Driving Home

By Stretch

Published on Jun 22, 1998



"Driving Home"

by Stretch


/* 1 */

Hey there, my name's Josh. I'm 17 years old, 6' tall, 165Lbs, and I'm gay. I've got a story to tell about the coolest thing that ever happened to me. Well, you'll see . . .

I was on my way home from work at around 10pm. I pulled up to this odd three-way intersection and as I was sitting at the light I noticed three guys in a driveway across the intersection. One of them had his shirt off, which I thought was a bit odd considering it was around 35 degrees out, but what actually concerned me was that the other two guys were kicking his ass. What could I do? I couldn't let this beautiful specimen of malehood get thrashed by two other guys, so I checked the other roads of the intersection, and pulled right through the red light, across the intersection, and right up into the driveway. I flipped on my high beams and hopped out of the car.

"Is there a problem here guys?"

They were all staring at me, trying to get a good look past my high beams, when one of the attackers replied, "I don't see how it's any of your fuckin' business!"

"Well this doesn't exactly look like a fair fight to me . . . so unless that guy did something pretty severe to you, I'm going to have to ask you to take off before I come over there and whip your ass."

He took a step toward me but the other attacker caught his arm, "Come on man, it's not worth it. Let's get outta here."

The kid turned to glare at me, then nodded his assent. He walked back to the boy on the ground.

"Fuckin' faggot," he muttered, and kicked the kid in the side.

He looked back at me just in time to see me coming around the door toward him.

"You best not do that again," I warned him.

The attacker finally let his friend drag him away. I thought about following them for a minute, but the important thing at the moment was the beautiful teenager balled up in pain in the driveway. I flipped my headlights off and walked over to him. He was probably 5'10" tall, maybe 150-160Lbs. He had a really thin build -- not bulked to hell, but that thinly muscular look that I like so much. His medium-length brown hair was hanging over his face, but even without that benefit I estimated his age at maybe 15 or 16.

He looked really bad, they obviously hadn't even intended this to be a fair fight. When I pulled up they were kicking him on the ground and apparently the whole affair had been just as one-sided. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you gonna be ok?"

No reply came; all I could hear were muffled sobs. I gently moved his hair off his face and his eyes moved up to meet mine. My god was he beautiful. Even in the horrible lighting I was glad not only to have saved a guy a much worse beating, but to have gotten the chance to look into this beautiful face.

I repeated my question, "Are you ok?"

He nodded, then very slowly pushed his body off the ground, stopping every few inches to cringe in pain. I tried to help him up as best I could. He threw his arm around my shoulder and I held him up for a moment before he could catch his balance again.

For the first time I heard his pained voice, "can you help me get inside?"

I just smiled at him and slowly moved him toward the house. It took awhile, but we climbed the stairs and managed to get into his bedroom, where I lowered him gently onto his bed then sat on the edge beside him.

"So what was that all about?"

For the first time he really LOOKED at me, "Do I know you?"

I smiled, "No. But I couldn't just sit around while those two kicked the everloving shit out of you, could I?"

He smiled back -- and I didn't think he could get any more beautiful -- "Thanks."

"Not a problem. Oh hey, I'm Josh. Nice to meet you."


"So, do you not want to talk about why they went postal on you?"

"No, it's ok. They're my friends -- or were -- and we were just kinda hanging out, watching some TV. This show came on talking about . . . I really shouldn't tell you this. It was me saying something I shouldn't have that started this whole thing."

"No, it's ok, you can tell me, I won't get pissed off." Of course I was hoping and praying that this guy -- Dave -- was going to tell me what I hoped (and you probably know by now) he was going to.

He thought for a minute before continuing, "Ok, I guess you probably figured it out already anyhow; they weren't exactly subtle about it outside. The show was some talkshow about gay people wanting to come out of the closet and such."

My heart started racing as he said this. I could only nod.

"Basically they started talking shit about gays and how they're weird and fucked up and shit like that. I asked them, 'so you could never be friends with a gay guy?' and they both said 'no' so I told them 'well you already are... ME.' and they just flipped out and started to leave," I could see the tears welling up in his eyes, "then when I followed them outside they got all pissed off and started kicking my ass. I didn't even fight back because I didn't want to hit my friends. . ."

As he trailed off more tears began to flow. I put my arm around him and he rested his head on my shoulder. He turned toward me and I held him while he cried.

He spoke again, "why are you being so cool about this? Like, staying with me and stuff."

My turn to smile, "Because you need a friend right now . . . because I can't bear to walk away from a guy as beautiful as you . . . whatever reason you want to call it."

He picked his head up from my shoulder, "Y-y-you're gay too?" he asked hesitantly.

I nodded again, then he rested his head on my shoulder again and returned my embrace. When we parted, I glanced at my watch and realized what time it was -- close to 11.

"Oh hey," I said, "I should really be getting home before my parents start wondering where I am . . . unless you want me to stay with you for awhile longer?"

He smiled, "No, I'll be ok. I don't want you to get in trouble or anything . . . Can we see each other again though?"

I didn't hesitate an instant, "Yes, I'd love to see you again. What're you doing tomorrow afternoon?"

"Nothing much. I probably would've gone rollerblading with my friends for awhile, then it's Friday so we'd have hung out like all night..."

"No reason to change those plans then, you just have to find a new friend to do those things with."

"Yeah that's a good idea," he said as the cutest grin ever crossed his face, "know anyone who might be interested?"

We both started laughing and ended up holding each other again in a tight embrace. This time I noticed the strong contours of his slim back under my hands and knew it was time to go before I tried to push things too much too soon. I stood from the bed and started to walk out. He walked with me to the door then outside.

At the car I asked, "think they'll give you any shit tomorrow?"

"Naah, probably not. I just hope they don't run around telling everyone, though they probably will."

I nodded with understanding then hugged him one last time and left a kiss on the side of his neck before sitting back into the driver's seat. "What time do you get out of school tomorrow?"

"Around 2"

"Ok, I'll be here at 2:05 with my blades on."

He laughed, "Ok Josh, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks again."

"Anytime," I said, and closed the door. I watched him walk back to the house, then turn, smile, and wave one last time before disappearing inside. I waited another moment, trying to absorb all that had happened, before backing my car onto the street and driving home for a very content sleep followed by what seemed like the longest school day ever.

/* 2 */

The next afternoon proved to be another far-too-nice day for the middle of a Northeastern USA winter, but was I going to complain? Hell no. I pulled up at Dave's place at 2:02, then sat in the car to pull on my rollerblades. Dave came walking up the driveway with a backpack slung over his shoulder. I could see his face light up as he approached.

"Glad you came."

"I said I'd be here, didn't I?"

"Yea, but . . . well, I don't know. Anyway, I'm glad you're here," he grinned sheepishly.

I smiled back at him, "Hey, it's cool. I spent all day waiting to come see you. I didn't hear a single word any teacher spoke all day."

"Let me just run inside to change and I'll be right out."

He came back out a minute later wearing black denim shorts and a Fear Factory t-shirt. He was barefoot and carrying his blades -- he leaned on the bumper of my car to pull them on. I watched him move and really wished I'd been able to go in and watch him change.

"My mom hates when I wear 'em in the house."

After he finished, we pushed off with him in the lead. We showed off to each other at first, racing some, then trying to pull off every trick we'd ever attempted. Soon the effort left us hot and thirsty, so we pulled into McDonald's for a soda. A few bucks and a minute later we were feeling ok again, so skated off -- this time much more leisurely. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun soon had us heated up again. We rolled around the neighborhood mostly in silence, each just enjoying the fact that the other was there. After awhile we wove our way back through the streets to his house.

We coasted up the driveway and Dave walked his blades right up the front stairs and through the door.

"I thought your mom didn't like you wearing them in the house," I said.

"Yea, but she's not home now. She went to work, won't be back until like 9 or something . . . come on in."

I managed to follow him up the stairs without too much trouble, despite never having done stairs on my blades before. We went inside and through to the kitchen, where Dave grabbed a Dew from the fridge and threw another to me. We rolled through the hallway then up to his room, where I fell on my back on his bed, exhausted.

"Tired?" he asked, smiling, as he started to remove his skates.

"Yea, something like that." I sat up and took another gulp from my can of Dew.

He pulled his shirt off over his head, "Hope you don't mind waiting here, I'm going to jump in the shower real quick."

"No problem. Unless of course you'd like some company . . ." I couldn't help it, my mouth just works faster than my mind sometimes.

Dave smiled, "You can shower after me if you like. May I suggest cold water?"

I fell back down onto the bed, laughing, as he walked across the hall to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off my own skates, then just sat there sipping my Dew and smiling a huge smile. I was thrilled that he'd taken my accidental advance with such great stride. I started to think more about him and how I felt happier just being near him -- was this love? Was this what that mystery word means?

A short while later, in a move that took me completely by surprise, he strode through the door into his bedroom stark raving naked. I thought I was going to fall off the bed and right on my face. He obviously saw the happily shocked look on my face.

"What's the matter? Never seen another guy nekkid?" That's how he said it, "nekkid."

"W-well, um, yea, of course I have, but, uh, well, jesus man, you're beautiful." Doh! Way to make myself feel like an idiot. Fortunatly he took it with the same stride that had handled my earlier offer with the shower.

"Thanks . . . and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mess you up like that," he said, grinning, as he pulled a pair of briefs out of a drawer.

"You didn't have to put those on on my account," I said, this time too busy absorbing the vision of his body to care what I was saying.

He just smiled, "Maybe you should take that cold shower now."

I laughed again, then rose from the bed and walked out into the hallway. I did take a mostly cold shower, then dried myself and pulled my shorts back on and headed back across the hall. Dave was lying on his back on the bed, still in his underwear, with his eyes closed. I dropped my socks and shirt on top of my blades by the bed, then sat in the chair by his desk. I'd only been seated for a moment before I realized that he was softly sobbing on his bed. I was instantly on my feet, and another instant later was sitting on the side of the bed, much as I had been the previous night. I put a hand on his chest, and he opened his moist eyes to look at me.

"I was right about school today," he began, "they told everybody. Half of my friends wouldn't even speak to me. In Gym class no one picked me for their team and every single person used a shower on the opposite end of the room from me. People were making hidden gay jokes in their answers in classes like all day. By last period even the teachers had got wind of it and they called me down to the office to offer me time with the counselor. I have so much concern from my teachers and scorn from the other kids that I feel like I'm going to go crazy."

I smiled that sympathetic smile and leaned down to hold him while he continued to cry quietly. I could feel my shoulder getting wet from the tears his eyes were rubbing into my skin. I felt really bad for him, but knew that the other kids would come around. At the same time I felt really happy for myself, just for the fact that I was sitting here holding the coolest and hottest guy I'd ever met. It was a rough situation for me, but with him hurting like that, sex was the absolute farthest thing from my mind. I was purely intent on holding him until his pain was gone.

After awhile, Dave either felt better or ran out of tears, I'm still not sure which, then he sat up on the bed and gave me a hug.


"For what?" I asked.

He just shrugged, "I dunno, just for being here I guess, and for holding me like that."

"It's ok," I smiled back, "isn't that what friends are for?"

He nodded back at me, then laid back down.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" he asked.

"Doesn't much matter to me. I don't know if there's anything going on this weekend. We can hit the movies or something I guess . . . doesn't much matter to me, whatever you want to do."

"Movies are cool, but I think I'd rather watch 'em here if it's cool."

"Sure, that works. Let's hit the video store then," I said.

I stood up and held out my hand to pull him to his feet beside me. He rooted around in his drawers for a minute, giving me a phenomonal look at his cotton-covered ass, then emerged with a pair of nylon shorts and a t-shirt. He pulled on the shorts and his sneakers, then threw the shirt over his shoulder, took me by the hand, and led me out to the car.

I tossed my blades in the back and sat on the edge of the seat to lace up my sneakers. He climbed into the passenger side and we headed off to the store.

"You don't have a car?" I asked.

"Wouldn't do much good, no license yet. I can't sign up for driver's ed for another four months. They don't let you in until you're 16, which really kinda blows."

I nodded in agreement. "Any idea what we're going to rent?"

"Nope, I'm not even sure what's out now, I haven't been in there in like a month."

We drove in silence the rest of the way to the store. A few minutes into the drive he leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder for a moment. I just looked down at him and smiled. We pulled up to the Blockbuster and parked in the first spot I saw. We walked through the parking lot pulling our shirts on, then entered the store. We walked the entire length of the new release section, trying to find a movie neither of us had seen that looked worth watching. It's quite an endeavor if you've never tried it. So we finally settled on The_Game with Michael Douglas. One of my friends told me it was a must-see, so we went on that recommendation. The moment we got outside, Dave stripped his shirt back off.

I just smiled at him for a moment, "Hot already? You've only been outside for a second and a half."

He shrugged, "I'm just more comfortable like this, if that's ok with you?"

I laughed lightly, "It's certainly not a problem for me, except maybe for distracting me from driving."

We drove back to his place, grabbed a couple of sodas, and crashed on the couch to watch our movie. I sat on one side of the couch, and when Dave got back from the VCR, he laid down with his head resting in my lap. I put my arm down across his smooth chest.

It was a great movie: almost made me forget the 15 year old half-naked beauty resting his head on my lap . . . almost. When it was over, Dave punched rewind on the remote and we just sat chatting about the story for awhile.

Dave looked over at the clock on the wall, "It's almost 9, my mom should be home in like 20 minutes. I should start on my homework . . . she hates when I haven't even started when she gets home."

"Yea, I've got some I need to work on too, guess I should head home," I said reluctantly.

"Ok," he said, just as reluctantly, "I'll walk out with you."

He lifted his head from my leg and stood from the couch. I stood, and we walked to the door. Just inside, he turned to me and stepped closer, wrapping his arms around my body, pressing himself against me. It was the warmest feeling I'd ever had. His arms ran up the back of my shirt, caressing my back. We stood in the entryway holding each other for a few long minutes. He looked into my eyes, then pressed his lips against mine. Instinctively the rest of my senses shut down, leaving only my lips to enjoy his soft kiss. Our lips parted and I felt his warm tongue enter my mouth. We danced together inside our mouths for a wonderful eternity before parting.

No more words were spoken that night. He pressed a piece of paper with his phone number into my hand and I was out the door, floating to my car with no knowledge of the ground existing under my feet. All I was certain of were the body which I had just been pressed against, the lips I had just tasted, and the phone number I held in my hand as the ticket to a repeat performance.

/* 3 */

The next day was Saturday and I called him the moment I woke up I had the number on my dresser, but I didn't need it. I'd spent so much time dreaming about it all night, I couldn't help but remember. I punched the numbers in and waited while it rang.

"Hello," a woman's voice answered.

"Hi, is Dave around?"

"Sure, just a sec."

I heard her yelling for him in the background, then a couple of clicks.

"Hey, who's this?"

"The one who melts at the sound of your voice," I replied in my best phone sex operator voice.

"Grandma?" he asked, then started laughing.

"Ya wise guy-"

"Hi Josh, what's goin' on?"

"Nothing yet, just woke up. Wanna do something?"

"Sure, what?"

"To tell you the truth I don't even care. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes?"

"Make it so number one," he said, imitating a certain famous starship captain.

"Ok, see you in a few."


I hurried through a shower and grabbed an orange on the way out the door. Twenty-two minutes later I was knocking at his door.

The door swung open. "You're late," he said, smiling.

I grinned back at him. "You going to hold two minutes against me?"

"No, but maybe I'll hold against you for two minutes."

"In that case I'm going to be hours late tomorrow."

We both started laughing at that, then he shouted bye over his shoulder and we were off. We spent quite a while just driving around aimlessly, bypassing the movie theater, the mall, and a few other social places. We finally ended up pulling into some sort of city park. We cruised around for a bit, then I stopped the car and we climbed out.

"What're we doing here?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I dunno. Taking a break from driving around?"

I sat on the front of the hood, leaning back onto the warm steel then Dave did likewise. We laid there for what seemed forever, just chatting back and forth about life and the past and the future. We each referred to the future with utter certainty that the other would be in it. Eventually we got up and took a walk around the park. There were a few groups of kids playing and such, but the place was mostly deserted. We continued chatting while we walked and a few minute-like hours later we ended up back at the car. We grabbed some dinner at a nice chinese place, then went back to my house -- my parents always went out on Saturday nights. With both of us being in the closet to our parents like we were, we wanted as much privacy from them as we could get.

We headed up to my room, where Dave poked through my CD collection for awhile, prompting a number of conversations about various artists. When he finished checking the place out, we grabbed one of my movies -- The_Boys_Club -- and went downstairs to watch it. I sat against one side of the sofa with him next to me, leaning into my side. I had my arm around him and his rested on my leg. We watched the movie silently, but when the credits started rolling Dave at last spoke:

"I'm glad I told my friends I'm gay," he said, "otherwise I'd never have met you."

I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. I squeezed him tight and kissed the top of his head. "I know how you feel bud. Believe me, I know how you feel."

He had to be home by 11, so we started thinking about getting up from the couch at around 9:30, knowing that neither of us would really want to move. We eventually did and I drove him home. When I pulled into the driveway, he leaned over the center console, putting one hand on my leg and the other around my neck. He pulled me toward him and again kissed me deeply. I felt his tongue exploring my mouth as if trying to map every contour. When he was done I did the same, probing into his hot mouth, licking across his lips and teeth. Our embrace was almost painfully strong, as if we were each trying to pull the other's body into our own. When our lips finally parted, he told me he had to go.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning," I said, "if that's cool."

He smiled and kissed me again as if in reply. "It's cool. Whenever you want to call me is completely cool."

We hugged one more time, then parted. I watched him walk into the house, then backed out of the driveway and started driving. I collapsed on my bed at home and laid there, smiling, until sleep took me away to the happiest place on Earth -- Dave's arms.

/* 4 */

The days that followed were filled with the same simple joy that we always feel when we're together. We spent every day together, for as long each day as we possibly could. A week went by, then a month, and soon enough we found ourselves on spring vacation -- an entire week together with nothing else to do. When I called him Saturday morning on the first day of our break, I could almost hear the smile on his face.

"Hey guess what? Last night my mom said I can stay at your place tonight! That's cool, right? I figured it'll be ok since your parents are never home Saturday nights anyway."

The light coming from my grin could've competed with the sun at that moment. I was nothing less than thrilled that we wouldn't have to part ways that night.

"Yea, that's very cool. Want me to pick you up?"

"That's ok, my mom said she'd bring me. I'll just go upstairs and grab some stuff. Your parents go out yet?"

"Yeah, why?"

"See you soon!"

"Uh, ok, see ya," I said, wondering what he was up to.

I hung up the receiver and sat down to wait for him. Fifteen minutes passed, then twenty, then thirty . . . a little over an hour later there was a knock at the door.

I grinned hugely as I walked down the stairs, wondering how I was going to bust his balls about taking so long to get here. I never got the chance. I pulled the door open and instantly had my arms full of Dave. It only took a moment to realize he was sobbing hysterically. I couldn't understand a word he was saying, but I got the general idea that something was severely wrong.

"I, uh, she, uh . . . oh my god . . . whatamI . . . gonnado. I-I-I . . . I love you . . . Josh."

I held him tightly against me, stroking his head with one hand.

"Hey," I said softly, "c'mon, calm down first, then you can tell me what happened."

He nodded slowly. His breathing slowed somewhat as he began to relax in my arms. I led him into the living room, where I lowered him onto the sofa, my arm still around his shoulders.

"You want something to drink?"

He nodded again, "w-w-water, p-p-p-please."

I smiled and went to the kitchen to get it. I tried to think what could've happened to him. I noticed he didn't have anything with him, and he said he was going to grab some stuff before he came. I wondered if maybe he came out to his mom or something, but it didn't seem likely. I walked back with his glass and sat next to him. He looked alot better. He'd pretty much stopped crying, and took the glass from me with a steady hand.

"You gonna be ok?" I asked him.

He took a sip from the glass, "Yea, I think so. I hope so." He looked up into my eyes, "I love you Josh."

I smiled at him, finally realizing that I'd been right when we'd first met -- this was love. "I know it Dave," I said, "I love you too."

The silence lasted for awhile before Dave finally broke our gaze. He looked down at the sofa for a few seconds, then spoke, "My mom knows."

My god, had he actually told her? "You came out to her?"

"No, she was looking for her sweatshirt and thought it might've gotten mixed up with my stuff and ended up in my drawer. She found the magazines. She was really pissed Josh. I walked in the room and she was just sitting there staring at the cover, then she looked up at me and . . . jesus Josh, I think I watched her face flip through every emotion I've ever seen her have. She finally settled on mad and just flipped out. She told me to leave, never to come back." The tears started running again, "She wouldn't even let me grab any of my stuff. I didn't know what to do, so I just walked over here. I've got like no money and nowhere to go and--"

With that he was crying again. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into my arms. Not a word was spoken, I just held him until he was ok again.

"I-I'm sorry Josh. I didn't mean to--"

"Nonono, don't worry about it. I'll take care of everything. If you want I'll talk to her, and either way you're always welcome to stay here with me."

Dave smiled the best he could, "Thanks Josh. I love you."

He leaned forward and kissed me. I could taste the salty tears that had run down his face only a moment before. I felt his hand on my side, pulling me with him as he leaned back on the sofa.

I broke our kiss, "Dave, are you sure you're ok? You don't have to . . ."

He put a finger on my lips, then replaced it with his tongue. Well, I thought, if you insist. I let his tongue slide into my mouth, sucking it deeper as I swirled my tongue around it. He kissed across my cheek to my ear, then down to my neck. I felt his hands pulling up my shirt and raised my arms for him to strip it off me. His mouth was instantly back on my flesh, resuming at my neck, then down the middle of my smooth chest. His hands were on my ass, pulling my hips down into him. I rubbed our clothed cocks together while I felt his hot lips seal around my left nipple.

I unbuttoned the front of his shirt and massaged his chest. He leaned forward to pull his arms free, then pulled me down to him. His body was warm and smooth against mine, and I kissed him on the lips again, deeply, erotically, my tongue probing into his mouth, around his lips. I moved my mouth down to his neck, felt his pulse quickening beneath my lips. His hands pressed strongly against my back, moving back and forth as we rocked our bodies back and forth.

He pushed me slowly back on the couch until I was reclining, then he stood. He got that adorable grin, then started to dance. He moved to the most sensuous music I've never heard, rubbing his own body with his hands. He turned, gyrating his tight ass for me, and when he turned again his pants were open. The cotton of his briefs was stretched around his cock. He kept moving and his jeans slid slowly down his legs. He rubbed himself through his briefs for a moment, then turned his back again and slid them slowly down over his ass and let them fall to the ground. He stepped out of them as he turned and the world dropped into slow motion as he turned one last time toward me. I'd seen him nude before, but this performance added enough to it that I was nearly hyperventilating.

He took the few steps to the couch slowly, then leaned forward, hooked a finger in my waistband, and pulled me up to stand before him. His hands guided my body as we moved together, dancing his erotic dance. Almost before I knew it, he was sliding my jeans and briefs down my legs, sliding his body down mine in the process. I felt his hands pull my feet from my pants then he gazed up into my eyes. He danced his way back up my body then pulled me against him. Our hearts beat wildly as we moved together, exploring each other with our hands.

Suddenly Dave pushed me back onto the sofa. In the moment that I sat on the soft fabric, looking up at my perfect vision of manhood, chest heaving, lips quivering . . . I knew the definition of lust. But more than that, lust driven by my intense love for him. He leaned forward and took my face into his hands. We kissed briefly before he moved on, tasting my body, down my chest and my stomach. His hands moved along my legs and I felt his hot mouth on my balls. He licked at my sac, leaving a coating of his saliva on my skin. He leaned back and blew on the moist flesh, sending a chill through my body. He smiled up into my eyes, then dove down onto my cock. He kissed the slit, tasting the precum that was, by then, oozing freely. His lips parted slowly as his face moved down over me. I felt his mouth sliding down, his tongue licking eagerly at whatever it would reach. He pulled at my hips with his hands, trying to take more. He struggled for a minute before I felt myself slip down into his throat and felt his face press against my body. My hips bucked a bit, but he didn't flinch. He backed off a couple of inches, then pulled at my hips again. I got the general idea and experimentally pushed my hips forward. He moved his hands with them, so I kept going, fucking deep into his throat.

"Dave," I gasped, "I want you to fuck me . . ."

His eyes came up to meet mine, the tip of my cock resting on his chin, and vhe smiled up at me.

"C'mere," I said, "let me lube that up for you." I leaned down to take his cock into my mouth. I moved it back and forth between my lips, coating it with saliva. "Ok, that oughta do, try it."

I leaned back further on the sofa and put my legs up on his shoulders. I felt him pushing at my sphincter, but he wasn't going anywhere.

"Ok, I'll have to get something better I guess."

"No, it's ok, I think I know," he replied.

He moved his head back down between my legs and I felt his tongue moving down my ass, leaving a good coating of saliva right around the pucker. I thought that was all, but could I have been more wrong? I felt his tongue probing my hole, poking inside me. My body went nuts! I didn't think my cock had ever been harder. He rimmed my ass until he was satisfied, then licked up my balls and again dove down onto my cock, sliding it into his throat a few times. He came up and I gave his cock another good coating of my saliva.

He tried again with much better results. I felt his head slip into my ass and felt that temporary pain for a moment. He paused until I was smiling again, then slowly pushed deeper into me. I adjusted quickly enough, then started pulling on his hips, trying to get more of him into my body.

"Fuck me Dave," I said, "I love you."

He started moving in and out of my ass, sliding his cock deep into me each time. I pulled at his hips, making him move faster. I realized that I was wrong about my cock being its hardest, it felt like steel just then. He noticed this too and grabbed on to it, jacking in time with his fucking. He moved faster, roughly planting his cock into me over and over. I was leaned against the sofa, my legs wrapped around his back, moving with him. I felt my cum rising and he must have too, for he drove his cock in and held it there while he fiercely jacked at my cock. I threw my head back against the cushions of the sofa when I came, firing my built-up load across my chest. When I came, Dave started pumping away at my ass again. I felt his cum start shooting deep into my body before I was finished, his back arched as if he was trying to force his entire body into me through his cock.

Dave collapsed on top of me without bothering to pull out. I wrapped my arms around him and we just lay there, half-on and half-off the sofa. While we held each other I could feel his body shaking -- he had started to cry again. I couldn't help a weak smile, for as horrible as it was for my love to be sad, I was endlessly happy that I could be with him to help.

We laid there for a long time, Dave crying and me holding him. Eventually he calmed and I heard his breathing slow and grow more regular -- he had fallen asleep. I eased him off me gently, then lifted his beautiful young body in my arms, carried him upstairs, and lowered him onto my bed. I ran back down to gather the clothes we'd left strewn all over the living room, then returned and climbed quietly into bed. Dave moved almost immediately, sliding up next to me, putting his arm across my body and his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled the blankets tight around us.

/* 5 */

I woke up the next morning a little disoriented -- having the weight of a 15 year old boy on top of you when you're only used to blankets tends to do that. I got my bearing pretty quickly though and the best janitor in the world couldn't have mopped the smile off my face. I looked down at the mop of hair on my chest and whispered, "I love you Dave."

"I love you too Josh," said the mop.

"I didn't know you were awake."

"I am."

I smiled, "I noticed."



"What am I gonna do?"

"Do you want me talk to her for you?"

"I don't think it'd help . . . she pretty much figured out you're my boyfriend."

The statement came as more of a surprise than it should have. I laid there in stunned silence for a moment.

"You ok Josh?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I said before you can stay here. I'll talk to my dad about it -- I'm sure he won't care though. I'll just tell him you're having some problems at home or something."

"You're sure it'll be ok?"

I smiled softly at him, "Yeah, it'll be cool. Why don't you grab a shower and I'll go talk to him."

"Ok, cool. uh . . ."

"Out the door, take a left, it's straight ahead."

He grinned, "Thanks."

He climbed out of bed, then leaned over and kissed me. He rooted around in the pile of clothes on the floor, then pulled on a pair of underwear -- my briefs instead of his, I noticed. After he left the room I sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes collecting my thoughts, then pulled on my robe and went downstairs.

I found my dad alone in the kitchen reading the Sunday paper. "Mom go out?" I asked.

"Yep, she went to one of those one-day sales from some ad," he replied, gesturing to the pile of Sunday sale ads on the table. "Something up?"

"Sort of. You got a minute?"

He looked concerned, "I've always got a minute if you need one. What's wrong?"

I must've looked worried or something, he usually didn't get serious like that. "It's my friend Dave. He's having some family problems at home and his mom sort of kicked him out. I was wonderin' . . ."

". . . if he could stay with us for awhile?" Dad finished for me. "You've been hanging out with him alot. Is he clean?"

"Well he's taking a shower right now, so he will be soon if he wasn't already," I grinned at him.

He smiled back, "Wise guy. No, I mean he's not in serious trouble or anything, right? Doesn't do drugs, I won't be getting any visits from guys in blue looking for him, that sort of thing?"

I nodded knowingly, "No, he's cool, just had it out pretty bad with his mom is all."

"Think he'd want me to talk to her or something?"

"I offered to do that already, he wasn't interested. Maybe in a few days, but right now I don't think he wants to communicate with her, even through someone else."

Dad nodded, "Ok, fine by me as long as he doesn't turn out to be a pain in the ass." He smiled at me and tousled my hair, something he hadn't done for years, then said, "go take a shower, you stink," and laughed.

I laughed, thanked him, then retreated upstairs. Dave was back in my room when I got there, pulling his jeans on over my underwear that he still wore.

"Well?" he asked.

"Like I told you, it's cool."

"Cool." He paused for a moment while he searched the floor for his shirt. "Josh?"



I stepped closer and gave him a quick hug then kissed his lips and replied, "Anytime. I'm going to go take a shower, you can go down and grab some breakfast if you like."

"Are your parents down there?"

"My dad is, Mom went out. You're going to have to talk to him sooner or later. I promise he won't bite."

"What'd you tell him?"

"I just said you were having some problems at home, had a fight with your mom, and she sort of kicked you out. He offered to talk to her for you but I said you weren't interested when I offered the same. He said you're welcome here as long as you're not an incredible pain in the ass, which you aren't. Go have some breakfast. I'll bet you don't get three steps into the kitchen before he's telling you where the cereal is."

/* 7 */

Dave finished getting dressed, then walked slowly down to the kitchen, feeling incredibly nervous about meeting Josh's dad, especially without Josh by his side. He barely had his feet on the linoleum floor before he felt more at home then he ever did at home.

"Good morning," said Josh's dad, "I guess you're Dave. Josh told me you had some problems. Now, I don't want you to tell me anything you don't want to, but if you do want to talk to an adult about anything, I'm here. I trust my son's judgement of people, so I'm going to assume you're a good guy and say you're welcome here for as long as you need. Want some breakfast? The cereal's in the second cupboard to the right of the sink, unless you want me to scramble you some eggs or something?"

When Dave could finally get a word in edgewise, all he said was, "Thanks, no, cereal is fine."

He ate in relative silence while Josh's dad read the paper. Actually, he only spoke once unprompted. He just looked up and waited for the man's attention, then said, "Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it."

/* 8 */

I walked into the basically silent kitchen a little uneasy, not sure of what conversations I'd missed.

"Hi Josh," they said at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.

I took it as a good sign and breathed a sigh of relief. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and we all spent the rest of the morning chatting over the paper.

We spent most of the following days just hanging out at home when we weren't in school and most of the nights basically the way we'd spent the first. My parents just adored him and, once he relaxed a bit, he really liked them too. Our routine went on for two weeks before one Saturday morning the phone rang -- it was Dave's mom. I handed the phone over and watched his face as he listened.

"Hello? Hi Mom. Yeah, I'm ok. Yeah. Mmm hmm. Really? Are you sure? I don't know. What about Josh? Yeah. Nope. I don't know, can I think about it? Ok. Thanks Mom. I miss you too. Bye."

He limply placed the receiver back into the cradle then looked at me, "She talked to a counselor. She wants me to come home. She said she's ok with me being gay."

"What was that about me?"

"Oh, she said she was ok with us being . . . us. I don't know Josh. I do miss her. I want to go home, but I want to stay with you. I know I should go home, I've imposed on your parents enough already."

"Don't be nuts, they're crazy about you."

"You're not helping here," he laughed.

"I know. I guess I feel the same way. I know you probably should go home and reconcile things with your mom, but I'd really miss having you here all the time . . . especially at night," I grinned.

"Well, we could still sleep at each other's houses of course. I don't know, I guess I'll go home. It's what's right, right?"

I nodded, "I guess it is, yeah. Hey either way, it's not like we're splitting up forever or something. We're still we."

"Oh, very very very true," he said, "I want to stay with you another night though. I'll go home tomorrow."

I smiled hugely, "Works for me."

Dave called his mom and told her he'd come home the next morning. I gathered from his half of the conversation that she was happy and relieved. We told my parents at lunch that he'd be leaving the next day. They were happy for him, but sad to see him go, much the same as I. That night was one of the most memorable I've ever spent with Dave. We didn't fall asleep until the early hours of the morning. We exhausted each other so completely that we fell asleep not because we were ready to, but because we couldn't do anything but.

The following morning we showered and dressed then went downstairs. After a short breakfast, we all walked to the door. Dave gave a big thank you to both of my parents, and they each gave him a hug and a wish of luck. We walked out the door and I drove to his house.

When we pulled up his mom came careening out into the driveway. She pulled her son into her arms and almost broke down crying right there. She waved to me where I still sat in the car. I waved back. Dave walked back to the car.

"Want me to come in with you, or are you going to be alright?" I asked.

"I think it's going to be ok. Thanks though. I love you Josh."

"I love you too Dave. Call me later?"

"You bet."

I watched him go bounding after his mom and couldn't help but feel a little sad as I drove home alone. I sat around all afternoon waiting for his call and it finally came at around 8:00.


"Hi sweetie!"

"There you are! How'd it go?"

"It's cool. I didn't really know what to expect once we started talking, but that counselor she talked to got her to realize that she can't change it so she might as well live with it. She's really cool with it, and me, and you, and us."

"That's great. I was a little worried about you."

"Thanks, I'm ok. Hey, you want to come over after school tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, I'll see you at two."

"See you Josh. I love you."

"Love you too."

/* 9 */

Everything really was ok after that. Dave's mom was, surprisingly enough, really cool about everything and when my parents figured us out soon after, they were cool too. Well, that's my story. Hope you liked hearing it even a fraction of how much I liked living it . . . LIKE living it.


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