Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Sep 7, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 31.

After the funeral, the Millers were having a reception/luncheon at Baymont Country Club. Why do people do that? After someone dies they have a big-ass party. I don't get it.

I felt so beat up... hardly in the mood to be around a bunch of people any longer... much less eat anything. But Dad said we had to go, that it would be disrespectful not to attend. Anyway, he drove, Keith was in the front and I rode in the back, alone... sunk down in my seat... I stared out the window, daydreaming, wishing Mark was beside me. In a way, I was glad it was all overwith, the funeral and everything. How do you adjust when your world changes so... abruptly? So... unexpectedly? So... tragically? Some things, you can't control...

So now what? School's out. I'm out. Camp's over. Mark's not sick anymore and Townsend's dead. At least it's summer and I have my mowing jobs... a little money in my pocket. That'll keep me busy. And Mark's going back to work at King Kullen. Maybe we'll plan a little vacation for later in the summer, just him and me. The way it should be.

I was so lost in thought that Keith practically had to shout at me to get out of the car once we pulled in the lot at Baymont.

"Wake up! Dude!! We're here!!"

"Alright. Jesus!" I muttered under my breath, shaking my head somewhat annoyed. The good news was that the Grahams had followed and were parked right next to us, so Mark and I walked in together. Baymont is a pretty snappy place, especially the clubhouse. I'd been there once or twice before. I was pretty much all cried out, and due to a lack of sleep, I think I was pretty well numbed-up. Meaning, I didn't breakdown when we saw Townsend's parents at the door as they were greeting everyone.

"Kevin... thank you, young man!" Surprisingly, Mrs. Miller hugged me, and Mr. Miller did too, which was totally unexpected. "You helped Townsend so much... you'll never know. We appreciate what a great friend you were to him."

"Jeez, I was just... his friend, that's all, Mrs. Miller. I mean, I did what anyone would do."

"He thought the world of you. You should have heard him... he called us Saturday after you dropped him off at the airport, and you're all he talked about."

I nodded slightly, "You know I'm really gonna miss him, and all. I'm just really glad I got to know him... and especially last week at camp... what a great time we had. I'm glad we went..." I almost said something stupid, like 'It all worked out.' Thank God I caught myself before I said it, because it didn't all work out, did it? If it had, Townsend wouldn't be dead.

I smiled at both of them, and didn't really cry, although I did get a little choked up. I remembered the day Mr. Miller dropped Townsend off at our house as we were getting ready to leave for camp... they said goodbye but didn't hug each other. I admit, I'm not a very huggy-kissy-touchy-feely kind of guy, except with a select chosen few. Mark, obviously, is one person I hug a lot, and the other is Dad. The two most important guys in my life, my boyfriend and my father, and of course I love them both, in different ways. But being able to genuinely show affection, like with a hug, well... it says something about your relationship.

Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Miller were thinking about their relationship with Townsend. Maybe they were wishing it had been different, that they had paid more attention to him... spent more time with him. All that money and social status... what did it get them? A dead son, that's what.

"We can't thank you enough, Kevin, for being Townsend's friend. You father is blessed to have a son like you." Mr. Miller looked at Dad and smiled when he said that. And I turned beet red.

"Thanks Mrs. Miller... Mr. Miller... that really means a lot to me... A Lot! I've been thinking about Townsend every single day, and I always will. Thanks."

Even though this "luncheon" was one more social event for the Miller family, and as much perceived "distance" there was between Townsend and his parents, I couldn't help but think he'd feel right at home if he were there. After all, he was "Mr. Social," too, and could work a crowd like none other. It sure is gonna be different without him.

After we got there, we saw Eric and his parents, and he caught up to Mark and me at the buffet. The food didn't really interest me all that much, even though I'm sure it tasted as good as it looked. Actually, I was more interested in talking to Eric and the others... you know... to catch up on things. I hadn't really spoken to anyone at the church or cemetery.

"So, dude, what's happening at Fire Island? Do you like your job and all?"

"Yeah, man, it's sweet! I just sit in my lifeguard chair all day and look at half-naked chics up and down the beach! Jesus, its a good thing we don't have to wear speedos!"

"Mmm! Yeah, right." Actually, I couldn't imagine Eric Wolf in a speedo. I mean, I could, imagine it, but I don't want to. Not that he's bad looking, he's cute and all, but I just never thought of him as sexy. Townsend... now after what I saw in the showers at camp... that's a different story. Jesus, I'm a sick bastard, thinking about Townie that way right after his funeral. My mind drifted and I sorta tuned everyone out for a moment...

"So, yeah, Eric, that'd be great! Would you want us to bring Jen, too?" I heard Mark asking...

"Nah... she'll probably drive herself because she's gonna stay the rest of the week, I think... at least I hope she does. You know, I gotta have some action."

Mark cleared his throat and laughed, "Umm, Eric... why don't you just hit on one of those 'half-naked chics' that are all over the place? You know, all those babes you were talking about 'up and down the beach'? Oh... no... that's right... you and Jen are like 'married,' aren't you?!"

"Shut up Graham, you only wish..." Eric teased back.

"Yeah, right... I wish... NOT!!!!" Mark laughed. "I don't know who's more pussy-whipped... you or Kevin's brother!" he said in a low voice.

"Uhh... what are you guys talking about?" I wondered.

"Weren't you listening, Space Cadet?" Mark and Eric exchanged funny glances, as if to say "Earth-to-Kevin."

"Oh, I was just thinking about something... hey Eric, wouldn't it be cool if we all came to Fire Island for the 4th of July? It's only a few weeks away..."

Mark and Eric started laughing like two wild and crazy guys. "Are you on crack, buddyboy? That's just what we were talking about. Didn't you hear us?"

I apologized to Mark and Eric, and excused myself for being such a dumbass 'apace cadet.' "Maybe it's just that it's so hot in here, I dunno..." Even though the air conditioning was on it was still hot, and I was sweating like a hog.

The two of them laughed as we got some food and ate. All of us, we sat together... including Nora, Amy, Lisa and Keith. We stayed at the country club for maybe an hour total. I couldn't wait to get home and change. You know, I have about a three-hour limit wearing a suit and tie, and I was waaaay past that. And Mark, well he's even worse than me! He had already loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar, and his shirt was half un-tucked. His mom whispered to him that he better "neaten up." She said she didn't want her boy looking all "disheveled." Tell me, who the fuck ever says "disheveled" except Mrs. Graham?

"Come on, ma... it's so freakin' hot!"

"Yeah, and that tight tie probably irritates your neck and throat. Right, Mark?" I snickered.

"Well, we should be going anyway..." Mrs. Graham responded to Mark's whining. My sarcastic comment earned me a dirty glare that only Mrs. Graham can give.

Actually, I was ready to go, too. But if we hadn't, just then, I would have suggested to Mark that we go in the men's restroom to he could "neaten up" like his mom said. I'd like to help him tuck in that shirt, yes, sir! I'd unzip his pants and smooth out the wrinkles, making sure the shirttails were neat and flat against his body, down in his pants. And I'd take my time zipping him back up, too! Better still, why bother with the "neaten up" ritual? Let's just get those clothes off completely and into something more comfortable... like nothing!

So yeah, we went back to my house and changed, and so Mark could get his stuff, and even though we were exhausted, we walked over to his house later in the afternoon. I grabbed us both a can of Mountain Dew from the fridge, because, well... I needed a little jolt of something to keep me going.

As if we hadn't seen enough of Nora and Amy, they both called Mark and me, almost at the same time, as we were taking the shortcut through the woods. They asked us if we wanted to hang out later that night, and do something. I swear, Mark and I can read each other's minds. We both played the 'we-can't-decide-game' and told them, "Jeez... we'll call you back."

We got to Mark's, absolutely drained of all energy, even after drinking the Mountain Dew. And I admit to being a little bit cranky. The others were all doing their thing, and Mark turned on the TV, which put us both to sleep instantly. Me on the couch, and him on the floor below me. I think we were just so whacked from the events of this past week, plus not getting hardly any sleep last night.

I think I only dozed about an hour, and I woke up drooling. And hard. At first I didn't know where I was, because we usually don't fall asleep separately in his family room. I looked down at Mark who was still out like a light, and damn, he looked delicious. I wiped the drool off my chin and got up to go to the bathroom, because, well, I had to piss like a racehorse. (I know, you're not surprised by that!)

As I looked around for a sign that anyone was home, I called out a soft "Hello..... Hello-o?? Anybody here??" Ahh, no answer! Just what I was hoping for! Obviously they all were long gone! So I peed (a little easier to do when you're only half-hard), and went right back to the family room and curled up on the floor next to Mark. He kind of raised his head up slightly and made a sucking sound with his mouth, but his eyes were still closed and he was still asleep. It was a temptation to wake him up. Or, just suck him off, while he was sleeping... not like I haven't done that before!

But, no, I behaved myself. And I did fall asleep again, snuggled next to him. Yes, we had slept together every night this past week, ever since I got home, and while that was great... this was the kind of closeness we had been missing. I just wanted to say again, I'm really not the cuddly type. I know, I know, you think I'm crazy. But seriously, I'm really not very affectionate. I mean, Dad and I hug a lot, but that's OK. It's to be expected. But with Mark it's different. He's the exception to my rule. So, yeah, we cuddled. Mark and me on the family room floor... our bodies twisted together like a pretzel.

And I did what comes naturally to me. I just... out of habit... slid my hand down his pants. Feeling that warm smoothness of his bare skin under those boxers, mmmmm! Eventually we were awoken by the sounds of the garage door, laughter and chit chat. Mr. and Mrs. Graham were home, and not long after them, Lisa and my brother walked in. Thank God we had been able to pull ourselves together before they were all fully in the house. The last thing we needed would have been for anyone to see us snuggled up like that together, intertwined... or... God forbid... "DISHEVLED!!!"

"Hi, honey, what have you boys been up to? You look like you just woke up!" That was brilliant of Mrs. Graham to notice! Hmm... could the clues have been the remnants of dried drool across my cheek? Or Mark standing between the kitchen and family room, yawning, with a dazed facial expression like he was lost in space...? And maybe that both of us were a bit lethargic? So clever of her to think we'd been sleeping! "I bet you boys hardly slept a wink at the Carson's. Goodness, what goes on over there?" She laughed.

Yup, Mrs. Graham was really managing to piss me off. What the fuck did she mean by that remark? Like it's some kind of free-for-all at my house? Anything but! Was she hinting that I was some sort-of bad influence on her son? She was nice to me one week, and a smartass the next. It was really starting to get to me. I thought maybe somehow I could figure out how to talk to Mark about it. But then again, I don't want to trash someone else's mom, especially Mark's mom. I dunno, on second thought... maybe it's me, not her. Maybe I just don't know how to take her. Could it be that's just her way of kidding around? Could it be I'm a little too sensitive?

"Umm... yeah, ma... I'm hungry," smiling Mark said as he scratched his crotch and rearranged his privates. I don't think anyone else noticed him doing that, but I sure did. My eyes sort-of drift to below his belt naturally. I would have offered to help him, but... We exchanged glances, smiling with our eyes. He caught me catching him do that. Lick Lick!

"Alright, let me see what I can make for you." Mrs. Graham said, as she opened the freezer door. "Hmm... how about hot pockets and tater tots?"

Look out... the oven's next!! I guess hot pockets are her specialty! Rachel Ray better be careful, or Mrs. Graham might be after her job at the Food Network!

Mark opened up a 2-liter jug of coke and chugged half of it, I swear, right from the bottle... warm. No glass, no ice... nothing. Then he belched... and laughed about it. I admit, I laughed too! It was funny... an intentionally loud and extended burp. We laughed so hard we cried. But who got the dirty look from Mrs. Graham? Three guesses... me, me or ME?? I guarantee if I would have done that... drank from the bottle and belched, she'd have hissed at me and her fangs would have come out. So I guess I should be happy with just a scowl of disapproval! Yet it seemed like Mark was off the hook. He's not a "mama's boy," but I swear he never gets in trouble with her. And you know what? I love him even when he's crude. In fact, that "bad boy" image... it's kinda sexy!!

"Want some?" Mark asked me.

"Nah... I'll pass." I snickered.

He laughingly shrugged his shoulders. And that's when he remembered about calling the girls.

"Shit, we gotta call Amy and Nora. We said we would, you know. What do you wanna do? Feel like hanging out with them?"

"I don't care." Truth was, I really did care. I didn't want to be with them, that is. I wanted to be with Mark... 'sooner' rather than 'later.' I'm a little selfish.

As Mrs. Graham went about her business in the kitchen (I'm sure monitoring every word Mark and I said), she informed us of their plans for the evening. "Listen boys, we're going out to dinner tonight with Kevin's father and Debbie Kirsch. She and Kenny seem to hit it off so well, we thought it would be a nice evening out, especially with how tough this week's been. Daddy wants to go into the Village... to a new Tex-Mex restaurant I believe... And we're driving, so you know what that means."

Hmm... Dad, Ms. Kirsch and the Graham's are going into the city...? Damn straight I know what the fuck that means! It'll be a late night for sure, especially since they're driving. And Lisa mentioned that she and Keith were going to be gone most the night, too! God knows they'll be out until whenever. That all translates to just one thing: More time alone for Mark and me! The thought of all of them being gone made me smile, but I really chuckled when Mrs. Graham referred to Mr. Graham as "Daddy" again. Jesus, what's up with that? I was gonna tease Mark, but I thought, ahh, fuck it. He teases me more than I tease him.

We called Amy and Nora, and tossed around different ideas of what we could do... go to Smarty's (more pizza? yuk!), hang out at the mall (I don't think so), RENT a movie (nah...), or, GO to a movie (uhh, no...). So we decided to meet up at Starbucks at 8:30 and just sit around and and talk. Hang and chill. Fine with me!

After those delectable hot pockets and tater tots, Mark and I goofed around outside for a little while. I don't even know what all we did, shot some hoops or something. But we did seem to have a bit more energy than earlier. I guess our little nap did some good. Finally everyone was ready to leave. Keith picked up Lisa, and Mark's parents backed out of the driveway, waving goodbye. We looked at each other, our mouths wide open and eyebrows raised, and screamed with joy: "We're alone!!!"

That did it! In no time were up in his room. Forget "Later!" "Sooner" was right now! I practically attacked him. I was a new man! Hands, lips and tongues were all in motion.

When we spoke, the little that we did, it was in between breaths and slurps and kisses. In fact, we tried to talk while we were kissing and licking each other. We didn't strip right away, it seemed like we took our time doing that, getting our clothes off. It was fun just sliding our hands up under each other's shirts and down inside our underwear... feeling... searching... finding... squeezing... and smiling.

I ended up on my back across Mark's bed, with my head hanging down over the edge, him straddling me. He was low over my thighs grinding his hardon against me. We still had our pants on, and I was rubbing my own boner with one hand, trying to feel his with the other. He tore off his t-shirt, then almost savage-like, ripped mine from my body, then leaned down and sucked my nipples hard. And as he sucked and licked, he undid my pants. With the same gentle force, Mark stripped me of my pants and underwear at lightening speed, like a magician. It's a wonder something didn't get caught up and twisted in the clothing... all that denim and elastic, and the zippers and snaps... you name it.

For a moment, Mark stared at my stiff meat lying against my stomach, pointed straight up. He cupped his hands under my ass and put his face to my crotch. He kissed my loose balls, licked them one at a time, and sucked on them gently, but enough to make me squirm. He squeezed my rod, then took it in his mouth and sucked hard. I swear, as he pulled his head away from me, the suction lifted me up off the bed.

"Oh God, mmmm, ohhh, mmmmm..." I strained to lift my hanging head so I could watch him suck and lick me. His warm, wet mouth on my sensitive skin made me moan ten decibels louder. "OH!!!! UHHH... AHHHHH UHH AHH UHHHH MMMMMMMM!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!" I screamed!

Mark took his mouth off me long enough to giggle and say he wasn't done. No one was there so it didn't matter how loud we were. And I must say, we were pretty vocal! It had been so long since he and I had been able to get it on like this, emotionally and physically. Mark having been so sick, me being away, and Townsend's death. But now, this was our time. And we were making the most of it.

The slurping sounds of Mark's spit as he sucked me off were like music to me. "Damn, I want you to blow your load, sweetie... I wanna make you cum..." He sucked harder and jacked me too, if you can imagine that!


"Oh yeah... come on!!" and he went right back to his forceful, sensuous sucking.

I was bucking my ass and grabbed my balls, trying my best to look up and watch the fireworks... "UHHH... I'm gonna fucking EXPLODE!!!"

And the second he took his hot mouth off of my dick, I did explode, shooting my warm white jizz right onto his lips. Mark watched as gob after creamy gob spurted out of my cock. For a moment I thought about when they fired the cannon at civil war camp. That's sorta what it was like. And I felt like I was having a seizure, but eventually I slowed down as I finally stopped ejaculating. It was so awesome, and we were both drenched with sweat and cum. But after only a second or two, we were back at it again... my turn to get him off.

Somehow during all the turmoil, Mark's pants were partly on, partly off. So I finished the job... slowly. In fact, I nibbled at his cock through his underwear. His knob was sticking out the top of the elastic waistband, and I quickly lapped up the clear precum that was waiting for me. I wiggled my tongue back and forth in his piss slit and grazed his sensitive head with my teeth. Mark stuck his fingers in my mouth and I sucked them. I did the same to him. When my index finger was well-coated with his spit, I immediately went to the target. Bullseye! I slid it right up under the leg opening of his underwear and into his hole, which was already hot and a little slick from something... (sweat maybe??)

"Do you like that?" I whispered, then licked all around his ears and neck. Mmmm, the salty taste of his perspiration wasn't gross at all. As I worked my finger in and out, deeper and deeper, he teased me by clamping his hole around it. Then he'd let loose, then squeeze again. I licked and gently bit my way down his neck, to his nipples and around his smooth chest... then his navel. I took his underpants the rest of the way off, slowly. The opposite of how he stripped me. I kissed his pubes, but licked his balls the same as he licked mine. The precum was really flowing, so I got a good amount of it in my hand and started to pump him. As soon as his dick would get a little dry, I spit on it. I swear that cock of his got bigger in my fist.

"Ummm... Ohhhh... Jeez... Oh God!" Mark moaned.

"Are you ready?" I asked, smiling.

"Uh-huh!" So I proceeded to lick and pump some more, seriously bringing him to the edege. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH GOD DAMN IT!!!!!! JESUS, I LOVE YOU!!" I had his ass cheeks spread apart a little, but my finger wasn't inside him. I felt a little whistle of air come out of his hole as volley after volley of his sweet cream shot out onto his tummy. The first squirt was sort-of watery, but the other six or seven blasts were nice! Creamy and hot, and it went all over.

"Damn! Looks like you've been saving it up for me, huh?" I giggled.

"Hmmm... yeah... looks like it, doesn't it?!"

I was still pretty hard and it took a while for Mark's to go down, too. We lay there, side by side across his bed. It was hard to believe what we had been through earlier that day, and how desperately we needed this release. The connection. It's hot.

I looked over at his alarm clock and it was already past eight. "Shit, we better get cleaned up." Mark said.

"No... no... let's just lay here, I like this."

"Yeah, but we said we'd meet 'em at 8:30, and we can't go smelling like this!"

"I don't wanna go."

"OK, don't. Stay here, then. By yourself."

Hmm. Now he wants to be the boss. Well, alrighty then! "OK, I'll go, but we better hop in the shower... together... you know, to save time and all."

So that's what we did. We took a quick shower, and I got to wear a clean pair of Mark's boxers and one of his t-shirts! And even a clean pair of his cargo shorts. I wasn't going to, but I think there was a bit of cum from... somebody... on mine. His clothes were a little big on me, but with cargo shorts it didn't matter. We left for Starbuck's at 8:20, and called the girls to say we might be a few minutes late.

It was OK, at Starbucks, with Amy and Nora. But, I have so many memories of Mark and me being in that place. That restroom... what a visual! It was busy, for a nice warm summer evening... lots of people out and about on a Friday night. But all of a sudden, I remembered it wasn't just any Friday night. We'd buried our friend less than ten hours ago, and it all came back to me. I said "excuse me" and went outside for a few minutes to get a grip. As I was starting to come back in, Nora was at the door, walking out.

"Hey, bud... You OK?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

"We haven't had much time to talk, you know, alone... about you... and what's going on with you. I just want you to know, our pact... about being there for each other... I still mean it, Kevin."

"I know, Nora. I'm here for you, too. I've been fine all day, really, after everything. Mark and I spent the day together..."

"I don't know what you'd do without him."

"I don't either. He's pretty awesome."

"He sure is. And you are too, Kev. You deserve him. And Townsend... well, he was lucky to have both you and Mark as his best friends..."

We hugged, Nora and me, with a tear and a smile. Then we got past that little moment of emotion, and went back inside. The mood lightened, and the rest of the time there was sorta fun. Mark made us laugh, and we even told some of our favorite funny stories about Townsend. I kept it together. I didn't talk about the shoes, but I did think about it, how that all went down. And we also talked about going to visit Eric for July 4th at Fire Island. We all agreed it'll be a good time.

Since Amy drove, she offered to drop us off back at Mark's, but we said "no," that we'd walk since it was so nice out. As expected, no one was home when we got there. It was 11:00. We quickly brushed our teeth, peed, and went straight back to Mark's room. He put some music on softly on the computer. We took our clothes off, got into bed and made out while The Fray was playing "Over My Head."

That hot make-out session led to an even hotter jerk-off session, each of us taking care of ourselves, at the same time, facing each other. We actually hadn't done that in a while and I gotta say it was pretty awesome. I popped first, and Mark followed about a minute later, actually shooting a nice blob over MY head! We cleaned up a little, and went to sleep, the house still silent and empty, except for us.

Mark slept the whole night through, but I didn't. It was OK though. I woke up around 1:00, hearing his parents come in. They tried to be quiet, and for the most part they were. I was up, but they didn't wake Mark. And then about 2:30, my brother dropped Lisa off. I peeked out the window and saw them kiss goodnight, and he waited until she got in the house, then he drove away. She was quiet, too, and I got back in bed.

Mark was sleeping so sound, just like he does so often. It's a beautiful sight, watching him sleep. And before I drifted back into dreamland, I put my arms around him tightly and got real close to him. Lying there with Mark, I knew I was the luck one.

For the last week or so, each and every day had been like a higher, steeper, faster roller-coaster than the day before. But now, it was all finally winding down. I thought to myself, sure, I'm going to have some tough moments ahead of me, like I did tonight at Starbucks. And my friends will be there. And they'll probably have it rough now and then as well. And I'll be there for them. I love my friends, all of them. We'll make it through. But I also know that sometimes things change, and friends come and go. Sometimes for reasons they can't control. Just ask Townsend.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 32

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