Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Feb 2, 1999


This is a true story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

With all that out of the way-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive criticisms to the above address.

Doug and Me Chapter 5

As much as I loved Doug, Clive disliked him more. He could never see a future for us, but I knew he was wrong, Doug had told me he needed me and he wanted us to be together. Clive was determined to break us up, I know that maybe I should have disliked him for that, but he was a good friend and I forgave him, I found it amusing that he was constantly trying to set me up with one or other guy.

Douglas would be completing his 2 year military service in a few weeks, and then we could be together. I had moved into my own flat and was setting up a home for us. The future looked rosy, the love of my life would be home with me and we would be able to take on the world together, nothing could hold us back. He would be clearing out of the army two weeks before he would be starting Teachers Training College. The college was about 5 km's from the flat, and everything was working out so well for us. The day arrived and I was like a kid with a new toy, his folks and I would be picking him up from the station round 2pm that afternoon. Seeing him climb off that train that day, walking towards us with the broadest smile you have ever seen in your life, made my heart skip a beat. He dropped his bags to the floor in front of me, and without saying a word he grabbed me around the chest and gave me a breath taking bear hug and picked me up into the air, as I gasped for air, he gave me a little peck on the cheek and put me back on the ground. My feet may have been on the floor, but my soul was still in the air where he had lifted me to. Suddenly it struck me that he had hugged me first, before he had even said hello to his mother and father that were standing right next to me. If that wasn't a sign, then I don't know what was! We finished our welcomes and hugs, I picked up his bags and turned to leave, as we walked to the car he was walking between his mother and me, he lifted his arms and rested one over my shoulders and the other on his mothers. We strolled over to the car in that embrace as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

His father would be driving and his mother in the front seat with her body turned around completely, chatting to us in the back. The excitement of having him home was evident with all of us. I remember thinking to myself, that I wished his parents would disappear for a moment, just long enough for me to give him his welcome home kiss, and return the bear hug that he had given me at the station. (sigh) But that was not to be, I would have to wait till we were alone. His parents had moved all his things into the outside room that they had set up to allow him a little more privacy, the two of us carried his bags to his room with his mother calling out to us as we walked out the house that she has made something for us to eat and we shouldn't be long. We walked into his new room, and both dropped the bags where we stood, he turned around and once again grabbed me and pulled me towards him in another bear hug embrace, our lips met and our tongues began to demonstrate their welcome homes to each other.

"Douglas, Charlie! Lunch is ready, come now boys." came the yell from his mother.

"Fuck, why don't they just piss off and leave us alone?" I thought to myself.

We broke our lip lock and gave each other a little smile. "lets go, before they come looking for us." He chuckled.

Lunch was over and we excused ourselves again and made our way back to his room to unpack his things. We walked into his room and flopped back onto the bed and took up where we left off earlier. For a few moments I was lost in another world again, he broke away after a few moments.

"Come lets get all this shit unpacked quickly so that we can get out of here." He suggested.

"Do you want to unpack everything now, why don't you just bring it over to our flat and unpack it there, saves you having to repack it later again!"

"Problem! The folks have just gone to a lot of trouble and expense to fix up this room for me. I somehow don't think they would appreciate it if I tell them now that I'm not going to be staying here anymore. Perhaps we should give it a few months, it will be a lot easier to break it to them then and explain that living here makes it difficult to get to college every day."

"Oh, shit. I suppose you are right, we'll give it a few months then. Let's unpack then and I'll show you where the flat is."


We quickly unpacked, and headed out the house yelling back to his mother that we were just going into town to see where I lived, and that we would be back in a couple of hours. I could see that his mother wasn't too impressed, but she just smiled and told us not to be late, because she had made a special supper for us.

We arrived at the flat and I quickly gave him the guided tour to get that part of the formalities out of the way, anxious to get up close and personal with him. It was only a 1 bedroom flat, but sufficient for my needs. I was only earning a nurses salary, so the flat was only sparsely furnished, there was a second hand lounge suite that I had bought from Doug's parents when they refurbished their lounge, the coffee table in the middle was a makeshift box with a board over the top. There were two single beds in the bedroom which I had pushed together to make it into a double. But at least I had the important things like a fridge, stove and washing machine. The kitchen was quite well kited out with the essentials. I showed him the bedroom, where he finally turned to me and held me around the waist.

"It looks great, needs a coat of paint, but feels like home! It's so great to be finished with the army, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

I stood there looking into his face admiring his beauty, and listening attentively to his words. He was home and we were going to be together, nothing could stand in our way anymore, nothing would separate us ever again. He continued to speak the words that I had longed to hear for so long.

"I have been giving us a lot of thought over the past few months. I realise now, that it's you that I love, I want us to be together. I don't care what anybody thinks anymore, I'm sorry for any pain I might have caused you, because I was so stupid I didn't realise how I truly felt. Can you ever forgive me?"

This stupid man was standing in front of me asking me if I could ever forgive him, there was nothing to forgive. I loved him and now I knew that he loved me too, what else did I need. He was everything to me and the past was the past, we had our futures together and that was all I needed to know. I didn't answer him, I wanted to show him that I forgave him.

Our lips met and I started undoing his shirt buttons, he did the same. We slowly undressed each other, taking time to caress each other as we exposed our naked flesh. We lay down naked onto the bed, our hands and mouths explored every inch, as they searched for new ways to give pleasure. We made love, and when we were spent, we made love again, we both felt we couldn't get enough of each other. We lay there on the bed and I turned to him and looking into his eyes I simply said, "Does that answer your question?" It was getting late, and we knew his mother was going to be upset if we didn't get back soon. The evening passed all too quickly, and it was time for me to go home. I drove home thinking that at last I can prove to Clive that he was wrong.

College began and Doug began to make a few new friends, it used to irritate me sometimes that they kept him away from me at times, but eventually I was brought into the circle and it wasn't that bad. He was still living at home with his parents, which was also pissing me off, I wanted him home with me. I realized I was being incredibly selfish, so I managed not to put any pressure on him or rock the boat. Often I would get together with his family over weekends for a BBQ, the one Saturday I was invited by his mother to join them. I hadn't seen Doug for two weeks, because he had a pretty hectic schedule a college, he was preparing for his first mid term tests it was going to be great to see him again.

I arrived at his folks house, and they were all sitting around the pool sunbathing, everyone that is except Doug. I asked where he was, and his mother told me that him and Stacey had gone to the shop to buy some more coke and crisps.

"Who's Stacey?" I asked a little puzzled, thinking it was a cousin or something, I knew all of the other family and friends.

"Oh, haven't you met Stacey yet?" his mother asked. "You'll meet her just now then, she's such a lovely girl, very friendly and also very pretty."

I wasn't beginning to like this one bit, "Who is she?" I asked again.

"It's Douglas' girlfriend. He met her at college, I'm surprised he hasn't told you about her. He's been going out with her for 2 weeks now already!"

It couldn't be true, why was she telling me this, had she worked out that there was something between Doug and myself and was trying to stick it to me? I decided I'd wait for Doug to get back before I got myself all worked up. Soon enough he arrived, and true enough there was this "Bimbo" attached to his hip. I wanted to jump up and run over to them and rip her away from him. "He's mine you stupid "bitch" stay away from him."

The two of them casually strolled over to me and I was introduced to this slut. Who the fuck did she think she was? Eventually it twigged, she was only a front, maybe his folks had started suspecting something, and he just wanted to throw them off track for the while, until he was ready to drop the bomb. I could live with that for now! I hadn't banked on the idea that she would be ever present in our lives. More and more of his time was being taken up by her. Whenever the two of us would plan to be together, the bitch was there. She just couldn't leave him alone, we would only get the odd hour or two alone together for a quick jerk off, or a quick bj. Our time together became less and less. I didn't like what was going on, but I kept telling myself that it was only temporary, we had made our plans, we were still going to be together, things were difficult for him, he was nervous about how his parents would react, and he was a bit concerned how it would go down with the Education Board and his future as a teacher!

Clive started his shit again, trying to set me up with someone, the more I tried to explain to him that it was just a temporary front that he was putting up, the more he kept telling me that I was chasing a pipe dream. I was sticking to my guns, but something was telling me that maybe he was right.

One evening after work, I called Doug and asked if he would like to go out for a drink.

"Sorry bud, Stacey and myself are going to the movies tonight, maybe we can get together next week some time."

I didn't particularly want to be alone, I climbed in my car and headed for Clives', perhaps we could go out, we hadn't been out in a while. I was pissed off at Doug, I decided I wanted to get laid, fuck, if he could do it, so could I. I arrived at Clives place, he had a visitor that I hadn't met before, I was introduced to Steven, he was a good looking chap, it was incredible the similarities between Doug and Steven, the same build, the same smile and even the same little mannerisms. The only major difference was that Steven knew he was gay, he didn't advertise the fact, but didn't hide it away if asked. As the evening progressed, and we got to know each other a little better, the chemistry began to develop, and eventually we couldn't keep our eyes off each other, even a blind man could see that all we wanted to do was rattle each other's bones. Clive could see it as well and the more I tried to resist my urges, the more he kept pushing me towards Steven, I hadn't felt like this about another man, except for my brief fantasy about Phillip, my feelings for Douglas kept me from doing that. Clive knew that as well, he tried to convince me that it was something I needed, to hopefully get Douglas out of my mind, and get out from under his spell. Eventually the logic got the better of me, and I decided what the hell, it would be nice to be with someone that didn't keep putting me on the side line for some or other "fish"

Steven was only in town for a few weeks, he had been assigned a short term contract by his company to assist in opening of a new shop at a newly developed mall, but his home town was less than an hours drive, so it wouldn't be a problem to get together in the future. He was booked into one of the hotels in town for his stay, we arranged to meet the following evening after I finished my shift.

I arrived shortly after seven as arranged, my palms were sweaty and I was as nervous as hell, I stopped at the door for a second considering to chicken out and go back home, just then the door opened.

"Get your ass in here before you change your mind." Steven said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. I walked in as he kicked the door closed with his foot and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Glad you came, was worried that you may change your mind. I dreamt about you last night, and have been looking forward to this all day." He followed up, and without waiting for an answer from me, he put his hands on the side of my face and pulled me into him for a kiss, our lips met and I melted. His lips were soft and warm, I felt his tongue brush across my lips, I closed my eyes and accepted his tongue into my mouth, our tongues danced as they began to explore new territory.

Reluctantly I pushed him away, "do you mind if I take a bath first, I smell like a hospital?"

"Well if you must, I could of course give you a bed bath." He offered.

I laughed "Sounds very tempting, but I need to soak for a while."

As the bath water ran we picked up where we had left off, we drifted off into another dimension, the world around us faded into the distance, it was only when we realized that the bath water had started running over that we came back to earth. I undressed and climbed into the bath, he went back into the room and ordered something to eat and a few drinks from room service.

He came back into the bathroom and stood in the doorway, naked. I looked up at him and studied his body from head to toe. I estimated him at about 6", 80+kg, not overly muscular, but the muscles were well defined, and a clearly defined six pack. My eyes trailed down his war path, his 3' flaccid cock, hanging over his medium sized balls which had pulled up slightly. Mmmhh, I thought to myself, that could grow into quite a sizeable package if treated well. I reached over to invite him into the bath with me. He climbed in and lay across me and we started to kiss again, our cocks were lying against each other pinned between us. It wasn't long before we felt ourselves rise to the occasion. He reached his one hand between us and took hold of both our cocks, slowly starting to jack us off, the feel of our cocks together was amazing. Our climax started building and I could feel the tingle deep inside my balls. As our breathing started to change its tempo and depth, there was a knock on the door and a stern "room service". In unison we both answered "fuck", he jumped out and wrapped a towel around his waist opened the door and directed the waiter to where the tray was to be placed. I climbed out of the bath and started drying myself off. He hadn't closed the bathroom door, and as the waiter was walking out the room he saw me standing there drying myself off. He looked me in the eye and gave me a broad grin and a wink.

I walked through to the room where Steven was trying to arrange our plates and pour the drinks. He asked me if I wanted to eat quickly.

I dropped my towel "That can wait for now I think, I'm more hungry for something else right now." I answered.

I walked over to him and pulled his towel off and pushed him back onto the bed. Moving in between his legs I gave him a peck on his lips and worked my way down his neck and found his left nipple, I bit and sucked on it until it stood erect. Our cocks had also gone back to their original state before we were interrupted. His chest was smooth except for a small triangular patch of blond hairs between his pecs.

I'm not much of a hair man, but this was just perfect. I found his other nipple and repeated the treatment, when it too stood erect, I continued kissing my way down his chest and abdomen until I found his belly button, my tongue probed the crevice as I sucked his skin into my mouth and gently bit into his button. My chest was pressing down on his cock and as I was playing with his button, he arched his back and pressed his cock harder against me. I could feel the pre-cum that had seeped out on my chest. I continued my journey south, nipping at his skin with my teeth, his cock was brushing against my cheek. I passed by and headed for his balls with my mouth. I took hold of his cock with my right hand and pulled back his foreskin and I found his ball and sucked it into my mouth, it was relatively large so I didn't suck it in completely. I rolled it around between my tongue and lips, he started to groan and placed his hands on the side of my head. I moved across to his other ball and repeated the action. I released his balls and placed my tongue at the base of his cock and moved my head upward licking his shaft all the way until I reached the head. I licked up the pre-cum that had seeped. It tasted like honey to me. Still holding his cock with my right hand, I pulled his foreskin back over his head and over the tip of my tongue.

Flicking my tongue around his piss slit under his foreskin he again arched his back and groaned with pleasure. The silky feel of his foreskin on my tongue was driving me wild I sucked it onto my mouth and massaged it between my teeth and tongue. Pushing my tongue further under his skin I licked around his head, in one swift action he arched his back, let out a grunt, pulled my head off his cock and said "stop I'm going to come, I want it to last". He pulled me back up to his face and we broke into a "deep throat" passionate kiss. He rolled me over onto my back and copied my earlier actions, as he was circling my cock head with his tongue, he was pulling my foreskin up over his tongue and my head and then pulling it back all the way again.

He started to deep throat me and I could feel my balls begin to swell. I didn't want to come just yet. I swung my body around and worked myself under him with my head between his legs, I wasn't aiming for his cock, I was heading further down., I wanted to explore his rosebud. My tongue began to explore between his cheeks, up and down his crevice. I found his chute hole and started to flick my tongue around his opening, my tongue found it's way passed the door and I began to tongue fuck him. I replaced my tongue with one of my fingers, stretching his opening, soon I was using two fingers and he started to relax. While I was paying attention to his hole, he continued his assault on my cock. I pulled myself up under him and moved him forward until I was behind him and he was in a doggy style position. My cock and his ass were both well lubricated with spit from our oral attention.

I pressed my cock head against his chute and pushed forward, he countered my action and pushed his hips back to meet me, as he did his best to relax I increased the pressure, and glided through and reached into his depths until I was completely buried. I reached around his waist and found his cock, as I was pulling out he moved his hip forward pushing his cock into my hand in a fucking action. While I was fucking his ass he was fucking my hand. Our breathing changed tempo and velocity indicating we were both about ready to shoot our loads. I beat him to it and with a final thrust I plunged into him as far as his ass and my hips would allow, my body was quivering with every shot, 2, 3, 4. He released his load on his forward thrust and shot a load onto the bed cover the second was caught between my fingers and the third seeped down onto the covers as well. As we started to go limp we fell forward onto the bed, I was still inside him and lying across his back. We paused in silence to catch our breaths and to let our hearts return to a normal tempo and rhythm.

I was finally completely limp and my cock slipped out of him, I rolled of and lay on my side looking into his face. He adjusted his position and turned toward me propping his head up with his arm. We looked each other in the eyes and moved toward each other, our lips met and we kissed. Our arms were wrapped around each other, I lay on my back as he placed his head on my shoulder. It wasn't long before we both dropped off to sleep.

Please e-mail me and let me know what you think, Comments/criticism to

Come back again for chapter 6.

Next: Chapter 6

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