Dream Weaver

By LaneyMcLeod Smith

Published on Mar 23, 2003


Disclaimer: I do not know, or CLAIM to know either Jessica Alba OR Imogen Bailey. I do not know these women, nor do I pertain to knowing their sexual persuasions. This story is an entire work of fiction and is not meant to defame either woman in any way. This is a fantasy, no more or less.

Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post it at your own site, please contact the author at {{ violetcoyote@kittymail.com }} for permission. This story contains strong adult themes and you should read no further if you find that kind of thing offensive.


The clock on the wall reads 7:00am.

The music of the opera blares in my ears as I sit on my favourite couch. It's a white couch, covered in 60's style hippy flowers. It's entirely comfortable, and I lean my head back against the low backed head rest, gazing at the ceiling as the music fills my head. I close my eyes, allowing the emotions of the music to wash over me like the sea.

My eyes have only been closed for a moment, when I feel her lips against my neck, lightly kissing me under my jaw. I open my eyes and lower my head slightly, letting our lips melt together. She is my best friend, and her lips for some reason I don't know, taste like berry. Her tongue lightly touches my own and I taste the sweet flavour that is her. I want some more.

Momentarily, I pull away from her, so that I may turn in the seat, and I press my stomach against the back rest. She kisses me again, harder this time, allowing her hands to roam down over my ass. I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her body as we embrace, our fevered kiss becoming more and more passionate.

I slide my hand around to her stomach, pushing the tips of my fingers under her pale blue shirt. She doesn't object, only responding by sliding her own hand down under my own skirt, to feel the bare skin of my ass. I slide my tongue into her mouth, licking hers and she pushes her tongue back against mine, slipping her tongue into my mouth.

I slide my lips down over her tongue, sucking it lightly and she smiles, then presses her lips back against mine. I move my hand again, slowly sliding it up her stomach until I can feel the lacey covering of her bra. Ignoring the bra, I slide my hand over her beautiful, rounded breast, holding it lightly in my hand.

She presses her body against my hand so that I am forced to use more pressure. I can sense that she wants more, and I slide my left hand around to grasp her left breast. I knead them in my hands as she kisses me forcefully.

Her own hand now, is moving, and I part my legs slightly, letting her fingers lightly run against the skin of my naked cunt. She presses her fingertips against my clitoris and I jump slightly, kissing her with passion. I want this, she does too, I can sense that much.

I pull away from the kiss, closing my eyes with the exquisite chills running through me as she touches me. I want her. Eagerly I unbutton her shirt, pushing it back down over her shoulders, and her beautiful breasts arise like mountains in front of me. I pull the bra down over the top of her breast, pushing the lacey material underneath of it. She looks at me, and smiles, I know she wants me now.

Slowly, I let my lips caress her right breast, while I hold the left in my hand, toying with the nipple, making it hard and round. I slide my tongue around the skin of her glorious tit, before sucking the nipple into my mouth. Lightly, I bite it and she moans loudly.

"Oh, wait, wait a second..." she says. Her voice cuts through my thoughts and I shift slightly, as she withdraws her hand. She moves around to the front of the couch, where she sits beside me. She pulls me forward for another mind- melting kiss and I fall into the passion.

I feel her hand pushing my skirt around my waist and I part my legs, allowing her hand access to my pussy. She slides her fingers over my clitoris again, and I moan, pulling away from the kiss.

"Is that how you like it?" she asks me.

I nod briefly, "Yes... oh, please, put your fingers inside me..."

She grins, pushing my head down against her breasts, and I envelope her left nipple in my mouth, I give a small bite, accidentally when she slides two of her fingers into my hole. I press down against her hand, as she slides her fingers in and out.

"I never thought that we'd get this far, you know, Laney. I always thought that you would chicken out." She says.

I raise my head and look at her, my eyes full of lust. I'm so fucking horny, it's unbelievable. "Well, I told you, Mand. One day it would happen... I didn't think it would be today, but either way... It IS happening isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

I kiss her again and slide my hand down over her stomach, I want to touch my best friend the way she touches me. I want to make her feel the way I feel. I want us to fuck, I'm so horny.

My hand reaches her shorts and I move the elastic band to enter underneath of the material and I hear her moan. It's not a good moan. I look at her, and she's not smiling.

"What is it?" I ask.

Then the doorbell rings.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me..." I say.

Sighing, she pulls her bra back over her voluptuous breasts and fixes her shirt while I pull down my skirt. I run to the door, opening it wide. Two women, and I must admit, two of the worlds most beautiful women, are standing right on the front porch.

"Hello?" I ask.

I recognize one of the girls, she's the woman I dream about, she's Jessica Alba. I stare at her amazing face, and my lust filled mind wishes instantly to lay her down on a couch and eat her until she comes.

"Hi. Is this the residence of Mandy Hughes?" she asks. Her voice sounds more innately American when she's not on TV.

"Yes it is, but why are you here?"

"Well, Mandy entered a radio contest to have her two favourite stars visit for a day, so here we are. She won." The other girl, whose name I can never remember says.

"Right..." I say. I turn around, "Mandy? Uh, you have two visitors here......"

"Yeah, who are they....." she calls back. "I'm boiling the kettle."

"It's Jessica Alba!" Jessica calls out.

I quiver at the sound of her voice. She's so fucking close to me, I want to take her, right here, right now. In the kitchen, I hear a glass smash, and a moment later, Mandy appears at the door. She stops dead, as in a freeze framed DVD. I can see that her eyes are practically popping out of her head and she stares at the two visitors. She is staring more at the blonde woman, than at Jessica.

"Imogen.... Bailey...." she gasps.

Imogen laughs. "Hi Mandy."

I poke Mandy hard in the ribs. "Well, are you girls going to come inside, or stand out there all day?"

Mandy nods. "Oh, yeah, come in, I'll go fix the tea."

The two beautiful women come inside and as Jessica passes me, her arms brushes against me and I bite my lips so as not to make any sound. This day is turning out to be one very strange day.

Imogen seats herself on the single seater couch across the room, while Jessica sits on the white, floral couch. I sit near to her, watching her. Imogen looks around, her eyes taking in every detail of the room and I feel as though she thinks it's not up to her standards.

"So, how long was the flight to get here, Jessica?" I ask.

"Well, I took the night flight, and slept most of the way, so, I'm not entirely sure. It's really beautiful here though." She smiled, then made a small sound in her throat, as Mandy's cat, Kahn, entered the room. Eagerly, she picked him up, petting him. Kahn curled his tail around her wrist. "Oh, he's so sweet. I love cats!" she says, enthused.

"Yeah? Me too! I have two cats. One is named London." I say back to her.

Imogen snorts. "You named your cat London?"

"Yeah..." I say defensively.

"From that old TV show right, where the dogs name was London?" Jessica asks.

"Exactly!" I say.

We smile at each other and I suddenly feel like a grinning fool.

Mandy appears with a tray. Four large coffee mugs, a sugar pot and two different jugs, sit on top of the tray. One smells distinctly like coffee. She takes the tray over to Imogen, who takes a mug and pours herself whatever is in the other jug, herbal tea maybe. She drinks it slowly, watching us the whole time.

"So, Imogen, where are you from?" I ask.

"I'm from all over right now, my work takes me everywhere." she answers.

I nod. "And judging by the look on your face, your work usually leads you to places a lot more glamourous than this, huh?"

Her head jerks and she stands quickly. "Would you mind if I went outside for a smoke?"

"Go ahead..." Mandy says to her.

Imogen leaves, she looks kind of haughty and I don't really like her that much. Jessica makes a little sound, and I turn to her. She has kind of somehow managed to spill some of her coffee on her pants. "Uh, where would your bathroom be?" she asks, looking kind of guilty.

Mandy directs her to the bathroom and she walks down the hallway, her beautiful ass, swaying side to side as she walks. I turn to Mandy and press my head against her neck.

"Oh, my God! That's Jessica Alba!" I moan.

"You want her so bad, don't you!" Mandy teases.

"Oh, don't tease me now, I'm ready to rape the poor girl!" I answer, agonised.

Mandy laughs slightly, then presses her lips against mine. The lust from before, compounded by the lust from having Jessica Alba sitting next to me, spills over and I slide onto her lap, grinding my cunt against her leg. Mandy pushes me to the couch, spreading my legs. She slides herself between my legs and begins kissing me again, I can feel the warmth from her pussy against mine and I grind against her, touching her breasts with my hands.

She moans loudly and I bump harder against her. My clitoris is throbbing for some attention and I moan in wanting.

Now neither of us know, but Jessica is back from the bathroom. She's standing in the doorway, her eyes watching us, she is obviously getting very turned on and she slides one hand down over the top of her hot leather pants, rubbing her hand against herself. She closes her eyes, leaning against the door. Finally, she moans and I turn my head to look at her.

"Jessica..." I say, my voice is husky from lust.

She jerks upright, defensively.

"Come on..." I urge.

"I can't, I really can't..." she says.

"Yes, you can. Nobody will know about it..." I hold out my hand to her and she walks across the room, obviously nervous. I move off the couch and allow her to sit down, and when she does, I kiss her with passion. She falls into my kiss, and I push her back against the couch. Mandy toys with Jessica's breasts, but Jessica is watching me with trepidation as I unzip her pants.

As I slide her leather pants down her legs, I can see her stomach over the top of her pale blue panties and I lean down and kiss the bronzed skin, licking her belly button. I take hold of her panties and slide them down as well, removing them from her legs. Her eyes lock onto me, as I push her legs apart and press my mouth against her pussy. She's waxed and the skin is perfectly smooth. I press my tongue to her sweet pussy hole, using two fingers against her clitoris.

She begins to relax under my touch and she closes her eyes. Mandy is expertedly kneading Jessica's amazing breasts with her hands and I watch from below, as I begin to feel trickles of sweet girl juices come from Jessica's snatch.

"Oh, fuck, Laney, come on, share and share alike!" Mandy says.

I hold up one hand and flip her the bird. "Yours is outside, girl! Go get her!" I say, before pressing my tongue back against Jessica's sweet puss. Infuriated, Mandy gets off the seat and Grabs my ass, hauling me into a position where I'm on all fours, like a dog. I can feel her pulling down my pants and I moan to urge her on.

Jessica now has one hand against the back of my head, and her other hand is toying with her amazing breasts. She is pulling me harder against her sweet hole and I slide my tongue inside of her as far as it can reach, before withdrwaing it and sucking her clitoris into my mouth. I nibble it lightly and slide two fingers inside of her wet, throbbing cunt.

Mandy lays on the floor, pulling my own throbbing puss to her face and I lower myself, letting her lick my clit. Her tongue roams over my sex with precision and I moan aloud into Jessica's snatch, making Jessica in turn moan.

"You're so good at that..." Jessica moans.

"Better than your boyfriend?" I tease.

She nods in sex driven desire. "Oh yes... oh yes! Please do it some more..."

I don't need any urging and I take her clitoris back into my mouth.

Mandy now has her tongue deep inside my own hole and I wriggle my ass, I'm so horny, I want to fuck. She grabs my ass cheeks in both hands, holding my still and pulling me closer to her mouth. I moan, wanting her, wanting Jessica, wanting Imogen, wanting them all to come and fuck me, so I can fuck them.

"Oh, my God." a voice says. It's Imogen.

Mandy withdraws from underneath of me, looking at Imogen.

"I don't think that a lesbian orgy was stated in the days contract, Jessica!" Imogen says.

Jessica only moans in response and Imogens eyes widen. Mandy stands up, trying to be dignified, which is hard when you have no pants on and there is pussy juice all over your face. Imogen stares at her. "So, this is the plan is it?" she asks, looking at me and Jessica.

"Try it Imogen, you might be surprised." I tell her, not even bothering to remove my tongue from Jessica's tasty sugar coated candy.

Imogen stares at Mandy, my best friend who is ready right now to rape Imogen where she stands if Imogen says no. Suddenly, Imogen reaches out, pulling Mandy to her. The kiss is fiery hot, and passionate. Mandy gropes wildly at Imogen's breasts, and Imogen touches herself, rubbing her private area against Mandy. Mandy slides one hand down to Imogen's skirt, and firmly begins to wriggle her fingers against Imogen's clit. The beautiful model closes her eyes and Mandy lifts Imogens top, kissing each breast tenderly.

"Oh, you're good..." Imogen tells Mandy.

"I can be better..." Mandy tells Imogen.

Imogen raises her skirt, and lifts one leg onto the back of the couch. Her pussy is visible, as she is wearing no panties and Mandy's breath catches in her throat. Eagerly, she sits on the couch, and presses her mouth to Imogens sexy shaved mound. Imogen moans in delight.

Jessica has her eyes open and she's watchin Imogen, her face completely void of any expression other than lust and wanting. Imogen watches Jessica, as Mandy eats her out. The sense of wanting and lust and horniness is palpable. I myself am so wet and so horny, I want to come.

"Jessica..." Imogen says, her voice deep and throaty.

Jessica nods and reaches out her hand. Imogen takes it and moves over to Jessica, ignoring Mandy for the moment. The two babes kiss, passionately and forcefully. I move myself away to avoid Imogens legs, as they encircle Jessica's. I pout as the two sexy women begin to kiss wildly, before Imogen slides her mouth over Jessica's pussy.

Mandy looks at me and I look back at her. For a moment, we watch the show, pissed off that our respective hotty was taken by the other. Jessica slides herself to the floor in front of the couch, and Imogen straddles her, as she digs deep into Jessica's candy flavoured cunt with her tongue. Jessica pulls Imogens tight ass closer to her and I blink widely as the two beauties begin sixty-nining in front of us.

Mandy begins to kiss me and I pull us both down onto the floor, copying Imogen as I straddle my best friend. Mandy's mouth is against my slit even faster than mine is against hers and I moan, before taking her clitoris into my mouth. I suck it lightly, nibbling it a little. Mandy jerks, and I do it again. Her body is practically spasming underneath of me and I can feel her lovely tits against my stomach.

I wiggle my ass, trying to push myself closer to her mouth, I want her to eat me until I come.

Jessica and Imogen are watching us now, and I smile to myself, pondering how long it will be before Jessica wants my mouth back between her beautiful thighs. Imogen stands now, striding across the room, she takes her small backpack and removes from it a long, double ended donger. it's purple in colour and thicker than I ever knew a penis could be.

I roll myself onto the floor and Jessica straddles me. I lightly lick her hole, lubricating it for the double ended dong. Imogen pushes one end of the dong inside of Jessica who moans in desire. Juices ooze from her and I lap at them lightly, before lowering my head back to the floor. Mandy straddles me now too, and Imogen slides the other end of the double dong into my best friends throbbing hole.

Mandy leans back, her ass bumping against Jessica. I moan, watching them. Imogen pushes mandy's ass away from Jessica's as she grasps the double donger in the middle. Using a motion that one only knows about if they have ever jerked off a man (which I guess Imogen would have done), she thrust the dong back and forth, into Mandy and out of Jessica, then into Jessica and out of Mandy.

As Imogen moves faster, sweet juices are covering each end of the double dong and I lean my head up, licking the taste from the rubber, before licking around Jessica's hole. More of her juices squirt into my mouth from the pressure of the donger and I take them into my mouth, savouring the taste. Mandy's juices are splashing against my chin and I move my mouth to her puss, taking in the flavour of her, and letting it mingle with the flavour of Jessica.

Jessica is moaning almost constantly now and I wish I could see her face. She is thrusting her body back against Mandy's ass, allowing the double donger deeper inside of her. Mandy thrusts herself against Jessica and I hear Jessica moan loudly. "I'm close..." she says. "Oh, I want to come!" she moans.

Mandy screams as juices begin to splash from her depths and I push the double dong away, taking all the girly cum into my mouth. I slide my tongue inside, trying to withdraw all that I can and Mandy screams once more. More juices splash from her puss and I suck them all into my mouth, not swallowing. Eagerly, I move up to her face, kissing her deeply, I let her taste herself. We swap the warm juices of her girly cum back and forth until there are none left.

Imogen is not yet done, and again, she shoves the double dong back into Mandy, this time sliding herself underneath where I was. Mandy doesn't let her get into the motion though, she pulls Imogen's body farther down and she begins to lick Imogen's hot cunt.

Imogen moans loudly, then takes Mandy's clit into her mouth. The two are sixty-nining on the floor and I watch momentarily. Jessica grabs me, lustfully taking my throbbing pussy into her mouth and I moan loudly, wanting more to be fucking her than having her eat me. I sit up and remove her from me, pushing her onto the couch. She is so desperately horny that she immediately begins to finger herself. I remove her hand and pick up the double dong. She stares at me, her eyes on my face as I slide the dong inside of her snatch. She moans.

"Oh yeah, thats it. Do it...." she moans.

I pull her up and spin her around, so that her knees are on the couch and her ass is thrust into the air for me. Slowly, I pull the wet end of the double dong from her puss and slide it into her ass. She screams aloud. "Oh fuck yes, thats so good! Do it!" she screams.

I bend the double donger, sliding the other end into her pussy and she thrusts against it, moaning loudly. As each end of her is filled with the donger, I lower my mouth, licking her delighfully hard clit and sucking it into my mouth.

"OH! Yes! yes! Yes! Oh, I'm cumming, Laney! I'm cumming! I'm going to cum!"

I pull the double dong out of her and drop it into the floor, spinning her around. I pull her ass to the edge of the couch and I cover her sweet hole with my mouth as she begins to cum. Her delighful cum squirts like water from a hose, into my mouth and I move away slightly, captivated as her liquids squirt through the air into my waiting mouth. Her body is shuddering and I press my mouth back against her clit, rubbing it with my teeth until she moans again and I feel more sweet juices flow into my mouth.

Her shaking has subsided and Jessica lays on the couch, her eyes on the ceiling, she is ocmpletely sated. I kiss her, allowing her to taste herself, as I did with Mandy. She licks around my lips, licking the girly cum from Mandy into her mouth. Finally, she drops her head back to the cushion.

I smile at her, and she smiles in return.

"That was amazing, thank-you so much..." she says.

I nod a welcome at her and she kisses me lightly, before closing her eyes. She looks completely exhausted and I leave her alone, allowing her to fall asleep.

I myself am not yet done, I turn slightly, watching my best friend and Imogen as they sixty-nine on the floor. Both girls are screaming now, moaning loudly. It's almost like a competition, as to which girl can scream the loudest. I lay myself next to Imogen, who is licking Mandy's rock hard clit.

"Need some help?" I whisper.

Imogen takes my hand and guides it to Mandy's wet hole. I slide two fingers in and out, in and out. Imogen shakes her head, letting her tongue wiggle against Mandy's clit. Imogen grasps my hand and holds it still. Using her own hand against my skin, she mimes wiggling my fingers. I nod, wiggling my fingers inside of my best friend.

Mandy lets out a giant scream, and she thrusts down onto my hand. Imogen moans in exertion. She drops her head back to the floor and I take over the tongue action. Juices are beginning to ooze out past my hand and I remove my hand, taking her juices into my mouth instead. Imogen sucks the juices from my fingers as Mandy slips to the floor, sated. Like I did with Jessica, I kiss Mandy once more, allowing her to taste the rest of her juices. She smiles at me.

Imogen now presses her own hand against her puss, desperately trying to come. Her eyes plead with me and I take her hand, leading her to the single seater couch. I get her to sit on the arm rest of the chair, and I stuff the sitting space with cushions. She falls back, and her pussy is exposed at a perfect height for me.

I sit on the floor, pressing my mouth to her wet, juicy love box and she moans aloud. I want to make her cum now, I don't care if I haven't cum anymore, I want it to be more than me. I want it to be all these other girls who I made cum. Imogen tries to finger her clit, but I push her fingers away, using my own. I pick up the double dong and slide it inside of her, as my fingers work over her budding clit. She throws her head back and moans again.

"Tell me when..." I say to her.

She nods, and opens her mouth. I can see her tongue and the sight of her lips makes me want to kiss her. I do kiss her as I slowly slide the double dong inside of her. Her body is starting to shake and she breaks the kiss. "Now... I'm going... to.... oh my God...."

I remove the double dong from within her and again press my mouth to her as I did with Jessica. I slide my tongue inside, pressing it against the edges. I can feel the insides of her sex tightening and releasing as she cums and I feel a warmth flow into my mouth. Her cumming is not loud, like it was with Jessica and Mmandy. She presses her hand to my head, and I lap up all that I can. Like I did with Jessica and Mandy, I kiss Imogen, but she does not wish to taste herself and I return to Mandy, who sucks all of Imogens juices from my mouth.

My own pussy has stopped throbbing and I sit on the floor, with my back against the wall. Mandy grins, as she looks over at Imogen.

The clock on the wall is only reading 8:30am and I grin broadly. "So... we have you girls ALL day?"

Imogen laughs. "Looks that way..."

"Is there anything else you girls wish to do with the rest of the day...?" Jessica asks.

I look at her and raise one eyebrow. "Jess, honey, the only thing I'd like to do with my day, is make you happy!"

She blushes profusely and I laugh.

"And how many times can we do that in the one day?" Imogen asks. "It's so exhausting the first time round..."

"Yeah, only the first time... each time gets easier." Mandy tells her.

"Is that so?" Imogen asks.

Mandy nods briefly and Imogen grins. "That's pretty cool. I mean, sex with men is ALWAYS always makes you exhausted and cmpletely insane."

"So true!" I agree. "But thats coz they're men. You can NOT be having sex with them and they still manage to exhaust you and drive you completely insane..."

Jessica laughs. I smile at her and she puts out her hand to me. I move across the carpet and kiss her lightly on the lips. Mandy does the same with Imogen.

"So... manybe to liven things up, we can use food for round 2?" Imogen jokes.

"Whipped cream...." Jessica murmurs.

"Honey...." I drool.

"Cucumbers....." Mandy jokes.

We all look at her and she laughs.

I get this feeling that this day is going to be a VERY good day....

-------------------- -------****--------- --------------------

What did y'all think of that? If you liked it, then please feel free to e-mail me and ask any questions or hand out any compliments. Even if you thought it was wierd... e-mail me and tell me that too. All I'm going to say is.... this dream was copied directly from my actual DREAM DIARY.... so, this is a real thing.... my very real dream and my every day WISH!

E-mail me! (Don't make me get all TV sex line... "Do it! Do it now! I'm waiting for your call!")


Next: Chapter 2

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