Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on May 9, 2023



It was the middle of the night, everything silent around the area where Jeremy Greenwood lived in. At this moment, the tired sixteen-year-old boy was asleep in his bed, however, he himself, was anything but peaceful.

Ever since the accident happened with his sworn enemy Chad Tucker weeks ago, he had been getting severe nightmares about the whole entire incident...so much so, that he had stolen one of his mother's sleeping tablets more than once, just to get through the night...but he knew that wasn't a permanent option. Both she and his father were so busy with their careers, he doubted if she even fucking noticed.

He had made his peace with Chad, and although things, he felt, would always be a little frosty between them, he had hoped that it would also signal the end of the night terrors that he was constantly getting...over and over and over...but it wasn't to be.

Instead...inside the vivid nature of his dream, he saw himself walking up towards Chad, exactly like he did on that horrible afternoon...and as if in sheer dejavu, he saw Chad talking to his father on the phone...angry as hell about something that he couldn't even remember. He realised that he had to get past Chad himself in order to actually get home, and he tried to swerve past the boy...but Chad didn't wanna let him go, knowing he had heard the convo with his father.

Scared shitless, Jeremy now knew, that someone might have found out the truth about Chad's living conditions, so much different, than what he always boasted about at school.

He saw it, that afternoon when he first entered the Tucker's home and realised just how...afraid, how incredibly terrified Chad and even his little sister Samantha was of their father, to the point where the little girl had offered to walk all the way to the shops to replace their father's fizzy drinks...after she had offered some to Jeremy as their guest.

Jeremy's eyeballs flickered underneath the sheath of their coverings...his entire body rolled back and forth as he tried immensely to wake himself up from the dream, knowing what was eventually coming...

...he saw how Chad had refused to allow him to go past, before he had promised that he wouldn't tell a soul that Jonathan Tucker, wasn't the stand-up guy that Chad always bragged about back at school, how he always talked about the things he and his dad would do together on weekend's...how he would always spoil himself and Samantha rotten...how he was the best father any kid could ever dream to have...

And that was exactly what Chad Tucker was doing...he was dreaming of all of that, because clearly, Jonathan Tucker seemed to be the exact opposite when it came to his treatment of his children.

Back inside his morbid nightmare, Jeremy saw himself as if from afar, as if he was merely watching a horror movie with his buddies from the Rugby team back at school...he knew what was coming...he saw himself launch his sports bag up across his shoulders...he was just so tired and so cranky that day...he would be the first to actually admit it...he didn't for one second think that he would end up hurting Chad as much as he actually did.

He saw himself, irritated as anything, desperate to get home, as he was hungry as hell, he saw himself heave his heavy sports bag right into the stomach of Chad, who doubled over in sheer pain and complete surprise, to the point where the velocity of said swing caught him so off guard that it made him lose his balance. Trying and failing to get it back, he fell backwards onto the cemented, tarred gravel of the pavement in front of his home...with a thud as loud as thunder inside his ears.

In the real world, Jeremy's mouth was open by now, his fists bawled, and he was slamming them down onto his mattress one by one, as if he was WILLING himself to wake up, to finally be free from the torrid adventure that only he himself would be able to endure...his eyes were closed tightly, his head swung around viciously from left to right, as he was forced to witness what happened one more time.

But only...

...this time...

...this time, it was much, much worse.

This...what happened next...wasn't part of what had happened in reality.

Inside his mind, inside his dream, he couldn't move...he wanted more than anything to rush over to the injured Chad, to apologise for what seemed like the millionth time for what he had done...but then...then he realised that something was missing. Something was wrong. Something what should have happened...should BE happening right at that moment...but it wasn't.

The screams.

Chad's horrifying screams of pain and discomfort...the sheer horror of having your kneecap dislocated should have had jeers and immense raw shouts of anger and pain like you wouldn't believe...only there was nothing but silence in the view that was being displayed to Jeremy by his own subconscious.

Confused, he stared at what he saw before him...and suddenly he was able to move. Finally, he had somehow regained control of his limbs and made sure that he reached Chad as soon as he could...knowing what needed to be done...like he did in real life, call an ambulance and stay with one person that he never did get along with in his entire life...

...only inside his dream, it was too late.

Way too late.

Jeremy's face was etched in confusion as he saw...blood...blood...and more blood gushing out of the open wound on the back of Chad's head.

Chad Tucker...was dead.

This...this wasn't what had happened!

He had just hurt his knee! HE WAS NOT KILLED!

What the fuck was going on here?

Jeremy stood up and allowed the vicious blazes of screams to find their way out of his emotional and pent-up state, even in his dream, his voice and throat was raw as sin, as he etched out his horror at seeing Chad Tucker dead as a doormat, knowing that he was the one who had caused the young teenager to lose his life.

"NO! NO!" he screamed in real time, as his eyes were finally wretched open, his entire upper body now in the sitting position as he tried his best to get his breath back as quick and as gently as he could...

Jesus, he felt like he was getting a fucking panic attack! Calm down...calm down...as their coach always taught them before a big rugby game...chill out...it was a dream...it was just a really, really intense fucking dream...it wasn't real...Chad is alive...he's not fucking dead...

Jeremy blew out some much-needed air, before he stood up and walked into his ensuite bathroom, grabbing the glass situated at the edge of the basin and tapping in some water, drinking, gulping it down in sheer record time. So much so, that his coach would have been proud. He caught a quick glimpse of his face inside the mirror above the basin...Fucking hell.

No wonder Leyla cheated on him with one of his own fucking teammates. How the hell could she not...him being the pathetic mess that he was?

Jeremy sighed, and placed the glass back down where he found it. Thank God his parents' bedroom was way down stairs, and they obviously hadn't heard his screams. No one still, to this day, apart from himself and Chad, knew what he had done.

He honestly didn't know what story Chad told his own parents, and more to the point, he had no idea why Chad didn't end up turning him in to the cops?! They were sworn...mortal enemies at school! They literally HATED each other! Ever since both of them could remember!? This would have been the perfect chance to Chad Tucker to end him.

But he chose not to.

In Freedom High...in an age-old tradition going back yonks and yonks, there had always been tension and animosity...some would call it straight up loathing, between the soccer boys and the rugby boys. Those two sets of boys simply never ended up mixing and if they ever did, there would be hell to pay.

Jeremy played Rugby. Chad played soccer. You go ahead and you do the math.

"This has got to stop...I can't take this anymore..." Jeremy whispered to his own reflection, as he realised a tear...a lonely, stray tear had made its way down from his left eye onto his cheek.

As much as he wanted to be tough, and shrewd...like the boys on the rugby team and in society in general wanted him to be, he was nothing but a sixteen-year-old boy, after all. He also got scared...he also had emotions and a heart...and nearly killing someone...it was more than even a teenage boy could take, no matter how strong he was.

This was going to destroy him, he knew it.


The feeling of something warm and fuzzy...wet and slippery flooded his senses as he opened his eyes the following morning. His groin felt like it was on fire, literally, as he looked down and nearly poured his eyes out of their sockets as he realised someone's head was under his sheets and was busy giving him the mother of all fucking blowjobs...

"What the..." was his first words, in trying not to give way to the ultra-good fucking feelings that was by now resonating from his teenage cock, when the head underneath the blankets pulled off his cockhead, and gave out a sheer giggle, leaving Jeremy with no doubt at who this really was.

"Jesus, Davey..."

Another giggle, followed by another quick suck at his still hard cockhead, leaving Jeremy to hiss out in the holy good feelings, allowed David to finally pull himself from underneath the covers of the bed, and into the land of the visible.

"Howdy! Your mom said you would be awake by now and apparently, they heard you screaming or something in the middle of the night? Relax, both your folks have gone to work. So...what were you doing up here, as if I don't know..." David asked, a sneaky smile evidently pulling at the corners of his mouth, before he looked up at his best friend since kindergarten with glitter in his eye.

Jeremy inwardly sighed to himself. He knew that some time...he and David was going to HAVE to have a talk because this was going too far. He had allowed Davey to give him a blowjob a couple of weeks back, and that was only since Leyla had dumped his sorry ass, and because he therefore wasn't getting his much-needed teenage relief. He didn't even think that David would actually go through with it in the first place!

But...and he has had quite a few, being Jeremy Greenwood, one of the more popular kids at Freedom High, he had admitted to himself...barely at that, that Davey's mouth on his hard, leaking teenage dick was one the of the BEST things he had ever felt. Jesus Christ. Davey had been trying to convince him in the past few days since then, to have it happen again...like he always said, a mouth was just a mouth, it didn't matter who was doing it...blah blah blah...and until now Jeremy had always said no...

...but now his best friend had only gone and taken that decision right out of his hands, or should that be, right out of his balls?

"Davey...what...why...dude, we've talked about this..."

David pulled a face and shook his head, rubbing his nose in the process.

"Dude...you're obviously horny or you wouldn't have had a hard dick sticking out from underneath his blankets when I came in here..."

"...Davey! Wake the fuck up! We're boys, we're always gonna be fucking hard in the morning!"

"...same same. Anyway, I figured since you were asleep, and didn't quite have a say in the matter..."

"...you know that's like rape, don't you, you fucker?"

"...not when you're enjoying it as much as you clearly are!"

David's challenge in not to unnoticed to Jeremy either...in fact his dick had not softened or shrunk even an inch ever since he had stopped sucking him. Jesus. He was horny as hell, David was right. Ever since Leyla, there had been no one...just David, who would clearly give his right arm up for adoption, to be able to blow his best friend.

David smiled was as wide as the Kalahari Desert as he saw the hesitation in the straight boy's eyes.

"You sure you want me to stop? You very sure? Because you know, I can just leave you here like this, and by the way, good luck getting to actually piss with that thing..."

"OKAY! OKAY! Just do it fast, will you?" Jeremy finally said, sighing deeply as he did so. What he did he have to lose anyway? Except some pent up creamy teenage sperm?

But seriously...he didn't know of any other boy on the rugby team that would willingly allow themselves to get a blow job from another boy, even if they were as horny as he was. So why the fuck was he enjoying it as much as he was?

Was it because he had known David all his life? Was it because they were best friends and that they trusted each other completely?

Jeremy's head tilted back and he laid back onto his cushions as he felt Davey's wet, glimmering tongue make contact with his cockhead one more time. The feelings were incredible...his balls felt like they were cooking bouncing popcorn on high heat with every fibre of the tongue lashing that David was giving his quivering phallus.

David smiled as he leaned down, still jacking off that hot, hard appendage, and dipped his head south towards Jeremy's balls. Mario and Luigi, he always liked to refer to them. He got close and, curious as he had ever been, licked his lips, before he literally popped the left ball into his mouth.

At once, he realised that Jeremy had stiffened his sexy body at which point he might as well have resembled a corpse, but his legs were dangerously quivering at having his balls in his best friend's mouth.

Davey gave that egg shaped, left baby maker the best warm, wettest piece of loving that he could possibly muster, of which he popped said ball out of his gullet, and went over to give the other one the same treatment. At that point, he didn't even recognise Jeremy's voice anymore, nor could he identify the alien-like noises that the teenager was making. It was somewhere between gurling at lust...he didn't care either way.

After ravaging the right baby maker in his mouth as best he could, he slowly kissed and slurped his way upwards once more, until he was face to face with that seven incher that he admired so much...he remembered how good it tasted the last time, with the so-called forbidden fruit of the seemingly straight as an arrow, Jeremy Greenwood overflowing his mouth, and he literally couldn't get enough.

Leaning over and protected his upper teeth with his tongue as best he could, before he dived down and took a couple of inches of the hard as steel, red hot teenage cock inside his throat, savouring the taste as utterly humanly possible, doing his best impression of a vacuum cleaner while he as at it, wanting nothing more at that moment, than his friend's jizz dripping out of his penis and right into his thirty open beak.

Jeremy, on the other hand, was in a little quiet world of his own...he knew what was happening, but it was like he was dazed and confused. It was true...he knew it...boys really knew more when it came to giving blowjobs, because they had dicks themselves...they knew what makes a fellow dude feel GOOD!

He hissed and drew in his ripped, chunky stomach as he felt Davey's tongue once more make contact with his flaring piss slit, the little fucker that he called his best friend ending up winking slyly at him, before the little shit attempted to stick his tongue as far into the narrow, rubbery slit as he could. Jeremy's entire sixteen-year-old body was trembling...never EVER has Leyla made him feel this good as this...being blown by another boy.

Up down...up down...without even as bothering to come up for some much-needed air, was all it took, before Jeremy's morning glory quivered and quaked one final time, before Davey was presented with just what he had wanted for weeks now.

His mouth was immediately flooded with young, teenage semen...watery and thick at the same time, David didn't really mind, as long as he had it inside of his mouth. The fucking jizz was everywhere it seemed, and whilst Jeremy seemed to endure an earth-shattering orgasm, his entire body shaking with the release and with the sexual hormones, endeavours that was ripping his muscles apart, his legs wouldn't stop shaking even if he tried.

Cum was absolutely everywhere that he could see, and he cackled softly as he saw how desperate David was to actually not miss a drop of the potent semen, and getting it all onto his greedy taste buds. Jesus Christ...he never had a girl going after his stuff like this...more often than not, he had a massive time in getting them to just blowing him!

David swallowed the final few watery remains of his best friend's cum, before he happily sat back and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Dude! Seriously, you don't know what you're missing!" he said, with another glimmer in his eye, as he spotted a freckle of sperm that was stuck to the duvet, before he happily reached over and gobbled it up by his mere tongue, smacking his lips for sheer effect.

Jeremy shook his head, still a little dazed by this unexpected orgasm and by getting little no sleep, before he lazily stretched out his arms.

"I dunno how you could do that...I mean I know you're gay and everything, so you're obviously wired differently but...I don't know if I could ever do that."

David finished licking his lips, before he suddenly turned serious, which was indeed a change for the usual energetic and flamboyant boy Jeremy had known all his life, and he looked Jeremy straight in the eye.

"What? Is there some jizz on me?" Jeremy asked at last, getting more than a little freaked out of his friend just...staring at him without actually saying anything, which wasn't like Davey at fucking all.

David smiled reassuringly, before he shook his own head in reply.

"No man, chill the fuck out. I was just wondering...you know...all you straight guys always say you would never be able to suck a dick, or to kiss a guy, or to have sex with another boy...but what I'm just thinking here, is how would you know you hate it, if you never tried it?"

Jeremy stood up, looking over at his alarm clock, noticing that there was only a half an hour to get ready, get dressed, and be at school on time. Lucky for him, he knew that David had a car that was surely parked outside, so that wasn't a problem, before he frowned and patted his friend on the back.

"Dude...way too early in the morning to ask me shit like that. Way to early. But I guess...I just never thought of having sex with a boy...ever? All my life girls were just always there. I just don't notice boys."

"But aren't you flattered when they do notice you?"

David hesitated...careful not to give his game away.

One wrong move...one wrong word, and he could kiss this friendship goodbye.

Jeremy Greenwood could handle many things, including being ruffed up to shit on a rugby pitch...but he wouldn't ever be able to handle his best friend being in love with him.

There was just no way. David just...he just couldn't see it ever being okay.

Jeremy took off his pyjama shirt, and David tried his level best not to stare at his best friend's powerful physique...strong, muscled, chunky as hell, from all the weight training he did and having played rugby for years on end...his black hair standing upwards making the boy look more like a teenage Adonis, than only his best friend in the whole world.

Jeremy Greenwood was hot. Everyone in school knew that. Between himself and Chad Tucker...they were just incredibly, insanely handsome for kids of their tender age.

Jeremy sniffed and smiled at David.

"I wouldn't mind a guy liking me, I guess. It's actually kind of flattering, if you think about it, isn't it? But actually, going there...I dunno. It would have to be with a guy I trust if I HAD to...not you by the way! Friends don't fuck friends, guys or girls!"

David smiled wry fully as he tried his best to make sure Jeremy thought he was in on the joke that he just made, but inside, he was shaking.

He knew it was a long shot...that even if Jeremy was willing to experiment in gay sex, that he wouldn't do it with him. It made sense, though...because if they did it, and things were weird afterwards, that would be goodbye to an eleven-year-old friendship.

David sighed.

It wasn't like he could HELP or CONTROL how he felt about Jeremy.

He just...somehow, he had got to get over this.

I mean...he had to; you just heard the man himself...it wasn't going to happen.


Two days later, and Jeremy had one stop to make before he could actually get home. Fuck me, but he was sweaty from rugby practice...running after a ball for a full hour and a half, being tackled and man handled by other boys with equally worse B.O...fucking gross.

For the first time since the terrible accident that he had caused Chad to have, Jeremy felt good, he felt positive. He knew that he could never make up for what he had done to Chad in the first place, but taking his home work with him, and explaining everything to him as best he could, felt like the least that he could do.

Ringing the bell at the modest home where Chad Tucker lived, Jeremy once more laughed and rolled his eyes as he remembered how Chad would always boast and brag about the large house he had, how they had servants who waited on them hand and fucking foot, how his mother was a teacher at a private school, and how his father was a doctor at the biggest hospital in the city...no wait...a fucking neuro-surgeon at that! Holy shit, that boy could lie for days!

Wondering how the actual hell Chad had seemed to get away with lying to his soccer buddies all this time, he straightened himself out as the door was opened, and in front of him stood a middle-aged woman, with a warm smile and even warmer eyes as she nodded towards him.

"You must be Jeremy, right? My daughter Samantha told me all about you! She said that you might be popping in again. Between you and me, I think she has a little crush, but don't you say I told you!"

Jeremy smiled fondly, as he remembered the energetic little girl, that was so worried and so intent on helping her brother recover a few weeks ago...since he had been coming here bringing Chad's homework and other stuff, he loved and respected the bond that brother and sister had.

Being an only child, Jeremy never had that...he always tended to be on his own. Even in Kindergarten...he still had the reports from his then, teachers who would state that he always tended to be playing with just David, and no one else.

Things were different now though, being one of the more popular kids in school, as his status on the rugby team, as well as his good looks made more than sure of.

"Afternoon, Mrs Tucker...yes, nice to actually meet you in person. I...uhm...I suppose Chad can't...you know...walk yet? Is he in his room?" he asked Chad's mother, a blush starting to blossom from the nape of his neck to right onto his cheeks...he hoped to God that the nice woman didn't notice anything, or he would totally end up giving his entire game away of how guilty he still fucking felt.

Mrs Tucker patted him on the shoulder, before she pursed her lips and looked around the kitchen area.

"Actually...can I ask you a massive favour? If you have to be somewhere, you're free to say no, and normally I wouldn't ask, it's just...Samantha is going to be at a friend's home until late and I really...really need to get to the shops before my husband gets home, you see..."

Jeremy's eyes widened just a tad as he saw the same reaction inside Mrs Tucker's own eyes, as he did in both of her children's...every single time that their father, or in this case, her husband was brought up. His heart was thumping a million miles a minute at seeing this kind woman look so rattled all of a sudden, but it was gone as soon as it came, her once more smiling, kind face staring back at him.

"Would you mind terribly just staying with Chad until I come back? It won't be for long, I hope. Twenty or so minutes?"

Jeremy didn't even have to answer.

He wished...he fucking wished that his own parents had the time of day to spend with him, like Mrs Tucker obviously had with Chad. His own folks were almost never home, and when they were, they were always so tired from their constant hours at work...they wanted to relax, not remotely interested to hear what was going on in their son's life.

To them, if Jeremy was home and he was showered with expensive gifts, then there was nothing to worry about.

"Yeah sure, Mrs Parker. I'll just keep him company until you come back," he replied, to which the woman before him took his hand, and squeezed it slightly.

"You're a good kid, Jeremy. Thank you. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can!"


"Hey Tucker, what up...JESUS!"


Jeremy turned away from what he was seeing before him, and tried to get the image of Chad Tucker jacking his hard teenage cock out of his mind, as quick as he could, but he could already tell that it was going to be haunting him to kingdom come.

That would fucking teach him to knock!

"Dude! I'm sorry, man! I didn't...how the hell was I supposed you know what you were doing in here?"

"Uhm...how about...the FUCKING door was closed! You didn't even knock! What the hell is wrong with you? Were you raised in a cave? I'm telling you, if you didn't cause my leg to be fucked to shit, I would have fucking killed you right now!"

Jeremy laughed. Snickered more like.

"Please, you can't even get your dick hard, never mind fuck me up! Can I turn around now?"

"SHUT UP, YOU IDIOT! URGH! I can't...Jesus, I can't fucking reach...gimme a sec, will ya..."

Jeremy's curiosity got much the better of him and he turned around to face Chad, before he realised just what the problem actually was.

In his total and utter haste to get dressed, Chad had only got and gotten his leg stuck in a position where it hurt too much to actually move it. He therefore, couldn't reach down to pull his trousers upwards from his naked setting...without being in enormous pain.

Chad laid backwards, and cried out a miserable cry, before he saw that Jeremy had in fact, turned around and was looking straight at his problem.

"Seriously, Greenwood? I fucking ask you one thing and..."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and walked over towards the bed. It seemed like he had literally interrupted Chad before he too, like himself that morning, had the mother of all orgasms, as Chad's sick was still hanging somewhere between hard and flaccid, down on his plump, full teenage balls.

Chad Tucker's ripped and lanky stomach could faintly be seen from where his t-shirt was riding upwards, exposing the solid flesh, from all the years of playing soccer.

Jeremy bit his lip...all his life, he wanted to look like Chad. Not skinny per say, but not as chunky as he was right now. Many people at school, especially the soccer geeks like Chad, would always call him fat...which made his blood boil.

He knew he wasn't overweight...not by much. He loved eating, like all teenage boys lived for doing...sigh. He just wished that he looked more than Chad Tucker than himself.

Slowly he grabbed the sides of Chad's trousers, which was laying hopelessly down, far down the bedding and so far away from the boy to reach.

"Dude...okay, what are you doing? What the actual fuck are you doing?" Chad thundered in his tired voice, and Jeremy could have sworn that he was trembling just a tad as he did so.

"What does it look like, Tucker? I'm fucking helping you. Keep that knee straight, okay? How the hell did you get these off in the first place?"

Chad murmured something underneath his breath about his hands still working, before he sighed dramatically, as only a teenage boy at the end of his rope could, before he straightened out his injured knee as much as he could.

"Keep fucking still, Tucker...totally not gonna be my fault if you get even more hurt, I'm so not taking responsibility for that!" Jeremy said as sternly as he could, which elected a sarcastic giggle from his sworn enemy.

"Fucking saint you are...OUCH, that fucking hurts!"

"Sorry, Jesus, I'm trying to help you!"

Together they struggled until at least Chad's boxers were one more fully and firmly around his waist, but now for the trousers, which both boys knew would be a challenge and a half. Jeremy sighed, before he gave Chad one hard look.

"Keep that leg still. I'm warning you."

"Fucking bite me."

Ignoring the reply, Jeremy giggled and grabbed the piece of clothing, before dragging it upwards as slowly as he could.

They had to get the healthy leg into the sleeves, before doing the same with the injured leg, which of course took three times the rate it normally would. It took a fair few minutes before Jeremy realised that Chad hadn't spoken to him or said anything in quite a while...in fact, he hadn't even made as much as a peep.

"You okay there, Tucker?" he asked, as he dragged the trousers across the injured part of the leg as carefully as humanly possible.

"I'm...I'm fine..." Chad's answer came through clenched teeth, if anything, and Jeremy stopped what he was doing and looked directly at him.

"Dude...when last did you have a shit, you look constipated as hell!" he snickered before turning back to the scene of the crime...before he realised just WHAT was the actual problem.

His eyes widened, before he looked downwards at the boy that he was supposed to loathe with all his heart and soul.


"Don't...don't say anything, just fucking SHUT UP and get it done!"

Chad was as red in his face as Jeremy had ever seen him, and with good reason. In trying to get his trousers upwards and safely into and over his injured leg, Jeremy had been forced to touch said leg...and the surrounding areas numerous times.

He didn't even realise what or where he had been touching every so often, but in thinking back...looking at the STEEL HARD seven-and-a-half-inch teenage cock buried inside the boxer shorts before him, the length of the hard phallus reaching for the skies in more ways than one...

...he would say he did perhaps move his fingers fleetingly over it at some point.


A little pain stabbed his heart as well as his pride as he realised that Chad was bigger than him...down there. Not by much, but he clearly was. That kinda hurt more than he wanted it to.

"Since when did you start getting turned on by guys?" he asked Chad, getting back to enjoying the boy's morbid humiliation more and more.

If Chad could have killed someone with his mind at that moment, it would have been Jeremy Greenwood.

"FUCK YOU, GREENWOOD! Of course, it's gonna get hard, you idiot! Your faggot ass MUST have fucking touched it and I haven't gotten off in weeks, thanks to you!" he spat out in the latter's direction.

Jeremy stood back with both hands in the air after that outburst and shook his head.

"Okay, buddy boy, you're on your own...I wanted to help but..."

"You can't leave me here like this! What if my mom or Sam gets home? Or even worse...my dad..."

The last few words, were said in nothing but a mere whisper.

Both boys were silent for a few moments, as each contemplated his own thoughts and ideas, before Jeremy shrugged his shoulders.

"Look, Tucker, I get that we don't really like each other..."

"...I fucking hate you..."

"...but you're right. If you mom comes home and sees this...and she's such a nice lady too..."


Jeremy smiled and walked over towards Chad and patted his shoulder playfully, the latter nearly injuring himself in trying to smack his hand away in the process.

"Look, I have a dick, and you have a dick, we're both boys for God's sake. A dick, is a dick, and I have gotten hard loads of times too, so I say we just grit our teeth and gets this over with. Jesus, are you still hard?"

Chad blew out some pent-up breath, before he rolled his eyes and literally THRUSTED his groin upwards in response.

"No, I'm growing a fucking eggplant under there...just...just help me please, Greenwood. My mom or dad is literally going to be back any minute and if they see this..."

"...then what? No, seriously, what then?" Jeremy asked, his morning blowjob antics with David still fresh in his mind.

Chad looked at Jeremy for a few silent seconds, before he closed his eyes and sighed.

"They...they might get the wrong idea of what we're doing that's all. Can you just get this done?"

Together, as one person, it seemed, they managed to drag the trousers completely across the injured knee, even though it felt like sheer hours in the making.

The result of having such close intimacy to his already heavy blue balls, had Chad's dick hard as a rock the entire duration of the mission, until finally...FINALLY, Jeremy sighed with relief, as he managed to get Chad's trousers back where they were before the latter started with his ridiculous afternoon attempt at draining both Mario and Luigi.

"There you go. All clean and good. Say...does this thing ever go down..." Jeremy asked jokingly, reaching down and giving the steel hard dick a gentle whack for good measure...


Jeremy stood back in genuine shock and siege, as Chad arched his back backwards as much as he could, his eyes rolling back in their sockets...he had just playfully whacked Chad's dick as a way of making light of everything they had just been through...

...and suddenly the realisation of a massive wet patch that was pretty much soiling the entirety of Chad Tucker's boxers was very much the white elephant in the room.

Chad's shakes and wreaks finally subsided as he heaved his chest and willed himself to calm down, nervously looking at his still wet dick which was finally shrinking downwards, finally relieved of their pent-up potent ball juice.

His tummy was breathing in air at a veracious pace, and at last, Chad reached upwards with both his hands and covered his face in sheer and complete humiliation.

Jeremy stood there in awe...the dude just came before him...and came massively he did...those boxers was absolutely flooded with his baby makers. Holy shitballs.


Jeremy's head swung back towards Chad.



Jeremy swallowed, and felt a huge prang of guilt as he heard the faint cry of emotion inside Chad's voice, before he grabbed his sports bag from the floor, and turned towards the door.

"Chad..." he said, taking one last look at the boy who was now, sobbing openly, actually horrified at seeing the mighty Chad Tucker in a position such as this.

"GREENWOOD...I fucking swear..."

"I'm going, I'm going...you better clean that up by yourself then..." Jeremy said, cold as ice, before he shook his head and walked out of the bedroom.

He was more than prepared to help, but if this was how Chad wanted to do things, then so be it.

He was done. Done with being Chad's punching bag over something that was an ACCIDENT in the first place.

Done with feeling guilty.

All in all, he was done, with Chad Tucker.


That evening, Chad had quietly confided in his mother that he had an accident and had pissed his trousers as he couldn't get to the bathroom in time, and thank God, she seemed to have believed him. He balled his fists at the thought of she was going to find out eventually when she washed his soiled boxers, but there was nothing he could do about that now.

He felt weird enough at having Greenwood of ALL fucking people seeing his dick as hard as it had been, let alone him totally losing control and having cum right before the jerk's very eyes. if it had been any one else...but no...it fucking had to be Jeremy Greenwood.

Chad slumped back into bed, freshly dressed and with his leg straightened out before him. Four more weeks before this...this thing could come off and that he would hopefully be able to play soccer again like he used to.

That was the only good thing in his life, apart from his mother and apart from Samantha...soccer gave him a reason for being...a reason to believe that someday, somehow, he would be able to make it big in the professional sense and get his mother and Sam away from...from him.

Listening to his father go on and on about politics and all kinds of shit in the living room where the rest of the family was watching the evening news, like how homo's and drag queens needed to be placed in gas chambers and killed off...he was just glad that he had a legitimate reason not to be near him right now.

Chad laid back and stared at the ceiling with his eyes closed...wishing that he could just click a switch and automatically fall asleep.

Never, ever in his life, had he even come CLOSE to revealing anything about who he truly was to anyone...not even Samantha knew. Not even his buddies on the soccer team, heaven forbid.

He'd be treated like a fucking outcast.

All his life, he had dreamed of...sigh...

...of a boy being close to him. Close enough to be intimate.

Close enough to do...things.

Fuck. FUCK!

If his father EVER knew what was REALLY going through his mind, he would honestly kill him and ask questions later. Chad's eyes burned...DO NOT CRY! IT'S A SIGN OF WEAKNESS!

But still...he wasn't a violent person...or least he didn't wanna be. But that was the only way to survive Highschool...he much rather, be seen as a dickhead with a bad attitude, than a queer.

He giggled as he remembered the scenes of that afternoon...holy mother duck. Never in his life, he thought, he would be getting hard before Jeremy Greenwood.

Chad turned around on his side as carefully as he could, before he buried his face in his pillow.

He and Jeremy had always hated each other...he played rugby and Chad played soccer...it was all in all inevitable in Freedom High, at least, that they wouldn't get along.

But apart from that...Chad blinked as he realised...apart from the obvious...he had no reason to hate or dislike Greenwood at all.

The guy was nice enough, he knew that much. In his own...macho teenage way, he suppose, he respected the guy for all he did with the rugby team and how he was a leader in all shapes and sizes.

He admired his physique, if he was brutally honest...Chad knew he was way too skinny for his own good, and tried his best to hide it with his vigorous soccer training...but how many nights went by in the past three years since his Dad started drinking...where Chad would go to sleep on an empty stomach, simply because there wasn't enough money for food going around, after his father had spent the little that he made at the nearest casino and surrounding bars?

Chad swallowed. His mother would always, always ask if she could dish up for him, knowing there wasn't enough for everyone, and he always said no, it wasn't necessary...he ate at a friend's house...he wasn't hungry. Go ahead Mom...you and Sam have some more.


He hated his dad. He fucking hated the SHIT out of him.

He earned a lot less than his mother, but he was the FIRST to complain when it was gone. When he had wasted it all on booze and gambling. To make matters worse, he was so addicted to cigarettes, he smoked his way through two packets a day...and when there weren't at least two more packets waiting for him at night when he got home, he would go ballistic.

"Sarah, I don't care what you do or how you do it...but when I get home this evening, you better pray that there would be cigarettes for me...I fucking work to live, not to suffer!" he would always threaten his mother...even when there would be next to no money left in their bank account.

They knew what would happen, if there wasn't.

Somehow, between himself, his mother and even young Samantha, they always managed to make sure there was what Jonathan Tucker needed and wanted...whether it was to borrow, sometimes in Chad's case, to steal...or his mom would try and get an advance from her salary at work as a seamstress...even if there was no money left for the electricity meter...they would simply blame it on loadshedding...as long as his father go this way.

The scar on his arm, where his father had literally stumped a burning cigarette into, during one of his drunken moments, was a living memory of what the man was capable of. As his mother always said...he won't do these things, as long as we try and keep him happy.

The worst thing was Greenwood knew something was up. He knew it. And that was why he wouldn't let him past him that day...why he kept going at him, over and over to promise not to tell anyone of his daddy issues. That's why...he didn't tell anyone what Greenwood had done...why he told his parents he had gotten hurt during a soccer game at school.

He was afraid...beyond belief...that Greenwood might burst his fake bubble that he had going at the school...at this moment, everyone respected him. Everyone wanted to be his friend, well, apart from the rugby idiots. He had built up this...fake persona of what his life was like to his peers so much...that the mere thought of the truth coming out was way too much to bear.

His dick was hard again.

And the only boy that he had been thinking of in the past few moments...was Jeremy Greenwood.

Chad scoffed irritatingly at the bedroom wall. Fuck that shit. Don't even get me started on that!

What were the actual chances...geez...the mere chance that Greenwood was even gay...was slim to none. The guy was like a well-oiled machine...strong and manly, dangerous and strong...so much so, that he managed to knock Chad over with his sports bag in one fucking movement.

And even if he was...which he greatly doubted...

...the last kid he would ever wanna catch feelings for, was Jeremy Greenwood.

Any one, but him.

Even if he was...Chad sighed and buried his face inside the pillow once more...

...even if he was...

...easily the sexiest kid in school.



Can these two just get together for fuck sake LOL

Hey, if you enjoyed it, please lemme know! I love to hear from you guys xx


Next: Chapter 3

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