Doug and Me

By moc.liamtoh@relbaf

Published on Feb 22, 1999


This is a story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

with all that out of the way-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive criticisms to the above address.

Writers Notes:

I was pretty apprehensive about posting chapter 6, obviously due to the course of events and my subsequent reaction and actions. Unfortunately it was something that happened to me, and leaving it out of the story would have detracted from the truth of the relationship with Doug. The day I woke up in that hospital and found out who the people were that really loved and cared for me, I regretted what I had done. I realised that no matter how big the problem seemed to me at the time, taking my own life was a selfish inconsiderate action on my part, I hadn't given a single person that loved me the opportunity to be there for me.

If there is anyone out there that is relating to me and my experience in this story, and you begin to feel that you too can't go on anymore. Please, Please, do me, yourself and everyone around you that loves you a favor, don't do it, find someone you can talk to. A close friend, a councilor, a stranger in the street, drop me an e-mail, anyone, but don't leave it up to yourself to try make sense of the situation, you can not think straight when you are feeling like that. If you take a step back from where you are standing at that moment, you will see that the situation is not that desperate to justify what you are contemplating.

I hope that all makes sense. Enough said, please read on, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Doug and Me Chapter 7

I was transferred to a general ward, and was forced to go through the standard procedure of interviews with psychiatrists and all that shit. Steven made a point of visiting me every night, Doug never came to visit me once in the week that I spent in the hospital.

As a result of my attempted suicide, I was asked to resign from the army, I don't believe that the fact that I attempted suicide prompted the request, I think it was because now they knew I was gay, and there wasn't place in the army for my kind, little did they realise that probably 60% or more of the medical staff at the hospital were gay. I was given notice till the end of the month which was 3 weeks away. I can't say that I was too unhappy about that, I was looking forward to civilian life again, the next problem was finding a job.

Steven had been spending a lot of his time with me, visiting me every day while I was in the hospital, and now even after I was discharged, he would come round every day after work. We would either go out for dinner or a movie or just vegetate at home on the couch talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Sometimes I would wonder if he was just doing it to make sure I wasn't left alone to do it again, eventually I started realizing that he was doing it because he wanted to be with me, and not because he felt he had to. He was brilliant, never once putting pressure on me to have sex with him or anything. He realised that the timing wasn't right yet I guess, I was still feeling very sorry for myself, and Doug still occupied most of my thoughts, even if he still had not made any attempt to contact me to find out how I was doing.

One evening Steven came home, yea that's right, after all this time, even though he wasn't sleeping over or anything, I'd started thinking of my flat as his home. He didn't have a key or anything, but the door was always unlocked when I was home, and he never knocked before he came walking in.

"Hi honey, I'm home. Guess what?" He said in his excited boyish voice, his eyes lit up and his face beaming with excitement.

"No, what!"

"I've organized you a Job. You start on Monday at the Supermarket as trainee manager."

"WOW.... No shit, trainee manager, what the fuck do I know about managing a supermarket?"

"Duh, that's why you will be a trainee manager asshole."

"That is great Steve, thank you." I walked over to where he was standing in the middle of the lounge and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a powerful bear hug. "You're the greatest Steven, I won't ask you how you got that right." I pulled back from the embrace slightly, keeping my arms rested on his hips, my tone of voice becoming a little more serious. "Why are you doing all of this for me? You've been with me every day since I woke up in the hospital. I've done nothing for you in return, I've been so wrapped up in my own misery, why have you kept coming back?"

He took hold of me by my shoulders and led me over to the couch where he sat me down. We were sitting sideways facing each other, he was holding my hands in my lap.

"As I told you in the hospital, I know we haven't known each other for that long yet, but I know I feel more than friendship for you. You're a special person and Douglas is an asshole for not realizing that. I want to get to know the person that Douglas didn't want to know. I feel myself falling in love with you more and more every day, and all I want is to make you happy." It was the first time that Douglas' name had come up in a conversation between us. "I realise that it is going to take you a while before you get over him, but I want to be here that day you do decide you are over him, till then, I'll bide my time."

"Steven stop, you're going to make me cry. What happened between us before all of this blew up, was amazing. It felt so good to be with you, and it still does. I want to be with you more of the time, and more than just in your company, but I'm scared that the ghost of Douglas is going to keep coming between us."

"Charlie, I know that, I don't particularly want to be hitting it off with you while you are thinking of him. Let's take it slow, let me be around you, whatever happens, happens, and if nothing does, well, as long as you are happy, I will be too. I don't know about you, but I'm willing to try."

"I'm just very scared, having you around has really made me happy, but I'm not too keen to let myself fall in love like that again, I hope you understand." I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips, I lifted my hand and brushed my fingers across his cheek. Before he could react and reach out to me, I stood up and walked away from him toward the kitchen. I reached the kitchen, but before I walked in, I turned around to look at him again. I could see the disappointment in his face.

"What do you think about this idea? You are still going to be in town for a few more weeks, why don't you move out of the hotel and move in here with me. We can see what develops!" I asked.

"Well I was going to tell you about that a little later. About me staying in town for another week or two that is. The boss at head office contacted me the other day about my position here." I started to imagine him telling me that he would be leaving the next day. "It would seem that they need me here a little longer than expected, they've told me I've got to find someone that I can train to take over my position, and until then, I have to stay here. They've suggested that I find myself a flat because they don't see me spending less than a year here, and it will be cheaper than a hotel."

"That's tremendous! I thought that you were just about to tell me that you were leaving at the end of the week!" The relief must have been obvious in my voice. "So now that's a good enough reason to move in here, saves you having to look for another flat."

"Well there's something I didn't mention to you about your new job! You might want to re-consider that idea."

"What's that?" Suddenly the penny dropped. "Oh shit, me trainee manager, you training someone to take over you position. You're going to be my boss aren't you!"

"Yup! Could be quite an interesting arrangement don't you think, boss, flat mate and hopefully lover." Desperately trying to hold back his laughter, his face was covered with a huge smile. "So if you still think it's a good idea for me to move in, the company will pay for all the rent and utilities etc. sharing transport would also be a nice saving."

I moved over to the couch and sat silently for a few minutes, his face changed from a grin to a serious worried look. Eventually I broke the silence. "Well if we are going to be working at the same place, it makes sense to stay together as you say, but you being my boss!" My face changed into a smile. "Do you think you are going to be able to keep me under control? As for lover, we'll have to see about that."

"Sounds like it should work."

"We'll have to see how things go, I'm sure it should work out." I leaned over to him and placing my hand behind his head, pulled him forward for a kiss. I was feeling so happy, I was relieved that I had found a job, and I was feeling a closeness to Steven that I couldn't explain. "Will you stay the night with me? I want to be close to you, I need to hold you." I asked.

"Nothing would make me happier." He brought his hand up to the side of my face and pulled me forward to resume our kiss. It was soft and gentle, our lips caressing each others. He pressed his lips firmer against mine, and I felt his lips part, mine followed his lead and met his tongue half way. The tips of our tongues danced lightly together, the need to be closer soon followed and his tongue entered my mouth further. I was soon swept up in the closeness of the moment, I pulled him forward onto me as I lay back on the couch. Our breathing became deeper and the dance our tongues were performing became more passionate.

I felt a closeness to him that I can't explain, before I had been so consumed with Douglas I didn't allow myself to feel anything emotional towards anyone else, and now, even though thoughts of Doug were flashing through my mind, I knew it was Steven I wanted to be with right then. I felt tears begin to build up in my eyes, for a change they weren't tears of sadness, I was being overcome with a sense of joy and happiness as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I must have sniffed, because he pulled back from the kiss, looking down at me with a look of fright and concern across his face, asked me. "What's wrong, am I pressing you to go somewhere you don't want to?"

I pulled him close to me in a tight hug, "No, nothing like that. I'm beginning to feel alive again, and it feels so good. I'm happy for a change, and it's you that is making me feel like that. I want to be with you, and I can't see why the hell I shouldn't be with you."

"If you are sure, let's move to the bedroom, it will be more comfortable than the couch." He stood up, and taking me by the hand helped me up and led me to the bedroom. He stopped at the side of the bed and turned back to me. "Are you sure?" I didn't answer him, instead I started to undo the buttons of his shirt. With the palms of my hand pressed against his body, I moved my hands back up to his shoulders and pushed the shirt off over them, dropping down his arms an onto the floor. The softness and warmth of his skin against my hands creating a need for me to feel more of his naked body against mine. My eyes followed the motion of my hands as they caressed his chest, shoulders, neck and arms, marveling at the beauty that was standing before me. I wasn't aware of him removing my shirt until it became time for me to drop my arms in order to let it fall to the floor. I looked up and noticed he was gazing at me as I was studying his body, his lips slightly curled up at the side in a slight grin. I continued to caress his body when my arms were freed of the shirt, my hands circled lower onto his abdomen, my fingers brushed his side and he flinched slightly. I pressed my hand down the sides of his hips under the trouser, bringing my hands back to the center of his stomach causing his abs to contract and withdraw his stomach, giving my hands more room to maneuver around and unbuckle his belt and undo the top button of the trouser. I found the zip lever and pulled it down, leaving his trouser to drop to is ankles. He kicked his shoes off as he stepped out of the trousers, leaving him standing in front of me in only his socks and briefs.

I hadn't really taken much notice of his body before, and realised what I had missed out on. We were more or less the same height, but his body was far more defined than mine, his legs and arms lightly covered in a soft blond hairs. There was a triangle of blond hairs on his chest between his pecs. his skin was soft and smooth. It wasn't a body builders physique, but perfectly formed. The bulge in his briefs clearly indicating that what he had in there wasn't too bad either. My finger followed the darker trail of hair leading from his navel down until they disappeared into his briefs. My finger continued down over the bulge down between his legs, ending when they were just behind his balls pressed close to his body in the confines of the underpants. My hand opened and my fingers spread as I cupped his balls. Even through the fabric, the sensation caused a reaction in him as be heavily breathed out through his nose until his lungs were emptied of their contents and then followed by a deep inhale ending in a soft groan. My hand moved up off his balls and onto the shaft of his cock, a wet spot had formed where the head was outlined by the hugging cotton cloth. I rubbed my thumb across the sticky patch, his body quivered as he let out another soft whimper.

He unbuckled my belt and quickly undid the button and opened the fly, dropping my pants down to my ankles. I did as he had done, kicking my shoes off as I pulled my feet out of the trouser leg. My own excitement was obvious with the tenting of my briefs and the wet spot. I continued to massage his cock through his underpants, but he was more anxious to release my cock from it's confines. He eased the elastic waistband of my briefs over the head, and then briskly pulled it down to my ankles, going down onto one knee and sucking the head into his mouth all in one swift movement. The speed of his movement together with the electric charge that was shooting through my body caused by the action of his lips and tongue on my sensitive cock head, caught me off guard and I nearly fell forward over him. "Oh, God." I cried out reaching forward to support myself on his shoulders. "God that feels good!" My eyes shut tightly and I began to feel light headed as wave after wave of electric charge shot through my body, from head to toe and then all the way back up again. He sucked on my cock as if it was a straw and he was trying to suck up the last drop of cola at the bottom of the glass, the volume of precum that was being emitted gave me the sensation that I was shooting my load already. My body began to shake as my leg muscles went into an involuntary spasm and twitched frantically. I leaned forward again to support myself on his shoulders, only this time my body weight was too much for him to support and he fell over backwards and I came plunging down on top of him.

"Oh my God! What were you doing to me, you sucked the strength and life right out of my legs!" We both laughed. I rolled off him and lay on the floor next to him, gasping for air. "Holy shit, I haven't even cum yet, if you keep doing that to me, I'll die before that happens!"

"Feel good does it?" he asked still chuckling.

"You're kidding right? That feels fucking amazing, but if you are going to do that again, I think it will be a good idea for me to be lying down!"

I rolled back over towards him, supporting myself on my elbow, half lying across his chest, bringing my knee up over his leg and pressing it up under his balls. "You're amazing, you know that!" not waiting for an answer I pressed my lips against his, my tongue searching for an entry. He eagerly accepted my invasion and our tongues began their dance once more. I broke off and whispered into his ear "It's my turn now!"

I kissed him behind his ear, kissing his neck down and round to his adams apple. Gently taking bites of his flesh as I progressed. Rolling further onto him and re-positioning myself so that I was on my knees between his legs. I continued to explore his body with my lips and teeth, kissing his chest from one side to the other, up into his arm pit, breathing in his clean sweaty odor and tasting his saltiness on my lips. I reached his nipple and sucked it up into my mouth, biting into his flesh. I wasn't sure whether it was because of pain or pleasure, but he let out a loud grunt and bucked his pelvis up into my stomach. I released his nipple and continued to kiss my way down, past his navel and onto his cock, which was still confined in his briefs. I lifted his hips and eased his underwear off his butt and over his cock. He raised his legs either side of me above my head and I removed the underpants and tossed it aside. I lifted his cock off his stomach and began to stroke up and down the full length of his shaft, using my thumb to spread the precum across the head.

I looked up into his eyes, "I want to feel you inside me." I said. I took his hand and lifted him up, moving back toward the bed, lying down on my back, "Make love to me please."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, but remember it's only been done to me once before. Please go slow and gentle." I said looking into his crystal green eyes. I lifted my knees up placing my heels on the bed and spreading my legs further apart opening myself up to him.

He shuffled across the floor on his knees and moved himself between my legs. He cupped my balls with his hand lifting them up away from my crack, my eyes closed. He stroked his finger down my crack as he continued to massage my balls with the other hand. I reached down my sides gripping my cheeks pulling them apart to expose myself more. His finger gently circled my hole causing the muscles to tense up, his finger was replaced with his tongue. He lapped his tongue up and down in my crack, moving ever closer, the tip of his tongue finally reached the hole. He circled it several times depositing large amounts of his saliva around it. Using his thumbs on either side, he separated my cheeks. He pressed his tongue against my bud, increasing the pressure trying to gain entry, I willed myself to relax, and his tongue pressed through. "OH GOD, THAT FEELS GOOD, PLEASE DON'T STOP!" Forcing his tongue deeper into me, depositing more of his saliva, his tongue darting in and out as he tongue fucked me.

He removed his tongue and I suddenly felt empty, but it wasn't for long as his tongue was replaced with his finger. Pushing his finger as deep as it would go, I felt it brush against my prostate, my body quivered, using a twisting action, he slowly began to withdraw his finger, leaving only the last digit in my ass, he continued to twist it around, stretching the opening. He continued doing this for several moments, and then I felt a second finger prying it's way in, I was so relaxed that there wasn't any pain as it gained entry, he twisted them around again and pressed the two fingers in as deep as they too would go. It felt a little uncomfortable, but there was no pain as yet. "I want you to use your cock, please fill me with your cock." He never removed his fingers as he once again positioned himself, only once he was settled, he withdrew them and again I had that empty feeling. I heard him spit into his hand, he must have used it to rub onto his cock, because next I felt the head of his cock press against my opening.

I kept my eyes closed in anticipation of the pain, the pressure increased and his head slid in against the resistance my asshole was putting up. That was when the first wave of pain struck, I screwed my eyes up and whimpered.

"Just relax Charlie, but if it's too painful, I'll stop. Do you want me to stop Charlie?"

"No, please don't. Give me a second to adapt, you can go on now!" I felt my ass stretch like it's never stretched before. Bearing down when he resumed the pressure, he slid right up into me without any further resistance. "OOOWWWW!!!, THAT'S SORE, WAIT, STOP, DON'T MOVE, STAY THERE."

"Must I pull out?"

"Don't you dare." I chuckled "Just wait a moment, the pain is going away. Give it to me slowly, let me get used to it. You feel so big inside me, but it feels great."

He slowly began his withdrawal, almost until he was out, changing direction he began his downward thrust. "OH GOD, THIS FEELS GOOD." He repeated his actions, increasing his pace each time. I tensed up my sphincter around the base of his cock as he reached the deepest penetration.

"OH FUCK YES, DO THAT TO ME AGAIN, YOUR ASS IS SO TIGHT." His pace increased, I could feel his balls slap against my butt. Pounding in and out of me, his cock beating against my prostate time and time again. The feeling intensified, and my balls pulled up into me and I swear I could feel the cum work it's way through the tubes, sending shivers up and down my spine. I wrapped my fingers around my cock and started jacking myself off at the same pace that he was ramming his cock in and out of me.

We both yelled out in unison "AAAAGHHHHHH, I'M CUMMMMMMMMMING!!" and with that my load erupted, globs of cum shooting onto my stomach, into my navel, spilling out over my hand. It felt like I would never stop, I didn't count how many times I shot, I was in no frame of mind to do that, I watched a pyrotechnic display taking place on the underside of my eyelids. Steve had fallen forward with his arms gripping me by the hips, his cock buried deeper into me than it had been before. His face was all screwed up as if in intense pain, except for spasmodic forward thrusts of his hips, the rest of his body was motionless, his teeth were gritted together, groaning and grunting loudly. We both lay motionless and in silence, waiting for our breathing to return to normal, and our pulse rates to slow.

After a few minutes lying like that in silence, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, locking him in a powerful bear hug. He wanted to move, but I hugged him tighter. "Don't move, I want you to stay inside me as long as possible. It feels so good to have you in me, like it's where you belong." Lifting my feet, I locked them onto his butt and pulled him up closer to me.

"Believe me Charlie, I could stay like this forever, I feel right at home." He said grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, I suppose you are at home now, BOSS." We both roared with bouncing the bed slightly causing him to slip out. "Oh no! you're out! pity, guess we'll have to put it back again sometime soon."

That's it folks, hope you enjoyed this chapter. To all those guys that have been sending me messages, your words of encouragement have been phenomenal, thanks guys, I love you all.

Chapter 8 should be on it's way soon.

Next: Chapter 8

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