Dougs Voluntary Kidnapping

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 15, 2023


So, when we last saw doug and drew, "neither one could have been happier." This was true, but they were happy for different reasons and now, things had changed. Doug was elated to be back with Stu, the man he wanted to serve. Drew thought something else was happening: he thought that he'd be a free man. Now, however, he was sitting in the front seat of Justin Vick's car, his hands tied tightly behind his back. He and Mister Vick had taken a room at a hotel the night before, and before they went to bed, Vick had locked the room from the inside. Still drowsy, drew hadn't seen where he had put the key. "You'll be sleepy for a while, drewski. That drug is pretty powerful. You're strong, though. You'll be fine." Drew didn't hear any of that: he was snoring very softly. Vick stroked his cheek gently, and then put his hand on drew's ass. "You're just so perfectly BEAUTIFUL, drew. You'll make a perfect compliment to me. Just PERFECT." Vick's cock stiffened as he thought about sex with drew. He could have taken him in the bed right then and there, but he wanted drew conscious and aware of what was happening to him, and his new role. Drew had protested when Vick tied his hands behind his back, but he was still too weak to put up much of a fight. "HEY. WHAT'RE YOU DOING, JUSTIN?" He asked, before Vick put his hand on the back of drew's neck, squeezed tightly and said "Making sure you don't get away, handsome. Now let's go." Drew resisted, but the after effect of the drug was still strong, and that's how he found himself in the car with Vick. As the drug wore off, he struggled against the ropes more and more, but they were tied tightly, and he couldn't get free. They had been driving for about an hour when he asked: "Justin, why am I tied up?" Justin laughed. "You should call me Vick from now on, drew. Mister Vick the way you were trained. So why are you tied up? Well, first of all, I like the way you look when you're in bondage. Your chest points out a little, your biceps bulge and the best part of it: you get this look on your face as if you're angry or pissed off. And I think that's hot. "I AM ANGRY, JUSTIN. AND YEAH, I AM PISSED OFF. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" "Mister Vick, drew. Damn, that fire you have is sexy. I betcha you'd look even hotter if you had a gag in your mouth. If this weren't a public road, I'd put one in, but I don't want any suspicion. Once we get to your new home, we'll play with that." Drew began to fight the ropes again, but when he heard Vick mutter "fuck YEAH," he stopped. "So, you mean I went from being a slave at that camp to being your personal slave?" "Ha ha. I knew you were smart, drew. That's exactly right. I planned to buy your contract, but they tried to fuck me over. As you'll learn, handsome: I'm the one who does the fucking. NO ONE fucks me." Drew was silent for a minute. "Please let me go, Mr. Vick. I kept on saying this at the camp: I'm not gay. I had a girlfriend before all of this happened." Vick shrugged his shoulders. "I like it more that you're NOT gay, drewman. Makes the scenario MUCH hotter for me. AH, let me take this turn. We're almost there. See those buildings up ahead? That's where you live now, boy." "HOLY... drew's eyes widened as he saw not one, but three or four buildings. One of them looked new, the others were weathered, but in superb condition. As Vick pulled into a space near the biggest building, he put his arm around drew's shoulder, reached into his open shirt, and fingered the golden baseball. "Remember when I gave this to you, drew?" "Yeah, I do. You want it back?" Vick looked at him and asked, in a very low voice. "You want to give it back?" He locked eyes with drew. It was drew who looked away. "No. I don't." Vick smiled. "Even though it's a reminder of who you are, and who I am?" Drew felt his mouth go dry as he struggled to say it: "Yeah, I know what it means, Mr. Vick." Drew saw his new owner smile. "EXCELLENT. Now give me a kiss like you did on that date when you were angling to get out of the camp. "He saw drew blush and laughed. "I have a LOT more experience at this than you do, my lad. I know when someone's faking it, and when he's not. " "I wasn't faking it. Well, not ALL the time," drew answered, and he got another smile from Vick. "And one of my tasks is to make sure that you're not faking it at all. Now, give me that kiss and let's get out of the car. I'll untie you for a little while once we get inside. Drew remembered one of his first lessons from the camp: "Thank you, Sir," he answered. He felt Vick's hand on his left forearm, and they walked to the door. "Shirtless. A lot. So I can see these guns. Grand tour coming up, but first, a little introduction' to your premier duty from now on." Drew was mesmerized by the house, even though he didn't see much of it as Vick led him securely back to what was Vick's bedroom. He untied drew's bonds, and he said, "you know what to do, stud." Again, drew felt his mouth go dry as he asked: on my back or belly, Sir?" "On your back." As he shucked his clothes, drew saw that he was hard. So was Vick as he stripped. "Oh, the first time. It's always so delicious. Put your hands behind your head, drew. Just for a bit. As if someone where about to give you a blow job." Drew did what he was told, and he saw Vick put on a pair of soft looking, cream-colored gloves. "MMMM. I waited for this," Vick crooned, as his right hand began stroking drew's body. "Spread your legs some more, drewski. Let me get in there." Drew hesitated, but he saw the look on Vick's face and sighed as he felt a gloved finger run over his balls. He convulsed very softly, and a drop of pre-cum came out of his cock. He saw Vick smile. "Looks like my boy likes it. I was right. And I think I'm right about something else." Vick climbed on top of drew, and he began rubbing his nose up against drew's left ear. He whispered, "I bet having your ears played with drives you crazy." Drew's reaction, which was to scrunch up his neck to try to keep Vick's mouth away from his ear, proved that Vick was right. He laughed. "You've got two of them drew, and one way or the other, I'm going to get one." By now, drew had taken his hands from behind his head and was trying to get out from under Vick. He felt Vick pin his wrists down, and all he could do was try to keep Vick out. Vick moved his head back and forth and drew tried to keep scrunching his neck. He succeeded each time until finally, Vick looked at him and smiled. "This is it, drewski. GRRRRRR" He wasn't delicate as he shoved his scruffy chin into the space (neither of them had shaved for more than a day) and drew couldn't stop him. He felt Vick's teeth on his earlobe as he whispered: "when I'm in the mood I lick. When I'm horny as hell, I bite." He ran his teeth back and forth on drew's ear and drew could only moan. He was enjoying it in spite of himself. "You like it, shortie, don't you?" Vick asked and drew sighed. "Yes, Sir. I do. How did you know?" "You gave too much away to dough. He told Stu, Stu told me and now...I know how to bend you to my will, BWA HA HA." Vick continued to whisper: "On the one hand, I want you to beg me to fuck you, but on the other hand...I think it's good that you learn, as soon as possible, drew: there's one guy in charge, and that's me." He slid down and grabbed drew's ankles, pulling his legs up in the air. "You're kinda wet down here, sweet stuff. I guess you like what I did more than I thought you would. "He got in position. "Now, straight boy, get ready to take a new cock." Drew was used to the feel of a cockhead against his hole: he had lost count of how many times Master Jameson had taken him, but Jameson was not nearly as aggressive, or as hard as Vick was that day. Drew had strong glutes from working out, but Vick's cock just kind of ripped through him. "OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD." As he cried out, drew felt Vick get even stiffer. "Yeah, boy. Yell. Beg for mercy. You won't get it. You'll just get more hard cock." Now Vick began squeezing his own glutes and drew felt the pulsing sensation you'd expect. "I may have to do this every day. Every single day, stud. Your butt feels so goddarn good. Better than any I've ever had." Vick pushed in harder and teased drew by saying "Must be because it's a straight ass. Much easier for me to get in you." As Vick continued to screw him, drew saw that there were restraints on the corners of the bed. "That's right jock boy. We'll be using them, too. Just not tonight. Tonight, mmmm. I'm not gonna forget tonight for a long, long time." "Neither will I," drew thought to himself. Vick commented a few times on how hard drew's cock was. "Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying this." Drew couldn't help himself. His eyes were closed when he moaned "you're not, Sir." He realized that at the camp, no one had ever really noticed if he enjoyed himself or not. One time he had gotten caught masturbating and he had been strapped to one of the restraining crosses and put in a chastity cage. Any time anyone at the camp walked by, they were supposed to fondle his balls, and make him more and more uncomfortable. He wondered if Vick was going to make him wear one of those. His thoughts were interrupted because Vick was beginning to pant and moan himself. "FUCK, drew. If a man is the property of the man who last seeded him, I am about to stake my claim." Drew winced as Vick pushed in hard, and he felt more jizz pour into him than had ever happened before. His own cock was dripping. Vic lay down next to him and kept drew pinned down. "You need to jizz, don't you boy?" Drew looked at him. "Yes, Sir. I'm so damn hard." "Well, let's see if you earned the right. Hmmm. You gave me a good fight, you took dick like a pro, and you seem to be learning the rules around here." He paused. "You gonna give me trouble when I wanna tie you up?" Drew sensed it was a trick question, but he answered, "Is that what Sir wants?" Vick's smile told him he had answered well. "I'm gonna take care of you tonight, drew, because you need to learn another lesson: that cock isn't yours anymore. It's like your ass. It belongs to me. And I'm the one who decides whether you jerk, or cum, or anything else. And trust me, jock boy: if you violate MY rules, the punishment is a LOT more severe than what they did at the camp. We clear?" Drew had already sensed that punishment around this place could be severe. He answered "Yes, Sir. And I'll deserve it." For a minute, Vick almost let himself be fooled. He wasn't though, and he took his free hand and began giving drew the best hand job he had ever had in his life. Even though drew was in great shape, he was exhausted. He could barely get his hips in the air as he reached climax, and his climax was a big one. He was breathing hard when Vick took a finger of it, rubbed some of it on drew's lips, and then tasted it himself. "Fresh and clean. A little jock strap aroma." He threw himself on drew and dug his fingers into his ribs. "I am gonna make you the best fucking jock boy bottom the world has ever seen. And you're gonna love it." "Yes Sir," was drew's answer, even though he wasn't sure what any of that meant. "It's time for bed, stud. So much to do tomorrow. Need your rest." When drew woke up the next morning, Vick wasn't in the bed anymore. He thought he remembered his new Master getting up, because he had felt his arms relax and release him. He thought some more, and he remembered what felt like the softest kiss on his forehead. Did he dream that Vick had whispered "I waited a long time for someone like you, and you're not getting away?" He was almost certain he had heard it, but he was still exhausted from the events of the last few days. He looked at the clock on the table. It said 10:30. His first thought was "OH GEEZ. I'm late for chores. What day is it?" and then relaxed, a little, when he realized this wasn't the camp. "Good morning, Andrew!" He heard the first voice he had heard since he and Vick had arrived. A large woman with salt and pepper hair was proceeding in, smiling. She had a tray with her. Drew realized that the blankets had fallen away, and he hustled to cover himself. "OH, DON'T YOU BE WORRYING YOURSELF ABOUT THAT MISTER ANDREW. I've been workin' with Mr. Vick a long time, and I've seen my share of his boys. However good you think yours are, chances are I've seen better. Maybe even had better, "she laughed. "I'm Hannah, Mr. Andrew. Chief cook, bottle washer, laundress, and too many things to mention. Mr. Vick thought you'd probably be hungry for at least something. He's taking you out for a late lunch, so don't be shy about what's put in front of you. Plenty more where that came from." Drew looked at the spread in front of him. His stomach growled. "AH, that's a sound dear to a cook's ears, Mr. Andrew." "Thank you, Hannah. Please: can you call me drew? I hate Andrew. The nuns called me that when I was a kid." She smiled. "From Ireland myself, drew. I know about those holy ladies." She snorted. When Mr. Vick is out of hearing range, for sure. But not when he's around. Got my instructions, and I like my job. Now, you get to work on that food. I hope you're a coffee drinker. I do tea myself, but I wasn't sure. "No, no. Coffee's fine. " "Now, there's a little buzzer you're supposed to ring when ya need me, but I got a good sense of how long it'll take you to eat. When you're done, you can shower in that room there, and then, at least for now, you can dress yourself with what's in that set of drawers. I know Mr. Vick has some more clothes on order, but for today, that will be fine. "Thank you, Hannah." Drew took a bite out of a scone. "I haven't eaten this well in years." It was true. Hannah didn't look surprised. "Breakfast ain't even my specialty, young man. I hope you like lamb chops." "I... don't remember the last time I had them, but I remember liking them, Hannah." "Well, Mr. Vick thinks he has control of the menu but," and she snorted again. "One thing these Masters forget is that they don't control everything. Eat your meal. We'll talk some more. And welcome to `the house that Vick built.'" Drew finished eating, got cleaned up and looked in the dresser. He found socks, a jock, jeans and shorts, t-shirts, and polo shirts. He wondered how he should dress. He knew what the guys at camp would say: "go as slutty as possible." He laughed. Maybe not. He got on a jock, some socks, and he put on jeans. Then, he grabbed a light-colored polo shirt and as he began putting it on, he remembered how Mr. Vick had admired his arms. He smiled and stuffed it in a back pocket, as he left the bedroom. He walked into a large sitting room and saw Vick at a table. He was dressed in business casual clothes, and he had what looked like a script in front of him. He was on the phone. He looked up, smiled, and motioned to a chair for drew to sit in, across from him. As soon as he did, drew felt Vick's foot begin to rub up against his leg. "NNNNNNNNG" snuck out of drew's mouth, and he blushed. It was loud, and it seemed the party on the other end of the phone had heard it because Vick, grinning said "Yeah, remember I told you about that guy whose picture I saw? Next time we see each other, I'll tell you the whole story but, that was him. "Drew heard talking and then Vick laughing. "NO, I did NOT send a shock into his vibrator although, you know, you shouldn't put ideas in my head, Valerie. Anyhow, we'll talk, but for now, let me go and tend to my boy wonder." He put down the phone, looked at drew and smiled. "Sleep well, shortie?" Drew hadn't been called shortie since grammar school when he started playing shortstop. Vick had used it already, and it made drew smile. "I did, Sir. The bed was very comfortable." "You're not a snorer. That means you can stay." Vick got up and walked to a point behind drew. He pressed his palms into drew's shoulder blades, massaging them. Drew realized he had no idea how strong Vick was. "I'm no masseur, drew, but you are as tight as a drum. That's good in SOME places, but not here. Max is around, so I'll make sure you get a proper massage at some point today." Vick had shaved that morning, drew could tell, but his mouth against his ear was still, well, stimulating. "These sensitive, drewski?" His hand dropped down to drew's nipple. Drew winced. "Not like my ears, Sir, but yes." He figured Vick would've found out sooner or later. "I'll keep that in mind. Now, there are a lot of people who work here, drew, and I have enough trouble keeping them in line, so, probably best to limit shirtless to our together time. Even dressed, there's more than one person who's gonna be drooling over you." He laughed "Drew drool. Got to keep that in mind for a future film. So, let me give you the ten-cent tour of the place and then we'll go to the new building. It's a welcoming gift for you." Drew was puzzled: a building?

It took about 45 minutes for Vick to show him the whole house, and then they stepped outside to walk to the new building. "Look like anything you've seen before, drewski?" "It LOOKS a little like a gym, Sir, but." "My boy's a genius. That's exactly what it is. Let's go inside." "Sir, if I can ask a question: you built a GYM for me?" "Well, what else would I do for a jock? It's still empty, you'll see. I know a lot of things but one of your first jobs is going to be working with the architects to fill it with what a jock and a college baseball coach need." Drew squinted. He was confused. "Who's the college baseball coach, Sir?" Vick laughed. "That'd be you. If you thought this gig was one where you were gonna sit at home and watch porn all day until I come home and fuck you, think again. You're going to be a productive member of society, sooner than you think. Let's take a look inside." Vick opened the door. Like he said, there was nothing much in the gym: just a weight bench and what looked like still rings on one wall. Drew walked over and saw they weren't still rings. They were shackles. "We'll be using this space together sometimes, drew. But it's mostly yours." "Sir, I mean, Mister Vick. I mean... I don't know what to say." Vick smiled. "Sure, you do. Thank you starts it off, but it should be followed with something like: `may I suck your cock, Sir?" Drew noticed, when he looked at Vick, that he was about three inches taller than him. The difference wasn't enough to mean he didn't need to get on his knees, but he said, in an even voice: "Thank you, Sir. May I show my gratitude by sucking your dick?" He got a smile. "You can suck my dick, but gratitude's not what I want. The thank you took care of that. I like my cock sucker to keep his hands behind his back." "Yes, Sir." Again, this was something drew had learned and several of the Masters had told him his sucking technique was superb. Vick didn't tell him to put the baseball of his pendant behind him: drew knew that it would get in the way. He opened his mouth and slid his tongue around Vick's exposed cock. It smelled fresh and clean, with a faint residue of the smell that his jizz had the night before. He stopped for a minute: "Faster or slower, Sir?" "You'll figure out what I like. Now stop delaying." Vick heard the slurping noises. The reports had not been wrong: this kid knew what he was doing. He picked up on the slight increase in Vick's breathing when the tip of his tongue touched his balls. He didn't gag when Vick grabbed him by the back of his head and pushed him forward, but because he couldn't slide his head, he moved his tongue all around Vick's penis. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH YES. Short stop and cocksucker. DAMN. Two things about you I know are true. Faster sweet stuff. FASTER." Drew mumbled a "Yes sir," that didn't quite come out because his mouth was full, but he sped up as Vick released his head. In a few minutes, he heard a guttural cry come out of Vick and then he felt the familiar feel of sperm going down his throat. "Good boy, good boy. Well done, my handsome stud." Vick offered his hand to help drew up. Drew didn't take it, and realized from Vick's expression that this was the wrong decision. Vick didn't say anything though. "The gym's not finished, but the bathroom is equipped. Over there. How about you sanitize, and then we'll head out. Lunch, and then we'll visit with your new employer. Got to visit the haberdasher too. Oh, and before you ask, yes. When we drive around today, I want you tied up. Wrists behind you. " Drew sighed, but answered "Yes, sir."

Next: Chapter 7

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