Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Dec 16, 1998


This is a true story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

With all that out of the way-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive critisizms to the above adress.

Doug and Me Part 1

It was mid-term and we were standing in the queue outside the school hall waiting for the morning assembly to begin. I was going around to all my friends asking them to sponsor me for a dance marathon that I would be doing that weekend. I was chatting with one of my friends when this "character" behind me put his hand on my shoulder and butted in grabbing the sponsorship sheet out of my hand asking "What's going on? What's this?".

A little irritated by his intrusion, "I'm collecting sponsorships for a dance marathon, what's it to you?" I answered in a rather sarcastic tone.

"I'll sponsor you, how much do you need. How long do you plan on dancing?",

"72 hours, make it a buck an hour and you've got a deal" I said. I watched him study the sheet in his hand, he was a few inches taller than me, light brown hair cut short in a typical army style, a rugged looking face, which was surprising considering he was only about 15 years old, typical square jaw line.

"Sure, not a problem!". Taking my pen out of my top pocket, he filled in his details and signed the sheet, patted me on the back "there you go, see you later", and he turned around and disappeared into the crowd of kids.

"Thanks" I said, still a little taken back by his forwardness.

Well the dance marathon came and went, I had completed the full 72 hours and it was now time to collect all the money. I called on all the names on the list and duly collected the cash. There was one name on the list left, D. Wilson, I went to Debbie and asked her for the money. She looked at me as if I was batty. "I didn't sponsor you for anything, you nuts? I wasn't even in town then".

Now I was baffled, who the hell was D. Wilson? The only D. Wilson I knew was Debbie, and it wasn't her. Whoever this was owed me quite a bit of money, and if I didn't find out who it was I was going to have to pay it in, needless to say I did have to pay in after all.

The year came and went, it was a relief to get exam results and hear that I had passed and would be going into the next grade. I walked into the form room and was pleased to see that a most of my friends would be in the same form room class as me. I had been running a little late, and by the time I got there all the seats had been taken except for the ones right in front and one next to a guy that I didn't recognize. I decided rather than sit under the teachers nose, the best option would be to sit next to him. He was a pretty cute looking guy, light brown hair, army cut hairstyle, square jaw, rugged look. He was sitting down, so I couldn't judge how tall he was, he looked like he would be pretty much my height, maybe a little taller. Back in those days, it didn't take much to be taller than me, I was one of the shortest kids in the school. I sat down and introduced myself "Hi the name is Charlie", he reached across grabbing my hand to shake it "Hi, Douglas Wilson, how you doing?" he had a firm grip on my hand and kept shaking it vigorously.

"Fine thanks, you can let my hand go now if you want". He flashed me a smile and let my hand go, his voice was a little husky, breaking off sometimes as he spoke, part of the voice breaking process. I was immediately captivated by his cute yet masculine looks, traces of a stubble beginning to show, his voice and his captivating smile/chuckle. I sat there trying to wrack my brains as to where I knew him from, he was supposedly a stranger, but I had the distinct feeling that I had met him before. Suddenly the penny dropped, "D. Wilson!" I asked. "Yes, that's what I said, Why?" he asked with a puzzled look across his face "You little shit! You owe me 72 bucks for sponsoring me for a dance marathon last year." He couldn't remember what I was talking about, "You sponsored me a buck an hour for a dance marathon I was doing, I finished 72 hours, so you owe me money!",

"OH, Yes, now I remember." he laugh and he promised he'd bring me the money the following day. I'm actually still waiting!

It turned out we would be in a couple of the same classes together, one of them being Mathematics, we took up our seats alongside each other, supposedly to help each other, but math's is definitely not one of my strong suits, neither was it Doug's. He was attending additional classes after school and suggested I join him. I took him up on his offer and convinced my parents that I needed the extra help and so twice a week I would go home with him and then on to extra math. Over time, we were becoming closer and closer we spent most of our free time together, after school as well as over weekends. We trusted each other and started telling each other secrets about our insecurities and weaknesses. I wasn't quite sure how I was beginning to feel about him, there wasn't any question of a physical relationship developing. I didn't even give it any consideration, we were both straight, he had a girlfriend that he was pretty sexually active with. I did often get the urge to touch his shoulder or even give him a hug, but never acted on it just in case it was misinterpreted and caused a rift in the relationship. All I knew was that I always wanted to be in his company all the time.

To fit in, I soon acquired myself a girlfriend. I could never seem to sum up enough courage to have sex with her, partly because I was scared, and partly because I wasn't actually turned on enough to do it. That is until one evening I got totally slammed out of my mind and with a bit of 'Dutch courage', before I knew what was happening I was bonking up a storm. Finally I was one of the group and could take part in the conversation when the subject of sex came up, rather than sit in the corner and keep quiet. We all fucked every opportunity we got. Because we were together as a group so often, we would inevitably be in the same room every time we had sex. The one time the four of us were actually in the same bed together. I think that was the first time I got the urge to be touching him in a way that was more than just casual contact. I realized that the attraction had become physical, and that I wanted to be with him more than just in conversation. I was very confused about my feelings, he was my best friend, we both had girlfriends, and having sex with a man was out of the question, only queers did that, and I couldn't be queer.

We finally finished our final exams and both of us had received our military call up papers, he was to report to the infantry division and I was medical corps. School was out, and there was a week left before we would bid our farewells and head for army camp. Because the country was at war with one of the neighboring countries, our infantry troops were being sent into combat. I started feeling a sense of loss and dread, I couldn't let him go without telling him how I felt about him. We had been friends for a long time, and we had told each other most of our secrets, I was sure I could trust him to understand. I was scared, he could still tell me to piss off or beat the shit out of me or even worse never want to see me again. Do I risk a good friendship for the sake of getting my silly feelings out into the open. He was straight and not likely to be interested in how I felt about him, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if he told me to take a hike and that he never wanted to see me again. I decided to take the bull by the horns and throw caution to the wind. We were sitting in a coffee shop in town one afternoon.

"I need to tell you something, but I'm scared it may ruin the friendship",

"What is it, I'm sure I will be able to handle it. You haven't killed anyone by any chance?"

I chuckled and answered "No. Before I tell you, promise me that you aren't going to beat me up or tell me to piss off, or that you aren't going to tell me to get out of your life."

"Shit what is all this about, will you drop the crap and get to the point. I promise."

I think I'm gay and I've fallen in love with you!" I was ready to jump up and run; but what he said next, took the wind right out of my sails.

"I've always wondered what you felt, because I wasn't sure if I should tell you how I was feeling. I've been wanting to be with you for the past two years."

As my jaw dropped and my eyes widened like a pair of saucers, he continued,

"I've never been with another guy, and I don't know why I have been feeling like this, but I do and it scares me some times how strongly I feel about you some times".

I just stared at him, and I could feel that I was about to cry. I fought back the tears and the urge to jump up and kiss him. "What do you suggest we should do about it?" I casually asked him.

"I think the first thing we should do is get out of here, go somewhere more private".

We left and made our way to his house. neither of us said a word in the car. We were both so caught up in our own thoughts, contemplating what was coming next. You could cut the air with a knife, we both wanted the same thing but were both scared out of our minds and not sure what to do or how to get things going. We arrived at his house and I followed him inside and into his bedroom. He sat down on the edge of his bed, and I sat on the chair at his desk on the other end of the room. We were looking at everything else in the room as if it was the first time we'd seen it, everywhere but at each other. As our eyes eventually locked onto each other, we took it in turns to try say something, each time one of us would start to say something, we'd swallow the words and nothing was said. My palms were sweaty and I kept rubbing them on my pants legs to dry them off. I couldn't bare it any longer, and as I slid off the chair onto my knees and started crawling closer to him, he did the same. We met in the middle of the room, both on our knees, staring into each others eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned forward to kiss him, he put his hand behind my head and guided me closer until our lips finally met. At first our lips gently touched against each other. I turned my head as I opened my mouth pushing my tongue towards his lips. I felt his mouth open and our tongues met midway. Lightly brushing the tips together, and as we each gained a little more confidence our tongues began exploring as if they were under someone else's control. We were both shaking like leaves in a wind storm, holding onto each other to stabilize ourselves. As the kiss became more intense, be sat down onto the floor. He still had his one hand behind my head, and I brought my hands up to caress his cheeks. He did the same, and with his other hand he stroked my cheek and down the side of my neck, placing the palm of his hand on my chest. He fumbled to undo the buttons on my shirt, and after he had undone the top four, he placed his hand back onto my chest and rubbed across from one side to the other. He found my one nipple and began pinching it between his forefinger and thumb. My hands moved off his face and started undoing the buttons to his shirt as well. They reached the last button and I pulled the shirt out of his trouser. Rubbing my hands up his sides until I reached his shoulder, I pushed the shirt of and down his arms. He released his hold on me and let the shirt drop off. I quickly undid the rest of my buttons and soon had my shirt off as well. Our hands began to explore each others chests, finding each others nipples and pinching them until they stood hard and erect. Our lips met again and our hands continued to undress each other, we stood up to let our trousers drop to the floor, kicking our shoes off, and stepping out of them. We were both standing there in our underwear, we stepped back slightly and looked each other up and down, studying each others bodies. Out briefs stretched to their limits by our erections and the wet spots clearly visible with traces of our pre-cum.

I put my hand over his cock and started stroking him through his briefs. He copied my moves as I slipped my hands under the waistband and eased his cock out, freeing it from its cotton prison. The pre-cum was leaking from his piss slit as if a tap had been opened; I smeared it over his head, which by now was super sensitive, he let out a guttural groan as his head dropped back. I wanted to taste him and couldn't hold off any longer. I started kissing a trail down his neck and across his chest until my lips found one of his nipples. I gently bit on it and sucked it until it went hard and stood erect again. He put his hands on the back of my head and gently pushed me down, I was on my knees staring at his cock, only an inch or two away from my face. He was cut and about 6-1/2 inches, but not very thick. I couldn't believe that I was now about to do what I had been wanting to do for so many years. As I took hold of his cock a trickle of precum seeped out of the piss slit, I stuck my tongue out and licked it off. Holding his cock in my right hand, and his balls in my left I licked his cock head like it was a lollipop. Flicking my tongue across the tip and then around the head. He pushed his hips forward attempting to push his cock into my mouth, I opened up and took him in gladly. My lips were wrapped around his cock head and I started sucking all the juices that were flowing freely. Once again he pushed his hips forward indicating he wanted more. I was not an experienced cocksucker myself but I put everything I had into giving him the pleasure he wanted. After a few more slow forward thrusts, I had my nose buried into his pubes, I wasn't used to the intrusion in my throat and gagged slightly. I withdrew, and realized that we would need a lot more practice before I could master the action.

He pushed me back onto the floor until I was lying on my back, I never let go of his cock, I couldn't, I had waited so long to get a hold of it I wasn't going to let go now. He maneuvered himself around until we were in a 69 position. He pulled back my foreskin and apprehensively stuck his tongue out to lick up some of my juices. He became more adventurous, and finally had his lips around my head, slowly lowering himself and taking me further into his mouth. I was a little bigger than him, and also a lot thicker so he couldn't take me all the way. I could tell it was his first time, but other than the odd tooth scratch, which would make me jerk occasionally he was doing a fine job. I went back to sucking his cock, and before long our groans became grunts we pulled out and our hands took over bringing each other to an explosive orgasm in unison. One could have sworn there were 4 of us, we were both covered in our own and each other's cum. Our breathing began to return to normal as we came back to earth.

We weren't sure when we would be see each other again, we would both be leaving in a week and we were both feeling a little insecure, not knowing what the future would hold for us. I was so confused, how could I be feeling this way about another man, it wasn't right, I didn't want to be gay. How could something that was supposed to be so wrong feel so good. I felt so safe in his arms, for the first time I knew I was in love, and felt loved. We lay there in silence looking into each others eyes breaking into periods of long passionate breathtaking kisses, holding onto each other as if there was no tomorrow.

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Next: Chapter 2

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