Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Dec 28, 1999


OFF THE RAILS 4 By the Fabler -

So here is chapter 4, after the boring chapter 3, things start to get a little more exciting from here on out....

The usual disclaimers apply, so read on... ********************************************************************************

After 6 weeks, Cindy and myself reconciled and I moved back home. Tony and I kept in close contact with each other, we'd built up a pretty close relationship in the time that I had spent living with him. We would regularly go out on the town together, his lover in tow. He'd frequently offer up his lips for a quick service, both ends, but I would always decline. I was determined to keep on the 'Straight' road. Sure it was very tempting, but I was straight now again and things were going to work out at home. As I said before, sex isn't everything in a relationship, so what if I wasn't getting it every day, or even every month. Cindy and I had a lot more going for us.

Although Cindy wasn't very happy about my association with Tony, she realized that she didn't have much choice in the matter. If she had given me an ultimatum to choose between them, she'd have lost. Tony meant a lot to me, and she knew we weren't screwing around. Alas that didn't stop her from making things pretty difficult for me to get out and visit with him. She knew that whenever we did go out, it was always to the gay bars, she'd even been out with us a couple of times, but we would only play pool and socialize with the bar friends we had made. By the end of every night out, Tony would always end up picking up some guy and taking him home. There was always a come on from one of the guys that I either played pool against, or one that just chatted me up at the bar. Even thought they all knew I was married and what the situation was they always took a shot at trying, but I stood firm and never gave in to my deeper desires.

It was about a year after we'd had the breakup and reconciliation, my sex life had become non existent. The bar that we usually frequented had extended to the floor above, they had converted the upper room into a "Black Hole". I had only ever heard about those rooms and was very curious as to what happened up there. I just wanted to take a look, Tony didn't need any encouragement and made a beeline upstairs. I followed after just intending to pop my head in and take a look. There was a small bar along the one wall, and a partition that separated it from the "dark side". Of course being dark, I couldn't see a damn thing, so I decided to sit at the bar and wait for Tony who had disappeared behind the partition.

I started up a conversation with a chap sitting at the bar; sitting down it was difficult to judge his height, but I guessed him about my height 6", a lot better build than I had, but then most people do, I was still a skinny runt at 62kg. Brown hair army style brush-cut, brown eyes, sharp facial features, pretty nice actually. I wasn't looking for anything more than just conversation, but as I studied his features, he started stirring up urges in me. Fuck I was horny, it had been a long time since I had shot a load. "NO NO NO!!" I kept telling myself. But the little devil sitting on my shoulder kept telling me otherwise. "It's been a long time Charlie, you're a man, you need to get it off once in a while. You're not getting it at home! What is one time going to do to you? You don't have to tell anyone, it's dark back there, and nobody will see!!"

God the little voice was making so much sense. We chatted for a while longer before I succumbed to the little voice and asked if he would be interested in stepping behind the wall, he nodded and stood up taking me by the hand and leading me in. We walked about 2 steps when I felt his hand press against my cock and start to massage it through my jeans. He pushed me up against the wall and all hell broke loose. It was like a deamon had been released in me, I grabbed him around his neck and pulled him forward for a kiss. It was wild and animalistic, I started massaging his cock through his pants, he was already rock hard and straining to get out. I unbuckled his pants and pulled down his fly. Easing his pants over his cock and his hips, they dropped to the floor. I continued to massage his cock through his briefs. He undid my buttons and dropped my pants to my ankles, I was wearing boxers, and my cock popped out through the fly hole.

In all this time through our frantic struggle to get naked, we hadn't broken our kiss, without warning, I felt some lips wrap around my cockhead and start sucking me off. I was startled at first, but it felt so good that I didn't resist. We stopped kissing and he pushed the guy that had my cock in his mouth away and kneeled in front of me and took over. I was standing there with my back against the wall pumping my cock down his throat when I felt another cock pressing up to my thigh, I could feel the sticky wetness on my thigh. I reached down and took it into my hand and started to jerk on it. I heard the quiet groans next to me, but couldn't see a thing. I had no idea who's cock I was stroking, it felt a little creepy, but I was feeling too good with the attention that my cock was getting.

My cock slipped out of his mouth and his hands gripped the base of my cock and I felt him pressing something against the tip of my cock, I eventually realized he was putting a condom on. The hands were replaced with lips once more, but only for a short while. There was a bit of fumbling for a while when I felt my cock being directed to his asshole. He must have found some lubricant somewhere, because I slid in like a hand into a glove. My cock was made to fit, he clamped down onto my cock and began moving his hips forward and back in a rhythmic action. Pulling himself off until my cock almost slipped out, then pushing his hips back until I was buried deep inside, massaging my cock with his sphincter muscles. I could feel the tingle in my balls as they constricted and my cock started to swell, shit this was going to be over too quick. I needed to slow him down, I reached across and grabbed his hips and held him firmly to stop him from moving. He must have realized what the problem was, and with my cock buried to the hilt up his ass he clenched the muscles around my cock. We froze like that for a brief moment till the urge to shoot subsided. I released my grip on his hips and moved my arm around his waist searching for his cock. I found it and as my thumb brushed across the tip I felt the sticky goo that was oozing out. I smeared it across the head and heard him let out a deep guttural groan. He was still motionless and still gripping onto my cock with his asshole. He was uncut and I slowly started jacking him off, pulling the skin forward over the head and then back all the way until the skin around the hear was stretched tightly. I jacked him off like that for a few more strokes, but desperately needed to taste him. I pulled my cock out of his ass and turned him around, I dropped down onto my knees and honed in on his cock. Taking him all the way down my throat till my nose was pressed up against his belly. Fuck I must have been desperate to feel a cock down my throat again, I couldn't believe I had just swallowed a cock in one movement, there was no gag, no resistance nothing. It felt so good, I slowly withdrew it from my throat savoring the taste of him on my tongue, as my tongue brushed across the tip he pored forth a stream of precum for me. It was like nectar from the Gods, and if I thought that tasted good, after moving my head up and down his shaft one more time, he flooded my mouth with his load. Now I'm not crazy about the taste of cum, it's ok to cum in my mouth, but don't expect me to swallow, but this tasted like honey to me. I swallowed every drop and sucked some more in an attempt to drain another dribble. His cock became sensitive, and he pulled his cock out as he pushed my head back. As I stood up again leaning against the wall I felt his hands wrap around my cock again. He felt that the condom was still tightly stretched over my cock, he turned himself around and positioned it against his entrance and pressed back sinking my cock deep inside him once again. I grabbed onto his hips and slowly started fucking him in long slow strokes. I felt the sensations build up in my balls once again and knew it wouldn't be long, I increased the pace and fucked him like there would be no tomorrow for me again. My whole body shuddered as I spilled the content of my balls into the confines of the condom that I was wearing. My knees went weak and the sparks flashed across the inside of my eyelids, it took a few minutes for me to regain my composure. The whole time my cock was still buried deep up his ass. Holding onto the condom I withdrew my cock which was now going limp.

I was spent, feeling totally drained of all blood from my head he turned around and kissed me. I pulled up my trousers and started following him out. I nearly collapsed when I walked out, and the guy I had walked in with was sitting at the bar, I had no idea who this guy was that I was following out, before I could stop him to ask, he disappeared back into the darkness. I walked over to the bar and asked the guy where he had disappeared to, he smiled at me and said that someone had led him away so he followed.

I was dumbfounded, I ordered another drink and just gazed into the distance, I was brought out of my trance as Tony walked up behind me and slapped me across the back.

"You ready to go? Or do you also want to go to the back and give it a try?"

he asked.

I looked at him and smiled, thinking to myself. "Wouldn't you just love to know what I have just been up to?"

Well I hope that is better. I would love to hear from you, so if you've got any comments, please drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 13: Off the Rails 5

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