Dreaming Awake

By Rizaldy Bustamante

Published on Oct 26, 2010


"Dreaming Awake"

Chapter 2- "Insomnia"

"Okay class, I think that was a good start. Next meeting we'll be discussing ecosystems and everything that has to deal with different habitats, I'd appreciate it if you'd read ahead. Class dismissed." Professor Olarte said finishing the class.

Finally. Donnie exhaled. It's going to be a good semester. He packed his bag and went out the room.

"Sis? Wer u at?" Donnie typed on his phone and sent it to Jam. He went to the botanical garden where he and Jam usually meet up after classes during the first semester. He sat for a while in one of the small open huts inside the garden. He loved this place. It was his sanctuary inside the campus, no noise, few students, very few, calm, it's like how you would imagine Bella and Eduard's little cottage in the forest. Lots of trees and flowering plants, just the way Donnie liked it. He sat down and took out his flute from his bag.

Donnie played diiferent tunes he knew. Unlike many professionals, he don't have the patience to look at notes and identify which is which, he just wanted to play it as he hears it, and frankly he was good, even if he was just playing a certain song for a first time. He felt peaceful when he played.

Beep! Beep!

"Don, I went home alrdy, X made sure I did, sori I didn't txt u! C u tom. :)" Donnie read Jam's text message smiling to himself. Obviously the two were starting off just right.

"Sigh." I was with him the whole morning and i didn't even bother getting his cellphone number. Donnie thought to himself. We only had one class together. We'll probably, but still. Donnie pouted then continued playing the flute.

He was playing seasons of love, one of his best pieces when he noticed girls from the next hut smiling and swaying with his melody. He nodded at them and continued playing.

"In daylights, in sunsets, in midnigths in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in laughter in strife in five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure a year in the life?" Donnie stopped playing and looked at the person singing behind him.

"How about Love? How about Love? How about Love?" Paolo sang animatedly walking towards Donnie.

Donnie smiled his widest and sweetest smile then chuckled, giving Paolo a space on the bench.

"I was exploring this paradise when i heard an angel playing." Paolo smiled sitting beside Donnie.

"Something's telling me that someone missed me. Hmmmm" Donnie said teasing Paolo.

"Well, he told me he's not missing you anymore." Paolo said smiling his angelic smile.

"Oh... why's that?" Donnie said hiding his smile, his face turning into faked disappointment

"Because he's with him right now, and he couldn't ask for a better setting."Paolo laughed raising his hand to hold Donnie's chin.

"I could get used to this." Donnie said.

"Same here babe. I really missed you." Paolo took Donnie to his hands ignoring Donnie's reaction. Donnie leaned back againt Paolo, closing his eyes.

"Can you play some more for me Crae? I really love music, and from the looks of it, you don't only have the hands, you've got golden ears too!" Paolo praised Donnie.

Donnie smiled again, and started to play.

Paolo closed his eyes and a tears started to fall from his eyes. Donnie was playing "Kanlungan"(Sanctuary)

When Donnie finished the song, he noticed heavy breaths from Paolo as he turned to look at him.

"Frap? What's wrong honey? Is there a problem?" Donnie said wiping a tear from Paolo's closed eyes.

Paolo hugged him tightly not knowing what to do. It seems that Paolo wanted to shed all his tears.

"Shhhhh. It's okay honey, I'm here. Just let it all out okay? I'm here."Donnie assured Paolo with a concerned look on his face.

After several minutes, Paolo's breathing became normal again. Donnie couldn't believe such perfect masculine figure, an angel, a perfect masterpiece holds so much sorrow in him. He pushed Paolo gently, looking in his eyes. God he's so wonderful even with red srrowful eyes.

"You believe me Frap?" Donnie asked Paolo seriously. Paolo just nodded.

"I'm always here for you okay? I know this maybe hard to believe because we just met but this is true. You're already here." Donnie placed his hand on his chest. "And you will hold your place here for as long as you like." Donnie said with sicerity burning in his eyes.

"What if say forever?"Paolo breathed lightly.

"If you mean that, I'd love too." Donnie said honestly.

They just stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Donnie felt nice and happy around Paolo's arms, rocking him back and forth while he played his flute.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Donnie looked at his cellphone.

"Oh crap, what time is it Frap?" Donnie asked Paolo.

"What the- it's 7:00pm already. I guess we've been out here for a while baby." Paolo gazed around seeing that they were alone.

"Sigh. Guess I sould be going now Frap, I'm going to miss you -- I..." Donnie was surprised when Paolo's lips touched his with so much passion he felt the hut set on fire.

Paolo's tongue played with his in a passionate dance, exploring each other's mouth. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity.

"I love you Crae.. I know it's surreal and maybe you wont believe...."Paolo stopped when Donnie placed his finger on Paolo's lips.

"I love you too." Donnie said with his sweetest smile. Then he kissed Paolo again, stroking Paolo's hair with his hand and carressing Paolo's back with the other.

"You take care babe, and call me as soon as you get home okay?" Paolo said touching Donnie's face with the back of his hand.

"I will Frap..." then he smiled. "That is if you'd give me your number."

"Oh! Forgot that one" Paolo chuckled taking Donnie's hand and walked him out the campus.

After he had given Donnie his number, Paolo kissed Donnie again, before DOnnie called a Jeepney.

"Be safe.." Donnie said. "I love you. Beilieve me."

"You be safe. For me. Okay?" Paolo pleaded with his angelic eyes.

"I will, I just got you, and I don't have plans of giving you up just yet." Donnie chuckled giving Paolo a quick kiss on the cheek before he rode the Jeepney.

They never looked away from each other until they both were out of sight.

I can't believe it! Donnie thought to himself. This has to be the happiest day of his life.

_____________________________________________________________ 9:00PM

"Where have you been Donnovan? I guess it's too early for group studys and late researches isn't it?" Isabella asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well? Don't smile at me like you don't know what I'm talking about young man!"

"But Mom! I just uhmmm..."Donnie started.

"Don't you but mom me sir, have you been to the mall with Jam again?" Isabella started questioning Donnie.

Here we go again, Donie thought. He loved his mom so much.

"You haven't eaten yet? I'll make sure Jam's mom knows all this "first day of school escapade of yours"." Isabella continued acusing Donnie.

"Mom, Jam went home at around 4pm, I was waiting for her at school, then I ran into a new friend then we had a little chat." Donnie started. "We were really into it and we didn't notice the time running, I'm really sorry mom, but to be honest, Jam wasn't with me."

"Well nice 3 hour chat if you'd ask me son. And who's the non-stop chatterbox you're with?" Isabella sighed. She knows that Donnie would never lie to her and her husband.

"Uhmmm, his name is Paolo, he's a transferee. He's in a dorm in in school." Donnie said. "He's really nice."

"Well don't you think it was a little insensitive of him not to think that you still need to get your nice little self home?!" Isabella scolded

"Im really sorry mom. I really am. It's just that... well.... You'll never understand." Donnie looked down.

"Come here." Isabella pulled her son into a hug. "You know I always will understand you right? You're my son. Just always take care okay?"

Donnie looked up into his mother's eyes. She did understood him, it's like she knows everything that's hidden in his eyes.

"Thank you so much mom. I'm sure you'll be glad once you meet him."Donnie said a bit overjoyed.

"Uh-uh, that's what you told me before i met your partner in crime." Isabella rolled her eyes. Jam sure was made to be Donnie's tag-mate. "Go change then have dinner. I made tinola for dinner." (Tinola= filipino chicken recipe)

"Yum! I'm starving mom" Donnie ran up to his room then quickly changed his clothes.

"Frap, im home. how r u? have u eaten yet? i soooo miss u. take care."Donnie typed on his phone then sent it to Paolo's cellphone.

After eating, he brushed his teeth, then said goodnight to his parents.

"Don? Could I talk to you for a minute?" Wiliam called Donnie when he was about to climb the stairs.

"Yeah dad? what's up?" Donnie asked his dad.

"You know we love you son, right?" William started. "And that we'll be behind you no matter what."

"Uhm Dad? what do you want to say?" Donnie asked a bit confused.

"Well, I just want you to be careful when it comes to your relationship okay? I don't want you hurt." William patted Donnie's shoulder. "I think you know who will be the best for you, and we want to be a part of you and your partner's choices and decisions, okay?"

"Dad?" Donnie said tearing. "I'm so glad I had you and mom for parents. It's the best gift I could ever have. God sure knows who are the best for me."

"We love you too son." William said. "Goodnight anak."

"Goodnight dad." Donnie started up the stairs to his room. He checked his cellphone. Oh my God, 12 text messages? Was I that long? I only had dinner for like 20 minutes. Donnie smiled to himself. One message was from Jam checking up on him. and the rest from, well you can guess.

"Crae? Thnk God ur home, i missed u so much!I was worried, is ur home that far from school?"Donnie read Paolo's text message. Donnie dialed Paolo's number as he got in bed and turned off the lights.


"Baby!" Paolo greeted

"Hi honey ko!! Have you eaten yet?" Donnie asked. (ko= mine; placed next to a possession)

"Yes, I have baby. You?" Paolo returned Donnies question.

Donnie and Paolo continued for hours. They really never needed to talk. Donnie was overwhelmed even by Paolo's voice even his breathing. This angel who came to him just a few hours ago was asking him...

"Will you be mine Crae?"Paolo asked.


"Will you be my boyfriend? Of course I'm going to have to ask you again tomorrow, but I just can't help it."Paolo chuckled nervously.

"Uhmmm... I don't know, well... uhmmm..." Donnie trailed of, enjoying a bit of fun. Deep inside, he could never be more than happy.

"Is there, something wrong Crae? Have I don something? What's wrong babe?" Paolo muttered nervously.

"There's one..." Donnie snickred to himself.

"Tell me what is it?"Paolo asked, really nervous.

"Well if by boyfriend you mean I get to kiss you everytime I'd want too and I get to hold your hand and so...."Donnie finally said. He could hear Paolo sigh with relief, then chuckled silently.

"You'd be the death of me Creaon. Seriously."Paolo said, then suddenly, he fell silent.

"Uhmmm, honey? I'd love too. I'd love to tell you that I'd want to be you're boyfriend everyday." Donnie told Paolo. "That okay with you hon?"

"I'd love that." Then Paolo couldn't take it anymore. He began to cry.

"Frap? What's wrong my love? Tell me." Donnie panicked."Tell me Frap. I want to help you."

"I'll tell you tomorrow okay?"Paolo whispered. "Baby? You'll never leave me right?"

"I'll do everything it takes so that this relationship will work out. I promise you that. Want me to sing for you my love?"Donnie comforted Paolo.

"That'd be nice babe." Paolo said.

Donnie started singing.

When the visions around you, brings tears to your eyes. And all That surrounds you, are secrets and lies. I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope. Keeping you faith when it's gone. The one you should call, is standing here all alone.

And I will take, you in my arms. And hold you right where you belong. Till the day my life is through, this I promise you, This i promise you.

Paolo again was crying, not with sadness, this time, it was because of the happiness that Donnie brought to him. He never thought he'd have somebody to lean on. Somebody who'd love him and not leave him.

"Babe, i know it's been only hours, and i keep on telling you that. But I think you're different from those who were with me then left me because they already had what they wanted from me. I hope you'd be different from them." Paolo said.

"I love you and that's all i can offer, that's also all I want to have from you."Donnie said most sencerely.

"I believe you baby. UHmm what's your schedule tomorrow? I dont have classes after 11:30am, but I'm full in the morning."Paolo asked

"I don't have class at 11:00am to 1:00pm I'd be through at 5:30pm, sigh."Donnie was a bit disappointed with his schedule.

"It's alright babe,we'll have luch again tomorrow again, okay? we'll meet up at tthe garden."Paolo planned.

"That'd be great Frap!" Donnie said excitedly.

"Okay, you better get sleep now my love. It's already 11:33, I don't want my baby with bugged eyes tomorrow when I parade him around school tomorrow now, do I?"Paolo chuckled, then yawned.

"Yep, you'd better start takig care of me hon. I love you so much! and I demand some of that sweet lips tomorrow for dessert!" Donnie demanded to Paolo. "Goodnight Frap. Guess what, I've got something new."

"What?" Paolo asked.

"I've got a new boyfried! Yay me!" Donnie bragged.

"I have one whom I'll take care of more than my life. And he's all I've got..... I love you Crae." Paolo said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight my love. Mwwwwaaaahhhh!" Donnie kissed his phone.

Sigh. I'm in love. Doie thought to himself. He closed his eyes then tried to sleep.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes. The feint gleam of his glow in the dark stickers were still visible around his room. He prayed, thanking God of the angel that came to him. If this was a dream, this has got to be the one where he doesn't want to wake up. He thought of Darwin, his little brother must've ask God for a guardian for his big brother. He looked at the big glow in the dark sticker of Saturn, that was Darwin's, it gleamed standing out from the other stickers. He missed Darwin so much before, but now he's really thankful for Paolo.

"Thank you Dar..." Donnie whispered. He opened his ipod player then played it.

After a while, Donnie blinked. Owl City's Vanilla Twilight was playing. It's 1:23am.

"I cant sleep hon. Thinking of u." Donnie texted Paolo. Afer several minutes.


"Hello?" Donnie answered the phone.

"Baby? Why can't you sleep? Is there something wrong?" Paolo asked.

"Nope, nothing's wrong Frap, I just can't get over what I'm feeling right now. I'm happy."Donnie assured Paolo. "You get your sleep okay? I'll be fine."

"Nope, I won't be fine until my Crae could get some sleep. Wnat your boyfriend to go there and hug you?"Paolo teased.

"I'd love that. but seriously hon, I'm fine, I'm used to this."Donnie assured.

"But I don't want that, how about we get to sleep together? I won't hang up okay?"Paolo comforted Donnie.

"You sure hon? That'd be nice." Donnie said.

"Yep, if that means you could get some sleep, thwn I'm all for it. I love you baby. Goodnight.Mwwaaaaaahhhh!" Paolo mimicked Donnie's kiss.

"Just as I love you honey." Donnie yawned, then he suddenly drifted to sleep. Paolo's breathing was music to his ears.

Donnie got up early that morning, no more nightmares he sighed. Then did his usual routine then ate breakfast and gave his mom and dad a kiss goodbye.

"Someone's in a good mood today!"William said to Isabella.

"Slow down a bit Donnovan, nobody's running away from you."Isabella chuckled.

"Mom, Dad, I think I'm in love!!!!"Donnie beamed.

"That makes three of us." William chuckled kissing his wife. "We're happy for you son. When will we get to meet him?"

"Thanks dad. Maybe soon. Bye!" Donnie said as he left for school.

His first class was good. His professor asked the class to do something theatrical on stage, which made Donnie turn bright red. He sang Fireflies which gained him cheers from his classmates. He really enjoyed Performing Arts and the class plan was to look forward to.

"I love you!"

Donnie smiled to himself. He was sitting in the hut where he and Paolo spent the afternoon together. He turned around to see his angel's sweet smile looking at him with pure love in his eyes.

Paolo pulled Donnie into a tight warm hug then gave him a kiss.

Donnie was caught with Paolo's passion, they were exploring each otherth mouth, loving the smell and taste of each other. Donnie felt his cock twinge as he felt Paolo's hardon press up against his. He Paolo's hands cup his butt as they continued enjoying each other's mouth.

"You are so sexy." Paolo said to Donnie sexily.

"As you are. Wanna skip lunch and head for dessert?"Donnie teased.

"Hmmm tempting, but I'll save it for a more special ocation."Paolo said leaning for another hungry kiss. "As for these cute lips I think I'd choose them over lunch."

"HmmmmmHmmmmmm" Donnie chuckled while Paolo savored his mouth.

They went to the school cafeteria and settled themselves in one of the pasta restourants.

"You ready to share what you have in you hon?" Donnie looked into Paolo's eyes sincerely, when he noticed the sadness that appeared in his boyfriend's eyes.

".. I guess I'd have to baby. Sigh. But... well....see when I told you you're all I have. Basically that's the truth."Paolo started his eyes moist.

"What do you mean Frap?"Donnie asked a bit confused.

"I'm all on my own Crae. I.... I've been alone for almost a year now. I lost my parents last December. They were... they were killed.. I- I-... I can't.." Paolo said heavily."I still can't believe I lost them."

Donnie raised from his seat and went beside Paolo and gave him a hug. The students from the next table stared at them with curious eyes.

"Shhhh, it's okay Frap, I'm here... Shhhh... what about you? Where did you stay.?" Donnie asked worrying.

"Well, my parents didn't actually left me homeless, I'm an only child so everything that they left were turned over to me." Paolo said quietly. "But I don't want any of it. I want them."

"I'm sure they love you so much Frap, and now if they could see you I'm sure they are proud of you." Donnie assured. "I'll always be here to make sure they'd be proud of you my love. okay?"

Paolo smiled and hugged Donnie tightly. Some students from the other tables gave disgusted grunts and noise which they both ignored untill they heard someone raising her voice.

"What's the matter? Haven't seen two guys hugging before?!! This is a free country people!! If any of you have problems with what this two guys do go get your asses to North Korea and stay there for good!"Jam was boiling hot.

The girl who was the loudest one making disgusted sounds went from pale to red when Jam was through with her. Nobody can be able to stop Jam from humiliating people when they mess up with her or her friends.

"Sorry about that guys. I just can't handle too much immaturity in this school!"Jam said to Paolo and Donnie, then turned to the other students who were still looking at them. "you all mind your own bussiness!"

"Jam, it's okay, we don't give a damn about what they'd say." Donnie said. "Anyone who won't accept me and Paolo are free to think whatever they want to think. We don't care about it."

"Nope! I don't want to hear those stuff. If they cross the line they'll see red!"Jam contradicted.

"Jam it's f-" Paolo started.

"Don't you say it's fine mister! It's not for me. I don't want you to be looked down."Jam explained.

"Sigh. Thanks Jam."Paolo said. "You really are a good friend."

"I always will be."Jam winked at Paolo. "You guys officially together?" She gigled.

"Well, yeah, sorta."Paolo said.

"What do you mean?"She asked confused.

"Well I asked him to be my boyfriend on the phone, I haven't actually asked him if he'd want to be my boyfriend personally, I mean, face to face."Paolo said, then he turned to Donnie. "Do you want to be my boyfriend officiallY?"

Donnie leaned in and kissed Paolo lightly on the lips. "That answered your wuestion?"

"Pretty much." Paolo beamed.

"Whew... too much!" Jam chuckled. "See yah guys!"

Donnie proceeded to his next class. The rest of the day was a drag, Intro to Journalism was what Donnie expacted it was more on boring after boring discussions. He let his thoughts drift away. Could I really be a good partner for Paolo? He asked himself. This is happening so fast, but it's all too good. He doesn't want to be parted from Paolo. Logic came next after Introduction to Journalism, Donnie sat beside a guy who was with him on his Ecology class with Professor Olarte. He's name is Dominic.

"How's you're week so far?" Dominic asked.

"More than better." Donnie chuckled lightly.

"Good, can't say that for myself. I got full slots for five days straight. Wish I've known better."Dominic said a bit disappointed.

"Well, next time you know what to do. You shoul loosen up a bit." Donnie said looking at Dominic.

"That's not all of it, my roommate's an ass. We've only been in that room for three days since I moved in last Sunday and he's pretty much drinking his ass out. I can't get some sleep."Dominic said a bit irritated.

"You should move to another room, it's gonna be a hard semester if you have to put up with someone who doesn't care about anything."Donnie patted Dominic's shoulder.

After a few minutes, the professor decided to cut the class early. Donnie went out the room followed by Dominic. Dominic was admiring Donnie, he was thoughtful and he can see it in the guy's eyes. He had a crush on him eversince he saw him enter the room, a queit type, only bothering to answer when he was talked too, handsome, pretty much, Dominic's type of guy. But he was a bit shy on making a move. He's only known Donnie for two days and he doesn't even had many serious conversations with him. Hell he's not even sure if the guy was gay, other than some of the moves that Donnie made that were subtle to the eyes of a straight person.

Dominic compared Donnie's appearance to his. He was about 5'10", well defined athletic built, he plays for the school's Soccer team, he's tan body shows how the sun had affected his previous white comlexion. Coffee-brown eyes long lashes, fine nose and cute pouted lips. His semi long wavy hair goes down to the side of his face.

We probably look good together. Dominic thought, well hell, we do look good together. He imagined him cuddling Donnie and Ouch! Dominic winced when he felt his cock twinge. Oh shit! I even get hard just by looking at him.

"Donnie? I'd want to ask you a question if that's okay?" Dominic started.

"Yep? Shoot..."Donnie said.

"Well, it's sort of a fact more than a question. I'm kinda caught in the middle... See I know it's the first week of the semester and well, uhmmm, we hardly known each other but, uhmmm, I think you're a good person."Dominic continued his face blushing.

"Uhmmm, you're getting me in circles buddy, what is it?" Donnie asked a bit confused.

"I was wondering... you have any plans this Friday? Maybe you'd want to have din...."Dominic stopped when someone grabbed Donnie from behind and hugged him. Pain was ripping through his chest. Pain... more pain... too much pain... He had to look away.

"Oh! My bad, sorry baby, I just missed you so much. I've been waiting here for four hours."Paolo apologized when he noticed that Donnie has company.

"You waited for me?" Donnie said with a huge smile on his face."Uhm, this is Dominic, We've got two classes together. Dom, this is Paolo my boyfriend."Donnie seemed a little hesitant, because he doesn't know how Dominic would react.

"Oh!"Was all Dominic could say. He took in a deep breath then continued, trying to smile. "That's good, uhmmm, I hope you guys work out alright. Uhm I think I need to go Don, my sister's waiting for me."Dominic was hurt, he wanted to be away from Donnie, far away as possible. The couple seem to love each other, it was in their eyes. Paolo waited for four hours? man this guy is serious. I wish I've known Donnie earlier. Sigh.

"Oh,okay, but what is it that you're going to ask me?"Donnie asked a bit disappointed.

"Well, uhmm, it's nothing."Dominic smiled, his eyes were moist, Donnie could see it."Bye Donnie."Then he turned away.

"Somebody likes you..."Paolo whispered to Donnie.


"Come on babe, I know you're not dumb. See the way he looks at you? I was watching you since you walked out the door." Paolo continued a hint of jealousy in his voice. "You have no idea how you turn other's on don't you?"

"Well, I noticed him sstare but, I--... Are you mad at me Frap? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I had no idea."Donnie stuttered.

"It's okay babe. I just need to be very watchful. It seems like there are people who want to take my baby from me, there may be some competition and I'd be prepared for that." Paolo chuckled.

"Stop that!" Donnie touched Paolo's face. "There's no competition!"

They went to Paolo's dorm. Donnie was shocked on how bif the room was.

"You have this room to yourself Frap?"Donnie said as Paolo hugged him from behind. "It's... Well...."

"Nice."Paolo turned Donnie to face him. He held Donnie's chin then raised it.

Their lips met in a passionate dance. Paolo's tongue lingered on Donnie's lips before Donnie opened his to welcome Paolo's sweet tongue. They savored each other's taste kissing and carressing each other. Paolo led Donnie to his king sized bed. Paolo kissed Donnie then nibbled down Donnie's throat. He started unbuttoning Donnie's clothes till Donnie was only wearing his boxers.

"God you're so beautiful babe."Paolo said. "I love you."

He continued kissing his way down to Donnie's nipple, not keeping his eyes off Donnie. He flicked his tongue over Donnie's nipple with an impish smile. He sucked and licked Donnie's nipple making Donnie throw his head back in ecstasy.

"Ohhh, yeahh!! More hon!! Ahhh.. More!" Donnie was in total lust.

"You want more baby? You want your honey giving you more?" with that, Paolo licked Donnie's cock with the boxer shorts in between his wet tongue and Donnie's hot throbbing member. He sucked through the thin cloth sending shivers to Donnie.

"Ahhhh Shit!! I love you Frap!! Suck me!!!Donnie pleaded as he looked at Paolo with pure lust in his eyes.

Paolo took of Donnie's boxers revealing Donnie's 5 and a half" long and thick member. It was leaking with precum. Paolo smiled at Donnie then licked the head of Donnie's cock, savouring the sweet taste of his boyfriend's cum. He enjoyed licking and kissing it before he went down and sucked it.

"OhhhH!!! Yeah!!! Suck me hon!! Suck me!!! I want to give every ounce of my cum to you, then after that Im going to empty your balls! OH! FUCK!"Donnie yelled.

So, Donnie was the wild type. Paolo smiled to himself, he liked it. He continued sucking and bobbing on DOnnie's cock, deepthroating his boyfriend's hot member. Paolo was stunned when Donnie held his face then pulled him up.

Donnie kissed Paolo tasting his warm precum in his mouth. He turned Paolo so that he was over Paolo and Paolo was on his back.

"It's my turn." Donnie said licking Paolo's lips. "You want me baby?"

"Uh-uh"Paolo smiled when Donnie began shredding off Paolo's clothes.

Paolo was in cloud 9. Donnie began licking his way down Paolo's muscular body, he spent time making love to Paolo's nipples, sucking and licking them.

"More baby! AhH!!! FUCK YEAH!!!"

Moved his way down Paolo's navel licking them then he got down to Paolo's cock.

"Ready for me honey?"Donnie smiled. Paolo nodded.

Donnie began licking Paolo's long 6" cock, planting butterfly kisses on it. He gently sucked on the head, savoring Paolo's precum.

"Ahhhhh!! Yeahh... Just like that baby!"Paolo cooed DOnnie carressing his hair.

Donnie moved down, licking and sucking Paolo's balls. He moved from sucking Paolo's cock, bobing up and dow he's thick shaft.

"Ohhh!! I'm going to cum i you continue that babe! AHHHH"Paolo was breathing heavily.

Donnie moved up to whisper to Paolo's ear. "Make love to me honey."

"Uh, you sure my love?"Paolo asked

"Do you love me?"Donnie asked back

"With all my heart."Paolo said honestly.

"Then fuck me."Donnie begged.

Paolo reached for his nightstand and got a condom and lube. "How do you want to take me babe?" Donnie layed on his stomach and raised his ass up.

"This is my first time Frap, please go slow."Donnie asked Paolo.

"If I hurt you, you'd tell me right?"Paolo asked.

"Okay."Donnie winced as Paolo rubbed his lubed finger on Donnie's entrance.

"AHHHH!! yeah, that feels so good Frap."Donnie moaned.

Paolo inserted his finger into Donnie's hungry hole caressing him and making him feel good. Donnie began squirming in extacy as Paolo played with his hole.

"More!! AHHHHH Yeah hon!! Do it agaain!Donnie yelled when Paolo inserted another finger and rubbed his sweet spot.

"You like that huh baby? You want more?"Paolo teased.

"Yeah! More hon! More!"Donnie pleaded

"You have to beg for it baby. You want your honey to give you more? Beg for it!"Paolo continued brushing Donnie's sweet spot, putting condom on his hard throbbing cock.

"Oh God!! FUCK ME FRAP!! Please!"Donnie begged.

Paolo didn't need to be asked twice. With that he put the head of his cock on Donnie's entrance. "Yeaah! like that baby?"

"Oh For GOD's sake! Please FRAP!! FUCK ME!! OHHH!!! YEAH!!! MORE!!!!" Donnie was totally swuirming in pleasure as Paolo began pounding his ass. "MORE!!! MORE Honey!! Make love to me!! YeaH!! I can't' believe this!! Oh More!!"

"OH GOD!!! You're so tight baby!! I don't think I can hold it any longer!! AHHHH!!! YeaH!!!" He flipped Donnie to his back so they were faceing each other. "Look at me baby! I wanna see you."He leaned down and kissed Donnie's lips.

"Ahh!! I love you frap!!I think I'm cumming!! Donnie yelled.

"Cum for me baby!" Paolo whispered in Donnie's ears. "Let's cum together!"

With that both of them, started moaning loadly as sex filled the room.

"I couldn't hold it babe!! Here i come!! OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"Paolo emptied inside Donnie filling the condom.

"YeaAAHHH!!!! AHHHHH!!!! GOD!!! FUCK!!!!"

Paolo was spent as he fell on top of Donnie. Both of them were breathing heavily. "I love you baby!" Paolo whispered.

"I love you too."Donnie said as they closed their eyes.

It was 6:30 when Donnie carefully got up and put his clothes on, he gently kissed Paolo on the forehead and whispered "I Love You" to his boyfriend.

Paolo smiled in his sleep.

Donnie went out and locked the door behind him. He really loved Paolo, but he suddenly thought of Dominic, Why was he so depressed? he was going to ask me something about Friday night. Donnie sighed, he doensn't want to disappoint anyone ,more, his friends. Donnie pondered as he went home.

-End of chapter 2-

I hope you guys enjoyed it. again it's my first time to write a story.

Hope to hear from you.


Next: Chapter 3

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