Dream Boy

By Darron, Darron The Witch, The Witch

Published on Jul 11, 2005


Author's Notes:

Please note that the opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily shared by this station, its affiliates, or its sponsors. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or actual events is completely un-intentional.

I shouldn't have to mention the fact that this is an erotic story and does contain graphic depictions of sexual acts between males, if this kind of thing is offensive to you than I suggest you don't read it.

Author's Comments:

America means different things to different American's; to some it means economic opportunity, to others it means religious or political freedom, and to still others it means democracy. Probably, people's opinions as to what America most stands for is as diverse as the people that make up this great land.

To me, America stands for The American Constitution, and I can hardly think of anything more un-American than the desire to change it for the purpose of limiting freedoms and broadening the powers of government. Such amendment propositions go against the intention of the constitution in the first place which was to provide limits on government and at the same time guarantee individual liberties.

If we wish to continue to enjoy the freedoms and rights the constitution guarantees us, or you would like your own children to have the same rights and freedoms you enjoyed, we will all have to fight to retain them, and I don't mean from a foreign enemy. Abraham Lincoln said that we need never fear tyranny from a trans-Atlantic enemy, tyranny will arise from within. Thomas Jefferson said that we must be diligent to protect these rights as American Citizens.

And I can hardly imagine any greater tyranny than to watch the constitution of this great country, a constitution which allows you to read stories such as this, and authors to write them, to be successfully subverted by those elements of government that would seize any opportunity to broaden their own powers by manipulating special interest groups and fanatical religious groups who would in turn manipulate the rest of us in supporting their efforts to amend the constitution, not for the purpose of broadening freedom for Americans but just the opposite because some right guaranteed therein stands in their way of making some new law.

God bless America, so long as The U.S. constitution remains the law of the land, and so far as it has not been altered to the point that it no longer resembles the ideals originally expressed.

Author's Riddle:

I said hey there Barry, what was that you said about The Spirit Of Man?

"There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy,

Who they say wandered very far, very far over land and sea.

A little shy, and sad of eye but very wise was he.

And then one day, that magic day he passed my way,

We spoke of many things, fools and kings, and this he said to me.

He said, 'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.'"

-Nature Boy

Dream Boy By Danny The Witch

"There's something wrong with the world today, I don't know what it is,

It has something to do with the eyes..."

-Living On The Edge (Arrowsmith)

"Doctor my eyes, tell me what is wrong, have I been unwise, to leave them open for so long?"

-Doctor My Eyes (Jackson Brown)


The summer I turned fourteen, I had moved to the suburbs from the big city, and the change was nice for me, although at first I had no buddies to play with. I had been going through some changes where I thought about sex stuff quite a bit. Although nobody knew, sometimes when my parents were gone, I would sneak into my dad's closet, where he had a secret stash of pornos and I would look at them while playing with my dick, although I didn't really know how to masturbate, and so just kind of rubbed and stuff and it would get hard.

Sometimes if I knew they would be gone awhile, I'd grab a couple of mags and go into my room, take all my clothes off, and look at the magazines. They were all strait mags, but really hard- core, and it was my secret that I had been looking at them since I was twelve.

After looking through them, I'd become so aroused I didn't know what to do, so I'd streak through the house naked, and sometimes even dart outside in the back yard, with my boner sticking out.

About this time I made friends with a boy named Corey that lived around the block from me. I'd go to his house to go swimming, when both of his parents were at work. While sitting in his Jacuzzi, after swimming, sometimes we'd talk about sex stuff, and when we did I realized I would get an erection in my swim trunks, although he wouldn't be able to tell under the bubbles.

One time when we were in his Jacuzzi talking about sex stuff, he had started talking about masturbation. I had never heard of it before. As he talked about it, I got the feeling that it was some kind of a sex act but I didn't how to do it, and I was trying to figure it out, hoping he would give me enough details because I was too afraid to just come right out and ask him. Unfortunately, he never told me how to do it, and I was too chicken to ask him. He used to talk about orgasms and squirting cum too, and I got the idea that it was something that comes out of your dick, which is something else I never even thought of, and wasn't sure if that was actually what he meant. I didn't know what to think about whatever an orgasm was. He asked me once if I ever masturbated, and I just lied and said yes. We only hung out with each other a couple of weeks, when I had to start high school, and since he went to a different school than I did, we just kind of faded as friends.

Once school started though, I had become a little obsessed to know how to do it. For this reason anytime other boys would start talking about jerking off and stuff, I would try to listen as best as I could for any clues. But, alas, to no avail.

A couple of months after school started, I was getting to thinking that maybe this was all superstitious rumor, kind of like an urban legend, all this talk about jacking off and stuff, and shooting cum. I didn't know if it was even real any more.

So that weekend I decided to go to the public library-- If this was real than I should be able to find evidence of it in a book at the library. I went to the card catalog and looked up masturbation, and was surprised to discover that they actually had a masturbation section! Who would of thought? I felt like an idiot. I wrote down the numbers, and headed off looking for it-- very excited now--

When I finally found the section, I was further surprised to discover they actually had quite a few books on the subject. I was getting really anxious now-- perhaps I will finally learn today-- and tonight I will experiment with orgasms and shooting cum.

The books on that subject were all on the bottom shelf, which was very convenient that way I could sit on the floor while browsing through some. There were so many, probably about fifteen books all on the subject of my particular interest that day, and I had a sudden compulsion to just grab them all and check them all out-- but I hadn't applied for my library card yet and didn't know what the limit was.

I grabbed a book and looked at the title: 'Transadental Masturbation' humm sounds interesting, I thought to myself. It was a little paperback. I was disappointed that there were no illustrations in it. No pictures at all- damn. Well, no matter, that would have made it easier, but I was a very good reader, already at the high school level even when I was in middle school. I had the highest confidence I could understand the text alone.

I opened the book, and scanned the table of contents-- there it was-- just what I was looking for: 'Chapter 3: Various Masturbation Techniques.' I anxiously turned to the chapter and started reading:

"Many people are only just now beginning to realize the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of regular masturbation. This chapter will review the most popular techniques..."

Spiritual benefits? I thought to myself, wow. I skipped forward to technique one:

"... We recommend that you find a nice quite place where you can be alone and you know that you will be uninterrupted for at least twenty minutes..."

This is it, I thought to myself-- damn-- I should have known, that you can find out about anything at the library-- what was I thinking?-- Why didn't I think of this sooner. I could have kicked myself. I read on:

"... We suggest that you wear loose, comfortable clothes. Some people prefer to masturbate completely in the nude, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that... "

I was getting really excited. I looked left and right, to make sure nobody was in my section, and read on:

"You might want to light some candles, or some incense, and put on some light soothing music in the background, although music might help some people it can be distracting to others, if you find it distracting we recommend that in the beginning, when first learning to make it as quiet as possible..."

"... You can sit on a chair or a couch, but many people prefer to sit 'Indian-Style' on the floor, with your legs folded in front of you, and your hands resting on your lap. For masturbation to be most effective it must be utilized along with imagination. Close your eyes, and try to completely make your mind blank..."

Okay, I thought, this one was good-- I'm checking this one out. I looked at some of the other books, quickly, and decided upon two others to check out-- one was really cool with a lot of pictures. The book was large-sized, and on the front cover there was a picture of a large triangle with an eyeball in the middle of it. The title was: 'Masturbation, How to connect with the inner self."

The third book was titled 'Finding God through Masturbation" I was a little surprised-- this all seemed to be a very good thing-- Why were adults being so secretive about all this?-- Thank God for the liberals who supported the libraries, them and the Free -Masons!!

I closed the last book suddenly deciding I wanted to check the books out and read more while by myself at home. I had to go to the front desk and apply for a library card. I was pretty sure that three books wouldn't be a problem on your first check out. But as I approached the check out desk, I suddenly got to slightly shaking at the knees, because the thought occurred to me that these books were in 'The Adult' section and they might not let me check out the books when they see what they are about and me being still just a kid in their eyes. In fact, I was afraid they might take the books from me and tell me to leave the library and don't come back. I really was quite a shy kid at that age, and although my balls were a lot bigger than a year ago, they still were pretty small. They were feeling really small right at the moment. So small I couldn't even feel them.

I stopped and sat down on a reading sofa. I had to think. Maybe I should just read them here-- if they take them away from me when I try to check them out, I still wouldn't know how to do it, even though the knowledge was right in my grubby palms.

Thank God for my resolve. A sudden rush of courage came over me all at once and I hurried to the check out counter quickly, holding my three books on masturbation under my right armpit, so nobody could see the covers and the titles. I wanted to do this before the wave passed by me and I had a chance to re-think again.

When I got to the counter I asked the lady if I could apply for a library card-- and she gave me a small form to fill out-- I carefully kept the books tucked under my arm the whole time, while filling out the card, which looked a little awkward I'm sure. When I was done she then asked me if I wanted to check out those books I had and I said yes please, but found myself reluctant to set them down on the counter-- my balls suddenly shrinking again and feeling like they were trying to actually go back inside my belly like when I was three.

I squirmed a little bit, and the librarian lady watched with a look of slight amusement before I finally put the books down. I had no idea what she was thinking, but instead of giving me a fowl look of disapproval she kind of smiled at me-- not a whole smile, just like a half-one. She told me the books were due back in two weeks, and then she said something I totally didn't expect.

She said, in kind of a low tone to me, "Masturbation will change your life if you practice a lot and keep an open mind. I masturbate twice a day, and once while I was masturbating-- I actually left my body!!"

My eyes bugged out of my head-- I swear I must have looked like a bug for a second. I was shocked. I didn't know what shocked me more, that an adult just admitted to me that they masturbated-- or what the hell she just said about leaving her body!

I thanked her and took my new library card and my books and tried to get out of there as quickly as I could without looking suspicious. I don't know why, but I was a little scared now, and this whole experience was rather a large excitement to my system-- being that I really was quite a shy kid.

When I got home, I quickly went to my room. My mom was home, but she never disturbed me when I was in my room with the door closed. I closed the blinds, and then I took off all my clothes, and sat "Indian-Style" on the bed. I read a little more of the book "Transcendental Masturbation" :

"...Close your eyes, and focus on the spot on your forehead just above the bridge of your nose-- this is your mind's eye and it controls imagination. Imagination and mental imagery is the key to successful masturbation... Its also called the third eye, and many people in the east believe that it is the part of the brain that can develop psychic ability...

"I closed my eyes, and made my mind blank-- I was surprised that I could actually do this easily, it said in the book that this was the part that most people had the greatest trouble with-- turning off all the noise in the head. After making my mind blank, I started trying the mental imagery thing, and I wasn't getting to far with that-- I never really saw images in my mind unless I was starting to fall asleep. After a few minutes, I started to see images, but, I was getting really sleepy like I wanted to take a nap.

I remembered that it said you could put on some music and that was sometimes helpful. It occurred to me then that sometimes I did have mental images while I was listening to music with my headphones, so I thought I would try that approach. I went to my record collection, and decided to go with Laurie Anderson's 'Oh Superman'. It was a really nice long track, taking up most of side two on the record. I queued it up, and put my headphones on, and got back "Indian-Style" on the bed.

I was a little worried that with the head-phones on and my eyes closed that I wouldn't even know if my mom suddenly opened up the door and saw me like this-- what the hell would she think? But, like I said, my mother never did that-- it was only my dad that would walk in on me unannounced sometimes and he wasn't home.

I had some great mental images while listening to the song. It was weird, like, my mind went back to this boy I knew when I was ten, and we showed each other our boners one summer afternoon in the bushes at the park by my house. He had asked me if he could touch mine, and I said okay, and he wrapped his hands around my dick and kind of squeezed it and it felt really good. Man, I was seeing the whole thing again like in Technicolor. My dick was getting hard remembering it. But at the same time, I changed it a little. I imagined that I touched his too, even though I really didn't. I remembered that I wanted to, but I was too shy to actually do it. So now, in my 'minds eye' I imagined that I did it.

My dick was going up while I was thinking about this and imagining it, and all of a sudden I started playing with my erection and rubbing it kind of like, and I lost the ability to concentrate. I opened up my eyes. The song was over anyways, and its hypnotic effect was wearing off.

I started scanning through all the books I checked out, thinking that masturbation did involve your dick somewhere along the line, but I couldn't find anything. I lay down on my bed and tried to think-- Did I make a mistake? Was it masturbation or meditation?? I couldn't remember. I had all these books on masturbation, and now I think the word was actually meditation. Damn!!

That night I was lying in my bed, after getting ready to retire for the evening, and I was playing with it, making it hard. I was amazed how big it got now-- nearly six inches, and much thicker than even one year ago when I was thirteen. My balls were a lot bigger too, and I had started growing some pubes also, not much, but there and also a little under my arms, just a little.

After a few minutes or so I gave up, and tried to go to sleep, which was hard because I was still aroused. And so I would continue thinking about sex and stuff as I was drifting off to sleep.

And then I had this dream. In the dream, apparently I had met this boy at school, and he had invited me to come over to his house. I think he went to my school but I couldn't be sure because I only remember being at his house. I guessed he was my age, but I wasn't sure because he could have been younger. He looked like he could have been twelve actually. Kind of slim but not real skinny-- he had a little bit of a tummy, but just so much that he wasn't chubby. He was short but not stocky about a foot shorter than I was at the time, which I guess I was about five foot one or two. He had longish light, light blond hair, and his bangs hung in front of his eyes, which were the shade of emerald blue.

And, he asks me if I would mind if he strips down to his underwear, and I say no I don't mind, and so he did, right down to his tighty-whities, as they say. He stripped right in front of me and stood there in just his briefs and socks-- A pair of bright red sox-- which I thought was weird. He then jumps on his bed, and gets under the covers. He then invites me to strip down to my underwear and get in the bed also, and so I did, but I kept my socks on too just like him, and I remember that I was really, really excited. I mean I was glad that I got to do this-- I had been hoping.

So I got under the covers with him, and under the covers, he reaches inside my underwear and starts playing with my dick, kind of rubbing it back and forth like, and making me have this really, really good feeling that I'd never felt before.

And then I woke up. I felt something sticky in my shorts, and so pulled the covers off of me, and pulled my shorts down to take a look, and there was this slimy stuff on my dick, I could feel it with my fingers. Not too much just a little. I wondered if this was the cum that Corey had been talking about.

I pulled my shorts back up along with the covers, and as I laid there to go back to sleep, I wondered to myself, if this dream I just had meant that I was gay. I didn't remember ever having gay thoughts before, only once when I was younger, when I played the game 'show me yours I'll show you mine' with that other kid I already told you about. And it was his suggestion, probably we were about ten, but I never thought of it as a gay thing.

One thing was for sure that I couldn't deny, and that was I was sure happy to get under those covers with that boy in just our underwear. The dream was so realistic also, almost unbelievable. A dream boy, someone that as far as I knew, didn't even exist and yet he seemed so real.

After I fell asleep the next night, I had another weird dream. It was like I dreamed I was awake lying on my bed in the middle of the night just like I really was except I was really asleep but I thought I was awake-- It was weird, and I felt someone touching me from behind. I couldn't move in the dream or say anything. I felt two hands gently caressing my body, first my shoulders and back, and then moving down to my hips and go under my shorts feeling my buns. Then I felt those hands move around to the front side of me under my shorts, and slowly one hand started rubbing my dick up and down like in the previous dream. Once again it started feeling really, really good. And once again I woke up.

This time I didn't have to check my shorts I already knew, that more liquid had come out, I could feel it. I just lay there, and basked in the remembrance of the dream. My head was tingling which was really weird, and the tingle came in waves, that originated at my forehead, just in-between my eyes, but a little higher. I thought that was really weird. After a few minutes, the tingling in my head faded away, and I was left with just the memory of the dream.

I remembered that in the dream at first I felt scared, when someone started touching me because I thought I was alone in my room. And then I couldn't move, which was scary but, the way I was being touched felt really good. And then when the hands started doing that to my dick, I felt really good- so I had mixed feelings about the dream. It was kind of scary at first like a nightmare but then it felt good after.

It seemed my imagination was working over time this night, I thought to myself, and that was the last thought I remembered, before waking up the next morning.

"Everyone knows where it's at, everyone there wears a hat.

It's the land of living hats - that's Lidsville.

Liddy Liddy Liddy Liddy Liddyville, not to be confused with nitty-grittyville,

Its the land of living hats - that's Lidsville"

"Dream lover where are you to make all my lovin' dreams come true?

'Cause I want... A dream lover so I don't have to dream alone..."

-Dream Lover (Bobby Darin)

"Dream, dream, dream, dream when I want you, all I have to do is dream..."

-Dream Dream Dream (Everly Bros.)


At school the next day, I kept thinking about that second dream I had. I was really curious about that tingling feeling in my forehead, and in-between classes, I tried to see if I could do it, because I kind of remembered how the feeling went.

I stood there at my locker and closed my eyes and concentrated on my forehead, on that spot, and after about twenty or thirty seconds, sure enough, the tingling started again. It got stronger as I continued to concentrate. After a couple of minutes I opened my eyes and realized with much less effort I could keep it going, even as I walked about on the campus.

I was wondering if I had developed psychic powers from my experimenting with meditation-- so I tried to levitate a pencil. Then I tried to read some kid's minds that were standing next to me. I could see myself on television-- The Tomorrow-Night Show, with Johnny what's his name...

"And heeeeerrrreeesss Johnny..."

Johnny: "Tonight we have a really terrific show, our first guest will be 'Dereck The Wonder Psychic Kid'..."

Johnny: "Dereck, It seems you were just a regular kid until one day you discovered you had psychic powers can you tell me what happened? How is it you discovered this? "

Me: "Well Johnny, it was like this, at the time I wanted to learn how to masturbate, and I got the words masturbate and meditate confused in my head and I went to the library and checked out three books on meditation thinking that they were actually about masturbation... "

Johnny: "I see"

Me: "And having discovered my error, since I already had the books checked out for two weeks I decided I might as well read them since I love reading and will read just about anything."

Johnny: "Did you ever learn how to masturbate?"

Me: "Well between me and you Johnny, if I did, I wouldn't admit it, wink-wink"

Johnny: (chuckles)

Dereck: "So anyways, I read that we actually have three eyes, and that you can make your third eye vibrate, and I learned how to do that, and then I discovered I could read other kid's minds and levitate pencils-- and so far, that's all I've learned to do."

Johnny: "Really, you can levitate a pencil?"

Me: "Oh yes, but it has to be a number two pencil, I've never levitated any other kind."

Johnny: "I see, that's a very funny story Derek-- Have you ever thought about getting involved in show business?"

Me: (blushes) "No, not really Johnny, although, maybe, if I get really famous I'll do my own show every now and then, not a regular gig like yours, just like a special."

Johnny: "I'm sure it would be hilarious Dereck-- Well hopefully the sensors haven't knocked us off the air. Thanks for coming on the show. Up next we have..."

Several more times during that day, I would start the tingling again just to see if I really knew how to do it-- and sure enough every time I tried, I was able to do it.

Weird, I thought to myself but kind of neat at the same time. Maybe this was all part of puberty-- I really didn't know-- there's so much that grown-ups never tell you-- that they just leave up for you to discover on your own. It was like some kind of conspiracy or something -- I swear-- to keep masturbation a secret. I still didn't know how to do it, and I was already fourteen!!

That night after I went to my room for the night to go to sleep, I started playing with myself again and got myself hard. I then did something I never tried before-- I started pumping my dick up and down, like from the dreams I had-- and was astonished that the good feeling, that I felt in the dreams-- which I thought had just been my imagination, started really happening.

While I was pumping it, I was remembering that dream I had with that boy-- the dream boy-- I didn't even know his name. I imagined he was doing it to my dick right now, and that he was under the covers with me, in his underwear.

After a couple of minutes, the feeling got really intense. I felt like I was going to pee or something, but it felt so damn good, I couldn't make myself stop the pumping motion with my hand. I felt like I was going to pee all over the bed, and I didn't care. I pumped and pumped and pumped, and then I felt like what I thought was pee going up my dick tube, and then come out of the tip of my dick while at the same time the best fucking feeling in the world.

Afterwards, after I rested a minute to catch my breath, I got up and turned on the light in my room. I thought I was going to have a soaked bed to deal with, but in fact, all there was was a little bit of that slimy liquid like from the night before, and that was all. I thought to myself, 'So, orgasms and shooting cum is for reals.'

I then went to sleep, but the next morning, I had to try it again just to make sure I knew how to do it-- just to make sure it wasn't another dream, and sure enough, this time it weren't no dream. It seemed like I had discovered the biggest fucking secret in the world-- and I was a little mad that no one had told me about this sooner than now. I guess I had to thank my dream boy. And then I remembered, I could see his face, his almost naked body. There was so much detail in that dream-- the dream boy seemed so real-- even in my memory-- it was hard to believe it was really a dream-- the memory was almost like it had really happened. I wondered for a moment-- if it really had, and I was dreaming a memory like sometimes happens, but then I thought, 'Your being silly-- if that had ever happened, surely you'd remember it.' I was tired and being silly, having just woken up. Once more I thought to myself-- 'Does it mean I'm gay if I did something gay in a dream?-- Does that count?'

And then I put all these thought aside as I got out of bed and got ready for school...

At school, my first class of the day was P.E. During this period we were being taught how to use the exercise room, you know, all the weight equipment-- what a laugh that was-- here I was this little scrawny freshman working out every morning at school. I'd do about 10 of those leg lifts and I felt like my legs were all spongy and rubbery afterwards, like I wasn't even stable walking around-- and that was only with one weight on the damn thing. It was ridiculous. I already learned not to over do it, from the first week in the exercise room. My friend Joey was in the same P.E. groups with me, who was kind of a school-chum only, we never did anything outside of school together. He was a little stockier than I was, more muscley, but he was just about as pathetic as I was. I couldn't believe high school, this was so damn dumb!! I liked swimming better, why couldn't we keep doing that?

Anyways, I told my friend Joey about my new psychic powers, and that made him laugh. He told me I probably had a brain tumor, and that I should tell my parents to take me to a doctor if my forehead kept tingling like that. I told him that it only tingled when I concentrated on it-- and he was like, well, damn, you keep doing that maybe you'll have a stroke. Stroke?? I'm only fourteen!!

Later, after the P.E. class was over, I was standing in front of my locker. I had stripped down to my briefs but I never took a shower, no matter how stinky I got-- I think that was the real reason they had us freshman in the weight room-- what a joke that was!! They just wanted to get us all sweaty to encourage us to take showers. I guess we were supposed to, but none of the freshman did-- in fact I don't even think any of the sophomores did-- except the jocks-- they did of course, and all the upper classmen, running around naked like it was the most natural thing in the world to do- - I didn't think so-- I was modest as hell. But still, it was a fear and I was planning on doing it one of these days, just not any time soon. I definitely wasn't going to be the first ninth grader to get naked and take a shower, I'd wait for at least one other to go first.

I happened to look over to my left, across the break, you know, an aisle between the lockers, and that's when I saw him-- the boy from my dream. I couldn't fucking believe it!! He was real, and there he was, at the next locker from me across the break. I thought to myself, how could I not know that when I had the dream. I could've sworn to God, that I'd never seen this kid before but there he was, flesh and blood.

He was even wearing the same damn red socks I'd seen him wearing in the dream.

I couldn't help but stare. He was taking his pants off, and a moment later there he was, just like in the dream, wearing only white briefs, and those silly red socks. I wondered to myself if maybe I saw him in his underwear every day at school, and just hadn't noticed before, but that it was in my sub-conscious, and that's what caused the dream.

He started taking off his goofy looking red socks and threw them in his locker, and I looked away. A moment later, as I was sneaking glances at him, it seemed like he was looking at me. I looked back, and we made eye contact. He smiled, but just a slight smile, and then he looked away again. And then I watched in amazement as he just dropped his briefs, stepped out of them and threw them in his locker.

Now, I'm certain he'd never done that before while I was there-- that I'm sure I would have remembered-- I had not seen anyone as young as us get naked in the locker room, and he surely looked the youngest of us all-- Just like in the dream-- he looked like he was twelve years old.

He had no pubes at all that I could see from this distance, no hair under his arms either. I kept looking away and then back again, and the whole time, it looked like he had this little grin on his face, but I couldn't be sure. Then, he stuck his head in his locker like he was looking for something, which gave me the opportunity to stare without feeling uncomfortable. Man, he kept his head in his locker, for like a couple of minutes, and I couldn't help but stare, and the focus of my attention was his dick. I felt myself getting a little boner too. This had never happened in the locker room before. I didn't know why I couldn't stop staring at his genitals-- I was feeling gay, this was really gay, but I didn't care-- I was lost in the excitement of the opportunity.

Then he suddenly closed his locker, and started walking towards me. I quickly faced my own locker again. Out of the side of my eye, I saw him walking towards me, his penis swaying from side to side as he walked. He walked right behind me, between the bench and me. He could've walked on the other side of the bench which was clear but he didn't, he walked right behind me, and because there wasn't much room, I scooted forward a bit, and he had to turn sideways to walk past, with his front side facing my back side, and as he slipped past me, I felt his body lightly brush up against my ass. I was certain that I felt his dick touch my upper thigh.

Then he was past me, and I stared at his ass as he had his back turned to me heading towards the showers. His butt was whiter than white, in stark contrast to the rest of his body that was slightly tanned no doubt from the very warm summer. His hips swayed a bit I noticed from left to right as he walked, kind of making his ass wiggle. And then he was gone and out of sight.

My jaw was still hanging open. That was the boy of my dreams-- I was sure of it-- but he was real. I knew it was him from the other dream I had also, where he was touching me, where I couldn't move-- because it felt just like that, when he slightly brushed up against me-- I know this sounds weird but everyone has a different touch-- you can recognize somebody by their touch-- and I knew that was him.

Well, I decided, he was the first, at least I wouldn't be the only lower classman naked in the showers-- without another thought, I threw my underwear in my locker and walked naked to the showers.

It was really weird walking nude through the locker room-- I mean talk about being self-conscious-- its like time slowed down. And I didn't know what to do with my damn hands-- so I just slung them back and forth as I walked like an ape-- trying not to look down at myself-- I willed my dick to stay soft-- it was semi- hard now because of all the excitement, but it just made it look a little bigger, semi was ok, I just didn't want it going to full throttle hardness-- that I wouldn't be able to cope with.

I picked a showerhead that was an aisle away from my dream boy, and where I could face him, looking very inconspicuous. There were several upper classman taking showers too, but as paranoid as I was that they'd harass an under classman, especially one with almost no pubes such as myself-- I was surprised that none of them even paid me any attention what-so-ever, or to my dream boy.

After a few minutes my dream boy (damn that sounds gay but, I didn't know what else to call him) headed off towards the towel line, and I quickly rinsed off and got in line behind him.

I was scared. I didn't know what to say. There were five or six juniors and seniors in line also, joking around and razzing each other-- man, they all scared me-- they all looked like grown men-- full bushes of pubes and really big dicks and muscles, and me and this kid looked like little boys especially when you saw us naked along side them-- I was sure they'd start razzing us. But, much to my surprise, they didn't even pay any attention at all to us-- it was weird. My attention was on this one upper classman, that had a really big cock-- he looked semi-hard too, like I was, but damn-- that thing was unbelievably big, hanging down between his legs like a damn snake.

Suddenly my attention was drawn back to the kid in front of me, because he just spoke. "I'm Sean," he said matter of factly.

"Dereck, " I replied sticking out my hand, and then quickly withdrawing it, not knowing if shaking hands was appropriate while meeting new friends in the buff.

"Wasn't so bad was it?" He said with the damned cutest smile I'd ever seen. Just a slight smile, but it was so damn-- how can I describe it??-- naughty-- the smile was naughty.

"Uh huh," I replied.

And we didn't say two more words to each other, the rest of the time. We both got to the front of the line and got our towels and toweled off, and he finished first heading back to his locker, but I took my time toweling. Amazed to be free from my clothes in front of other boys, and free from my fear also, which just seemed to have slipped free from my body and my mind never to return again.

It seemed weird also to have a grown man watching me naked-- you know the towel guy in the towel office, but I didn't even care about that either-- I seemed to be high for some reason-- as though I had just taken a pain killer. I was feeling no shame or embarrassment or fear what so ever.

Suddenly I felt a hand slap me hard on the asscheek-- and I turned and it was another upper-classman-- this one built like a hunk. He must have been six foot three.

"You want to hurry it up a little bit, day dreamer," he said, "before the period ends." And then he looked to his friend behind him and kind of rolled his eyes with a smirk. And I returned my towel and moved out of line, heading back to my locker.

By the time I got back to my locker, Sean had already gone. Boy was he quick, quicker getting dressed than undressed.

Outside of the boy's locker room, everyone was waiting by the main gate to get back onto the main campus. They wouldn't open the gate until the period bell rang, and looking at my watch, I could see we had a few minutes, so I sat down on the ground, with my back propped up against a wall.

"Hey, what was your name again?" I heard from over to my left. I looked over and it was Sean. He was fully dressed now, in dark blue chords, and an amber shirt with black stripes, he was wearing a white scarf around his head like a bandana and he still had on those damn red socks.

"Dereck," I replied. "And your Sean right?"

He nodded. He was sitting down too, and had a large book propped open on his lap. He had a sheet of line-paper, which he was writing on with a number two pencil.

I got up and walked over to him. "What're you doin?" I asked curious.

"Dungeons and Dragons. You play?"

"Sometimes, I just use standard characters though, which always get killed right away." I said.

"I'm making a character right now, from this book." He held out the book so I could see the cover, it read: 'Magical Creatures A Compendium for D&D'

"It's not an official TSR book, so a lot of kids won't allow you to use any characters from it, but I have friends where we're allowed to make up our own characters."

"Oh, cool," I said.

"If you want I'll let you borrow it, " he said suddenly.


"Yea, pick out a couple characters that you like and I'll help you make the stats for them, if you want."

"Ok, cool."

He kept on writing on his paper though.

"Hey," I said trying to start up more conversation, "This is going to sound crazy, but I think I dreamed you before I met you."

"What?" he said looking up.

"Yea, I had a dream and you were in it, like, I didn't even know you existed. And then I met you." I added.

"Your right." he said.

"What? I am?"

"Yea, it sounds crazy."

I laughed out loud, "Well, its true though-- hey, I got to ask you a question, if you don't mind?"

"Ok," Sean said.

"What gives with the red socks?" I asked.

"Oh, well, " he stuttered, as if thinking up something to say real quick, "My mom works and she's behind on the laundry - These were the only clean socks I had today - There from when I was in soccer."

"Oh, " I said, not really knowing what to say. "Hey, by the way-- how old are you? You look like your twelve."

"Fourteen, how old are you?" he asked.

"Fourteen - Just turned."

"Well, I'm fourteen and a half, so I'm actually older than you." he said with a little pout. Just then the period bell rang and they opened the gate. Sean just finished writing up the stats on his paper just then also and handed the book out to me as he got up off the ground, brushing his fanny off with the other hand at the same time. Just when I reached out to grab the book, he pulled it away suddenly."

"On one condition, " he said.


"You let me tell you a secret. Can you keep a secret?"




Sean headed for the gate. "Follow me, " he said.

I followed Sean as he walked toward the math hall, and then inside and to the end of the hall where he went into the boy's room. I followed him in.

When I got inside, there was no one in the bathroom except him and me because this bathroom doesn't get used that often being way out of the way.

Sean was standing at the door to a stall. He had a cigarette in his hand. He was motioning me towards him.

When I got there, he said, "If anyone comes in, I'll light this cigarette, and they won't think anything."

I didn't really understand but I said, "Okay."

He motioned me into the stall, and when I walked in, he told me to shut the door so I did.

"So, what's the secret?" I asked.

And just like that he kissed me on the lips, real quick like.

"Why'd you do -" I started to say when he pressed his mouth against mine again more passionately. His tongue was trying to push his way into my mouth, and I opened my lips a bit and his tongue went right in.

I was surprised and stunned, but I wasn't angry. In fact I was feeling way too many feelings right now to be angry. My dick was growing in my pants, like one of those insta-flate boats they have now that I saw in a television show once, and I felt like I was on fire. And I was burning up! It was a good fire though, it felt really good. We were both breathing through our noses as Sean continued to explore the inside of my mouth with his tongue. The sensations were more erotic than I ever would have imagined.

And then, just as I was surrendering to all these feelings, he broke the kiss apart. I stared at him dumbfounded.

"Now, remember, you promised to keep a secret. " he said, and then there was that naughty little smile of his, and he added, "You don't seem the kind to kiss and tell anyways." And I couldn't help it but to giggle, it was so cute. It was like I was high or something.

Then Sean stood up on the toilet stall. "If someone comes in, don't freak out, they won't know there's two of us in here." I saw and understood, because his feet were up on top of the commode.

I watched in fascination as Sean undid his snap and zipper, and next thing he had his dick out, it just popping upwards the moment it cleared the elastic on his underwear as if it were doing an impersonation of a jack-in-the-box. I stared at Sean's small but fully erect dick, and as I stared at it he motioned me closer.

I moved a bit closer and I started to ask," What do you--"

Sean reached out with both hands and kind of grabbed me by the head, and started pushing me down towards his dick. "Hurry, before someone comes in."

Next thing I know I've got Sean's erect dick, pushing up against my lips.

"Suck it, " he whispered and pushed my mouth up against his dick, "Quick, we're running out of time."

And all at once this fire that was in me flashed out of control. As soon as he said 'suck it' all I could feel were flames everywhere. I opened my mouth, and instantly, he pushed his dick all the way in. He dick was only about four inches totally erect. With both of his hands tugging at my hair on the back of my head, he moved my head back and forth as he pulled his dick in and out of my mouth.

"Suck harder, use your tongue." he whispered.

I pressed my tongue up hard against his dick as it was sliding in and out of my mouth, My own cock was rock hard, and I managed to get it pulled out of my own pants as I was sucking Sean's totally rigid cock and started masturbating myself while I sucked.

There was no room for thought in my young mind, only emotion; only this fire that shot out from my eyes in pure focus and concentration. I couldn't believe what was happening, but there was no doubt about it, Sean had aroused me more profoundly than any thoughts or fantasies I had yet had. I surrendered totally to his want and control.

He fucked my face hard and fast now, and I was jacking myself furiously at the same time. Sean's whines and moans were turning me on even more.

Suddenly Sean let out a short high-pitched gasp, and I felt hot salty liquid on my tongue. He held me tight by the head right up against his smooth pelvis as I felt his abdomen jerk hard several more times.

I jerked myself furiously, and suddenly erupted my own cum on to the bathroom floor. At the same time Sean pulled his dick out of my mouth, and I swallowed what fluid he had left there.

We both pulled out pants back up, and went back out into the math hall.

"Meet me at lunch at the amphitheatre, if you want," he said.

I nodded.

"Got to go, or I'll be late-- you too- you've got a minute and a half to get to class."

I looked at the clock on the wall, there was one right by us, in fact there were clocks everywhere at this school, more clocks than any school I'd ever attended in my life-- you could be practically anywhere in this stupid school, and there was a clock on the wall within looking distance.

I read the time and blurted, "Oh shit you're right!" My next period was English, and it was clear in the next building. I ran off down the hall, which you're not supposed to do, at full speed, sprinting like a madman - holding my book under my arm, yelling, "I'm late. I'm late." And tapping my left wrist with my right hand repeatedly. I quickly exited that hall and entered the English hall and ran all the way down that one, yelling crazily and looking at my wrist just like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. "I'm late, I'm late." I just barely grabbed the doorknob of Room 222 and turned it, as the bell rang. Opening the door to the classroom, in out-of-breath gasps I said, "...to a very important date..."

Everyone stared at me as if I'd lost my mind. I panted quietly while I took my seat, which, thankfully was near the door-- having chosen logically one of the best seats to pick at the beginning of the semester.

During class the teacher had us all to work on some dumb essay we were supposed to be all working on that was due in a couple of weeks-- I had already finished it like the same week it was assigned to us-- I like writing what can I say, even more than I like reading. So, I opened up the unofficial D&D compendium that Sean had let me borrow and started browsing through it.

While I was looking at the book I kept having these thoughts like in the back of my head-- like that just a few minutes ago I was in the bathroom sucking another boy's dick. It was weird-- it seemed significant-- like something I couldn't undo-- but at the same time I did not feel any regret or shame. I didn't feel guilty at all- maybe I suppose I should have- but I didn't. Of course, I didn't want anyone to know-- I wanted it to be a secret but it wasn't because I felt guilty about it. I guess the only worry I had was somebody finding out what I'd just done-- and the other thing was, well, I didn't really understand why I did it. After a few minutes though, looking through the book, those thoughts quieted down and went away, and I was left with just a feeling of giddiness.

The book was interesting, and full of hot illustrations-- I always liked a book with pictures in it-- What good is a book with no pictures or conversations in it?? Really cool looking creatures depicted in full color drawings.

Here are some that got my attention:

"Nymphs: (elementals of various kinds) that can assume human form at will for the purpose of having sex with mortal men. They can assume any human shape either male or female, and do so by reading a man's mind while fantasizing to determine what form is most likely to seduce him. Nymphs can and usually also employ human clothing. Nymphs often occupy wooded areas and areas near rivers and streams. A nymph can also assume human form indefinitely and interact within human society not being recognized as a supernatural creature, that in human form a nymph is practically indiscernible from an actual human being, except for slightly large and misshapen ears, which they can hide in a variety of ways.

'Hummm', I thought to myself " I didn't know they're actually shape-shifters."

I read on...

"Nymphs at times will also take an image from a picture or photograph, that their subject shows sexual attention towards, and take on the form of that image, often times appearing as though the image actually comes to life from the photograph itself. The only way you can cause a nymph to transform back into their natural form is to cause one to see its own double reflection in-between two mirrors. Nymphs are often mistaken to be the female version of a satyr or faun when in actuality a satyr and a faun are a completely different creature altogether only partially resembling a human.

"Cool, " I thought to myself. Of course, I was quickly scanning the book looking for more stuff about sexual magical creatures-- I was amazed that there was so much stuff about sex in here. I read on:

Incubi and Succubi (goblins) : Spirit creatures that can appear in the night to molest or rape their victims. They usually attack while the subject is asleep, inducing a type of sleep paralysis. Often times the subject will enjoy great sexual pleasure as the result of the assault and afterwards may fantasize for the return of the Incubi who can sense their fantasies. Incubi always materialize into a male physical form during the attack, which may be visible, but often times are not. Incubi always target female victims while Succubi always target male victims. It is probable that Incubi and Succubi are one in the same creature since both materialize into male physical forms before the attack regardless of the sex of the victim. Also, Incubi and Succubi have been closely associated with witchcraft. There are many tales of witches who befriend Incubi or Succubi who are willing under certain circumstances to be dispatched at the will of the witch, even allowing the witch to possess their materialized bodies, during the assault.

I thought about that one. "Sleep paralysis? I read on:

Tulpas and Doppelgangers: Tulpas and Doppelgangers are a description of a variety of magical creatures that can take physical form basing the materialization on thought-forms usually originating from the subject in dreams or fantasies. Once materialized, engaging in sexual acts with the subject usually of their own desire and cooperation. Doppelgangers specifically materialize as an exact replica of the subject and therefore always engage in homosexual unions only.

Necromancer: A previously deceased human temporarily resurrected and reanimated for the purposes of engaging in sexual union with another human for a temporary period of time, being bound to their will as a result of the reanimation.

Water Nymph: Elemental associated with the element water-- A water nymph can seduce any human in her immediate vicinity if they are staring at their own reflection in water or are completely submerged in water, binding them to their will- so that instant obedience to their sexual wishes results in extreme sexual arousal to the victim- the more they obey the more aroused the victim becomes.

Suddenly the period bell rang, I slammed the book, and trotted off to my next class. At lunch I walked out to the amphitheatre and not seeing Sean anywhere, I decided to sit on a bench where I was very visible and eat my lunch while reading some more of the book. I finished my lunch and still no sign of Sean.

I fished for my Walkman and tapes inside of my backpack. The sun was shining right in my eyes and I loved to listen to music and close my eyes in the sunshine. The Walkman was amazing. Just having came out, I begged my parents for one, being that among other things I am a huge audiophile. Now I could take my music with me where ever I go. Usually you're not allowed to play them during school hours but they recently gave in and now let us play them at lunch.

I looked through my tapes and decided on Beethoven; Symphony Number Nine. The tape was already queued up. I hated discussing Classical Music with other kids my own age- If I mentioned Beethoven, they'd say something like, 'Oh, yea, I know The Fifth of Beethoven, but I never heard The Ninth.' -- That so irritates me because EVERYBODY knows The Fifth of Beethoven- having a huge disco version of it that came out a few years ago- which I will make no comment on. So I'd say something like, 'Have you ever heard of Fur Elise?? Ode To Joy??' And I'd get this blank look, shrugged shoulders, 'Sorry, ' they'd say. So then I would whistle a few bars of Fur Elise and they'd be like, 'Oh Yea!! I know that tune!!' and then I'd whistle a few bars from Ode To Joy and again they'd say 'Oh Yea!! I know that one too!!' and I'm like, 'That comes from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.' And they would say something like, 'That's The Ninth Symphony??' and I'd get this really irritated look on my face and say something like, 'NO, its NOT The Ninth Symphony, Its IN The Ninth Symphony!!!' and they'd say 'And Fur Elise too? ' and I'd say "NO-- Fur Elise is NOT in the ninth symphony' and usually by then I'm so irritated that I'll just say I don't want to talk about classical music anymore and they'll be absolutely clueless why. I just have to change the subject I guess because I'm afraid there eventually going to ask me something like, 'How come they never have any words in them?? Wouldn't they be so much better with words?' And then I'd have to tell them that 'THE NINTH SYMPHONE DOES HAVE WORDS YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!"

And, then I'd make this big old scene, and get sent to the principal's office AGAIN, and he'd ask me (being a classical music fan himself), 'Discussed Classical Music again with people that will never ever in a thousand lifetimes ever appreciate it or understand why others appreciate it?' and I'd say, 'Well yes.'

So, the last time, the principal (a real little tiny guy, not a midget, just really short, I'm serious -- he stands about four foot five at the most, and he makes you want to cut one every time you see him no matter how serious the situation is) gave me some advise, being a really cool guy, no, he really is-- he told me, 'Dereck-- from now on be a SECRET classical music listener. Don't let anyone know. Keep it a secret.' And so I tried what he said, and it works, it really works-- now I don't even mention to people anything about it. If someone asks me what I'm listening to I tell them Styx-- and they always like that. Mr. Roboto I tell them ('cause I know all the words to that song) And sometimes they'll say 'It doesn't sound like Styx' and I'll just say 'Well it is, what's the matter you don't understand mosquito sounds?-- which is what it sounds like anyways unless you got the damn head-phones on your damn head-- and usually they just go away at that point because they sense I'm slightly irritated now and besides its rude to try and talk to someone when they're listening to music.

And if somebody does ever ask me if I like classical music I tell them, 'No- I hate classical music-- and you want to know why??-- because they never have any words!! And I hate Beethoven most of all-- because all of his stuff really doesn't have any words!!! And the only classical song I ever listen to is the disco version of Beethoven's Fifth even though it doesn't have any words and only because I can dance to it!!!!"

So there I am listening with my eyes closed, head tilted upwards staring at the sun through my eyelids, the large D&D book closed sitting in front of me. The track finally comes to an end. I was hoping that Sean would've taped me on the shoulders sometime while I was listening.

I opened my eye, and there's this kid sitting next to me-- Before I have a chance to react he says, "Sorry, I would never interrupt someone while they were listening to Beethoven."

And in a very surprised tone I said, "You knew it was Beethoven."

"Of course, The Ninth Symphony-- a very lovely piece, but I have to be honest and tell you that it isn't my favorite. My favorite would be a toss-up between Beethoven's Opera 'Fidelio' or Mozart's 'The Magic flute'.

I sat there stunned. I didn't know what to say. The Magic Flute was without a doubt my most favorite piece of classical music. Finally I retorted, "Never heard Fidelio, I'll have to get it now that you recommended it."

"Names Tommy, Tommy Thompson," the boy said as he held out his hand.

I shook it saying, "Dereck,"

"So, whatcha doin' I don't think I've ever seen you eat lunch out here before."

"No, usually I don't-- " I came very,very close just for an instant of saying I'm here waiting for the boy of my dreams but caught myself just in the nick of time.

"Usually I eat my lunch over in Smoker's Field." I added.

"Why, do you smoke?"

"No, but, most of the kids out there-- there a little anti-social and that suites me just fine."

"Listen, I couldn't help notice your book there-- are you into Dungeons & Dragons?"

"Maybe, are you?"

"You're talking to probably the biggest D&D nut in the whole school."

"That's hard to believe." I said.

"Can I take a look?" he said pointing towards the book.

"Sure." and I handed him the book.

"Wow dude-- this is all unofficial."

"You think?" I said.

After scanning through the book for several minutes Tommy said, "It's got a lot of stuff about magic and sex in here."

"Yea I know."

"Kind of hot! Where'd you get it?"

"Actually, it belongs to a friend of mine, he's loaned it to me for a couple of days."

"Hey-- if you want-- what are you doing Sunday, late afternoon?"

"I don't know-- nothing."

"Well-- do you want to come over to my house-- My folks are taking my little brother out to the movies for his birthday, and I'll have the place to myself until about eight o'clock. I've got tons of D&D books, I'll show 'em to you, I'll even let you borrow one if you want."

"Well- I can't lend you this one, like I said-"

"No, its cool." Tommy said.

"Well, as long as I can be home by eight," I said.

"Sure-- no prob'," he said.

I wanted to be home by eight, not because my parents had a curfew for me-- basically I could stay out till ten if I wanted on the week-ends-- my parents didn't care-- as long as I called and told them where I was-- no the reason I wanted to be home by eight on Sunday was because that was Mork & Mindy night. I don't know- - I wasn't really too much into television, mostly I didn't watch it-- I'd rather read or work on one of my writings-- but I liked Mork & Mindy-- really, it was kind of a stupid show-- but it did have a lot of good one liners-- really funny-- but that's not the reason why I watched it-- the real reason I never missed an episode is because I had this thing for any kind of a show or movie that was about aliens. I didn't care how stupid it was-- I must've seen every episode of My Favorite Martian, in re-runs like 18 times apiece. Every special, every movie that came on about aliens I had to watch-- I'd seen that old movie, Invasion of The Body Snatchers like twenty times, Invaders From Mars like twenty times, I'd snuck in to see the movie 'Alien' just this last summer-- And I didn't even care if I got in trouble-- my parents would have understood-- I was more than willing to pay to get in-- but they wouldn't let me because you had to be with your parent if you were under seventeen-- and my parents weren't in to any of this stuff-- they would rather see a movie like The Sting or Butch Cassidy with Paul Newman - I never watched movies like that-- oh crap give me a break. I even went to see Superman The Movie when it came out, even though Superman bored me, just because he's supposedly an alien from the planet Krypton. I was just barely able to DRAG my parents to take me to see that -- there was no way they would go see Alien with me.

So, I didn't want to tell Tommy that I wanted to watch Mork & Mindy, but he didn't make a big thing of it."

"Besides, " Tommy said, "You've got to listen to Fidelio if you've never heard it. I'll let you borrow it."

"Alright," I said.

"I wish I could invite you over after school but I got band practice all this week, and Saturday's out because my dad's taking me shopping for clothes-- "

Just then the period bell rang again, signifying the end of lunch. We both stood up. That's when I noticed Tommy's bright blue socks.

"What gives?" I asked pointing at his socks. You're the second kid today I've met sportin' weird colored socks.

"Oh, -" Tommy started to speak.

"Let me guess- your mom's behind on the wash, and your old soccer socks were the only thing you had left clean."

"Yea-- how'd you know?"

"Lucky guess- that's all."

"Ok-- Meet me in front of the school on Sunday like five O'clock- k?"

"Like where in front of the school? " I responded.

"By the bike racks."

"Sure," I said, and wandered off to my locker.

While walking from my locker to my next class I couldn't help but to remark on just how much alike Tommy and Sean looked-- I mean they could pass for identical twins, except that Tommy was obviously older-- I think fifteen, I knew he wasn't a freshman, so he had to be a sophomore. Maybe even sixteen- I wasn't sure. And he was taller - over a foot taller than Sean, he was taller than I was even, by about an inch. but beside that they looked practically alike. They both had long really blond hair which completely covered their ears, and with bangs in their eyes-- they both were slender but not skinny having that little bit of fat around the middle which actually looked kind of attractive.

After I got out of school, I headed to my locker and then to the bike racks. On the ride home I thought about this possible new friend Tommy-- I wondered if he would show on Sunday-- If not that would make two potential friends that both didn't show. Sean, I didn't mind so much because I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the whole dick sucking incident anyways-- I mean-- I didn't want him to think that's something I wanted to do a lot-- even again-- I wanted him to know I wasn't gay- and I wasn't really sure why I did it in the first place but I wouldn't mind being his friend-- I just didn't want him thinking that I'd be sucking his dick again.

On the rest of the ride home, and all that night I kept fretting about what had happened that day. I didn't think I was gay, but at the same time I didn't mind the experimentation I just didn't want it to happen again, and that's what worried me.

That night I went to bed late, just to make sure my parents were already asleep, because I wanted to masturbate some more. I took off all my clothes and lay on top of my covers, and I started stroking my cock. I wanted to think about girls, and I even tried but for some reason my mind kept thinking, remembering seeing Sean naked in the showers this morning and then sucking his dick in the bathroom. As soon as images came into my mind of sucking Sean's dick in the bathroom my dick,which was having trouble getting hard, suddenly went fully erect. I found myself jerking hard remembering the event. And then I started to use imagination. I started to invent possible future encounters with Sean. I imagined he was with me right now, on a sleepover and that we were both naked on the bed with erections. I imagined sucking his dick again, and then I imagined him sucking mine.

And then suddenly I jumped up off the bed. I snuck down the hall naked since my parents were both in their room with the door closed. Oh what a sight-- my boner leading the way. I actually did this quite often, it was nothing new.

I went into the bathroom and opened the medical cabinet, and grabbed the jar of Vaseline. I then tiptoed back to my room and shut the door quietly. I lay back down on the bed, and lubed up a finger, and then stuck it up into my butt-hole. I had done this many times before, knowing that finger-fucking yourself feels good, but it hadn't occurred to me until now that it also might make jacking off feel better as well.

I jacked myself slowly with one hand while I finger-fucked myself with the other hand. After a minute or two, I worked a second finger, and then a third. My hunch was right-- it did make jacking-off feel even better. Tonight I was in no hurry-- I wasn't sleepy and I had a lot of sexual tension, so I was taking my time and enjoying myself-- besides I was in a mood to experiment.

While I was fingering myself pretty good, and jacking off my mind began to wonder again. I was imagining again, where I'd left off, that Sean was in my room. And I imagined that he was fucking me. But then something funny happened. I kept trying to imagine Sean fucking me, but my mind kept bringing images of Tommy fucking me. Tommy naked, and Tommy fucking me-- but try as I might, my imagination kept insisting to bring up images of Tommy instead of Sean.

Suddenly, I jumped up off the bed again. This time I snuck outside to the garage. Where was it-- Where did my dad put it-- Ah there it is, I found it. The squeegee. The handle was perfect. I grabbed it, and ran back into the house and snuck back into my room. My dick more erect than ever.

I lay back down on the bed and I lubed up the squeegee handle-- this was the first time that I endeavored to stick anything up there bigger than a magic marker. I put on a liberal amount of Vaseline, and pushed it up against my asshole, and then slowly in. It slid in fairly easy without any pain at all. It turned me on because it would look so obscene to see a wooden handle sticking out of my ass about the same width as a real cock. I then began to slowly fuck myself with it, and imagine Tommy fucking me.

I didn't know why I was imagining this-- all evening I was determined not to repeat anymore sexual experimenting with other boys-- I didn't even want to fantasize about it-- but I couldn't help it. The images just came up and it worked.

This felt so damn good. I was whispering, 'Fuck me harder Tommy, yea, fuck me harder!" Oh God and even though I wanted to play with myself longer, I was unable to stop myself this time-- literally squirting cum, not dribbling it, but squirting it-- three big squirts shot out of my dick with the squeegee handle embedded far up into my hole. Oh God-- this was my most intense ejaculation yet.

I went to the bathroom and washed off the squeegee handle and put the jar of Vaseline back and washed my hands also. I then went back to my room and threw the squeegee under my bed. I decided that I wasn't going to put that back. I decided that I wanted to keep it for myself-- my dad could go buy another one-- he kept misplacing them all the time anyways.

Then as I lay there waiting to drift off into la-la-land, I thought to myself, does this mean that I'm gay? That I also fantasize about boy's fucking me. I wasn't sure what to think anymore-- and I kind of surrendered to the fact that I enjoyed fantasizing in this way and I refused to feel guilty about it-- I also refused to feel guilty about my experimentation-- even if it were to happen in the future-- I guess I just surrendered to the fact that if I'm gay I'm gay. And if I were gay, there wouldn't be a damn thing I could do about it anyways, except miss out on a lot of fun. And, I had been tossing and turning, unable to get sleepy, but as soon as I surrendered to that line of thinking-- almost instantly, my mind went blank and I felt myself drifting off to sleep-- apparently, my mind had a mind of its own.

The next day at school I didn't see Sean in the locker room for P.E., in fact, I didn't see him all the rest of the week. Oh well-- In fact, I didn't see Tommy either, even though I went and ate lunch in the amphitheatre like every day at lunch. By Friday, I was feeling like old Dereck again with no friends.

Saturday I was depressed so I slept in very late which was unusual for me. I didn't go anywhere or do anything, and Saturday night I just stayed home and watched TV with my folks even though the shows were boring-- I even watched Quincy, M.A. - Oh My God I really was depressed.

Sunday I felt a little better, and decided to go to the arcade and play video games. Truth was I was just trying to eat up time until about 4:30 when I would head towards the school to meet Tommy. I was anxious, and nervous-- Because I was really starting to think he wouldn't show. I mean, I hadn't seen him since Monday.

I told my parents where I was going, and that I was going to go to a friends' house after and probably wouldn't be home until like 7:30 or something. And that was fine with them, I think they were happy to see me go somewhere and do something.

I thought playing video games at the arcade would help the time go by more quickly, but it didn't-- the minute hand seem to me moving slower than a slug. Finally, at 4:15 I couldn't wait any longer, and head out on my bicycle towards the school.

When I got there, it was about a quarter to five. I went to the bike racks, and sat down next to my bike. I brought my music with me, I had been listening to The Eagles on the ride over, and now decided on something a little different-- something to fit my mood-- "Pink Floyd-- The Dark Side Of The Moon"

I started the tape, and while it played through the first track, I was thinking that this was stupid-- he's not going to show. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I saw a kid walking over towards me. I hit stop and took off my headphones. It was Tommy yelling and waving his hands, "Hey-- You showed up-- Cool. I thought for sure you wouldn't show up!"

Then Tommy started jogging the rest of the way towards me, while I walked in his direction. When we met in the middle, Tommy spoke first.

"Quick, get your bike, let's go, we don't have that much time."

That line sounded vaguely familiar to me. I quickly fetched my bike, opting to get on it and ride it back to where Tommy stood waiting for me.

As Tommy lead the way to his house, I slowly rode my bike along side.

On the way I found out that Tommy was actually sixteen and a half, although he looked quite a bit younger, although he was about the right height for a sixteen year old everything else about him looked very boyish-- very much reminding me of Sean again. And that he was in the tenth grade, explaining to me that he had gone back a grade in elementary school not as a result of bad academics but as a result of transferring from public to private school when he was ten.

Along the way I confessed my affinity for alien shows and movies-- I don't know why. I had told him at first that I was into aliens and he said he was also. It just seemed Tommy was very easy to talk to-- he seemed a very easygoing, honest guy.

"You ever see The Day The Earth Stood Still?" Tommy asked me.

"Yea, that one's good, but I have to be honest and say that that's not my favorite."

"Oh yea-- what's your favorite?" he said with a smirk that looked just like Sean's naughty smile.

"Well I'd have to say it's a toss up between Close Encounters of The Third Kind, And--"

"War Of The Worlds" Tommy interjected.

"How'd you know that?" I asked astonished.

"Dude-- It's the best, hands down-- although you are right CE3K is the only runner up."

"I thought the book was better than the movie though." I said. "Although the movie rocks." I said.

"Told you I'm into aliens," Tommy said obviously seeing I was impressed.

"Okay, if you think you're into aliens so much- What town was first invaded in the Mercury Theatre radio play version?"

"That's easy - Grover's Mill."

"Damn! " I said.

"Don't you think it's a weird coincidence that Orson Well's did that radio-play and the story was by H.G. Wells?" Tommy asked.

"Yea. Hey-- I heard that the Orson Wells radio play was really-"

"A top secret operation by the government to see how people would react if they believed that aliens were real and here on earth." Tommy interrupted me.

"You knew that one too," I said.

"Of course, I know everything when it comes to aliens," Tommy said proudly.

"Okay, if you know everything, who narrated the musical version?" I was sure I would have him stumped this time.

"Charlton Heston-- And his voice is the creepiest." Tommy responded without any hesitation.

"What's your favorite song from the musical?" I asked.

"Um, The Spirit of Man." Tommy said after a moment of thought.

"You HAVE heard the musical!" I was totally astonished, I thought like only me and four other people in the entire planet even knew a musical was made of it. "That's my favorite song too." I said clearly impressed.

"Okay, now let me ask you some questions since YOU seem to think you know so much about aliens?"

"Okay, shoot," I said.

"What was the date NASA announced there was intelligent life on mars?"

"July 31st, 1976." I responded immediately.

"What was the date John Kennedy was going to tell America about everything the government knew about aliens on earth?"

"November 22, 1963 - Same day he was killed." I responded without hesitation.

"Humm-- You ARE good." Tommy said seeming genuinely impressed.

"I've got one for you--" I said.

"Ok- Shoot-- You won't stump me-- I know too much." Tommy said.

"Oh yea-- no one knows more than I do about aliens." I retorted proudly.

"Ok, - let me think, alright- ready?" I asked.


"Ok-- You'll never get this one-- not in a million years."

"Just ask me," he said.

"What was the date of the most infamous, most legendary, most widely witnessed close-encounter of all time?"

"Modern or ancient?" Tommy asked.

"Of all time!!!" I shouted.

"Okay okay, don't get your dander up-- now let me see-- let me think-- most legendary-- close encounter-- of all time--"

"Come on either you know it or you don't." I said impatiently.

"I think you would be referring to The Star Of Bethlehem - December 24th - Christmas Eve."

"Holy shit!! You do know." I exclaimed.

"The night Jesus was born." Tommy added confidently.

"I was wondering - Do you think Jesus was an alien?"

"Have you ever read the book of John?" Tommy asked in total seriousness.

"No. Why should I?"

"Why should you?-- You're into aliens-- and you've never read the book of John?"

"No. I never have."

"Read John. And then you'll know."

"Can't you just tell me?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because, its a secret."

"Shut up- Just tell me."

"Alright-- In the book of John Jesus says like five billion times in there, 'I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD"

"Wow!!" I said.

"Its seems like he was trying to make it pretty damn clear-- and still those Christian folks man-- can't see the trees in the damn forest!!"

"I mean, the dude says 'I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD' and not just once, like five billion times, like every few paragraphs-- there he says it again, 'I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD. Now you tell me Dereck-- If I said to you: "I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD" what would you think??"

"I'd think you were an alien."

"Right-- so, this is a secret about Jesus-- he says things strait out-- he don't bull shit- Its just that most people CAN NOT believe-- and that should not surprise anyone-- Jesus says that like 13 trillion times that basically that's their problem-- they can't believe-- they just don't friggin believe! They'll have us believe they believe but they don't believe"

"Wow-- so Jesus is an alien!" I was still marveling over this concept.

"Jesus said a lot of things that were hard to believe-- like this one: 'You have to first become like a small child to get into heaven because heaven is made up of the likes of these.' When was the last time you saw a Christian worried they weren't getting into heaven because of that line? They don't LOOK or ACT like small children to me-- do they to you?? Never mind. Here's another one: 'He who believes in me WILL NEVER DIE' that's a directo quoto by the way- and not the only one-- Here's another one 'You can not believe in death and believe in life', if you believe in me you CAN NOT believe in death' and yet watch them tell you that everybody dies and heaven's on the other side-- They'll say things like, 'Life AFTER Death' Look Jesus never said anything about Life AFTER death-- He said if you believe in Him - You'll NEVER friggin DIE!! That THERE IS NO DEATH - Jesus said a bunch of times that with Him there is NO DEATH-- Death can't even touch you-- You'll never even come near death-- 'Death where is your sting? Where is your power?' -- I can go on and on. "

"He even proved it by his own resurrection just because he knew that what he said about never dying was very hard to believe- - easier to believe though if He proved he has power over death. But, here ask them yourself Dereck-- Ask them about that line say 'Hey you believe in Jesus right? So, you believe you'll never die right??' Just stand there and watch them spend forty-five minutes trying to un-do that verse. You'll see for yourself-- they don't really believe the things that Jesus said - not when it contradicts their own understanding. Most of these people, change the meaning of what He said all around and twist it inside out and backwards-- and that's why they have to have these huge big long sermons because it takes them so long to undo what is a very simple and obvious statement; in order to take the magic out of it; to take the power out of it. I mean, its so damn simple-- that even a kindergartner could understand it without no one having to try and explain it to him in one of these long drawn out and complex lectures from the pulpit. Basic rule of thumb is Dereck-- If a basic truth takes a lot of complicated explaining for someone to understand it-- it ain't the truth. Because the truth is simple, and easy to understand. Its just that most people are not willing to believe it."

"Wow!" I said again. I didn't know what else to say.

"Jesus says a lot of things besides 'I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD' that are really simple and obvious statements about a whole lot of things-- and he even says before he says a lot of these statements-- Most of you won't be able to believe this what I am about to say-- What I'm about to say is very hard to believe, most won't believe it, he says that a lot especially in the book of John-- In fact, the book of John is where most of them are. So read it, you'll find out a lot-- read it before the brain-washers get in your head and try to program you how to interpret stuff that you don't need any help interpreting-- Just read it at face value-- Your still a kid, so you have the advantage-- The adults-- Jesus said-- have to learn how to think like YOU-- before they'll get ANY of it-- Jesus even said that. Its so obvious that most of what Jesus said just flies right over the heads of most adults like The Concord you know the SST, Wheeewwwww. It flies over their heads because they're too damn complicated. In all of their complexity of thinking and sophistication of mind and thought-- they can't understand when someone reveals some of the most profound truths of the entire universe so simple and easy to understand. "

I thought to myself, 'Wow-- I didn't know someone Tommy's age could be so deep and know so much stuff.' He seemed like a major cool friend to me. I was glad I got to meet him.

At this point, we arrived at Tommy's house. We went upstairs into his room and he closed the door. I noticed right away on the back side of his door there was a large picture of the moon at crescent and a bright star-- .

Tommy's room was fairly plain. He had a few things on the walls, that was all-- but what was there was really interesting.

Behind his bed was a black-velvet portrait of Jesus, but it was weird because Jesus had red-hair. I'd never seen Jesus portrayed as having red hair before.

On another wall he had a picture of an Indian Medicine Man, with an Indian boy. They had a fire going, and the smoke from the fire was making shapes of different animals and stuff, and the medicine man was holding his hands out like he was a magician or something or a conjurer or something like that.

On another wall he had a painting of a giant rooster-- now that was different. Tommy saw me studying it and said, "You like my big cock?"

"Interesting," I said.

On the wall behind his dresser was a picture of the city of Manhattan upside down, with the words 'WE ARE NOT ALONE"

On his dresser was a crystal pyramid, and nine clocks.

"Why so many clocks?" I asked Tommy.

"I like to know what time it is?"

"Oh, but wouldn't one be enough?"

"No." Tommy said strait out.

Ok, I could see he didn't want to talk about it. I whistled the theme from The Twilight Zone, but Tommy didn't take any offense.

One of the clocks was an orange, with two arms and two legs sticking out like it was a person, and in one of his hands was a knife. On that same arm was an eyeball.

Another clock was The Disney version of Alice from Alice in Wonderland, blue dress and all and on her right wrist was a super giant watch, which was where the clock was.

Another clock had a baseball cap on it that said 'B' for The Boston Red socks.

Another clock was of a black top hat like the kind magician's wear, with a big eye in the middle of it and two arms and legs were sticking out of it also, in one hand was a sign that said 'Everyone there wears a hat' in the other hand , a sign that read 'Everyone knows where its at' and under the clock it said 'Lidsville is the living end.'

There was a clock of Peter from Peter Pan, One from Bed knobs & Broomsticks, one from Mary Poppins, another one was of that Frog-lizard-dragon thing or whatever it was from H.R. Puff 'n' Stuff and finally the Winnabago from Escape To Witch Mountain.

But by far the coolest thing in Tommy's room were the mirrors. He had two mirror's facing one another but not directly, that were at weird angles and I'm not even going to try and describe it-- its too hard.

"What's with the mirrors?" I asked.

"Check it out," Tommy said, and he stood in-between the mirrors, "Stand like this."

I took Tommy's place in-between the mirrors.

"What do you see?" Tommy asked me.

"Wow-- that's cool," I said. "a million me's."

"More than a million-- infinity." Tommy said.

I stared into the mirrors-- kind of mesmerized.

"Some people believe," Tommy went on to say while I was starring at my own reflections, " that there's an infinity of dimensions-- where every one starts out just like this reality-- but changes somewhere along the line-- where something in your life went different than it did. All the way from just now, to one second after you were born. Anyways, there's a you in every one of those other realities. And there's only one moment, ever, when the you in every single one of these realities all meet at a single point and that's when you look into a double reflection of yourself. Only problem is, you wouldn't know this unless you tried it-- Its not so easy as you think-- the thing is you have to look into your own eyes, but, usually if you just have two mirrors facing each other perpendicular to each other, your damn head will be in the way-- no matter how you try to move your head out of the way-- its always in the way-- so you can't see your eyes on the other side-- but this arrangement solves the problem-- see your head 'aint in the way."

"You thought of this yourself?"


"Your a genius."

"Anyways, you should also know that some people think its bad luck."

"Why?" I asked.

"Superstition-- two doors or two mirrors facing each other-- is supposed to open a portal."

"A portal where?"

"Dun know-- to the spirit world I guess."

"Why would that be a bad thing?"

"Like I said, I don't know-- superstition-- being afraid of what you can't see."


"Superstition also has it that if you look long enough, you'll see someone waving, way, way in the back, like the last mirror you can see."

I kept staring but suddenly I got a chilly kind of feeling running all through me and I suddenly got out.

"Got Spooked didn't you?"


"Happens to everybody, no one can explain it either, its like the concept of infinity starts to enter into your mind-- and you get spooked."

"Yea, I guess. Well, I guess I'm not a nymph." I added.

"Why's that?"

"Oh, I was just reading today in that book I borrowed-- that if a nymph looks at its own double-reflection it changes back into its natural form."

"Hummm, " Tommy said out loud, "Doesn't mean your not a nypmh-- This could be your natural form." Tommy then went into his closet. And came out with a handful of books. "Here, look through these while I get more comfortable." He said as he threw the books on the bed.

And then, Tommy took off his shirt.

That's when I saw the necklace hanging around his neck, the pendant on it I could see clearly from here was a pentagram.

"Wow-- " I said as soon as I saw it. I reached up and held the pendant in my hand. "That's cool."


"Yea,yea, symbol of the witch." I said.

"NO-- ancient occult symbol of magic."

"So, its not the symbol of a witch?"

"Doncha know Dereck-- there's no such thing as witches." he said as he winked at me and smiled. "Read!" He said pointing at the books on the bed.

I flopped down on the bed, and opened up a book. I watched as Tommy then took off his shoes, and then his pants, stripping all the way down to only his blue socks and white briefs.

Tommy caught me glancing at him, and I quickly looked away.

"Its ok, I'm not embarrassed if you look. I hope you don't mind, I usually strip to my underwear when I'm at home. You want me to put some pants on?"

"No, its ok," I said.

He then flopped on to the bed facing me-- both of us sitting "Indian-Style."

"This one's pretty cool," he said as he pointed to a particular magazine. "You'd really like this one."

I opened that one up and started to browse through it when Tommy suddenly said, "Hey-- its pretty warm in here-- Aren't you warm??-- You could strip to your underwear too if you want."

And I don't know why-- without even thinking, I said, "Okay," It was weird, I thought this was weird and I could have said no thanks but I didn't I just said okay and started undressing. As I was undressing I kept thinking in the back of my head maybe I shouldn't do this but, I couldn't help it, it was like I was already in action and I couldn't stop myself. I got down to just my white briefs, and then flopped back down on the bed, to look at the books. I had a funny feeling in the back of my head-- a suspicion something more was about to happen but I acted like everything was normal.

We were both looking at the different books, and every so often Tommy would reach over to show me something or indicate to turn the page, and when he would do that he would kind of grab two of my fingers, you know just for a second and then let go. He did that two or three times, and I thought-- What's up with that?

And then it happened-- we were there looking at the books-- Tommy's hand came over by me to point to something in the book, and lightly brushed up against my groin this time. I looked him strait in the eyes as soon as he did it.

"Nice package," he said.

"Thanks, you've got a nice package too." I responded.

And again, I don't know why I said that! Well it was true!! I often say what just comes to my mind. He did have a nice package-- nicer than mine-- I could see it very well, him with his legs spread apart sitting on the bed. I couldn't help but notice it. Its just that I can't believe I said that, even when I heard it come out of my own mouth I still couldn't believe it.

The other thing I couldn't believe is that I was getting a boner. I had been since the moment Tommy lightly touched me there on the outside of my underwear. My dick started to swell up instantly, and it seemed that my mind was no longer connected to my mouth- that my mouth literally had a mind of its own saying, 'thanks, you have a nice package too'

And what happened next was like completely unbelievable to me. I leaned forward and reached my hand out towards Tommy's lap, and I started rubbing his package. This is hard to explain but, well damn-- it was like I had two personalities-- the normal one I have most of the time and then another one that only comes out when my dick starts to swell-- and takes over-- I'm just as surprised to discover what I do next as anyone else!! Its like I'm just sitting in the back of my eyes watching while somebody else possesses my body.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. But there I was rubbing Tommy's cock through his underwear and I could tell he was hard-- and big-- really big, and I was getting even more aroused.

I rubbed his dick that way through his briefs for a bit, and then Tommy got up on to his knees and pulled the front of his Jockey's down, and his big erect cock was in full view looking totally out of perspective for his body-- it was at least seven inches I would say-- maybe seven and a half inches, and thick-- I mean wide around-- it was huge-- and it had this great big head on it, and there it was looking so inviting.

I grabbed it with my right hand. It felt so good in my hand. I stroked it gently and stared at it-- I must've looked like a deer caught in someone's headlights-- I mean I couldn't help but stare at it. It was like it was hypnotizing me-- cock hypnosis. And for another minute I just stroked Tommy and stared at his huge cock.

And then I leaned down and put it in my mouth. I had to, I couldn't help it-- I needed to-- I'd wanted to since I first saw it-- and now there I was sucking on Tommy's cock just like that's what I wanted to do since I met him-- but it really wasn't. I didn't know what was happening to me. Here I am sucking my second dick in one week-- never having done it before-- never even really thinking about it before. And I wasn't thinking about it now-- I was just doing it.

It was that fire I was talking about earlier; inside of me was this fire-- when it ignited, anything could happen. Anything was possible.

After a couple minutes of sucking on Tommy's dick, I was getting pretty into it. It seemed like there was no logical thought now, just passion and intuition. The way I was sucking his cock you would have thought this was a secret desire of mine since kindergarten or something-- when really I had never thought about it before this week.

I was currently rubbing my tongue firmly against the underside of Tommy's dick as I sucked hard, my lips spread obscenely wide by the girth of his member. I paid particular attention to his cock-head-- sometimes taking it out of my mouth to lick the underside of it, which seemed to please young Tommy. Every so often I would look up to make eye contact with Tommy, and it was obvious that he was very much enjoying this.

All at once Tommy pushed me up into a kneeling position on the bed, and without hesitation, pulled my underwear down, and dived right into sucking my dick. It felt good. My dick getting even bigger and harder, I think bigger than it ever did before, with him sucking on it really good the way he was doing.

While Tommy was sucking on me, he was also playing with my nipples with his hands and that was driving me wild. I'd never thought to touch them before. At first it tickled, like when you touch the bottoms of your feet-- but then my nipples got hard and it felt really, really good along with him going down on me. I never even knew nipples could get hard. I was amazed.

Looking down at the top of Tommy's head, the long blond hair, the boyish looking body-- it looked like a young boy was sucking me off, but it was illusion-- Tommy was no little boy-- not with a cock like that. But like I said earlier the rest of him looked very boyish-- he had practically no underarm hair, and in fact the whole entire length of his body looked smooth-- his arms, his legs, everything except the bush of pubes around his dick, which was very hairy and looking just like a man-- even his balls were smooth though.

At this point, Tommy started sucking a little differently, and all of a sudden, the pleasure increased dramatically. I closed my eyes kind of leaning back using my two arms to support me, still being on my knees.

Tommy was doing magic to my dick right now, and I was astonished that it could ever feel so good. He kept sucking like that for a couple minutes, and all I could do was keep my eyes closed tight, as though this might be a dream, and I was afraid I'd wake up.

And then as Tommy was sucking and slurping away on my dick, he tugged hard on my feet motioning for me to sit down, which I did. Tommy got me into a position where I was laying on my back, with my legs out in front of me, bent at the knees. Tommy spread my knees apart, and went back to giving me more of my first blow job ever. As Tommy was sucking me, he had started to play with my butt hole with his finger, and this increased my pleasure. And not too long later, he was finger fucking me while he was sucking me off, and now I was squirming and making funny sounds of passion. Soon he added a second finger, and then a third, and sucking me the whole time.

Tommy kept telling me what a nice ass I had, saying it many times as he was getting more fingers into it. Me now feeling very comfortable with him finger fucking me with three of his digits.

And all of a sudden, as though a different voice than my own, a different will than my own, but using my brain, and my mouth, and my vocal chords, sat up momentary and said to Tommy, "I want you to fuck me."

"Oh God yes!" Tommy exclaimed, "I Want to fuck you so bad - Your such a hot kid, you know that?"

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked.

"I want your big cock in my ass! Yes I'm sure" I panted hardly believing the words coming out of my mouth.

"Have you ever been fucked before?"

"No, but I have played around with my ass before, I know it feels good."

"Don't worry-- you can trust me. I know how to do it so it won't hurt." Tommy said sounding sincere.

"I don't care-- just fuck me before I change my mind!"

Tommy got two large pillows and told me to lay on my stomach, across the top of the pillows in such a way that the pillows lifted my ass up into the air. Tommy then got a jar of Vaseline.

"I use this to jack off with," he said. "There's nothing better."

I watched him, creaking my neck as he greased up my hole, and then liberally applied a bunch of the stuff onto his dick, getting himself nice and hard with his hand also. Tommy then got on top of me, rubbing his dick-head around until he found my hole.

"There, right there." I said.

And, he started fucking me. Even before it was in he had started the fucking motion, even when his dick-head was only touching my hole. It didn't hurt-- it was not at all unpleasant. He never tried to push in, he just gently pushed and then released, pushed and then released, pushed and then released, just like that- real gentle- It started feeling really good right away. It started feeling better and better the longer he did it.

After a couple of minutes it was feeling really,really good. I was wondering when he was going to stick it in me, for I was still bracing for the pain I knew I had to endure, for the first minute or two having a little experience, that was just my secret, of fucking myself in the ass with a relatively large object or two.

But Tommy's response surprised me, and at first I didn't believe him.

He said, "Dude, I said I knew how to do this-- its already half-way in."

Another couple of minutes later, I knew he was right because I felt a sudden dull pain knowing that was my penetration limit- and Tommy knew it too, as soon as I flinched.

"Its okay, okay, I won't go any further than that." he said very gently.

I laid my head face down into the bed, and started moaning as Tommy gently fucked me slowly, knowing just how far to go in before he pulled out again. Soon, he was picking up speed. I was lying there thinking to myself, "I'm finally getting fucked-- I can't believe it" and not having a clue where that came from.

As Tommy fucked me harder now, he put his whole body on top of mine, and started kissing me on the neck, and licking my neck and my ear, and I thought I was going to explode with pleasure. He fucked me like this for a minute or two and then pulled out, and told me to lie down on my back. When I did, he lifted my legs up and pulled me to the edge of the bed, and while he stood up, he put his cock back in me and fucked me this way, eventually climbing up onto the bed to fuck me faster and harder."

"Oh yea, "I panted, "Oh yes, oh, oh , oh"

He then got fully on top of me, his body again, lying on me, and he pressed his mouth against mind, and we lip-locked while he fucked me. Both of our tongues doing some kind of dance that only they knew the rules to.

Tommy started to moan very loudly himself at this point. Tommy started jacking me off at this time, in sync with the rhythm of his own thrusts. I couldn't believe this was happening-- It seemed I was in heaven.

As I was approaching orgasm I yelled, "Gona cum..."

And Tommy went, "shhhhhhh, for god's sakes."

He then pulled his dick out of my ass and let go of my cock. He got some more Petroleum Jelly and lubed us both up. And then we both jacked ourselves, me laying there on my back, Tommy kind of straddling me.

I shot first, and about five seconds later Tommy's dick erupts with cum squirting all over my belly.

I laid back and closed my eyes exhausted, and would have fallen asleep, if Tommy hadn't leaned over and kissed me again on the mouth.

And then all at once, I remembered about Mork & Mindy. "What time is it??" I asked in a panicky voice.

Tommy pointed to the clocks on his dresser. I looked at them, they all read 7:30 - "Damn--," I said, "I got to go, or I'll miss Mork & Mindy. Unless I could watch it here?"

Tommy laughed and got up off of me, "Sorry-- I don't watch TV, at least, not anymore."

I didn't have time to think about that. I quickly got dressed, and raced home in 10th gear all the way.

That night while I was lying in bed, I was going over in my mind the events of the entire day. What struck me as odd is that again I had no regrets. I didn't regret what happened over at Tommy's house-- in fact-- there was nothing different or changed about me at all- I thought Tommy was a cool kid-- I hoped we would stay friends-- Sean too for that matter, even though I was starting to wonder if I'd ever see him again. What I'm trying to say is that I was completely at peace with myself. I didn't feel any shame or guilt over what had happened today. At the same time, I wanted it to stay a secret-- Just like what happened between Sean and me- And, once again, I had no plans of doing anything more with either one of them in the sexual department-- but, like I said, not only did I not feel any regret-- I actually was glad for the experiences.

As I started to drift off to sleep I couldn't help thinking about Sean now-- I was feeling kind of sorry that he never showed up at lunch that day but then if he had shown up I never would have met Tommy and I really liked Tommy. I thought he was way cool, but I also longed to see Sean again-- and in a way its like a wall fell or a barrier, because before I did what I did at Tommy's, the sex thing that happened between Sean and I seemed a bigger deal than it did now-- now it didn't seem that big of a deal anymore. And that big lecture I was planning on giving Sean when I saw him again about me being strait and everything, well, it just no longer seemed appropriate.

And then I fell like Alice down the rabbit hole of sleep.

And I had another weird dream.

In the dream, I'm with Sean and were like at the beach with a bunch of boys, some older than us, some our age, and some even younger. We're all sitting around this giant campfire, like the biggest campfire ever-- The flames are like fifteen feet high. There must have been about 20 of us there, all boys, between ten and sixteen. I recognized one of them, it was Tommy.

In the giant flames, there were images I could see, of different animals and shapes, and some of the boys were chanting like in Native American Tongue. I was hot, the fire giving off a lot of heat, and I took my shirt off, and so did Sean. And then Sean took his pants off, even his underwear so that he was completely naked, and I watched and I saw one by one all the other boys around the circle strip completely naked. And I watched as Sean took his pile of clothes and toss them into the fire, and each boy around the circle followed suit. Each of them throwing all their clothes into the fire- - which burnt even brighter and hotter. I took off all my clothes too, and then threw them into the fire-- all of the boys cheering me on now.

When we all sat back down, Sean put his arms around me and started kissing me, with an open mouth-- and it was like another fire on top of the fire already going-- and I was burning up in the fire and I didn't care. We kissed, and everyone was watching us, and I could feel their eyes all over me but no judgment-- Like they were voyeurs, excited to watch.

And while all the other boys watched, Sean leaned over and started sucking my dick. Oh God-- I wanted him to do this. After all, I did it for him. But at the same time, I was feeling a little weird with everyone watching. I looked up, while Sean was sucking away on my hard hard dick-- and all of the boys had hard on's and they were all jacking off-- all of them-- chanting, and staring at Sean and I.

And then Sean stood up and stuck his hard-on in my face and I immediately started sucking on it, while they all watched. Not only was I sucking another boy's dick but I was doing it in front of other boys-- but, they didn't seem to care. And as I glanced while Sean was pushing his dick in and out of my sucking lips-- all the boys paired up and started sucking off one another. And the flames in the campfire grew larger, now thirty feet high or higher, lighting up the night.

I was so hot, sweating, burning, sucking, sucking sucking, faster, faster.

And then Sean pulled his dick out of my mouth, and he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Fuck me. I want you to fuck me."

And Sean laid down on his back and lifted his legs into the air, and I got into position, pressing my rock-hard cock up against his hole, feeling his hole, and wanting him so bad-- desire-- pure desire, and the flames shot up higher.

I glanced around, and all of the boys around the fire, had paired up, the youngest ones paired with the oldest ones, and the youngest ones saying, "Fuck me. I want you to fuck me." to the older one, and me seeing the young ones get on their backs one by one lifting their legs into the air as the older boys with much bigger cocks, moved into fucking position, putting their hard cocks up against their partners virgin holes. And Tommy had paired up with one of the ten year olds, his cock, seven inches, looked obscene up against that young boy's hole. And they were all chanting, and the smoke was everywhere, making all kinds of shapes, except no longer animals, but naked boys older and younger, fucking each other all around.

And then I looked and I saw that we were between two mirrors, and there was me and Sean and I'm fucking Sean, and I can see pure desire and ecstasy on my face as I'm fucking him, and there's an infinity of Dereck's fucking Sean's for as far as you can see.

I gasped loudly, and opened my eyes. I was in my room. It was dark. It was cool, and yet I was sweating. Another dream. This one was so damn real-- even more so than the others. Shit-- I could still feel the heat of the fire. I knew I shot another load of cum into my briefs. Fuck-- what a dream.

I lay back down-- still out of breath, kicking all of the covers off of me. Not a single thought in my mind. And I fell back asleep.

"In the middle of a summer, in the middle of a park.

There began a great adventure for a boy whose name was Mark. He had come to see the magic man along with all the children and

twas so began the day that Mark was never to forget.

He performed all sorts of miracles and Mark was so impressed,

that when the time arrived to go he lagged behind the rest.

And quietly he did return the secret of the hat to learn,

but everyone had gone away and darkness fell the joint."

"Call me, call me, call me, call me anytime, call me..."

-Call Me (Blondie)

"Just call out my name and you know wherever I am, I'll come runnin' to see you again."

-All You Have To Do Is Call (James Taylor)


The next morning I awoke early and so had time to reflect on my dream-- this was by far the weirdest sex dream I had had yet-- and this time both Sean AND Tommy were in it. Did this mean I was gay?? I laughed out loud-- I no longer cared.

When I got to P.E. that morning I was hoping to see Sean at his locker, thinking maybe he got sick, and that's why I hadn't seen him for the rest of last week. But when I got to my locker I saw another kid using the locker that had been Sean's. I went up to the kid and asked him, "Hey-- What happened to the kid who used to have this locker?"

"Dun know-- don't ask me, ask the towel guy-- he's the one who assigned me the locker."

So I went up to the towel office and I had to wait in line, fully clothed, with several naked upper classman, which for some reason I didn't seem to mind. When I got up to the towel office, the towel guy looked at me funny, probably because I wasn't naked.

"I don't need a towel-- You assign lockers right?"

"Yes um," he said.

"You assigned locker A18 to a new kid like just a few minutes ago."

"Yea." he said.

"Well, that locker belonged to a friend of mine-- his name was Sean-- Can you tell me why the locker was re-assigned?"

"Yea-- 'cause that kid switched his P.E. class from 2nd period to 7th."

"But why?" I asked.

"Because he joined the swim team."

"Oh, "

"Anything else?-- there's a bunch of guys waiting for towels, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Yea, what time does swim practice get out?"

"I think four o'clock or about then."

"One more thing-," I said.

"Will you fucking hurry it up kid!!" I heard somebody say from behind me.

"Was he assigned a new locker?"

The towel guy looked at me kind of funny, letting the toothpick he was sucking on almost drop out of his mouth before pulling it back in with his lips.

"Just a second," he said.

"Ahh kid-- hurry the fuck up will you-- " I heard from behind me.

The towel guy came back, "I'm not supposed to tell you this-- but, what the heck-- I have a feeling you won't go away unless I do-- His new locker is E21"

"Thank you sir, thank you."

"Yea yea yea," he said, "Next-"

At lunch I decided not to go to the amphitheatre-- if Tommy was there, I wasn't sure what I would say-- I was really confused right now-- All I knew is that I wanted- I needed to see Sean again. I went and had lunch in smoker's field with the punkers. I even bummed a cigarette from one of them and had a smoke.

I couldn't wait until school let out-- Oh God-- Why couldn't I just let this go? I didn't know.

Finally when the dismissal bell rang, I went to the boy's locker room. I found locker E21, and I sat there on the bench next to the locker and waited for four o'clock.

At about ten 'till four, boys from the swim practice began coming into the locker room. I got tense, but remained where I was. I didn't know exactly why I was nervous. I sensed something was wrong-- that Sean was avoiding me, although I didn't know why; intuition I guess.

And then I saw him, looking more beautiful than ever. He was wearing only a swimmer's bikini. He looked even younger and cuter than I last remembered. His hair was wet, and hanging in front of his eyes.

As he approached his locker, and saw me sitting there on the bench, he brushed the hair away from his eyes to get a better a look, and in that instant I thought I saw, only one large eye; one beautiful bright blue eye, twice the size of a normal eye-- right in the middle of his forehead. I could've sworn that's what I saw, just for an instant. I blinked my eyes involuntarily, and when I opened them again, his one large eye, had returned to the normal two that I was pretty much used to seeing on everybody. I saw Sean stop when he recognized me.

'Am I hallucinating?' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes again, this time on purpose, and rubbed them with my fists as though I were just waking up. When I opened them again Sean was standing next to me, looking down on me, as I sat there on the bench.

"What's up," he said rather cool, and distant.

"I was wondering why you never showed up at the amp' on Monday. You were going to help me make some characters, remember?-- I still have your book."

"Oh, I remember now-- that was the day you were going to tell me that you weren't gay-- and so instead of having to go through THAT speech, I just decided not to go."

"Huh?" I said, completely dumbfounded.

"Yea, you gave me-- I mean, you were going to give me this long speech about how you weren't gay, and to tell you the truth-- I didn't really want to hear it."

My mind was racing-- should I be honest?-- I mean, it was true, I was going to tell him that-- but-- Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted.

"And what makes you think that I'M gay?" Sean asked in a challenging voice-- soft and quiet, but challenging.

"I never said you were." I responded automatically.

"Yes, but that's what you think, isn't it?"

"I - uh- I don't know."

"And, since that's what you think, then it was only natural for you to project those thoughts on me also-- Of course, you felt that I thought the same of you-- That's what the big speech was for-- you were uncomfortable with the thought that I might think you were gay."

"I uh- uh--"

"BUT, the truth is, I don't care, one way or another-- Being gay is like being -- Its kind of a self-label thing-- You never said you were gay-- So I never thought you were."


"Do onto others as you'd have them do onto you." Sean said.

"What?" I said in a high-pitched voice.

"Do onto others as you'd have them do onto you."

I didn't know what to say-- Sean and I were starring each other down-- eye to eye-- I was angry but I didn't know why. Sean was right-- I had no right to assume he was gay-- wasn't that exactly what I was afraid he was doing to me?

"Judge not, lest you be judged yourself and be found guilty of the exact same crime." Sean added-- BUT he didn't sound angry.

Suddenly I lowered my eyes, feeling a little guilty. And that's when I saw his pendant, hanging around his neck on a silver chain; there against his smooth chest. It was a pentagram.

I instinctively reached out and grabbed it, holding it in the palm of my hand. Sean didn't try to stop me. "Its a pentagram," I said, astonished.

Sean suddenly burst out laughing. It was a sincere laugh, not a mean laugh. I didn't feel like he was laughing at me, although I have to admit-- I had no idea what was so funny. He giggled and he laughed, and I was glad to see such a serious mood in him break and shatter so suddenly. His laugh was contageous, at first I smiled and then I began to giggle myself.

"What? " I asked. "What's so funny?"

"You-- " Sean said. "I was trying to distract you-- with all my rhetoric-- I was trying to keep you from seeing it. But-- you were more honest than I."

"If you're speaking in code-- I would love to know the key." I said. "To tell you the truth-- You were really scaring me."

"Sorry, but I hadn't expected to see you here." Sean said. "Not-- that I'm not glad to see you. "

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Doesn't the school have a policy against wearing one of those?? I mean-- can't you get suspended?"

"Well-- To tell you the truth, Dereck, I don't really know-- or care. What they can't see won't hurt them."

"Oh, you mean, you wear it under your shirt-- but, at swim, other kids could see it."

"Other kids COULD see it-- yes, that might be true-- however, as far as I know-- you're the first."

"I'm not catching your meaning."



"I really like you-- I really really like you-- and I would love it if you would be my friend? Do you want to be my friend?"

"Yea-- I want to be your friend-- that's why I came here-- looking for you."

"I will be your friend-- only on one condition - you can put a condition of your own on it too."

"Okay," I said.

"The condition is that we allow each other the freedom to just be ourselves-- with no judgment - no labels - no definitions-- Would you be willing to do that?"

"I would love to." I said.

"Great!!" Sean said enthusiastically. "Do you have a condition?"

"Well-- let me think-- um- humm--- well-- I can't say it out loud, but I can whisper it to you."

Sean leaned down, and I whispered into his ear my hearts desire, "Can I fuck you?"

"Hummm," Sean said. "I'll have to think about that one." At that same moment, he pulled his swim briefs off, revealing a nice erection. I watched as he dialed the combination to his locker, and opened it up. He took his time and didn't seem to be nervous one little bit, that he had a full on boner that someone might tease him about it. He non-chalantly grabbed his white briefs from inside his locker, and with no speed or sense of urgency what so ever, he pulled his underwear up in one fluid movement. My own dick was trying to stretch the denim in my jeans just at that moment, and once again I couldn't take my eyes off of his cute little dick.

And then he said, "Let me whisper something for YOU now."

I got up, and he whispered into my ear, "Only if you let me suck it first."

I reached out my hand, "Deal." And we shook on it. "Friends?" I asked.

"Friends." he said.

I watched him as he finished dressing, and much to my surprise he didn't tuck his pentagram under his shirt-- he wore it on the outside of his shirt; An amber t-shirt that said on it: "Mr. Sport" in bold black letters. I noticed also that he was "sporting" white socks this time instead of red.

"I hope you've washed those since Monday?" I said teasingly.

"Nope." he said with a stiff upper lip.

I smiled and said, "So, where are you off to now?" I asked.

"Well-- I have this hot date -- and If I'm lucky-- I'll lose my virginity this afternoon." Sean said with a smile.

"You mean-- you never- before-- ??"

"No, but I want to." Sean said confidently.

"I'm sorry- I- I should've known that."

" 'S okay" he said.

"Where should we go?" I asked.

"I'm thinking that if you want to get what I know you want-- then I suggest we go to my house-- I really don't want my first time to be in the bathroom-- although that was fun-- don't get me wrong."

"Are your parents home?"

"No, they both work."

"Any brothers or sisters in the house?"

"Nope. I'll be home alone," he said and then he cracked that smile again-- you know the one, the real naughty one-- my flesh tingled when he did it and my dick swelled and rebelled against unwanted seclusion.

We went to the bike racks and retrieved our bikes. Sean's house was only about four blocks from the school so the bike ride was quick and we didn't talk too much-- Sean being a fast bicycle rider-- and me trying to keep up. He said that his older brother would be home in about an hour so the quicker we got there the more time we'd have.

As we started riding into his housing track, I started getting a funny feeling inside of me. It seemed very familiar. I couldn't be certain, but I thought it was the same Track that Tommy had taken me through. But like I said, I wasn't certain because I had let Tommy lead the way then and I was engrossed in our conversation.

As we pedaled through the neighborhood though, that funny feeling got worse-- I'm not sure that I liked this feeling I was having. We turned a corner, and started down another street, and my heart was thumping loud in my chest-- This was the same street- - I was positive.

And then I saw the house-- that was Tommy's house-- Down near the end of the block on the left hand side. I prayed that Sean would ride right past the house, but as we approached it, Sean stopped pedaling and began to coast and as the bikes slowed, that sinking feeling in my gut speed up.

When Sean coasted into the driveway, I thought I was going to disappear into a rabbit hole or wanted to, I wasn't sure which. I followed him as we coasted all the way into his back yard. Sean got off his bike, and laid it against the side of the garage.

When I got off my bike, I guess I was woozy because I almost fell over.

"You okay?" Sean asked.

I wasn't sure how to respond. Should I say anything? I was still a little dizzy and leaned up against the side of the garage with my hand to keep my balance.

"You okay?" he repeated.

"Just give me a minute ok?"


Thoughts were racing now. They both looked so much alike except Tommy was older. They both had the same color hair. They both had that same smile. They both had been in Soccer- they both wore there old soccer socks because their mom had gotten behind on the laundry. They both had both parents who worked. Sean had told me he had a younger brother-- Sean told me his older brother would be home after five o'clock- which is what time Tommy gets out of band practice. Oh my God-- I had even thought to myself when I first met Tommy-- that they looked so much alike, they could have been brothers.

"Oh shit." I said out loud.

"You alright?" Sean asked again.

"I don't know."

"You look kind of pale, all of a sudden-- What's wrong?"

"I just need some water," I said. Sean lead the way into the house-- Through the same sliding glass door that I had followed Tommy through-- When we got inside the house-- The smallest possible hope that maybe I'd made a mistake was gone-- this was the same house.

We walked into the kitchen and Sean handed me a glass of cold water. I leaned over the sink and poured it over my head.

"What the hell's the matter with you?!" Sean said surprised.

"Do you have a towel?" I asked humbly.

Sean grabbed a towel that was hanging on the oven and handed it to me. I had my arm extended and hanging my head over the sink.

I dried my hair with the towel. "Sorry, " I said. "but I really needed that." The cold water felt good, and it sharpened my thinking. Suddenly one thought stood out above the rest. Tommy had told me that his little brother just had a birthday party-- And Sean had told me that he was fourteen and A HALF-- which means that one of them was lying. I wanted to ask Sean right now if he was really telling me the truth about his age but I couldn't think of a way of doing it, without revealing how I suspected that what he told me wasn't the truth.

"Do you get fainting spells often? Maybe you should see a doctor?" Sean said.

"Actually-- it wasn't a fainting spell."

"Well, what was it then? You look like you saw a ghost. In fact you look kind of like a ghost. Are you sure you all right?"

"Think so," I said.

"Well, I do see some color returning to your cheeks-- I guess I believe you." he said, and then he reached out with his hand and started rubbing my groin. I wasn't sure if I should let this advance- - I mean-- It seemed a little dishonest to be having sex with two different boys without either one knowing about it-- which I was willing to do-- but now that I knew they were actually brothers-- I wasn't sure that I wanted to pursue both relationships anymore-- I needed time to think-- but Sean's fingers were magical-- and the snake was suddenly enchanted once more.

I was paralyzed to stop Sean from unzipping my zipper and unsnapping my jeans. Next thing I knew he had it out and was holding it in his hand like it was his favorite toy. He got down on his knees, while he held it with one hand. His hand felt good wrapped around my dick, which came to full hardness as he was gently squeezing it. After he had managed to get down on one knee, without letting go of my dick, which presented a momentary balancing difficulty, he looked at it curiously for a moment or two, cocking his head like a cat looking at a ball of string. Then he gave it a little lick, and then another. I watched as Sean developed this expression on his face of like a mixture of curiosity and consideration.

"Have you ever sucked one before?" I asked.

He shook his head no, and I said, "Maybe we shouldn't do this right here in the kitchen-- I mean-- what if someone comes home?"

And then Sean put my cock-head in his mouth and gave it a suck, as if to answer my question. He popped it out of his mouth after a couple of seconds and then looked up at me, looking right into my eyes. That was so hot!! God!! Seeing his cute little face, his cute little body on both knees now, looking up at me with my big erection right in front of his face.

"I just sucked your dick," he said.

"Yes, and it felt really good." I said.

"You know what that makes me doncha? A cock-sucker." and before I could respond he had it in his mouth again, trying to suck as much as he could. Before as he licked and sucked the head, I had actually looked the other way, as though I were sparing him some embarrassment like you would if someone were changing their clothes-- but that look he just gave me-- the eye contact that we made-- it was like he was challenging me to watch as he did this-- demanding that I watch as he sucked a dick for the first time, and so I did without feeling embarrassed. Far from it-- seeing this cute kid sucking my dick was the hottest fucking sight of my life. I didn't even care that we were both in the kitchen still.

As Sean sucked for a couple of minutes, he got better at it-- he started using his tongue, and I couldn't help but bend at the knees slightly and whisper a moan the way someone might that is talking in their sleep.

It was feeling so good now-- unimaginable, that all my thoughts abandoned me, as if they were birds all gathered in a large number in one place and suddenly all took flight at once because of a loud noise that spooked them. I watched as my cock went back and forth, in and out, between Sean's beautiful red sucking lips, and my hip automatically started trying to fuck his mouth. He caught on in a few moments and stopped moving his head. I grabbed the back of his head with both hands and pushed and pulled his face in rhythm to the pushes and thrusts of my pelvis as if Sean's head was a blow up doll, or masturbatory device rather than an actual person. He didn't seem to mind though, he was moaning himself. He managed to get his own pants undone with one hand, and pull his own hot dick out of his pants and was playing with it while I fucked his face. I guess I got a little too rough though because all of a sudden he started to pull away-- I pressed his head harder trying to keep his mouth on it, and I was able to for several seconds by using both of my hands pushing real hard but he suddenly broke free, and looked at me as though he might be angry.

"Sorry," I said.

Then he smiled that naughty smile and laughed-- "Its okay. That was actually fun. Come on-- let's go to my room." Then he lead the way up the stairs and this time, although I felt the feeling of de'javu walking up those stairs, I was no longer upset by it. I was more excited than ever before in my life.

He took me into his room which was directly adjacent to Tommy's room by the way, and he motioned me in and then shut the door behind us. He then went and pulled the curtains. He took all of his clothes off, motioning for me to do the same- rolling his hands over one another indicating to do it quickly-- Oh yea-- I forgot, Tommy gets out of practice at five-- I didn't want him to see my damn bicycle leaned up against the garage.

I stripped naked and Sean pushed me very forcefully down onto my knees, and then stuck his hard dick all the way into my mouth.

"Show me how good you suck cock," he said, and something in me stirred when he said that-- the way he said it too. It felt like something that had been slumbering for ages was suddenly stirring in its sleep-- awakening; something ancient-- something in hibernation or stages-- something of unimaginable power.

"Yea, show me what a good cock-sucker you are, yea, suck on that cock."

Oh fuck-- what was he doing to me?? Talking dirty to me?? Yes-- but it was more than that."

He cupped my head on both sides with the palms of his hands and stopped the bobbing of my head for a moment, and then he kept my head still with his hands as he pumped my mouth ferociously with his pelvis. Fucking my mouth with short quick thrusts about the same speed that one might masturbate himself near the point of orgasm.

"Good faggot-- suck that dick faggot. While I fuck your hot mouth."

Oh God-- whatever that something was that was slumbering deep within me, was now waking up-- I was feeling an inner arousal of incalculable strength. It seemed that my reaction to being called the thing I most feared was the very thing that most aroused me.

"God, it looks so hot, seeing my dick go in and out of your cute queer lips," Sean said. "Suck harder!" he suddenly shouted.

I couldn't help it-- I obeyed with the enthusiasm as though his commands were my only delight. I sucked harder, even more aroused. Here I was being commanded, humiliated and talked dirty too, and I was loving it. This thing inside of me was loving it, this thing inside of me that was like some kind of secret so secret it was even a secret to me-- but a secret that somehow Sean knew. Because nobody that didn't know that secret could have possibly turned me on a tenth as much-- I was so fucking aroused I thought I was going to explode-- like this thing inside me was going to suddenly break right through the covering of my flesh, just like that baby alien thing came ripping through the flesh of that guy in the movie Alien, revealing my true nature, instead of the facade that entombed me. Oh shit-- Keep saying those things to me Sean-- Pleeeasse!!! I think I'm coming out-- I think I'm becoming myself. It feels like-- freedom-- it feels like, I'm trying to break out of myself-- and it feels like if I break out of myself-- I could be me. OH GOD-- DON'T STOP SEAN-- KEEP SAYING THOSE THINGS!!!

"You like this don't you-- faggot!! Yea!! I knew you would-- because your a queer faggot and you love boys and you love to suck they're dicks and you love sucking my dick right dontcha???"

"I nodded"

"I can tell you love it-- because your doing such a damn good job if it-- nobody can fake that you know-- "

Suddenly Sean let go of my head. "Stand up you dick loving homo!"

I stood up, and Sean turned me so that my back was to the bed. He then pushed me onto the bed, and grabbed both of my ankles and pulled them up over his shoulders. I closed my eyes.

"Look at me! I want you to watch me as I fuck you."

I opened my eyes and watched as Sean spit on his hand several times and then wiped the saliva all over his dick. I guess that was all the lube I was going to get. I watched as Sean then wiggled himself into position.

"Grab my dick and put it against your hole, and tell me when your ready."

I grabbed his dick, and felt around for my hole, when I felt it, I told him I was ready. and then I let go.

"Don't let go of it-- Use your hand to guide it in."

Sean started to push, and I adjusted his dick just a little so it was in perfect alignment-- as soon as Sean felt it go in a little he said, "NOW let go."

I let go. And Sean pushed his dick all the way in, pressing his pelvis against my ass. "Feels good don't it?"

I nodded.

"Tell me it feels good."

"It feels good," I said.

"What feels good?" he said.

"You fucking me."

"You want me to fuck you hard-- do you?"

"Yes fuck me hard!" I said.

"Yea-- you'd love that wouldn't you-- I'll do it on one condition?"


"Say please."

"Please!!!" I moaned.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me hard!!"

"Say I'm a faggot and I want you to fuck me hard!"

"I'm a faggot and I want you to fuck me hard!!"

Sean pulled out, and then slammed back in again. It actually didn't hurt because Sean's dick wasn't that big-- it felt damn good actually. He started fucking me really really hard. I could hear his belly slapping into my ass each time he thrust in.

"Yea!! Yea!!" I moaned. "Fuck my queer ass hard-- I love it!!"

Sean grunted as he fucked, "After today your gonna realize that it's not the size of your cock that matters but how you use it."

"Oh God, yes!!"

"Do you know what's the most sexual organ in the body??" Sean grunted out. "It's the mind-- the mind Dereck-- and getting fucked in the ass is always so much better if your mind gets fucked also."

"Oh yea!! " I moaned. "Feels so good!!" I moaned.

"Of course, my brother has the advantage in the size department-- but-- will find out when this is all over who was the better fuck!! Won't we Dereck!!"

Ah fuck-- my prostate was on fire-- and was convulsing and spasming and I could no longer talk.

Sean then lay on top of me kind of, and slowed down his fucking. "Your beautiful blue eyes are closed again."

I opened my eyes and looked straight into his. "Kiss me, while I'm fucking you."

We kissed-- both of our mouths open, our tongues rubbing against one another. Oh - I was so on fire. I didn't know if this was heaven or hell-- I didn't care-- there was no other place that I'd rather be.

Sean than broke the kiss. He stared right into my eyes and said, "By the way-- I just turned thirteen."

He then got back into the fast-fuck position and fucked me even faster and harder than before. Oh fuck shit damn fuck-a- duck- this was too good to be true it seemed. I grabbed my dick and started pumping on it with the speed a teenager might if he had two minutes to jack off. It was tricky to do because each time Sean's belly slammed into my butt I got rocked quite a bit.

And then I exploded. My cock was at least a half-inch harder than ever had been before. I shot cum from so damn deep inside of me, it felt like I was a living geyser. The cum shot all the way to my face, and over my head, landing on my cheeks, my hair, everywhere. Usually I only have about three spasms when I orgasm-- I had nine-- and usually the orgasm only lasts about ten seconds-- this lasted like 20 seconds. I didn't realize I had that much cum inside of me.

After I ejaculated, seems like, almost all over the damn place-- Sean kept fucking me, and it kept feeling good even though I already peaked. Sean fucked me for a while longer. Not at the fast speed, but at a regular rhythm. I never lost my erection and about five minutes later I felt like I could cum again.

"Oh shit-- I feel like I can cum again-- Fuck me harder!! oh fuck!!"

Sean immediately went into me like he was a piston in a Porche at about 5500 RPM's. A minute later I was like, "Oh fuck gona cum again-- gona actually cum twice"

And I did. It wasn't quite the drama of the first cum-- but it was a nice orgasm. I can't explain what its like to cum while someone's fucking you in the ass-- it's indescribable.

Just after I came for the second time Sean suddenly pulled out his dick, and shot about four or five good squirts on my belly adding to the whole damn mess. He then laid on top of me, getting cum all over his belly and chest also and kissed my cum soaked lips again.

"Now-- you can fuck me. But, it can't be today-- we're out of time. Tomorrow, okay? After school-- you got to go before my brother comes home."

I got up and quickly started getting dressed. While I dressed Sean said to me, "Please do it the same way to me tomorrow okay?? Just like I did with you okay?? That's how I want my first time to be-- That's how I want it, to have my cherry popped. Just like I did you. I mean, don't fuck me THAT hard, I have a little dick I can get away with it, yours is a lot bigger-- but I mean, you know command me and talk dirty to me and call me a fag and shit."

"Okay," I said.

"Promise you will okay?? Promise me please??? I don't want to look forward to it-- if your gona be a no show, okay??"

"I promise."

"And you promise, you'll treat me the same way I treated you?"

"Yes, I promise."


"See you tomorrow. Meet me at my locker again after school okay?"

"You got it."


"I promise."

That night when I went to bed I thought over the stuff that happened today in my mind-- Sean being Tommy's little brother-- who just turned thirteen NOT fourteen and a half like he had said. I wondered why he lied to me about his age, I woudn't have cared. It seemed apparent that Sean knew that Tommy had fucked me, I wondered if Tommy knew about Sean and I-- maybe they were both in on it-- How should I know-- I was feeling a little confused. I decided I would just go along with it and see what happened. I decided though that I wasn't going to try and keep anything a secret from either one of them though-- if that was the deal than they could both count me out of the loop. I had this feeling that I was into something way over my head.

"And the moment that he touched that hat the room began to glow,

And when he set it down and the hat began to grow

And grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow

And grow.

He was stunned and he was fascinated, still he had to see.

There was something deep inside the hat. What could that something be? And cautiously, each step he took, he climbed upon the brim to look.

When all at once the hat began to shake and rock. Look out!"

"Will you call my name? Will you call my name? Or will you walk on by?"

-Tears For Fears

"Say my name, say my name, if no one is around you..."

-Say My Name (Destiny's Child)


The next day at lunch I decided to go to the 'amp. Maybe Tommy would be there. I found a free spot on one of the benches where I would be in plain sight and started to eat my lunch. I barely got through half of my bologna sandwich when Tommy came up and asked me if he could have lunch with me. I said yes and he sat down next to me.

"So, What's new?" Tommy asked.

"You tell me," I said.

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked picking up on my vibe right off.

"Wrong wrong? Hummm, I'm not sure that anything's wrong-- Is anything wrong?" I asked him.

"Not that I know of," he said.

"Well-- there you have it-- nothing's wrong then."

We both exchanged glances at each other as we ate our lunches. I was feeling Tommy out-- to see if I could get a feeling if he was lying to me too, or holding something back. I considered my thoughts for a moment.

I reached into my paper lunch sack to grab my second sandwich, and that's when I noticed the mark on Tommy's right wrist; In bold black marker-style was the letter "P".

"What's that?" I asked, slightly touching the top of his wrist with my finger.

"Oh, you can see that?" Tommy asked.

"Well yea, it's like really dark and thick and black, why wouldn't I be able to see it?"

"Oh because you didn't see it last time-- and most people don't"

"What's it mean?" I asked.

"You tell me," he said as he reached out and slightly touched my left index finger with his own finger-- "Humm?? You tell me what THAT means and I'll tell you what THIS means."

I looked down at my index finger. I have to say I was a little surprised. I quickly took in a deep breath. I just stared at it. I didn't even blink my eyes. There on the top of my index finger was a cross-- or a small letter "t" I wasn't sure - in the same "magic- marker" style ink that Tommy's "P" mark looked like.

"What the fuck!" I said out loud.

"Don't worry-- I don't think anyone will notice it-- most won't anyways." Tommy said.

"Is that how yours got there-- it just appeared one day?"

"Appeared?? Yes I suppose so-- I think it might always have been there though, its just one day I was able to see it."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well-- because other people have marks too-- see like yourself- - I started to see them on other people too, at about the same time. The same thing's happening to you."

"But what does it mean?" I asked.

"Dun know." he said.

"Come on-- You know more-- Your not telling me something."

Tommy looked at me seriously for a moment, and then he said, "Do you believe in magic Dereck? Real magic?"

"I think so," I said.

Tommy seemed to be choosing his words very carefully. Finally he said, "Well, seeing is believing."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know-- you tell me-- you're the one who has been trying to see what you can not see."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

Tommy reached out with his right hand and touched my forehead with the tip of his finger, "Humm?? "

How did he know? I thought to myself. The only one I told about that was my friend Joe.

"Oh, probably you thought you'd be able to read minds or levitate number two pencils or start shit on fire or something like that-- I'm sure you tried that, and when that didn't work you probably thought it didn't mean anything BUT you were wrong-- "

"I uh, uh I-"

"It's an EYE Dereck!" Tommy shouted with barely a whisper. "Its the psychic eye, but its an EYE-- eyes have to do with seeing."

"Oh shit." I said out loud.

"You know Dereck-- Did you read John yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Jeez man-- I told you to read it already. Anyways-- Let me tell you a quick story-- what they call an anecdote or something like that."

"An anecdote? Isn't that something they give you for a disease?"

"Yea - No -- It's something like that-- listen shut up and listen for a minute, okay?"


"It says in the bible, well Jesus is quoted as saying this, like He says why he came-- you know-- Do you know why he came?"

"Um-- To pay for sin?" I said.

"Shit dude-- you have been to church-- that's too bad 'cause you got to unlearn all that. He said that he came to make the blind to see."

"Wow-- He said that-- really?"

"Shit dude-- Are you gonna do your homework or what?-- read the book of John okay?"

"Yes yes, I will."

"Now that you got three eyes open you might see something you wouldn't have seen before anyways."

"Go on, " I said. "The anecdote--"

"Oh yea-- well, in John that's one of the main things Jesus does-- he goes around finding blind people and making them to see-- you know the pool of Shalom and all that?"

"No, not really."

"You really should do your homework-- Well anyways, sure seems like there's a lot of blind people around-- you know?? I mean doncha get it?"

"Hummm, not sure." I said.

"If Jesus did say that the reason He came is to make the blind to see- well-- how many blind people are there?? Not that many right?"

"Oh, yea, I guess your right."

"And that's the point. This is what else He's quoted as saying one time He says that 'If you were blind you would have no sin but because you say 'we see' therefore your sin remains.' What do you think that means?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I said.

"Remember, I told you the secret about Jesus is he says things straight out-- so that even a child could understand without no one having to explain it to him?"


"So what did He mean?"

"Well, I think that He meant that He was talking about some people that were blind as a bat but they thought they could see."


"The third eye?"

"You know that much about hypnotism?"

"I guess."

"You know what it is right?"


"Well, in hypnotism you can make people see things that aren't really there-- when that happens it's called a hallucination."


"And hallucinations are really hard to do, what's a lot easier to do is to make somebody NOT SEE something that really is there. Now that is a cinch."


Tommy unzipped his pants, and then unbuttoned. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Shhhh," Tommy said.

I watched astonished as Tommy pulled his dick out of his fly. He had an erection-- damn! I could hardly believe this-- There were kids everywhere-- I looked around, nobody seemed to notice, yet.

I whispered while not looking directly at him, "Tommy-- I don't know what you think your doing,"

"Shhhh-- I'm concentrating" And he touched his forehead with his finger. I watched as Tommy started jacking his huge cock, in the broad daylight. Then he glanced over at me and whispered, "Care to join me?"

I whispered back, "I think not--"

"Want to suck it?" he whispered.

I had to admit I was tempted but I shook my head still afraid to look directly at him-- I was sure some girl was going to start screaming any second.

A few seconds later Tommy shot cum all over his pants and then put his dick away and zipped and snapped back up.

I was relieved. "What the hell's the matter with you-- Are you crazy!!"

"Oh, little one of little faith," he said teasingly, "There was not one chance in hell anyone was going to see me, except for you."

"The third eye?"

"The third eye. And as far as I know there's only three kids that go to this school that have an active third eye; you, me, and there is one other."

"That's it just three kids?"

"Yes Dereck, and you can SEE them too, to know who they are -- you just don't know how yet-- we can all see each other."

"And the one other would be your little brother Sean right?"


"Anything else you want to tell me about Sean?"

"Well-- I know the two of you have a date after school today."

"And that doesn't bother you?"

"Why should it?"

"I don't know--"

"Listen Dereck-- I talked to Sean about this-- He's cool with it-- but I don't know, I was afraid to ask you this."

"What?" I asked.

"Well the thing is that Sean really likes you, and I really like you, and last night we were talking and well- neither one of us wants to give you up-- what happened you know-- that wasn't planned-- I mean-- I didn't know Sean saw you first."

"Go on."

"And I know this is going to sound really selfish but-- we were talking about sharing you but that didn't sound very fair to you. It's just that we're both crazy about you. And-you're one of us-- there aren't that many-- like I said, I think besides us you're the only other one in the whole school."

"Exactly what are you asking me Tommy? Are you asking me if it would be okay with me to fool around with you sometimes and Sean other times?"

"No-- See that's the thing we talked about last night-- we want to avoid that."

"Yea, me too." I said.

"So, would it be okay if I joined in?" Tommy asked without a hint of embarrassment.

"You mean-- you want to have a three-some? You, me, and your little brother?"

"Yes-- he's a virgin you know-- I'd really love to be a part of it."

"But you two are brothers!!"

"Listen-- that doesn't mean we haven't fooled around a bit with each other-- we have-- we're really close."

"Yea, I guess so." I responded.

"But-- mostly we just jack each other off and stuff-- Its not like we've been opposed to doing other stuff with each other it just hasn't worked out-- we're both basically tops, so neither one of us has fucked the other so we're both virgins and I went down a couple times on my brother but he's never returned the favor. I guess we'd do more with each other if a third person were involved. So, I guess what I'm saying is we both talked about it and we're both interested in a threesome."

"And Sean definitely said he'd like this also?"


"It's all up to you-- We thought that would work out best that way no one's doing anything in secret and there's no jealousy."

"Hummm," I contemplated. 'So, ' I thought to myself, 'It was true then, my dick was the first one Sean ever sucked.' I thought about having a threesome. After just now seeing Tommy's cock again, I realized - I knew I had to have sex with him again soon-- that was not fair to let me see it hard like that just before he asked me this.

"Well-- If you two don't have a problem with it-- why should I?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

I nodded again for effect-- Wow-- I really felt like I was in over my head.

As if for further dramatic effect the lunch bell rang.

"I can't believe you did that-- you actually DID that right in front of everybody!"

"What?" Tommy asked as he got up.

"Jacked off right out here."

"Oh my friend-- We've only just begun, to live."

"Are you really a witch?"

"I told you Dereck-- there's no such thing as witches-- something the church made up, like demons." And once again he gave me this wink. "Will you guys wait for me? Till I get out of band??"

"Yea," I said.

"Fuck it-- I'm skipping practice this afternoon-- I have a feeling my little brother is anxious to lose his virginity-- and I don't want to miss it."

"Fine- I'm gonna meet him at his locker at four."

"I'll be there."

"Ok, can I go now?"

"Go--" he said and we both went back to class.

Later in the middle of biology class- and we were all taking a test-- I finished early, like I always do, and I was bored, and I don't know what came over me-- I just had to do it-- a sudden compulsion-- I had to find out-- I had to try it once.

I pretended like I was still working on my test. I surreptitiously looked around the room- everyone had their faces buried in their paper. I started concentrating on my forehead. After a minute I got it tingling really good. I then slyly reached one hand under my desktop into my lap, and quietly pulled down my zipper, fished around for my dick and wiggled it out of my fly. By the time I got my dick out it was already hard. I didn't have the nerve to jack it like Tommy did, I just let my boner stick out of my fly-- all five and a half inches of it. I was terrified, but I kept the tingling feeling going in my forehead, and imagined I was invisible, or that my dick was anyways. I looked at my watch-- I eyed the second hand-- I had dared myself to keep it out for one full minute-- Shit, the second hand looked like it was going in slow motion-- at the same time I was terribly excited-- my boner getting even harder. I hoped I wasn't getting expelled this afternoon. Finally the second hand reached twelve and I reached under and put my new toy away.

I looked around the room-- no sign that anyone noticed. I reached up and wiped my forehead with the palm of my hand and then looked closely at my palm-- I was pretty cool, not even a bead of sweat-- of course, they did have the AC on.

At the end of my last class, I walked calmly to the locker rooms to wait for Sean. I'd only been there for about ten minutes when I saw Tommy walking around looking confused-- then he saw me and came right over.

"Shit dude-- I didn't know which locker was Sean's," he said.

"So-- We're really going to do this?" I asked.

"Fuck-- I don't ditch band unless it's for something important- - besides Sean's the one that suggested it--"

"He did?"


"Guess what I did today?" Changing the subject.


"Your not even going to guess?"

"You took off all your clothes and streaked around the entire school campus and not one person noticed you."

"Well close."

"Really?" he said sounding a little surprised.

"Well, I didn't streak-- but I did pull it out in the middle of biology class."

"Yea?" he said encouraging me to say more.

"Fully hard, for one full minute."

"Did you cream on the floor?"

"No, I didn't jack-- I was too scared."

"Not bad-- for the first time." he said.

Tommy and I didn't talk too much while we were waiting for Sean-- the place echoes and our conversation just wouldn't have seemed very private or intimate. Besides, Sean showed up a little early, at about twenty to four actually.

"He looks so fucking cute in those Speedos, doncha think?" Tommy asked loud enough for Sean to hear.

"Well, speak of the devil and sometimes he shows up."

"Hello little cutie-- what's your name?" Tommy teased as he winked at Sean.

"No band today? Decided to skip for the big event? " Sean asked his older brother, and then turning to me, "And, everything's aok in the Dereck department?"

"Yea, I'm fine-- how are you?"

"Good, I can hardly wait," Sean said.

"Of course, you know Dereck-- there's more than one virgin amongst us today-- maybe you could pop two in the same day."

I looked at Tommy eyes wide.

"Don't get any funny ideas-- I'm strictly a top."

I put my hands up in the air. Sean laughed. "He may be a dick virgin but he'll endure a finger or two, and he even likes it."

"Will you shut the fuck up-- someone might hear you." Tommy whispered.

"What -- its the truth! " Sean whispered, "And its my hunch, " he said leaning closer to me, that if you start fingering him, he'll finally give in and even beg you to stick your dick in his butt. I'm pretty sure he can be seduced-- I would prove it to you, but we don't do that with each other."

"Yea-- So I've heard."

"Well-- Ready?" Sean said.

We all got up and headed out to Sean and Tommy's house. When we got there Sean and I and Tommy all practically ran upstairs. Sean led the way into his room. Once inside, the tempo slowed since we had quite a bit of time.

I had the chance to take a glance around the room, and I noticed that Sean's room was at least as eclectic as Tommy's-- if not more so.

The first thing you noticed in Sean's room is Hoodoos Evil Eye; a large plastic thing shaped like a giant eye in one corner of the room, with a large pupil that you could spy through, complete with red blood vessels and everything.

Sean had several posters on the walls, two of them were posters for books not movies, like the kind you might see in a library or something; one was a poster for the book "A Catcher In The Rye" and the other poster was for the book "Through The Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll.

Then he had two posters of movies, one was a poster for the movie "War Of The Worlds, and the other one was for the movie "Invaders From Mars"

And the other two posters were of rock bands; one was a poster of "Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon, which was a triangle with a prism kind of thing and light going through it. The other poster was for the movie "Magic" Starring Anthony Hopkins.

On the other two walls Sean had the coolest looking murals I'd ever seen in my life- one was a mural of a black sun, radiating black light outwards, and the earth super-imposed over it, so that it looked like this black sun was in the middle of the earth - underneath was the word: 'Vril"; which I guess was a word.

On the other wall he had another mural painted that was much smaller, but more colorful of "Puff The Magic Dragon" Underneath it said: "Little boys can live forever if they have a magic dragon for a friend."

While I was staring at the "Puff" Dragon, I felt someone undoing my pants. I looked down and it was Sean. He got my pants and underwear down to my ankles, and next thing you know he was sucking my cock. He was already naked and on his knees in front of me. Sean was holding my dick with his right hand and it was then that I noticed that he had a mark on the top of his wrist also in that same style of "Magic-Marker" ink; this mark was the number "9". I didn't have time to comment on it though because just then I heard the door open, and my heart jumped in my chest. I turned around and it was Tommy, he closed the door behind him and when he turned around I saw he was holding a Polaroid Camera.

"I told you don't start without me."

'Oh shit', I thought to myself, 'I'm in way over my head.'

But, I was too excited to put a halt to anything right at the moment-- Sean made me promise to get in character for this- his first time. "Yea, suck my cock. Yea, you look so good sucking my cock-- you're a good cock sucker-- I can tell you like sucking dick." I said-- I wasn't too sure what to say, talking dirty was kind of new to me.

It must have been effective because Sean moaned a little while he sucked. It was so fucking hot watching him suck my dick- - Oh fuck-- and then a bright flash, and I guess we'll be putting a photo album together I don't know. "Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." I said to Tommy.

"Just did." Tommy responded.

Sean popped my dick out of his mouth and was going to say something when I said, "Put that dick back in your mouth cock sucker-- show your brother how much you love sucking cock!"

And at once he resumed sucking, with even more passion. While this was going on, Tommy took a couple more pictures and then proceeded to strip naked himself. God-- I could see that huge cock of his was already at full hardness. My dick throbbed as Sean sucked it with enough enthusiasm to more than make up for his lack of experience.

After Tommy got naked, he came over to me and helped me out of all of my clothes, as I continued to talk dirty to Sean every so often.

Sean was getting more and more of my cock into him, my bucking instinct started all on its own and I grabbed Sean's head and held it still while I started to fuck his mouth. "Yea, you like that don't you. You like sucking dick-- queer boy."

"You know what I think?" Tommy asked. "I think he's ready to be fucked," And then bending down right at Sean's face who kept sucking dick without stopping Tommy said, "What do you think you little homo-- do you want it up the ass?"

Sean didn't answer, he just kept on sucking as I fucked his mouth gently easing it in and out.

"I think he does-- I think he wants to be fucked." Tommy said.

I pulled my dick out of his mouth and told him to stand up which he did. I turned him around and then pushed him onto his back on top of the bed width wise. I grabbed his legs, and pulled them up onto my shoulders as I stood next to the bed.

"Yea-- you want to be fucked-- of course you do," I said, still not sure if I was getting this dirty talk stuff. "Well say you want me to fuck you!"

"I want you to fuck me!! God yes, I want you to fuck me! Fuck me!!" Sean said.

I started to spit on my hand, when Tommy held out an opened jar of Vaseline. I lubed up my dick and Sean's hole. "Thanks," I said to Tommy.

"Best to be prepared,' Tommy said.

I then fished around for his hole, and Tommy grabbed my cock for me, and zeroed it in, then Sean said, "There there, push."

I pushed in, and Tommy snapped off a photo of the expression of Sean's face as I slid my cock part way in, as if one facial expression was enough to confirm that I was definitely in. Tommy then got his dang camera right up underneath of my legs and took another two pictures of my cock sliding into Sean's asshole.

"Fuck yea-- that's hot." Tommy said, and then he threw the camera on a beanbag chair that was in one corner of Sean's room. Tommy then started stroking his cock hard as he watched me fuck his younger brother.

"Feels good don't it?" I said to Sean.

"Yes, feels fucking great--" he grunted back.

After a minute or so for Sean to get used to my cock I started fucking him faster. Then Sean started making all kinds of moaning groaning sounds and was saying, "Oh yea fuck-- fuck me-- fuck me harder-- yea fuck me Dereck-- Fuck my virgin ass!! Fuck my hairless virgin ass!"

Oh fuck-- that got me going-- I could hardly believe how fucking good it felt. Sean's tight ass-muscles squeezing my dick harder than I could have imagined, there was quite a bit of friction even with the Vaseline.

"Fuck Tommy," Sean said, "Get up here and let me suck your cock!!"

Tommy got up on the bed and dangled his huge cock right over Sean's face and kind of lowered it into his open mouth-- My God! Seeing Sean's huge cock go into Sean's widely stretched mouth was fucking hotter than a magnesium strip igniting. I fucked Sean harder, rocking his body each time my pelvis hit his hot little ass.

"First time to suck my cock too, its about time," Tommy said to Sean.

"I'm gonna fucking cum-- I can't take any more of this!" I said as I pulled out of Sean's cute little butt stretched obscenely wide by my own cock, and leaving a large hole after I pulled completely out.

I shot all over Sean's smooth pubic area, and all over his dick and hand that he was using to jack himself as we both fucked each of his two holes.

My semen seemed to give Sean a little more lube, and he jerked himself all the faster.

Suddenly Tommy pulled his cock out of his younger brother's sucking lips, and said, "Ok, my turn." Tommy kneed his way over to where I was, and without even asking just grabbed my head and lowered my mouth onto his cock. "Suck this you cock sucker." he said, and instantly my libido responded. I sucked cock with the passion that only a true cock lover can.

"Get the camera Sean," Tommy said, "Get a couple of Dereck sucking cock!"

A moment or two later, Sean snapped a medium shot and then a close up of yours truly with a huge dick between his lips and slobber dripping down his chin. Hope mom doesn't see this one.

And then suddenly, Tommy pulled his dick out of my mouth. He got up off the bed and got the Vaseline and lubed up his dick. "I got to fuck somebody right now." he said. I didn't know if he meant me or his little brother was going to get it. Then he got behind me and pushed me over onto the bed on my belly, lying on top of Sean's hairless legs. I guess he meant me.

I could feel Tommy searching for my hole so I reached around and helped him guide it in, "There I said." And then I felt him push in, but not more than just a fraction of an inch and then pull back and then in and back and in and back, and further and further it went in with almost no pain-- just a really really full feeling that let me know that he was already deep inside me, and fucking me almost from the second he had less than an inch in.

Now Tommy was fucking me with full penetration and Sean wasn't done with the camera I guess because I saw another couple of flashes go off.

Tommy fucked me hard but gently-- it's hard to explain and I thought I was going to explode from the inside out. I was jacking myself furiously when little Sean climbed up onto the bed and pulled my head up a little by my hair with it being face down in the bed while his older brother was making a bigger hole in my ass than I did to Sean. He then pressed his hot little dick to my lips and I opened up and let him in.

I held my head still as Sean fucked my mouth which is the way I know he likes to do it, while Tommy was holding my ass still and fucking that like there was no tomorrow. He was pulling all the way out now, and then going all the way in-- he didn't fuck me like that last time-- it was incredible. I came a second time without warning anybody-- how could I?? My mouth was full. Just my groans warned of an impending eruption.

Tommy pulled out of my ass at the same time that Sean squirted seven full throbs of hot cum into my mouth and tongue. I had to swallow once before he was finished cumming or it would have started to leak out.

Tommy then squirted all over my back. I felt at least five separate squirts from him.

And then we all collapsed, and rested for about five minutes before anyone did anything. Then Tommy got up and grabbed some towels he had already brought into the room before-- 'Wow that guy is prepared,' I thought to myself.

After we all cleaned ourselves up and I was getting dressed Tommy came over to me and touched the top of my right arm on the bi-cep. "Look Sean-- he's got two."

Sean came over and looked also. "Wow," he whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, bringing my arm up so I could see. And there I saw another mark-- same style, this one a little larger than the one on my finger; another cross or letter "t" I wasn't sure which.

"Both his marks are the same though," Sean said.

"So, " Tommy said, "Maybe, maybe not, depends on how you look at them." He grabbed Sean and moved him so he was standing behind me, and then he told me to hold out my left hand, "See, " he said to Sean.

"Oh, yea, you're right."

"What's so special about two marks anyways?" I asked.

"First time we've ever seen anyone with two marks," Sean said.

"Oh," I said. "What does that mean?"

"Dun know," Tommy said.

"Well, wait a minute-- " I said suddenly, "Look, your marks are not the same but they are very similar-- mirror images actually."

"Yea, you're right," Tommy said.

"Hold out your hand," I said to Tommy and he did. "See, It's a "p" from this angle, but from the other angle it's a "d"

"Oh yea," he said.

"Now you Sean hold out your hand. See, yours is a '9' from this angle, but the other way its a "b" So, in a way you guys have two marks also in one mark.

"I wonder if they're all that way?" Tommy asked rhetorically.

"What do the marks mean anyways?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Sean asked.

"Of course he doesn't know Sean-- he isn't seeing everything yet."

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind," said Tommy.

"It's kind of like a mark of protection-- it means hands-off." Sean said.

"In other words-- they can't touch you." Tommy added.

"Whose they?" I asked.

"Can't tell you-- you'll find out though-- unless you go blind again."

"Why won't you guys tell me everything?" I said frustrated.

"Because we don't even know everything," Sean said.

"Besides, remember what I told you-- seeing is believing," Tommy added.

"You're just going to have to trust us-- gaining sight can be scary-- real scary-- you want to have friends you can count on," Sean said. "that have been through it."

"And, so you don't freak out." Tommy added.

"What happens if I freak out?" I asked.

"A lot of things-- are you asking what's the worst thing that could happen?" Tommy retorted.

"Yea," I said.

Sean interjected, "You can close your eye again. Bury your head in the sand-- embrace the darkness- run away-- freak out-- you know-- turn out the lights-nobody's home man-"

"In other words-- become like them." Tommy said.

"Them again," I said.

"Yea them-- the ignorant, blind mother fuckers who hurt and kill and don't even know how fucking dangerous they are, they're like people driving car's with blind-folds on, going la la la listening to the music running over kids left and right, every day on their way home from work and when they get home they go to bed and go to sleep without a care in the world while their burying all the fucking kids they just maimed and killed because they don't even have a single fucking clue they hurt anyone. Because they didn't see no evil, they didn't hear no evil, and so they assume they did no evil. And you can become just like one of them all you have to do is freak out and go blind again, but think twice before you do because as long as you have that mark or marks in your case-- you're protected from them."

Sensing Tommy's growing anger I backed off, "Never mind," I said.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence and then suddenly Sean changed the subject. Sean looked at me and said, "Fuck dude-- you could have had him-- trust me-- You could've fucked him, in the frenzy we were in, he would have let you-- and you could've had two virgin butt holes in one afternoon. All you would have had to do was be aggressive just like what you were doing with me."

"Sorry Sean-- it wouldn't have worked-- I'm an exclusive top- end only-- I think it's YOUR fantasy to see me get fucked."

"I know I said the same thing and I liked it, I know you'll like it." Sean retorted. "Damn-- it would have been good too, then all three of us would all have fucked and been fucked."

I reeled around and looked at Sean, "What?" I said.

"Oops," Sean said quietly.

"Did I miss something here? Let's see, Tommy fucked me, which means that If I had fucked Tommy, he would have fucked and been fucked, I of course was fucked by Tommy and then Fucked you, so I've been fucked and fucked, you got fucked by me, but who have you fucked? It can't be your brother, 'cause he just said-"

Looking to Sean Tommy said, "Do you want to tell him or should I?" Tommy asked.

Sean said, "Its alright, I was going to tell you anyways-- we have no secrets between us anymore-- I uh- um- I"

"Our little cousin Chris-- " Tommy started.

And then Sean said, "I've been fucking him for about three months now-- he fucking loves it-- every times he stays with us now he wants me to fuck him almost right away. His eye was trying to open at the time, shit, after I fucked him for the first time-- his eye opened wide open, been open ever since." And then turning to Tommy Sean said, "You tried to fuck him too!"

"That's true," Tommy said. "But I couldn't do it. He's just a little guy-- he's only ten."

"Chris was game to let Tommy try but he was too afraid of Tommy's cock-- It was just too big for little Chris to handle."

"Like I said I tried but my cock was too big and he was too afraid of it. Maybe if he wasn't afraid of it, and got a little stretched out first."

Sean looked at me, "He's jealous-- Tommy's wanted to fuck that little kid, since we all first started fooling around."

"How did it start?" I asked.

"He comes over to stay the night every few weeks while our parents stay out late so we baby-sit him and he usually sleeps in our room with us-- well, Sean and I we started talking about our dicks and next thing you know we were showing Chris our cocks so he could compare our sizes," Tommy said.

And then Sean continued, "And one thing lead to another-- the next time he stayed the night he asked us if we ever tried butt- fucking and we said no but we were game. He told us that he wanted to try it. He let me go first, and the little dude actually liked it. Next thing you know after I was done, he was asking Tommy if he wanted to fuck him."

"But after that time I tried, its just Sean that fucks him." Tommy added.

"Hey--" Sean said to me, "I've got an idea-- you want to meet him?? He's staying the night Saturday night with us-- do you think you can spend the night too?"

"Well, maybe," I said.

"Maybe he'll even let you fuck him too, Chris has become a little bit of a size queen lately-- he's been saying that he'd like to feel what its like to be fucked by a little bit bigger cock. He's even been talking about maybe letting Tommy try it again-- If you did him, that'd probably stretch him out enough, and he would be much less likely to be afraid of Tommy's big one, 'cause yours is pretty big too."

In my minds eye I immediately flashed back to that dream I had of us being on the beach-- I was fucking Sean and Tommy was fucking-- a ten year old-- damn dude am I really psychic!?!"

"Would you like that?" Sean asked me, "The chance to fuck my younger cousin?"

"Only if he's into it," I said, "I don't want to hurt him anymore than Tommy would-- mine's probably too big for him too."

"We'll see." Sean said.

So I made a tentative date for a Saturday sleep over-- I was pretty sure my parents wouldn't say no.

Just before I left I turned to Sean and Tommy and said, "I'm a little scared."

"Why?" Sean said.

"Because of all that stuff you guys were saying earlier about freaking out and 'them' and stuff."

"You're going to see some stuff-- that's what you wanted right?-- to see?- just don't freak out when you see stuff." Tommy said.

"Well-- can I ask you one question though before I leave?"

"Yea-- Dereck-- just remember that whatever you see-- they can't hurt you-- okay? It's kind of like an illusion. As long as you got the mark they can't hurt you."

"But, if I freak out?" I asked.

"Yea-- then you can die, like everyone else." Sean said. "We don't want you to die, so don't freak out-- like my brother said-- its just to scare you into-"

"Freaking out-- I got it-- but what you said earlier Tommy-- they can kill me-- how can they kill me?"

"You wouldn't understand now even if I told you." Tommy said.

"Just tell him Tommy," Sean said.

"Okay okay-- but I told you wouldn't understand--" Tommy said. And then he looked me solemnly in the eyes and said, "They kill with words-- the sons of bitches kill kids with words. As dramatically and as serious as the aftermath of a car running over you. And they say 'Oh what a tragedy-- its so terrible-- what happened to that little boy -- its so horrible-- and the fuckers don't even know they sealed his fate-- and they go off to kill more kids."

"You're right-- I don't understand."

"Hey-- " Tommy said as I started for the door, "Just remember two things-- one- it's an illusion as long as you keep your eyes open you can't get hurt. And two-- you have friends-- friends you can trust-- okay??"

"Ok" I said. And then both Sean and Tommy did something I didn't expect. They came over and hugged me.

"We'll be here for you anytime-- we will never betray you-- you can trust us." Tommy said. And Tommy gave me their phone number.

"Yea Dereck-- We're all friends now, and I don't want to lose you ever. Please-- talk to us if you need us-- for anything." Sean added.

"Ok guys, bye."

On my way home I saw something I thought was unusual-- I saw a billboard sign on 19th street that for like a year has had the same advertisement-- for a soft drink and the ad was still there but it was different now-- it said, "Death - The Real Thing' . I stopped my bicycle and just stared at it not believing my eyes, but when I looked again it was back to normal. I rubbed my eyes then rode past. 'Weird-- I thought to myself.

When I got home, I wasn't in the mood to watch TV so I just retired to my room. I did some homework, and after a little while, I decided to read a comic I bought last week that I hadn't gotten around to reading yet. I got about half way through when I saw an ad that I thought was weird, it was an ad for an Atari game, but it was the words that were kind of freaky-- they said: "Don't Fear The Reaper." I closed my eyes and opened them again and the ad was back to normal. I put the comic down-- being a little tired and laid down to sleep. While I was trying to sleep I couldn't get that ad out of my head-- don't fear the reaper. The billboard ad too: death - the real thing. I could hear Tommy saying, "Your gonna see some things-- just don't freak out." As I started to enter twilight sleep I kept repeating softly, mumbling, what Tommy had said, 'They kill with words-- but they can't hurt me, they kill with words but they can't hurt me-- they kill with words-- but they can't hurt me. That was the last thought I had before I fell off to sleep.

"Falling, falling, into the hat he fell. Swirling and twirling, spinning and spinning.



And when he looked into the skies, he couldn't believe his ears or eyes.

Lidsville is the kook-kook-kookiest,

Lidsville is the kick-kick-kickiest,

Lidsville is the groov-groov-grooviest,

Lidsville is the living end.

Friend, if you get a chance to go. Go there! You'll be glad you did.

'Cause everybody who goes to Lidsville really flips his lid!

How's that for a kicker?"

"Poets, priests, and politicians, have words to thank for their positions,

Words that scream for your submissions,

And no one's jammin' their transmissions..."

  • A Doo Doo Doo A Daa Daa Daa (The Police)

"You can not stop what has begun, signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion.

We all have a dark side, to say the least,

And dealing in death is the nature of the beast."

-One World It's A Battleground (Pink Floyd)


The next day I felt better. I looked forward to seeing Tommy and Sean at school. I had an intuition that I was going to need those two somehow. As I was riding to school early I stopped at the liquor store to look at some magazines-- It wasn't my usual routine but for some reason I was curious. I was flipping through one of the magazines and I saw an unusual ad-- it made my heart jump for a second-- It showed two kids playing in the street, you know ball or something, and one kid is bending over to tie his shoe, I guess he was about twelve or something-- and right behind him all blurry is a car-- and I think it was an ad for Cadillac but I wasn't sure-- I could see the emblem kind of on the front of the car-- and the words were: "Have you ever thought as the days go bye, that you would be the next one to die?"

I turned the page quickly-- this was weird. In the very back page, I saw another ad-- this one was for alcohol, I don't know some dumb brand-- I think Crown Royal anyways the words said, "Have a drink, everybody dies."

I snapped the magazine shut. Was I imagining this? I got on my bike and rode to school.

At lunch I met both Tommy and Sean at the amp.

"You okay Dereck?" Sean asked me.

"Yea." I said.

"Have you seen anything yet?" Tommy asked me.

"Yes." I said.

"Want to talk about it?" Sean asked.

"No-- I'm cool." I said.

"Listen Dereck-- the best thing to do is just ignore them." Tommy said. "As you learn how to ignore them, they go away-- kind of."

"Okay-- no problem-- who are THEY again??" I asked.

"Hard to say so you'd understand." Tommy said.

"I think I'm starting to understand." I said.

"It doesn't matter-- who they are anyways," Sean said. "Just ignore them."

"Okay cool." I said.

"Can you spend the night Saturday?" Sean asked changing the subject-- he was actually quite good at that I noticed.

"Yes I can." I said.

"Cool!!" Sean interjected.

"Cool," Tommy said.

Nothing much else happened for the rest of the week because pretty much I took my friends' advice and tried to avoid looking at magazines and billboards. I did make the mistake of watching TV though. My parents were both in the living room with me. A commercial came on-- and this one really freaked me out-- I did not expect this. At the end of the commercial the words were : "One way or another were going to getcha. Were going to getcha, gecha getcha, getcha, getcha. Maybe this week or another, we're gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha. Everyone's got to go sooner or later. If not today, then tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that..."

I was in shock, I couldn't help it. I felt sick and I was just in shock. I blinked my eyes and the commercial was over.

"Are you ok honey? You don't look so good." My mom said to me.

"I'm fine. I'm going to bed."

"What? You don't want to watch the rest of the show with us?" my dad asked.

"No- I don't ever want to watch TV again." I said and walked to my room wondering if my life would ever be the same.

When I got into my room I dialed Tommy's number. He said I could call before ten o'clock.


"Is Tommy there?"

"Hold on..."

"Hello," Tommy said.

"Tommy its Dereck."

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"No." I said.

"What did you see?"

"A fucking commercial on TV." I said.

"A shocker huh?"

"Pretty bad-- I'm never watching TV again."

"Well, you won't miss much-- I forgot to tell you-- to watch out with the commercials."

"Anything else you forgot to tell me?"

"Um, well its hard to say-- I ignore most of it now-- they only shock me like very rarely now-- listen-- I told you - they can't hurt you-- they're just words-- words and images-- that's all-- they're just trying to scare you."

"Well-- it's working." I said.

"Listen Dereck-- this is a matter of life and death okay? Listen to what I'm about to tell you ok?"


"They can't hurt you-- unless you go to sleep."

"Great-- it's just like that movie-- Invasion of the body snatchers?"

"No- not like that asleep-- It's hard to explain-- just-- don't do it. No matter what you see or hear, and don't freak out."


"Sean and I went through the same thing-- Sean freaked out so bad once that I thought he was going to jump out the fucking window one time-- he was screaming 'Make them stop, make them stop-- I can't take it anymore.' I had to grab him and hold him down-- he still won't tell me what he saw to this day."


"Its like a dream Dereck-- like one of those lucid dreams you know the kind where you suddenly realize your in a dream and you start to take control of the dream but the dream fights you by trying to become a nightmare-- that's all that's happening-- your starting to become aware-- you know - to wake up - and they're fighting for control from you right now. Just don't believe anything you see or hear from them anymore and try to avoid it as much as possible. Listen, I went through it too-- Little Chris, who you're going to meet Saturday-- Oh fuck man-- his eye fully opened up all at once-- he was a fucking lunatic for about a week."

"You mean my eye is not even fully open yet?"

"You're only partially aware right now-- and there's only two things that can close it; fear or a deliberate decision. So-- don't go to sleep, and don't freak out."

"How do I not freak out?"

"Remember what I said-- its not real-- there just trying to scare you."

"But why?"

"Because-- they want to kill you."

"I don't understand." I said finally.

"None of us do. But you don't have to-- all you have to know is they're trying to kill you--"

"But how, I don't understand-- with words?"

"Yea with words--"

"I still don't understand."

"Okay, I'm going to tell you this although I don't know if its too soon-- Probably you already sense this-- Dereck-- There's no such thing as death."


"I told you you wouldn't understand. They created death. The only way you can die is if you believe you're going to die. If you believe it you can make it happen. If you believe they can hurt you-- then they can hurt you. If you refuse to believe it, then there's nothing they can do to you but annoy you."

"Wow!" I said.

"Don't believe anything they show you, or anything you hear them say."


"And try to act like the messages don't even register-- if they see they get a reaction out of you, it'll get worse-- No fear Dereck! They're just like predators-- if they smell fear, you're in for it. They use fear-- that's their weapon-- and it's smoke and mirrors-- fear is an illusion. Don't be afraid-- Get pissed off if you have to react but don't be afraid, if you want-- make a list every time a commercial pisses you off and refuse to buy that product-- And make something up and tell ten people to influence them not to buy that product either. I did that with Suds Root-Beer-- I told everyone I knew I found a roach in one of my root-beers-- they might still buy it but I know it would have pissed off the Suds people. And one other thing-- there's a great world beyond this illusion-- once you get past the nightmare. Dereck there's positive messages also-- try to look for them, try to hear them. They're trying to distract you. Take control of the dream-- you can have anything you want-- all your dreams can come true.

"Heaven?" I asked

"Call it want you want. Its here on Earth-- not in the clouds and not in another life."

"For reals?" I asked astonished.

"Yes- and there trying to blind you from seeing it. Just keep your courage, look at it like this-- its horrowshow. That's all it is, its all horrorshow my malenky malchicky-wicky! You know how that one song goes-- You got to go through hell before you get to heaven...?"

"Yea I know the song." I said.

"And here's a clue-- listen to music-- TV's bad anyways-- There's two messengers Dereck-- two Great Spirits; one that wants to destroy you, the other wants to love you-- and here's how you can discern one from the other-- if the intent of the message is to instill fear-- the message is from The Enemy; The Destroyer-- and He is full of only hate. If the message is intended to make you feel loved than the message is from the one who loves you and He is full of love and power. Try to keep it straight for the sooner you really understand this, the sooner you can tune-out the bad messages and tune-in to the good ones. Like I said, The Destroyer can't really hurt you with anything except words-- and if you don't let His words effect you-- He has no power over you."

"The devil?" I asked.

"Try to refrain from labels at this point Dereck-- More will be revealed to you. The point is, most people's concepts of God and the devil-- well- they're so inaccurate as to be completely useless to anyone who is actually opened themselves up to the spiritual. Just remember-- The Destroyer-- and The Creator, the one who loves you is your creator-- the one who hates you would be your destroyer-- never forget that. The Destroyer often pretends to be The Creator-- and if you listen to Him he'll bring you only fear, and confusion, so don't forget, if the message frightens you its NOT The Creator no matter how clever the hoax-- The Creator will never frighten you! No matter what anyone tells you, or whatever the hell you read in any goddamned book-- The Creator will never frighten you. No matter what some BLIND mother-fucker tells you like The Creator will deliberately frighten you they are so full of shit and have no spiritual discernment.-- They probably have never heard The Spirits, and never will-- Their father is The Destroyer and they know only what Their father allows them to know. Remember what I told you about THE BLIND Dereck-they're mother fuckin' kid murdering mother-fuckers-- and they're so damn BLIND they don't even know they're going around every day killing fucking people with their words. They know nothing about the spiritual-- all they know is what they read in some book, or what somebody told them, or that's the way they were raised to believe or some god-damned thing-- They act like they know a lot about God and the spiritual but they're phony-- They're the blind leading the blind-- but YOUR NOT BLIND Dereck-- So, its really very simple-- As long as you understand this very simple concept-- you CAN'T go wrong. Now, I've got to go Dereck, you have a good night-- You know everything you need to know now."

"Good night Tommy- and Thanks."

"You're one of us now Dereck-- and it wouldn't be the same if anything happened to change that-- and you're the only one who can change that-- don't let them get to you. Good night."

I hung up the phone and all of a sudden I felt a great hope swell up inside of me. I went right to sleep.

For the rest of the week I only had two more episodes where I forgot to avoid the messages and got caught off guard. Once-- The television again-- I wasn't even watching it, my parents had it on in the background while I was doing my homework in the dining room. It was the news I guess and they showed this big crocodile and there were these people cutting it open and the announcer was saying: "Crock eats 12 year old in Florida in his own back yard. We're gonna getcha" Needless to say I took my homework and went into my room.

The other time I was riding home from school and I happened to look down on the ground while I was waiting for the light to turn green and there was a magazine opened to an ad. The words were: "Even when you're being careful - Accidents still happen." I threw up all over the magazine and rode the rest of the way home at full speed.

That was on Thursday and I was pretty shook up for the rest of the evening, but by Friday morning I was feeling much much better. These episodes were affecting me less and less severely. On Friday I had no episodes, except the stupid billboard signs-- I couldn't help but notice them out of the corner of my eye. I'd see a secret message for only a second, and then the sign was back to normal. One glance, each time, just for a second and it didn't even affect me-- I think I was starting to know how to ignore the messages even when I did see them accidentally. The billboard sign had no picture just the words: "Even if you don't die young - You'll still die for sure." And another one read: "Thousands disappear every year - without a trace - do you want to know what happened to them? They're all dead! We're gonna getcha" This time I actually laughed - I laughed it off.

By Friday night I suddenly found more hope than I ever thought I would-- I could actually imagine living with these stupid messages everywhere-- I was hardly even seeing them anymore. I mean I saw them but I was learning to ignore them immediately. By that night, after talking to Tommy and Sean on the phone I was actually looking forward to the sleepover and meeting their younger cousin Chris.

When I got to their house, there they all were sitting on the couch in the living room. The television was turned off of course. When I knocked, Sean had yelled "The door's open." And I came waltzing in-- actually in a good mood-- the first time in like almost a week.

Squeezed right in the middle of the two was the now infamous Chris-- a very small framed, skinny kid; ten years old and looking more like eight. He was wearing dark blue chords with a red t-shirt which read 'Cats Christmas Tree Patrol' on it. He had short black hair and the most dynamic blue eyes, which really stood out being so well defined by his black hair. He had the unmistakable features of a Jewish kid, however he had freckles all over his face, and there was a hint of reddish in his dark hair, which although unusual looked very attractive. He smiled when I introduced myself; a smile, which not only lit up his entire face but lit up the entire room as well. When he smiled he looked absolutely angelic. And then he shook my hand. That's when I noticed the mark on him also; on his top right wrist the letters: 'ART'.

Sean was wearing dark blue chords also; long pants, and a blue tie-die shirt. Tommy was wearing white chord-pants and a button down collar shirt with about the first four buttons undone exposing his smooth bare chest which I thought looked very sexy.

"How's it going little fellow?" I said.

"Good- I've heard some things about you-- are they true?" he said with a hint of that naughty smile that I guess seems to run in the family.

"I don't know-- maybe-- I've heard some things about you too- - are they true?"


"I heard you got scared?" Chris said solemnly.

"Yea, but its getting better now, Tommy explained some things." I said.

"Does he know there's another Spirit?" Chris asked Tommy. "The one that loves us."

"I told him-- I don't know if he's heard them yet." Tommy said.

Chris looked at me and said, "There's two Spirits-- ignore the one that scares you and listen to the other one-- no one knows why but when your eye opens your free to hear the loving spirit but your also an open target for The Destroyer-- They are both spirits and you can't perceive one without perceiving the other and also if you can't perceive one you can't perceive the other."

"Yes um, Tommy was explaining that." I said.

"The Destroyer tries to scare you and for some reason in the beginning He'll throw death in your face because He knows that's most likely to scare the shit out of you-- That spirit knows only death-- The other spirit, is alive and knows only life, He knows nothing of death-- listen to that one, His words will fill you full of life, so much so that you'll become immortal. The other spirit, if you listen to Him, is a vampire sucking the life right out of you--"

I nodded my head in agreement. And then changing the subject I said, "So, what does ART stand for-- is that you're middle name?"

"No, my middle name is Joshua." Chris said.

"Oh," I said.

"I THINK, it means Earth. Do you get it? Art is in the middle of Earth."


"Guess what?" Chris asked me.


"I've seen your dick."

"You have?"

Sean and Tommy started giggling. Sean held up a Polaroid.

"Ah ha-- you have seen my dick. Well, I guess to be even I should have a look at yours."

"Maybe. You want to know a secret?" Chris asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I THINK that all the marks are for an element."

"You mean like yours means Earth? The other ones mean something else?"

"Yes, that's what I think."

"What does mine mean?" asked Sean holding out his wrist with the letter 'p".

"That one was kind of hard to figure out-- but I think its P for Pyro, you know in greek for-"

"Fire." Sean whispered.

"And mine?" Tommy asked, holding out his "9" mark likewise.

"That was one even harder to figure out. Water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen. On the periodic table of the elements, Hydrogen is one, and Oxygen is eight; one plus eight is nine."

"Crafty," Tommy said.

"Dereck has two marks-- they're both crosses." Sean said. He pointed to the mark on my finger, and then he pulled my short sleeve up and showed the mark on my arm. "How come he has two?" Sean asked.

"Well, " Chris said thinking, "Maybe they're two marks-- but only one symbol."

"What do ya mean?" Tommy asked.

"You mean like two halfs of one symbol?" I asked.

"Yea-- kind a-- I have to think about that one."

"Chris has seen other boy's like us," Sean said.

"I've seen two other marks-- they're like the marks on Tommy and Sean. "

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, I saw on this one kid the letter "d" and on his brother the letter "b" almost just like Sean and Tommy."

"Let's see, " I said out loud as I put a finger on my nose, kind of scratching my nose in thought. "The letter b could stand for breath."

"Yes breath for air." Chris said.

"And d could be dirt." I said, sounding proud of myself.

"Actually, I think dust for earth-- you know like ashes to ashes and dust to dust?"

"Never heard that." I said.

"Its in the bible," Tommy said.


"Earth, air, fire and water," I said out loud--

"Give me a piece of paper and a pen," Chris said.

"Sean went and got a pad of paper and a pencil and handed it to Chris."

Chris started to draw something and after a minute I could see it was a crude pentagram."

"A pentagram," I said.

I then watched as Chris put the letter 9 on the top right, the letter p on the bottom right, the letter d on the bottom left, and the letter b on the top left. Then he held it up for us to see. "There-- the four elements of the pentagram-- Water, fire, earth and air."

"That's really pretty clever, " I said.

"Yea, " Tommy said, It's all the same symbol just turned over and reversed but depending on how you write it, it stands for a different element."

"What goes at the very top?" I asked.

Sean spoke up very proudly, "Spirit." he said.

"The fifth element." Tommy added.

"Is there a symbol for that?" I asked.

"Actually-- that's what I was thinking-- if there is, I haven't seen it, that is until now." Chris said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're saying Dereck's mark's are the fifth element?" Sean and Tommy looked at me incredulously.

"I'm not sure-- but that's my hunch." Chris said.

"How do you know all this-- you're only ten, right?" I asked.

"It's a long story-" Tommy said.

"Yea-- really long," Sean said.

"Oh," I said.

"My parents have taught me the secrets of Kabbalah since I was about five."

"Kabbalah?" What's that?

"Never mind," Tommy said, "We told you it's a long story."

"If you want, we'll let him tell the story later-- but let's do something fun for now, ok?"

"Yea yea, okay? What'd you have in mind?"

Tommy pulled out a deck of red Bicycle cards, "Strip Poker anyone??"

We all went upstairs to Tommy's room because he had the bigger bedroom. We all sat Indian Style on the bed, and we all started with bare feet to make the game go faster. Tommy dealt the cards.

I lost the first round and so I took off my shirt. Tommy lost the second round and took off his shirt. Tommy lost the next round also and so he took off his pants so he was now only in his white underwear which always looked so good on him-- having so much there to make quite a lump.

I lost the next round and so I took off my pants, and so now Tommy and I were striped all the way down to our underwear and the two youngest; Sean and Chris were still fully dressed-- this was getting irritating. I made a sound of frustration and little Chris giggled and Sean had this big smirk on his face.

"Are you guy's cheating?" I asked teasingly.

"Yea-- what's going on here?" Tommy asked.

Chris giggled hysterically at that point. Sean was smiling widely.

Tommy dealt the next round, and little Chris lost and took off his shirt, and the next round Sean lost so I guess the law of averages was finally catching up. I thought for sure on the next round I was either getting naked or Tommy, I was hoping it was Tommy. But amazingly Sean lost the next round and he was down to his underwear.

Now, this was interesting because there were now three of us just in our white briefs, and the odds were seventy five percent that someone was going to get naked on the next round-- So Chris spoke up before the next hand was dealt to establish a new rule.

"Whoever gets naked has to stand up so everyone can see his privates, " Chris stated excitedly, and then added, "And has to turn all the way around so we can see his butt too!"

We all quickly agreed to the new rule, and as it turned out, Chris lost the next hand-- this was a really fun game-- everyone now was striped down to his underwear. Chris was wearing Scooby-Doo undies which I thought he was a little old to still be wearing kiddy designer underwear at the age of ten-- but I had to admit they looked really hot on him-- especially since they were about three sizes too small like he first got them when he was like seven and even though I'm sure he had a real small package the really small tight Underoos nicely accentuated what he did have-- I could see a very nice bulge especially when he sat down-- I wondered if he was hard like I knew I was.

"Drum roll please," Tommy said with a laugh and Sean immediately started rolling his tongue like those Spanish people do with their 'Rs'.

"Round and round and round she goes, where she ends up nobody knows," Tommy said as he dealt out the next round.

"Aaahhhhhh!" Tommy said as we all realized that he'd lost. He stood up without hesitation and pulled his briefs down and slid them down his long slender legs, stepped out of them and then threw them over on the far side of the bed on the pile with every- body's shirts and pants. We all saw his boner. Man Tommy was already half hard and looking like a super-hero. No matter how many times I saw Tommy's cock, I couldn't help but be impressed every time. He looked so damn boyish, that cock looked completely out of character with the rest of his smooth hairless skinny body.

We all watched as Tommy, very unabashedly turned in a circle so we could see all of his privates, including his behind. Chris was giggling uncontrollably as he reacted to Tommy's theatrical antics as he twirled around in a circle and then sat down, and prepared to deal the next hand.

The cards were dealt, and we all looked at our hands, and then we all played the best five cards that we had out of nine. Sean was the loser this time, and as though doing an exact imitation of his older brother, immediately jumped up onto his feet, standing on the bed, and shucked his underwear, adding one more to the pile. He laughed as he stood there bare for us all to see and then spun around and did a little woop-dee-doo for effect. Chris giggled out loud in response to the woop-dee-doo.

Well, the two brothers were totally naked. Sean didn't appear to have a boner though like Tommy whose boner was getting nearer and nearer to full hardness I think as my own was in anticipation of our little friend here who seemed to be having the time of his life, giggling and carrying on. I noticed he kept occasionally rubbing his little package-- God, he was so damn cute-- I wanted to jump on top of him and tear those little Underoos off of him, but I restrained myself.

Tommy dealt out nine more cards to each of us. We all picked four to discard and then we all showed our hands.

"Damn!!" I said as I saw that everyone had a pair of something, and I had a pair of jack shit. I stood up on the bed and slid my underwear down my legs, and did my turn around-- no theatrical antics but I did wiggle my butt around when I had my backside facing everybody a little which got a giggle out of Chris. I then sat down.

"Ok, Tommy said, there's only one left-- Chris do you want to forfeit this game so we can start another one with new rules?"

Chris got onto his knees, Oh God, here it is-- I'm finally going to see-- He was already pulling the front of his blue and red colored briefs down even before he started to stand up. He was pulling them down and standing up at the same time which looked a little awkward, so finally he just fell onto his back with his legs up in the air and took them off, and his dick boinged out like a damn cat in the hat. He then threw his little boy briefs on the stack of clothes and jumped up and down on the bed, one hand playing with his boingy dick the whole time. It was so damn boingy-- it's almost like it had a hinge and a spring on it. Chris then turned all the way around and wiggled his cute little ass around which made me laugh- - everyone else also, and I mean really loud laughing-- it just looked so damn funny seeing him do that. He then turned around and sat down with his little erection, about three inches hard, totally sticking strait up in the air and he was still like unconsciously boinging it around - it was the cutest damn thing I think I ever saw in my life-- it made me giggle over and over again.

"What?" Chris said to me as I couldn't stop giggling every time he did it.

"Nothing-- Its just that your so damn cute." I said. And in response I saw that dynamic smile of his again, that practically stretched from ear to ear and could have made maniacal demon soldiers surrender their weapons.

"Okay, " Tommy said, "New game. I say we make it interesting-- everyone agreed?"

"Yes yes yes yes" Everyone said.

"Okay, lowest hand has to suck the dick of the highest hand, okay??"

Tommy looked at Sean in particular. Sean hunched his shoulders and said, "I'm game."

"Okay with everyone?" Tommy said again.

"Yes, yes" Chris and I said.

"For a full minute!" Added Chris!!

Oh damn, I was definitely falling in love with this kid. He was just too damn cute. I could see why the brothers liked him so much-- he was just like ten tons of explosive TNT fun.

We all agreed and Tommy dealt the cards. We all looked at our hands and chose our cards. Tommy put his hand down first, apparently confident that he was the high hand-- He had two pair; two Aces, and two kings-- not bad.

Sean threw his hand down; a pair of fours-- with an expression on his face like he pretty much knew he was going to be sucking someone's dick in a minute, probably his brothers-- Tommy looked hopeful.

I looked at Chris-- apparently he was going to hold out until he saw my hand. I put my hand down-- it was a pair of three's and immediately I saw this look of total relief on Sean's face, which made me laugh out loud.

"What??" Sean said to me.

"Guess you were surprised anyone could have a suckier hand than you? I wished I had a camera to take a picture of that look on your face."

"Ah ha--" Tommy said jumping up-- almost forgot!! And there he went running out of the room, to get the Polaroid Camera no doubt-- Oh God-- this was going to get interesting.

He came back a minute later saying, "Hope nobody here is camera shy."

I then looked at Chris-- Chris laid his hand down; "Four eights-- Damn-- He just beat Tommy's hand with four of a kind. Well, that just goes to show you how unpredictable poker is. And, of course, this couldn't be better news for me.

Chris got up on his knees pointing his dick at me, and I practically leapt towards his cute erection like a man dying of thirst leaping into a cool water mirage in the middle of the Sahara Desert. It sure seemed like I was turning out to be quite the happy cock sucker-- who would have guessed? In a moment I devoured Chris's little cock all the way down to the cutest little balls I could have imagined, I licked and lapped at his little ball sack as I sucked the entire length of his dick.

Chris surprised me when he grabbed my head with two hands and started humping my mouth, surprisingly forcefully too-- I thought I was going to bust a nut right there when he started doing that.

"Damn Chris!!" Tommy said as he snapped a photo.

"I guess he likes getting his dick sucked too," Sean said.

I sucked feverishly for a full minute until Tommy said, "Times up," Chris's poor little nuts were dripping with my saliva as though I were a coyote feasting down on some lamb chomps after nothing but skittles for a month.

"That tickled," Chris said.

"Dang Chris, don't tell me you're a top too!!" I said.

"He definitely knew how to handle YOU!" Tommy said.

"That's the first time I got my dick sucked-- I was hoping it would happen tonight." Chris said.

"Fuck-- I could suck your cute little dick all night Chris"-- Turning to the brothers I said, "I can't imagine how you two both fooled with him and you could have possibly resisted the temptation to suck Chris off."

"He's a great cock sucker himself-- you'll see" Tommy said.

'Damn!" I thought to myself, and I thought I was going to ejaculate just to an image in my head of young Chris sucking cock--"

"Okay, next round-- everybody ready?" Tommy said. We all nodded and Tommy dealt the cards. Tommy was the big winner of this hand and Chis turned out to be the low hand.

"Take the camera," Tommy said to me and held it out and I grabbed it.

Without any hesitation what so ever and with a big smile on his face Chris went over to Tommy who stood up onto his knees, and opened his mouth wide, and put the head of Tommy's cock between his lips.

I snapped off a photo and then threw the camera on the bed-- I wasn't missing the rest of this. Chris went down about half way on the oldest boy's dick before he came back up for breath. Chris even allowed Tommy to gently work on his head pushing on it as he was sucking.

"Times up," Sean said.

We all got back into position. The next hand I had turned out to be the high hand Chis was the lowest-- this was really turning out to be my lucky evening. I got on my knees and once again little Chris had a big cock in his mouth. Tommy took several photos. Chris was absolutely unbelievable. He was really sucking good, and really getting into it. Just the sight of him, sucking me off, made me want to blow right then-- but I wanted to wait-- I held back-- I intuited more fun was still on the way.

Sean said, "Times up," and in a moment or two we were all being dealt another hand.

This time it really did end up with Tommy the high hand and Sean the lowest hand. Damn-- I grabbed the camera without anyone even having to ask me.

Surprisingly, I would have expected Sean to be a little hesitant-- I mean this was his brother-- although I had seen him suck Tommy's dick that other time but shit- Sean was so fucking aroused with my cock up his ass being fucked for the first time-- that seemed a little different. But, Sean just casually put his mouth on his older brother's dick and just started sucking away. He was going down on him pretty good too, like five inches was in his mouth.

"Oh Fuck yea!" Tommy said, as he gently guided his little brother's mouth, his erection going in and out, between his sucking lips. I took a couple of photos and then put the camera down. Tommy lay down, and guided Sean into a sixty-nine position and soon the two of them were sucking away at each other-- I don't think they cared about the times up either. That left me with little Chris. I couldn't help myself but to lean down and get Chris's dick back into my mouth and as I did, Chris maneuvered into a sixty- nine position with me.

I was in fucking heaven. I couldn't believe my luck. There I was trying to suck all the life out of Chris's dick, and lick his balls and the harder I sucked the harder his little prick got. He giggled every time I licked his balls. At the same time Chris had got more than half; about two thirds my length deep in his mouth and the feeling of his tongue rubbing on the underside of my dick was bringing me very near an ejaculation. I felt Chris have a dry orgasm in my mouth-- his dick throbbing a bit-- that was fucking hot, as he sucked with even more fervor. I let his dick out of my mouth and looked over at Chris and I was really close man and I didn't want to cum yet but as soon as I saw his hot little mouth open wide with my cock sticking out of it, and his beautiful blue eyes looking right into mine-- I lost it-- I had just enough time to say "Oh God-- I'm gonna cum!" and as I got the last word out, I could feel spurt after spurt after spurt after spurt shooting out of my dick and Chris never let those tight lips of his loosen on my cock the entire time. I could hardly believe my orgasm it was so intense.

After that, we both looked over at the brothers who were both hot and heavy and looking like they were both going to blow their nuts themselves. And sure enough I was right, Tommy blew first right into Sean's mouth and he didn't take his mouth off of Tommy's dick either. Tommy was moaning and groaning the loudest I ever heard him. Sean swallowed, and then it took him about a minute of Tommy sucking him off the best he could, before Sean followed suit.

"I'm gonna cum!" Sean said. And as we watched he pulled his dick out of his older brother's mouth and shot his cum so we all could see it with Tommy holding his mouth open like he was afraid Sean was about to take the final prize away from him at the last second. Two good squirts shot right into Tommy's mouth, but as he closed his lips for a second to swallow the third squirt went all over his face and the fourth squirt just completely missed hitting Tommy more or less right on the nose. Chris started giggling again, and I even laughed.

And, what I saw next made me want to cum again. Sean started licking his own cum off of his brother's face. Even off of his nose, and then Sean kissed Tommy full on the lips. My mouth was hanging open.

Tommy laughed as Sean did this-- Tommy grabbed Sean's bare ass and squeezed hard as they kissed and when they finally broke the kiss Tommy said, "Your such a lunatic you know that Sean? Nobody can predict what you'll do next."

"That's right-- tell me you didn't enjoy that." Sean said to Tommy and then turned to both Chris and I and winked.

"It was the best!" Tommy said. And then looking at me he said, "Well, Dereck, I guess your not the only one's that turning out to be a cock loving cock sucker-- my brother was pretty damn ambitious just then-- did you guys see that?!"

We all rested then, and that's when Chris said to get the pad of paper and a pen for him again, he wanted to show us all something.

He drew a symbol on the piece of paper that Tommy gave him with a number two pencil. "Look everybody!" he said excitedly.

I looked and the symbol he drew looked like a number sign (#).

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"It's Dereck's symbol-- I finally figured it out-- look- its a cross and an inverted cross side by side touching."

"Wow-- you're right." Tommy said.

I was more dubious, "What does it mean though?"

"Its the fifth element. I guess it's a variation of the yin-yang."

"Oh," I said.

"Oh fuck-- I've seen that symbol before," Tommy said.

"Me too," Chris said.

"Where?" I asked.

""Not sure," Chris said. "Maybe from Kabbalah but I don't think so."

"I don't get it," Tommy said.

"What is Kabbalah anyways?" I asked.

Chris explained that the Kabbalah was secret supernatural information. He asked me, "You hear any messages in the music Dereck? Positive messages?"

"Um well yea, " I said, "I keep hearing these messages like just call my name or call me, or say my name or whisper my name or say my name out loud when you're in trouble-- stuff like that like every time I listen to music lately seems like, but it seems like they never say what the dang name is so how are you supposed to say it?"

"And what do you think when you get that message?" Chris asked.

"Like-- I think to myself, yea well, what's your name and I'll call it?"

"Humm, " Chris said.

"What?" I asked.

"Your the fifth element-- the fifth element is Spirit-- You activate Spirit by a symbol or a name-- That may be the symbol right there."

"Why not a name?" I asked.

"Oh well that's easy, " Chris said. "You can't say the name of God because everyone knows it's impossible to pronounce."

Everyone was silent for several moments.

"I didn't know that!" I said.

"Me neither," said Sean.

"Nor me," said Tommy.

"Let me explain, in Kabbalah we have something called the Tetragrammaton-- It means four-lettered name-- the name of God-- only thing is it has no vowels and can not be pronounced."

"Ahhhh," Tommy said.

"So-- it doesn't matter if you know the name-- you can't say it." Chris went on.

"However, according to some Cabalists-- The name of Jesus which wasn't Jesus by the way-- It was Joshua in Greek, but in Hebrew it was Yeshua. But here's the thing-- if you take the name Yeshua which is five letters in Hebrew; four of them are the tetragrammaton with - get this- a vowel stuck right in the middle."

"So its pronounceable," Tommy said.

"Wow!" Sean said.

"In other words when Jesus said that his name was the highest name under heaven except for the father's he could have been right-- the name of God is unpronounceable, but the name of Jesus WAS pronounceable with that extra letter in it.

"What's this have to do with the symbol on me?" I asked.

"Well-- it's a cross- so it's likely referring not only to the fifth element and the name of God but also directly to the Pentagrammaton which is the five-letter name of God.

"How do you pronounce that?" I asked.

"Just like this- Ya-Shu-Ah-- Just like Joshua except Yashua"

"So that's the pronounceable name of God?" I asked.

"Maybe-- It seems that's what your marking is indicating."

"Here's the thing-nobody's been really sure-- but many cabalists believe if you say the name of God out loud- You can perform miracles."

"Magic," Tommy said.

"Yes-- You can do anything in that name. All you have to do it figure out how to pronounce it."

"That explains why all those Christian people can't do crap even though they think they know the name of God and pray in Jesus name." Tommy said.

"Well-- the fact that Jesus WAS NOT his name in any living language at the time, is a fact that has not been kept secret-- so why they insist on translating the bible using that name is probably the biggest mystery in religion second to none and yet they do-- every bible translated in English translates Joshua to Jesus-- Why?- - Maybe only the devil knows."

My eyes went wide, "What are you saying?"

"Nothing," Chris said.

"Are you saying that the devil changed the name of God in the bible?" I asked.

"Yes. But not the devil-- well something like that," Chris said matter-of-factly. "Not only in the new testament but also in the O.T.-- you see, the real name for God in the Old testament that the Jews have been memorizing every generation for ten thousand years does not translate to the word 'God' no matter how you translate or what language your translating in-- and yet, same thing, every bible, everywhere in English translates the word in Hebrew to the word 'God' in English which is simply not the correct translation."

"What is their word they used?" Tommy asked.

"The Tetragrammaton," Chris said.

"Oh fuck-- I think I'm starting to understand-- " Tommy said, "You can't pronounce the Tetragrammaton so they changed it to something you CAN pronounce-- the word 'God'" Tommy said.

"Yes but there were other reasons too-- legend has it the Hebrews themselves edited out the Tetragrammaton when they wrote the old testament down for the first time-- and put in its place the word 'Elohim" or the word "Jehovah" which ALSO does not correctly translate to the word 'God'" Chris continued.

"Shit-- you sure know a lot!" I said.

"Cabalists are Hebrew mystics," Tommy said. "This isn't like really popular information-- kind of like western occultism. Tommy said.

"So what does Elohim translate to?" I asked. "If not the word 'God'

"Well in the olden days, if you were a Jew, you were forbidden to ever say the name of God out loud even though that was really stupid because it was impossible anyways-- but they didn't even want people TRYING by sticking in this vowel or another, like for example, Yaway-- which is like one way to stick a vowel in and make it pronounceable-- In those days Jewish law strictly forbade anyone from even trying to say it-- so if you wanted to say the name of God-- and let me make this point clear-- not the word 'God' but the name of God-- they replaced the tetragrammaton with the word Elohim-- the word Elohim is actually two Hebrew words that were mixed together-- it translates "The Creative Spirits." Chris went on.

"Not Creative Spirit?" I asked, "I thought the Jews were the only religion that said there was only one God.

"That is a bit ironic-- but for some reason, the early Jews believed that God was plural-- in fact there's many examples of this." Chris said.

"But, " Chris went on, "Elohim is a made up word-- it is definitely NOT the name of God-- it was designed to be a replacement for the actual name of God, same thing with the word Jehovah-- another made up word-- this word is actually a conglomeration of two Hebrew words, meaning male and female; from Genesis - you know, 'Let us make man in our image; in male and female let us make them' its not actually surprising; using a word for God this way is actually not unprecedented-- the Greeks and the Romans and even the Egyptians believed that holy creatures were often hermaphroditic-"

"What does that mean hermof-what?" I asked.

"Hermaphroditic-- it means being both male and female-- The point is that there's a long history of perceiving God and all holy creatures as being hermaphroditic-- even in early Catholic art - Holy angels were depicted as being hermaphroditic"

"So let me get this straight, The word Jehovah and the word Elohim - they're made up words which were not real words for God but were replacement words for the real name of God-- which is the Tetragrammaton, that can't be pronounced although they did try to pronounce it by making other replacement words like Yaway. Do I have it right?" I asked.

"More or less," Chris said. "but remember, the actual true pronounceable name of God might really be the Pentagrammaton-- the five lettered name of God--which the Cabalists use the pentagram to represent. They put the vowel up at the top which is 'sh' like 'shhhh' like to be quiet, you know like a secret-- anyways, and Yaway wasn't the only guess as how to pronounce it-- Ancient magicians were convinced it was pronounced 'Yahoo'

I was thinking to myself for a moment, my mind wondering; something Chris spoke about earlier-- "How many spirits are there?" I asked. We were all still naked and in the back of my head I thought it was strange we were all naked and talking about the name of God-- And the whole time I still couldn't keep my eyes off of Chris's little dick although soft now.

"You mean The Elohim?" Chris asked.

"Yea," I said.

"Well that's the funny thing-- a lot of people think it means 'many' - the Christians even say it means three but actually the plural form they used meant two and that's pretty well documented."

"Two?" Tommy said."

"Yea- well, it gets back to yin and yang-- the rumor or the legend is that there are two equal but opposite forces in the universe that govern all of nature and although the two antithical forces are opposite they actually compliment one another-- together they create-- that is not to say that one is good and one is bad, together they are the fifth element that unifies all of nature-- its kind of like this-- take like a forest-- every year it gets fuller and fuller with life until everything is strangling one another and you have all this dead brush- and then the forest catches fire which clears the forest for new growth. There is an undeniable destructive side to nature so nature is creative as well as destructive but the two forces are in perfect balance or harmony-- anyways-- "

"Is it like God and the devil?" I asked.

"Not exactly-- what the Christians did is they demonized the destructive nature of nature-- creating an imaginary monster; something or someone to blame-- its not like that-- but the two crosses would kind of be like a western symbol for the same concept of yin-yang represented in both eastern mysticism and Hebrew mysticism."

My mind was wandering again, there was something really weird about this, how Chris was talking, "One more question?" I asked.

"Okay," Chris said.

"How come you talk like an adult Chris? When you're only ten; using really big words that I don't understand and stuff-- in fact all of you, you all talk like adults." I said.

They all looked at each other, and then Sean said, "Because-- we're not of this world."

Tommy said, "Remember when I told you that Jesus said something like you have to be a child to get into heaven?"

I nodded but still confused. I turned back to Chris.

Chris was silent for a long while and finally he said, "I'm actually a lot older than I look."

"-And YOU are a lot YOUNGER than you look Dereck my friend!!"

I was trying to comprehend all of this when my thoughts were suddenly interrupted-

"Okay-- I'm bored," Sean suddenly said. "I say we fool around some more."

"Okay by me," Chris said.

Tommy and I looked at each other like with an expression that communicated we were thinking the same thing-- The younger two of us four were a little looped it seemed; going from talking about spiritual things to sexual things is like switching gears from 5th gear to reverse. But what could we do? Our looks also conceded that it was those same younger two that were in control here-- not us.

Sean cracked that naughty smile of his, looking right at Chris who smiled his angelic smile in return, I swear, you almost had to shield your eyes from the light of his halo.

"Tommy, go get the Vaseline," Sean said.

Tommy disappeared for a few moments down the hall- I wondered to myself what was the point of closing the bedroom door if he was going to keep opening it and waltzing down the hall naked with his boner leading the way every few minutes; First for the camera now for the Vaseline. If someone had been home, no doubt what we were doing in here would not be a secret.

Tommy came back with the lube, and by that time my own dick was hard again in anticipation of what the youngsters had in mind.

I watched Chris lie on his back on the bed and lift his legs up into the air as Sean greased up his boner. And then he spread some Vaseline into Chris' tight looking hole. In a moment Sean had his dick in little Chris, and all this without saying two words to each other.

Tommy grabbed the camera and took like two pictures and then the camera ran out of film. "Hold on - Shit-- I got a better idea!" Tommy said as one more time he ran out of the room stark naked leaving the door open behind him.

Sean wasn't giving Chris the "rough fuck" treatment that he gave me. Chris had this look of sensual pleasure on his face but it didn't mask the angelic bliss of his countenance. Sean slowly fucked him, as if they had done this a dozen times already-- it seemed apparent that Chris and Sean were familiar with each other.

I was watching the live porno scene in front of me slowly pumping my dick, when Tommy came back in with another camera-- this one looked like a small movie camera.

"What the hell Tommy?" I asked, "What kind of camera is that?"

"8 millimeter-- no sound." Tommy said as he quickly tried to load a new package of film into the camera."

"Damn dude- won't your dad get mad that you're using up all this expensive film?" I asked.

"No-- our dad's rich-- he doesn't care." Tommy said, and after a moment or two he closed the film cabinet and turned the thing on. It had a bright light on the front of it that came on when he hit the film button starting the film. He shot about a minute of Sean fucking Chris, and then told me to go stick my dick in Chris' mouth- that he loved getting "double-teamed" he called it.

I went and straddled Chris, thinking to myself that I was into something way over my head, and I was going to put my dick to his lips but I had a sudden compulsion to do something else first- - I don't know-- just looking down at that sweet face with naughty expressions on it at the moment, but like I said, not diminishing his angelic features one little bit.

I leaned over and put my face right next to his. Chris leaned up a bit and our lips contacted for a moment but the position was awkward and we separated again. Chris grabbed the back of my head then and smashed his open mouth against mine instantly forcing his tongue all the way into my mouth-- that felt so fucking hot that I thought my boner was going to just explode inflating too quickly. Passionately he kissed me while Sean fucked him.

"Fuck dude-- fuck fuck fuck-- that's so fucking hot!" Tommy said, "I got the whole thing on film!" Tommy must have stopped the camera because I saw the headlight go out in my peripheral vision.

"Only six minutes of film left-- damn this stuff goes fast." I heard Tommy say in the background.

It was hard to concentrate because Chris' kiss was making my brain melt more or less like ice cream sitting out in the August sunshine. I felt like I was sinking into a dream and the longer he sustained the kiss, the more I felt like reality was becoming fantasy. I felt wetness coming out of my nose and I tried to wipe it wondering if it was some of my liquefied grey matter but it turned out to be regular old snot.

I kept my eyes open as we kissed and Chris kept his eyes open too-- starring directly into mine as we kissed. And then suddenly his two eyes became one large beautiful blue eye-- I could see every detail, the rods and the cones, the amazing designs-- I didn't know if I was seeing cross-eyed or if this was real. I felt like I could fall right into that large deep blue eye; I felt dizzy as though I could lose my balance and just fall into his eye like it was some kind of portal; to heaven itself maybe-- or perhaps a place even better than I could possibly imagine; some place where there was no such thing as violence or hatred or sickness or disease or war or famine or growing old, or little kids getting abducted by strangers, or anything bad, just blue skies and blue water and blue everything-- oh blue-- the color blue everywhere-- the color blue was filling up my mind-- blue, blue, blue, falling, falling, down, down, spinning and spinning, turning and turning...

Chris released the kiss as though by intuition he knew that my soul was dangerously close to leaving this world completely and forever, leaving only some kind of mindless animated zombie-like body behind which no one would want to be friends with. His gorgeous blue was two again, and all I was able to say was 'blue blue blue blue' like a bumbling idiot or someone in a hypnotic trance. He wrapped his hands around my neck and pushed me down towards his dick, which was erect and ready for me.

"Bon-appetite," he said.

For the second time today I devoured little Chris' erection, all the way to those smooth pearl shaped balls of his. For the second time in a sixty-nine position with him. Of course, I also had an extreme close-up view of Sean's dick casually going in and out of Chris's hole. I sucked for a minute or two and then, once again lead more by compulsion than any kind of actual thought pattern-- I stuck my face right where all the action was-- an inch away from the penetration of Sean's dick with Chris's asshole. I felt like I was the camera in one of those porno magazines I had looked at so many times that I snuck out of my dad's closet; of close-up's so extreme to show penetration that you think the guy's balls are actually in danger of bumping into the camera for God's sakes.

And then I stuck out my tongue and licked Chris' hole around the perimeter even as Sean was fucking it. The hole stretched larger than its natural size.

"Ah fuck-- got to get this too-- keep doing that Dereck-- Ah fuck that's hot." I heard Tommy say, and a moment later the light again-- hey hey-- I was in the spotlight-, again. It seemed that Chris sucking my cock was pushing me past my barriers.

Suddenly Chris gagged, coughed and spatted apparently trying to take an inch or so down his throat too much but only for a moment and then he was back to sucking it again but the sound of it must have pushed Sean past the point of no return.

"I'm gonna cum!" Sean barely spit out in kind of a horse whisper, and I kept licking as he pulled his dick out, and I guess when the head of his dick passed through Chris' tight anal opening, squeezing it a bit, that was all that Sean needed because even before his dick head was completely free of Chris' ass, it was already spurting cum. I kept on licking as the first squirt hit directly on Chris' asshole. The second squirt went right on my tongue, which I quickly retracted to swallow.

"Oh fuck-- This is so fucking hot!" I head Tommy say as he continued to film.

The next two squirts right on his hole again, and afterwards I proceeded to lap it all up as if Sean's cum were creamy milk on Chris' asshole and I were a kitten. After I licked all the cum up, I stuck my tongue inside of Chris' asshole, to lick out any cum that Sean might accidentally have left in there. As soon as I stuck my tongue through the opening, Chris let out this cute little moan as if he were asleep and having a nightmare. His body wiggled and spasmed and at the same time I got a nice little surprise because Chris went and just jammed his finger all the way up into my own asshole-- that was more than I could take it seemed because all of a sudden I started to feel that now familiar chain reaction starting in my balls.

"Oh fuck Chris-- you just made me cum," I said.

Chris immediately stopped sucking my dick and pulled his finger out of my ass. "Hold it, hold it, hold it-- I don't want you to cum yet."

I closed my eyes and tried to will the approaching orgasm away but didn't feel like I was having much success, when all of a sudden I felt Chris press two fingers hard against the base of my dick , and within' a second the orgasmic feeling subsided.

I opened my eyes and looked at Chris. "How did you do that? Never mind- Why didn't you want me to cum?" I asked.

Chris motioned me to come closer with his hand so I did. He whispered into my ear, "'Because, I want you to fuck me."

"No baby, " I said out loud, "No, I'm too big for you- it'll hurt."

"I want you to." he said.

"Just do it the way I showed you," Tommy said. "And it won't hurt-remember?"

I looked at Chris again, "Okay, but if it hurts tell me-- and I'll stop-- promise?" I said.

"I promise." Chris said.

I re-greased Chris' hole, with a liberal amount of petroleum jelly, using that as an excuse to slide two fingers up there. His hole was tight. I wiggled my fingers around and tried to stretch his hole out a little wider. Chris giggled as I did that.

"That tickles," he said.

"Everything tickles you," I said.

I kept massaging his hole with my fingers for several more minutes, noticing that his hole was becoming more and more elastic.

"I'm ready," Chris said.

"You sure?"

"Yes." he said.

I got into position and Tommy's light came back on. He took up a view from above me, straddling Chris with the camera right in front of me-- I guess he wanted to get a penetration shot. I pressed my dick-head against his hole, and started teasing it the same way that Tommy had done to me, and within seconds it was slipping deeper and deeper into Chris.

I was trying to look past Tommy at Chris's face for any sign of pain. But I couldn't see his face. "Are you alright Chris?" I asked.

"Oh yea-- keep doing that--" he said.

My dick was about half way into him, and I started fucking him with only that much penetration--

"Oh God-- that feels so good Dereck-- Oh," he moaned.

I penetrated a little deeper, after another minute. listening intently to the sound of Chris' grunts. Just then Tommy turned off the camera apparently to save just a little more film, and got the hell out of my way so I could see Chris' cherubic face directly.

He looked like he was having a good time. So I penetrated a little deeper, but about four and half inches is all I dared.

After another minute I started to pump him a little faster and immediately I heard him groan," Ah yes, feels good." I got to fucking him pretty fast, and I guess his tight hole was just way too much for me to take for very long.

"Oh damn!" I said, "Gonna cum" I pulled out and came all over his ass.

"Fuck that felt good," Chris said. "I want more."

"Tommy-- put down the damn camera and come over here and fuck me." Chris said.

Tommy handed the camera to me as I was using my shirt to wipe up my cum off of Chris. I got into the same position as Tommy had been straddling Chris. Tommy re-applied even more Vaseline to Chris' hole, and then to his own cock.

"Chris-- if it starts to hurt I need you to say stop okay?" Tommy said.

"It won't hurt-- I trust you." Chris said.

Tommy placed his dick-head at Chris's now swollen entrance, and started teasing his hole-- his penetration was much slower than mine because although Chris was stretched quite a bit, Tommy's dick was way fatter than mine was. I rolled the camera and the light came on, and I watched as Tommy's cock slowly moved in. After thirty seconds I watched the swollen head disappear into Chris-- and I knew the fattest part of his cock was already past the opening. Tommy got more than half of his cock in there when he decided that was as far as he would penetrate.

Tommy then slowly started to pump Chris. Just then the camera ran out of film and the light automatically went out. I got off Chris, and watched as Chris jacked himself while Tommy was fucking him. Sean and I both watched as Chris had dry orgasm after dry orgasm-- about one minute apart-- it was absolutely fucking amazing-- I think we were both a little jealous.

Then Sean whispered into my ear, "Your still hard-- do you think you can go one more time?"

"Maybe-- what'd you have in mind?"

"Fuck my brother while he's fucking Chris. He won't stop you-- trust me-- he needs to get fucked-- he really wants you too anyways."

"I don't know Sean--"

"Just trust me--" Sean said as he grabbed the jar of Vaseline lying right next to Tommy. "If you don't do it I will-- but I thought he should get fucked for the first time by someone with a little bigger cock than I have." While he was whispering to me, Sean was greasing my dick up with Vaseline.

I had mixed feelings about this, my mind was a little scared but my dick was saying 'yes yes yes' so I decided I'd try and if Tommy resisted I'd stop. I got up behind Tommy and I spread his cheeks, and started applying some Vaseline to his asshole, and he didn't say a word-- he just kept slowly fucking Chris-- I think his brain was all liquid now, like mine was, probably all leaked out of his nose and in a big puddle on Chris's stomach. I stuck first one finger into his hole and then a second one, he squirmed a bit but never said anything. I then bravely pressed my cock head up against his asshole, and started pressing in, applying pressure and releasing quickly as I had done with little Chris. After a minute or so I had all of my five and a half inches up in him, and fucked him gently at first. I got a good angle where I was kind of fucking him upwards so my fucking wouldn't effect his own movement with Chris, and before long I was fucking Tommy pretty good, pulling five inches out and then back in again.

Tommy started to moan and suddenly I heard him say, "Oh fuck Dereck-- God of the heavens-- your cock feels so good. I'm gonna cum."

Apparently he pulled out of Chris, and I could hear the groaning sounds of him probably spurting all over Chris's asshole- which would be like for the third time now that the kids asshole got cum spurted all over it. I continued to fuck Tommy even after he came-- it taking me a lot longer to get there myself, since I just orgasmed like five minutes ago. I didn't even know if I would be able to or not but I actually felt like I could.

Poor Tommy. Chris rolled out of the way after having like his fourteenth dry orgasm, and I literally climbed on top of Tommy and was fucking him fast and furious trying to reach a climax.

"Ah fuck Dereck-- I'm so glad you're fucking me-- I wanted you to-- but I couldn't tell you that-- I wanted you to just do it-- like you just did. And oh fuck-- you feel so good."

"I fucked him even harder now, feeling what was possibly an immanent orgasm coming on."

"Ah fuck-- I'm so glad-- ah yea-- ah Dereck-- oh yea, fuck me hard-- oh yea."

"And even faster I fucked him, and I reduced Tommy to just grunts and moans now-- I didn't mean to-- but I had to-- if I was going to cum again, and besides I knew he could handle it. Tommy was jacking himself furiously now himself. His groans got louder and I'll be a son of a bitch-- if he wasn't gettin' ready to cum again himself.

I fucked with fury. I had to beat him to the orgasm.

"Ahhh fuck Dereck-- yea-- fuck-- I didn't know you had it in you." he cried.

"I pumped and pumped and pumped him, rocking the bed on its springs so that it could probably be heard through the whole house downstairs. Finally, I felt the orgasm coming on, and at that same second I saw Tommy squirt cum all over the bed.

"Ahhhhh, fuck yea--" Tommy groaned. As I saw squirt after squirt.

Tommy just came-- but I was almost there-- I continued to fuck Tommy for another two minutes after he came for the second time-- and finally-

"Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm cumming!" I said as I pulled my dick out and came all over his back, four good squirts.

Tommy and I collapsed onto the bed, and we could hear Sean and Chris giggling in the background.

Afterwards, we stayed up and talked, all of us in our underwear, until it was very late and we were all very tired.

During that discussion I learned that all three of them had had anal and oral sex before, they just wanted me to think they hadn't so it would be hotter for me to think they were all virgins. Tommy even admitted to me that he had fucked little Chris before-- they were kind of acting to make an illusion which would fit the paradigm - whatever THAT meant.

I had to admit I didn't really understand what was happening-- I felt like I was into something way over my head-- but I no longer cared - these were my friends and I wanted to be like them.

During our conversations Chris had fallen asleep already, resting his head in my lap. When I woke him up to tell him we were all going to bed now, he insisted he wanted to sleep with me.

I suggested we all sleep in Tommy's room, but Sean said there wasn't enough room for everybody on the one bed-- he insisted that Chris and I sleep together in his bed, and that he would sleep with his brother.

I lead sleepy-eyed little Chris who was sleep-walking, sleep- leaning on me the whole way down the hall and into Sean's room and into Sean's bed, which was nicely made.

As soon as I turned the lights out and we laid down in the bed Chris rolled over onto his side snuggling up next to me. One arm draped over my breast and was back asleep even before I had a chance to look at a clock to see what time it was-- a ritual of mine. I looked up at the clock but it was too dark to make out the time right off, but after my eyes adjusted to the limited light I could see that it read eleven eleven.

I laid my head back down, and although I wasn't used to having another body in contact with me while I fell asleep I was amazed that I started drifting right off, with a feeling of peace that I had rarely felt. I thought about what I was into-- I didn't really know yet- but, with Chris sleeping next to me, his arm resting on me, this easy peaceful feeling like a drug I was feeling-- I no longer cared to figure out if it was wrong or right-- I realized now that I loved and trusted my friends and I wanted to be a part of all this.

Chris' breathing was hypnotic, and I discovered quite to my intrigue that my own breathing, all on its own, quickly synced with Chris' so that I could no longer hear a distinction of two bodies breathing, just one breath. With my eyes closed I felt Chris' lips softly touch my neck, and a long kiss, and oh how good it felt. That feeling of peace grew, until I never felt this peaceful, and that is the last thing I remembered.

"There's nothin' you can do that can't be done,

There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung...,

...But you can learn how to be you..., it's easy,

All you need is love. All you need is love. All you need is love, love.

Love is all you need. Love is all you need. Love is all you need."

-Love Is All You Need (The Beatles)


I discovered many things with my new friends, and lovers. Many profound things that would take too long to write; but of all those things probably the most important ones were that I discovered that its okay to just be myself, to live, and to love in the way that comes natural for me, and the way that my creator intended. I discovered that there was nothing wrong with me, and that I was not immoral, or amoral and that no human being had the right to judge me. I also discovered that I had nothing to prove, for I also discovered that my creator loves me, and most importantly I discovered that my creator loves me for being myself-- the way that he made me-- and that He DID NOT make me bad or immoral.

I also discovered that death is merely an illusion, and that there really is nothing to fear. I discovered that life is a dream. My friends and me decided that we didn't want to ever grow up and we also discovered that no one could make us. So, needless to say, we have had many many adventures through the years and we are all still children.

Of course we are no longer of this world. We pass in and out of this world from time to time, and when we do, you can not see us, if your third eye blind, unless we want you too. We have discovered there is another world within this one, comprised of others just like us, who - thank you very much - don't find being grown up to be anything to write home about. In our world, and there are many of us, there are no wars, there is no poverty, there is no sickness or disease, there is no hatred and there is no crime - and we all love one another. And by the way, we don't have to wear any clothes!! Because the sun shines most of the time, and it only rains when we want it to.

If you are already grown up-- its not too late, for all of my friends, unlike me, had already grown up before they discovered this secret underground world. You can find our world and members of our world going in and out of your own - just by seeking it or us. If you seek you will find, if you do so with an open mind. And you will probably discover the clues in the least likely of places. You might need some courage, for the source of those clues could be within forbidden material. Would you expect anything less?

But above all those things, the most important thing that I discovered is that love covers all sins and that love also recognizes no law.

Not the end. We've only just begun to live...

"Just call me angel of the morning, darlin'..."

  • Just Call Me Angel Of The Morning (Juice Newton)

"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name,

And what's puzlin' you is just the nature of my game."

  • Sympathy For The Devil (Rolling Stones)

If you would like to read more of my adventures with my friends Sean, Tommy, and Chris please e-mail me at darronthewitch@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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