Dreaming of Jaye

By moc.oohay@42dikziw

Published on Oct 30, 1999


The following story is a work of fiction, with a touch of reality thrown in. For the most part this story is more of a "what-if" and should be treated as such. The names have been changed to protect those who may be recognizable. The time frame has also been changed to suit my memory (or lack thereof).

If you are offended by stories of male-male sexual contact, then please find something else to read. If it is unlawful in your area to read or download such material, do us both a favor and don't look.

Comments, and suggestions can be directed to wizkid24@yahoo.com and through yahoo pager to wizkid24. Email in HTML format will be ignored. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I didn't see Jaye all summer. I had to spend it at my father's place. Jaye must have been crushed, it wasn't until just before school started that i wrote to him. I had to break the news that I was transferring to Cortland that year. I wasn't going to be able to see him except on weekends that I spent at my mom's. He never wrote back to me, or if he did, my nosey stepsister got to letter before I did. Aww, man! That's how she guessed.

One afternoon, after work, she and I started talking about her boy troubles. That's when I slipped.

"Why don't you just go back with Bobby? He's cute." I said.

Not exactly the way I wanted to come out, but this was as good a time as any. The look on her face was priceless.

"He's what?" Katie's eyes nearly fell out of her head when it

finally sunk in. "You think he's cute? I just knew you were


"No, wait! I'm not gay. Uh...uh, I'm bi"

"But you're too good looking to like guys, you're too

nice. You just like guys because you can't find the right

girl." The shock phase went right to denial.

Little did we realize that my step-mother had come home and was evesdropping on the whole conversation. That night, while I was at my mom's, Katie spilled her guts to her mother. I was on a roll that weekend so I told my mom, too. I did let her know that I wasn't quite accepting of the fact yet, and I didn't completely understand it.

"I don't know, Ma, I might find the right girl." I was trying

to convince myself as much as I was trying to convince her.

"Well, I kinda thought you were that way, the way you and EJ

hang out all the time. Ya know Fred..." Uh oh, she called me

by name. "That's probably why you've been sick lately. That

lifestyle isn't exactly heathy."

"Ma! I'm the only person he's slept with!"

"For your sake, I hope you're right"

That comment just burned me up inside, I stormed off to my room and slammed the door behind me. I decided to bury my nose in a book, but got bored with it soon afterwards. It got me mellowed out at least. I headed for the living room.

"Hey, Ma. Can I go to Jaye's place?"

"I suppose so."

"I mean Jaye's not EJ's"

"Where's he live?"

"I don't know, here's the address he gave me, I can't

pronounce the street name." I handed her the little sheet that

Jaye gave to me on our trip back from DC.

"Oh, way out there. I can't today, we still have to go school

shopping at Pyramid Mall, for you and your brother"

It took us three hours to get through that blasted mall. Usually I enjoy going shopping with her, but all I could think about was being able to see Jaye again. I was worried that if I didn't see him that very weekend, then I might not see him again.

I never made it out to see Jaye, that weekend. My time in Cortland High was short-lived. I felt sick constantly, and my mom was sick of having to take me from school, to the doctor's, to my dad's, and so on. In my first three weeks of attending, I only made it to 10 days of class. Back to Dryden I went, mom's orders but, I was happy that I would be able to see Jaye again.

The first day back was fantastic, Jaye was in three of my classes, plus PhysEd. I especially liked the idea of him being in my English class. I sat behind him, so it was easy to chit chat with him. The other good thing about English class was having Tara sit next to me. It must have made that teacher nuts, the three of us were about the chattiest kids in the class.

I got settled in to my class schedule fairly quick. Something was still bothering me, Jaye was being rather distant with me. Sure we were talking, but it was mostly about school work. I let this carry on for a couple of months, until one afternoon during study hall, Tara approached me.

"Fred, what's going on between you and Jaye?" She asked. There

was nowhere for me to run.

"I was hoping you could tell me. He seems a bit uncomfortable

around me. Has he said anything to you? I'm sure he told you

about the trip to DC." I was babbling on, not really guessing

that he kept quiet about what went on during the trip.

She had the look of wonder on her face. "No, he didn't say

anything about DC," her look turned to a concerned one, "what

happened? Did you two get in a fight?"

"Ha, far from it. If we did, then his attitude toward me would

be easy to explain"

"Well, tell me, what happened between you two. You guys were

buddy-buddy last year."

"You really want to know?" She nodded for me to go on. "Now

promise you won't say anything to him, I don't want him

freaking out"

"Yes, I promise. Now spill!" She was really exasperated at

this point.

With a deep breath I said, "I told him I was bisexual..."

another deep breath, "and I gave him a blow job in the


"You're what? Do you have any idea how big a crush he had on

you last year? This is so great. So do you like him, do you

have a boyfriend"

"Whoa, wait, backup. Did you hear the last part of what I

said? I gave him a blowjob, in the bathroom, during our DC

trip. Isn't it obvious that I like him?" Then I jokingly said,

"You wanna take some notes there, blondie."

She just glared at me for that comment. "That's why he gets

nervous when I mention your name. So, how much did he have to


"Not a damn thing, I only made that story up to hide the fact

that I am gay. Hey, how did you know? I thought he didn't tell

you anything about the trip." Tara has always been good at

snagging me into spilling my guts to her, and now my face was

turning a bright shade of red, knowing that she snagged me


"He didn't say anything about the blowjob, just that you said

you were a protitute. Is that why he shys away from you?"

"Tara, newsflash! I have no idea why he won't talk to me like

he used to. I was hoping you could tell me."

"No, I can't. I think he's afraid you might charge him money

the next time you guys did anything."

"Oh gawd. Why did I have to come up with that bullshit story?"

I asked myself. Turning to her, I asked, "So, do you know if

he likes me? I mean...more than as a friend."

I could see she was ready to burst with laughter. "You mean

you haven't gotten that figured out yet? Hello! Why do

you think I'm asking you all these questions about the way

he's acting, I thought you two had broken up or something."

"We haven't even gone out together. Besides, you know the

story I gave him."

"Fred," she looked me dead in the eye, "yes, I know about that

story of you being a whore, I just thought you could have

given it up to be with Jaye. Anyway, it's almost time to get

out of here. He has practice with the swim team today after

school, why do you try to stick around to watch or talk to him


"I can't. Don't you think it would look a bit obvious? I mean,

I do live six miles from here and there's no bus that runs

that late."

"Well, just say that you were at your girlfriend's place. She

lives here in town, right?"

"Who, Arin? She doesn't know that I'm gay, and she won't cover

for me either. I could always call him, better yet, you call

him, I don't want to be asked how I got his phone number."

"We have one more class after this one, write him a note and

I'll give it to him. He loves the way you write."

"Okay, I'll do that. Just make it look like it's from you, i

don't want him to toss it without reading it."

"Deal, give it to me at my locker before you leave. I'll stay

late to catch Jaye after practice."

Finally, my chance to get back in Jaye's good graces. Tara met me at her locker and I gave her the note. I told her to give Jaye my phone number if he asked for it. I knew she had it from our contact list for chorus class.

I headed for my bus, wondering if I had been set up or if she was sincere. At that point I didn't care too much, all I wanted was to be Jaye's boyfriend.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well folks, I know that there wasn't any sex in this one, I couldn't figure out a place to put a scene without forcing it. So will Tara give Jaye the note? Send your comments to wizkid24@yahoo.com. I try to reply to all email I get.

Next: Chapter 3

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