Droit du Seigneur

By Lance Kyle

Published on Jan 28, 2016


Droigt du Seigneur 6 Lance Kyle

That evening, Sam thought hard about possibilities. The totally unexpected offering of himself by the thirteen year old slave Joseph was such a pleasant surprise. But it also started Sam thinking about other ways to proceed on his project of deflowering the black boy slaves on the plantation. Maybe they didn't all need to be brought to his bedroom.

He went to the study to examine the list of boys eighteen and younger. There had been just the one seventeen year old, but there were two sixteen year olds, Romulus and Remus. Sam instantly remembered that these two were twins. They were of the level of slave one up from strictly field hands, as they worked around the house and outbuildings, and were occasionally pressed into service as footmen or even waiters back in the days when grand parties were hosted at the plantation. The idea of twins, and of twins being taken at the same time, came to him in a rush, along with an alternative plan for their seduction. With excitement, he summoned the butler, Hannibal.

"Hannibal, have Athena prepare a picnic basket for me for tomorrow, to be ready by 10am," he said. Athena was the cook. "Have her prepare food for three, a large picnic blanket, and, uh...soap. A bar of soap." Hannibal nodded, his face a little puzzled at the inclusion of this last item. Then Sam continued, "bring Romulus and Remus here at 10am tomorrow," he said. "They need not bathe first. We are going on an outing." Hannibal nodded and left, still puzzled at what the young master had in mind, but it was not his place to judge.

Sam fell right to sleep and rose the next morning fully rested. He thought he would need all his energy. He dressed for a walk in the countryside, and waited for Hannibal and the twin slaves in the study, attending to some paperwork.

About ten, Hannibal came in carrying a sizable picnic basket, accompanied by the twins. "These are Romulus and Remus, mastah," Hannibal said, pointing to the two boys. They were each a little taller than Sam, but as the age of the slaves descended, they were becoming closer in size and build to Sam himself. The boys were a medium brown, not mulatto but not the dark, dark chocolate of some African tribes. Beneath their thin clothing Sam could see moderate musculature, rounded pads of muscle on the chest, gently curved bellies down to very slim waists, tight slab sided buttocks that rolled up and back in the African style. Their faces were beautiful, caps of inch long twisted tufts of black hair, almond shaped eyes with long eye lashes, broad noses and remarkable trumpet shaped lips, full top and bottom, above boyish chins and necks. The slave identified as Romulus had a small mole by his left ear, which Sam marked so he could remember who was who. Sam thanked Hannibal, seized a walking stick and hat, and bade the twins to follow him, one of them carrying the basket.

Sam could tell the boys exchanged quick glances of puzzlement as they headed toward the front door and not the bedroom. Remus ventured to ask, "Massa suh, wheah we goin'?" To which Sam replied, "for a picnic and a swim." Another quizzical glance exchanged but then the boys fell in line and followed him.

Outside of the house, Sam led the boys down a trail that ran by the creek that flowed through the plantation. Sam was not accustomed to casual conversation with the slaves, but gradually he worked up a few courteous exchanges about the weather, about their work, about their siblings. It turned out that they had a fourteen year old brother, which Sam took note of, as he would be getting around to that one sooner or later. Sam was happy to see that the slave twins were cheerful and happy, no sullenness here. Was this from relief at what looked like NOT a seduction, or was it their natural disposition?

The three boys, one white and two black, walked along the trail, now working up a healthy odor of sweat in the sunshine. They passed a field where slaves were at work, and Sam could tell that their party drew the interest of the workers, who by now surely all knew what was in store. Fields gave way to pasture and then to forest. The sound of the creek could be heard just a few yards away to one side as they went along.

Eventually, a branch of trail broke off and down to one side, and quickly led to a natural swimming hole in the creek. There was a clean, sandy beach beyond a bank of low grasses and herbs, and then a gradual incline into the creek. There was enough of a current to keep the creek clean, yet not so much as to pose a danger. Sam had often seen slaves swimming here, but there were none now, and they had observed nobody on the way to it. "Have you been swimming here before?" he asked the twins. Each happily replied that they had. It appeared to be a favorite place for them.

"Alright, spread the blanket," Sam commanded, and the boys did so on the grassy bank. Sam sat on it and commanded the boys to remove his boots. Each grabbed one and he was soon barefoot. Then Sam stood up and slowly, carefully, began to undress, folding his clothing and putting it in a pile on the blanket. He was aware that each boy was looking at him transfixed, their trumpet lips parted in surprise. Soon he stood naked before them, cream and blonde, with his rosie cock beginning to rise. "Now undress," he commanded the boys. They quickly obeyed, slipping out of their simple clothes and likewise putting them in neat piles on the blanket, and soon both brown boys stood naked in front of him. For a moment the three boys stood there, looking each other over. Sam could see that the inky black penises of the boys were rising ever so slightly. Their bodies were as he expected, showing the beginning of a man's muscular development, small patches of curly, waving pubic hair above heavy but not grotesquely large penises, and heavy ballsacks hanging low beneath.

Sam reached into the basket and pulled out the bar of soap, which he held in one hand, then turned back to the boys and stepping into the water beckoned them to follow. The three waded in until the water came up to their genitals. The footing on the sandy bottom was still firm. Sam moved a few feet closer to the boys, who were still staring at his naked body in wonder. "Time to bathe," he told the boys. Gently seizing one boy by the shoulder, he moved behind and began soaping up the slim, strong back, the valley between the two ranges of muscles that ran down to the firm, protruding buttocks. Soap in one hand and lather in the other he soaped up the entire back, pushing suds up under the arms into the small wiry patches of hair in each underarm. Then he began soaping the buttocks, sliding soapy fingers up and down the tight crack in between, circling around the anus and pushing in very gently. Romulus, who was being serviced first, sighed and mutter "oh, massa" from time to time, but otherwise held very still.

Sam turned the boy around to find, to his delight,that the slave's dark brown penis was now erect, curving out and up. Moving in very close, Sam began soaping up the boy's hair, his ears and neck, the face, and then across the muscular rolls of the shoulders and down the arms, then to the round pads of muscle on the chest, tweaking the plum colored nipples as he went, down the flowing hills of the gently muscled abdomen, stopping to lather up the small patch of pubic hair, and then he seized the penis which was full and rigid, skinning it back and soaping it up. Now Romulus was panting slightly, continuing to whisper "massa, massa." Sam reached under the penis to soap up the heavy ballsack, which was now pulling up a little. He paused to look Romulus in the eyes, the slave boy being careful not to return the gaze directly.

Then Sam broke off a piece of the soap and handed it to Romulus and said, "do the same to time." He turned his back to Romulus and bade Remus come stand facing him. Romulus looked at the soap and at his young master's naked back and seemed not to know what to do. "You mean, massa, like you jes did ta me?" he asked, with some disbelief in his voice. "Exactly so," Sam replied, "and also as I am about to do to Remus, and then Sam turned Remus around and with the remaining soap began doing just what he had done with his twin. There was an instant of hesitation and then Romulus began soaping up Sam. When it came to the white boy's buttocks and anus Romulus asked again, "like this massa?" and Sam replied yes. Sam himself had reached the same stage with Remus.

Sam turned Remus around to find a second dark erection, and a body much like that of Romulus. He sense that Romulus, having finished soaping his buttocks and very gently rubbing his anus with soap, was not sure what to do next. "Reach around," Sam said to him. Understanding what was required, Romulus moved in very close behind his white master and teaching around began soaping the white boy. Sam's blonde hair was in Romulus's face, to the slave boy's amazement. Romulus hesitantly began following Sam's lead, as Sam soaped up Remus, and he seemed to gain more courage as he went.

Soon all three boys were in an evident firestorm of passion, panting, with fully erect penises. Sam had had all morning to think of what next, and he acted quickly. Moving to the very edge of the creek, he put Romulus on his hands and knees. He soaped up Remus's penis and got him into position behind Romulus. The slave boys seemed to know what was happening, which confirmed Sam's suspicion that many if not all of the boys he would deflower had already had that pleasure with others. With his hands, Sam positioned Remus's penis at Romulus's anus and then pushed the slave boy's buttocks forward. With a little effort, Remus was landed inside his brother. But Sam was hardly finished. He moved behind Remus and soaped up his own penis and pressed it against the anus of the brown boy in the middle, then with the heat of passion pushed it in. Remus gave a cry but Sam was already in. And then with his hips and arms, Sam set up a regular rocking, urging Remus to set the pace, as he moved in and out of the brown boy who moved in and out of his brother. Each of the three boys was grunting and moaning Romulus clutching the beach tightly, his brother and his master clutching whatever he could find of hip, leg, shoulder, and neck.

First Sam came with a roar, pushing forward and nearly toppling the arrangement with his trembling and shuddering. And then Remus moaned loudly and emptied his load into his brother, shaking and panting. The three boys paused for a moment and then Sam told Remus, "stay there, don't move."

It was something he had thought about doing and was now determined to do it. With a plop he withdrew from Remus and sloshed over to Romulus. With some awkwardness he managed to slip underneath Romulus, who was still on his hands and knees, his brother anchored inside of him. Sam lay on his back, knees drawn up, on the beach beneath the slave boy, who was slowing assuming a look of wonder on his brown face. When Sam soaped Romulus's still-hard penis, and then his own anus, Romulus gasped "O! massa!" but when Sam positioned the chocolate rod at his anus and pulled Romulus forward, the slave boy entered him in one push. Romulus collapsed down on top of the white boy, his penis still anchored, and Remus followed, still inside his brother.

Sam knew it would hurt. He was glad Romulus did not have the largest black penis he had ever seen. But in a moment the hurt turned to pleasure, and he wrapped his legs and arms around Romulus and even what he could reach of Remus, moving his pelvis up and down to match the increasingly urgent pumping of the slave boy inside of him. Stimulated by his having been fucked and by this unheard of experience of fucking a white boy, Romulus moved quickly to a moaning, sobbing orgasm, and collapsed completely on top of his white master. Remus exited his brother with a plop. All three boys lay panting half on the beach, half in the water. Finally Romulus's organ subsided enough to slide out of the white boy. Sam smiled at each boy and declared, "Now we wash up for real," and led his twin slave boys back into the water to clean up.

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Next: Chapter 7

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