Double Trouble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Jul 11, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site. As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe ever wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author. And thank you to Nifty for making our stories available. Please consider supporting them with a donation.

Note: My apologies to my readers for the length of this chapter. It is much longer than what I usually post. However, there simply was no good place to break it. I hope you will not find the gangbang tedious and boring.

Double Trouble – Chapter 6

I flipped on the kitchen light and headed to the fridge for a couple of beers.

Kyle giggled as he entered. "What a crazy night."

I tossed him a beer and leaned back against the sink. "Unbelievable...and totally awesome. I just hope Zack's OK."

He came over and stood in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my neck, drawing my face to his. "He'll be fine," he whispered.

His tongue caressed my lips. They parted to allow his tongue to enter. Our tongues danced together. He pressed his crotch into mine. Those words again flashed through my mind. "How could I want more?"

His tongue forced its way down my throat. He pressed his firm cock harder against mine. I felt guilty, yet horny. I moaned my approval, yet my disapproval; my desire and...

"Fuck! The garage door!"

We had barely time to crack open a beer. Kyle settled into a stool at the bar and I tried to act nonchalant, leaning against the kitchen sink while adjusting my hard cock. Zack threw open the back door, his naked body framed in the doorway holding his sack of clothes.

I took a step toward him. "Holy crap. What happened to you?"

"You know good fucking well what happened to me," he yelled.

"What?" I replied. I held up my phone. "I got a text earlier from you, saying you would be late."

"You mean you weren't in on it?"

I thought we were in the clear. Then Kyle giggled.

"You mother-fuckers. You planned this whole thing, didn't you?" he shouted.

I turned on Kyle. "You dumb-ass. You couldn't keep a secret if your life depended on it." I turned back to Zack. I hung my head. "Are you pissed?"

He took a step toward me, scowling. Then, he broke into a huge smile. "Pissed? Nah. Hell, it was fantastic." He rubbed his ass. "Now, I'll be sore for a week," and he stroked his cock, "And I don't know when my dick will go limp, but it was fucking fantastic."

Relieved, I started to hug him, then backed off. "Jeez, man. You are one cummy mess. Let's get you cleaned up. Then I'll make us a midnight breakfast."

After a three-way shower where Kyle and I scrubbed him clean, we sat around the kitchen counter waiting for the bacon to fry. I was glad Zack could laugh along with us as Kyle regaled us with his version of the night.

Then, over coffee, Kyle suddenly got serious. "Guys, I've got some news...kinda good, kinda bad."

"What's up?' Zack asked.

"Well, you know my assignment here was temporary. I got word from headquarters that they want me in LA in three weeks."

"Three weeks?" I asked. "Shit."

"Yeah. I've got two weeks to finish up here and a week to get moved west."

"Damn." Zack muttered. "Well, at least you'll be in sunny California for the winter."

I added. "Yeah, instead of the friggin' cold of Missouri."

He looked at us both. "Hey, you could come with me."

"Yeah, sure," I replied, sarcastically. Like that was going to happen. I glanced at Zack. He just looked down at his hands. Shit.

Suddenly Zack looked up. "Two weeks? Damn. That means we only have a week to put together a gangbang."

"Huh?" asked Kyle.

"A gangbang. Your gangbang. Your fantasy. You know, your good old-fashioned, cock swapping gangbang."

Kyle shook his head. "Fuck. We really don't have to, you know."

"Yeah, we do," I said with a laugh.

He pointed at me. "Wait a minute. That was your fantasy, too."

"No, no. I wanted to be part of the gang, not the bang."

He shook his head. "That's not the way I took it. Come on. Both of us with our asses in the air, getting fucked. Hot fuck."

Zack rubbed his hands together. "Oh, yeah. A double gangbang. Totally awesome." He winked at me. "Come on. What do you say?"

I thought for a minute. "On one condition." I looked at Kyle. "That Zack and I get to double fuck you before that night's over."

He jumped at it. "Done. When and where?"

I drummed my fingers on the countertop. "I might just have the place. Dave's Den."

"Dave's Den?" they asked in unison.

"Yeah. Dave and his partner had a gym/bathhouse back in the day. After AIDs, they turned it into a gay B and B. I've been there for a couple of sex parties, up in their lounge area. Dave talked about a dungeon down in the basement. I'll give him a call tomorrow. He just might go for it."

Zack laughed. "A double gangbang. Fucking fantastic. I'll get to work on the guest list."

Kyle giggled. "Sounds great. Sorry, though. I won't be much help. I'm gonna be working like crazy to get this project wrapped up."

"No problem," I replied. "You just have your ass ready for one hell of a Midwest send-off."

"Wait!" exclaimed Zack.

We both looked at him.

He playfully glared at me. "You set me up tonight...Friend...didn't you?"

"But it was your fantasy," I answered, sheepishly.

He shook his head. "Yeah. But you didn't have to enjoy it so much." He turned to look at Kyle, then nodded his head in my direction. "Fuck him," he commanded.

"Huh?" we said in unison.

He looked at me, an evil smile on his face. "I've never seen you get fucked. I want to watch while Kyle fucks you...hard."

I smiled back, then looked at Kyle and shrugged. Together we began to move to a silent rhythm, stripping out of our shirts. We kissed as I shucked my shorts and boxers. Then, I went to my knees, pulling down his shorts and briefs. I engulfed his engorged rod until my nose was buried in his pubes.

I got up, giving Zack a "is this what you want" look before draping myself over a bar stool. I grasped the stool's legs with my head hanging down and ass in the air. Kyle dove into my crack, his tongue lapping at my pucker.

"Yeah. Just like that," Zack muttered. "You need to start the show next week just like that." He ripped open a condom and rolled it onto Kyle's cock, then stuck three fingers in my mouth. I sucked and slurped them, figuring that would be the only lube I would get. He worked my spit into my hole, then spit in his hand to grease Kyle's cock. "Now, fuck him," he said.

Kyle teased my pucker with the head of his cock. He found the opening, then pulled back. Without warning, he plunged into my hole.


He pulled out, then slammed back in, balls deep.

I looked up at Zack. He just smiled. "Revenge is sweet." He kissed me, then slapped my butt.

All the way out. Slam!

Those words came back to haunt me. "How could I want more?" I mumbled. I looked over my shoulder at Kyle. "Fuck me, you son-of-a-bitch. Fuck me."

And he did...until I shot onto the kitchen floor and he filled the rubber deep inside my gut.

Dave's dungeon was everything the name implied. Dank and musty. The smells of sweat and man sex hung in the air from days gone by. Zack and Tameel had taken off a day from work to help clean it up a bit, so at least the floor was swept clean and most of the cobwebs removed.

A two-foot raised platform held center stage, probably ten foot by ten foot. In the far corner a half-wall surrounded a gang shower, a trough urinal, a couple of toilets and a sink. In the opposite corner, a dark bar from a by-gone era supported a pyramid of whiskey glasses and several coolers of beer.

To one side, Tommy was sprawled on one of the matching padded fuck benches while Sam drilled his ass from behind. I shook my head. Those two were like rabbits in heat. Beside them, Zack was demonstrating to Kyle how the sling worked.

A big screen TV finished off the room, surrounded by a leather couch, a couple of chairs and a large, padded leather ottoman, probably six by six. Perfect to use as a footrest, table, or fuck bed.

And not one, but two carts, laden with sex toys, a large bowl of condoms, two big bottles of lube, and several small brown bottles of poppers.

Dave came from behind the bar. Middle aged, probably late forties. Super nice guy. I had talked to him when he hosted a few sex parties here at the guest house. I had never seen him join in, but we had hooked up once in the back office. He had a nice six-inch dick and used it well.

He handed me a beer. "So, what do you think of our little dungeon?"

"Impressive," I answered. "From what you've told me at the last party, I think you did some major cleanup in a short time."

"Actually, Zack and Tameel did most of the work. I just lined up the equipment." He winked at me. "This oughta be a fun night. Hell, this old basement hasn't seen any good fuckin' or suckin' in a long time."

He glanced at the door and his demeanor changed. He nodded in that direction. "Come on over, and I'll introduce you to Chaz."

I had never met his partner Chaz but knew they had been together for years. I had gathered from some of Dave's comments that Chaz was a jealous bitch. Just looking at him, I could tell I was correct. He was probably five foot seven, thick black hair and pouty mouth, with a short guy's Napoleon attitude.

Dave introduced us. Chaz just nodded, then scowled at Dave. "We need to talk."

Dave shrugged, gave me a "What the fuck" look and followed him over to one corner. I couldn't wait to see what Chaz might have in store for me before the night was over.

My thoughts and anxiety were interrupted by laughter as Tameel ushered in Damon and Daryl and a smaller stocky guy with a military haircut. Shit he was one cute motherfucker. Thick chest and biceps, narrow waist, and massive bulge. I couldn't wait to see that snake he had coiled between his legs.

Tameel gave me a hug. "Hey, man." Damon shook my hand. "Hope you're ready for this." Daryl smiled and winked. "Hey. Good to see you again." He grabbed his crotch. "Should be a good time tonight." He turned to the stranger. "This here is our little brother, Danny. Hope it was OK for us to bring him along." He chuckled. "In a pinch, he can bring some life to the party."

I looked from one to the other. "Brothers? Daryl, Damon...and...Danny?

They laughed and Daryl shrugged. "Parents are David and Darlene. Go Figure."

Danny stepped forward and shook my hand. "Glad to meet you, sir."

Fuck, he was cute. Sandy blond hair, shaved on the sides, green eyes that sparkled, full lips and a smile that wouldn't quit. Damn, he even had dimples. My cock jumped to attention just looking at him.

I couldn't help myself. "And I'm very glad to meet you...sir," I stuttered. "And, I've got to say, you are fucking cute." And you're their brother?"

He laughed. "And you're not bad yourself. I think it's gonna be fun getting to know you before the night is over."

"And you're their brother?" I added.

He nodded over his shoulder. "Yeah. They got the height", he brought my hand down to his crotch, "but I got the length."


I shook my head to bring my brain back to earth. "Guys, go get yourselves a beer. Fun's gonna start here before long"

As I went to close the door, Brady's massive 6' 7" frame filled the entrance. The last rays of the evening sun glistened off his shaved head and ebony skin. His toned physique reflected the years as a Marine. He had always reminded me of some Greek mythological character.

"Hey, man. Glad you could make it," I said in greeting.

He grinned. "Hell, man. I wouldn't have missed this for the world. I've wanted a piece of your ass from the first time you came through the door of Phil's."

I shook my head. "I never thought you were guys, I mean."

"Well, you know, as a bouncer, you can't be too obvious. Hell, I'd have twinks hangin' all over me."

I shut the door behind him and turned the lock. "Come on in and meet the rest of the guys. You're the last to arrive."

After a few beers, my nerves and stomach finally calmed down. That is, until Dave rapped his knuckles on the bar. In front of him, twelve shot glasses filled with whiskey stood like an ominous firing squad.

He cleared his throat. "Everybody grab a glass." He held his high. "To our two guests...willing and wanting their holes filled by all our good cocks. Salute."

My cock jumped and my stomach clenched at his words as the liquid burned my throat. What in the hell had I been thinking? I looked over at Kyle. He smiled and winked. What hell. I might as well enjoy the night.

Dave pushed two additional glasses to me and Kyle. "And Dr. Damon's special elixir...just to keep things...solid."

Everyone but Kyle and I laughed. What the hell. We clicked our glasses together and swallowed the contents. Actually, it didn't taste bad. Almost before it cleared my throat, I felt my cock twitch and begin to grow. Shit. Nothing works that fast, does it? All I could think of was Zack's twenty-four hour erection after taking this same concoction...and that after having several ejaculations.

Dave continued. "There's just a couple of rules for the night. First, the safe word for both Kyle and Rod is Red'. Red means stop. So...stop. Likewise, Green' means go for it. The second rule: keep it covered. There's plenty of condoms. Use `em. And the last rule is, have fun." He nodded to Kyle and me. "OK, guys. Go start the show."

Spotlights lit the center stage as we stepped up. A pulsing rhythm to some non-musical workout CD echoed off the concrete walls. Kyle and I started a gyrating strip, starting with our shirts and finally getting down to our jock straps. I looked over at Zack. He was all smiles, nodded and winked.

We locked arms around the other's neck, deep kissing and grinding our full crotches together. All of this to the oo's and ah's and catcalls from our audience.

Kyle kissed his way down my torso until he was on his knees. He pulled my jockstrap down and flipped it over his head. Tommy caught it, held it to his nose, then fake fainted into Sam's arms.

He started at my toes, kissing and licking his way up my inner thighs, over my balls, and finally devouring my cock down his throat. I face fucked him to the driving beat of the music.

I helped him stand, then went to my knees. With just my teeth, I pulled down his jockstrap. I sucked his balls, separately, then together, licked up the underside of his pulsing cock, then worked his thick tube past my lips and down my throat.

I pulled back on my haunches to look around the group. Everyone was naked by this point, either stroking themselves or their neighbor. Tommy was on his knees worshipping Brady's cock while Brady and Sam were locked in an embrace. Daryl and Damon were kissing and fondling each other like no brothers should.

Then I caught Danny's gaze, a look of pure lust in his eyes and an evil smile on his face. I completed the task of removing Kyle's jockstrap with my teeth and crawled over to Danny. He grinned, took the jock from my teeth and crammed his semi-flaccid eight inches into it.

"We'll save this for later," he said with a wink.

Kyle pulled me back to the center of the stage. I knelt there with my head on the rough flooring of the stage with my ass in the air. Playing to the audience, I reached behind me and spread my cheeks. Everyone in the room knew that action of humiliation and submission.

Kyle dove between my spread cheeks. To the hoots and catcalls from the guys around the stage, he lapped and chewed at my quivering pucker. My ass wanted him badly. I wanted him badly. I forced my cheeks even farther apart, inviting his serpentine tongue to enter.

I shivered as he dribbled lube down my crack and coated his covered cock. I leaned on my arms in a plank position as he worked the lube into my hole with his middle finger. I wished for him to open me more but knew that was not his intent.

Zack appeared with an open bottle of poppers. "You'll need this," he said. I thanked him with my eyes as I inhaled deeply the intoxicating fumes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," the guys chanted to the beat of the music. Kyle lined his thick cock up with my pucker. I tried to relax as the fumes from that little brown bottle rushed to my brain. I felt my pucker dance in anticipation and dread. Then he drove into me balls deep, raping my hole.

"Fuuuuck!" I screamed.

He slapped me hard on each cheek, pulled out, then drove in once again.

Zack raised my head, muffling my groans with his cock as Kyle fucked me, to the claps of our audience. I couldn't help myself. At that moment, I was nothing but a cock slut. I devoured Zack's cock as I met Kyle's thrust with a thrust of my own.

How could anything that hurt so bad, feel so fucking good?

Then to my surprise, Tameel joined us. He straddled my back facing Kyle so that Kyle could suck him as he fucked me. Even though I couldn't see for myself, from the reaction of our audience, I knew this was one super hot, incredibly crazy scene.

Kyle pulled out of me and joined me on all fours in the middle of the stage. Zack quickly took his place at my ass. He fucked me; Tameel fucked Kyle; and Kyle and I tongue fucked the other's lips and mouth in a hungry, passionate kiss

Unlike Kyle's rape of my ass, Zack made love to me. He had learned the positions and angles that turned me into sexual jelly. Again and again he caressed my G-spot and ass walls with his marvelous tool.

Beside me, the complete opposite was happening. Mercilessly, Tameel raped Kyle's hole with his massive rod. With each driving thrust, he hammered the breath from Kyle's lungs.

Even though the night was young, I knew I couldn't hold out any longer. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna cum," I screamed, as a pool of white goo spread on the floor beneath me.

My inner muscles clenched around Zack's pulsing rod, which put him over the edge. He pulled out of me, stripped off the condom, and joined my scream as he shot spurt after spurt of his spunk over my sweating back.

Tameel jammed his thick tool deep into Kyle's ass, driving Kyle into a writhing orgasm, before wrenching his cock from Kyle's ass with a pop and drenching us all with volumes of his sperm.

...After that, the night would become a blur of cocks down my throat and up my ass...

Kyle and I barely had time to catch our breath and get a couple of swigs of beer as the two fuck benches were brought to the stage.

I wrapped my arm over Kyle's shoulder. "You doin' OK? Tameel kind of gave you the workout."

He rubbed his ass. "Yeah, he is one big fucking machine. How about you? You OK?" He looked at me sheepishly. "Sorry I got kind of rough with you there at the beginning."

I nodded. "I'm OK. I just keep trying to remind myself why we're doing this."

He laughed. "'s every gay man's secret fantasy. Or at least, every Bottom's secret fantasy."

I rubbed my already sore, aching, fevered ass. Was that true? Was that really my secret fantasy? Then I realized. My sore, aching fevered...empty...ass yearned to be filled. Without hesitation, I climbed onto the waiting fuck bench.

I settled my shins on the padded rails and my chest on the horse. My exhausted body wanted to relax. Instead, my head was raised, my eyes level with the angry bulbous head of Daryl's cock.

He slapped me on each cheek with his thick monster. "OK, big boi. Open up for a real man's cock."

Like I was in any position to resist. Somehow, I stretched my jaws open enough to accommodate the monster. Beside me, Kyle was in a similar position with Damon's cock down his throat.

Together, the brother's skull-fucked us. Together, they pulled out and rolled on a condom. Together, they strode behind us and lubed up our holes and their cocks. Together, with a grunt and our groans, they entered us.

Ten hard thrusts and they traded places. Ten more pounding rams from Damon's longer, slightly thinner cock, then a trade. I lost track how many times it took them. I only know that it was Daryl buried deep in me when, together, they filled those well-used condoms.

Daryl slapped my ass as he pulled out. "Thanks, man. Gotta say, you've got one nice ass."

"Thanks...I guess," I answered weakly.

He laughed, as Brady stepped up on the stage.

Shit. I wasn't sure I could handle Brady's big tool right then. I was relieved when he helped Kyle stand and led him over to the sling.

Sam kissed me on the top of my head. "How about a nice gentle fuck for a change?"

I took a deep breath and let out a deep sigh. "That would be fucking nice, right now."

He led me over to the ottoman. I welcomed him between my wide-spread legs while Tommy did his magic on my ever-throbbing cock with his silky mouth. My aching balls erupted once again down his grasping throat as Sam did the same in my hot ass.

Dave had been stroking himself. As Sam backed off the ottoman, Dave mounted me. He slipped in easily, filling me comfortably. He smiled as his cock slipped over my G-spot.

"How is your night going?" he asked. "Is it all you thought it would be?"

I lay back, enjoying the ride. "It's been...interesting," I replied.

Suddenly, Chaz swung his leg over my chest, straddling me, with his cock at my lips. "Yeah. Well, let's keep things interesting. Open up, you muscle-bound cum-dump. Suck me like the slut that you really are."

My whole body went rigid. It took all my willpower to keep from smashing my fist into his jaw. There was just something about Chaz and his attitude that pissed me off.

Dave buried his cock deep in me and held it there. I could tell he was holding his breath, waiting for my reaction.

I relaxed and took a deep breath. "Yeah. And if I wasn't the Nice slut that I really am..." I licked the precum from his piss slit. "...I'd bite your puny little dick off at the root."

With one slurp, I sucked his five inches between my lips. To my surprise, he didn't taste half bad.

For several minutes, the three of us worked in silence. Chaz broke into that tense silence. "The sling's open. Let's move over there."

Now, a sex sling is an interesting apparatus. One that I've used and been used on more than a few times. It's always been an enjoyable experience. I wondered if this time would be any different.

Once situated, I found myself lying in a leather "sling", my head on a pillow. Dave wrapped my wrists in restraints attached to chains above my head. Chaz did the same to my ankles in restraints on the opposing chains. My legs were stretched in a V, my ass wide open to the world.

To my surprise, it was to Dave's cock staring me in the face instead of Chaz'. I licked his head, heavy with pre-cum. The fumes hit me as he opened the bottle of poppers.

"Take a good hit," he said. "You'll need it."

"Yeah, big boi," Chaz added sarcastically from between my legs. "You'll be glad you've had some big cocks to open you up."

Damn, I hated this guy. What an arrogant little piss-ant. "Yeah. They opened me up, so your little dick will get lost up there," I replied just as sarcastically.

"Whatever," he said as he began to work my hole with a greased finger.

Dave held the open bottle under my nose. "Trust me. You'll need this."

I took a hit in each nostril. The fumes kicked in at the same time Chaz's middle finger breached my sphincter. I gasped at the intrusion, even though I had already been well used.

He added a second finger to the first. Cold lube slithered over my balls and down my crack. Somehow, this lube felt different. Slicker. Slimier. He added the middle finger from his other hand, stretching my hole while working the lube into it.

Dave stuck the open bottle under my nose. I was about to take another drag when reality hit me. I jerked my wrists against their restraints, almost knocking the bottle from Dave's grasp. I looked down into Chaz's glaring eyes, an evil smile on his face.

"You think you're gonna fist me, don't you, you little mother-fucker?!?! Well, there ain't no way that's gonna happen!" I hissed.

"What? You're gonna wimp out on us?" He looked around at the gathering crowd, then back at me. "The big, bad, muscle-bound jock boi is gonna wimp out on us?"

Dave leaned in. "Try it. You might like it. I know I do," he whispered.

I looked around me. Everyone had gathered in a tight circle, even Kyle, with Tameel's arm draped over his shoulder. Fuck. How could I back out now? Besides, I had always wondered what it would feel like with a fist up my ass.

But I hated this guy. I hated him for putting me in this position. I hated him for being the first to try this with me. Through gritted teeth, I growled, "Go for it. Fucking, go for it."

The guys cheered and applauded.

"But," I added. "If I say stop, or Red, or whatever, you better fucking stop."

His demeanor changed. He shook his head. "Man, there's no way I would ever hurt you. You say stop, and I will in a heartbeat." He rubbed my hole with the back of his hand. "But, I think you'll like it in the end."

I looked up at Dave. He held the poppers under my nose for four good hits. I let the fumes hit my brain, then nodded for Chaz to begin.

Dave and Zack whispered encouragement in each ear. The guys murmured comments, barbs and taunts. I just tried to relax.

Chaz continued to open my hole, working more lube into my ass. He again inserted his middle finger, grazing my prostate. A second, third and finally a fourth finger slid through my inner muscles. Damn those fingers felt good inside me.

I took another hit from the little brown bottle. My brain swooned, my heart pounded, and my ass pleaded...for more.

He timed the effects of the fumes hitting my brain. He jacked my throbbing cock as he pushed. I screamed as my ass sucked his fist into the depths of my being. He balled his fist inside me and gently fucked me with it. The pain became the most intense pleasure of fullness beyond anything I had ever experienced.

He warned me. I screamed again as he pulled his fist through my ravaged, stretched hole. "Once more?" he asked. I took another hit of poppers and nodded. The pain was less; the pleasure intensified as he punched through my hole.

He pulled his hand out with a pop. I thought we were finished, but not quite. He reentered three fingers along with his cock. He began to fuck me with them as he jacked me. My balls once again rose to the occasion, spewing my spunk over my clenched abs. He pulled out, ripped the condom from his cock and added his seed to mine, of course covering my face in the process.

The guys applauded as Zack and Dave helped me stand on shaking legs. Chaz smiled and nodded. "Well done. Well done."

"I think it's time for a break," Dave announced, "while our guests take a quick shower.

Kyle and I wobbled and hobbled our way to the showers. We washed the cum and sweat and dirt off each other and did the best we could to soothe our ravaged asses. I was surprised we didn't walk bow-legged as we joined Zack and Danny at the bar.

Zack kissed me and handed me a beer. I gestured to the other three. "I'm guessing y'all have met."

Kyle giggled. "Oh, yeah. Danny and I know each other intimately."

Zack nodded. "Yeah, and we met over on the couches." He smiled. "If I do say so myself, the meeting went quite well."

I shook my head and smirked. "Jeez. I feel left out."

Danny pulled us into a four-way kiss, then grabbed my ass. "We'll take care of that in a few minutes."

Kyle went to talk with Dave and Chaz as I went to my knees. Danny still had on Kyle's jock strap, now rank with sweat and cum and piss. I savored the gross taste as I sucked and chewed his growing curled-up snake.

I pulled the nasty pouch down and threw it to one side. I licked the sweat and piss and cum from his balls. I sucked his now fully engorged nine inches, alternating between his and Zack's cocks. "Jeez," I mumbled. "So many dicks and so little time."

They helped me stand. We went into a tongue-dueling three-way kiss. Danny kissed Zack, winked at me, and grabbed my ever-Viagra-hard cock. "Let's go get to know each other...intimately."

He pushed me down on the ottoman, pulled my butt to the edge, and raised my legs into a wide- spread V. I grabbed my legs as he dove between my butt cheeks. He licked and slurped and tongue-fucked my tender hole.

"Jeez, man," he said. "I can't believe your pucker is still shut tight." He laughed. "We'll have to take care of that, now won't we."

He rolled on a condom and lubed up my hole and his greased cock. He teased my hole with his bulbous head. He looked me in the eye. "What do you want, you big, cock sucking, cock whore?"

At that moment, all I wanted was him. His cute face, dimpled smile, thick arms, thick chest, thick cock. I wanted him...deep within me.

"Fuck me," I said. "I want you to fuck me."

He nodded and smiled. "Then let's fuck."

I tried to relax, expecting to be pounded. Instead, he entered me slowly, inch by inch until he was buried inside me, his pubes grinding into my balls. He started a long, slow fuck, long-dicking me.

He pushed me up onto the ottoman. He trapped one leg down and raised the other, splitting me open. He drove into me, deeper and harder. Finally, he pushed my legs up to my shoulders, pounding the breath from our lungs with each thrust.

"Fuck...Fuck...Fuck...Fuck...Fuck!" we grunted in unison.

Then he thrust on last time. I felt his cock expand even further. He screamed as he filled the rubber deep in my gut. "Fffuuuccckkk!" Then he collapsed on me, our torsos slimy with sweat.

"That was fucking awesome," he whispered. "Damn, I hope we can do this again."

I smiled. "We'll have to see what we can do about that."

I barely had time to catch my breath. Kyle and I were led back to the fuck benches on the stage, where Dave and Chaz were waiting for Kyle, and Tameel and Brady for me.

Tameel and Brady proceeded to spit roast me, driving their thick nine inches down my throat and deep in my ass. Nothing like leaving the biggest to last. By this time, my mind and body were numb. My one thought, as Brady skull fucked me with his thick, black monster, was what it would be like to fuck with him in a one-on-one.

As if he read my mind, he said, "The next time you come into Phil's, look me up on my break. We'll go back in the office. I'll bend you over the desk and Really show you a good time."

I shook my head. "Maybe not any time real soon," I replied. "But, once my ass recovers, it's a date."

I lost track how many times Tameel and Brady traded places, filling my holes with their thick, long rods. Finally, with a shout, they, as well as Dave and Chaz, ripped off their condoms and showered our backs with their collective cum.

I lay there exhausted. Zack kissed the top of my head. "You got it in you for the finale?" he asked.

I drug myself off the bench. I looked down, amazed that my dick was still rock hard. I took a deep breath. "What the fuck. Sure. Let's go for it."

The fuck benches were replaced with the leather ottoman on the center of the stage. I sucked Zack until he was fully engorged. He lay back on the ottoman with his pulsing cock glaring at the ceiling.

Damon and Daryl picked Kyle up and lowered him onto Zacks rod. The guys surrounded the stage, clapping and chanting, "Fuck, fuck, fuck", to the beat of the music, as Kyle fucked himself on Zack's cock.

Tommy went to his knees in front of me, sucking my cock into his well-used throat. He rolled a condom on my rod and greased it up. He and Sam helped me to the stage. I wasn't sure if I had the energy to carry this off.

But seeing Zack's cock pulling and pushing at Kyle's ass lips set my adrenalin flowing. Zack hugged Kyle to his chest. He pulled his cock out part way. I pushed in beside his. Together we enter him.

For the second time in my life...that incredible tightness, that incredible feeling of my cock riding inside with Zack's, that incredible feeling of fullness.

We fucked him slowly; together as one; then alternating, one thick, hard cock sliding back and forth over the other; then together again. Harder. Faster. Kyle yelled as he came, squeezing our cocks together even tighter. I was over the edge. We pulled out, flipped Kyle onto his back, showered him with our spunk, and collapsed into an embrace.

The guys yelled, applauded, and jumped on us in a pile of sweaty, cum covered, writhing heap of man flesh. Kyle yelled in my ear, "What a fucking, awesome night!"

Kyle's car and U-Haul trailer were packed and ready to go when he pulled into our driveway Saturday afternoon. Even though his ever-present smile was on his lips, his eyes didn't reflect the same.

We tried to keep dinner lighthearted, reliving the past Saturday night, but it was an uphill battle. Even the overflowing mouthfuls of cum from the daisy chain for dessert didn't break the subdued pall. After draining the bottle of Jack Daniels, we train-fucked, with me fucking Zack and Zack fucking Kyle like we had done the first night together.

Then I got on all fours and begged Kyle to fuck my upturned he needed an invitation. We spent the rest of the night under a blanket on the deck under the canopy of stars. Legs and arms were entwined, while hands fondled cocks and ass and tits, with Kyle snuggled between me and Zack.

The sex was good as always. But the fact that this was the last time we would be together like this was definitely weighing on all of our minds. The weeks and months of fucking and sucking and playing together was coming to an end.

I watched Zack as Kyle drove out of the cul-de-sac Sunday afternoon. I longed to know what he was thinking but was afraid to ask. After all, Kyle was his good friend, headed for sunny California. Hell, part of me wanted to go with him. How could I blame Zack if he didn't want the same.

I had some errands to run so left Zack to his own thoughts. When I returned, Zack's famous spaghetti and meatballs were ready. After a great meal and a bottle of wine, we settled together in the swing on the deck.

I finally broke the awkward silence. "You doin' OK?"

He hesitated and sighed. "Yeah. I'm OK. How about you?"

I shrugged. "Ya know. It's always hard to say goodbye to a good friend." I chuckled. "Especially when he's a hot fuck-buddy like Kyle."

He laughed. "No shit." He looked far into nowhere. "But there's more to it than that."

My heart skipped a beat. Shit, here it comes. Here's where we shake hands and say how good it was, but it's time to move on. Fuck. It's not like I hadn't done the same thing to more guys than I could count.

Suddenly it hit me. Damn. I'd let this big, dark, hunking fucker get to me. I'd sworn to myself long ago that I wouldn't let this happen. Fuck, fuck. Damn, damn, and double damn.

He shook his head. Still looking away from me he continued. "When Kyle came to town, I knew he would be fun. He's just such a sexy fucker." He gave me a side-long glance. "And he certainly brought a different dynamic to our sex life."

"I can't argue with that," I replied a bit sarcastically.

"But him being here for the past months and now leaving has made me realize something."

Shit. Here it comes.

He shook his head and looked at his hands. "I didn't think this would be that hard."

I bit my lip and looked away. "Hey. Just go ahead and say it."

He took both my hands in his. Startled, I looked him in the eyes. He was almost crying.

He took a deep breath. "Man, I've never felt like this before. And I've Never said this to another guy." He took another deep breath.

I waited for the proverbial shoe to drop.

He smiled and almost laughed, as if at a private joke. He looked me in the eyes. "Rod Hart. You fucking motherfucker. I think I love you."

SHIT! My eyes flew open wide. My heart jumped. My cock sprang to life and my ass pucker twitched. I let out a huge sigh, wrapped him in my arms and we went into the deepest kiss ever, our tongues dueling for the other's throat.

I finally pulled back, completely out of breath. Looking him in the eye, I nodded, "And Zack Gordano, you big, hunky, Greek-god of a cock sucker, I think I love you."

We sat there, now in comfortable silence in each other's arms like a couple of teenagers, watching the sun sink below the horizon in blazing reds and oranges and pinks and purples.

As dusk turned to evening, I turned and kiss him again. I pulled his shirt over his head and followed the trail of dark hair between the mounds of his pecs, nipping each tit as I passed. I pulled his shorts down over his thighs and devoured his hardening rod.

He pulled my shirt off, and I kicked my shorts over to join his. He slipped the cushion from the swing and pushed me onto my back. He stretched out on top of me, kissing me in the same way that I had him.

He spread my legs and washed my balls and cock with his tongue, then climbed back on top of me. I assumed he was going to fuck me, which was fine with me. Instead, he let me suck his fingers, then lubed his own hole with my spit. Slowly, he lowered himself onto my engorged cock.

As I entered him, I whispered, "No condom?"

He kissed me. "No. I want your seed deep inside of me."

He pushed back and I thrust, burying my cock deep within him.

And all seemed so right...under the canopy of the Milky Way.

The End...For Now

Postlude to my Readers...

This will be the end for now, but I'm sure we will hear more from Rod and Zack in the future. However, they have consumed my waking thoughts and even some of my dreams for the past couple of months. I have some personal things to take care of and some writing gigs to complete.

In the meantime, I will go back through my archives and pull out some short stories to post...hopefully for you to enjoy reading and jacking off to.

In the meantime, stay safe.

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