Dreams of Love

By Kyla Townend

Published on Nov 15, 2002


The story is moving a bit slow, but you have to remember, this story is real life, not fiction. So it goes as I go. I'm still happy to hear any feedback--thanks to those who've aleady given some too :) Enjoy!

Chapter 2 -- New World

Isa, the girl whose party room we had been in, retired for the night, not by choice, but because of her lessened condition. A couple of my friends and I helped her up to her apartment.

Luckily for me, a few guys helped me with the stereo (which actually was mine, I wasn't just making it up). I left it at Jesse's house--he lived in the same condominium complex as Isa. I also lived in the complex, but I was hoping to avoid home as much as possible.

After the short pit stop at Jesse's, we made our way back outside to meet a few other people who had been at the party. From there we proceeded to a schoolyard nearby where we found a small slope on the field and made ourselves comfortable.

It was me, Jesse, Jason, Robbie, Mark, Anh (pronounced Anne), Alana, Steve, Nikki and Catherine. Even in Catherine's lessened state, I could not help but be drawn to her once more. She was completely smashed, and was getting very "friendly" with any- and everyone who she was near.

Jason saw this opportunity and tried to work his charm. As the night progressed, he put his moves on her, and eventually had her eating out of the palm of his hand. Jealously struck me like a bullet in the heart. I knew Jason was just taking advantage of her--he wasn't even drunk.

As for Alana, she was in a bad state too, and Steve was easily taking advantage of her. All the while, Mark and Anh, the one couple, were in a dark grove, making out--as usual. This left the remaining four of us with absolutely nothing to do, so we went on a walk.

When we returned, conditions had worsened; Alana and Catherine were both lip-locked with their pursuers. Being oriented enough to know what was happening, I called them both to come for a walk. Not really knowing what was going on, they both jumped up quickly at my beckoning. On our walk, we just talked, and I basically tried to keep them away from the guys (we had to take a couple of these walks throughout the night).

At about 1am, we left the schoolyard. Catherine was already regretting what she had done as we started to make the long walk to Alana's house, which was where Catherine and Nikki were staying the night.

Catherine walked beside me, leaning on my shoulder, muttering things like, "what did I do", "why did I kiss back", and "what was I thinking". I lightly placed my arm over her shoulders, reassuring her that everything was ok, and she hadn't done anything too bad. She seemed to find comfort in my words as she somewhat snuggled against me as we walked. I wished we could walk forever.

We walked like this the whole half-hour trip to Alana's. By the time we reached our destination, only Jesse, Nikki, Alana, Catherine and myself remained--the rest had made their ways home. Alana did not want to venture inside the three-floored housing complex right away, as she wanted her guests to sober up first; so we sat outside the building, on the curb, just talking.

Jesse had somewhat of an infatuation for Catherine, and I knew Catherine returned these emotions, so I did not stand in the way when the two went to find a quiet area to talk. I just remained sitting with Nikki and Alana.

After about another hour of just wallowing in our drunkenness, Alana decided that the three could go into her house now. This left me and Jesse to take the long walk back home, but not before Catherine and I shared a goodnight hug, and her and Jesse a "first date"-type kiss--no tongue, just a sweet and innocent little peck.

I don't remember much of the walk home as my mind seemed to race with thoughts of Catherine, and I'm pretty sure Jesse's thoughts were the same. I just remember getting home, and finding refuge in my bed.

I woke up feeling new life.

I didn't see Catherine again for a couple weeks. It had nothing to do with what had happened that night or anything, it was just conflict in schedules, and the fact that while she was preparing for graduation, I was preparing for examinations.

I became oblivious to the world--locking myself in my own little world of Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Psychology. It was the hardest and longest couple weeks of studying I had ever endured. And all the while, Catherine was prancing around, looking for grad dresses, shoes, various accessories, and a date. I really missed seeing her.

Jesse and Catherine did engage in about a one-week relationship, but they realized that it had only been fascination on both ends of the pendulum. And so, as quickly as the relationship had started, it had ended.

It was a sunny afternoon in late-June. It was graduation night. My exams were over with, and I was pleased with my results. For me, this was a night to celebrate the end of exams, the graduation, and seeing Catherine again.

The graduation ceremony was beautiful. It took place in the auditorium of my high school (as it allowed more room for the guests and graduates than that of their school). It was well decorated with pretty flowers, glowing lights, and streamers of varying colours.

I had dressed up for the occasion. I wore a knee-length blue, flowery skirt, and a tight fitting white dress shirt that showed off the shape of my 36C bust. I had put on make-up, which I rarely did, and nice, strappy white shoes that accented the shape of my legs. And I brushed my blonde-highlighted auburn hair down, styling it to perfection. Suddenly I realized I was doing it all to impress her.

I attended the ceremony with Jesse's family since I was not truly related to any of the graduates (it was kind of frowned upon for the graduates to just have random friends show up).

And so I sat with Jesse's family throughout the ceremony. We were reasonably far back, but close enough so that we could see the graduates perfectly as they made their entrance.

The speeches and award presentations seemed to drag on forever. Then, finally, they announced that the graduates would be making their entrance by order of class. Three classes preceded that that Catherine was in.

By the time Catherine's class started to make their way into the auditorium, the crowd had already had a chance to view many males and females dressed to the pinnacle of formality in order to celebrate the illustrious occasion. The girls were all in frilly, beautiful dresses of varying colours, many with matching purses, and hair-dos to die for. It was obvious that much time had been spent preparing for this night.

The class started to enter. I saw a few familiar faces, and then, there she was. She was wearing a full-length light-purple-lavender dress with spaghetti straps. It hugged her curves tightly, and somewhat flared out at the bottom. It was definitely the prettiest dress I had seen all night. Her hair was done up, with somewhat of a harmony of curls at the top--she looked like a princess without a tiara. She was truly beautiful.

The rest of the ceremony was somewhat dry. It consisted of the distribution of the diplomas as well as the honours certificates.

After the ceremony, all the friends, family, and graduates gathered outside of the school for photo opportunities, as well as hugs, kisses, and congratulations.

I saw Catherine in a crowd. I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug, "How does it feel, Ms. Graduate?"

She chuckled, "It feels kind of the same actually."

We traveled around the outside together, congratulating friends, and taking pictures. I made "cameo" appearances in a couple pictures, but for the most part I backed off and let the graduates take the attention.

After a while I reached into my purse and pulled out my cell phone to look at it, only to find that it was already 6pm. The graduates were going to leave soon for juice and cookies and the "graduation dance", which both took place back that their own school. But, nonetheless, it was time for me to make my exit--much preparation still had to be done for the night. So I said my goodbyes.


There it is, Chapter 2. Hope it was to your liking.

Remember to send any feedback to sexy_kyla@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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