
By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Apr 21, 2013


Chapter 2 - The Sounds of Muffled Pleasure

Stevie shook himself out of his shock and started getting excited over what they would do together. He started describing what it would be like when Mary's pert breasts rubbed against Tina's ample ones. He speculated on their pubes meeting and how they would bring each other off with tongues and fingers.

Feeling wretched, I supposed Stevie would get into our bedroom with them, as soon as he could. He'd play out his fantasies with the two women, who I expected would be happy to have the handsome man in there with them, once they had played with each other to their satisfaction.

I looked out the sleeping bag and said he could sleep on the sofa. I said good night and went to the spare room.

To the sounds of muffled pleasure in the bedroom next door, I stripped to my boxers and climbed into the single bed. Life had taken a turn for the worse.

As I lay there, the girls' noises, from the other side of the wall, got louder. I felt my cock grow inside my boxers, imagining Stevie's picture of the two different types of breasts rubbing against each other. I slipped my hand inside my shorts and started to play with myself.

The bedroom door opened and Stevie, dressed only in shorts came in.

"Stop playing with yourself and take one of these." He whispered while handing me a tumbler.

He stood by my bed and gently placed the glass against the wall. His boxer shorts were tented at the front and he was grinning at me, nodding his head toward the wall.

I took his lead and climbed out of the bed. I kneeled on the pillow, quietly placing the glass against the wall to eavesdrop on the girls. Their muffled moans were more audible. Stevie climbed on the bed and knelt next to me, grinning conspiratorially.

We concentrated on what we could hear, but I was facing my fantasy lover, almost naked, and just inches away from me, I looked at him while pretending to be riveted to the noises.

His chest was white with a nice display of hair in the centre. His pecs were quite bald and his nipples were pink. His flat stomach was dusted with dark hairs. He was absolutely lovely!

Lower down, his cock was pushing the front of his boxers. I looked at my own and compared. His clearly was not as big as mine, but I imagined that beautiful cock head that I had seen in the toilet, imagined it bigger and harder.

His legs were white with fine dark hairs. His marble-like torso was within reach. We grinned at each other, while we listened to his wife and my girlfriend enjoying themselves.

Stevie's free hand stroked the front of his boxers and he looked at me for reassurance that it was OK for him to feel himself. I responded in the only way I could, by doing the same with mine. I rubbed the head of my uncircumcised penis through the thin material. Stevie watched me rubbing myself while he concentrated on the noises next door. I watched his fingers playing with his knob, the red material was getting damp. My own prick was straining for freedom.

So there we were, kneeling close together, facing each other with our ears pinned to the glasses, hearing the gasps and the moans from the other room, while we watched each other openly playing with our erections.

I started a more obvious wanking motion on my cock and Stevie copied me! He was staring, fascinated at my boxers. And of course, my eyes were fixed on his shorts and what his hand was doing.

Feeling bold, I pulled my erection out through the front of my shorts. For the first time I was openly showing my erect cock to another man! Stevie looked and silently giggled at me. He was still paying full attention to the noises as if my display was simply a sideshow.

Nevertheless, he copied me and pulled his own cock out into the open air. It was absolutely lovely. I wanted to drop down and kiss it!

Now we both openly started to wank ourselves. I pulled my foreskin back and exposed my glistening knob to him. Stevie was running his fingers up and down his shaft and over his knob, which was dripping lovely jewels of juice. It wasn't a particularly long cock, maybe only five inches, but rather thicker than mine. His head was flushed purple and was fat with a pronounced rim at the back of it. It made my knob-head look small.

I glanced at Stevie's face and realized he was inspecting my cock as closely as I had been taking in his. He looked a little embarrassed when he realized I'd seen his interest in my cock. To make it OK, I flagrantly waved mine up into the air with my hand and pulled the foreskin back over my glans and back down it again. Then I flipped it up and down again and thrust it in his direction.

We both laughed silently and Stevie copied my abandoned movement. It was wonderful to be behaving this way with another man and we both grinned, paying close attention again to the moans next door that seemed to be growing to a climax.

With our ears still pressed to the glasses. We were looking into each other s eyes. Holding his gaze that way, I took the decisive step. Ears to glasses and eye to eye, my hand left my cock and moved across the foot or so between us. We each held our breath and didn't dare look down, But Stevie's hand moved away and my tentative fingers touched his cock. His eyes flickered, but he kept looking at me. He gave a little gasp as my fingers encircled his cock.

Still looking at me, I felt his fingers on my penis. What joy! What delight. I never dreamed another man's touch would be so exciting. His thumb tenderly stroked the end of my knob. It slithered in my juice and glided softly over the tender head. I repeated the favour for Stevie. His knees almost crumpled

We stopped pretending to listen through the glasses anymore and put them on the pillow between us. The noises from next door were clearly audible now anyway. We both looked down at each other's cocks and our fingers got to work on each other.

Stevie really knew how to wank me. His strokes were slow and gentle. It looked fantastic to see my cock resting in his slender fingers. But looking even better was Stevie's divine manhood, resting comfortably in my hand. We moved a little closer together and both watched as we jerked each other.

The girls were yelling with pleasure next door. Stevie started to moan quietly. And his eyes fluttered. I moaned too and gasped a "Yes!" out loud.

I thrust my hips, pushing my throbbing cock more forcefully into the palm of Stevie's hand. Stevie hurled his thick penis into my hand and said loudly Faster!

All pretence at secrecy was gone now. The bed was rocking noisily while we knelt on it thrusting ourselves in to each other's hands. We were both moaning, the glasses fell with heavy thumps down the back of the bed. We couldn't hear if the girls were finished or were still bringing each other off. No, we were moaning and groaning too loudly to hear anything else. We were both caught up in the passion and wanted to let them know next door that they weren't needed for sexual pleasure.

"Oh yes Stevie, wank me hard!" I shouted. Stevie responded by moving his palm around my shaft and quickly rubbed up and down the full length. I did the same to him.

Stevie shouted "Fantastic, do it!" he urged me.

He shot first. His spunk flew out and hit my pubic hair. Mine followed almost immediately. Stevie pointed my throbbing cock upward and it sprayed out and hit Stevie's lovely stomach.

Who knows how many times we each thrust our seed? We were both shouting, growling and snarling through clenched teeth while each of our cocks writhed in the other man's hand. God! I'd never known a climax like it.

Eventually, the growling stopped, eventually the cocks stopped spurting. We both slumped down onto the bed.

I grabbed a corner of the cover and wiped my spunk off Stevie's stomach and pubic hair as best I could. Then I tried to get some of his spunk out of my pubes. We were both in a mess and I gave up. I stretched out next to him.

"Phew!" I sighed.

"I'm not gay or anything." Stevie whispered.

"Me neither" I answered. "Just friends giving each other a hand."

"Yeah. Thanks." Stevie said with a satisfied sigh.

He nestled against my shoulder. I stretched my arm out and wrapped it around his back, pulling him closer. He snuggled his curly head into my chest and rested an arm over me. Both still panting, we fell asleep together.

We both woke suddenly in the night. Stevie's leg was slung over my crotch. His cock was squashed against my hip; mine was pressing into his thigh.

"Sorry!" Stevie said. He rolled of me and turned away onto his side.

I wasn't sorry at all! I wanted to tell him I loved him, wanted him to lie on top of me and feel his passion rising against mine.

I looked at the marble white arse cheeks that were turned toward me. They were completely hairless and looked like a sculpture. I wanted to stroke my hands over them, spoon my body against them and push my rising cock into the gap at the top of his legs. To whisper words of devotion in his ear and let my hand caress his short, thick cock.

But I didn't, I rolled over away from him, taking care to make sure our arses didn't touch and fell into a lonely sleep.

I woke early. Stevie stirred when I moved. Our bodies were not touching.

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at him. He rolled onto his back and stretched lazily. His cock, with the smooth, exposed head was floppy and lovely. Suddenly embarrassed by my view, he covered his manhood with his hands and said, "Sorry about last night. I got a bit carried away!" His pale face looked so lovely with its 24 hours of beard growth. I wanted to rasp my tongue over the bristle on his top lip. Kiss his kind eyes and stroke my hand on the bits of beard growth on his chin.

All I said was, "Yeah, me too, pal. Got a bit out of control back there."

Stevie rolled over onto his stomach to hide himself. I playfully slapped his arse while getting off the bed. "It's that beer that does it, you randy little sod."

He grinned back at me over his shoulder, but didn't see my hardening cock as I walked away from the bed. Without thinking, I opened the bedroom door, while carelessly running my fingers through my pubes to loosen the flakes of our mixed semen that had dried in my bush.

It was early and they shouldn't have been there, but there they were at the dining table. Tina was sat on Mary's lap and her tongue was down her throat! Mary cupped one of Tina's breasts in her hand. Tina's breasts were in fact lovely. Illogically I wondered if Stevie and I could have some fun with her! She took her tongue out of Mary's throat and they both looked at me, naked in the doorway, my cock half-hard and my fingers picking at dried spunk in my crotch.

"You boys had fun last night!" Tina said with a grin, looking openly at my cock.

"You girls too!" I smiled and rubbed my head sleepily.

Mary looked serious. She said "Tina and I love each other, she's moving in." She continued in a severe tone, "I want you to move out today."

I didn't care about myself, just felt relieved that the months of loveless co-habitation and occasional, horrible sex was over. But my heart sank at how Stevie would take the news.

"What about Stevie?" I asked Tina. "He's mad about you, even last night he was whacking off thinking about you!"

Tina didn't say anything. I went off to the bathroom to shower and clean the remnants of last night's jerk-off session off my body. Wrapped in my dressing gown, I came back into the lounge to find Stevie alone and naked on the sofa, crying!

I sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulder. "Come on pal, let's get you showered and back to your place so you can get ready for work." The girls were laughing happily together in the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 3

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