Dreams and Wishes

By Dennis

Published on Feb 21, 2000


Legal Disclaimer: This is a entirely fiction, all rights of NBC, Constant c Productions and Amblin Television in association with Warner Bros. and Creator Michael Crichton are respected. This is not meant to imply anything about either the character or the actors mentioned, specifically :Goran Visnjic, Noah Wyle, Julianna Margulies, and Anthony Edwards. This is I repeat an entirely fictious work. IF your underage, or it's illegal to read such materials in your city, state, country, etc. Please do not read on. If your offended by same sex encounters, homosexual material, gay romance, fantasy, etc. do not read on. That being said, if you wish to read the story, please do so and enjoy. All feed back is welcome. If you haven't yet read my other story Love of an Angel, what are you waiting for??? Please do feel free to contact me via ICQ my # is 61902044, or via AIM under my SN of Saphireflame. Please do not try to e-mail me at aol, I do not at this time have an aol account. If you wish to e-mail me do so at Denn0113@yahoo.com

Dreams and Wishes

`A Dream is a wish your heart makes, when it's fast asleep. A dream is a wish your heart makes....' Remember the song, if you can name the song, I will give you a sneak peek at the next chapter :-)

As Dr. Carter sat down for the lounge to catch a few seconds of peace in between emergencies his mind flickered back to the dreams he had been having of late. Damnit,' he thought to himself Why couldn't he get rid of these dreams. They were driving him nuts and he dared not act on them or he would not only loose his self respect, but he could loose his job as well.'

Flashback to his dream of earlier.....

"Oh Luca", he moaned as the handsome stud nibbled gently away at his ear, "I wanted this for so long, and I didn't dare do anything." Softly Luca whispered in Carter's ear, "I have as well. I was so nervous to approach you as you were always so aloof and solitary. I was afraid of what might happen...."

End of flashback.

`Damnit, how could he be gay. He had always had the occasional look at a guy here or there, but damnit, I am not gay. I can't be if I am, my family will disown me and I will end up loosing my job if I make a move on him.' he thought to himself His thoughts running in a endless circle.

Just then Carol, walked into the lounge as well to get a quick soda. Noticing that John seemed to be a little out of it she decided maybe she better try talking to him instead. Why not, he had been there for her before and they were friends. Sitting down opposite him she took a moment to study him before speaking.

"John, hey mi amigo what's wrong? Come on talk to me, I can tell something is bothering you and I would like to help you out If I can."

"It's nothing" he responded softly, careful to keep the sobs out of his voice. "I just didn't sleep all that well. Some odd dreams is all. It's nothing."

"Come on, spill it. It's not just bad dreams something is really bothering you. I can tell. I can't help you if you won't talk to me." Carol replied a softness in her voice masking the steel of her determination.

"Carol, not now. It's just not the right time or place. I can't go into it. I'm sorry" he responded.

"Listen, I am not going to bring this up with Mark for now, but if you don't talk to me and it seems to get worse I will have to. I am not trying to be pushy but I am getting worried about you." Carol finished off solemnly. "Look if something's bothering me I can help you a lot better than if you have to go and face Mark. He's a great guy, but sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who isn't your boss about what's bothering you. Think about it, that's all I ask. Just think about it."

Several hours later, as his shift was ending he headed to the DR's locker room...

"Damn it," Luka muttered as he punched the locker. "Why the hell did the mother wait so long to bring the kid in. If she had fucking brought him in right away we could have saved him. His god damn parents killed him and I couldn't save him."

As John walked into the locker room and heard the banging he slowly approached Luka and listened to him blow off his anger. "Hey, Luka, calm down. No need to take it out on the locker, besides which you will more likely hurt yourself than it." "What the hell do you want Carter he responded. I am not in the mood. I lost a patient earlier who could have been saved."

"I know I heard you when you blowing off a moment ago. Look, why don't you come with me, we can hit a bar, and then go back to my place. It will give you a chance to blow off some steam and also after you get over the mad, your likely to get worse. I have been there, and I know what it's like."

"Listen, John. Thanks for the offer, but I think..." he started to say and then paused "You know what I think I will." he finished.

"Good, let's get ready and we can go straight from here and just crash back at my place." Perfect' Carter thought to himself. This is about the best chance I am going to have to find out if he's interested in me at all and if he is to make a move. He won't remember a thing if it goes wrong so I am in the clear totally.'

Several hours later, after hitting more than a few bars the two drunken doctors stagger up the steps to Carter's apartment.

"You know what Luca, your not that bad of a guy as I thought," Carter said trying to get the keys out of his pocket.

"Here," Luka said reaching his hand down. "Let me help you with that" he said as he slipped his hand down into John's pant's pocket to help get the keys and more... . `I can't believe this is happening' John thought to himself as the hand of Luca's touched his own as well as his firm thigh.

As they managed to get both hands and the keys out of the suddenly too small pocket. They both wondered what would happen next. Staggering into the apartment, they were both barely able to stand, a good thing it was summer and they didn't need coats or they would be in real trouble. As they tried to keep their balance they ended up falling onto the couch, one falling on top of the other.

As they lay there face to face, Luca made a sudden impulsive move, and kissed John full on the lips. As John suddenly realized what was happening, he started at first to struggle against it and then suddenly started kissing him back.

"Oh Luca" he moaned as they broke off the kiss to catch their breath, "If only you had known how long I dreamed of this moment, but we can't your drunk and so am I. I would be taking advantage of you."

"Ah but we can," the luscious Dr. Luca responded. "It's not at all taking advantage of me. I have wanted you since the day I first saw you. So aloof and dignified. A vision of an angel made flesh. I have been driving myself mad trying to figure out how to make a play for you." Silencing John with another kiss, they both groaned as they realized how long they had both wanted this and the pleasure that it was.

To Be Continued.... If you like what is there so far let me know. All feed back is welcome and much needed. I am but a humble writer who thrives on praise. ;-) Two final things, if you haven't yet read my other series Love of an Angel, what are you waiting for???? Read it, it's not the absolute best, but it's pretty good. Also check out my website which is at www.geocities.com/denn0113

Feed back is always appreciated. More shall follow shortly.

Next: Chapter 2

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