
By Justin Jordan

Published on Dec 31, 2004


I would like to thank all those who have written in appreciation of my first efforts at story writing. I hope you enjoy this next episode and I will be happy to have any comments, good or bad. Just send them along to

The usual disclaimers apply. If you are under age or it is illegal for you to read this for any reason, please leave. Remember a night of sex without protection can cost you your life. Always play safe and use a condom.

Part 9

The time for the next "Gathering" has come round again. Four times a year the members of the Order of Sade hold a Gathering. The order is a group men of like minds who are committed to the master/slave life style. The number is limited to thirty and there is a waiting list for membership. The affairs of the order are over seen by a council of five; the Dominus (the effective CEO) the Whip (vice), the Enforcer (treasurer), the Brander and the Skinner. One councillor retires every year and a new one elected so there is continuity in the affairs. Councillors can run for more than one term and I am in my fourth year as Dominus and considering whether I will run again. You arrived a few days after the last Gathering. So you have not attended one. I feel you are ready now although you have only had three months' training and I am obliged to attend anyway. All I tell you is to double your afternoon exercise routine so you are well pumped and then to prepare yourself carefully paying particular attention to removing all body hair. I see the look of apprehension on your face but do nothing to relieve your fears. I know you are always fearful of the unknown. You like the routine life we have together and deviations from it cause you concern. After supper you present yourself and I carry out an very thorough inspection. I have prepared several lengths of duct tape which I plaster to your body and then rip off to test the completeness of your shave. I fold one length and tell you to bend over and spread your cheeks and I pat it into place down your crack and cover your hole. I then rip it off and this elicits a sharp yell from you. I know you have difficulty keeping this area completely hair free and I help you in this way. You dutifully thank me for my ministrations although there are tears in your eyes. Back in present, I rub an ointment into your left upper chest. You look surprised and I can see you want to ask what it is for but know better than to question me. I make you dress in your soft leather shorts and your codpiece bulges over the CB3000. You look very fine in your black leather collar and fine young muscled chest, flat belly, strong smooth thighs and firm round mounds. Your exercise programme is certainly paying off. I am proud of you but I know better than to tell you. I get my ring from the drawer in the armoire and put it on my right middle finger. It has my cypher inscribed; a diagonal cross with a slave spread-eagled, encircled by two entwined whips. I attach a leash to your collar and lead you out to the garage. I open the back of the SUV and you crawl into the cage in the back. The vehicle is fitted with one way glass so there is no worry about anyone seeing you. It will be dark soon anyway. We set off and you have no idea whether it is just a kilometer or a hundred we have to go. As it happens it takes us nearly an hour and a half. We are now in cattle country and I pull up in front of a cattle grid at the entrance to a ordinary cattle ranch. The ranch is owned by the members of the order and run by a manager. The herd is a bit larger than usual because of the BSE crisis but no member relies on the ranch for any part of his income. The only unusual feature is that the house sits half a kilometer from the road so is completely isolated. The cattle grid seems normal. However there are two rows of forward facing spikes in the last two spaces. These would rip the tyres out of any unauthorized vehicle entering. I dial a number on my cell phone and the spikes lower and then return once I am passed. I drive round the back of the house into the yard and there are twenty or so cars already there. We may be the last to arrive as we have had furthest to travel. Standing on one side of the yard is a an old large Dutch barn. It looks as if it has seen better days but it is in fact well cared for. We enter by a small Judas door in the main double doors and we are in a small well appointed, well lit, lobby. In the right wall there is a small niche. The bottom half is closed with a grill. In the flat top of the grill there is a semi circular indentation. I place my right wrist in this and a grill descends from above. It has a similar indentation and my wrist is trapped. A laser scans my ring and the upper grill retracts. Had it not been recognized, the grill would have remained and some one would have come to investigate who the intruder was. There are no written signatures taken to maintain some degree of anonymity. There is a click as the electronic lock is released on the door facing us. We enter the main part of the building and you look around in amazement. The Whip comes forward to greet me and he looks at you approvingly. You stand proud but keep your eyes down.

There are about twenty masters and almost as many slaves present. I pass through the crowd and stop and talk to many old friends. I keep you with me as I understand your uneasiness in these new surroundings. I will leave you on your own soon enough. You recognize three of the masters who were present at your "coming out" but you give no sign of doing so. They tell me how much the had enjoyed that evening. The room is carpeted and well furnished. It is obvious, even at a glance, that it does not cover the whole area of the barn floor and the back wall has a draped entrance to the further reaches. In one corner there is an open spiral staircase leading to a gallery that runs round the whole barn. Opening off the gallery are private rooms. On checking in, a room is assigned to every master and his cypher appears in a slot on the door. As Dominus I always have the same room. You do not know where to look first. In the centre of the room there are five upright cages and each contains a naked slave. Off to one side there are two different cages; each about one metre square and again a slave in each. Your look shows that you are envious of them as the sit in these cramped quarters. You do not know the significance of their incarceration. To the left of the entrance there is a small council chamber, sparsely furnished. It only contains a five foot by three foot oblong mahogany table with three chairs along the long side and one at either end. The centre chair sits slightly higher on a small dais. I lead you over to the far side and there you see three pillars with hooks on then. Several slaves have their leashes attached to these. I explain to you the purpose of the pillars. Slaves attached to a particular pillar are made available by their masters to serve the other masters. The first one is for strictly oral service, the second for oral and anal and the third for anything that please the master, including both sexual and sadistic pleasure. There are several slaves attached to each post. Next I decide to check out the slaves in the upright cages. On the outside of each is the provinance of the contents. Four of the slaves are attracting a great deal of attention. They are all suspended from the top with their legs spread and attached to the bars on the side of the cages so they are stretched and barely standing on tip toe. They all have ball gags in their mouths. They are well displayed like this. They are all well muscled and vary in body type. None has any body adornment and they are natural; ie. not shaved. There is no master at the fifth cage and I stop to examine the contents. The information attached to the cage says it is called Sean and is 18yrs old. This may well explain the lack of interest as most of the masters prefer more mature slaves. It has rich auburn hair and deep green eyes. Its complexion is fair with rosy cheeks that tells of a healthy out door existence. It has fetching freckles over its nose and cheeks. It still has the undeveloped body musculature of a teenager. Its cock is average size as are its balls. It has nicely shaped hairless thighs. The information says it is an anal virgin. I run my hands over its smooth buttocks and let my finger penetrate into hits crack and follow it down to the little preserved prize. I push against the opening to test its tone and there is a good resistance. It probably is anal intact. I cup its balls in my hand and gently fondle them, running them around in their sac. At first it looks a bit apprehensive but that soon gives way to a look of pleasure as it became erect. It is soon leaking pre-cum. I start to squeeze and its expression turns from pleasure into concern and soon into wide eyed pain. I feel myself getting excited. I let go and hold my hand out to you so you can lick it clean of its pre-cum. I find it quite attractive and cannot understand the others disinterest. You are getting very nervous at my obvious attraction to it. It looks more like sixteen than eighteen and I wonder if the information is correct. As I am considering this the Whip approaches me and tells me the council is ready to start the business part of the meeting. I cannot take you with me so I lead you over to the Pleasure Pillars. You see the direction in which we are moving and you get anxious. You lag back and I have to tug on your leash to keep you moving. You wonder which pillar you are destined to decorate. I hook your leash to the oral only pillar. I tell you to remove your shorts and wait until some master wants you to service him. The first item of business is quite easy. One of our members had moved to Vancouver and so had resigned and left a vacancy. Two members acted as sponsors for a master to take his place. They presented him to the councillors and said that he understood the rules of the order and was prepared to re-imburse the retiring member for his share of the ranch as well as pay his annual dues. The sponsors would stand as guarantors for his bona fides during his first year while he is on probation. We welcome him into the brotherhood and tell him to see the Enforcer to pay his dues and arrange to have a ring with his personal cypher made. He leaves to enjoy the rest of the evening. Next we review a submission that has been sent to us before interviewing the petitioner. It is a request to formally enslave a thirteen year old boy. The master had found him sleeping on the ground outside the cathedral in Buenos Aires and had taken him to his hotel, cleaned him up, fed him and clothed him. He brought him home on his yacht and the boy is in the country illegally. We make our decision by concensus and call the master in. First he must provide proper documentation to the council that the boy has been accepted as a landed immigrant within six months. We cannot risk any problems with the authorities. Second, we cannot approve the full enslavement of a thirteen year old boy. However we will make the boy a ward of the order and the master can be his guardian. There must be no pain above first degree limiting it to spanking, mild flogging, some cbt and tit play. Sexually he can continue as he already has enjoyed the boy fully. He will present the boy to the council at the first gathering after his sixteenth birthday and the matter will be considered again at that time. The wardship will be supervised by the Enforcer. I remind the master that there is no appeal and he can accept or reject our decision. If the latter however, he will be expelled from the order. He acquiesces and leaves. The third matter is also quickly dealt with. A master and slave enter. By mutual agreement of master and slave, the slave is to be set free. It is the council's purview to guard the rights of the slave. We question the master about the arrangements that have been made to safeguard the welfare of the slave. A job has been found and a suitable endowment fund provided. Since both parties are in agreement, the council gives its approval and we wish the slave good fortune. There are two more grievous matters to be decided. A master enters and he is followed by two slaves pushing one of the small cages. The master states his complaint. The slave in question has been disrespectful for some time but recently struck the master and since then has been kept in confinement. There really is nothing to decide. The punishment for striking a master has been set by precedent and both master and slave know this. All that is left to do is to pronounce the sentence. The slave will have one ball removed. The second case was not as troublesome. The master has two slaves and this one persists in fucking the other against his master's orders. Whipping has not deterred him. The master requests twenty lashes with the eight tailed cat. This seems reasonable to the councillors and so it is ordered. That terminates our business for the evening and we can disperse and relax and take our pleasure. I see you standing by the Pleasure Pillar where I left you. I have no way of knowing if you have been used or left standing while I was away. Your face lights up as you see my approach. However it soon fades as I reach for a leash of a slave attached to the anal pillar. I see a look of displeasure on your face and you know that I have noticed it and you will be punished for it later. It is not for you to judge my actions. It is very much to my liking. It is around twenty years old, 5..8, 160lbs, blonde hair on its head but otherwise totally smooth. It has a lithe swimmers build with broad chest and narrow waist, flaring out to nicely shaped hips and ass, long smooth legs. It feels honoured to be chosen by the Dominus. It will gain status among the other slaves. I lead it to the staircase and to my room. The business has taken up a lot time. So I must take my pleasure quickly. I allow it to undress me and then make it kneel to worship my cock and balls. It has a sweet warm mouth and caresses my cock and balls. He laps up my pre-cum with relish and uses gentle suction to get all of it. I am soon ready to mount it and I get it to kneel on the edge of the bed with its chest down and its ass up. It appears to have been used already this evening as there is lubricant around its puckered hole so I do not add more. I put a condom on and place my cock head at the entrance to its love canal. In one thrust I fully impale it and hold my cock there, enjoying the velvety warmth that surrounds it. I begin a slow fucking action

and delight in watching my cock slip in and out between those beautiful buns. However I am mindful of the time pressure and I start to fuck it harder and it moans in appreciation. With a series of deep thrusts I feel my seed churning upwards and I pull it back hard on my cock as I balloon the condom with my cum. After I withdraw from it, I remove the condom and make it kneel before me. I upend the condom and let my seed flow into its mouth. It holds it there until the condom is empty and then I allow it to swallow. I return it to the Pleasure Pillar. This time I do approach you and again rub some ointment onto your upper left chest. I take your leash off the hook and lead you through the curtained doors in the back of the room. As you stood at the pillar, you heard the sounds of pain emanating from there. You wonder what I have in store for you. Your eyes open wide as you see what surrounds you. The room is one huge dungeon. There are masters and slaves making use of the equipment. Some scenes are one on one. Others have multiple players. Any master can be invited to join any scene. One in particular takes my interest. It is brought to my attention by a particularly loud piercing scream. At first glance there does not seem to be anything to warrant this reaction. However on closer inspection it really does intrigue me. The slave is lying on what appears to be an ordinary bare board. It is not restrained at all and yet it stays there. As I watch it lets out another ear splitting scream and its head moves from side to side and its arms and legs thrash around. Sweat is standing on its forehead. There is more to this than meets the eye. I look underneath the board. The slaves cock and balls are hanging through a hole and his balls are encased in a ball crusher. I have not seen one like this before. The master explains its working to me and invites me to turn one of the butterfly nuts a quarter turn. I do this and I am rewarded by another immediate reaction. The master tells me that he has not perfected the system yet but, when he does, he will patent it and give the rights to the order. He has to devise some way of preventing the slaves balls from being completely mushed. It is time for the fun to stop and the work of the evening begun. All the slaves are released from their bondage and assembled. The slave who is to receive twenty lashes is brought forward and firmly bound facing a diagonal cross. It will not be gagged as the cries will reinforce the punishment in the minds of the other slaves. The Whip comes forward carrying the Cat. He takes a few experimental swings to loosen his arm and get the feel of it. There is a hush as he pulls back his arm and brings it forward. There is an instantaneous cry from the slave coinciding with the impact of the eight tails on his bare back. It remembers in time to thank the Whip before the next crushing blow lands. By the fifth there are signs of blood and breakages in the skin. It is screaming with each lash and sweat is pouring from its brow. By ten it is no longer counting and is hanging limp and whimpering between its screams. The Whip is not a cruel man and he moderates his force. However the full twenty must be administered. After twenty its back is a mess of open wounds and blood is dripping down onto he floor. Two slaves take it down and lie it down on a bed. They wash the wounds with clear water and dry them carefully. Then smear them with soothing aloe cream. Next is the hemi-castration. The Skinner should perform this but he does not have much experience and I am asked to do it. The slave is strapped down to the table and completely immobilized. I wash the whole of its groin area with an iodine based antiseptic solution and drape sterile towels around. After donning sterile surgical gloves I pick up a sharp scalpel and make an adequate sized incision in the right side of the sac. I free the orb digitally and find the artery. This I clamp, divide and tie. Next the vas that carries the sperm and finally the veins and extraneous tissue. The ball comes free in my hand. The slaves mouth is open and the ball is placed there. Several skin sutures close the wound and a pressure dressing applied. The whole procedure took less than five minutes. The slave is moved to a trolley and taken away. There was complete silence from the observing slaves throughout the procedure. The Whip comes forward and calls out your name. You pale and break out in a sweat. Two burly slaves who have placed themselves either side of you grab your arms and bring you forward. They lie you down on the table and strap you down firmly. You look at me and plead with your eyes. Thoughts race through your head. What have you done to offend me that I would want to castrate you? Surely not just looking disapprovingly. You are too shocked to cry out. A glowing brazier is wheeled near the table and from it protrude three branding irons. This is cattle country and branding ones property is quite normal. The Brander approaches and draws one out and tests it for heat. Too hot and it will burn through to the muscle; too cool and the brand will not be crisp and clear. He is satisfied and brings it over you. You stare wide eyed with panic in your face. The iron descends and you smell your skin burning and you yell before passing out. The Brander is experienced and knows just how long to keep the iron in contact with your flesh to make a perfect mark. You are left with my cypher burned on your upper left chest. The ointment I used was Emla, a surface anaesthetic, as I wished to spare you some of the pain. You are moved to another trolley and wheeled away to be tended by two slaves. They put antibiotic ointment into the wound to prevent infection and carefully dress it. The Whip calls out for slave Chin and a slight young Chinese slave is brought forward and the procedure repeated with its master's cypher but this time on its left buttock. Finally it is slave Faisal's turn. It has had the hair on its arm shaved because that interferes with the burning. The masters all return to the main room for the final function of the evening; the auction of the five slaves. The bidding is brisk on the first two on the block. They are both burly football player build. The new member bids vigorously to be sure to get the one of his choice. Then it is Sean's turn. He looks even younger and very vulnerable as he stands on the block before the masters. The bidding is desultory. None seem to want this fine young man. They fail to see its potential. I feel embarrassed for it. I make a jump bid of $1,000 to try to stimulate the others. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect. When the other masters see this they think I have a special interest in this slave and all further bidding ceases. I am left with another slave. What am I going to do with it? Besides any other consideration, I love you and I know you are intensely jealous of my attention. The other two slaves are auctioned off and the evening is over. The masters are reminded of the date of the next gathering and we all prepare to leave. As I make moves to go, the new master approaches me and asks for my forgiveness. I am taken aback by this as I do not know what he has done to offend me. He explains that when he came from the council chamber he took you from the Pleasure Pillar to his room and used you for oral gratification. He explains he did not realize that you were my slave. I ask if you satisfied him and he assured me that you were very good and deep throated him and swallowed two loads. I re-assured him that there was no offence committed as that was why you were there. Departure is done a few at a time so there is no obvious flood of cars along country roads that are normally deserted. We do not wish to attract any unwanted attention. As Dominus and the master with the furthest to travel, I leave first. I load you and Sean into the cage in the back. It is a tight fit but you will manage. I am pleased to see that Sean is quite solicitous of your condition and tries to give you most of the space. We arrive home and I send you both to the kitchen for food and water. Then you know to go to your cage. You have to share the cage. First I lock a rubber penis prison on Sean so there is no sex play between you. I know you will not leave your cage again but I make Sean put his wrists through the bars and cuff them together. I leave the room and the light goes off and the door locks. I retire to my study to read a little and enjoy a beer in peace and quiet. It has been quite an evening. What am I going to do with Sean?

Next: Chapter 4

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