Dr of Choice

By Maryann

Published on Oct 16, 1997



This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this would involve anyone in an illegal act, please stop reading immediately. This contains adult material and may be interpreted as vulgar or very off color.

Copyright (C) 1997 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text . Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright.

No permission is given hereby for any sort of distribution to minors or other persons to whom such distribution would be illegal in the jurisdiction of distributor, recipient or intermediary. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author.


Watching gentle ripples spreading across the Italian tiled swimming pool, while sitting in his sun-deck recliner, Jim mused that he had the perfect marriage. "Hmmm...", he thought. That certainly wouldn't have been his opinion last year. Things were much different then. He stared at the small concentric ripple patterns that were coming from the gravity-defying bobbing of his wife's perfectly shaped 36D breasts. They were straining out of a very tiny French styled bikini top as she effortlessly treaded water.

Marisa asked " Jim, could you rub some more lotion on my shoulders?" "I think that I am getting sunburned!" But, as Jim squinted his eyes and concentrated without thinking anymore, a tiny voice from the corner of mind translated the words into a sensually emotional question. The new words formed in his mind with the truth being "Jim, could you please touch my breasts with warm lotion and move to 'more sensitive area' under the thong straps"??

Marisa was feeling very sexy again and wanted her husband to pay attention to her perfect body so that she could end up giving him the pleasure that she now constantly strived to maximize. She casually smiled and grasped his penis through the fabric of his bathing suit for support as she effortlessly emerged from the water. Silky droplets of water streamed off her taunt chest. A sunbeam flashed through a droplet and created a myriad of rainbow colors. It reminded him of something? Jim reached hungrily toward his beautiful wife and laid her down on the warm pool deck.

As he released pronounced nipples from the sheer bikini top and gently massaged with his finger tips in a caressing circular motion, Marisa moaned audibly. "Oh" she exclaimed. Jim thought about how it all began....


Gina had a rocky childhood because of her very strict Father. He would drink too much and constantly argue with her mother. Her Father could never understand why he got a daughter instead of his desired son. She could still hear her father shout to her mother " If Gina was a boy, I could do a lot more things with him!" Her Dad never did do much with her lately except stare at her recently budding breasts.

She always kept away from him when he drank. She considered herself lucky to even have a Dad because much of her friends had divorced parents. He seemed rough one minute, then would touch her and apologize while complimenting her young "model" figure. She would shrug, say to herself " I am lucky to have a Dad here." Some fortune though? She always complained that others around her seemed to be the lucky ones, while she always was destined to be last one picked on most occasions. Gina thought nothing of it, except that the only luck she had was bad luck!

During times of his rampages, Gina would retreat into reading books. She was always drawn to fictional stories of fantasy and the supernatural. Science fiction was one of her favorite selections. Escape reading soothed the trials and terrors of everyday living.

While at her favorite bookstore, she came across a story involving

psi powers investigated by reputable scientists. She thought that it was only fiction. Mind reading and telekinetic abilities was impossible she thought. She was fascinated to discover the results of a University study group.

The scientists discovered a statistical correlation involving playing cards randomly selected by one volunteer. A strange anomaly was discovered in which the test subject showed an amazing ability to pick only the wrong answer every time! Wrong so often that the statistics showed it impossible against the standing laws of analysis. The volunteer had an uncanny ability to pick the wrong card every time. It was almost as if he could read the mind of the surveyor and select the card on purpose to fool the staff. They became so inquisitive, that experts were brought in just to study this phenomena.

That volunteer shortly disappeared from the college campus. Gina was curious that the name seemed familiar, like an old relative. The time of the experiment was strangely similar to the period in which her grand father was going to school. The same exact school!

She looked at the inside of the book. Sure enough, it was printed at the same time her grandfather was in college. Uncle Geoff had only been a fond story passed on by her mother. Her Mother talked of his strange ability to tell the future. He had disappeared while she was very young.

Gina knew that she had a secret trust due to her from her Grandfather when she turned 19.

She wondered if she would learn more of his unusual aptitudes at that time. Her birthday was approaching next month and she looked forward to finding out more about her long lost Grandfather.

Meanwhile, her own father was becoming more abusive and drinking much more than he ever did.

That night, her father approached her room in a drunken stupor. Gina's mom had argued all night with him and ended up packing up her clothes and stated" I'm spending the night with my sister, and am tired of listening to your shit!"

"Gina, I want to talk to you!" her father said through the closed door. "Gina, please open this door right now!" her father shouted. "Your mother has left the house and I want you out here this minute!". Gina knew that he had too much to drink and was becoming very afraid. She had never seen her mother leave the house because of his arguments. "Gina," he said again in a much louder voice, "If you don't open this door, I am going to break it down!"

She saw the door come down in a blurry haze as if she was someone else in the room. She also saw the right arm of her father come down on her face and sting in agony. " You little stupid bitch!" her father said as she could not believe her ears. Her father immediately grabbed her and started babbling about how sorry he was for hitting her. He lurched at her and pulled her body to his liquor-breath lips. Grabbed her ass and pulled her blonde hair in determination.

She twisted away in horror. She realized that he had a sexual intention that she had never seen. At that moment, as she fought back, her frantic emotions increased the first start of a pituitary release of gonadotrophins to her hormonal system. A tiny mental switch closed in the cortex of her brain. She would have no idea that these tiny male hormones that are present in normal males and females would have such an important influence on her.

There was the sensation of slipping through a thin gelatinous barrier.

She could actually see thousands of "Ginas" fighting back in various forms, colors ,shapes and outcomes.

"This is so weird!" she thought briefly. "I can actually see myself in different, but yet similar situations. This was so painful to her that she did not notice at the time, the different frequency color shifts of all the world selections. There was a steady Earth green harmonic frequency occupying her present environment. But, in the terrifying distance, she plunged into a vibrant blue frequency.

Gina reached out. She jumped to this "path" because there was no pain and no drunken Dad.

In a sudden mental flash of supreme light, she suddenly fell to the floor because of the mysterious lack of support from her missing dad. As she pulled herself up, she noticed the silence in the house. It was an eerie quiet. She looked around and noticed that she was looking at herself in the mirror. Looking back at her was muscular, darkly handsome version of herself as a young man!

She could not believe it! She flexed an arm muscle and her mirror image played the exact image back to her. She unconsciously reached down and scratched her balls and froze. Something was very wrong! Never had she even considered having a penis and testicles. She guiltily reached down into the pocket of her jeans and sure enough, a pleasant shaft of pleasure told her brain that she was a well hung male. Gina could not believe it. How had she gone to a tormented female to a solitary male in an instant?

Her Father was nowhere to be found.

In fact, as she searched the house, she came to her room and found it impossible that all her feminine clothes, perfumes and pink decorations had been replaced by male jeans, cologne and basketball posters. In fact, she found three editions of adult magazines under her bed! Those had been very disturbing because of the effect on her as she noticed them. Very arousing! "How strange", she thought. "How could I think as a female and yet let the male body reactions influence me so much?"

Her mother's room was the same as always, but nowhere to be found was any evidence of her Dad. She searched her mother's letters in the bottom drawer and was close to tears to read about the formal military notification of her father's death in a non-combatant accident 15 years ago.

What had happened? How could this be? Her father was suddenly confronting her in one moment and now deceased in the next. Also, how could she be a male? She looked closely at herself in the mirror and could see the same resemblance, but flatter cheekbones, smaller eyes, and definite start of scratchy beard follicles. But, a very good looking male.

She looked at her belongings and found the temporary driver's license. Sure enough, it said 'Jim Slater', 18 yr. old male living in South Florida! Why does her mind remember all the female memories and yet also remind her of the same male experiences that happened while growing up. Like they were superimposed on the gender of her choice.

Going outside, her older neighbor- Mr. Harkness greeted her as she walked out the door and said " Top of the morning to you, Jim!" She was curious and replied in a strange bass voice, "Mr. Harkness, do you ever remember seeing my female cousin or any other young girl living at my house recently?" " Why no." he said. You and your mother have always lived alone since I have known you. "God", she thought. "This is real!"

Gina thought back to the moment of the exchange. She played back the exact details in her head. She could now feel a strange feeling in base of her head. She could actually squint her eyes in concentration and feel noises that sounded like background voices on a radio.

Suddenly noticing that Mr. Harkness was still there, she heard in her head the voice of Mr Harkness saying " I wonder why Jim is asking crazy questions about young girls living in his house?", Oops, he thought, "when I was 18, the only thing that I thought about was girls!" Gina almost fainted to think she could read surface thoughts in his head at that moment! Gina thanked Mr. Harkness and hurried to her bedroom. Laying on the bed, Gina searched her thoughts and tried to calm herself. How can I access these thoughts? Why can I suddenly do these things, and why am I here in this body?

She took a short nap because she felt drained. She woke up as Jim once again.

Later, she heard the automatic garage door open, signaling the entrance of her mother. Sure enough, the same mother that she was used to seeing , was before her eyes! She gave her a big hug!

"Mom", I sure am glad to see you!

"Jim", "I love you too, but you obviously have not done any housework or fixed dinner as promised!"

" With my new job as a waitress, I depend on you to help out!" Her mother said.

Jim looked back at her with incredulous eyes.

"She really does not see me as Gina, and also expects me to tend the house as 'Jim the maid' "?

Gina squinted her eyes again and looked at her mother. A brief moment of concentration resulted in her mother looking at her strangely. Her mother momentarily paused and said to Jim:

"Never mind, I'll do the house tonight, Heck, I'll even call for a Pizza!"

Very strange, thought Gina. That came so naturally to me this time. So now I can read thoughts, influence people and create my own future? Incredible! The influence on other's thoughts came as a slight nudge in the right direction. She could not force someone to do something they did not want to do, but at the right moment, make their decision the one that she wanted.

Back to the problem at hand was this strange feeling under her belt. She had never imagined that a 18 year old male could get an erection with just rustling of his jeans against his cock. She was constantly reaching down to play with herself all the time. Even looking at bra ads in magazines has brought feeling to her that she thought impossible.

"Let me review this" she thought. The world has changed to my predicament, my thoughts and feelings are the same, but I am changing and responding to my new body. People around me only see and remember me as I am in the current body. Best of yet, she could read and possibly Influence thoughts of others.

But the worse thing, she was directly responsible for the death of her Dad. Dead in her reality, and most likely he was never to return. Gina knew that everyone thought he was killed in the freak Army accident. But, she knew that in the passion of the moment, she had hooked into an alternative reality that did not include his presence. She always loved her Dad and felt miserable that he had turned into the pitiful creature of booze and abuse.

She determined to go back that night.

After a delicious pizza delivery and a little tv for the night. Gina said good night and headed for the bed. Very strange to still see her mother vacuuming the hallway this late.

Gina changed into bed clothes and concentrated on that glimmering force sitting somewhere at the bottom of her brain cortex. It was difficult at first. All she saw was clouds and thick opaque doorways. No dice. As much as she tried, she could not willfully enter the doors or see beyond them.

"Hmm..", she thought. "I remember being in a very emotional state while trying to get through those doors". Gina got up and locked the door. She reached down and gently started stroking her increasingly hard cock. She was amazed that it felt so good and got so hard. Also, hard strong hands gripped the shaft. Her mind could almost imagine her former delicate, painted fingernails of her own caressing this cock. Her breath became hurried. She could feel pressure building.

She could barely concentrate on her inner feeling between the demands of her penis. Up and down, forefinger placed just so, second hand pressed hard on the area under the gonads. "Oh WOW", she thought, as creamy white cum spurted. How can any man get anything done during the day when he can reach down and do this! She had no idea of the need and intensity.

Suddenly, the hormonal rush created an open electrical pathway to a certain unused brain synapse. Gina could visualize her "current world" and similar "Gina and Jims" doing the exact same thing on the bed. "Very strange" she thought. I remember my original world as being a very certain frequency of "earth green". All the current visualized worlds vibrated with off shades of blue and purple. Nowhere to be seen was that absolute shade of her original home. She must have shifted so far and fast that it would be impossible to find.

Every second that passed shadowed out the edges of parallel paths. They were stacked side by side like transparent tunnels next to each other. She could see her immediate clear tunnel path as well as minor modifications of the same image next to it. But, among the thousands of tunnel paths, the extreme selections faded off into indefinite futures. None of them were "Earth Green".

Gina became very depressed. She had phase shifted so far and so fast because of her father's torment, that she could never get to her original home. At that moment, she selected a female version of herself inserting two fingers into her vagina and gently rubbing her breast.

Gina woke up the next morning as a female again. Her clitoris felt sore. She checked the date in the newspaper. It was truly only the next day. It felt like years had passed. Once again, she went to her mother's room and searched amongst the personal belongings. She found an old stored, yellowed newspaper. Again she dejectedly found her father's name. Her father was still listed in the obituaries .

She had grown up female, young, beautiful but alone with her mother, the High School Teacher!

Also, she noticed that on the dresser, her name tag listed herself as "Gina Slater, Student Nurse"

She vowed to never use her abilities again because it had cost her someone close to her.


Gina's 19th birthday would come within the month. She was still extremely depressed about her missing father.

This year, for her birthday, the gift she was expecting, came to her very mysteriously. An old wood carved lockbox was delivered by and ancient man claiming to be a retired lawyer. He was dressed in a dusty three piece suit that looked straight out of the depression years.

His instructions was not to open the rare wood box until the stroke of midnight of her birthday.

Gina asked for the key ,and the withered man in the faded pinstripe suit pulled out an antique style key. It looked like it would not fit, but Gina inserted the key and started to turn.

"Not so quickly, my Dear", rasped the old man. "You must abide by the rules of your long dead Grandfather". "Grandfather!''? Gina exulted. "I never knew much about my Grandfather".

The old lawyer explained as best he could.

Gina's grandfather was a seafaring man and left home at a very young age to see the world. He signed on as a cook's assistant on a freight line. Most of his young duties consisted of washing and cleaning dishes. He led a very boring life until he met the woman.

She was a very beautiful middle aged woman dressed in veils and shawls.

He could only make out part of her face to notice the natural beauty before she went to her cabin. He did not see much of her during the cruise. This was a freight line and passengers were none of his business. One storm filled night, he was ordered to secure all sea doors. He was walking by the woman's room and noticed her door was ajar. To his amazement, he noticed candles and a strange scent coming from her room. He entered and could not find her. He looked outside the cabin along the railing and heard a faint cry," Help me, Please!" he heard in a faint far away voice. He looked over the railing and found the woman barely hanging on to the slippery rail with her legs hanging over the dark treacherous ocean water.

She had momentarily gone outside to get some fresh air. A sudden large wave had crashed into the side of the ship and flipped her over. She barely was able to grab the rails as he came upon her. She surely would have perished had he not saved her.

This woman was so grateful that she admitted that she practiced certain Arcane arts. She had just returned from Africa. It was her stroke of luck to study ancient fertility rites still practiced by a long lost tribe. Most of the rites were very dangerous and bordered on the black side. But, her heart was good and she considered herself a kind hearted Diviner. She also said it was her duty to reward the young man for saving her life. He stated that it was not necessary. She would have none of that.

The woman convinced the young cook's assistant to stay. She prepared a hot drink for him which he welcomed on this cold dark night. Little did he know that it was filled with a potion that knocked him completely out. He awoke very groggy and guessed that only an hour had gone by. Thinking about the time, he searched his pockets for his brass watch. He was amazed to find a woman's dainty jeweled watch clasped over a slim beautiful wrist- HIS female wrist.

He stared at himself in the mirror. He was a young girl! Long black hair, high cheekbones, big round blue eyes staring back. Ample breasts, but round like a small girl. Full lush lips and natural feminine facial contours moved in unison as his jaw dropped. He was dressed in sort of a white peasant's blouse. Three buttons were open down his neckline. There was a wide belt around his middle. He almost looked like a young erotic gypsy. Heck, he was!

His waist now was tight and flared out to a shapely ass. Long beautiful legs, devoid of any masculine hair fit into soft deerskin shoes. He was gorgeous! Definitely female! Definitely in Trouble!

What had happened?

The woman appeared and explained that while he was under the sleep elixir, she had cast a spell rewarding him. She explained the new developing ability in his brain to suggest thoughts to others and "play the roads of life". She said that he could easily change his destiny by picking a body that was his, but shaped as male or female. "With change comes challenge!" she said. "Nothing is for free." "Be very careful in determining your fate." "You may not like the consequences!".

He was amazed. More than amazed ! "Hell", he cursed. "I don't want to be a woman!". "Quiet!" the woman laughed. "You have little choice in my gift to you". "Besides, you will soon feel your new body positively influencing your thoughts on the matter". This turned out to be true.

"I will show you how to change back when you are ready, if you want", she whispered. "Being in a young girl's body can have it's own rewards". A slow unconscious sensual exploration of her body confirmed it! It was happening already. He was more than intrigued by new sensations.

He noticed that during meals, some of the male sailors would glance at her with lust on their minds. It was quite odd seeing that look from a man. Many had not been with a woman for a long time. It sent shivers of pleasure down to her erect nipples when she caught their stares. The body was once again operating on her mind. Thoughts that he considered impossible as a man , were now naughtily suggesting possibilities with some of the younger sailors. He must be careful, yet how would he satisfy his accelerating sexual energy?

One night the woman tricked her by changing into one of the better looking sailors.

A casual glance had led to a secret meeting under the stairway. The young girl was actually wet and panting in expectation. The sailor kissed her passionately. The girl was about to reach for the sailor's belt to loosen his pants, when all of a sudden, the sailor turned back into the woman!

She scolded the girl and said that control would have to be taught to her.

He studied under her care for the rest of the cruise. He was no longer the ships cook assistant, but the lusty daughter of the woman! There never was a cook's assistant. Ship records had no indication of him signing on! She explained that the "gift would be skip every generation". It would only be drawn out of the deep recesses of the brain after age of 18 is completed. "And without instruction" she said, "it would still work before that age, but it was very dangerous!"

Thus, it came to be that her grandfather left the ship as a young girl.

The woman kissed him softly and said her good-byes. She was gone. After many years, he changed himself to a male in order to join a university. It was this university that unearthed his amazing ability on negative statistical outcomes. It was a mistake to answer all wrong answers, thinking it would throw them off the path. Continued research would have revealed his abilities. He left, never to be seen again.

The old lawyer took a deep breath and gave Gina the key. "this box contains only the remains and dust of your grandfather, it was my duty to tell you the story". I hope the knowledge of his terrible secret will help you!

Gina looked at the man's face, resisted the temptation to slip into his mind and determine if he was telling the truth. She knew the truth already!


Gina excelled at the head of her nursing class and was awarded meritorious conduct. She had the choice of the Hospital Specialties and selected Radiology Nurse Assistant. She was fascinated by the ability to visualize anatomy that she had studied for long years.

New techniques in MRI gave pathological indications that were unheard of years ago. Her nursing background gave her an edge in diagnostic evaluation. She was getting so good at reading behind Radiologists that they would ask her valued opinion of the patient before giving their readings. Gina toyed with the idea of somehow finding the money to enter medical school until an unfortunate situation happened.

Now at the age of 21, Gina had developed into a very beautiful woman. Long blonde hair cascaded down her back. She kept in trim shape with 36- 24-36 shape. Many a Physician in the hallway would turn around to scope out her rear as they passed. She just giggled and proudly arched her back to show off her perfect bosom. Usually her nipples would get hard with all the attention and try to poke through the material. She was very popular around the new interns. She never had to use her special abilities to get ahead in life to this point. It was almost a lost memory to think it was even possible to read minds or influence events. "How absurd", she thought. She had almost put the ability out of her mind.

She thought about her Father.

The Christmas party started early at the local lakeside restaurant. Gina was feeling perfect in her low cut black cocktail dress. She had selected it special to show off cleavage. No wonder bra needed for her! When she leaned over, a hint of a dark nipple would peek into the daylight. Long athletic legs cased in the sheerest black silk stockings and 4 inch pumps pushed her derriere upwards on each step. Those steps did not go unnoticed to Dr. Mark Simmons.

Mark grew up from a family that reeked of "old" money. He could never remember being without things that he wanted. Whatever he wanted, he got! Possessed of a hard muscular body and good intellect, he seemed destined for great things. But, there was a dark side.

Medical school came easy for Mark. Everyone said that it would take more than money to get by. Happily, Mark had the money and the mind to conquer medical school. He did earn quite a reputation as a ladies man in the course of his instructions. But, he always had a callous regard for the opposite sex. They were always quite obliging when he felt the need. Women were there to be used. Many hearts were broken. He spied his latest conquest in black patent heels.

Gina was gracious for the attention of this handsome Medical Intern. She had a little wine to drink and he was ever so cute. She had noticed him at the hospital, but he never paid any attention to her. Mark knew that with a little wine and proper attitude, he could win this "cunt" over. "Christ, I am horny tonight", he thought. He applied his best smile and worked his way into her world.

Gina definitely had too much to drink. "Here I am", she thought. "Allowing this drop-dead, good looking Doctor to take me to bed". Mark saw her indecision and ordered another glass of wine for Gina. One thing led to another. Her pussy absolutely was on fire! She wanted him! It was a busy night of hot passion for both of them. Gina was actually deliciously-satisfied from the lovemaking the next day. She rushed to work to see if she could catch sight of Mark doing the patient rounds. He noticed her and laughed in her face when he saw her. Her feelings were deeply hurt.

Mark had purchased a video camera as a gift for himself the night before. He had enough to drink that he did not think twice about setting it up in a hidden location to film their passionate love making. Gina had no idea.

Gina could not figure out why all the new interns were smirking and laughing at her as she walked down the hospital corridors. One day, a male nurse friend of hers told her the secret. Mark had played the secret video tape of them to the complete male medical staff on a night shift schedule.

The tape had made it's way around most of the hospital. She was in complete shame.

Confronted with the news, Mark just laughed and said " You are just a woman, you will get over it!" Gina turned around without a word and said to herself "I wonder how HE would feel being JUST a woman!"


Gina pulled the long forgotten African wood box from behind the book cabinet. She had kept it around for years as a comfort, but thought it silly. She stared at it and thought what would her Grandfather do?

I will have to do what is right for me. "Please forgive me", she thought. Gina reached into that long forgotten part of her mind and was rewarded by a mentally brilliant flash of white light. She could see with clarity again!

It had not left her after so long! She could observe herself standing in the room with a thousand of slightly different postures and forms. Some were male , and some were female. The slight frequency vibration of different worlds seemed a little easier to navigate than she remembered.

She would only linger microseconds in each world to get a "feel" for the world and it's memories. She did not want to linger in a world that was too foreign and it's future paths led to bizarre endings.

One experiment landed her into a world where every male and female possessed dual genitalia. Lovemaking was taken to new highs due to a penis and vagina simultaneously being stimulated at the same time. Not only were people classified by being female or male, they now had subsets of "Revs" or "Norms". The "reverses" were in great demand to the "normals" because lovemaking was a lot easier to do with the vagina perfectly lined up for the other's penis. "Too bizarre" she said. Besides, this world had a yellow frequency shift. She was much too far off her course.

Once again, she squinted.

Gina was back to a slightly different home again.

Ah,", she thought. This world feels right for me. Then decided she would stay awhile and use it as an anchor for determining her next decision. Gina could not see far enough ahead to know exactly how it would turn out for her special purposes. But graceful jumps at the right juncture of different worlds increased her odds of the right path that she wanted. But, something was missing. It was Mark. She could see how her own destiny would change, but she could not easily visualize what would happen to Mark.

She was not close enough to him to make him part of the future she desired. So, she put on her Navy blue women's business suit and went to work.

It was now Ms.Gina Slater, Administrator. "Funny" she thought, I never knew too much about Management until now. Now it just seemed to come to her easily. The world had changed to meet her path and provided all the necessary details in her brain. If she had to know something, it was suddenly there! She had gained a few years. Gina was now in her mid thirties in outward appearance. " No matter" she thought. "I can always jump to a younger version of me"

One of her duties was management of the medical staff. They were always at odds with administration about profits vs patient care. Today, patient care does not happen unless the hospital is making money. Some of the Physicians were easier to work with than others.

She had called Dr. Mark Simmons into her office and gleefully leaned back on the expensive leather chair as he entered. This Mark had no memory of taking advantage of Gina because he would never have attempted to seduce the Hospital's Administrator! But Gina would never forget.

Stories abounded throughout the hospital about his "love-them and leave-them attitude" with the female staff. Many a nurse was not allowed to work in surgery with Dr. Simmons because of fear of broken hearted retribution affecting delicate surgeries.

Gina leaned back and studied Dr. Mark Simmons. This world delivered him just as good looking and clever as before. She could almost see the John Kennedy look overwhelming her female side.

"Dr. Simmons", she said. We have studied your internship and have decided that Pediatrics will be your next choice.

He exclaimed, "But, I was really wishing for Orthopedics!". Gina replied that there was a shortage of qualified physicians in that specialty. "Would he give it a try?" She said, "I guess so, if it is not permanent!" was his quick reply. "Ha," Gina thought. "He has no idea how permanent this is going to be!

Gina told him to wait a minute while she conferred with her secretary. Gina slipped out to the next empty room and locked the door. She squinted and phased into her "worlds" again. It was a lot easier to see both their futures with Dr. Mark next door. She could even see versions of him skinny, fat, black or balding hair. Glasses , braces and football knee injuries even showed up.

She decided that it would be proper to do this in stages. But, the problem with memory plagued her. When she phase shifted, she always remembered the past lives. But, it would be much better if he could remember himself as the stages affected him.

Gina tried a little experiment. She went back into the office and sat down. She quickly selected a Mark Simmons that had dusty brown hair instead of jet black. She picked the tunnel path reality and asked him about his hair color? He replied, "No, I have never used hair color before in by life" I have always been a natural light color". "Great ", he can't remember, she thought.

Next, she tried the same phase shift at the exact time she barely touched his hand as she passed a piece of paper to him. This time he was sandy blonde and curly. Not too bad looking, she thought. She asked him about his hair, "I really like your hairstyle"? He automatically glanced into the mirror and turned white as a ghost. "What happened to my hair"?,

he shouted!

Dr. Simmons ran out into the secretary's office and asked two of the transcriptionists "Who had played the joke on him about his hair?" he exclaimed. They laughed and said " Dr. Simmons" you know we have always admired your sandy blonde curly hair the moment you got here three years ago. "Funny man!"

Ms. Gina Slater put on her best authoritarian voice and said," Dr. Simmons, would you please come into my office, you are disturbing the staff!


Dr. Mark Simmons refused to believe anything he was hearing from across the desk.

It was impossible to think that altered reality was possible. It went against everything he learned in medical school. Also, how in the world did this woman know about his sexual exploits among the nursing staff? Gina said, "Mark, I am peace with myself with what I am about to do to you".

"You have been a very naughty boy, and should see what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes"

"I am giving you three very interesting weeks" she explained. "You will notice some changes that everyone else will NOT think unusual". "Each week will be progressive to the ultimate end of conversion to a complete female!". "Also" Gina said, "Please come to me at any time you feel the need to talk".

Dr. Mark Simmons was incredulous! These were words from a psychotic, not the words from an Administrator of a hospital. He said, trying to hide his disbelief "Uh, Ms Slater, I have to leave for rounds now". He knew full well that he would be reporting her to the Head of Medical staff for evaluation as soon as he left the office.

"Thank you for seeing me" Gina said. With those words, she got up to shake his hand and show him to the door.

Dr. Mark Simmons got up and shook her hand. Gina squinted her eyes ever so gently as she touched his hand. She smiled as she noticed the quick and brilliant mental flash deep in her brain cortex. Dr. Simmons would be in for an awakening!


Dr. Markus Simmons walked out of the Administrators office and started to walk directly for the Medical Director's office. He felt slightly different in his stride. It was a much lighter walk, as if he had lost a lot of weight.

"Preposterous!" he thought, the Administrator had lost her mind. No way that he would be changing. "But"? he thought, "It certainly was strange about that hair thing".

He noticed one of the new candy striper student nurses. He had always taken delight in mentally studying the new crop for possible affairs. She was definitely a beach beauty. Almost as if she had come out of the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated.

He put on his best smile and said "Hello!" "My God"! he thought, was that my squeaky voice that just said that? Ordinarily, that smile and deep greeting melted most of the female staff. But in this instance, the new nurse just ignored him. Then, giggled and passed him by. He saw her whisper to her female friend and overheard something about looking for more "studly" medical staff. It was too much. He hurried to the men's room to the mirror.

Looking back at him was his male self, Thank God! "Wait?" he thought as he once again studied himself. His deep masculine features were now replaced with a much different version.

Markus now sprouted two gold earrings and wore clothing that fit a much leaner, almost effeminate frame. Long fingers, aquiline nose, and perfect hair. Still male, yet different. He could not put his finger on it except that he now resembled some of the gay staff that he usually had little contact with. "Yes", that was it! It was almost as if some of his ideal male essence had been replaced with his female side.

He quickly hurried home and put off going to the Medical Director's office. He had to come to grips with what had happened to him.

It was unbelievable. His apartment had been re-decorated overnight. The deep earthly wood tones had been converted to colorful, frilly themes. Not bad, but not one he would have selected yesterday. And,

searching his belongings, he found subscriptions to ''International Male' instead of the usual 'Girly Mags'. He could hardly wait to see Ms. Slater the next day.

"Ah Markus"! "So glad to see you today" Gina remarked cheerfully. "Did you have a nice night"? Markus replied "Fine , thank you!" knowing full well that he had fitful dreams in which he was seducing one of the nurses again, except that he seemed to be uncertain of the gender..

"What have you done to me"? he said. "Why nothing that you didn't deserve"! Gina replied. "You just need a little training in order to get through this week", Gina said as she gently moved around to his side and held his arm in a consoling manner. He blinked as he realized that something had just clicked in his brain as she touched him.

He left the office a little dazed , but realized that much of the hot white anger had left him. "Hmm," he thought. "Maybe I'll go to the gym tonight and figure out a way to get her to change me back". Most of the work day was involved with Pediatric duties. He thought that this was much better than bone crunching Orthopedic work. "Besides", he thought, "I might get to see the transporter do another work out.

Markus was very much at odds with himself. He found it very perplexing that he could get an erection at the sight of a beautiful female nurse and be affected by seeing the hard muscles of guys working the weights. The week went by in terrifying slowness.


Monday morning came with an appointment once again with Ms. Slater. She looked at him casually over the rims of her wire-rimmed reading glasses. "He looks pretty haggard today!" she thought. "Almost as if he hadn't slept all weekend. Which was true. Markus could not come to a decision on his sexual direction. "Maybe I can stir the pot up a little bit" Gina thought.

Gina had thought that this next week would be more decisive in his transformation.

He looked up at Gina from his chair and said "Can you please change me back?", "I don't want to be this way the rest of my life"!

"Oh, you'll have a nice change coming your way" Gina replied. "You will be much more sympathetic and sensitive to the needs of women when I am through with you!"

He heard the words and buried his head in his hands. Gina came up to him and stroked the back of his neck as her mind mentally reached into the telekinetic cauldron of that secret place.

The touch was soothing and very stimulating. He suddenly felt his weight realign itself on his body. He knew with certainty that he had changed again. Almost afraid to open his eyes, the first thing he did was reach for the bulge in his pants. "It is still there!" he thought. "I still have my penis!" "Whew, " it felt good to touch the ever-so- sensitive nerve ending at the base of cock tip.

'Markie' opened her eyes. She was still sitting in the chair in the Administrators office. "Odd, she thought", she had never remembered Ms. Slater as looking so cold and mannish. With her hair tightly pulled back, her horn rimmed glasses and stiff Navy business suit, one could almost see the Administrator as a man. There was even the uncharacteristic tiny black hairs visible on the upper lip of the administrator's mouth.

"Markie?" asked the administrator, "Please stand up and stand by my desk", "Let me examine you closer". It was now Dr. Slater- Chief Administrator. Still a woman but elevated in status by a Medical Degree that she always wanted.

Markie got up an almost lost her balance. Her center of gravity had moved considerably up her shapely frame. "My God"! looking down at her chest, I have the starting of a pair of Breasts! She was wearing a pair of surgical scrubs with a white hospital coat. It was easy to glance down the loose front and see a pair of small womanly mammaries. They were positioned like two small nesting doves within the confines of a lacy silk bra. "Bra?" she thought. "What in the Hell am I doing in a Bra?"

Markie's body had changed from an effeminate male to an tom boy female figure. Short cropped hair, definite body contours and double gold hoop earrings contributed to the look. Markie caught sight of herself in the room's decorative mirror and almost fainted.

By this time, Dr. Slater had grabbed Markie and implanted a gentle thought pattern "You will be cooperative and do whatever I say!" Dr. Slater locked the office door and started to disrobe his subject. Markie felt very uncomfortable, but acquiesced to the female Dr's wishes.

Upon removing the silk bra and panties with slow precision, Dr. Slater noticed with admiration that Markie's member had become a little bit fuller in circumference than before. Also, it was standing at attention in an involuntary erection.

It was at this moment that Dr. Slater unveiled a very special circular ring that had just arrived from the research and development medical lab.

This particular cock ring was designed with the latest advances in nano-technology. It was amazingly skin-like and packed the power of many parallel microprocessors.

The special power of this instrument was the new development of neural transmitters. It was originally invented to correct impotency . It had the amazing ability to multiply the delicious sensory input of the male penis to the pleasure centers of the brain. It had been programmed with intensity receptors that could be controlled externally by a thumb knob built into a device that looked much like a tv remote.

Dr. Slater lovingly slipped it over the length of the shaft to rest comfortably at the juncture of the testicle sack and base of the penis. She tripped the activator and was rewarded by an immediate involuntary spasm of the shaft straining against it's restrictive circle.

A slight turn of the thumb knob visibly showed an excruciatingly flash of need from the patient. Dr. Slater could almost feel the mental passion of sexual desire and requirement of release.

Markie's thought processes were getting very mixed up. She was entranced with the thought of being able to make love with the best attributes of both sexes. Her nipples cried for attention, but was in competition for attention to her lust filled limb. Dr. Slater tried small caresses first. Gentle stimulation of Markie's small breasts sent a thrill to the nerve ending in her penis. Not only were the nipples extending fully out of the surrounding soft breast flesh, but her cock bulged with purple veins from the lust that she felt from the manipulation. It was exquisite torture.

"Ah, this will do nicely" Gina thought to herself. Markie will still be torn between the sexes and be able to imagine what her destiny will be. I hope she learns some humility from this.

Dr. Slater realized that she was not immune from the sight of Markie standing in her office with this stiff cock so close to her finger tips. Matter of fact, she was becoming quite wet from the pheromones flooding the air. Musky male scents combined with enticing female sweat glands were too much for her. She suddenly found herself gripping the organ in front of her and gently stroked the shaft. A soft drop of pre-cum formed at the tip of Markie's cock. Dr. Slater was all the while talking to Markie and saying" It will be all right, just trust me!"

The stroking was having an effect on both of them. Clothes were strewn about the floor as bodies entangled upon each other. Dr. Slater ended up on the floor looking directly at the magnificent monster. It looked so huge, and so inviting.

She gently kissed the tip, to be rewarded with a jerk of the supporting muscles as a pleasure contraction jolted the male member. Gentle sucking followed and then she could not wait any longer. She wanted it inside her!

It took just a moment for Markie to slip the large tip of her engorged cock into the inviting wet sweetness of Dr. Slater's vagina. She reached down and put delicate pressure on the end of her partner's clitoris and almost watched her climax that instant.

Markie was lost in the lust of the situation. She was actually making love! But looking down, she also noticed her own female breast cleavage and long fingers capped in manicured long nails. These same womanly hands were holding on the base of her cock for support in order to drive harder and harder. She felt it strange to elevate the Dr's legs high in the air to better get a deeper penetration. She could almost imagine herself in the same position!

It was over in a thundering climax. They both had to muffle each other's mouth, lest they be discovered by the outside transciptionist staff. They put on clothes.

Markie was deeply disturbed by the event. She had lustfully made love much like she did as a full man. But, there were emotions mixed in the act that she had never felt as a man. She was totally satisfied by the sexual act but incomplete in her mental state. What would she do?

Dr. Slater dismissed Markie. Not before planting a powerful command not to remove the cock ring, nor relieve herself through masturbation. She was sent back to the ward. Markie went back to Pediatrics and fatefully discovered that she was no longer a Physician. She was now a Delivery Nurse!

It was even worse at home. The apartment no longer had any male identity. She looked into her drawers and closets only to find dresses and female apparel. Some of the discoveries bothered her very much. There was no trace of Mark Simmons any more. "But, "she thought. "My penis is still mine!" It was interesting to see how some of the dresses and undergarments were cut to accommodate her large member. Placed correctly with the gaff, no one could determine her mixed sex while wearing women's clothes.

Markie had strange dreams again. Seducing a male was the theme again. Her male/female identity was fighting for dominance!

Except, in the dream, the character was Dr. Slater. Could this be a coincidence?

She was determined to see the administrator as soon as possible to talk this over. She could not remember having sex with Dr. Slater because of the post hypnotic suggestion placed on her mind. Markie could only think how attractive Dr. Slater was and admired her power within the Hospital. She kept thinking about Dr. Slater all day.

Markie could not get over how intense her sexual needs increased. She would suddenly get an enormous erection and would try to relieve herself only to be stopped by some mysterious block. Dr. Slater carried the remote device with her all during the day. She would reach down into her lab coat pocket and activate the thumb knob and smile.

Markie got up early one morning and washed herself carefully. She looked at herself in the mirror and could not believe that this had all happened. She had no one to talk to. Everyone around her had always remembered her as she was now. She was spending a lot of time on make up and hair recently. She never did that before. It all came so naturally. But, she was so lonely.

The meeting with Dr. Slater was scheduled later in the week. Gina had unexpectedly discovered that she basically still liked the love making with Mark. "Very Strange", she thought. "She would certainly miss the penetration"! Gina was looking forward to the appointment subconsciously.

She had taken a look at the interesting permutation of tunnel possibilities with her and Mark. Most of clear paths showed them together. Which one would she choose?

Gina could not resist slipping into Markie's mind. She found a lot of confusion. Regret and newly inspired acceptance of her situation. Also, incredible as it seemed, Gina saw that there was a tiny spark of love created out of the common experiences of the two of them. This discovery made her very tingly. Was this psychological consequences of the situation or the real thing?

She had started life as a good person and now had become this person bent of revenge . "I must change", she thought. She felt she could almost return the love she discovered.


"This would finally do it". Gina thought. I have a very passive submissive female sitting if front of me. She had succeeded in changing the outlook of Markie Slater. No more would she ever treat women the way she did as a man

"Markie", Gina asked. "Are you ready to accept your fate?" "Yes, I am", replied Markie. Mixing up who she was with what was happening.

Gina had planned to switch everything back as it was. She saw many a sorrow in doing so. Her role as Administrator had been fun. She relished the power and respect that came with the job. Also, having Markie changed back to Mark would not guarantee that he would still feel any emotion to her.

Gina decided in an instant what she would do. She explained it to Markie. "I want you to know that what I do to us will still be able to be changed by the end of the week" Gina told Markie. "I have decided that at the end of this week , you will judge if you want to go back"

Markie looked back at the Administrator and smiled. She was at agreement with herself.

Gina walked over to Markie and held her small hand in her own. While holding the delicate hand, Gina reached to her secret place without hesitation and closed her eyes.

The next moment, they both opened their eyes and studied the other.

Gina had lost the mercurial appearance of a woman pretending to look like a man. She was now a fully functional man. Her nameplate on the desk now said- " Mr. Jim Slater- Regional Administrator"! He was now 6'2" in a Armani double breasted suit. Strong arms and wide chest accented his upper frame. His trim body had been kept in perfect shape. Jim looked down at the chair at was amazed at the lovely female figure sitting there.

Couched comfortably in the chair with her silk sheathed legs stylishly crossed, "Marisa" stared back at the handsome man. Apparently, the reality path had produced the best of all worlds. A stunningly gorgeous woman sitting next to a perfect male specimen.


Marisa could feel her inner being radiate sensuality. There was no doubt in her mind what she was. All remnants of boyish femininity was gone. She was incredibly beautiful. In a tiny part of her mind, there was still Mark looking out of her eyes. That fleeting 'Mark' now saw full melon shaped breasts held breathlessly upward in youthful firmness. The expensive dress she was wearing only accentuated the perfect cleavage displayed for all to see.

A large diamond on a necklace was nestled enviously between the magnificent orbs.

Jim suddenly noted a shaft of light catch the clear carbon matrix and project a perfect prismatic rainbow across the room. "How beautiful!", he thought. "They say your fortune rests at the bottom of the rainbow."

Marisa now had the quiet feline grace of an animal as she moved. Every gesture was deliberate and unintentionally designed to provoke vicarious feelings in any man near enough to appreciate her. She walked with sultry purpose. Natural female curves accented her dress.

Her long tapered fingers now had color matching nail polish on her long feminine nails. The color matched perfectly to her lipstick. Her lips were slightly pouting, very lush and full. It occurred more than once to Jim, that those lips would feel delicious on the ever increasing fullness of the suddenly pronounced 'bulge' of Mr. Slater.

Marisa stood up. She now was only 5'6". Long flowing Blonde hair framed her high cheekbones in grace and wonder. Big blue eyes glistened and was accented with the best makeup obtainable. The dress she wore, hugged her body like a second skin. Her nipples were outlined through the blouse. There were contours everywhere! Her derrière was tight and very shapely. Jim thought he could see the faint outlines of a French cut bikini panty as it strained to contain the feminine bulge at the intersection of her legs.

Marisa smelled wonderful. The scent triggered unconscious images of past fresh spring sexual events into his mind. She looked like a Hollywood model. She exuded elegance and style. Jim thought of the most sexy woman he ever encountered. Marisa had all of them beat by a mile.

Marisa just smiled at the effect she was having on Jim. She knew full well with this body, Jim would have little resistance to her temptations. She was right. She could hear the click-clack on the floor of her open toed, high heeled shoes as she walked toward Jim. She knew any male within earshot would turn his head to look. The swish of nylon against nylon imperceptibly triggered Jim's desire. A beautiful smile erupted from her model face.

Marisa gently grabbed the lapel of Jim's suit, very slowly traced a filament line down his shirt and whispered "Meet me at eight"!. She suddenly turned around and Jim was only left with the departing sensational fragrance that is the special blending of the women's scent. "Holy Shit"! he said.

"What have I done?" He was so turned-on that he forgot where he was.

Jim had concluded that this body change to male was the best ever. He was in good health, great job and had definite inner desires for the woman that just left. More than that, he suddenly understood the constant male sexual satisfaction vs the woman's need for love.

He waited in incredible sexual tension until it was time to pick up Marisa. The hours crawled by. Finally it was time. The doorbell was pressed. The door opened. He was not disappointed by what he saw.

Marisa had discovered that she now possessed lots of expensive clothing that demonstrated her body in perfect detail. Also, she was suddenly expert in many things. Mostly, the delicate art of seduction and pleasure of a man.

This confirmation of attitudes was puzzling. There had been no explicit thought control that she knew about. Marisa knew that everyone had a male and female side to their inner self. She never knew the strength of the female side. This sudden revelation about the total harmony of being female drifted over her with happiness. The body was certainly helping with it's insistent signals to be sexually satisfied.

Marisa had selected an old look sure to please. Silk stockings with a straight seam down the back seemed to be in order. Exquisite lace designs were patterned into the leg tops. Black garter belts secured the stockings and added a touch of sexiness. She selected a panty that was slit through the crotch. "One never knows if you will be in a hurry during love making ", she thought as her hands brushed her labia. The anticipation of the moment really kick-started her fantasies.

A black and white polka dot dress that had the lightness of a feather was selected. For some reason, this pattern magically promoted the fullness of her bosom and complimented her tiny waist. The dress flared to just above her knees. Her strong athletic legs went on forever. Only to be gently trapped into perfect 4 inch black patent leather pumps. "Ha," she laughed. "You can even see the cleavage between my first and second toe in these shoes!" Perfect!

Expensive perfume was placed in strategic body locations that would hopefully be revealed tonight. She quivered in excitement. She was becoming wet between her legs already!

Her male memories would help with her present female body to please her man in undeniable satisfaction. A quick brush through her thick blonde hair created a look that would have made the cover of 'Vogue' magazine.

It was now 8:30 and she laughed at the thought Jim was out in the other room waiting for her and probably did not care what time it was. She was right.

As she entered the room, she noticed the barely noticeable widening of his eyes and the slight flaring of the nostrils. "Sure indication of a male in heat" she thought. "Oh my," she exclaimed, "I have forgotten my purse". As she bent over and secured the purse over her shoulder, her ass nonchalantly brushed against Jim's front pants. The sheer fabric of her dress almost produced sparks from his clothing. She was immediately rewarded by the feel of an extremely hard penis straining against his pants. He was not ready yet. She would take it to the next level.

The cab ride to the restaurant was friendly and open. They actually talked openly about their current body situation. Marisa could not help but notice that she was in control of the seduction. He would just laugh and keep pulling at his collar every time she gently placed her hand on his knee. Marisa was a good listener and laughed at all his jokes. Every laugh produced another caress of his thigh. He squirmed and was almost shy about the advances. She better be careful. She was not about to waste his precious load in his pants tonight.

The night was warm and the food was wonderful. She even allowed herself some wine. "Ha," she laughed once again. "It was the wine that got us started in this whole predicament!"

She noticed that Jim was continually staring at her mouth as she ate and his eyes would also occasionally drop to her magnificent chest. Her nipples pushed through the thin fabric and just asked to be touched. She knew he was enjoying himself. "I will slow it down until he can't stand it!" she thought.

They danced for awhile after dinner. Marisa gently positioned her leg between his legs and made sure that she would rhythmically rub her ever increasingly warm pussy against his hip. There would be no wrong signals here. He would get the message about her sexual humping. It worked.

A large tent was forming again in his trousers.

Jim was almost out of control. He sensed that there was no subterfuge coming from Marisa. She was on the level. She wanted him badly. And he wanted her too!

Jim whispered in her ear "could we go back to your apartment?". She opened her eyes wide and responded "yes, only if you don't leave me tonight!"

Jim hesitated before entering the apartment. He asked, "Marisa, it is time for your decision." "I promised that you could go back before the end of the night" "What is your decision?"

Marisa replied, "Darling, being female has enabled me to experience things that I never thought was possible." "I want you!" "And I want you always as my lover", "Please leave me as I am!" I think I love you!

Jim gently kissed her and entered the apartment. And so it was.

They were married before the end of the month.

Jim purchased an expensive house in the suburbs with it's own outdoor pool. He relished the sight of seeing his wife in small bathing suits. Life was good. Their sex life was the best. And he had a partner that liked him.

Their neighbors were very envious of their marriage.

Jim was in an introspective mood. He had no idea that it would turn out this way, but he was happy.

Marisa did not care if it was mind control, body control or anything else. She accepted her fate and looked forward to having Jim's children and seeing her own grandchildren. "Grandchildren?" she thought. I hope life will be simpler for them?


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