Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on May 24, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 25.

So after a "relaxing" weekend (wink, wink!), it was back to school as usual on Monday. I was still coming down off the high of the concert, as well as the much-needed alone-time I experienced with Mark over the last couple of days. I admit I was still kind-of in a fog. I only paid half-attention to what was going on in most of my classes, but I figured what the fuck, it's only Monday. I have all week to get it together. The only big thing I had going on this week was a math test on Friday, and also to keep up with some required reading for English.

And of course, the highlight of my day was band. I sat next to Mark while Mr. Walters critiqued the concert. There wasn't much criticism; Mr. Walters was quite pleased with all the performances, and gave special props to Townsend for such a great rendition of "Red Hot." And Townsend thanked his back-up band, acknowledging each and every one of us.

"It was such a blast, so much fun doin' my thing, you know. But I couldn't have done it without, you know, my dudes... Wolf, Graham, Matt and Scott Kramer, and my boy 'Rim-Shot' Carson hiding back there!" God, I sunk down in my seat when he called me that, again, in front of the whole band. Everyone giggled as I blushed, but it was all in fun. Really, I didn't mind.

I was in such a good mood the rest of the day, but that changed after school when I was at my locker. Emily DeMarco walked by, and I realized she and I were the only two people there, no one else was around. I tried to ignore her, but she lurked behind me, like a mountain lion waiting for the right moment to pounce on me.

"I know about you, Kevin," she whispered. "And I know you're not the goody-goody boy you pretend to be." Then she disappeared.

I was too startled to say anything to her. I didn't even have a chance, because she got the hell away so fucking fast. Jesus! Why do I let that wicked bitch get to me? I felt my face get all warm and my heart was beating fast. What the fuck!

All of a sudden I didn't feel so good. Not just because of Emily, but I felt really tired and worn out, and shaky. I caught up with Keith and we rode home, pretty much in silence. About the only thing I said was, "Stop, I gotta buy something," when we drove past Walgreens.

Keith just rolled his eyes and pulled in the parking lot. "You feeling OK?" he asked.

"I dunno, I just wanna get some cough drops or something. Wait for me."

Nora wasn't working and I didn't see Arlo, so I bought some cherry-flavored cough drops and left. I tore open the bag and plopped one in my mouth, chewing it up like candy and swallowing it.

"Aren't you supposed to suck on those??" Keith asked, with that 'you're-a-stupid-ass' tone of voice.

"Guess so, I dunno..." I half-smiled, shrugging my shoulders, as I thought to myself, there's only one thing I like to suck on.

I didn't let on to Keith about what happened with Emily... In fact, I didn't even tell Mark when I called him after I got home. I was so exhausted I took a nap until dinner. Boring night. Actually, so were the next couple of weeks.

We finally made it to April, and I was glad, because March had been a pretty weird month. First, the weather was shitty, but that's nothing new. It's shitty every year in March. It's like it can't decide if it's winter or spring. One day it's a blizzard, and the next day it's in the 70's and everyone has spring fever. Except me. I had "Mark" fever! Second, I felt drained the whole month, not really sick, just kind-of... not at full speed. I had a little tickle in the back of my throat and I loved chewing on those cherry cough drops!

We only had to go to school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and a half-day Thursday... then it would officially be Easter break, and I couldn't wait. Time to look for a job! By Thursday I was beat. Everyone was in a frenzy to get the hell out of school. I hadn't seen Mark or Nora or anyone, for that matter, all morning. Nothing about the day was usual, and at noon the building cleared out quickly. I was kind-of dragging behind, and I finally saw Mark.

"Shit!" I said, a little frustrated. "I forgot something in my locker, I'll just be a minute. Be right back."

Mark said he'd wait for me outside with some of the other kids, but I better hurry my ass up. First, I stopped in the restroom to piss, and I got a little dizzy standing there. Must be those cough drops. I got to my locker, around the corner from the restroom, and the hallway was deserted, or so I thought. But there she was. Again. Dear old Emily. She wasted no time with her evil insinuations.

"I know everything, Kevin. And other people know about you, too, so watch out."

"What?? Get away from me!!" I was so angry and stunned. She's a terrorist, I know it. A fucking terrorist. In a flash she walked away, saying no more. What the fuck is with this bitch? Is this what she's gonna do? Every couple of week sneak up behind me and say stupid shit to me? Since no one else was around to see or hear any of it, I couldn't even go to Mr. Hartman. It would be her word against mine. Again. I'd be a tattletale, and for what? It's not like she hit me or actually did anything to me physically. She's just extremely annoying. That's putting it mildly. She's a fucking terrorist.

After a few minutes I calmed down and caught up with the guys, outside by the parking lot. Townsend and Eric said they were going to the mall or someplace, so we all said we'd get together over break. Keith and I gave Lisa and Mark a ride home. I think Keith and Lisa had a date that night, and Mark mentioned about doing something later. But my mind was on other things. I wanted it to be more on Mark, but I was still allowing Emily to clutter my brain.

Lately, taking a nap after school was as much a part of my day as chewing cough drops and jerking off. That's what I did, I took a nap after I got home, even though it was still early. It did me a world of good, because I snapped out of the shitty mood Emily had put me in. Here's the proof: When I woke up (hard, of course) I had a fabulous solo jerk session, totally naked. I'd slathered a good amount of lotion on my dick, balls, ass, stomach, and even some on my nipples. I really needed a third hand. Well... actually, I needed Mark's hand. Good thing I did it in the bathroom, because my juice went flying everywhere. It made me laugh! I cleaned up the floor, the vanity cabinet door, and the small hand-held mirror I use to look at those hard-to-look-at places on my body! I took a hot shower, and the steam really seemed to help my throat. After all that, I was hungry, starving in fact, which is a bit unusual. I snacked on cheese and pretzels and drank a Code Red.

I called Mark to see what he was doing and he said he heard they were hiring at King Kullen, so he said he'd pick me up and we'd go apply for jobs. Fine with me! I looked decent, since I was rested and had just showered. We got to the store and before we even got an application, the blue-haired witch with sagging tits in customer service told us you have to be sixteen to work there. Even to be just a bagger or stockperson. So Mark filled one out and I didn't. I was bummed. He spoke with the assistant manager privately while I waited. He came out of the office all smiles and said they'd let him know in a few days if he got the job. Sucks to be me.

We just hung out the rest of the night. Mark must have been totally bored because everything he suggested we do, I said "no." We finally went back to his house and watched TV. He took me home about 11:30 and all I got was a kiss goodnight. Well, that, and a quick mauling of my ass when he stuck both hands down my jeans while we were kissing. But no sex, damn it! (We sure made up for it during the rest of spring break!)

Townsend called me the next day. He'd been job-hunting too, and wanted to share the news that he applied at Best Buy. They interviewed him on the spot, and he was like 99% sure he'd get hired. I was happy for him, but at the same time I was more than disappointed that I wasn't old enough to get a job there, or a lot of other places for that matter. I guess I was finding out that most places you have to be sixteen. I knew that Eric was going to be lifeguarding on Fire Island for the summer, and he would be staying there the whole time. You only have to be fifteen to lifeguard there, but I don't have the connection that he does. Lucky him. And besides, I wouldn't want to be away from Mark all summer.

It pretty much rained part of every day during spring break. We all hung out together at various times, day and night, here and there, at each other's houses, at Smarty's, the mall, the movies, you name it. And Mark and I made sure we were alone almost every night, making out hot and heavy. Usually in his room or in my basement. It almost always ended in some form of sex. I loved sucking his cock and playing with his balls and hole. And Mark gave me the most incredible and earth-shattering handjobs and blowjobs ever!

And of course, when we were absolutely positive we were alone and private, we fucked. I love letting him do that to me and I loved having it done to me. Monday night he stayed over and we slept down in the drum room. For some reason I was a little tight. He fingered me a lot, I mean a lot... and used so much lube I was on the toilet practically the whole next day, wiping my ass. We 'did it' three times that week.

There were a couple of lows during the week, too. Not totally unexpected, though. Townsend called again to tell me he did indeed get the job at Best Buy. And I was actually with Mark when the assistant manager from King Kullen called, offering him the job there. They were excited, and I was happy for them both, but I wanted a job, too.

Keith must have been on to it because he was being really nice.

"Dude, you want a couple of mowing jobs? It's good money, about $65 a week."

"Get real, Keith. You're probably just being nice because Dad told you to.

"No, no, really. I could use the help. It's the Lamson's and Mrs. Curry's house, and they're close to each other, so you could do them both in the same day. You use their mowers, weed whackers, all that stuff, and you can just ride your bike to their places. They pay on the spot, in cash. Whaddaya say?"

"You sure? I mean, you've been working for Mr. and Mrs. Lamson for like five years."

"Yeah, but this year we've picked up a lot of other jobs, so it'll be fine. I'll be making more money this summer anyway, so I won't miss it. They'll be glad I'm turning it over to someone capable. You're like... mimi-me! And we're really helping each other out, Kev. I don't need the work and you do. Plus, you do a good job here at home, at least Dad's satisfied!"

"That's true." Dad IS very particular about the lawn. "Keith, are you really sure? I mean, yeah, I'd love to do it, but only if you really want me to. I'll do a good job, I promise. I'd like to start saving up for like, a car or something, you know!!??"

"Waaaaaait and minute, Little Dude... a car?? First, you know, you gotta be sixteen to drive, and you gotta be able to drive in order to have a car, so... slow down!"

"Yeah, and I'm finding out you gotta be sixteen to have a 'real job' so I'm starting early! And, it won't be that much longer before I'm sixteen, so there!"

"Can't argue with that!"

"Look at you... you got your own car!"

"You're right! I give!"

I couldn't believe Keith was nice to me and gave me a job... wait... two jobs... but he also admitted I was right!

"You're really OK about this... the Lamson's and Mrs. Curry?" I asked, as I gave Keith a sort-of hug. He playfully pushed me away.

"Don't get all mushy with me, you little perv... it's only cutting grass, it's no big deal!"

My brother was immediately awesome. He just made my day!

I called Mark to tell him my good news, but I sort-of waited a little bit before I actually told him, because Keith is right, it isn't really a big deal. Maybe I was just lucky. But still, it was a job, and I didn't want to come across like I was bragging about it!

It was still pretty rainy, even after Easter, and chilly too. But Keith told me grass grows at 42 degrees, and even though I would be doing the mowing, he would take care of the initial clean-up, fertilizer and weed control. So between the fertilizer and all the rain, it was growing. That meant more work... and more money for me! I couldn't wait to get started. And Mark was all set to begin work May 1st, one afternoon during the week and day shift on the weekends at King Kullen. Townie began his orientation and training at Best Buy too.

It's always cool to be off school for a week or so, but I think we were all ready to get back to the grind. We were on the home stretch now. Really, about another six weeks and we would be done for the year! After band on Thursday, Mr. Walters asked Mark, Townsend and me to stop in to see him in the music office right after school. I couldn't imagine what he wanted. He didn't seem angry, so I didn't think there was any kind of problem, but I was anxious all afternoon.

Mark and Townsend were in the office when I got there, and Mr. Walters walked in and shut the door. "Boys, thanks for coming in to see me. I'm thrilled to tell you about an exciting opportunity this summer, for two of you."

"What is it?" Townsend asked.

"Well, a very good friend of mine... he's a real history buff... is involved with a Civil War historical organization that does battle re-enactments, shows, parades, all sorts of stuff. They have a camp every year, for a week, and they'd like to invite two of you to attend this year. The camp and all the festivities and events take place at an historical park out in Ohio. Your part will be that of actual civil war drummerboys, right there on the battle lines with the soldiers. Everything is the real deal, except the ammunition for the guns isn't real..."

"Sounds cool! Which two of us?" Mark asked.

"Well, that's the problem. I've thought about this, and if I had my way I'd send four of you... the three of you as well as Eric Wolf. However I can only send two. It's not really a cost issue, although music boosters are paying the whole amount, but they only have so many people they can invite. I know Eric has plans for the summer and is leaving as soon as school is out. That's when the camp is, the first part of June. But anyway, it comes down to the three of you, and based on seniority, so to speak, I've selected Mark and Townsend."

I was so anxious and nervous, I didn't know what to think or say. I began to fidgit with my hands.

"Oh." was all Mark said.

"Kevin, I'm sorry. I know you're an excellent drummer, and a great marcher, but I wanted to also let you know about this whole thing right up front. Believe me, I begged my friend and the organization to let three of you go. They said if I asked one more time, they'd cut it back to one. So I didn't want to push my luck. However, if, for some reason, Mark or Townsend can't be there, you're next in line."

"Oh, you mean I'm the substitute?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it like that, but yes, I'd like you to be the back-up. Now, Mark and Townsend, here's a packet of information for each of you. I'll be in touch with your parents to set up a meeting and go over all the details.

We got up to leave and my mind was racing. I know Mark and Townsend were talking, but I can't tell you a word they said. I was jealous, and felt guilty about it. I felt like I was second-best. Yet, I knew Townsend and Mark both deserve the chance to do this. God, it would be so much fun!

"We'll get to wear real civil war uniforms and everything!" Mark noticed as he read the brochure.

"Yeah, and sleep in tents and everything. This is so fucking awesome!" Townsend said.

"Hey, Kev, are you alright about all of this? You're not mad, are you?" Mark asked.

"No... no... it's great. You guys will have a blast..."

We were at Townsend's car, and he offered to give Mark and me a ride. I was pretty quiet all the way home, and asked Townie to drop me off first. I was a little upset, I admit. Not with the two of them, it wasn't their doing, it's just that the thought that it could have been Mark and me... that far away from home... for a whole week... sleeping in a tent together, oh my God! But it would be Mark and Townsend. I trust them, but who knows? Anything can happen, right? No! Wrong! I trust Mark. He's my boyfriend! Deep down, I trust Townsend, too. He steals, but he wouldn't steal Mark.

I went up to my room, I guess to feel sorry for myself, and a few minutes later Mark called.

"Hey, Kev... listen, I was really surprised about all of this, I feel really bad. I'm thinking about not doing it, and Townsend said he might tell Mr. Walters he won't go either, unless you go too."

I had to get a grip. It's just the initial shock of it all. Mr. Walters really was being as fair as he could.

"It's OK, really, Mark. I was just sorta shocked, too. You heard him say he can only send two, and that's their final answer, so... I wish Walters had told me privately. I was just... I guess... embarrassed. "

"Sweetie, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You know you're really probably the best drummer of the three of us..."

"Shut up! I am not!"

"Are too! Don't be all modest and shy about it!"

"It's just... I want it to be you and me in that tent for a week."

"I know, that's the part that sucks." Mark said.

I knew he felt bad. A little while later I went downstairs and talked to Dad about the whole civil war camp thing. Although Mark was trying real hard to make me feel better about it all, Dad has a way with words, too, and he put it in perspective. The only thing was, I couldn't tell Dad everything. Like, I couldn't say I wanted to be alone with Mark for sexual reasons, stuff like that. Dad encouraged me to always congratulate the winner, even though it's hard to lose. And to let everyone know you're there, ready and able, to do the job when you're needed. He also told me to be careful what I wished for.

So Friday morning I stood tall, and told both Mark and Townsend I was happy for them about being chosen for the Civil War camp, that they'll be great, and if I wasn't picked I couldn't think of two better people to go than my two best friends.

Then I went to Mr. Walters and said basically the same thing. I told him I understood why he picked Mark and Townsend, and that I would be there, next in line, ready to do whatever else he needed me to do.

"You're a real pro, Kevin. A good young man," Mr. Walters said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you, and I'm pleased you recognize this isn't based on ability. It's just that I can only send two students. Your time will come before you know it. I'm glad you understand..."

I felt so much better. But I still wanted it to be Mark and me in that tent!

It wasn't long before everyone knew about Mark and Townsend being picked to go to the camp. Deep inside I was still a little pissed. The two of them weren't bragging, but they talked a lot about it. I put up a good front about how I really felt, because if Mark knew he probably wouldn't talk about it so much in front of me. I figured out the only thing that still bothered me was that I would be without Mark for a week.

Townsend told us that the very next week after the camp his whole family was leaving for the Outer Banks on vacation and their reservations had been made a long time ago. His dad made arrangements for him to fly back to Long Island from Ohio on his company's plane the very day it was over. Then they'd be leaving for North Carolina immediately after he got home.

It seemed by the end of April there was finally a break in the rainy weather, and that meant I had some serious mowing to do. I literally had my work cut out for me. And I still had that little tickle in the back of my throat I couldn't get rid of.

The weather was really nice the weekend Mark started his job at King Kullen. I mowed early Saturday morning, and he was at work, so we planned to hang out afterward and he'd sleep over.

That afternoon, just before Mark got to my house, I begged Dad to let me wash the Volvo. I can't wait for the day he'll let me drive it! (It's a silver S-80, turbo, heated leather seats... mmmmmm!)

It had to be 80 degrees, so I was barefoot and shirtless, wearing only my boardshorts. I had already squirted myself with the hose, so I was soaked. When Mark pulled in the driveway I told him to just go up to my room and put on another pair of trunks and help me finish the car. He was back in a flash, looking mighty fine. The trunks he put on weren't too small, but they weren't baggy, that's for sure. Remember, he's an inch bigger than me around the waist. Actually he's an inch bigger than me everywhere: he's an inch taller, his dick's an inch longer... you get the idea!

So when I saw him, I licked my lips. I just had to squirt him with the hose. He threatened to squirt me with his hose, and I said I would hold him to that promise! I was a little stiff down there and I could see he was too. Jesus were we horny or what?!

We finished drying off the car with a chamois and made sure the windows were streak-free. God I love that car! We went up in my room to change. I got some towels, and we both stripped out of our wet trunks and dried each other off. When Mark peeled his trunks down, his boner sprang back against his stomach, making a slapping sound. We giggled. And, well, I drooled.

I had to suck him off. I tackled him (yeah, right!), and threw him across my bed. I didn't bother playing with his nipples, or kissing him on the mouth, or any of the usual foreplay stuff. I just went straight for his stiff rod. I took the whole thing, until it tickled the back of my throat, too. By now his sack had relaxed from it's shriveled state when it was in those wet trunks, and his nuts were hanging loose and free. I played with them, and sucked on them one at a time.

"Oh God, dude. Fuuuuck!! Woah! I loved his heavy breathing and moaning.

I stopped sucking Mark's pole momentarily to kiss my way up his stomach and chest to his lips.

"I love you Mark," I kissed him several times lightly on the lips, pushing my chest into his and grinding our groins together. "I love you and I'm sorry I acted weird about you and Townsend doing the civil war thing."

"No problem, sweetie," he whispered, "I didn't think you acted weird at all." That's unconditional love right there, I'll tell you.

"OK, now, back to important stuff..." I went down on him again, sucking hard, licking his slit and lightly grazing my teeth over the ridge around the head of his dick. Mark was pumping himself, slowly at first, but picking up speed, in sync with my sucking. I gently played with his balls, and he stiffened, held his breath and fired away!

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uuuuhhhhhhhh!!! Uhhhh, uhhhh, uhh, uhh, OH FUCK!!!!!"

We both kind-of laughed as I tried to suck, lick and swallow all of his sweet cream at once. I didn't cum, but I might as well have, because there was a gallon of my own precum all over our thighs, our stomachs, my sheets... you name it. We kissed, and Mark got to taste his seed, while he went to work on my slippery cock. He got me off in seconds, and we never stopped French kissing while he finished me off.

We eventually got cleaned up and dressed and went downstairs to snack. Dad was on the computer, and I had no idea where Keith was. Even after sunset it was still really warm outside. Dad thanked us for doing a fabulous job on the Volvo, and I asked if he was going to pay us.

"Yeah. You get to eat dinner one more night." To that, we all laughed.

So we were tired, but somewhat rejuvenated. After weeks of mood swings and highs and lows, being singled out and feeling left out, being forgiven and forgiving myself, and coming to terms with what I can't control... it came down to Mark and me where we should be... together, both of us wanting it no other way.

We sat out in the driveway and talked in Dad's shiny, spotlessly detailed Volvo, thank you very much. I drove it, too! OK, OK, that's a lie. All I did was put it in the garage, but technically that's driving!

"Jeez, it's late. You about ready for bed?" I yawned.

"Yeah sweetie... umm... what do you have in mind?"

I just smiled and raised my eyebrows in anticipated excitement. And just then, my cell phone buzzed in my pants pocket. Hmm, it was Townsend.

"Hey, whatup?" I answered.

"Kevin..." his voice was shaking, "I fucked up. I'm in trouble..."

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 26

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