Dream Lance

By Raven

Published on Aug 17, 2000


Dream Lance Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning feeling happy and revived. I got up to go take a shower when my mind wandered back to the events of last night. I couldn't help but smile when I thought of Lance. I knew I had been gay since I was in my freshman year of high school so I was pretty ok with myself. He was so adorable and fun to be around.

I then remembered that he had given me his number. I looked up at the clock. "9:30 a.m. is still a bit early. I think I'll shower and then call him," I thought aloud to myself, a habit I have had for many years. I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. The warm water felt wonderful, just what I needed to wake myself up. I washed my 6'5" frame and then my dirty blonde hair. My face came last as always, so I could wash out any soap or shampoo that got into my green eyes. It's not very often that I meet someone who isn't intimidated by my height. It was really refreshing to have met Lance. The fact that he was drop dead gorgeous was just a bonus, but I knew he was straight and I resigned myself to never being able to have him as my own, to hold him and feel his breath on my skin. I snapped out of it so I wouldn't have anything more to take care of before I called him.

I got out of the shower, toweled off and went into my room. It was just about ten o'clock so I figured it would be ok to call him. I got dressed first then went into the living room to grab the phone when it rang. I was startled at first but pulled myself together quickly and picked it up.

"Hello?" said the voice on the other line.

"Hello." I responded.

"Is Chris there?"

"Speaking. Who is this?"

"Oh hi Chris. It's Allyson. Do you remember me?"

I was floored. "Oh my god, hi hon. How are you?" I hadn't seen nor heard from Allyson since she became big in the insurance business. She was always busy and we fell slowly out of touch after graduation. She was one of my best friends, and one of the first people I came out to. She was cool with it and before we both graduated, we used to go boy spotting together.

"I'm okay. How has life been treating you?"

"I've been alright. Are you still with Nick?"

The line went quiet when I realized that I had obviously hit a soft nerve with her. I was hoping she was all right.


"Yeah, I'm okay. Nick and I broke up a few weeks ago. I caught him cheating on me with some stupid bitch named Heather. So I called it off and haven't really thought about it until now. I guess I was hoping the tears wouldn't come." She said, obviously fighting back her emotion of the situation.

"I'm sorry hon. Are you free right now? Do you want to catch up on old times?"

"Actually that was my original reason for calling. I am in town meeting a new client. I was hoping maybe we could get together for some lunch."

"Sounds great. Count me in. You know I'm always in the mood to eat."

"Yeah but you're a toothpick and it's not fair." I had gotten my dads gift of a fast metabolism. She always held it against me that I could eat anything I wanted and never gain a pound.

"Well hon I have to go. I have someone I need to call."

"Ooh would it be a boy by any chance?"

"As a matter of fact it is but I am not saying who just yet. I don't think anything will come of it but there is always a smidgen of hope."

"Okay I get the picture. Have fun. I will see you at noon at your work?"

"Sounds good. Bye."

"Bye bye."

I hung up the phone and retrieved Lance's note. I stared at the number blankly for a minute before getting up the courage to call him. I picked up the phone and dialed, surprised by how much my hands were trembling. 'It's just Lance' I thought to myself, ' He's probably not even available right now' The phone rang once... twice... someone picked up. I gulped deeply.

"Hello?" Came the familiar southern voice.

"Hi. Lance? It's me, Chris. We met last night at the gym. Do you remember?"

"Yeah, of course I do. I was wondering when you'd call. So what's up?"

"Not much. How is your job going? Getting ready for your concert tomorrow?"

"Yeah. We have a sound test to do in about an hour and then I have the rest of the afternoon off. Why, do you want to get together?"

I couldn't help but smile at the way his words sounded. "Yeah. Maybe you could swing by and pick me up at work. I am having lunch with an old high school buddy of mine. Would you care to join us?"

"Sure. What time?"

"She'll be picking me up at noon. How long will your sound test take?"

"About 45 minutes. I think I can get down to your work by then. Where are we going to eat?"

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see what Allyson has planned."

"Okay. I'll talk to you then."

"Alright. Bye."


I hung up the phone and released a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I quickly grabbed my car keys and went to work. It was going to be a slow morning.

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