Drive in Movie

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 20, 2009


Drive-In Movie By Storyguy22 (5)

Disconnecting the call, Rob tossed his cell phone onto the bed, and released a loud sigh. What the hell is wrong with me, he chided himself as he began to pace his bedroom, the sense of self-loathing once more filling his senses. Twice during this past week he had held on to his resolve to end his increasingly senseless relationship with the increasingly abusive Ryan, and here he had just caved, agreeing to allow the newly contrite Ryan to come over and talk to him.

Talk my ass, he thought as he paced, a wry chuckle escaping his chest as he defined "talk" for himself; six, two, and even I'll be sucking his fat cock within the hour. What a flake I am. Shit. Still pacing the room, his thoughts turned to Eric, who had in fact called him yesterday; Eric, who seemed the exact opposite of Ryan in terms of his gentle approach. Their conversation had lasted nearly an hour, and now that Robby thought about it, it became clear that the vast majority of that time had been spent talking about Rob, his interests, his life, his likes and dislikes, even his hopes for the future. Eric, it seemed, was actually interested in Rob the person and not simply Rob the cocksucker. Why, he wondered, can't I bring myself to end it with Ryan? Clearly he is only using me for his own gratification, and while Eric may on some level be interested in sex, (I hope) that's clearly not his first priority in us getting to know each other. With another loud sigh, he stopped pacing, and went into his bathroom to wash his face, vowing yet again to tell Ryan it was over.

Had it not been so prophetically sad it would have been enough to make Rob laugh out loud when nearly exactly one hour later a somewhat disgusted Robby found himself on his knees, another copious delivery of Ryan's tart semen filling his mouth while a panting Ryan verbally extolled his prime skills with regard to fellatio. Oddly, at the same time that he was filled with a powerful revulsion with himself for this seemingly helpless obsession with sucking off Ryan he found himself simply unable to resist swallowing the thick warm fluid with unintended zeal while Ryan gloated above him with even more disgusting comments while he did so. It was at that moment of sweeping shame that something snapped in the usually meek Robby, and he quickly stood, swiping his forearm over his puffy lips as he looked directly into Ryan's smiling eyes and smug expression. Taking a deep breath to gather himself, he said with as much determination as he could muster,

"That is fucking it, Dude...never please, just get out of here...out of here, and out of my so-called life...I am SO through with this!"

Ryan laughed, and stepped closer to wipe his wet and wilting cock against the leg of Robby's shorts as he sneered,

"Yea, Right...sure Rob, never again...not till next time you get cock-hungry anyway."

Flaring angrily, Robby pushed on Ryan's chest hard enough to cause him to fall onto the bed behind him as his eyes widened with surprise and his facial expression changed to one of mild shock. Rob turned, and went into his bathroom, and just before he slammed the door behind him he turned, and blurted loudly,

"As far as you're concerned that time will never come, just go...get out of here...right now!"

A somewhat stunned Ryan stared at the closed door for a moment, and a tiny part of him felt a small measure of remorse. Not, of course, for the unfair treatment he had been fostering on Robby, but because it seemed just possible that Rob was serious this time, and he might just be suddenly without the amazing blowjobs he had come to love. He glanced once more at the closed door, and then brightened slightly as he tucked away his spent cock and stood up. He exited Robby's bedroom, and headed for the front door telling himself that Rob would get over it, and be back on his knees before he knew it. All it would take was some minor smoozing on his part, just like always; after all, Robby loves his end of this little arrangement as much as I love my end. As he let himself out of the house and climbed into his car he was once more smiling, actually thinking it was cute in a way how Robby pouted after these hot little sessions.

In his bathroom, Rob made faces at his reflection in the mirror and then brushed his teeth half a dozen times before gargling nearly a bottle of mouth wash. Stripping off his clothes he stepped into the shower, a sense of being dirty suddenly consuming him. He scrubbed himself head to toe and let the strong cascade of hot water rush over his slender form as he strived to ignore the unwanted rush of sexual excitement that flooded his loins as he pulled at his suddenly very erect cock with a soapy fist. God damn him, he swore to himself as he began steadily fisting his erection as his mind filled with the memory of Ryan's thick cock filling his mouth, I will NOT let him do this to me any more...I will NOT! Lost now to the rapidly rising urgency of his dangling balls Robby shoved all lingering thoughts of Ryan from his mind as his rigid cock exploded heavy streamers of thick cum all over the tile wall of the shower.

Following a restless night of sleep, Rob had just finished rinsing out his cereal bowl and putting it inside the dishwasher when his ring tone lit off his cell. Fishing it out of his shorts pocket, he peered at the incoming call display, and he felt his heart skip a beat at seeing Eric's number. Quickly, he punched the button to answer the call, and said hello, his voice cracking slightly with an excitement he couldn't quite indentify.

"Hey's Eric...what's up?"

Feeling another heart-flutter, Rob reflexively grinned at the melodic tone of Eric's voice, and he answered,

"Eric...hi...uh...real exciting stuff, washing my breakfast dishes."

Eric chuckled, and replied,

"Now see, that's what I really like about you...a great looking guy who is easily excited."

Robby actually felt himself blush, and he giggled as he thought, Dude, if you only knew the half of that. The second thing that registered was that "great looking guy" comment, and gathering himself he said,

"Yup...that would be now that you know how I am entertaining myself, what's up with you?"

Almost seven inches, Eric silently replied as he visualized Rob's cute face and lithe frame, and then verbally he answered,

"Actually, I just got out of that early lab I told you about, and I was seriously thinking of pissing away the rest of this day at the lake...Dad-Dearest caved in to my shameless begging for the ski boat keys last night...a somewhat rare occurrence I assure you...sound interesting at all?"

Rob's heart skipped once more and he felt a similar stirring deep in his balls as he imagined Eric in a swimsuit. Oh my! Aloud, he responded,

"Are you kidding me...?...the lake, and boating, sound totally interesting!"

A pleasant chuckling came from Eric's end of the call, and then,

"Awesome then...tell you what, give me an hour to get home and grab some stuff, and then I'll come by and pick you up...just bring a swimsuit and a towel, I'll have snacks and the way, you do have a Speedo, right?"

Laughing, Robby felt his face go hot again as he answered,

"Oh of those hot little French know...the same one I wore when I was, like, ten maybe."

A loud whistle screeched out of Rob's phone, and he laughed out loud when he heard Eric's mock panting over the connection just before he breathlessly chirped,

"Oh wow...excellent...that sounds perfect...matter of fact, I can't wait, so make it forty minutes...see ya then...actually, it sounds like I'll see A LOT of you if that thing really fit you when you were ten!

Robby giggled, his face hot again and he found himself unconsciously gripping his thickening cock as he muttered,

"Easy, Big-boy...I'm just kidding."

"AWWwwww...!" was all Rob heard in reply before the lined went dead. Laughing and shaking his head at the exchange, he hurried into his bedroom where he started searching through his drawer to see just what choices he actually had for swimsuits, his mind wishing that he really did have his ten year olds Speedo, and the courage to wear it with Eric.

After perusing his choices, Rob decided on some Hawaiian print board shorts which he pulled on, going commando underneath save for the net-like liner of the shorts. He slipped into a short sleeved shirt in white that was festooned on the back with the image of a beach hut, and deciding to leave the button front open, he slid on a pair of open-toed sandals. Grabbing his small sports bag, he put in some fresh briefs and a tee shirt, and finally another pair of shorts, some sunscreen and tanning oil, and a beach towel. Satisfied, he headed out front just as Eric's car pulled into the driveway, and when he approached the car he felt that deep stirring in his balls once more. Eric grinned widely as his gaze drifted over Rob's widely displayed smooth skin, and then the grin faded as he chided,

"Aw, you didn't wear the Speedo, Dude...imagine my bitter disappointment!"

Sliding into the passenger seat, Robby tossed his bag onto the back seat, and then let his eyes travel over Eric as his balls turned over again. He was dressed similarly to Rob, in board shorts of a pale blue shade and a half-tee shirt that left a vast stripe of his flat abdomen exposed. Rob swallowed, and then managed to say,

"You give up too could be in the bag you know...or not...I mean gosh, it is, like, our first date and all...!"

Eric grinned, glancing back at the small sports bag as if in wishful thought, and then he reached over to gently pat Robby's leg as he replied,

"First date, huh...?...nice...I like the sound of that!"

Robby blushed slightly, his nuts jolting from the soft touch on his thigh, and he answered truthfully,

" do I...!"

The remainder of the drive to the lake shifted to a more banal tone of conversation consisting largely of small talk, but the sexual tension seemed to linger in the air despite their conscious efforts to sidestep it. Robby couldn't stop himself from stealing what he hoped were subtle glances at Eric, and it was all he could do not to reach over and explore the very interesting bulges that were formed at the front of his shorts. He was also certain that Eric was checking him out at every opportunity, and that knowledge sorely tempted him to lift up off the seat and yank down his boardies to let Eric see in living color what he seemed quite interested in. In order to suppress these compelling temptations he shifted his eyes straight forward as he conjured up mental images of what Eric would look like naked, and how great it would be to suck him off, and taste his creamy cum.

Eric, for his part, was suffering similarly as he struggled to stay focused on his driving. Gosh, he thought, what a great looking guy Robby is, and not only that he seemed really bright, sweet and fun, and definitely several levels above that dork he had been with at that party last week. He was still unsure of exactly what that association was all about, but Rob had obviously not been very happy about the guys getting drunk, and he had even alluded to some sort of abusive behavior. Glancing at Robby again, he let his eyes drift over the slender boy and the smoothness of his exposed chest and soft tummy, and his cock stirred in his snug fitting shorts as he renewed his hope that his usually reliable gaydar was in top form. Dear God, he recited silently, please let him be gay like me.

Arriving at the marina, the boys parked, and carried their gear out onto the floating dock until they reached Eric's parents slip. They folded away the boat cover, and then loaded the cooler and bags aboard. Eric fired up the motor, and carefully backed out of the slip before turning the boat around toward the open lake. Adding power, he moved out to the no-wake buoy, and then applied full power as the sleek power boat leapt forward onto a smooth plane. Robby loved boating and had few opportunities to enjoy it, and in his excitement at the near instant power of the craft he grinned and leaned close to Eric, his hand casually dropping onto his firm thigh as he gave him a thumbs up sign. Eric grinned back at him, and placed his own hand on top of Robby's and squeezed it as he nodded in agreement. When Eric moved his hand back to the wheel Rob purposely left his on Eric's thigh as he savored the firm muscle there and the fine, light hair growth. His mouth was suddenly flooded with saliva, and he struggled with the impulse to slide his hand into Eric's swollen crotch, and he finally removed the hand, fearing that he might ultimately give in to that strong temptation. When he did that he drew a quick glance and a frown from Eric, and that single glance transmitted volumes to Robby who felt his cock thicken inside his shorts. YES, he thought...oh please, God!

For the better part of the following hour they put the boat through its paces all over the lake, and Eric finally pulled back the throttle as he moved slowly into a deep, quiet cove. At the center of the cove he killed the engine and let the boat drift free as he stood up. The move placed his bulging crotch directly in front of Rob's face, and his wide eyes bored intently into the bumps and lumps as Eric retrieved the small ice chest. Opening it, he looked down at the still staring Robby, and a smile painted over his face when he realized the object of Robby's expression. Being careful to keep his tone even, he said,

"Would you like something...?"

Rob's reverie snapped at the sound of Eric's voice, and his head snapped up to meet Eric's smile, and he knew he had been busted, big time. Panic butterflies swarmed his stomach instantly, and as he struggled for composure, he muttered,

"Oh Coke's in there?"

Eric enjoyed Robby's mild discomfort, and not willing to let the telling moment pass, he answered,

"I'm sure, yea...actually I think anything you might want is in...there." And with that he pulled a can of coke from the ice, and offered it to a still slightly flustered Robby.

The inference was definitely not lost on Rob, and had he the courage or chutzpah he would have jumped on the nearly obvious overture by just reaching out to grasp Eric's tempting bulges. But, Rob being Rob, the moment passed, and Eric sat back down in the driver seat. Rob opened the Coke, and took a long pull as he silently chided his shyness with this stunning boy. Jeez, he wondered, how much of a hint do I need, anyway?

As the boys sipped at their sodas and chatted they each stole furtive glances at each other's body, and while nothing was mentioned, they both were very aware of what was going on. Finally, Eric stood again, and peeled his tee shirt over his head. Dropping it onto the seat, he extended his arms over his head and stretched, preening like a proud peacock for a much impressed Robby who starred open mouthed at the sudden display of smooth, tanned skin and well defined muscles. Unable to stop himself, Robby blurted,


Eric looked down at Rob and smiled as he replied,

"You think?"

Nodding slowly as his gaze moved over Eric's smooth and well defined chest, and his flat tummy with the very intriguing narrow trail of light brown hair that dipped beneath the waist band of his shorts, and he managed, barely,

"Definitely yes...I do're built really...well."

Reaching down to grasp Robby's arm, Eric pulled him to his feet, and uttered a soft spoken "thanks" as he took hold of Rob's shirt and began taking it off him as he told him,

"My turn...this open shirt thing has been driving me crazy ever since I picked you up this morning...oh man, have a really great looking body!"

Blushing, Robby hoped that his heart wouldn't just explode from the unbelievable speed it was hammering in his chest, and muttered his own soft "thanks" as his eyes met Eric's and held them. Eric leaned closer, and Rob's heart rate increased yet again as Eric kept that lush, soft mouth moving toward his own, his trembling voice saying just as their lips met,

I really, really, need to do...this!"

Robby's knees went rubbery, his head spinning as Eric's mouth pressed against his, and he actually groaned aloud as Eric's tongue filled his mouth and his strong arms wrapped around his trembling body, pulling him in against his own as the deep kiss lingered. OH-MY-GOD, thought Robby, he's actually kissing me...WOW...and better still, I'm kissing him back...yikes...tongues and everything...freaking...amazing!

Eric was pretty much sharing the same emotions as he held a trembling Robby and savored his fresh scents, the feel of his slim, firm body in his arms and the ardent probing of his tongue moving inside his mouth. Thank you, God, he thought as he dropped his hands down to cup the firm, round globes of Robby's perfect little ass as the kiss went on. Rob felt Eric's grip in his butt, and he slowly rotated it in encouragement as chills ran over his spine from the heretofore unknown sensation. Emboldened by Eric groping his pert butt, he slipped his hand between their crushed together bodies and brazenly fondled the thick and extremely hard erection he found there, and Eric groaned into his open mouth.

At last they broke the passionate kiss, and Robby let his head fall against the taller Eric's chest as he panted for breath, his hand still wrapped firmly around Eric's impressive erection. Eric, equally out of breath kissed Robby's soft hair as he sighed, and managed,

"Holy shit, Robby...truly amazing...a first for me, but...well...amazing!"

Lifting his head to smile coyly up at Eric, Rob nodded and replied,

"Uh-huh...amazing, first too, by the way...and...uh...I think I found something else that's pretty amazing!" and he firmly squeezed Eric's thick cock.

Giggling nervously, Eric flexed his cock in Robby's grip and being that overt suddenly embarrassed him so he stepped back from Rob, and said,

"Not actually all that amazing actually, but hey, thanks...and Dude...I seriously need a cool off here...swim time!"

With that, he stepped free of his sandals and plunged over the side of the boat, leaving a very stunned and very, very erect Robby standing alone. Recovering quickly, and eager to pick up where he had so suddenly left off, Rob quickly followed Eric over the side into the cool water of the lake. As he plunged in he processed the fleeting thought that it wouldn't surprise him a bit if steam emerged from his body when it entered the water.

(End Part 5)

Next: Chapter 6

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