Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 10, 2022


In the afternoon, Master Jameson summoned all of the other Masters to a meeting behind closed doors. The subs in training were in the kitchen, whispering so they wouldn't be heard. Since Master Jameson took drew to his room nearly ever night, he had information that the others didn't.

"That movie guy, Justin? Apparently, he's in a buying mood. He was with the group that toured the place this morning, and he's coming back tonight. He wants to talk with the guys he's interested in."

"Who are those? "ben asked and drew shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know that. I think I heard Master Jameson say that he was keeping it quiet, but he wanted all of us to be ready to talk to him."

Doug looked down at the floor. "When Stewart took me here, he told me that Justin had seen a photo of me and was interested. That's why he brought me." He looked up and he saw shocked looks on some of the faces.


"You're right. I forgot. It's because I knew Stewart -- I mean Master Stewart -- for a long time."

"Does he let you not use `Master' when you're alone?" brad asked.

"No. As a matter of fact, I've gotten paddled for it."

"As you should," ben continued. "we could ALL get in trouble if one of us does not follow the rules."

"Fellow Masters, here's the situation. When Mr. Vick was here this morning, he took a liking to, as he put it `more than one' of the subs. He wants to meet with them to determine if the interest is justified. So, this evening, each of the subs is going to meet with him for half an hour. Just conversation, nothing more than that."

"Sounds like that stupid television show about bachelors and bachelorettes," Stewart crabbed. "Maybe he should just save everybody time and make a bid." Master Jameson scowled.

"He DID in fact make a bid, Stewart, but he didn't give me any more information than an amount." He paused. "It was a SUBSTANTIAL bid -- it will be impossible to turn him down if it's for one sub, and very difficult to do so for two. For three, it gets more interesting."

"Impossible to turn down? Even if it's for drew?" One of the Masters teased, and Master Jameson shook his head.

"Yes. Even for drew. "He sighed. "We'll hear what he has to say and if in fact he does take two of the subs, we'll be very low on inventory, and we'll have to go on hiatus for a while until we bring back more men to train. Now, let's prepare: the subs should all be clean, but in their standard uniforms. No shorts, long slacks, and their t-shirts. As snug as possible."

"Is that him?" doug leaned over to ben, who was standing next to him in the line. The subs all stood with their hands behind their backs, their chests pushed out, legs spread. They looked down, but they could see Justin Vick. "That's him," ben answered. Doug raised his head to take a look: the man was younger than he thought he'd be: maybe late 30s, definitely early 40s at most. Moustache. Big glasses. Very dark black hair, and a smile that seemed to say this all amused him.

"Mr. Vick," Master Jameson began to speak. "We have a small lounge room available to the side. If there is a particular order you would like to use to talk to the subs, by all means. Otherwise, we can send them in to you at random.

"I think random is best. Except for that one." He pointed to doug. "Sub dougie. Yeah. He's the one I want to talk to last." Master Jameson took a quick look at Master Stewart, and grinned.

"Then that's how it will be. Brad, please show Mr. Vick the lounge. Mr. Vick, would you like any refreshments brought to you?"

"Not at this time, but perhaps the third sub could bring in a pitcher of water when he comes in?"

"We will make sure he does. Enjoy your chat."

The subs went in one after the other after that. The chat with brad took only twenty minutes, as did the chat with kevin. Drew was the third one, and that chat took about 45 minutes. When drew came out, he was smiling, but he looked a bit shaken. Doug didn't hear him say to the other subs "he's coming back to take me out to dinner: to get to know me better."

"So, you're the infamous dougie." Justin was looking at doug, smiling. His hand had gone to the back of doug's head, and he was twisting one of doug's curls. Doug knew well enough not to try to stop him.

"Infamous? How so, Mr. Vick?"

"Well, Master Jameson told me you were the prettiest sub they had seen for many years."

"I'm...I'm flattered about that, Mr. Vick. I don't know if it's true, though."

"So, you're experienced as a sub? That's what they tell me." Doug blushed.

"I'm learning. I've been a bottom most of my life, but not a sub. Master Stewart is training me."

"AH! Master Stewart! He's the one you've bottomed for."

"I've bottomed for others Mr. Vick, but... I enjoy bottoming for Master Stewart."

"And from what I understand, you should. There are many stories about how good a top and how good a DOM Master Stewart is." He paused and looked at doug.

"Are you naturally smooth, doug?"

"Well, I guess so. My hair grows slowly, but I've never had any of the treatments to destroy hair follicles."

"FOLLICLES! AH, you're educated too." He paused. "And you're caged right now?"

"Yes, Mister Vick. We're all caged. It's part of our training."

"I thought so. I very much approve of Master Jameson's training methods." He continued to talk to Doug for well over an additional 30 minutes.

"I think you should leave the room first, doug. It would be unseemly for us to leave together."

"If that's your wish Ms. Vick. I wish you a pleasant evening."

Justin stood up. "My evening would be MUCH more pleasant if you would be spending it with me, but ALAS." As doug left, he realized that his cock was hard against the cage.

Justin then went into a room to confer with Master Jameson. The other Masters remained. Doug noticed that Stewart seemed particularly tense, and almost upset. He had his fingers pressed into doug's shoulders, and he was pressing hard enough to cause some pain.

When Master Jameson and Justin Vick came back in the room, they were both smiling.

"We'll await you tomorrow evening, Justin. I assure you, you will have a fine evening." Justin turned to the subs, who were lined up in formation again. "Good night, boys. I'll see you all tomorrow." He went over to drew and put a finger under his chin. "And you, my little soldier, will see a LOT more of me tomorrow than the others." Drew blushed. It was clear: Justin was interested. He wondered how Master Jameson was going to react. Doug felt Stewart's fingers ease up on him.

Justin got into his Tesla and his driver took off. Master Jameson spoke. His smile was less prominent.

"Well, I learned tonight that Mr. Vick is interested in two of our subs. Clearly, drew, you know that he's interested in you." He looked at Stewart. "He is also interested in doug. So, we have arranged for him to have an evening out with each of them. He will see drew tomorrow, and doug the next day. Fellow Masters, you must sit with me, please, as we discuss the planning for tomorrow. I will also let you know the bid number. I will try to get it raised after the evenings with our subs, assuming Mr. Vick remains interested in both." He turned to walk off then stopped.

"Oh, yes, one other thing. Master Stewart and sub doug, your wrestling match will be canceled. Mr. Vick would like to see drew and doug wrestle." He looked at his Masters. "Gents, let us be off. Subs, to where you should be." Doug went back to the cabin. He was nervous because he didn't know what to do. Stewart wasn't there, and he hadn't given doug any orders or instructions. Should he get undressed? Should he dress up fancier? He sat, trying to figure things out, and Justin kept on coming up in his mind. He wasn't a hottie, that was for sure, but he had been much more polite and genial than doug had expected. He didn't arouse him the way Stewart did, but doug DID leave the meeting aroused. He heard the door open, and slam shut.


"Sir, all we did was talk..."

"STOP TALKING AND GET YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES OFF, BITCH. IF YOU'RE GOING OFF WITH THAT GODDAMN JOKER, I'LL HAVE YOUR ASS EVERY DAY UNTIL YOU DO." When doug was spread out on the bed, Stewart pushed his legs apart. He RAMMED into doug in a way he never had.

"OW SIR, that hurts."

"GOOD, BITCH, GOOD! I WANT IT TO HURT. I WANT YOU TO WANT OUTTA HERE AND ME. GO WITH THAT PANSY. GO AHEAD. NOW, JUST TAKE A REAL MAN'S COCK." Stewart grabbed doug's wrists, and he pinned them behind him. He pushed them up and when doug struggled, he tightened his grip and pushed harder. Doug found himself getting more and more aroused.



"Yes sir! Yes SIR! YOUR bitch. Only your bitch. PLOW ME SIR. PLOW ME. TAKE WHAT's YOURS." Doug couldn't see that Stewart was smiling. This is EXACTLY what he wanted. To hear doug saying things like that, he knew that his plan was the right one. He just had to play it through. As he thought about it, he got closer and closer to climax and then.... "WHAM" he yelled. His sperm flowed into doug: so much of it, it began running down doug's leg. Doug began to purr. He LOVED it when Stewart got this aggressive. He liked feeling like he was, well, just property to be used. And when Stewart leaned into him and whispered, just before he bit doug's ear that "That fuck is NOT gonna get you if I have to kill him to make sure of it. We just need to be patient."

"Thank you, Sir," was doug's response. He didn't know what Stewart's plan was, but he could tell that the Master he wanted, had one.

Next morning, drew wasn't at his morning duties: they had taken him off to get him ready for his date. There were parameters: Justin could not put his penis in any part of drew, but anything else was fair game. There was a guest cabin where he could spend the night with drew if he wanted, but he had to make sure that drew was back at the main house by 9 the next morning.

"Let me see my precious drew," Master Jameson ordered when he came downstairs an hour before Justin was expected. He popped a boner when he saw his favorite sub: they had trimmed his beard and moustache and had given his hair a trim. He had on a pair of very thin, very tight light tan trousers, and a short sleeved white shirt with a very fine pattern. It was tight too, especially around the arms. "His best feature is his biceps, Master Jameson. We wanted to accentuate that." Master Jameson was torn: on the one hand, he had a business to run and on the other hand, drew was his favorite boy. He had rejected so many offers on him that he couldn't keep refusing potential Masters. Further, Justin had complicated things by bidding on drew AND doug. He knew Stewart wanted doug for himself. If he rejected a bid on drew, and accepted one for doug, he'd probably lose Stewart as a Master and trainer.

The business side of him came through at that moment. He went up to drew, looking him in the eyes so intently that drew had to turn away.

"You think anyone's gonna be interested in a man with saggy tits, boy?"

"No, Sir." Drew sucked in his chest and pointed them out. "Squeeze those glutes, too. Let him know there's treasure waiting there. "Master Jameson put his hands around drew and squeezed his cheeks. "Who took you first, drew?"

"You did, Sir."

"Damn right. Whatever else happens you need to remember: I'm the one who taught you how to seduce a man."

"You're right, Sir. I got him interested in me because of what you taught me." drew wasn't stupid, and he knew that comment would sting: after all, drew had "belonged" to Master Jameson. No one else got a shot at him. And now, he was telling his DOM that he had made him desirable to other men."

"Sir, Mr. Vick is here." Kevin came back from the hallway.

"Please invite him in, kevin. See if he would like a drink of something."

Justin walked in and drew felt his blood begin to stir. His "date" had on a silk white shirt, with three buttons opened, and a black jacket. He also had on skinny jeans, and boots that drew knew were awfully expensive. He smiled.

"So, how's my date tonight?" He walked over. "I'm fine, Sir. I'm looking forward to spending time with you."

"Can you bend your head a minute, drew? Whatever happens, I want you to have something." He slipped a chain over drew's neck. There was a solid gold baseball at the end of it. Drew's mouth dropped.

"Sir, this is too much! I can't accept it."

"Sure, you can. What's wrong with taking a gift from a fan?" He turned to kevin, who had two glasses of champagne. "Maybe we can have a drink before we leave? I'm not driving us so, we should be okay."

"Uh, sure Sir." He looked around and he saw that everyone had left the room. "Let's sit, my sweet shortstop," Justin smiled and took one of drew's biceps in his hand. He led him over to the sofa.

"To a great night." Drew smiled as they clinked glasses. He didn't know about the bid for two guys: the information that he had gotten was that Justin hadn't made up his mind. "If I play this right, I can get away from that old letch" he thought.

"Kiss me, handsome," Justin said in a low voice as they put down their glasses. He moved in and pressed his lips to drew's. Drew was receptive: he opened his mouth so that Justin could slip in his tongue.

"MMMMMM," drew couldn't help himself. It was wonderful to be kissed by someone other than Master Jameson, and Justin kissed well. When he finished, he smiled at drew.

"I'm getting some more of that, but first," he moved down drew's shirt and opened buttons. "That way we can both see your trinket. It looks could on you. Who knows? Maybe you'll have something like it right... here" he pinched drew's right nipple.

"You mean, like a pierce Sir?"

"Uh huh. My baseball jock bottom sub. "He saw drew's face and laughed. "You don't have any choice, drew. I made an offer that Master Jameson doesn't dare turn down. Of course, if you want, I could say `I'm not interested' and you can go back to HIS bed." NOW, drew truly felt like a slave.

"I understand, Sir. "

"Shall we go?"

"Whenever you like, Sir."

It didn't take long for Justin to take control after they had gotten into the backseat of his car. He cuffed drew's hands behind him and began opening his shirt, nibbling at nips, kissing him, and again, shoving his tongue down drew's throat.

"Have I got you hard, stud?"


"Heh heh. I can't put my dick in you but... nothing says I can't use my fingers. You ever have someone play with your prostate?"

Drew wasn't even sure he knew what the prostate was. "No Sir, I don't think so."

"Well, you'll learn tonight."

During dinner, drew was so nervous that he was going to use the wrong fork, or spill something, or jump when Justin did something like he had just done: put his hand on drew's right thigh and ran it up and down, all the way up to his balls. Justin saw the look on drew's face, and he knew he was enjoying it.

"Now, they told me that they don't let the subs eat dessert, but if you'd like some, I won't tell." Drew's mouth was watering: he saw some of the desserts going by, but he thought this might be another test.

"No, Sir, it's ok. I watch my diet." Justin laughed. "Good. You watch your diet, and I'll watch your ass. Your cheeks move so well in those pants, DAMN. I may have to find every color available. Of course, then I won't get a chance to put you in cut-off shorts."

"He's serious," drew thought. "He's interested."

An hour and a half later, drew was in the cabin, naked, and staked out on the table, watching Justin undress. His cock was at least four inches longer than Master Jameson's.

"Oh, drew, the damage I could do to that ass of yours. But for tonight, I'm gonna leave you having to explain what happened because you, young man, are about to have a prostate orgasm." When Justin put his first finger inside drew, he thought he was going to be fist fucked and he protested. He squirmed and grunted, and Justin just told him to relax.

"Just one more finger, stud. We need to find your gland."

Drew felt Justin's fingers: they were moving as if he were crooking his finger to "come here."

"FOUND IT" Justin proclaimed. "Nice and big and juicy. I'm flattered. It means I'm turning you on."

"Yes Sir, you are. OH GOD ARE YOU," drew gasped and realized that Master Jameson never paid any attention to whether he was aroused or not.

"How's it feel, shortie? Should I stop?"

"Don't you dare, Sir" drew gasped. He couldn't believe what he was feeling and... was that pre-cum coming out of his cage?

"OH GOD SIR OH GOD OH GOD." Justin smiled. "Now, my turn. DAMN I wish I could go in you."

"Me too, Sir," drew croaked weakly. He was exhausted. He barely felt Justin as he shot his cum all over his flat stomach.

"You're such a pretty boy, drew. You think you want to come and be MY boy?" Drew gulped. He hoped he was giving the right answer.

"Yes Sir. I do." Justin leaned over and kissed drew's forehead.

"Well, let's see what we can do to make that happen. Now, how about some sleep? You've had a very intense day."

Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir." Drew slipped into the position he always took with Master Jameson: the little spoon.

"No, not my favorite, boy. Cuddle up to me. Get that head on my chest. MMMM. Yeah, like that. "He was running his hand through drew's trimmed hair. "We'll discuss body hair if this transaction happens."

"Transaction," drew thought. "That's what he said. Stop imagining he's your knight in shining armor, Drew," he told himself. "He's buying you. You'll belong to him. "He smiled as he felt Justin's hand on his neck. "And things could be MUCH worse.

"Sir, can I ask who else you're interested in?"

"You can ask, but I'm not telling you." He kissed drew's forehead. "Let me just say, it's not one or the other. I'm interested in two of you. And you'll find out who the other guy is, tomorrow. For now. MMMMM. Get your rest. Maybe I'll go find that gland again tomorrow."

"MMMMM. Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

Justin could hear the shallow snores from drew and he thought "This one. Definitely. It's gonna be a hard act for dougie to follow."

Next: Chapter 5

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