You're running this show. I'm just tagging along for the ride," I said with a goofy grin. I didn't know what else to say. I was starting to feel the tension build between us.

"Well, you know why I invited you here, don't you?" he asked. He appeared momentarily apprehensive, but then quickly covered it with his cocky attitude.

"I doubt it was for my scintillating conversation," I said, with a self-deprecating laugh that sounded like a dry cough.

"Don't put yourself down," he said firmly. "I like you. You're pretty cool."


"No. I mean it. We could get to be good friends." A smile spread across his face.

"I'd like that," I replied, grinning in return.

"So would I," he said, his smile becoming more of a leer, "because friends do specials favors for each other."

"Like what?"

"Like what you did in the shower for me that time. I really enjoyed that, and I think you did too. I also think you'd like to do it again. Am I right?" He scooted backwards on his bed, putting his back against the wall, and began rubbing his crotch suggestively.

I nodded, too afraid to speak.

"I thought so, because I sure would." He was silent for a moment as he continued to massage the growing bulge in his jeans. He watched me with heavy-lidded eyes as I stared at his crotch. Then he gestured me over. "C'mere. Help me out."

I hesitated for a moment, still nervous but also embarrassed by my own erection, which was prominently tenting the front of my sweatpants.

As if reading my thoughts, he said, "Don't worry about it, guy. I know you're turned on. You wouldn't be here if you weren't."

I got up from the chair slowly, as if drugged. The whole situation seemed surreal. The first time we were together was a fluke. This was unimaginable.

His eyes followed me as I moved over to his bed and sat down on the edge. He took his hand away as I reached over and began to rub his crotch. His dick was already as hard as a rock. I could hear his ragged breath as I squeezed and played with his impressive rod through the rough fabric of his jeans. The small part of my mind that remained rational was surprised to realize that he was as turned on as I was.

After a few moments, he hunched his hips up to undo the catch of his pants and pull down his fly. I helped him push his jeans and boxer shorts down around his knees. His cock popped up stiffly as soon as it was free.

My hand went right to the throbbing organ and began sliding up and down the rigid shaft. I masturbated him briefly, admiring his beautiful manhood. Then I maneuvered closer to him, bending over his lap to put my mouth on his cock.

He moaned as his turgid organ slipped between my lips. At first, I looped my tongue gently around his cock-head, teasing it as it nestled in my oral cavity, but that wasn't what he wanted right then. He began thrusting into my mouth insistently. Picking up his cue, I held his cock steady in one hand and started to bob my head up and down, sliding it and out of my mouth. He cried out softly, "Yeah, that's it!" so I knew that I had done well.

As I was sucking him, I reached into my sweatpants with my free hand and masturbated my own throbbing dick. I was so excited that I had to keep stopping so that I wouldn't cum too soon. I wanted this to last forever.

I kept up my oral attentions on his cock, varying the speed that I sawed up and down on it. He squirmed beneath me, writhing in pleasure.

After a short while, he pushed me up off of his cock and said, "Slow down. You're gonna make me cum too quick, and I want to try something else."

Jeff got up from the bed and stripped his jeans and undershorts off the rest of the way, taking his socks with them. He looked at me and said, "Take off your clothes. We're gonna go all the way." Then he pulled off his shirt, revealing that gorgeous hairy chest.

Trembling from anxiety and anticipation, I stood up and pulled my own shirt over my head. I kicked off my docksiders and pulled down my sweatpants, balancing on one foot then the other to slip them off.

Jeff fell back on the bed. He watched me with an intent expression while I undressed. Lazily masturbating his eight inches, he nodded to himself, as if pleased with what he saw.

I had always been extremely self-conscious of my appearance. I'm tall and thin, which makes me feel gangly. Since I'm fair, I look almost smooth, although my arms, legs and chest are in fact well-carpeted with fine, pale down. Despite being closely cropped, my strawberry- blonde hair is perpetually unruly. I'm clean-shaven, mostly because my facial hair is boyishly sparse. Along with a decidedly conservative fashion sense, it all made me feel rather immature and nerdy.

For the first time, I tried to see myself through someone else's eyes. It felt weird to be appraised so frankly, but I was happy that Jeff seemed to find me attractive. At the very least it was one less thing to be worried about.

When I finished undressing and stood there completely naked, he said, "I wanna fuck you. How does that sound?"

This was more than I had ever even fantasized happening. I could only murmur, "Yeah, man. I want you to fuck me."

"Cool! I knew you would." He stretched out on his bed. His erection poked toward the ceiling, inviting me to come sit on it. Holding me with his penetrating gaze, he continued to play with it absently as I approached.

Fear and lust warred in me, so I moved slowly. My heart pounded furiously with excitement. It felt like several eternities passed before I sat beside him on the bed. Reaching out my hand towards his cock, I took over from him.

I started to work up saliva to spit into my hand. Jeff must have read my mind again because he murmured huskily, "I've got stuff in the drawer."

Leaning over, I pulled out the top drawer of his nightstand. Tucked in a corner was a handy pump dispenser of lubricant. Without moving the bottle, I pumped out two generous dollops of the slick goo. Ironically, although it felt cold to the touch, it had the consistency of semen. Pushing the drawer closed with the back of my hand, I sat up and grabbed Jeff's dick again.

My hand gripped around the rigid shaft, I stroked gently up and down to spread the lubricant all over. He whimpered softly. The stimulation must have put him close to the edge again. There was no way I wanted to spoil this moment, so I eased off.

Standing up, I reached my greasy hand around my back and forced it between my butt cheeks. I squatted a little to spread them apart. Pushing my fingertips into the depths of my crack, I found my asshole and twirled them over it.

When the puckered sphincter was sufficiently primed, I thrust my middle finger into the tight hole. It resisted at first then yielded reluctantly. I gasped at the abruptly painful intrusion. Although I was no virgin, it had been at least a year since the last time I'd been fucked.

After a moment, the unpleasant sensation began to fade. I worked the finger in and out several times to loosen the tense muscle, then two fingers, then three fingers. Finally the reluctant orifice surrendered to the inevitable. The feeling of penetration grew more agreeable.

I made sure that I was thoroughly prepped before climbing up onto the bed and straddling Jeff. He helped steady me as I lowered myself down with one knee on either side of his torso. Anxiously, I paused a moment, kneeling over him, with my butt pushed back against the shaft of his cock. He smiled encouragingly up at me.

Reaching behind me, I grabbed his cock and guided it between my butt cheeks. I had to slide the head up and down inside the crevice of my ass until I found my butthole. This helped to lubricate my nether regions even more thoroughly.

Target acquired, I pushed my butt back while holding his cock in position. My asshole fought the invasion, Jeff's cock being considerably larger than my fingers. When at last the head forced its way into my hole, I yelped at the sudden tearing pain.

"You okay?" asked Jeff solicitously.

"Yeah," I said tensely, urging my body to let go and accept his offering. "It's been a while. I'll have to take it slow."

"No problem. I don't want to hurt you."

"It's all right," I said, after a moment, feeling more relaxed already.

The initial pain passed away swiftly. Gingerly, I began to lower myself further onto Jeff's cock. I took it very slowly to avoid repeating that sharp agony. After a few moments, I held him completely inside me. There was no pain, only a warm fullness, spreading outward from my bowels to my whole body.

Jeff watched me closely at first, with an expression of sincere concern. Remaining utterly still, he let me control how fast we progressed. When he saw that I was no longer suffering, he allowed himself to revel in the pleasure of being inside me. He moaned theatrically, as if only aware in that instant of the glorious sensation of having his cock enveloped tightly in my asshole.

I began to enjoy it as well. It had been so long that I'd forgotten how pleasurable it is to be penetrated. My cock, which had softened somewhat at the acute pain, began to grow hard again. Gently, I started to rise up until only his cock-head was still grasped by my sphincter. Then, I slid down again, until my ass rested against his groin, tickled by his pubic hair. I repeated the motion several times, gradually getting used to the feeling.

Jeff gasped, his face contorted in pleasure. Even though I had moved slowly, he was so hyper-stimulated by the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of the naked confines of my warm, slippery hole that he was close to cumming. In what seemed like an involuntary reaction, he grabbed my hips and began guiding my movements.

By now, I was fully relaxed and enjoying the experience. Jeff's cock had been nudging my prostate, which sent small waves of pleasure through my body and caused my cock to leak copious amounts of pre-cum. At his direction, I began to ride up and down more quickly.

Forcing me to move faster and faster, he groaned, "Oh, yeah! Oh, man, I'm close!"

Surrendering my body to him, I allowed Jeff to take control and use me for his pleasure. My voice hoarse with lust and exertion, I whispered, "That's it, baby! Shoot that load!"

It was only a moment later that he let loose with a guttural cry, "Uh! I'm cumming!"

In that instant, I grabbed my own cock. Feeling his dick throbbing inside me as it released its seed, I only took a few strokes before ejaculating a spray of semen across his chest and up his neck. It surprised me how much I came and how far it shot. I usually don't shoot so dramatically; the cum just sort of oozes out of my piss-slit. This time, however, I was so excited that it literally geysered out of me, like a milky-white fountain.

Jeff and I were both out of breath after culminating our engagement with such pyrotechnic explosions. For several long moments, I remained astride his body, his cock still tucked inside me, as he lay inert beneath me. I watched him, but his eyes were partly closed, and he wore a distant, beatific smile. After a time, our breathing eased and our heart rates returned to normal, but still neither of us moved.

Looking down at Jeff's cute face and his beautiful body, which I had just possessed, I felt a surge of profound tenderness. Without thinking, I bent down to kiss him. Sensing my intent, he jerked his head to the side, and my face brushed past his hair and pressed into the pillow beneath. Perhaps coincidentally, his cock, which had grown soft in the interim, chose that instant to retreat out of my asshole, no longer able to stand against the strength of the expulsive muscles.

Feeling embarrassed and abruptly awkward, I leaned back and climbed up off him. I didn't say a word as I found my clothes and quickly donned them. I waited by the door as he rose from the bed and dressed himself.

"That was incredible," said Jeff, breaking the silence and blithely ignoring the uncomfortable tension that I felt had sprung up between us.

"Yeah, it was," I agreed ruefully. Although I was hurt by his rejection, I had to admit, without hyperbole, that the purely sexual aspect of the experience had been the most intensely exciting and pleasurable of my life.

"You have one hot little ass," he went on, without acknowledging my subdued tone. "I've never fucked a guy before, but no pussy I've ever had has felt that good."

Despite his broad grin and cocky words, I thought I saw something remotely melancholy and achingly vulnerable in those striking blue eyes. Perhaps it was only wishful thinking on my part, but he seemed to regret that he had to push me away. Whatever I might have imagined was there, however, was gone in an instant.

He continued, "Yeah, that was really hot. We've got to do that again, if you're up for it."

"Maybe," I said vaguely. Glancing meaningfully at my watch, I added, "Well, it's late. I better get going."

"Okay," he said neutrally.

"Have a good night, then."

"Yeah, you too. Take it easy."

I slipped out the door quickly and hurried back to my room. It really wasn't very late, only a little after eleven, but I had to get out of there. Trying hard not to think about what had just happened, I crawled into bed and turned out the light. The moon was mercilessly full that night, illuminating the room as brightly as an overcast day. I think I memorized every detail in the ceiling above my head before finally dropping into a fitful sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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