Dr Carnassis Adventures

By Less Ismore

Published on Nov 24, 2002


CHAPTER EIGHT -- The Test and Graduation

I tried to open the door, but as I had suspected, it was locked, but Cedric must have heard me try the door because he opened it rather quickly, and said, "Right this way gentlemen."

"What time is it?" I asked Cedric.

"It's early evening, sir" he replied, just as formal and professional as ever. You'd never know that this was the man who, last evening, was ordering me around like a slave and sticking his big dick up my ass. He switched roles quite quickly and completely.

We entered the laboratory once again. As usual, the chairs were all cleaned up, the tables all set up, pitchers of steaming water and whatever else, the usual scene.

Carnassi and Ingrid were waiting near the chairs. Without being told, I mounted my chair and waited to be strapped in. Neither Carnassi nor Ingrid made any move to fasten us in. Finally, Ingrid came over and secured the waist belt on both of us. As she turned to me, I noticed a red mark on the side of her face; it almost had the shape of a hand. When I tried to ask her about it, she shook her negatively, pursed her lips and looked towards Dr. Carnassi. I assumed it had something to do with our little tryst in the bedroom earlier today.

Carnassi had selected enema dildos that were even larger than the ones that were used this morning. Ingrid lubed them and inserted them, poured the water in the bags and opened the clasps on the hoses so that the hot water, and I do mean hot, began to flow into our bellies. I noticed that the IV stands were a little higher than usual, and the water flowed faster. The second pitcher was already in the bags before I had hardly settled in to the idea of yet another enema. When the second one was in, Ingrid looked at her watch and she and Carnassi left the room.

"So what's next?" I asked Joey.

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"I'm sure damned tired of having my ass stretched by these damned dildos, and tired of having water pumped into me." His speech was slow and deliberate exhibiting the effects of the orange juice concoction that seemed to be available in unending supply.

"There must be something in these enemas, too," I said, because they are making us hold it in for a long time." I mentioned, noticing the change in my speech pattern, too.

After what seemed to be a long time, Ingrid returned alone, and without a word, raised our chairs up right one at a time and pulled the dildos with the tongs, letting the flood of water emit from our bottom ends into the waiting buckets. When we were finished, she checked the effluent and pronounced us "Clear." Almost immediately, Dr. Carnassi entered the room and announced, "Gentlemen, this is a test, if you pass it, you will have a sumptuous dinner and be able to check out of here before lunch tomorrow. If you fail, we'll try again after dinner or for as long as it takes tomorrow.

"What is the test?" I asked.

"The test is to see if you have learned to successfully and painlessly fist each other as well as you were fisted this morning by professionals."

Ingrid tilted Joey's chair so that he was prone with his legs up in the air, and she unfastened my waist belt, saying, "You first."

She led me to the bench where Joey's chair was mounted and handed me one of a super sized rubber gloves like she had used on me earlier. She offered no instruction or encouragement.

"How do you know if I do this right?" I asked.

"The successful test will result in Mr. Joey achieving a completely spontaneous and unassisted orgasm." Carnassi said.

"Don't let me down, partner" I said to Joey.

"Don't hurt me," he said.

I lubed up the hand and arm portion of the glove that was all the way up past my elbow, and inserted first one then two fingers in Joey's ass. The opening was much bigger than I had ever seen it; in fact it seemed to be standing open. The third finger entered without any resistance and he seemed completely comfortable. I stroked around massaging his prostate and that got his attention. "Ahhhh" was all he said.

I then formed a cone with my fingers and began to slowly fuck him with that shape, feeling his ass open more and more. Then with almost no pressure at all I pushed lightly and my hand popped inside his ass. It was a completely new experience, and even through the glove, his insides felt smooth and warm and, well, delightful. I made a fist and Joey produced a huge smile and a deep sigh. I pushed a little more much to his apparent pleasure. Then I made a fist, as I thought Ingrid had on me.

"Oh, yeah, man!" Joey said softly, "Do some more of that."

Instead, I "played the violin" and that had him twisting almost bucking against the waist restraints. I knew he was enjoying it. That gave me the nerve to push my hand a little deeper into the soft folds of his colon. Soon I was up to my elbow in him and began to clinch and unclench my fist, as I ran my arm in and out of him, occasionally twiddling my fingers. His breathing was becoming ragged and he said, "It's starting" but that was all he could manage.

His muscles became rigid and he thrust his cock up into the air as though he was trying to insert it in something. It looked very tempting and I would have loved to have at least kissed the head of it as Ingrid had done mine, but this had to be completely spontaneous, according to Dr. Carnassi.

As I pushed into him to my elbow, Joey screamed, "Oh yes, oh yes!" and began to shiver. Then his cock erupted into the air sending a wad of cum right into his face, I shoed a little deeper and balled up my fist, pulling out with my fingers dancing along his insides as I did. The second batch of cum landed on his collarbone. I shoved back in and he screamed again, sending another burst almost to the point of the last cum explosion. My strokes were very rapid and with each one, he erupted until he had shot seven batches of cum, none landing closer to his dick than three inches above his navel. I gave him four more thrusts of my arm before he said, "No more." So I began to pull out, and he quickly said, "Not all the way out, just do your fingers and don't pump."

When he was finally through with me I withdrew my arm and Dr. Carnassi and Ingrid burst into applause and said, "Very good, that was one of the best we have ever seen. You have passed with flying colors" I had received a standing ovation. Even my dick was standing straight up in appreciation.

Within ten minutes, I was on my back, and Joey was beginning to insert first one, then two fingers into me. I won't bore you with all the details, just let me say this, Joey's big muscular arm in my relaxed ass was the single most delightful experience of my entire life. He was so adept, so gentle, so attentive to my every breath and every nuance of my reaction that when I did come, it lasted so long, I thought maybe I had achieved the perpetual orgasm. The wad of cum went straight up and both Joey and I watched it travel up and up, and it landed right on his nose. Using his other hand, he scooped it off and popped it into his mouth before Carnassi could say anything. When it was all over, Joey got a big round of applause from the doctor and Ingrid, I even joined in.

Carnassi opened the door for us and we went back to our bedroom. I hopped in the shower quickly and came out hoping for a robe or something to put on. What I found was my garment bag, my clothes, and everything. I decided it would be nice to dress for dinner and when Joey came out of the shower, I was fully clothed, a polo, khaki's and driving shoes sans socks. By the time he was dressed, Cedric knocked softly o n the door and asked if we would like a cocktail before dinner. We were led to the club room where we had first been received and Cedric brought us each a wonderfully dry vodka martini with a twist.

We had not spoken since the test. I looked Joey straight in the eyes and said "I don't think any other kind of sex will ever be as good after that. Well maybe better if we could apply a little lip pressure to the dick."

"My thoughts exactly." He answered. Things were getting kind of tense because of the frank admission of our evaluation of sex with each other. I don't think either of us wanted to express what was really on our minds. I decided to break the tension by steering us off the subject.

"But no matter how good you are, you'll never look as good or taste as sweet as my own sweet Em," I told him.

"Well, hell, your boobs will never be as nice as Sue's, and even though you are interesting and rich, you'll never come close to Sue" he said, following suit.

"Is Sue rich?" I asked.

"Hell no! But she's got better boobs and is usually a better fuck than you! At least she doesn't complain as much in the morning when I wake up horny," He said.

We both chuckled and I asked, "Do you think we could teach the girls to fist us??"

"Don't know, " Joey said, "I don't even know if or how much of what has happened I will tell Sue. I guess we better talk about this and reach some decision before we get home." He added.

I looked him right in the eye and said what had been unsaid, "The truth is neither of us are going to be able to forget how good that was and neither of us will trust anyone except each other, unless the girls learn willingly. So we'll always have only the other to scratch that itch when nothing else will do. We're bound together for the rest of our lives. So get used to it."

Joey's look of surprise gave way to realization, and finally he smiled warmly and said, "It's like an unbreakable contract has been signed and forced on each of us. There's always going to be a need for a fisting every now and then and here will never be anyone else to whom we can each turn, right?"

There was a soft rap on the door and we were invited to retire to the dining room, which was now furnished in deep plush oriental rugs, moire silk wallpaper, and mahogany Chippendale styled furniture.

Dinner was veal scaloppini with a small tasty tri-color salad and capellini on the side with olive oil, Parmesan, and garlic.

Cedric brought coffee and a tray of canoli's for dessert. As we sat there and munched our way through the whole plate of sweets, I realized I would spend an extra hour on the treadmill working it off, which led to thinking about our first time together in the gym.

I looked across the table at Joey who also seemed to be lost in thought and said, "I was thinking of something you said that night in the shower in the gym."

Without a moment's hesitation, he asked, "What's that?"

"You said you had been wanting to get your hands on my dick. How long had you been lusting after me? No, really what I want to know is do you always lust after guys, or only occasionally?"

"No, I don't go around lusting after guys, but after several months of watching you in the shower, in the pool or hot tub, the easy way you moved, the old urge started up again and I wanted to see you hard, and the nonce you were naked and hard, I wanted my hands on your dick. Why did you decide to suck me?"

"I'll never know. I felt like I owed you the hand job, and your cock felt so good in my hand, but wanting to put the head in my mouth and get a mouthful of your load? Well, I guess I'll never now, maybe it was just because you had so freely offered me your ass."

Thinking back on the moment, I could remember every detail. I told Joey that.

"Yeah, I can remember nearly every stroke of your dick into my ass. You were so long, I thought you were going to split me in two."

We were both silent for a few moments, and then, almost in unison; we said, "Damn, I'm feeling horny."

Joey added, "Why don't we go back to the room and E umE well get at each other without the effects of Dr. Carnassi's potions."

I thought for a second that he was going to say, "make love" and I think "get at each other" was a hasty and poorly thought out substitute. "What were you going to say before you changed your mind?" I asked.

"Make love."

The look that we exchanged in that moment, our eyes locked together, seeing down to the depths of the other's soul, told me that we were bound together by this whole experience and not just the wonder of fisting. If it was possible for two alpha males like us, hetero in all outward appearances, to fall in love, it was happening. It wasn't something I wanted to talk a whole lot about, but we both knew it was happening. That was enough.

Without another word, we stood from the table, Joey reached into a pockets as though he were going to leave a tip, shrugged with an embarrassed look on this face and we went out the door and into our room. I locked it from the inside.

Joey came to me, took my face in both hands, and kissed me fully on the lips. I closed my eyes and relaxed and enjoyed this expression of emotion on his part. His tongue touched mine lightly and that set off all kinds of sensual fireworks in my body. I put my arms around his waist and let my hands go up his back, holding his big muscles in my palms, as I pulled him to me. I thought I wanted that kiss to go on forever.

When Joey broke the kiss, he put his lips to my ear and said softly, "Oh, Jack, you are so wonderful. I want to explore your whole body with my mouth, my tongue. I could never imagine not having you in my life."

The effect of the kiss combined with the effects of his kips on my ear and the impact of his words had started a slight tremble in my stomach that was beginning to spread all over my body.

I pulled back, looked into his eyes and without saying a ward we knew what to do. We carefully, slowly undressed each of us watching the other appreciatively. By the time my shorts came off, my dick was at full attention, and Joey's fat cock was standing tall and proud.

We kissed again, with our members pressed upwards against our bellies, and then Joey turned out all the lights and gently lowered me to the bed. For that one night, that magic moment, I knew that I was his woman. If I ever wondered what he was like with Sue, I knew I was going to find out that night. His hand made a brief pass up my inner thigh, and on up to my nipples where his fingers lightly tweaked them while his whole hand massaged my breast in a slow circular motion. As he was doing this, his lips were on my neck, nibbling and blowing warm air. They moved from my neck to my ear and his tongue pressed into my ear making a sloshing sound and sending shivers up and down my spine. From my ear, his lips went to my lips for a tongue-lashing kiss and then down to my nipples, going from one to the other and my tremble became a pronounced shiver. In fact, I was quivering all over in excitement and anticipation.

"Oh, Joey, you're so wonderful." I heard a voice from somewhere say. I took his shoulders in my hands as he nibbled my nipples and just pulled him close to me. My breath was drawn in gasps and emitted in sighs and moans.

By the time his mouth was at my navel, his tongue probing it for all he was worth, his hands were both on my butt cheeks, massaging them and letting one finger slide into my anus. He pushed my legs up over his shoulder and raised my anus up in the air and plunged his mouth down to my waiting pucker. His tongue raced around the tight sphincter, then it began to penetrate. After all the huge things that had been in my ass in the last 24 hours, his tongue was the smallest and yet it felt better than anything. Joey was probing with his tongue and moving his head up and down and moaning into my anus.

He lifted his head and said to me, "Oh, what a sweet ass. I could eat it all night."

I wouldn't have minded it felt so good, but I knew what I needed and it was his cock in me, mouth, ass, ear, nose, whatever, I just needed to have his hot fat cock in me somewhere and soon. Maybe he knew what I was thinking, maybe my reaction was what he had been trying to evoke, whatever E Joey knew. He rose to his knees, moved his body near my head and taking his cock in his hands, he offered it to me saying, "Here you go, love, isn't that what you want?"

My intense desires, combined with Joey calling me "love" produced an instant response; I pounced on his cock with my mouth like a kitten on a bird. In one heated plunge I took all of his cock into my mouth and held it there, the head lingering in my throat while I marveled at the accomplishment and then slowly wiggled my head from side to side as I luxuriated in knowing that I had all of my man's cock in my mouth. Joey moaned and took my head in both his hands and pulled back a little and then proceeded to slowly and deliberately fuck my mouth, his hands slowly stroking my ears, neck, and occasionally my lips.

I was on my hands and knees with his cock in my mouth. I was being used to the fullest by my man and I loved every minute of it.

Finally, he said, "that's wonderful, but I shouldn't come now." And started to pull away. The thought of him coming in my mouth, of my being able to offer and provide the ultimate satisfaction this wonderful man overcame me and putting my hands on his butt cheeks, I pulled him back into my mouth and using my hands to guide him, set up a deep plunging rhythm for him.

He must have realized that he was going to come in my mouth no matter what he thought and he relaxed and let me guide him at a pace that was pleasing to both of us. All too soon, I could feel his string starting to twitch and then I could taste a huge glob of hot cum rushing into my mouth. I pulled back so that I could intensely lick the head of his cock and get the taste of all his cum at the same time. When I almost had more than a mouthful, I swallowed it and then milked his cock for more to roll around on my tongue and savor.

Joey collapsed on the bed and pulled me to him. Kissing me fully on the lips, he then whispered in my ear, "thanks, love you were magnificent." Without another word, he turned and took my dick into his mouth and with a flurry of tongue and a deep bobbing pattern, he sucked me off and left not a drop of my cum anywhere to be found.

When I had recovered, I said, "You did that right after you had come. I'm surprised you could or even would attempt it so soon."

"Almost anything is possible for the man you love," he said, snuggling close to me with his head on my stomach. The warm feeling I had in my chest and all over my body was produced by a lot more than just having finished coming in his mouth.

We drifted off to sleep in that position and we hadn't changed our position much by the next morning.

Next: Chapter 9

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