Dr Tim and the Boys

By Tim Mead

Published on Apr 29, 2003


The following story is fiction. It involves sexually-explicit erotic events between males. If you are offended by such material, are too young, or live in an area where it is not allowed, don't read it.

In the world of this story, the characters don't always use condoms. In the real world, you should have enough respect for yourself and others to practice safe sex.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

This chapter is dedicated with love to "The Pride."

Timmead88@yahoo.com Chapter 18: Full Circle


According to Trey, Chaz, complaining he didn't want to ride to Meadville in the back seat of Ced's 4Runner because there wasn't enough leg room, had offered to drive that big SUV of his instead. So it was. Ced came to our place on Friday night. We went to a movie and then to bed early for a typically tender-hot night.

The next morning, we were up, bathed, shaved, dressed, and breakfasted when Chaz and Trey pulled up. They got out, and there were hugs all around. Chaz even hugged me. In fact, he practically squeezed the breath out of me. He and Trey seemed to be especially happy, which was a signal to me that perhaps Trey's hopes had come true.

Ced and I were soon ensconced in the back seat. My incorrigible lover had his hand in my lap. We'd had a lovemaking session when we woke up, but I wasn't about to complain. Just had to be careful about leakage in the khaki shorts I was wearing. (Stan had said to come casual.)

Cedric doesn't miss much. As we were speeding east on I-76 (and I mean SPEEDING, for Chaz has a heavy foot), my guy said, "Hey, you in the front! You two have a different glow this morning. Whassup?"

Chaz looked over at Trey, grinned, and said, "You'd better tell `em, Tiger, so I can concentrate on the road."

Trey turned around as much as he could without unfastening his seat belt, and said, "OK, Ced. You're pretty observant, and you're right."

I knew what Trey was going to say. His hopes about Chaz HAD come true. And I'd have been willing to bet that they'd had a great night. I felt Trey's vibes, as I usually do, and Chaz was in the most exuberant frame of mind I'd ever seen him in -- except possibly for the night when I had to suck his cock, and this morning he was entirely different.

Trey continued, "Guys, I think you can consider Chaz and me a couple."

I could see the back of Chaz's neck redden. Chaz was blushing. Chaz Greeley was actually blushing!

Ced let out a "Wahoo!" and reached forward to put one hand on Trey's face as he gently squeezed the back of Chaz's neck with the other. "Congratulations, my brothers. I'm ecstatic for you both. Welcome to the club, Chaz."

"Watch it, Ced. Whatever Trey and I have, I ain't no card-carrying gay!"

Trey popped him on the shoulder and said, "I think we'd better issue you at least a bi-card, big guy!"

Without taking his eyes off the road (thank goodness!), Chaz said, "Well, whatever." I noticed in the rear-view mirror that he was smiling as he said it.

We talked about everybody's summer. Chaz had to hear about my weekend in Cleveland with Ced. Then he told us that he had taken my suggestion and had written a daily journal on his computer. I was disappointed that neither of the others had.

"And when do we get to read it?" I asked.

"I am not sure that you will. It's been an interesting summer, but there's some pretty personal stuff in there."

"You mean there's stuff in there you don't want Trey to see?" Ced asked.

I think by the way Chaz stiffened up that my man had hit the nail on the head.

After a while, the conversation flagged, so I took the opportunity to give them an edited version of Gwen's visit to my office. It was Chaz who responded first.

"Well, Tim, I guess that means we've all got to be careful, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, Chaz, I think we do."

"Or," Cedric remarked, "we could all just come out."

Chaz's reaction was so strong I felt the car lurch.

"Now you wait just a minute, hotshot! I ain't gonna be outed to my basketball teammates. No way!"

"I understand how you feel, Chaz," Cedric responded, "but I have been feeling pretty dishonest. There are a lot of gays, bi's, lesbians, and transgendered people on campus. I'd like to get to know some of them. What's the worst that could happen?"

I shuddered to contemplate `the worst that could happen,' but I had to admire Ced for his liberal thinking and his courage. Obviously he and I had a lot to talk about.

Trey hadn't said a word, so I assumed he was mulling over the whole problem and that I'd know what conclusion he reached when he reached it.

We arrived at Stan and Mark's about 10:00. They came out to the driveway to greet us. Our hosts hugged us all enthusiastically. When I saw both of them hug Chaz, I was reminded that I was the newcomer. These guys had known one another for three years.

They ushered us inside, asked if anyone needed to use the john, and, when no one did, took us to a big patio under large oak trees in the back. There on a long table was a splendid breakfast. Tomato and orange juice, scrambled eggs with ham in chafing dishes, warm biscuits with butter, various preserves and honey, and coffee. There were two round verdigris-colored wrought iron tables, so there was plenty of room for all of us to sit. I had had toast and coffee at 7:00, but Cedric had slept a little later and skipped breakfast. I don't know which of us ate more of the Masons' breakfast.

The guys seemed excited to see Mark again and catch up on what was going on with him. He told us Lori was still in Germany, but that he expected her back mid-August and that they were going to do some traveling together before the fall semester started.

Then someone suggested basketball in the driveway and off the four of them went. Stan and I were invited, but we opted to stay on the patio and chat. (Think about it, and you'll know why basketball isn't one of my sports.)

I helped Stan clear away the breakfast stuff, which meant bringing in everything from the patio and putting the juice back in the fridge. We had used paper plates and plastic cups, so there were few dishes to wash. Only the flatware. We had cleaned up the eggs and the biscuits, so there weren't even any leftovers.

When we had finished, Stan poured each of us another cup of coffee, and he showed me around his house. The other guys had all been there before.

For a guy with a lot of money, Stan lived modestly; he and Mark were obviously comfortable, but without a hint of ostentation. Meadville is a hilly town, and this house was on top of one of the hills. It was a redbrick Georgian, built in the 1940's he told me. It had a small front yard, a big back yard. The previous owners had added a large family room with a big fireplace. It had three bedrooms, one for Stan, one for Mark, and a guest room which also housed their computers and a pull-out bed which doubled as a sofa when there were no guests.

Stan had a collection of what some would call mis-matched furniture. His taste was eclectic. Each piece, though, had been carefully chosen, and for me, at any rate, it all went together perfectly.

What impressed me most was that there were bookshelves in almost every room. There were even shelves over some of the doorways. I asked him, "Are you a bibliophile, or a reader, Stan?"

He chuckled. "Oh, very much both. I read omnivorously, but I also love the feel and heft of a beautiful book. I don't have an extensive collection, but I'd like to show you what I have."

He took me back downstairs to what had been the living room originally. He had made it look more like a library, with shelves all around, an oriental carpet in the middle, and wing-back chairs in burgundy leather. One set of shelves had glass doors. Many of the beautiful old volumes he showed me were tomes on law. But he had a taste for eighteenth-century British authors. He had first editions of "The Rape of the Lock," "Tom Jones," and Dr. Johnson's "Dictionary." He had early editions of many other works of the period. I was reminded as he lovingly handled them and told me about them, how much bookbinding had deteriorated between the 18th century and the 1920's, my period, when first editions were made for mass market publications and were printed on paper that was already, eighty years later, brown and desiccated.

He took me back to the patio, where we had more coffee. We could hear the voices of the guys out front, taunting each other good-naturedly and shouting when someone scored. When we sat down, he cleared his throat and said, "Tim, Ced has chewed me out for the grilling I gave you when we had dinner. I realize he's right. I need to apologize."

"It's OK, Stan. I admit I was a little put off at first by all the questions, but I realized after you told me about Leigh what you were doing. I know you love the other three almost as much as you love Mark. I've come to love them all, too. I don't blame you for being protective. You were just being a good daddy lion protecting his cubs. And after what happened with Leigh, I can understand why you would do that fiercely."

He leaned toward me. "Tim, you are remarkably understanding and patient. Thank you."

"Stan, if your feelings for Leigh were anything like what I feel for Ced, you must have been devastated by what he did. I know I would have been."

He looked off into the neighboring back yard for a while. When he looked back at me, he swallowed. Those incredibly sexy, intense blue eyes had tears in them. Then he smiled, but in a sad way.

"Yeah, Tim. I was on top of the world with Leigh. He was young, bright, interesting, enthusiastic, and incredibly beautiful. After my divorce from Mark's mother, I thought I'd probably be alone, except perhaps for some casual sex partners, for the rest of my life. But when Leigh came along, I thought I had found my lifetime partner."

Having recently found the guy I hoped was going to be MY lifetime partner, I could certainly relate to Stan's hurt.

"As I told you, he's still here, very active in college affairs. As city manager, I'm invited to most of the college functions, and I often bump into him and Sarah. She's a beautiful woman. I can see why he was attracted to her. But, dammit, he had her living in his apartment and was sneaking off to be with her the whole time he and I were "together," and I never had an inkling. I just felt betrayed, foolish -- and OLD."

He wasn't looking at me, and at that point I'm not even sure he was talking to me. He was looking off across the yard at something in the distance. This wasn't the Stan I had seen at Stefan's, not the genial host he had been earlier in the day. Those last words, "betrayed, foolish, old," were spoken with raw feeling. For a moment, he looked old, at least older than his years.

I wanted to hug him, but I wasn't sure this was the moment. "It must be especially difficult since you keep running into them."

"Oh, yeah! I have to be gracious and make polite small talk. But I feel like such a sap, and it galls me! He's always so damned smooth, as if nothing had happened. He doesn't even have the good grace to seem embarrassed when we see each other. I can't help wondering if the bastard's inwardly laughing at me. He must feel so smug. We were together for eighteen months. We went to Europe, to California. We had to be very discreet here in Meadville, for neither of us wanted to come out. But we'd arrange to be out of town together, go to concerts in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, even New York occasionally. He couldn't afford all of that on his salary, so you know who paid. Oh, yeah, I paid, didn't I? Leigh babe really played me for a fool. We had hot sex, beautiful sex. He said he loved me, Tim, he SAID he loved me! I wonder now if he ever felt anything for me other than contempt."

He looked at me, not teary now, eyes blazing. Then he seemed to slump a little and look off across the yard again.

This wasn't the Stan I remembered from our evening at Stefan's. All of the sparkle, the charisma, was gone for the moment. This great-looking guy, with loads of money, a son to be proud of, important contacts and, normally, endless sex appeal, looked washed out, tired. He had let down all his defenses. I was touched that he had chosen to open himself up to me this way, and I longed to comfort him somehow. But anything I might offer of that sort would probably seem presumptuous.

"I have to tell you, Tim," Stan continued, "that whole business with Leigh really shook my self-confidence. I thought I had the world by the tail. It was a real blow to the ego to find out the extent to which the son of a bitch had been playing me for a fool. It's taken a while to get over that."

"I can well imagine. But, Stan, Leigh's clearly the bad guy here. I'm sure you shouldn't be beating yourself up over what happened. It is pretty clear to me the bastard never deserved you, wasn't worthy of you. I gather you've managed to move on, as they say?"

"Yeah, pretty much. At least the sore spot has more or less scabbed over. And, as for moving on, when I make my little announcement this afternoon, I want you to know that I'm not slinking away with my tail between my legs. I've stayed here and faced life and faced him for almost two years now."


"Yeah, Tim. I've a little surprise for you guys. Do you mind waiting and hearing about it with the boys?"

"Hey, Stan, this is your party. But getting back to the nasty way Leigh treated you, if we can for a moment . . . ?"

"Sure, Tim."

"When you heard about Ced and this "older" professor whom students called "the Iceman," all your alarms went off, I suppose."

For the first time in that conversation, he gave me that wonderful twinkly smile. "Timmy, you got it babe. I could tell from talking with him on the phone and from what Mark told me that Ced was besotted with you. I never gave you the benefit of the doubt. I just assumed the worst, that you might be another Leigh, and came blazing to campus to check you out."

"Well, Stan, you were pretty urbane, you know."

"Not so urbane that you didn't get pissed with me."

"Well, true. But it all worked out OK. And Stan, I'm really touched that you felt you could share all this with me. You didn't need to tell me all of that, put yourself through all of those bad memories, you know."

He fixed me with that cobalt gaze of his, and Junior twitched.

"Tim, I've never had anyone I could talk with about it like this. I didn't want to dump all this on Mark, so I just sucked it all in. Does it tell you anything that you are the first person I've confided in about that whole sorry affair?"

At that point I felt a pang that could only have been love for this man. I stood up and moved toward him. He stood to meet me. We hugged. Since he's only slightly taller than me, he didn't crush my face against his chest as the boys do when they hug me. We rested our cheeks against each other's for a few moments. Then he pulled back, just barely brushed his lips against mine, looked into my eyes very seriously, and said, "Tim, sweetheart, thank you."

Not saying anything, I just pulled him tight against me, knowing I had found the big brother I never had.

"So," I said to lighten the mood, "you think maybe you can trust me with Ced and the other guys?"

He laughed delightedly, "Tim, I'm overjoyed that you've joined our Pride. I've been the old lion who looks after those feisty, randy young cubs. I'm glad to have someone help me watch over them, especially since it's you."

"Thanks, Stan. I'm grateful that you have confidence in me. So tell me, does that make me a lion or a cub?" I asked, chuckling.

"You're definitely a lion, as Trey said weeks ago. If I ever treat you like a cub again, cuff me upside the head."

I laughed and raised my coffee mug to him in a toast.

About then the boys came trooping back, sweaty, glowing, gorgeous, laughing and slapping one another on the shoulder and playing grab-ass. It was a treat just to watch them. I don't think I was ever that young. I know I never had friends like that when I was in college.

They flopped into chairs. Stan and Mark offered drinks. They all had sodas or, in Ced's case, iced tea. The conversation was animated, and it went on, as it does with people who know one another as well as the five of them do, effortlessly for a couple of hours.

At one point during the afternoon I was able to take Mark aside and give him the disk with the pictures we had taken of his "payback" with the lily. He was very grateful.

"Tim, thanks, man. Who has seen these?"

"No one but me, Mark. Not even Ced. You know, your dad asked for prints, but I haven't given them to him. I think it should be your decision whether you share them with anyone, especially your Pops."

Mark hugged me and thanked me profusely again before we rejoined the others.

By about 2:30, even in the shade it was getting warm on the patio, and Ced, Mark, and Chaz decided to have a beer. Stan, Trey, and I had a delicious, oaky chilled chardonnay from Australia. The vintner was Oxford Landing. I resolved to look for some when I got back to campus.

Stan stood up and asked for our attention.

"Thank you, thank you, gentlemen, very much," he said in a passable W. C. Fields imitation. "Markie, come here a minute, sweetheart."

Mark rose, looked back at us, mouthed "sweetheart?" and walked toward his dad.

"I have something for you, stud." Stan reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of car keys, which he handed to Mark.

Mark looked at them for a minute and then realized what they were.

"Pops! You're giving me Clarissa?"

I looked at Ced, puzzled. He mouthed at me, "the Mustang."

"Yep," Stan said, "she's yours. And I expect you to take good care of her. You know Ronny Barshefsky here in Meadville will be able to take care of her if you can't find anyone where you are."

"Don't worry. I'll see that she gets the best of care." Then he hugged his dad. We all broke into spontaneous applause.

Stan put his arm around Mark's waist. Mark put his arm around Stan's shoulders. They looked wonderful standing there together. Mark was taller than his father by two or three inches. There was no gray in his hair. He had no facial hair. And, unlike Stan, he had these adorable dimples. But they had the same face, the same curly hair, the same sparkling, sexy, intense blue eyes. Their love for each other was apparent as they stood there smiling at us.

"Now, gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. It's clean break time. I'm a little tired of Meadville, especially because you-know-who is always popping up. I've resigned my job here and taken a new job."

When the boys quit murmuring their surprise, Stan continued.

"To put things in their proper perspective, I've bought myself a new Thunderbird. If you want to see her, she's in the garage, and you can look in a minute. Oh, and the other thing," he said smiling, "is that I'm moving to Florida."

The boys all talked at once. Everyone but Mark was clearly surprised. They wanted to know where in Florida, when he had made the decision to move, when he was leaving. Stan explained, "Lake Polk is a small town in Central Florida. It's in Polk County, which has thousands of fresh-water lakes, and surprisingly for Florida, some hills -- hills which used to be covered with orange groves but more and more are covered with upscale housing developments. It's a beautiful little place, with an active arts community, an enclave of old-money people, but also lots of snowbirds."

"And how far from Disney, Pops?" It was, characteristically, Chaz who asked.

"About 45 minutes, Chaz, and you are all invited for Christmas or spring break or whenever you can legally get away from the University."

"Stan, have you bought a place there already?" I asked.

"No, I've just rented a condo for three months, starting the first of September. But I plan to do some serious house hunting after I get there. Now. I'll answer all of your questions, but is anybody hungry?"

Chaz looked around at the rest of us and said, "I could eat." There was a chorus of agreement, so we all set in to help.

As we worked getting everything set up, I heard this exchange between Ced and his best friend:

"Markie, you knew about this and didn't tell me?"

"Well, Ced, I didn't know until just the other day, and I haven't seen you since."

"You cool with the move?"

Mark smiled. "Oh, yeah. I can understand why he wants to get away from here."

"What about the distance?"

"Hey, dude, Orlando's only a couple of hours from Hopkins International. And just think. We'll have a place in Florida to hang anytime we want to go."

The two friends high-fived at that.

Stan asked Mark to light the gas grill, which was a super-size one. Evidently Meadville's city manager did some major outdoor entertaining -- in the short local summer, at any rate.

Stan and Mark put on the grill slabs of ribs, kielbasa, andouille sausage, and marinated chicken thighs. It looked as if he were going to feed what my Mom calls the "heathen hordes."

In addition to the meat, there were strips of eggplant, peppers, portabella mushrooms, and zucchini marinated in olive oil and herbs; marinated tomatoes and cucumbers with mozzarella, potato salad, and baked beans. To drink they offered iced tea, beer, pinot noir, and more of the wonderful chard. For dessert we had brownies, lemon bars, and heavenly fresh-made peach ice cream.

I asked Mark his dad's caterer. He told me that he and Stan had prepared all the food themselves.

"Yeah, Tim, Pops has always loved to cook, and he got me into the kitchen as soon as I came to live with him, when I was fourteen or so. His enthusiasm is contagious, and cooking is something we've shared ever since. We make something delicious (we both love to eat), and we have a super time fixing it together."

"Mark," I said, "you and your Pops are lucky to have each other."

He winked at me and said, "You know it!"

After the meal, we just sat around and talked for a while. When the sun got to a certain point, it was getting pretty warm on the patio, so we put away the food and went down to the basement, where there was a large game room. Trey and Mark challenged Stan and Ced to a game of pool. That left Chaz and me together for a while, and that suited my purpose perfectly.

"Chaz," I said when we were sitting a little way from the boisterous pool game, "I'm really happy that you and Trey have gotten yourselves sorted out. I know he had realized what he truly felt about you while you were gone and was desperately hoping that you would feel the same way."

"Well, Tim, one of these days I'll let you read my summer journal. Right now, it's still a little too personal to share. But, yes, I had a hot one-night stand with a dude named David. If I had any leftover doubts about sex with another guy, David drove them away. Totally. But I knew almost as soon as he was gone that it was Trey I really wanted to do it with."

"Well, you're both lucky, you know."

He smiled. Trey has mentioned how much he loves Chaz's smile, and I can see why. Tiger calls it goofy, but I think it makes big Chaz look like a very young boy. In response to my comment about their being lucky, he just said, "Yeah, Tim, I know."

"Look, Chaz, I need your help. You heard about the crazy stunt Ced and Trey pulled in my class near the end of the spring term, I suppose?"

He chuckled and said, "You bet!"

"Well, I have some payback in mind that I think everyone will enjoy. You game?"

"Tell me about it."

So I explained what I had in mind. His comment was, "Timmy, you nasty guy! Let's do it!"

About 7:00 we thanked Mark and Stan for a wonderful day, everybody hugged everybody, and we wished Stan good luck in his new job in Florida. He invited us all to visit him whenever we could.

On the drive home Trey and Chaz chatted quietly in the front seats. Ced dropped off to sleep and was snoring lightly, so I was left alone with my thoughts for a good part of the trip. I was busy working on what would happen when we got there, though I had pretty well laid it out for Chaz back in Meadville.

When Chaz pulled up in front of our place, I asked him and Trey to come in for a while. Trey began to make polite excuses. I suspect he wanted to get Chaz home and in the sack. But Chaz pretty firmly over-ruled his buddy. "Come on, Trey," he said. "We guys haven't been together for over a month, and it's only 8:00. What's wrong with you?"

What could Trey say? He smiled, and we all went inside.


Any one of the four of us could have written this section. I suppose I was elected because it's been the longest since you've heard from me. [Well, it needed to be one or the other of the "victims," and we did hear a lot from Trey in the previous chapter. -- T.M.]

I needed to go to the john as soon as we got inside, and Chaz went straight for the fridge to get a beer. He hadn't drunk much at Stan's because he knew he'd be driving.

When I got back to the living room, Tim came over to me, put his hands on my pects, and tilted his head back, obviously asking for a kiss. I was surprised that he'd do that in front of Trey and Chaz, but then I figured, now that they were "together for real," he didn't think we needed to be restrained in front of them. So I gave him a dandy. Or, rather, as soon as we connected, he took over. I was clearly the one who was being kissed, though I tried to give as good as I got. As we were kissing, Tim began to rotate us slightly so that I could see what was happening behind him. Chaz was crushing Trey to him and they were in a lip lock, too. Both kisses must have set some sort of record for duration.

When Tim eventually pulled away, we were both hard, as usual. Trey had his hand cupped under Chaz's package, and they held their kiss a little longer than we had. Tim pushed me down on the sofa and began to pull my shirt off. Obediently, I smiled up at him and raised my arms. I didn't know where this was going, and I was surprised as hell that he was taking the lead in it, but I wasn't objecting. Next he gestured for me to stand. When I did, he unbuttoned my shorts and let them drop. I stepped out of them without being told.

By this time Chaz and Trey had finished their kiss and Chaz was pulling Trey's shirt off. Still without saying anything, Tim pushed me back onto the sofa and knelt to take off my sneaks and socks. I started to do it, but he shook his head no. Meanwhile, Trey was getting the same treatment. Chaz wasn't saying anything, but he was seeing to it that Trey was losing his clothes. Soon I was standing there in nothing but my trademark white CK briefs, and Trey was in briefs, too, the gray kind. Both of us had boned up during the kiss. Mine had deflated a little during the undressing, but Trey's was really sticking out there.

I began to get the feeling Tim and Chaz had cooked up something, as unlikely as that seemed, when Tim looked over at Chaz and both of them stripped to their shorts. Tim had obviously been running with his shirt off. Except for the part covered by his running shorts, he had the beginnings of a tan. With his fair skin, he'd never be dark, but at least he wasn't that alabaster color any more. Now he was more of a peachy color, and he looked good enough to eat, as usual. Trey was watching, fascinated by this little ritual we seemed caught up in.

When all of us were down to our skivvies, Chaz stuck his hand down the back of Trey's briefs. It looked like he put his finger in Trey's crack and steered him toward the bedroom. Tim grabbed the waistband of my briefs and pulled me along behind them. This was getting curiouser and curiouser, as Alice said.

When we got to the bedroom, Tim spoke for the first time. He smiled at me and asked me to help him take all the covers off the bed except the bottom sheet, which I did. Then he went to the linen closet and got a couple of beach towels, which he spread on the bed. He looked at Chaz and nodded.

Chaz cleared his throat and pronounced, "If you two gentlemen will drop your panties and lie on your back on the bed, Tim and I are gonna make you feel REAL good!" I felt a little silly, but Tim smiled at me encouragingly, and I shed the briefs and lay down, being sure to give Trey lots of room. He got naked and, looking both puzzled and amused, lay down beside me. By this time, my stiffie was pretty well gone, though Trey's was still respectable. Tim and Chaz, though, were both pretty well boned up.

Tim said, "Woops, I forgot something. Don't move. I'll be right back." He scurried out of the room and down the stairs. He was back in a moment with a squirt bottle of chocolate syrup and one of honey. He held them out to Chaz, who took the chocolate and went over to Trey.

"Sutdmuffin," he said, "you're gonna be even better with chocolate sauce."

Trey looked back at him skeptically.

Tim came to me and said, "Well, if we're going to be corny, I could say that you'll be even more of a honey than you were."

"How sweet!" I replied.

Trey was to my left, so my right side was nearest the edge of the bed. Tim knelt beside the bed and squirted a tiny circle of honey around my right nip, which instantly got pebble hard and began to tingle, though he hadn't actually touched it. "Look, Chaz, Ced's got a little golden halo around his aureole!"

Trey and I laughed at the wordplay, but Chaz merely looked puzzled and said, "Yeah."

Then he put a similar ring of honey around the other nip. Chaz seemed to get the idea, because he went to work making designs on Trey's chest and stomach with the chocolate syrup. Tim put a dollop of honey between my pects in that place where I'm just beginning to get some chest hair.

I was beginning to get hard again because I had figured out how Tim was going to get the sticky stuff off of me. And though I could only see them out of the corner of my eye, Chaz and Trey were giggling.

Tim squirted a trail of honey around down the middle of my abs to my navel, which he filled with the stuff. Trey was complaining that the chocolate was cold, but we don't keep honey in the fridge, so it was at room temperature, at least. From the navel, Tim topped my treasure trail with honey. He went as far as my pubes and stopped.

"Aww, Tim," I said, "aren't you going to put any on Sneaky?"

"Patience, Cedric, Sneaky has other things in store for him."

He put the dispenser down. He began where he had started with the honey, slowly, deliberately lapping up the circle of honey around my right nip. I expected him to go to the left nip when he'd finished, but he didn't He began to suck that tit like a hungry baby, and, oh man, did that turn me on. Occasionally he'd stop and look up at me through his eyelashes with this really wicked look on his face. He'd smile, bat his eyelids at me, and then go back to sucking.

I heard Trey giggle again, and when I looked over, Chaz was imitating our leader, suctioned onto Trey's left tit.

Well, that went on for quite a while, with Chaz and Tim alternately licking the trail of sweetness they'd put down and sucking our tits, biting lightly on our nips, driving us wild.

By that time, Sneaky was really hard, leaking bigtime, and beginning to throb. When Tim got to my navel, he had a lot of honey on his tongue. That's when he brought his face up to mine and fed me some honey, and I gotta tell you, honey from his mouth to mine was ambrosia! All this was getting pretty intense. My nips still tingled, my stomach was quivering from Tim's tongue in my belly button -- and Sneaky was getting VERY needy.

After the kiss, Tim went back to the honey he had dribbled along my treasure trail. At last,' I thought, he's going to get to Sneaky.' And I was READY!

Chaz had kept pace and was licking the last of the chocolate from the upper part of Trey's tawny bush.

"Guys," Trey said, "this has been incredibly stimulating if somewhat trite, but I can't hold out much longer. Can't one of the couples go somewhere else so we can get it on?"

"Shaddup, Trey," Chaz said, smiling to take the menace out of his words, "nobody's goin' anywhere!" Then he set the chocolate dispenser on the bedside table, reached down, and flipped Trey over on his stomach.

"Do I have to get Chaz to do that to you, or will you roll over for me?" Tim asked, smiling sweetly.

I rolled over onto my stomach.

Tim and Chaz began to lick the backs of our legs, starting at the ankles. They worked their way slowly up one leg to the butt, and then went back and did the same thing with the other. Trey and I were grinding our hard, oozing cocks into the towels we were lying on. The fact that I was lying there next to my buddy Trey, that his hot bod was naked next to me, that he was writhing, humping the bed, and moaning as we were both licked by our lovers -- all that nearly sent me out of my mind!

When Tim licked up the second leg to my butt, he spread my legs apart and began licking my balls and my taint. You have to remember this had been going on at least an hour by this time, and I was ready to scream. I needed to get off! The bed was bouncing because Trey and I were wiggling so much. We were both moaning and grunting. I had broken into a sweat.

Throughout the whole time, Tim had not touched my cock, nor, I think, had Chaz touched Trey's.

Tim slapped me on the butt and said, "Here, now, Cedric! That'll be enough of that wiggling. You aren't allowed to come yet."

Chaz reached down with both hands and lifted Trey's hips up so that his dick wasn't touching the bed. "You heard the man, Tiger. It ain't time yet, buddy."

"Aw, come on, guys," Trey said, "no fair. Fun's fun, but I need release. Chaz, babe, you gotta suck me or let me do you!"

"I don't think so," Tim said. "Remember that prank you two jokers pulled in my classroom? Well, boys, he who laughs last, laughs best."

He must have given Chaz some sort of signal, because Chaz slapped Trey on the rump and said, "See you later, Tiger."

With that, he surprised the shit out of me by picking up Tim and carrying him out of the room!

Trey rolled over, sat up, crossed his legs Indian fashion his cock still rigid, standing straight up now, and began to applaud. "That was brilliant, guys. You got us! Now come back so we can get on with it!"

Nothing. Not a sound.

Trey looked at me and grinned. "You don't suppose they're really . . . Nah! They wouldn't."

"Of course they wouldn't," I said, "but they want us to think they are. If we don't go after them, they'll eventually come back here. So let's give them a few minutes to wonder what we're doing. I think we'll hear them if they try to peek in at us. So here's what we'll do." I explained my idea. "Whatcha think, bro?"

Trey smiled his sleepy smile and said, "Not only would that serve them right, but I think I'd like that."

So we sat very quietly for maybe ten minutes. Then we heard the sound of some movement in the hall.

When they peeked in, they saw Trey and me in what turned out to be a pretty hot kiss. I've always wondered what it would be like, and I found out. Of course he's had lots of experience frenching women. That's probably why his technique is so good. Anyway the hour or so of teasing we had taken primed us. If Tim and Chaz hadn't come back when they did, I don't know what would have happened.

Trey and I were getting toward the point of no return when Tim said, "Trey! Unhand that man. He's mine!"

"Yeah, li'l buddy,"Chaz said, "cut that out."

For good measure, we held the kiss a little longer. Then as we pulled our faces apart, we tickled the ends of each others' tongues.

It was Tim and Ced's turn to applaud, and we were all laughing pretty hard by that time. Somewhere about then, I noticed that Tim and Chaz had both removed their briefs, probably to add realism if we had followed them into the other bedroom.

Wow! All three of them (well, all four of us, actually) naked and hard! What a scene. Of course, I see my Tim all the time with his clothes off and his dick up. But, after three years of wondering and wishing, this was only the second time I had ever seen my buddies hard, and that other time was a very different situation.

Trey and I are about the same size, built about the same way. But he's so -- golden, I guess. He has this taffy-colored hair, on his head, under his arms, in his treasure-trail and pubes, and lightly on his arms and legs. His eyes are so sexy, the color that's usually called "hazel." Unlike many blonds, the Tiger tans to a nice gold color. But his arched cock, almost as long as mine but a good deal fatter, is purple-ish red. Like me, he was still hard and leaky from the hour of teasing Tim and Chaz had just put us through. He sat there on the edge of the bed, smiling that sleepy and majorly sexy smile.

I had always known Chaz had a big package, at least judging from his bulge. But now, as he stood next to me, I knew why Trey called him "Big Guy." Chaz at, oh, six-six, I'd guess, has big hands, big feet, and a bludgeon for a cock. When he put Tim down, he stood there, his monster dick sticking straight out. I suspect it's too big to ever stand straight up. Chaz had obviously worn tank tops and long shorts in his camp job this summer, for he had a nice tan on his shoulders, arms, and on his legs below the knees. By this time in the summer, he had grown back the hair he'd lost in the spring. His chest had a nice covering of the same brown hair he had on his head, tapering toward his innie belly button. Below that, of course, he had a distinct trail leading to a big bush. He also had a lot of hair on his arms and legs and in his ass crack. He seemed to be really amused with what had been going on, his pale blue eyes alive with excitement.

"You know, Tim," I said, "if you're a lion, I think your cubs are getting unruly."

"GETTING unruly? This has been an unruly bunch from the beginning. But I think if there's a lion, it's probably Stan, and we're all his cubs."

"Well Pops better not try claiming you, Timothy, or you'll both have this very ferocious cub to contend with," I said. Then I thought to myself how hypocritical it was of me to be jealous of Stan when I had just been kissing Trey with such enthusiasm. To rework Pascal, perhaps the body has its demands which the heart can't always control. , I was startled out of my musing when Trey said with some urgency, "Guys, this has been a blast, but I wanna fuck. Do Chaz and I have to go home now?"

"Not unless you want to," Tim said, smiling. "Chaz and I were rather hoping that you'd stay the night. The pull-out bed in the other room is made up and ready, if you want to stay." He looked at me. "You have any problem with house guests, Ced?"

"Not THESE house guests," I said.

"Then guys," Tim said, " I think what comes next ought to be a MUTUAL celebration, if you know what I mean."

Trey's eyes sparkled. Chaz, who'd obviously been in on this affair from the beginning, said, "Yeah, Tiger, those two and us two doin' it in the same bed. Whoowee!"

And so it was.

Tim stretched up, kissed me, and said, "I want you to do me, sweetheart."

Trey and Chaz just looked at each other, and Trey nodded. Tim went to one side of the king-size bed with his knees on the floor and his body stretched toward the center. Chaz went to the other side and took the same position. The two of them were facing each other, heads not all that far apart because Chaz is so tall.

I reached in the bedside table, got the lube, and tossed it to Trey. He took some and put it on Chaz's pucker. Then he slicked up the fingers on his right hand.

I stood there behind Tim feeling full of love. I had my lover and was going to make love to him. And here, facing me, were two of my three best friends. I would get to look at their faces while they made love. Man, what a beautiful thought!

Trey grinned at me and tossed me the lube. I knelt behind Timmy's cute little ass. It looked whiter than before, now that he had a little tan everywhere else. I'd swear he pushed it toward me as soon as I began to spread his cheeks. I did the usual, putting some on his rosy lovebud and lots on my fingers. I looked across at the other guys. Chaz winked at me, and Trey smiled at me through half closed eyes as he was doing the same thing I was.

Tim usually tells me how good he's feeling when I do things to him. That night, he was quieter, probably because the other guys were there, but I knew my fingering him felt good. I took special care to massage his button, and he wiggled his ass and purred in appreciation. The longer we were together, the more we knew each other's needs, and the more we wanted to make each other happy. He was my mate. For life!

If only we could be open about our love. Maybe we SHOULD come out? I felt at that moment like I wanted to marry him, with all our friends looking on.

"Tiger, that's fantastic. Where'd you learn to do that?" Chaz said. "No, don't tell me. I don't care. Just keep on doin' it, babe!"

By this time Trey's fat pecker was leaking a lot and was bright red. Sneaky was throbbing, hard, and seeping cum, too. After all, our partners had gotten us hot and kept us that way for a long time earlier that evening, and I think, though we both wanted our lovers to enjoy what was about to happen, we were going to have a melt-down if we didn't get some relief soon.

Tim was ready, too. He looked around to see what I was doing. I smeared up Sneaky with lube, dropped it on the bed in case either Trey or I needed it again, and spread those cute white cheeks of Tim's. I knew by now just how much pressure to use, and he was so accustomed to me that he almost sucked me in.

I think Trey was being more careful because it seemed to take him longer. His dick is about the same length as mine, but fatter. Besides, he and Chaz hadn't had as much experience with each other as Tim and I had. If I was correct in my assumptions, this was only their third time, and I didn't know who had done whom the previous times.

However, Trey worked his way in, and Chaz wasn't complaining. He smiled at Tim. He smiled up at me, as Trey and I began to move slowly in and out. It felt SO GOOD to be inside my lover. For a while I put a hand on each of his hipbones, closed my eyes and got lost in what was happening. His slick, tight, chute felt like silk. I thought of the silk boxers he liked to wear. He matched my strokes with his hip movements, making each stroke feel even better for both of us. We were joined, connected, together in spirit and in flesh. And in bliss!

I opened my eyes to see Trey, with his eyes half-closed, smiling sweetly at me. Chaz was looking directly into Tim's eyes. I couldn't see Tim's face, but there was obviously some silent communication going on there. How great was that! Whatever happened to Chaz this summer, and I still don't know much about it, he's a changed man. He's still got all that enthusiasm for life that I've always loved about him, his wonderful sense of humor, his tendency to downplay what a bright guy he is. But he's a more mature, more sensitive Chaz, a guy more deserving of the Tiger, who is one very special man.

You may think it's strange that I'd be having all these thoughts while I was in physical heaven long-dicking my sweet, beautiful lover, but I did. Sex is only part physical. Part of it is your feelings about the person, or in this case people, you're with. I was with my lover and two of my favorite peeps, and it was a special moment in my life.

In this euphoric haze, I was floating along, pumping in and out of Tim, who had begun to do that growl thing he does. Trey's eyes were closed, and I could tell that he was off in another world as he pistoned ever-rapidly in and out of Chaz.

Chaz, on the other hand, was wide-eyed and smiling. He was obviously feeling great. He looked up at me and said, "Damn, and I've been missing out on this all my life! " Then, turning his head, "More, Tiger buddy, deeper! Fuck me, stud! "

Standing across the bed from Trey as I was, I could see him respond to that challenge, but I could also feel the bed move under Chaz and Tim as Trey began to lunge powerfully into his lover.

"Yeah, Henry Lee," Trey whooped, "that's the way! More, babe!"

Tim who'd been growling quietly, chuckled when he heard Chaz's expressions of pleasure and enthusiasm. Then he began to buck back against me, as if to stir me to deeper penetration as well. I was happy to give my lover what he wanted, and I began to really plow his ass.

Nature took its course, so eventually Trey and I came, not too far apart, actually. His eyes still shut, he muttered something. Then his body went rigid, and I knew he was pumping his spooge into Chaz. I could tell that Chaz came just a moment later, `cause he put his face down on the bed and practically convulsed for a moment -- or six, because I think there was a spasm for each shot of cum. That's all it took for me, watching my brothers get off, and I came, too, which triggered Timmy to have his orgasm. There was a lot of jerking and twitching and gasping and groaning for a few minutes as the four of us climaxed. The room was full of the smell of cum.

When it was over, the sweetest thing happened. We were all spent. Neither Trey nor I had withdrawn yet, but Chaz stretched himself forward, took Tim's face in both hands, and gave him a very tender kiss! I almost cried. How sweet it was to see the closeness those two had achieved. I thought back to where all this had started a couple of months ago and thanked God that it had worked out as it had.

We all collapsed onto the bed. Tim and I were in each other's arms instantly, and so were Tiger and Chaz. We all went to sleep that way.

I awoke at first light, well before time to get up. I was lying on one side of the king-sized bed, on my left side. Tim was lying next to me on his back, Junior stiff against his pale belly. I had my arm thrown across his chest. On the other side of Tim was Trey, sleeping on his stomach. His left hand was cupped under Tim's balls. Chaz was on the other side of the bed, sleeping on his right side, his left arm draped over Trey. Since I was the only one awake, I didn't move. I could restrain my need for a piss for a while. As I lay there, I thought, `Here we are, together, all of us loving one another, each of us with a lover, ready to start the rest of our lives.' Whatever lay in store for us, we had our pride of lions, our "Brotherhood."

(It may sound as if this is the last chapter of "Dr. Tim and the Boys," but it isn't. The next chapter will be posted in about four weeks. In the next week or so, however, I plan to post the first chapter of a spin-off story, "Out of the Night," in the Adult Friends section, if David agrees. I hope you will look for it. --T.M.)

Next: Chapter 19

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